HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 02 78 PC Minutes!-/55 M May 2, 1978 The Albemarle County Planning Commission conducted a meeting on Tuesday, May 2, 1978, 7:30 p.m., Board Room, County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia. Those members present were Mr. Peter Easter, Chairman; Col. William Washington, Vice -Chairman; Mr. Charles Vest; Mr. James Huffman; Dr. James Moore; Mrs. Joan Graves; Mrs. Norma Diehl; and Mr. Tim Lindstrom, ex-Officio. Absent were were Mr. Kurt Gloeckner and Mr. Layton McCann. Other officials present/Mr. Ronald Keeler, Assistant Director of Planning; Mr. Robert Tucker, Director of Planning; and Mr. Frederick Payne, Deputy County Attorney. Mr. Easter established that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. Minutes of April 18, 1978, were approved as submitted by the chairman. It was noted for the public that under item "f" of the public hearings, dealing with the HUD preapplication grants, that "upgrading and extending water and/or sewer service in the Charlottesville, Scottsville, and White Hall Districts. Improvements are primarily for use in Westmoreland Subdivision, an area north of Scotts- ville, and Crozet." had been removed from the item due to the fact that in the past requests for these have been made, none have been approved, and it is unlikely that they will be approved this year. The Meadows Revised Site Plan: Mr. Keeler reviewed the request for the Commission and public, noting that this is a proposal to change only the entrance location on the site plan. The staff recommended approval as submitted by the developer. He noted that the matter had been deferred in order to receive input from the Highway Department, and their specific recommendation on the entrance location. Mr. Byron Coburn of the Highway Department, said that because this entrance is at the crest of the hill, once the grading is accomplished, it will have in excess of the minimum site distance, which none of the other possible entrances will have. He reminded all present that in order to secure the entrance from the Highway Department, all criteria, including the vertical and horizontal sight distances, must be met. Mr. Lou Eaton asked if the southernmost boundary was considered as an entrance. Mr. Coburn replied that the location Mr. Eaton is discussing, even after grading, would have adequate sight distance toward Route 250, however the sight distance toward Crozet would be inadequate. Mr. Coburn noted that due to the excessive sight distance on the proposal, a greater reaction time would be afforded /vegicle stops. Mr. H. H. Tiffany, representing area Crozet citizens, again expressed concern about the entrance. He feels that since the rezoning went through the courts and was upheld by the courts, that the original proposal should not be changed. He did not feel that the cost of cutting back the rock would be any more a hardship for this developer that other road requirements are for other developers. Mr. Frank Smith, architect for the Meadows, said that in his opinion this is not a significant change in the site plan, since the interior layout remains the same. He once again pointed out that the Highway Department feels this to be the best location for the entrance. However, he noted that the developer is willing to put the entrance anywhere that can be commonly agreed upon. However, the proposal would afford the developer a savings of approximately $50,000. Mrs. Diehl suggested that the road be widened in order to provide a left -turn lane. Mr. Coburn stated that sufficient right-of-way does not exist for this, unless it is Rfiape possible toy er property from others. Mrs. Graves asked if the Highway Department considers in its entrance standards possible bad weather, especially snow and ice. Mr. Coburn said they do not. Col. Washington pointed to the problem of earth disturbance, noting that it would probably be much less if the entrance were located at the southern boundary. Mr. Phillips pointed to the problem of cross slopes when considering the southern boundary .location. Col. Washington asked if cuts in the property will further hamper what is proposed on the site plan. Mr. Smith said that it would not, since some fill is necessary in the interior. Mrs. Graves suggested that the third lane could be provided by the developer. Mr. Easter said that since the right-of-way is not adequate, he would have to acquire property across the street from another property owner. Mr. Coburn said that the alternative to that would be moving the location of the road. Mr. Easter said that if the third lane is added a great deal of fill would appear to be necessary. Mr. Huffman said that if the two other possible entrance locations, which are less desirable that the proposal, would not require a third lane, why require it here. Mr. Huffman then moved approval of the requested amendment to the site plan as submitted by the developer. He reminded the Commission that the purpose of the deferral was to receive comments from the Highway Department, and they have stated that the proposal is the safest possible location. Dr. Moore seconded the motion. 457 Discussion: Col. Washington agreed that the location as shown on the site plan is safer and cheaper than the northern location, however he did feel that there is merit in the left -turn lane requirement. Mrs. Graves said that if the provision of a thrid lane would make the project more acceptable to the citizens of Crozet, she felt it is the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors to fully explore this possibility. The motion to approve the site plan with the amendment as submitted carried by a vote of 6-1, with Col. Washington dissenting. SP-78-13. Robert J. Miller has petitioned the Board of Supervisors for a Home Occupation - Class B ( lawn service, management, and maintenance ) on 6.63+ acres zoned A-1. Property is located on Route 689 approximately 15 mile north of the intersection of Routes 689 and 637. County Tax Map 71, Parcel 15, part thereof. Samuel Miller Magisterial District. Mr. Keeler presented the staff report, noting that there are no objections to the proposal from the Highway Department due to the condition of the roads. Mr. Keeler