HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 31 88 PC MinutesMay 31, 1988 The Albemarle County Planning Commission held a public hearing on, Tuesday, May 31, 1988, Meeting Roop 7, County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia. Those members present were: Mr. David Bowerman, Chairman; Ms. Norma Diehl, Vice Chairman; Mr. Tom .Jenkins; Mr. Harry Wilkerson; Mr. Tim Michel; .and Mr. Peter Stark. Other officials present were: Mr. John Horne, Director of Planning and Community Development; Mr. David Benish, Planner; Mr. Wayne Cilimberg, Chief of Community Development; Mr. John Pullen, Planner; and Mr. George St. John, County Attorney. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and established that a quorum was present. The minutes of May 17, 1988 were approved as amended. Easton's Furniture Warehouse Plan Amendment - Proposal to locate a 2-story warehouse of 7,680 square feet for furniture storage. The existing plan provided for a 7,670 square foot building served by 20 parking spaces on.1.72 acres. Zoned C-1, Commercial. Property, described as Tax Map 79A1, Parcel 13, is located in Royal Acres Subdivision on the north side of Rt. 25OE, approximately one mile east of I-64. Rivanna Magisterial District. Mr. Pullen gave the staff report. Staff recommended approval subject to conditions. The Chairman invited applicant comment. The applicant was represented by Mr. Earl Barnett, engineer for the project. He offered no additional comment though he did ask to see a copy of the letter of objection received by staff May 31, 1988. Mr. Pullen gave Mr. Barnett a copy of the letter. There being no public comment, the matter was placed before the Commission. Addressing Ms. Diehl's concerns about the cement blocks and appliances outside the building (as referred to in Mr. Schramel's letter dated May 11, 1988), Mr. Bowerman felt_ this could be left to the Zoning Administrator for appropriate action. Mr. Easton was allowed to comment on this issue. He stated he had met with the Zoning Administrator who had contacted neighbors and checked the premises. He stated no neighbors had voiced any objections and there are no appliances outside the building. He stated he had met with Mr. Schramel who had indicated there were no problems. Mr. Bowerman stated he had no problems with the application. He agreed with staff that a 200-foot turn and taper lane was not necessary for this addition. Mr. Michel asked Mr. Horne how soon a bond is usually called. (Mr. Michel was concerned about the fact that the screening trees required by the original site plan had not yet been planted.) Mr. Horne stated he a7�� May 31, 1988 Page 2 thought a bond should be called before the two years, as mentioned by sir. Michel. Mr. Horne felt no more than two planting seasons should be allowed before the bond is called. He felt the plantings should be in no later than "this fall." He felt it would be appropriate to add a condition which would emphasize this point to the Zoning Administrator. Mr. Easton explained that the plantings which had been required by the Highway Department had. been planted and the bond returned. Xr. Bowerman explained those were not the plantings of concern, but rather the plantings on the side. Mr. Easton confirmed that the appliances on the outside of the building had been removed and also a light was removed which was of concern to a neighbor. Mr. Horne stated the plantings along the side would be a great improvement and should be done no later than "this fall." He confirmed that, basically, everything was as presented. It was'decided the following would be added as condition l(e): "All required landscaping to be installed no later than October 31, 1988." Referring to an earlier statement that Mr. Easton might acquire the adjacent property, Mr. Jenkins asked if that would have any effect on the landscaping requirement. Both Mr: Horne and Mr. Bowerman stated the landscaping should still be required between the two properties because the property in question would still be zoned RA. . Mr. Wilkerson moved that Easton�s Furniture. Warehouse Plan Amendment be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The final plan will not be signed until the following conditions have been met: a. Issuance of an erosion control permit, if applicable; b. Health Department approval; c. Planning and Engineering staff approval of notes to plan; d. Planning staff approval of landscape plan; e. All required landscaping to be installed no later than October 31, 1988. 