SEPTEMBER 13, 1945
All members were present at this meeting with the exception
of Mr. Lamed Randolph.
As a result of a joint meeting of the School Board and our board,
a resolution was passed which is attached to these minutes. It was
suggested that a copy of this #esolution be sent to the School
Board together with a letter stating that we were back of the board
one hundred percent and that we would do everything we could to
cooperate in making the Albemarle County School sustem the best in
the state, but to that end, we still felt doubtful whether the entire
program could be sold to the voting public. Also, that we thought
there were parts of the program that could be omitted and still have
an adequate school system.
Mr. T. 0. Scott, the county agent, met with us to inform us
about the agricultural figures for Albemarle County which had
previously been submitted by Mr. Mason at the State Planning Board
meeting in June. Mr. Scott had been given a copy of a recent
letter from Mr. Mason showing revised and more up to date list of
figures and facts about farming in this county. It was most
interesting to hear Mr. Scott say that the break down on the
figures for the uati6::as a whole showed that this county w4s Just
about average.
Mrs. Smith asked what could be done about the farmers in
Albemarle County, mainly what could be done to help the inadequate
farmer become an adequate farmer. Mr. Scott stated that much
thought had been given to this problem, and an effort had been
made to find out what had caused the headache, rather than a pill
given simply to ease it. He verified the fact that some of the land
is suitable only for timber, and that many farmers were tying to
grog: crops on land that simply would not produce a living as
it was too poor to start out with and could not be fertilized
satisfactorily. This poor land is known as Mason Tatum type of
soil. There is a streak of this land that comes into Albemarle
County about Cobham and runs to Howardsville south of Charlottesville.
It takes in Woodridge Just this side of Keene. This land could be
utilized for woodland in areas of four hundred acre tracts, and a
living could be made on it in this way.
During the depression some of the New England states bought
back land, and ted it into forrest land and used it for various
purposes. In some states this submarginal land has been converged
into forrest and recreational service, and more income is obtained
from it than taxes lost by buying the land in. Of vourse, where
it is used for recreational purposes, the income is reduced.
One thing in connection with woodland is the tendency
to sell the woods on the stump, and this is very destructive and a
poor policy even the day of the sale. Therefore, some restrictions
on cutting timber would be beneficial, but When you try to put any
restrictions on cutting timber lands, the senators from the cities
throw up their hands in horror, and nothing id done to restrict these
As so many more articules are made from timber now
than formerly, the demand for it is constantly growing, and a
man could make a living on enough timber land whereas he would not
be able to do so if he tried to farm this poor land. One trouble is
that usually the farmer does not own enough of this timber land.
Also, one big hazard to this timber land is the destruction of it
by forrest fires. It should be carefully guarded to protect it
from fires.
Since it takes two hundred to one thousand years to
make an inch of soil from the weathering of rock, there is nothing
that can be done to make the Meson 'Tatum 1Gnd of any farm value.
About ter_ percent of the county is this poor soil., Mrs. Smith
suggested that a ppssible way to relieve the farm situation, there-
fore would be for the county to buy up the inadequate land and
plant it in trees.
Mr. Henry Busti promised to have some information for
us on the vagrancy laws in Virginia for our next meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was
Rots. See copy of letter to School Board in files.
No: of Farms a of % of % of value
all products
Large Scale 26 1.0 22.4
Adequate 250 10.0 59.1
Inadequate 1,,425 55.0 24.7
Nominal * 885 34.0 4.8
Total 2,,584 100.0 100.0
Average value produced
by farms either sold or
used in home.
* Small farms where living incc)me is made outside the farm.
Above figures are approximate.
Note: letter written asking year of report and if report included orchards.