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May 6, 1974
This was a regular meeting of the Albemarle County Planning Commission
held on May 6, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of Piedmont Virginia
Community College, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Those members present were: Dr. Avery Catlin, Chairman; Mr. Clifton
McClure, Vice -Chairman; Mr. David Carr, Mr. Jack Rinehart, Mr. Peter Easter,
Dr. James Sams, Mrs. Ellen Craddock, Mr. Wilbur Tinsley, Mr. Louis Staley,
and Mr. Lloyd Wood, Supervisor.
Dr. Catlin called the meeting to order and established that a quorum
was present.
a)UP-74-02 Debrew B. Willis has petitioned the Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors to amend the County Zoning Ordinance to
allow hospitals in the A-1 Agricultural zone with a Special Use Permit.
Mr. Tucker read the staff report recommending approval of the request.
The public hearing was opened. The applicant was not present and there
was no member of the public present to speak to the petition.
Mr. Rinehart stated that he found no fault with the request but
stated that it would be wise when considering a particular request,
to have proof that a hospital would be compatible with the particular
A-1 zone.
Mr. Tucker noted that if it was not compatible then a special
permit could be denied.
Mr. Carr moved approval recommending incorporation of this amendment
into the zoning ordinance to the Board of Supervisors.
Dr. Sams seconded the motion.
Mr. Easter expressed concern that since the applicant was not present,
that the Commission did not really know the intent of this request.
Dr. Catlin stated that could be looked into when the applicant
applied for a special permit.
The motion for approval carried unanimously.
b)ZMP-301. Moore Brothers Company, Inc., has petitioned the Albemarle
County Board of Supervisors to rezone 4.0 acres from A-1 Agricultural
to M-2 Industrial. Property is situated on the south side of Route
708, about 14 miles southeast of its intersection with Route 29 South.
Property is further described as County Tax Map 100, Parcel 23A
(part thereof) .
The staff report was presented to the Commission stating:
"In the staff's opinion, in view of the existing calamity that exists
from the discharge of the Red Hill Quarry, further desecration of land
along the tributaries of the North Fork of the Hardware River would not
be in the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare
as it relates to protection of surface water and the immediate environment
thereof. It would appear that the applicant has taken the staff at its
word, and has located property adjacent to an M-2 activity and zone
in order to locate an asphalt plant. However, we feel that the charac-
teristics of the site related to the environment were not taken into
consideration when selected. The location of this facility will not be
compatible with the immediately adjacent property, where two single
family dwellings exist in the opinion of the planning staff".
Letters in opposition to the request from adjacent property
owners were read.
The public hearing was closed.
Mr. Robert Boyle, attorney for the applicant, reminded the Commission
that there was not any vacant M-2 land in the County. He read a previous
staff report recommending location of an asphalt plant near to a quarry.
He told the Commission, that because of an agreement between S. L.
Williamson and Martin -Marietta, that they could not locate on quarry
Aerial photographs I taken by Rip Payne of the site were presented
to the Commission.
It was noted that Mr. Walker's home and his son's home were the only
ones that could see the site, and that neither objected to the location
of the quarry. It was also noted that Moore's had contracted to buy the
land from Mr. Walker and that trucks would not be graveling any more than
75 yards on the public highway to obtain stone.
The Commission was also told that there would not be any wash -out
of rock stockpiles because they would be enclosed.
Mr. Matt Rittberg, father of the letter to the Commission from
citizens of the area, stated that he was violently opposed to the location
of the plant in this area. Mr. Rittberg also noted that the quarry should
not really be in its present location as it was non. -conforming. He
stated that the quarry stood a good chance of being shut down due to air
and water pollution. He stated that the trucks hauling finished asphalt
will travel the local roads, and re -iterated that the majority of the
people in the area were opposed to the plant being located on said
Mrs. Norma Deihl stated that she was opposed to any expansion
of industrial zones on Route 708, and that the north fork of the Rivanna
River should be protected. She also mentioned her concern for the
safety of the children that would be attending Walton Middle School
next year. She re -iterated that she was opposed to creeping industrializa-
tion in the area and that it was basically an agricultural area.
Mr. Blake commented that this was to be a very modern asphalt plant
and that there was a great need for asphalt in the area.
At this time, the public hearing was closed.
Mrs. Craddock commented that if the rezoning was approved and the
special permit was denied, then the parcel would be open for any M-2
use. She stated since there was already 600 acres of M-2 land in the area
and since the comprehensive plan indicated that this was to be an
agricultural area and since it did not recognize the existing quarry
and because the land was topographically unsuited for the location
of the plant, she moved for denial of the request. Mrs. Craddock
also noted that it would not be in the best interests of the health,
safety and welfare as it related to surface water and protection thereof.
There was not any second to the motion.
Mr. Carr stated that the demand did not require Mr. Williamson's
plant to be operated at capacity, and that there was very little asphalt
from Richmond or other areas delivered to this area. He also noted
that 29 South would be paved partly this summer and next spring. He noted
that the Commission had discussed having this plant near a quarry. He
questioned whether there would really be an increase in the amount of
asphalt activity. He stated that Williamson's was operating at 30%
but that it was not up to the Commission to determine if there was
really a need for this type of establishment or not.
