HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 19 2016 PC MinutesEn Albemarle County Planning Commission January 19, 2016 The Albemarle County Planning Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, January 19, 2016, at 6:00 p.m., at the County Office Building, Room 241, Second Floor, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Members attending were Bruce Dotson, Karen Firehock, Tim Keller, Jennie More, Mac Lafferty, Pam Riley, and Daphne Spain. Julia Monteith, AICP, Senior Land Use Planner for the University of Virginia was present. Other officials present were David Benish, Acting Director of Planning; Sharon Taylor, Clerk to Planning Commission and Greg Kamptner, Deputy County Attorney. Call to Order and Establish Quorum: Mr. Benish, acting as temporary chair as this was the first meeting of the New Year, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and established a quorum. He noted this meeting is primarily to go over organizational issues for the Planning Commission. Brief Background and Comments of Interest from Planning Commissioners Mr. Benish opened the conversation by starting with Ms. Monteith. He asked each person to introduce themselves and give a brief background along with any comments you would like to add about yourself. `" w Each Commissioner introduced themselves and provided a brief background of their educational and work experiences along with interests. There being no further comments, the meeting moved to the next agenda item. Election of Officers: Chairman and Vice -Chairman: Mr. Benish opened nominations for the election of Chair of the Planning Commission for the upcoming year. Mr. Lafferty nominated Bruce Dotson to be Chair for 2016. Mr. Dotson thanked Mr. Lafferty for the nomination, but declined the nomination. If it is appropriate he would offer one nomination for Tim Keller to serve as Chair for this next year. He understands the process nominations are not like a motion where you need a second; it is simply a nomination. Mr. Kamptner noted that actually seconds are not required. The rules of procedures don't establish any rules since we were really just trying to get to a majority vote for a nominee. Mr. Benish said without a second we can offer it up for a discussion. Ms. Firehock noted that we would want to know if Mr. Keller would accept before starting the discussion. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - JANUARY 19, 2016 FINAL MINUTES Mr. Lafferty said Mr. Keller would be an excellent Chair. Mr. Keller agreed he would be interested in chairing the Commission particularly because of issues he thinks will before the Commission in the next year. Through that time period one of the top elements being that this is a year in which we will see Mr. Cilimberg depart the county and his replacement be hired. He thinks that is going to be a very important hire for the county, as well as other folks like our county attorney and police chief who will be retiring. He thinks there is a great deal of institutional knowledge that these folks who are retiring have and we need to think very carefully and selectively who will be their replacements. He hopes that the Commission will have an opportunity to weigh in to that process. Mr. Benish asked if there were any other nominations. There being none, he closed the nominations and called for a vote. Mr. Kamptner asked Mr. Lafferty if he had another nomination. Mr. Lafferty withdrew his nomination. Mr. Kamptner noted having a single nominee at this point we would need a roll call vote. Mr. Benish asked for a roll call. Ms. Taylor called the roll. The nomination of Tim Keller as Chair of the Planning Commission for 2016 carried by a vote of (6:0:1). (Mr. Keller abstained) Mr. Benish turned the meeting over to Mr. Keller, Chair. Mr. Keller asked for nominations for Vice Chair of the Planning Commission for 2016. Mr. Lafferty nominated Karen Firehock to be Vice Chair for 2016 and asked if she was going to be traveling as much this year. Ms. Firehock replied that she had tried to religiously guard Tuesday evenings. Mr. Lafferty noted that his motion stands. Mr. Keller invited further discussion. Mr. Dotson noted one of the things that Ms. Firehock did not point out, but just in terms of experience, was she was chair of the City's Planning Commission. Ms. Firehock pointed out she was on the City Planning Commission for four years and was chairman for part of that time. Mr. Dotson pointed out that both Ms. Firehock and Mr. Keller are relative newcomers and perhaps as a team he thinks they can help in terms of the process of the Commission to breathe new life into it. Mr. Keller closed the nominations and called for the vote. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - JANUARY 19, 2016 2 FINAL MINUTES The nomination of Karen Firehock as Vice Chair of the Planning Commission for 2016 carried by a vote of (6:0). Mr. Kamptner pointed out the Commission does not need to appoint a secretary. The Commission amended its rules a couple of years ago to make that a standing appointment so the Director of Planning serves as the secretary to the Commission. Mr. Keller welcomed the vice chair. The meeting moved to the next agenda item. Committee Assignments & Reports: Mr. Keller said the committee assignments was really quite important. In appointing the various Commissioners based on the experience that Ms. Firehock and he had when we arrived a couple of years ago there really was not a comprehensive discussion of all the committee assignments. Everyone feels that it is really important that we hear from staff an outline of these and then with that annotated by individual members. He would just say up front in his case the committees that he was serving on if there are particular interests to new Commissioners he was willing to have that move. He pointed out to Ms. Spain that he had filled in on the Pantops Committee because there are so many committee assignments in your district, and that is something we are going to have to grapple with. He had found that committee to be quite useful, and thinks she might as well. He asked