2. The certificate of occupancy will not be issued until the following condition has been met: a. Final Fire Officer approval. Mx. Stark seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Capital Improvements Program - Public Hearing - Recommendations regarding the proposed 1988-89 through 1992-93 Capital Improvements Program for Albemarle County. May 31, 1988 Page 3 Mr. Cilimberg led the discussion. He recommended for funding for 1988-89, related to some projects. The Chairman invited public comment. briefly discussed the 31 projects including specific issues which The following persons addressed the Commission with comments about certain projects: --Mr. David O'Neil (Bennington Channel/Project 7): He was concerned as to whether or not the amount funded would be sufficient to accomplish the improvements and asked when the work would be done. (By a show of hands, approximately 6 other persons were present in support of this project.) The Chairman advised these persons to also make their comments before the Board of Supervisors. --Mr. Tom Selman (Albemarle High School TernisCourt Resurfacing/Project 31 and Albemarle High School Tennis Courts Addition/ Project 62): Mr. Selman supported these projects and approximately 10 persons were present who indicated their support by a show of hands. --Mr. Allen Howard (Park Road/240 Connector (Crozet)/Project 46): Mr. Howard did not feel this project was justified. --Mr. Laney Moore (Albemarle County Fire Department Refurbish.Engine 11/ Project 15): He voiced his support for this project. The item which generated the most discussion was the Commission's recommendation that the Crozet Elementary Replacement School project and associated improvements to Rt. 810 not be included in the 88-89 funding list. The Commission felt it could not make an accurate judgement on this project without decisions from the School Board regarding elementary school needs in the northwestern quadrant.of the County. Several members of the public spoke to urge that this project be reinstated. Those addressing the Commission were: Louise Ward; Mr. Vernon Jones, President of the Crozet PTO; Ms. Linda Reesen; Mr. Lowry Able; and Ms. Christine Baker. Since the public seemed to be misinformed about the Commission's position on this issues Mr. Bowerman attempted to clarify the matter. He explained that the location for the school was not in question and that the site on Rt. 810 has already been found to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. He stated the only issue is the funding for the replacement school. He explained that Crozet is part of a problem area targeted between Broadus Wood, Free Union and Meriweather Lewis. Before funding this project, the Commission felt it should be determined if the school should be built for a capacity of 450 or should it be built to an ultimate capacity of 600 at this time. The Commission felt more information was needed from the School Board regarding elementary school needs in the northwestern quadrant of the County. He further explained that the Commission was adamantly opposed to a possible school in the Free Union area because such a school would be a population draw and that area is in the watershed. Mr. Bowerman stressed that the need for the school is not in question. May 31, 1988 Page 4 Mr. David Papenfuse, Director of Finance for Albemarle County, addressed the Commission and urged the Commission to reinstate the project at this time. He stressed that the School Board strongly supports the Crozet School and the urgency of the project is based on a safety issue not an enrollment issue. He felt the project should not be held "in ranson" for the enrollment problem. He explained that the school would be sized for 450 students, but would have expansion potential for 600 students. He stressed that the School Board wants the project to proceed. Mr. Papenfuse and Mr. Bowerman debated the role of the Commission and the School Board in this issue. Mr. Andrew Overstreet, Superintendent of Albemarle County Schools, addressed the Commission and.stated he felt it would be possible to providethe information needed by the Commission on this issue, possibly .by this fall. It was -finally decided the land acquisition part of the project could be separated from the building funding, therefore the Commission agreed to re -instate the funds for the acquisition of land for the Crozet School and also for the improvements to Rt. 810 as follows: Add as project 5(a): Crozet School land acquisition and planning ($124,000) Add as Project 5(b): Improvements to Rt. 810 (Crozet School)(54.5,000) The Commission asked that the Board be advised that the,funds for construction of the Crozet Replacement School ($4,896,000) be :roved to 89-90. The Commission also asked that the Board be advised that if the capacity issue could be resolved in the 88-89 year, then the money for the construction of the building could be moved back to 88-89. Regarding Note No. 9 which ;.as related to the County computer upgrading costs being reduced by $18,000 per year, the Commission asked that an additional note be added explaining that that allocation would have only allowed the system to be operational an additional 15 minutes and would not save any data that had not been stored at that time. Therefore, the Commission felt the allocation was not justified. After discussion was complete, fir. Jenkins moved that the 1988-1993 Capital Improvements Program be recommended to the Board of Supervisors for approval as. follows; 1 �13 May 31, 1988 Page 5 CIP 1988-93 