Dr. Catlin stated that the location of the stone would remain
fixed, however, the location of the need changed.
Mr. Rinehart questioned if it were possible to control the
harmful effects to the environment and he surmized that : the
truck traffic would be slightly more, that the water situation could
be controlled, that the air would not be polluted anymore, that the
neighbors directly affected, were not opposed and that there was a need
for more asphalt in the area.
Mr. McClure stated if the plant was controlled by a site plan approval,
then the neighborhood would not be adversely affected.
Upon questioning by Mr. Carr, it was noted that Martin -Marietta
would not sell any of their property.
Mr. Rinehart moved for approval of the request, which was seconded
by Dr. Sams which carried by a 7-1 vote, with Mr. Easter being absent
from the room. Mrs. Craddock being the member voting against
the motion.
c)SP-350 Moore Brothers Company, Inc. has petitioned the Albemarle
County Board of Supervisors to locate an asphalt batching plant
11 on 4 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural(proposed M-2 Industrial). Property
is situated on the south side of Route 708, about 14 miles southeast
of its intersection with Route 29 South. Property is further des-
cribed as County Tax Map 100, Parcel 23A (part thereof). Samuel Miller
Magisterial District.
The staff report was presented to the Commission commenting:
"It is questionable whether the proposed 4 acre site is of adequate size
to support an asphalt mixing plant. The staff feels that under no cir-
cumstances should the plant be allowed to discharge waste materials into
the Hardware River without prior approval by the State Water Control Board.
In addition to this, the staff feels that the plant. should contain the
runoff from the property into the stream to insure that the State Water
Control Board regulations will not be voided, thus preventing pollution
of the Hardware River.
If the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors approve this peti-
tion, it should be conditioned upon the following:
1) No discharge of waste materials into the Hardware River
without prior approval from the State Water Control Board;
2) Containment of runoff from asphalt plant;
3) Screening of asphalt plant from Route 708 and all adjacent
properties (staff recommends the planting of two staggered
rows of six(6) foot high evergreens on ten foot centers);
4) Asphalt plant adhering to State Air Pollution Control Board
regulations; and
5) Site Plan approval.
Mr. Matt Rittberg re -iterated his statements that were brought
out in ZMP-301.
Mrs. Deihl questioned what the capacity of the plant would be?
Mr. Moore replied that it would be 150-200 tons per hour.
Mrs. Deihl questioned what the estimated truck traffic would be
for 200 tons per hour.
Mr. Moorecommented that 200 tons per hour would be at full capacity.
He stated that the trucks would probably run about 8 hours or more in
the summer. He noted that a truck held 10 tons so he estimated approximately
40-50 truck trips per day.
Mrs. Deihl expressed her wish that the Commission consider this a
temporary location. Mrs. Joan Graves also expressed this wish.
Mr. Boyle, told the Commission that the requested location would
be permanent.
Mr. McClure moved for approval of the request with the 5 conditions
suggested by the staff, also to be reviewed at the end of 5 years by
the Planning Commission (to come back to Commission). Mr. Carr stated
that he would like to add to the motion, "review if and when the quarry
across the road cannot provide stone for this plant, that it be reviewed
by the Commission". Mr. McClure was in agreement with this, and thus was
made a part of the motion.
Mr. Carr seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, with Mr.
Easter being absent from the room, and not taking part in the discussion_
d)SP-353 Harold Green has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of
Supervisors to locate a mobile home on 10.85 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural.
Property is situated on the west side of Route 53, about 12 miles
west of Fluvanna County line. Property is further described as County
Tax Map 105, Parcel 41. Scottsville Magisterial District.
The staff report was presented to the Commission, which statedthat
if the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors approve this petition,
it should be conditioned upon:
1)Minimum setback of 100 ft. from Route 53;
2)County Building Official approval; and
3)This special permit be granted only to the applicant and is non-
The public hearing was opened. However, since the applicant was not
present and there was no one from the public to speak to the petition,
the public hearing was closed. Mr.
moved that action on the request
be deferred until the applicant could be present. (next regular meeting,
May 20, 1974). Mr. seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
e) SP-344 Samuel and Anita Robbin have petitioned the Albemarle
County Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on 1.0 acre zoned
A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the north side of Route 690
at Greenwood. Property is further described as County Tax Map 54^A,
Parcel 3. White Hall Magisterial District.
The staff presented their report to the Commission commenting
that the property in question presently contained a dilapidated structure
which is to be torn down. The staff noted that the applicant might have
difficulty placing the mobile home on the proposed site because of
the steep topography. The staff recommended that if the Planning
Commission and/or Board of Supervisors approve the petition, it should
be conditioned upon:
1. County Building Official approval;
2. Tearing down the existing dilapidated structure;
3. No disruption of the existing trees along the front of the
lot; and
4. This petition be granted.only_.to_..the.applicant, and is non-
The public hearing was then opened. Mr. and Mrs. Robbin were present
and stated that they were willing to meet all condtions placed on the
special permit.