Mr. Benish to walk the Commission through the list. `%NW Mr. Benish reviewed the committee assignment list noting the vacancies and outlining the commitment and responsibilities of each with input from Commissioners. He explained that not all of the committees listed actually require a Planning Commission appointee, but either that has been the tradition or because of interests by a Planning Commissioner they are on those committees. So this time of year staff provides that list. The committee list sent out today showed who had served over the past year. However, the first committee list shows the vacancies. He would go down the list and review each committee outlining the commitment and responsibilities of each. Probably what is the most value to the Commissioners is what it means for you in your commitment to do that. Ms. Firehock said she thinks it is important to throw this out there and as far as she was concerned all of the committees would be up for whoever wants to be put on them. We have talked about not deciding that tonight, but just going over what they all are. But, if someone is currently on a committee and they really want to stay on that committee they can let the chair know. She just wanted them all to be open so if somebody is interested in a committee and a current member is serving on it that shouldn't preclude anyone from expressing an interest in that committee. She asked that everyone indicate what they would like to do. Mr. Dotson agreed they should treat them as if they are all open; however, a certain district Commissioner is supposed to be on a few of the committees by board direction. It was the consensus of the Commission that all committee assignments would be treated as "open" and that each Commissioner would express their interest in an email sent to staff and the Chair by next Monday in order to compile a list for discussion at the next meeting under old business. The list of appointments would be finalized at a time in the future. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - JANUARY 19, 2016 FINAL MINUTES Other comments made were: Ms. Monteith noted Bill Palmer had been appointed as her replacement as UVA Representative. Bill Palmer introduced himself. Ms. More said out of respect for Tom Loach, since she had been working with him as chair of the Crozet CAC, that she wanted to put out there that he had hopes to keep working toward creating more connections between the CAC's as more are popping up. The Commission discussed and supported Mr. Loach's idea of having chairs of the different CAC's meet once or twice a year. A suggestion was made that the annual meeting would be one such opportunity where multiple CAC members could engage in broader group discussions. The meeting moved to the next agenda item. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the Public: Mr. Keller invited comment from the public on other matters not listed on the agenda including consent agenda items. There being none, the meeting moved to the next item. Discussion of meeting procedures Mr. Keller noted the next item was the discussion of meeting procedures. He asked if there were any questions. Ms. Firehock asked if the meeting procedures needed to be read into the record. Mr. Kamptner replied that the Commission did not need to do that. The rules that are in front of the Commission are the same rules that were adopted and there was a number of amendments last year. Staff has provided the Commission with the unchanged version that was in effect last year. Mr. Lafferty said he thinks Ms. Firehock's suggestion that the Commission take a look at procedures, particularly on the transitions be done and maybe define the terms of office more explicitly. He would also like it included that if you deny a motion you should express why so it goes into the minutes. Then when the Board reads the minutes they understand what the objections were. Mr. Keller suggested that Mr. Lafferty and Ms. Firehock consider doing a committee of two to go through some of the issues that have come up with the nominating committee and whether we should have an official nominating committee and how that might work and looking at the length of the chair and vice chair position. He knows that they have a sister jurisdiction where there is a one year with an opportunity for a second appointment and then that is the end of the term for instance. Mr. Kamptner noted by statute the terms are one year, but certainly the city chair and vice chair can be reelected. Mr. Keller asked if they could put a proviso that they don't go past two. Mr. Kamptner replied that they would have to look at that. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - JANUARY 19, 2016 FINAL MINUTES Mr. Lafferty pointed out that was just the expression of the Board. Mr. Keller noted if the committee recommended to us and we concurred, then the Commission could ask the Board to set that as our policy. That is the policy in the city, for instance, and he thinks there is merit to that. Mr. Lafferty pointed out his personal feeling is don't box yourself in like that because you may have a group that no one wants it except the present holder of the office. Mr. Kamptner suggested if it was stated in less than mandatory words, then that would be fine as a preference or a policy to encourage this. Ms. Firehock suggested that it be a desired practice, but not a hard rule so that if you had that situation. Mr. Keller asked if the Commission would like to ask Mr. Lafferty and Ms. Firehock to make some proposals for us all to consider. Ms. Riley asked for clarification if he was talking about specifically the term of office under officers. She asked if that is the concern. Mr. Keller added the nomination committee. Ms. Firehock pointed out there was a process of how you actually nominate and elect officers. She had raised that simply because of not knowing who is running this meeting and how we are going to convene it. So she sent an email several weeks ago saying what are we doing, how does it work and she did not understand and please tell me what the process is. The answer was it