said that he wished to point out to the Commission that there is not now a home on the property, though at some time in the future the applicant does state his intent to build a house. Mrs. Graves asked if there were any other definitions provided for in the A-1 zone that this use might fall under. Mr. Keeler replied that the only one he might think of is "Agricultural Service Occupation". He also reminded the Commission that it is not the Zoning Administrator's liberty to refuse an application. Mr. Easter established that the applicant does not intend to grow turf at the location mentioned in the staff report, that all he requests is to store his equipment and machinery. Mr. Miller said that this is the case. He also noted for the record that he intends at a later date to build the house for his own use. Mr. Keeler said that if the property were being farmed, and if a barn existed on the property, the applicant would be able to do what he is requesting by right. An adjoining property owner asked if any maintenance and repair of machinery is planned on the property. Mr. Miller said that he intends to repair only his own equipment. Mrs. Graves said that she did not feel this is a fitting application for the definition of Home Occupation - Class B - since there is no existing house in which the applicant lives. Mr. Payne advised the Commission that he does not feel that the special use permit could be effectuated until there is a house on the property. If a house were not on the property within 18 months, the special use permit would expire. Mr. Easter suggested deferring the item until May 9 in order that the staff and the applicant could discuss other possibilities and in order that there could be a clarification on the matter. Col. Washington moved that the matter be deferred until May 9, 1978. Dr. Moore seconded the motion. �56 Discussion: Mr. Keeler asked if the Planning Commission feels that Home Occupation Class B requires a house on the property. Mr. Easter said that Mr. Payne advised the Commission that a house on the property is very specifically addressed in the definition. The motion for deferral carried unanimously, with no further discussion. SP-78-14. Mel -Ray Corporation has petitioned the Board of Supervisors for 71 dwelling units on 3.527+ acres zoned R-3 Residential. Property is located on the east side of Route 743 across from Georgetown Green and south of Albemarle High School. County Tax Map 61, Parcel 29, part thereof. Charlottesville Magisterial District. Mr. Keeler presented the staff report. He said that there are no comments from the Highway Department. Mrs. Graves asked if the special use permit would imply 21-35 units, or just the one addition unit Mr. Morris is requesting. Mr. Payne said that the request specifically addressed one unit to be covered by this special permit. Mr. Easter asked if this would be precedent setting for other increased density applications. Mr. Payne stated that the use is permitted by special permit, and the fact that it is provided for in the ordinance means that the county can expect an application at some point. Mrs. Elizabeth Watts said that she owns as small parcel to the north,and is concerned about the vehicular and pedestrian traffic in that area. Mr. Easter stated that there is an upcoming traffic light at the intersection of Georgetown and Hydraulic Roads that should help some of the problems of congestion. Mr. Tucker also stated that the road improvements in that area will come within the next 1=2-2 years. Public hearings on the right-of-way should come as early as the fall of this year. Mrs. Graves moved approval of the special permit subject to the following condition, noting that she feels that this sets a good precedent: 1. Administrative approval of the amended site plan. Mr. Huffman seconded the motion which carried unanimously, with no discussion. SP-78-17. William F. Giannini has petitioned the Board of Supervisors for a Home Occupation - Class A - on 3 acres zoned B-1 Business. Property is located on the southeast side of the intersection of Routes 20 and 6 across from Scottsville Shopping Center. County Tax Map 130A(l), Parcel 49, Scottsville Magisterial District. In the absence of the applicant, the Commission tabled this item until later in the meeting. '4S1 SP-78-18. James W. Moore has petitioned the Board of Supervisors for engineering and light manufacturing, with authorization for up to 20 employees, on 2 acres zoned B-1 Business. Property is located on the south side of Route 738 in Ivy. County Tax Map 58, Parcel 37C, part thereof. Samuel Miller Magisterial District. Dr. Moore disqualified himself from the discussion and vote by leaving the room. Mr. Keeler presented the staff report, reading the letter from Mr. St. John, county attorney, which stated that the item is not properly before the Commission. He also read the comments from the Highway Department, addressing existing road conditions in the area. Mr. David Lewis, representing Dr. Moore stated that the special permit is for Mr. Tull's land. He stated that it is/very likely spot for industrial development, and pointed out that there is M-1 land across the street. No customers will be coming to the site. The item is not mass-produced, due to the expense. Furthermore, he did not feel it appropriate to liken this to any sort of foundry. Mr. Keeler agreed that it was agreeable that the amount of babbitt melted at one time would be insignificant, and therefore equating it to a foundry is inappropriate. Mrs. Lucile Willis, an adjoining property owner, gave a history of the property to the Commission, stating that the original plans for Dettor, Edward and Morris have never become a reality. She said that approval of this request would destroy what residential character is remaining in the area. She also noted concern for Route 738, the school bus route, stating that any added traffic volume is not a good idea. She questioned if the entire acreage could become an industrial park. M. S. Willis felt that this would ruin the residential character of the area. He said that it would not be fair to cut this property into 2-acre parcels for various industrial uses. Mr. Herbert Tull, owner of the property in