Mr. Rinehart moved approval of the special permit with the previously
mentioned (4) conditions suggested by the staff, and a 5th condition
of a time period of 5 years. Mr. Tinsley seconded the motion which
carried unanimously.
f) SP-345. Ashby R. Kennon has petitioned the Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors to locate a two-family dwelling on 2 acres
zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the east side
of Route 676, just south of Owensville. Property is further
described as County Tax Map 43, Parcel 15 (part thereof). White
Hall Magisterial District.
Dr. Catlin disqualified himself from voting or discussion on this
matter, and left the room. Mr. McClure took the Chair at this time.
The staff report was presented to the Commission, which stated that
if the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors approve the petition,
it should be conditioned upon:
1. County Building Official approval;
2. A minimum setback of 100 feet from the right-of-way; and
3. Removal of only those trees which are necessary for construction
of the two-family dwelling.
4. That the facade of the structure have the outward appearance
of a single-family dwelling.
The public hearing was then opened. Mr. Kennon told the Iwo
Commission that the duplex was to be occupied by himself and his daughter
and her husband would occupy the other half.
Mr. Campbell Wade of Owensville stated that he was opposed
to this request as it might set a precedent in the area. Mr.Paul
Summers of Owensville and Mr. Deke Bowen also expressed opposition 'to the
Mr. McClure suggested that Mr. Kennon ask for withdrawl without pre-
judice. Mr. Kennon was in agreement with this,and therefore, Dr. Sams made
a motion to accept Mr. Kennon's request for withdrawal without prejudice
which was seconded by Mr. Rinehart and carried unanimously.
g)SP-346. Larry W. Cassell has petitioned the Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on 3.0 acres
zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the east side
of Route 618, z mile southeast of its intersection with Route 729.
Property is further described as County Tax Map 116, Parcel 4
(part thereof). Scottsville Magisterial District.
The staff report was presented to the Commission which recommended
that if the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors approve this
petition, it should be conditioned upon the following:
1) Minimum setback of 30 feet from the dirt access road;
2) County Building official approval; and
3) This petition be granted to the applicant and is non-transferrable.
The public hearing was then opened. Mr. Cassell was present
and told the Commission that he was the landowner and would live in the
mobile home himself. Mr. Rinehart moved for approval the 3 above mentioned
conditions suggested by the staff plus a time period of 5 years. Mr. McClure
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
h) SP-347.Cecil R. Knight and Ruby Knight have petitioned the
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on
36.54 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the
north side of Route 810, about 8 miles north of White Hall. Property
is further described as County Tax Map 6, Parcel 19. White Hall
Magisterial District.
The staff report was presented and the public hearing then opened.
Since the applicant was not present, Mr.Rinehart moved for deferral of the
request for two weeks, which was seconded by Mrs. Craddock and carried
i) SP-348. Edward N. Hamner has petitioned the Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on 202.75 acres zoned
A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the: west side of Route 723
about 1/2 mile south of its intersection with Route 715. Property
is further described as County- Tax Map 133, Parcel 28. Scottsville
Magisterial District.
Mr. Tucker presented the staff report commenting that if the Planning
Commission and Board of Supervisors approve the petition, it should be
conditioned upon the following:
1) County Building Official approval;
2) Minimum setback of 100 feet from Route 723;
3) Removal of as few trees as possible; and
4) This petition should be granted only to the applicant and is
Mr. Hamner was present and told the Commission that he was the owner
of the land and planned to live in the mobile home himself.
Mr. McClure moved for approval of the request with the four conditions
as recommended by the Planning staff, and a 5th condition: for a period
of 5 years. Mr. Tinsley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
j) SP-340 Tyrone Morris, Junius C. and Rhoda B. Smith have petitioned
the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home
on 11.91 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the
west side of Route 723, about 3/4 mile south of its intersection
with Route 715. Property is further described as County Tax Map 133,
Parcel 29.Scottsville Magisterial District.
Mr. Tucker presented the staff report commenting, that if the Planning
Commission and Board of Supervisors approve the petition, it should
be conditioned upon the following:
1) County Building Official approval;
2) Minimum setback of 100 feet from Route 723;
3) Removal of as few trees as possible; and
4) This petition be granted to the applicant only and is non-
Mr. Morris was present and told the Commission that he planned
to live in the mobile home and that the property was owned by his aunt,
but that his aunt would deed it to him. It was noted that the aunt's
home was also on the property.
Mr. Rinehart moved approval of the request, conditioned upon the
4 conditions as recommended by the Planning staff, and upon evidence
that Mr. Morris has taken deed to 3 acres or more from his Aunt in
a reasonable amount of time (30 days from May 22), and screening to the
satisfaction of the Planning staff. Mr. Carr seconded the motion which
carried unanimously.