was informal, and since that is confusing she would like to maybe think about that. She did not have the time by the time she got the response to actually create some new process for the county to bring to the Commission to vote on. In my mind she thought maybe the Commission should revisit that and adopt something down the road for the future so that we all know what the process is. Mr. Lafferty agreed and pointed out he would be glad to work with Ms. Firehock. He could point out what could go wrong from last year; how that caused division in the committee; and did not want to see that again. He thinks if they have better guidelines to go by it will make it a lot easier for everybody. Ms. Firehock agreed to work with Mr. Lafferty. However, she did not think they would be able to achieve that this evening. Mr. Dotson asked if they need a motion. Mr. Kamptner suggested that there needs to be two motions. The first motion would be to appoint the two member committee. He asked Mr. Lafferty and Ms. Firehock to recognize that every time they get together to work on this that it is a meeting of the two member committee and the agenda needs to be posted. Motion: Mr. Dotson moved and Ms. More seconded to appoint a two member committee as Mr. Kamptner stated. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - JANUARY 19, 2016 5 FINAL MINUTES The motion passed by a vote of 7:0. Mr. Kamptner suggested related so that you two are not under the gun to get something quickly, if it is the Commission's desire to go ahead and adopt these rules for now recognizing that the committee will come back with proposed amendments at some point in the year. Mr. Keller asked if everyone agreed with that. Motion: Mr. Lafferty moved and Mr. Dotson seconded to adopt the Rules and Procedures as recommended by staff, recognizing that the committee will come back with proposed amendments at some point in the year. The motion passed by a vote of 7:0. In summary, the Planning Commission held a discussion on meeting procedures and the Rules of Procedure and took the following actions: APPOINTED, by a vote of 7:0, a two member subcommittee consisting of Ms. Firehock and Mr. Lafferty to work on Rules of Procedure specifically meeting procedures. Any changes will be brought back to the Commission for review and adoption. ADOPTED, by a vote of 7:0, the Rules and Procedures as recommended by staff, recognizing that the committee will come back with proposed amendments at some point in the year. The meeting moved to the next agenda item. Set Meeting Time, Day, and Location for 2016 Mr. Keller asked if the Commission was prepared to approve the meeting schedule. Motion: Ms. Firehock moved and Mr. Lafferty seconded to approve the meeting schedule as proposed in the agenda packet. The motion passed by a vote of 7:0. Mr. Keller noted the Planning Commission's meeting dates, times and location for 2016 was approved as recommended by staff and outlined in Attachment 1 of the action memo with meetings to be held in the auditorium, unless otherwise noted, beginning at.6:00 p.m. Attachment 1 Planning Commission 2016 Schedule PUBLIC HEARINGS, WAIVERS AND MINISTERIAL APPEALS WORK SESSIONS NO SCHEDULED MEETING January 12, 2016 January 19, 2016* January 5, 2016* January 26, 2016 February 2, 2016 February 9, 2016 February 16, 2016* February 23, 2016 ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - JANUARY 19, 2016 FINAL MINUTES 0 cm Im March 1, 2016 March 8, 2016 March 22, 2016 March 15, 2016 March 29, 2014 April 5, 2016 Aril 12, 2016* Aril 26, 2016 April 19, 2016 May 3, 2016 May 10, 2016 May 24, 2016 May 17, 2016 Mav 31, 2016* June 7, 2016 June 28, 2016 June 14, 2016 June 21, 2016 July 12, 2105 July 19, 2016 July 5, 2016* July 26, 2016 August 2, 2016 August 9, 2016 August 23, 2016 August 16, 2016 August 30, 2016 September 13, 2016 September 20, 2016 September 6, 2016* September 27, 2016 October 11, 2016 October 18, 2016 October 4, 2016 October 25, 2016 November 15, 2016 November 1, 2016 November 8, 2016 November 29, 2016* November 22, 2016* December 8, 2016 December 1, 2016* December 22, 2016 December 15, 2016 December 29, 2016* January 10, 2017 January 17, 2017* January 3, 2017* January 24, 2017 January 31, 2017 February 7, 2017 February 14, 2017 February 16, 2017* February 21, 2017 March 7, 2017 March 14, 2017 March 28, 2017 March 21, 2017 *Follows a Holiday during the preceding week. **Election Day. Highlighted Planning Commission meeting dates in 2017 are based on application submittal dates in 2016. Other Matters Not on the Agenda from the Public Again, but at the end of the meeting, Mr. Keller invited comment from the public on other matters not listed on the agenda including consent agenda items. There being none, the meeting moved to the next item. Ms. Firehock noted the Review of the Board of Supervisors Meeting was on the agenda. Review of Board of Supervisors Meeting - January 6, 2016. Mr. Benish deferred the review of the actions taken on above date to the next Planning Commission meeting. Old Business Mr. Keller asked if there was any old business. There being none, the meeting proceeded. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - JANUARY 19, 2016 FINAL MINUTES New Business Mr. Keller asked if there was any new business. • Staff introduced new Planner Paty Saternye. • Contact information — address listing (At a minimum need email and phone number) • Upcoming Planning Academy to be scheduled in February — Optional for Planning Commission • The next Planning Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 26, 2016. There being no further new business, the meeting proceeded. Adjournment With no further items, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. to the Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Albemarle County Planning Commission meeting at 6:00 p.m., Auditorium, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. David Benish, Secretary (Recorded and transcribed by Sharon C. Taylor, Clerk to Planning Commission & Planning Boards) ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - JANUARY 19, 2016 FINAL MINUTES 8 3_g-il,.