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIO FOR RANKING OF PROJECT REQUESTS Agency Priority (if different from PC) Urgent Projects - Recommended for funding in FY1988-89 1. Rt. 678 Relocation* 2. Ivy Landfill Improvements* 3. Peyton Drive Reconstruction** Necessary 4. Meriwether Lewis Elementary School - Replacement School/Additional Recreation Facilities Necessary 5. Stone Robinson Elementary School - Major Addition 6. Crozet Elementary'School - Replacement School (property acquisition and planning only) 7. Route 810 Improvements (Crozet School)** 8. Keene Transfer Station 9. Bennington Channel* Necessary 10. Albemarle High School - Facilities Study And Design 11. Joint Security Complex - Expansion And Renovation* 12. Yancey Elementary School - Major Renovation 13. Stony Point Elementary School - Major Renovation 14. Charlottesville -Albemarle Health Department - Clinic Wing (Planning Only)* 15. Crozet park - Building/Grounds Improvements 16. Berkmar Drive Extension** 17. Albemarle County Fire Department - Refurbish Engine 11 Necessary 18. Albemarle County Schools - Asbestos Removal Plan 19. Greenwood Community Center - Building Improvements Necessary 20. South Side Elementary School - Replacement school (Planning Only) 21. Hydraulic/Lambs/whitewood Streetlights 22. whitewood Road Park Area Streetlights Necessary 23. Beaver Creek Park - Handicapped Access May 31, 1988 Page 6 Agency Priority (if different from PC) Necessary 24. Mint Springs Valley Park -- Handicapped Access 25. Greenwood Community Center - Recreation Improvements 26. Library Master Plan/Gordon Avenue Renovation Design* 27. Georgetown Road Pathway Replacement** 28. County Computer Upgrade 29. Hydraulic Road sidewalk 30. 'County Office Building - Interior Renovations 31. Rt. 20/Avon Street Connector - Right-of-way Acquisition Only 32. Meadowcreek Parkway - Right-of-way Acquisition Only 33. Albemarle High School Tennis Court - Resurfacing Necessary Projects - Recommended for funding in PY1989-90 [argent 34. Southern Regional Park Development 35. Hollymead Elementary School - Roof Replacement/mechanical Improvements Urgent 36. Lickinghole Creek Regional Sedimentation Basin Development* 37. Burley Middle School - General Improvements 38. Windham/.;arman's Gap Road Channel Improvements Desirable 39. Red Hill Elementary School - Roof Replacement 40. Hydraulic/Georgetown Streetlights 41. Hydraulic/Commonwealth Streetlights Desirable 42. Woodbrook Elementary School - Electrical/mechanical Improvements Desirable 43. Albemarle County Schools Bus Shop Improvements 44. Chris Greene Lake Beach Shelter 45. Mint Springs Valley Park - Picnic Shelter 46. Rts. 708/641 Intersection Improvements** 47. Barracks Road Widening** 48. Park Road/240 Connector (Crozet)** 49. Rio Road Sidewalk - Construction** 50. Crozet Drainage Study 51. Albemarle High School Parking Lot a % May 31, 1988 Page 7 wa Agency Priority (if different from PC) Necessary Projects - Recommended for funding in PY1990-91 Urgent 52. whitewood Road Jogging Trail Improvements 53. Rivanna Park - Phase II* 54. whitewood Road/Greenbrier Streetlights 55. Four Seasons Recreation Area Streetlights 56. Rio Road Streetlights 57. Henley Middle School - Electrical/Mechanical Improvements Deferrable 58. Greer Elementary School - Electrical/Mechanical Improvements 59. Jouett Middle School - Electrical/Mechanical Improvements Desirable 60. Scottsville Elementary School - Pod Roof Replacement 61. Northside Branch Library - New Construction (Planning Only) 62. Rt. 729/250 Intersection Improvements** 63. Greenbrier Drive Extension** 64. Albemarle High School Tennis Courts - Addition Desirable Projects - Recommended For Funding in FY1991-92 65. Woodbrook Channel 66. Talton Middle School. - Electrical/Mechanical Necessary 67. Brownsville Elementary School - Electrical/Mechanical 68. Rio/Pen Park Road Streetlights 69. Mountainwood Road Streetlights 70. Scottsville Community Center - Building Improvements 71. Mint Springs Valley Park - Maintenance Area Paving 72. Peyton Drive Detention Basin Development Necessary 73. County office Building - Exterior Renovations Deferrable Projects - Recommended for Funding in FY1992-93 74. Rt. 240/Rt. 250 Connector (Crozet) 75. Fifth Street/Avon Street Connector *Subject to co -funding from sources outside the County. Actual County funding should coincide with funding from other sources. Priorities do not commit the County to "front-end" the funding of these projects. **May be eligible for partial or total Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) funding. Mr. Wilkerson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.. May 31, 1988 Page 8 Miscellaneous: Ms. Diehl asked staff to supply a copy of VDOT site review comments on the J.W. Sieg application which was reviewed by the Commission May 24, 1988. m Mr. Pat Ford, representing UPS, distributed a memo related to his client's application which had been deferred by the Com- mission at the May 24, 1988 meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. John Horne, ecre y ar DS a. f7