Cinema Parking Lot
Mr. David Carr moved approval which was seconded by Mr. McClure.
Dr. Catlin stated that if a variance/was needed ��d forfPre p�r�tection,
he wouldn't object to a variance of 4 spaces. The motion for approval
carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
May 13, 1974
This was a work session of the Albemarle County Planning Commission
H held on May 13, 1974, at 7:30 p.m. in the County Executive's Conference
Room, County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Those members present were: Dr. Avery Catlin, Chairman; Mr. Clifton
McClure, Vice -Chairman; Mr. Peter Easter, Mrs. Ellen Craddock, Mr. Louis
Staley, Mr. David Carr, Dr. James Sams, Mr. Wilbur'.Tinsley, Mr. Jack
Rinehart, and Mr. Lloyd Wood, Supervisor.
Mr. Humphrey told the Commission that he had not been able to get
in touch with Mr. Wendell Wood about the property around the reservoir
as of yet.
The Commission then talked about the proper zone for the Farmington
Dr. Catlin commented that Farmington as developed could either
be RR or Conservation.
Mr. Easter was concerned with whether the statement of intent would
allow them to put Farmington in the Conservation zone.
Dr. Catlin stated he thought the consensus of the Commission was
to leave Farmington in the Conservation zone unless the intent required
it to be RR. Dr. Catlin stated that he thought that there should be a
buffer zone there.
Mr. Rinehart commented that he thought that a conervation zone
might be a hardship on the property owners.
The Commission then discussed the proper zone for the Miller School
complex, and the consensus was to recommend that it be zoned for
The Dryden property near Boar's Head was put in the RT zone,
` which was comparable to the present zoning.
Mr. Humphrey told the Commission that Deerwood would have to be
Placed in an R-2 zone to recognize the present development.
Mr. Lloyd Wood reminded the Commission, that the Board of Supervisors
preferred industrial uses in that area, and did not want any more
residential uses.
Mr. Carr commented that he thought they should recognize the
existing zoning (R-2), and place RR zoning around it.
It was the consensus of the Commission to recommend Deerwood
for RR zoning.
The Commission then discussed the possibility of creating a new
zone, instead of putting the land that they were holding in RR.
Mrs. Speidel, speaking for Mrs. Martin, suggested that it be
called a "Limited Service Zone", which would require growth to be in
There were several suggestions for the name of this zone: 1)RU,Rural
2) Limited Service 3) Agricultural Limited 4) A-2.
Mr. Carr stated that he thought that an Agricultural Limited
zone made more sense than making all of the remaining land RR.
Mrs. Craddock stated that the Planning Commission was now considering
a lot size of 5 acres for the Conservation zone which she considered
to be a complete and utter farse. She stated that: this would only encourage
�tthe land)
speculation, as proven in other states, and that -,'it would be built upon
as residential. She stated that it was her opinion that each lot in the
conservation zone should be a minimum of 30 or 40 or 50 acres.
Mr. Rinehart stated that one deterent in the land developing as
residential would be the present high cost of buying and developing
such property.
There was further discussion along these lines between Planning
Commission members with the degrees in lot sizes varying as noted:
RR Rural Residential 1 to 2 acres
Agricultural Limited 3 to 5 acres
Conservation 5 to 50 acres
Agricultural 10 acres
Dr. Catlin commented that the lot sizes that would be desirable
from a planning point of view unfortunately were not what the public
would accept.
Mrs. Craddock stated that she did not think that the Commission
would get a great deal of opposition to the large acreage.
Dr. Sams thought that it was the proper time to have a work
session with the Board of Supervisors so that they might get some idea
as to what the Board was thinking.
Dr. Catlin was of the opinion that the Commission should come
to a decision and then tell the Board what they considered to be the
right lot sizes.
Mr. Staley commented that 1 acre lots should be provided for in
the rural part of the County also, as larger lot sizes made it very
difficult for young married people to buy property and build a home.
It was the consensus of the Planning Commission to consider
these lot sizes and be ready to vote on them at the next Planning
Commission work session on May 28, 1974.
There was a suggestion made that provisions be provided for in the
zoning ordinance for the sale$ of duplex units.
After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission
to allow the manufacturing, assembly and distribution of mobile homes
by special permit only in the IL district, as this type of facility
would be located close to residential areasin some instances.
It was noted by Mr. Staley, that it might be desirable to require
mobile homes to have some type of foundation cover.
Dr. Sams noted that possibly this was required under theportion
of the County building code that applied to mobile homes.
Mr. Humphrey stated that it it was not required in the code, that
possibly it could be added as a condition to the special permits.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
May 20, 1974
This was a regular meeting of the Albemarle County Planning
Commission held at 7:30 p.m. on May 20, 1974 in the auditorium of Piedmont
Virginia Community College, Charlottesville, Virginia
Those members present were: Dr. Avery Catlin, Chairman; Mr. Clifton
McClure, Vice -Chairman; Mr. Peter Easter, Dr. James Sams, Mr. Wilbur
Tinsley, Mrs. Ellen Craddock, Mr. Louis Staley, and Mr. Lloyd Wood,
Deferred items:
SP-343 Harold Green
Mr. Tucker read the staff report recommending that if the Planning
Commission and Board of Supervisors desired to approve the mobile home
it should be conditioned upon the following:
1) 100' setback from Route 53
2) County Building Official approval
3) Permit be issued to the applicant only and be non-transferrable.
