HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 13 1946 PC MinutesN ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING DEC. 13, 1946 .Those present at meeting were Messrs. Bush, Tayloe, Randolph, Bain, Scott, and Sockrell, Mesdames. Smith, Chamberlain, and Nunnally. Mr. Bush reported on the Wine Growers Assn. Meeting. The members expressed interest in the possibBlities of grape growing in Virginia, but felt more accurate data should be obtained by research before any recommendations could be made to the County Formers., It was suggested that Mr. Smart of the Soil Conservation try to get the Research Department at V. P. I. interested in compiling this data . The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. A map of the county was tacked on the wall anda discussion of zoning ensudd. Mr. Hwidolph moved that Mr. Bush consult with Mr. Ambler about State Highway Right of Nuys. This information is necessary in order to determine zoning of land along the highways. Mrs. Chamberlain suggested that each member of the Planning Commission have headquarters where residents of each district mi ht 11rr' come to discuss zoning with the members. This was considered a good idea. Mr. Scott moved that zoning apply nine hundred feet from set back at edge of right of way, everything Ilse to be termed as aural. It was suggested that advice of a zoning engineer would be necessary. It was brought out that no publicity had been given to zoning project - and it was felt that publicity or education of the public would be necessary to put this project across. It was suggested that meeting with Mr. Locke, Zoning Expert, be held at 8 o'clock p. m. in Monticello Dairy rdcration room. The Secretary was instructed to engage room for Friday, the loth, and contact Mr. Locke about changing hour,as well as invite heads of all civic organizations to this meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Secret IV Notes Due to illness at the time and other delays Mr. Locke was never able to spekk before the comm ssion. SPEECH READ BY MRS. NUNNALLY TO LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. It is a real pleasure to be with you this afternoon - but I have an apology to make. Due to unforseen circumstances - it will be necessary for me to read my speech, but I hope you will foggive me if I give you the desired information - that is, something of the work of the Albemarle County Planning Commission and its function in be community. A State Act of 1936 granted authority to the Board of Supervisors to create and appoint a County Planning Commission - but is was not until 1944 that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County appointed this commission, and the first meeting was held May loth, 1944, so we have been functioning for about three years. The original members were Mr. Henry Haden, County Representative, Mr. Ray Warrick, Mrs. Gordon Smith, Mr. Henry Bush and Mr. Larned Randolph. I have served as Secretary for the entire time. Later Mr. Hunter Cockrell took Mr. Haden's place as County Representative, and last year segbA new members were appointed. Mrs. Elisabeth Chamberlain, Mrs. Louise Simmons, Miss Mary Stamps White, Mr. Ed Tayloe, Mr. Eddie Bane, Mr. Pierson Scott and myself. Mrs. Gordon Smith was reappointed. The function of the commission is to act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors regarding future planning for the county - but it does not have any legal authority. The meetings are held once a month and the first project of the commission was to find out the various needs of the community. In meeting with Dr. Thomas Englar, Miss Julia Graves, Mr. T.'O. Scott, and members of the school board, as well as in our studies of how best to help the returning serviceman, our commission came to the conclusion that past experience had proven we could not do much to educate the adult individual and cbange his habits - but that we cold improve the future community by providing bet*er educational facilties for the young. #3 ✓ In connection with our planning for the welfare of the returning servicemen, we sent out two thousand letters and one thousand questionnaires to these men and their fami1_ies - and we were readv to follor- up our work r ith them - but. the project was taken over by other agencies of the state ar,� county. As part of the c'7mmission's long term plannini for the counter, we began the "tUdur cf zoning in June of 1945- Some of dour memb�.rs questioned the advi sahility of h.av .nk zc,ning laws P T Their q iestion was "�"Ti11 z ping inf1 Lnge for Albemarle County. on the sac-ed ri hts of the inKirirl-ual citizen?" a ft�r much stUdv and discussion, we came to the concluS ion that it is just b as necesNar-- for Albemarle Count- to 'nat7'+ 7onin- 19WS it 1 essential to }1''!r county ooliceiPran or -S it is- f. - the-0-,1.'' to have jnited ?�?ations. T t is not an -- itrwrily e:.trictive meas)re but -, protective one. !7or',c on zoning h".r b soone rp„7 tr f=^,r pre ^ent3tlon to th!owl of Su,! -. ntrl nrS . Tf they a.!prove of this plan, they will call public meetings to discass the z onin{�� or*�inarce ""Vith the public -and if it, Meet - with ta}18 XE' 1 'r S t ^P.. Jul 17 C — t'lP. 7 nin,- ordirarce ',trill be c c, _ _ i t. T ,,�^ol.ilc'•. li -'�-" tr% clo e irti th l*�,a�;�.Ad anr? 1?.:.t. 13�1_.%-i E'_f@C�•. t� Tf' TTTT rnT"� .)'T nr T,I'77TCTc - TT 1 T ��asr,n's �efan � t.on of zar_yn�< � : " ,,• _ ��. _ _ Rv LAr' g`?T TTTF ptT ";,Pp�,E nr prig rTTr? 3Tr-T F rrTv - { rr R - t? TIr " C T " "T?`' ^ TPm np f ".1 7P p,,_� ._T�IT_v _ T�Tr, ,OA, -_ T_. r,77 PAT; 7j'-,,?T,,T4ATIF That better plan co-LO,d we ?save; for our future community? I thar,"k :r-ou. N #2 The commission then began to inquire into what was being done toward improving the schools -and met with the School Board to learn what they xmxx proposed to do about it. Mr. Graham told us about the school offering and gave us copies of this to study in detail. After thoroughly studying the program, the commission came to the conclusion that it called for too great an expenditure of money to be practical - and suggested to the School Board that they cut down on this program. The School Board did not Feel this could be done. We then, acting in our capacity as advisors to the Board of Supervisors, presented a resolution to the board suggesting that the board themselves take the leadership in the school improvement progect, assembi e all the necessary data, and present it to the public by calking meetings throughout the county,and present a complete plan for school improvement - as well as - a simpler plan which could be adopted as an alternate one. We felt it of vital importance that the voting public approve the bond issue which would have to be voted in order to raise the money for schools. As you know the majority of votes were against the bond issue. I n spite of this defeat - we hope to continue to try and get an improved school system for the county. CM