question, said that in 1971 there was no other place for this sort of business to locate. Furthermore, he felt that it is possible that the original rezoning covered this property and therefore this use could be permitted due to the established precedent. Mr. Easter closed the public hearing. At the request of the Commission, Mr. Keeler clarified that this use will make components for machinery that will not be sold or serviced on the property. Mr. Payne stated that this is not a permitted use in the B-1 zone, and there- fore it makes no difference that this might be a desirable use to have in the B-1 zone. He said that the ordinance could be amended to provide for it though, if the county so desires. He said that it is clearly a use provided for in the M-2 zone. Mr. Easter asked if this use could be permitted under the original application make in 1971. He asked what would happen if Mr. Tull would incorporate and make Bearing a subsidiary of his own operation. Mr. Payne said that he does not feel that the ownership makes that much difference. q &C) Mrs. Graves said that this is her problem once again, about tying the special use permit to the entire acreage of a parcel. She suggested that this matter be addressed at the time of revision of the zoning ordinance. Col. Washington moved that any further discussion and action be deferred until June 13, 1978, in order that the applicant, if he so desires, could make a request for an amendment to the zoning ordinance. The Commission specificially clarified that it is not endorsing any intent at this time regarding possible amendment. Mrs. Graves seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, with no further discussion. ZMA-78-04. Robert David Rosson has petitioned the Board of Supervisors to rezone 4 acres from RS-1 Residential to A-1 Agriculture. Property is located on the north side of Route 250 West, approximately � mile east of the intersection of Routes 250 and 750. County Tax Map 69A, Lots 8, 9, 10, 2, 3, 94, and 95. Samuel Miller Magisterial District. In the absence of the applicant, the Commission tabled this item until the end of the meeting. (Dr. Moore returned to the meeting.) Public hearing regarding an application for funds from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to assist the Albemarle Housing Improvement Program in rehabilitating existing homes belonging to low and moderate income families in this same area. Mr. Keeler presented the staff report. Mr. Easter said that he wants the record to clearly reflect that the Commission is in no way approving the location of any project discussed at this public hearing. Mr. Tom Hill, on behalf of AHIP said that funds for the following are being applied for: 1. expansion of the existing rehabilitation program; 2. beginning of new housing for those who can't afford single-family ownership, with those people working at least 750 hours on the construction. Mr. Easter asked if the self -built policy is realistic. Mr. Hill replied that it is very realistic on the West Coast, and in an area where people have something in common ( he cited as an example large numbers of one particular nationality living together ). He stated that at this time no sites are envisioned. Mr. Easter said that it anything of this sort is contemplated by the County he hopes it will not be located in an area of vast opposition from the community, as with the Meadows in Crozet. He asked at this point if this program is the same as the CHIP program in the city. q('�i Mr. Hill said that this is the case, and in the city 40 homes per year are being worked on. He reminded the Commission that this is merely a public il hearing necessary to apply for the funds. 0 Mr. Easter felt it is a good idea to get people involved in their own improvements, as opposed to giving everything away. There was a long discussion about how the program gets people involved in a 750 hour work committment, possible ways for upgrading existing housing inadequacies, this program vs. the FHA housing program. At the end of the discussion, Col. Washington said that he hopes that the Board of Supervisors will adopt some mechanism for a public hearing when it comes to site selection prior to commitment for purchasing an option, etc. He then moved that the County Planning Commission make this recommendation to the Board. Mr. Huffman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. No further comments were made on the preapplication for funding from HUD. ZMA-78-17. Giannini - Mr. Huffman moved that this matter be deferred until May 9, 1978, in order that the applicant could be present. The motion, seconded by Mr. Vest,carried unanimously, with no discussion. ZMA-78-04. Rosson - Mrs. Graves moved that this request be deferred until May 9, 1978, in order that the applicant could be present. The motion, seconded by Dr. Moore, carried unanimously, with no discussion. Wolverly-Midway Site Plan: Mr. Keeler said that due to the terrain, the applicant is requesting permission to shorten a cul-de-sac and bring in the units 20-30 feet. He pointed to the request on the site plan. Mrs. Graves moved that the Commission accept this request for amendment. The motion, seconded by Dr. Moore, carried unanimously, with no discussion. ZMA-78-07. Stuard R. Wood, Jr. SP-78-23. Stuard R. Wood, Jr. At the request of the applicant, Mrs. Graves moved that both these items be accepted for withdrawal without prejudice. Dr. Moore seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, with no discussion. `7 eD Z- Mr. Tucker advised the Commission that the Crozet Land"Committee has been formed and is Rave its first meeting that night. He said that it will have the same function as a neighborhood committee. Mr. Easter stressed that he feels it is important that a staff member be present at the various land use committee meetings. He also asked that interested Planning Commission members be present also. Mr. Tucker asked that any Commission member interested in attending the Piedmont Land Use Conference notify him in order that he could make the necessary reservations. This is scheduled for May 15, and May 16, in Warrenton, Virginia. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 10:15 p.m. W. Tucker, Jr. - Sec