4) for a 5 year time period, at the end of which time the applicant
would have to re -apply.
5) Skirting of the mobile home from ground level to the base of the
mobile home
It was noted that Mr. Green's mother was the owner of the land, and
that she intended leaving the property to him, upon her death.
Mr. McClure moved approval of the request with the above mentioned
conditions. Dr. Sams seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
SP-347 Cecil and Ruby Knight
Mr. Tucker read the staff report recommending that if the Planning
Commission and Board of Supervisors desired to approve the application
it should be conditioned upon the following:
1) 100' setback from Route 810
2) Screening in front of the mobile home from Route 810 to the
discretion of the Planning staff .
3) That the permit be issued to the applicant only and would be
4) For a five year time period at the end of which time the
applicant would have to re -apply.
5) That SP-315 be null and void upon the granting of this permit.
6) Skirting from ground level to the base of the mobile home.
Mr. Tinsley moved for approval of the request, which was seconded
by Mr. Staley. There was a question raised of who the resident would be,
and if it would be rental property. With this in view, Mr. Tinsley
and Mr. Staley decided to withdraw the motion and the second.
Mr. McClure then moved that they approve the permit for a period of
one (1) year,at the end of which time it would have to come back before
the Planning Commission, and that there be no rental of the mobile home,
plus conditions, #1, #2, #3, #5, and #6 as recommended by the Planning
Mr. Tinsley seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The Commission then considered the following amendment to the
present zoning ordinance:
Proposed Amendment and Repeal of Article 15A-9-1 and 15A-9-2 of the
Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance
Mr. Humphrey noted that this would eliminate location signs, billboards,
on the premises, etc.
He noted that location signs were now 100 square feet in size and
that this amendment would eliminate them.
Mr. William R. Hill asked Mr. Humphrey if art establishment sign
would have to be located 30' from the property line? Mr. Humphrey
stated that this was correct, unless site plan requirements were greater.
Mr. Leroy Graves, Mr. Verburg, Mr. Albee, Mr. Hoss, Mr. Strong,
and several others iterated their concern as owners of sign businesses,
and other business establishments of the effect that this amendment
would have on them and others in their situation.
Mrs. Rose Whitehill of the Citizens for Albemarle urged the
Planning Commission to recommend approval of the amendment.
Mrs. Martha Seldon told the Commission of how James City County
was attempting to solve this problem.
Mr. Goode Love stated that he thought that the Planning Commission
would be better off if they eliminated all signs.
Mr. Leroy Graves commented that sign owners had a vested interest
in their signs and thought that this amendment would not be for the
better welfare of the public.
Mrs. Fran Martin stated that she thought many residents of the
County would like to see a curtailment of signs, as scenery was one
of the amenities of the County. She stated that the tourist business
depended on the scenery,not the signs.
Dr. Catlin stated that possibly information centers at the entrances
to the city would lead tourists to businesses and solve the problem
with the signs.
Mr. William Jackson, brother to the owner of the Jackson sign
company, wanted to know if owners of the signs would be compensated
when the signs were taken down.
Dr. Catlin replied that this would be entirely up to the Board of
Mr. McClure moved for deferral of action on this amendment for
two weeks, so that the Planning Commission would have ample time to consider
this. Mr. Tinsley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mrs. Craddock commented that she would like for the cessation of
all non -conforming signs be changed to 60 days instead of 90 days. The
Commission was in agreement with this.
Proposed amendment - Section 11-14 SPECIAL MOBILE HOME PERMIT
Dr. Sams commented that he thought that each member of the Planning
Commission and Board of Supervisors should be notified of an applica-
tion for a special mobile home permit, and that a notification
sign should be posted on the nearest right-of-way line of the property
and on the nearest state right-of-way line on which the mobile home
was to be located for a period of 14 days.........
Mr. Easter wanted to know what would be considered legitimate
public concern?
Mr. McClure stated that the Commission would review the permit
if they received any complaints.
It was also stated that if the conditions were met, and for some
reason the administrator was still not satisfied, then he should have the
right to bring it before the Commission.
Under Section 11-14-2, Conditions of Approval, Dr. Catlin suggested
that the following underlined word be added: "The following conditions
shall be met by the applicant subsequent to the administrative
granting of a Mobile Home Permit and prior to the issuance of a certi-
ficate of occupancy:"
Mr. McClure moved for deferral of this proposed amendment for two
weeks so that the Commission could review it thoroughly, which was
seconded by Mr. Tinsley and carried unanimously.
Proposed amendment concerning rental units
Mrs. Martin asked Mr. Humphrey if he would define "rental units"?
Mr. Humphrey stated that this amendment was referring to "single family"
rental units.
Mrs. Craddock moved approval of the following amendment which
was seconded by Mr. Easter and carried unanimously. Upon questioning
by Mr. Tinsley, it was noted that this was identical to the provision
in the new ordinance.
Amend Article 2, Agricultural zone; Article 3,RS-1 zone;
Article 4, R-1 zone, and Article 5, R-2 zone. Zones to provide
for single family rental unit, two or less by right and single
family rental units, 3 or more with special permit and site plan
approval, provided density is maintained as provided for in Article
2-2;3-2;4-2; 5-2 AREA REQUIREMENTS.
The following site plans were then considered:
a) Eve L. Wright - request for a restricted road to serve 6 lots
off Route 674 near White Hall
It was noted that the cross section would have to be submitted later,
and this would be conditioned upon County Engineer's approval and
a homeowner's association agreement and that any final approval would have
to go to the Board of Supervisors.
It was stated that "any further subdivision would have to come back
before the Planning Commission" should be noted on the plat.
Mr. McClure moved approval of the request which was seconded by
Mr. Tinsley and carried unanimously.
b) Expresso International Restaurant. Proposed Entrance. West side
of Route 29 North between Greenbrier Drive and Westfield Road.
The staff told the Commission that this proposed entrance would
serve the restaurant and lot #1. Mr. Perry from the highway department
had stated that the site distance for this entrance was very poor.
The staff recommended to the Commission that this request should not
be approved.
Dr. Catlin stated that it was his opinion that the Planning Commission
did not want any more entrances onto 29.
The Commission was told that the lepsee of the restaurant was very
disturbed because there was no entrance to the property from 29.
Dr. Sams moved for denial of the request which was seconded by
Mrs. Craddock and carried unanimously, with Mr. Easter disqualifying himself
from voting or discussion on the matter.
lership Site Plan located south side
c) Berlin American Motors Dea
Route 250 East near intersection with Route 20 North.
Dr. Catlin stated that he did not feel that they had sufficient
information to act on this because the Commission was not sure where
wct fey, cLcrb -+ y Ertl
the storm/sewer/would go. He stated that they needed more highway
comments and felt that the site plan was not complete.
Mr. McClure moved approval of the request subject to the
details of the deceleration lane and acceleration taper or lane coming
back for discussion at the next site plan meeting, and administrative
approval of the landscape plan.
Mrs. Craddock seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
d) Stonehenge Subdivision, Section 4. Located west side of Rio
Road. 9 units.
It was noted that this was still a part of the 54 units that was
approved in Phase I. It was noted that the staff made the following
comments: that the entrance road has been re -aligned, that buildings
on lots #6 and #7 should be shown 30' apart, and that a final site
plan should be submitted for the recreation area and Phase I.
This plan should indicate parking areas for the pool and tennis courts,
pedestrian ways to serve the recreation area, screening for the pool
and parking area and one tot lot centrally located to serve Phase I.
The staff also noted that the County Engineer had raised the following
questions: "Will the relocation of the sewer line shown on this
phase allow townhouses to be built on lots 10 and 11 of Section 5 and
not be inside the 20 foot easement"? and "Where will the 12" storm
drain shown in Section 2 empty on Section 4"?
After further discussion, Mr. Tinsley moved approval of Section 4
noting that the final site plan should included:
1. Location of pool, clubhouse, tennis courts and parkings areas
in relation to property lines.
2. Pedestrian ways located from residential cluster to
recreation area.
3. Screening of pool and parking areas,
4. One tot lot, located centrally within Phase One (fenced).
The motion was seconded by Mr. McClure and carried unanimously.
e) Valley View Flower and Gift Shop ,Site Plan - located east side
Hydraulic Road, north side Whitewood Road.
The staff noted that the County Engineer had the following
comments regarding drainage:
1. Roof drains will have to be shown and where they will discharge.
2. The drainage ditch on the east side of the property shall be
stabilized or piped when the grade exceeds 10%.
3. These plans will have to be submitted to the consultants who
are doing the designs for the proposed sewer line to check any
routing and disturbance these plans have with the sewer line.
The staff also recommended:
1. That an additional 10' of right-of-way for Hydraulic Road be
dedicated at this time. If not dedicated, it should at least
be shown as "reserved for future road purposes" on site plan.
2. That the proposed sign must meet a 30' setback from the Whitewood
Road right-of-way. Approval of the site plan does not constitute
approval of any signs and the reserved Hydraulic Road right-of-way.
3. That the applicant consult with Robert Warner of the Highway
Department concerning location of entrances and de -acceleration
4. That a joint entrance with the adjacent store on Hydraulic Road
be investigated. If this is not possible, staff recommends
no entrance on Hydraulic Road.
5. That a note be added to the site plan permitting access to the
adjacent property to the east should it become necessary for a
service drive.
6. That a sidewalk be required along Whitewood Road.
7. That parking spaces should be delineated on site by white lines
or other means.
It was noted that Mr. Warner of the Highway Department was not in
favor of the normal turning lane being required for the entrance off
Route743 since Whitewood road enters Route 743 approximately 100 feet
below subject point. He noted that a larger radius would probably be
more suited. He noted that even though Whitewood Road was not in the
state system, he felt that a turning lane should be required for the
entrance off of Whitewood Road.
Mr. White stated that the entrance on Hydraulic Road was of extreme
importance to the gift shop. Mr. Wood, attorney for Mr. White,
also stated that he did not think it was fair for other properties
to have access on Hydraulic Road if they could not. He also stated
that he did not see the need for a sidewalk on Whitewood"Road.
Mr. Lloyd Wood, Supervisor, stated that it was his wish that
sidewalks be built on Whitewood Road, as there was an increasing
traffic problem in that area and was especially concerned about
the school children.
Mr. McClure moved approval of the request with the following
1) Deceleration Lane on Whitewood Road.
2) A sidewalk along Whitewood Road, for the following reasons:
a) The subject property is very near several educational facilities.
b) The extra traffic generated by the business, will create a
hazard to the students.
3) A joint entrance with the adjacent grocery store on Hydraulic Road,
to be approved by the owners, Planning staff and Highway Department.
If such a joint entrance is not possible, then the matter must
be brought back to the Commission.
4) Further review of drainage by the County Engineer.
Mr. Tinsley seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
f) Alwood Townhouses Site Plan - located adjacent to "Stonehenge"
28 units for sale.
It was noted that the applicant desired to subdivide a lot to
1/3 acre to be the property of the existing house, which had public
water and sewer.
Miss White told the Commission that the County Engineer had made
the following comments:
1) For fire protection an 8" water line is required to the hydrant.
2) Plans and profiles will have to be submitted for the sewer and
water lines before construction to the Engineering Department
for approval. Also there are to be submitted as -built drawings
of these utilities after they are installed.
3) There is an alternate route to get water to this area through
Stonehenge. This route will make a loop with Stonehenge and this
property for water services.
4) The entrance to this property off of Route 631 is very narrow
and has poor sight distance from both directions on Route 631.
This entrance would also encourage residences from Stonehenge
to use this entrance so that traffic would not be just for this
5) The sewer lines and water lines will have to show the appropriate
easements for the Albemarle Service Authority to accept and maintain.
Miss White also told the Commission that the Site Plan
Review Committee had reviewed the site plan and made the following
1. That a sketch of the townhouse facades would be required.
2. That the staff recommends the closing of the Rio Road entrance.
3. One tot lot should be shown.
4. Sidewalks on at least one side of the travelway should be indicated.
5. Add note: total lot area is what percentage of total site area.
6. Privacy fences or alternate plan should be indicated.
7. Cross sections of the roads should be submitted to the County
Engineer for review.
8. Proposed and existing contours should be indicated, as well as
plans for soil erosion control both during and after construction.
The note should include "all exposed areas shall be seeded,
mulched and fertilized as soon as grading is completed`-': This
is necessary to secure a grading permit.
9. Information regarding sewer commitment is required.
Dr. Catlin stated that he did not see what the developer would be
gaining with any approval at this time, as public water and sewer
would not be available for 5 years or so.
Mr. McClure moved for deferral of the request for 30 days, which
was seconded by Mr. Easter and carried unanimously.
Thomas Jefferson Planning District Land Use Plan
Mr. Tucker told the Commission that the staff would present them
some suggested goals and objectives for the County for.their approval
so that the Thomas Jefferson Planning District could use them in
devising a land use plan for the County and surrounding area.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
May 28, 1974
This was a work session of the Albemarle County Planning
Commission held on May 28, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. in the County Executive's
Conference Room, 4th Floor, County Office Building.
Those members present were: Dr. Avery Catlin, Chairman;
Mr. Clifton McClure, Vice -Chairman; Mr. David Carr, Mr. Louis
Staley, Mr. Wilbur Tinsley, Mrs. Ellen Craddock and Mr. Jack
Rinehart. Mr. Peter Easter and Dr, Jams Sams were absent,
Dr. Catlin called the meeting to order and established that
a quorum was present. Dr. Catlin told the Commission that he would
be taking a new position with the University on June 24, 1974
and would be resigning from the Planning Commission and therefore,
they needed to elect a new Chairman. It was the consensus of the
Commission to do this by ballot. Mr. Carr received the majority
of the votes and was elected the new Chairman. Dr. Catlin stated
that he preferred that Mr. Carr take over the chairmanship at this
Badger Powhatan Site Plan - deferred item
The Commission was told that Mr. Perry of the Highway Department
did not agree with their approved 90 degree entrance, as it would
require people to come to a complete stop and then proceed
The Commission stated that they did not clearly understand
Mr. Perry's recommendation or his reasons behind it.
Mr. Love suggested that the people in Camelot subdivision be
considered in the Commission's decision on this matter.
Mr. Rinehart moved for approval conditioned upon State Highway
* department approval.
Dr. Catlin suggested that possibly an acceleration lane should
be required.
Mr. Rinehart changed his motion to approval with the addition
of an acceleration lane to be incorporated with proper radius
to get into the site. The accleration lane to run into the deceleration
Dr. Catlin seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Mr. Carr suggested that Mr. Tucker discuss this recommendation
with Mr. Perry and resolve it.
Mr. Tucker told the Commission of comments of Mr, Wendell
Woods regarding his property around the reservoir and if the
Commission was in agreement with Mr. Wood, the Commission would have
to takecanother look at the other areas around the reservoir.
Dr. Catlin wanted to know what problems a 200' buffer would
cause and would that distance be considered arbitrary and
Mr. Rinehart stated he would like to see a colored topo
of the recommendation.
Mr. Frank Patterson, who was also a landowner around the
reservoir, stated that a buffer zone and density credit seemed
to be reasonable.
Mrs. Martha Marshaw, 2nd Vice President of the League of
Women Voters, re -iterated their support of the conservation zone
around the reservoir.
Mrs. Frank Patterson stated that she and her husband bought
the land around the reservoir because the County had zoned it R-2.
She stated that she didn't see in turn how the County could confiscate
people's savings,
Dr. Catlin in disagreement with Mr. Wood, stated that they
had to protect the reservoir regardless of how gentle the land sloped.
Mr. Tinsley thought that there should be a buffer regardless
of how the land sloped (toward the reservoir or not).
Mr. McClure and Mr. Rinehart stated in their opinion the
Commission needed a topo to see why Mr. Humphrey, who was not
present, thought a 200' buffer was adequate.
Mr. Wood stated that it had never been proven what would be
detrimental to the area.
It was the consensus of the Commission to defer action on this
area until Mr. Humphrey could be present to show them a topo map.
and tell them why he agreed to a 200' buffer.
Route 29 North area -
Mr. Wood stated that he would be willing to down grade the
land from the gate to the river to "CO". On the other property,
he stated he would go to court, before he would accept anything
less than the present zoning.
Mr. Carr stated that there was already a ton of strip zoning
in the County which needed to be re -worked at this time or they
would lose the battle forever.
The matter was deferred for Mr. Humphreyls comments.
The area occupied by the "Garden S'pott'which Yis currently
zoned$-1 was considered. After a brief discussion, and being
concerned about the compatibility of a nursery in the area, Dr.
Catlin moved that the Commission recommend it be put in an RT zone
which would be non -conforming. Mr. Rinehart seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Airport area -
Dr. Catlin stated that he would like to see IL in the area,
then the Commission could point to vacant IL land. Dr. Catlin moved
;%w that the Planning Commission recommend the staff's suggestion.
Mr. McClure seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Willoughby - zoned B-1 across from I-64. It was noted that there was
a question of proper access to the property.
Mr. McClure stated that it did not seem practical for B-1 Business
without proper access. Mr. Rinehart stated he would not like to see IL
traffic exiting through residential zones.
Dr. Catlin suggested the Commission recommend that it be zoned
IL, then eventually there would be industrial lands going all the way to
Avon Street. Mrs. Craddock seconded the motion.
Mr. Rinehart stated that he was in favor of RR, except that he
made a substitute motion for deferral until they were informed about
proper access. It was the consensus of the Commission to dothis.
Cogswell-Hausler property. Mrs. Craddock stated that in view of
the topography, she would like to recommend RR for this land, with
a strip of conservation. Dr. Catlin was in favor of the RR, for the
area, which was in agreement with other Commission members.
Albemarle Lake - Dr. Catlin stated that if the area lended itself
to the intent of the CVN zone then he was in favor of CVN, if not then
he would recommend RR. Mr. Rinehart stated that in his opinion, it
was a matter of some CVN but thought that they needed to look at
a topo of the area.
Mrs. Speidel questioned why the Planning Commission had strayed
from their policy of not discussing individual parcels with citizens
at this time?
Mr. Carr replied that Mr. Wood had been invited to make comments
as they felt his input would aid them in making a decision.
Article 4 (AL) Agricultural Limited
Mr. Rinehart commented that he thought that limits of 5 acres
would encourage cluster growth.
Mr. Carr stated that he had some reservations about making the AL
district 5 acres because he felt this would put a hardship on some people.
He stated that he would be willing to accept 5 acres with the understanding
that rezoning requests would arise even where there was not water and
Mr. McClure commented that it would almost impossible to put a
road in for 5 acre lots.
Mr. Carr stated that he thought that the Commission needed
another session to work with the problem.
The Commission took a tenative vote on the lots sizes of the
following zones and came to the following conclusions:
Agricultural Conservation Agricultural Limited Rural Residential
Carr 10 5 5 1.5
Rinehart 10 5 5 1.5
Craddock 10 10 5 1.5
Staley 10 5 2 1
Tinsley 10 5 3 1.5
Catlin 10 10 5 1.5
N 'lure 10 5 3 1.5
Majority 10 5 5 1.5
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.