„ FEBRUARY 14, 1947
At this meeting there were present Mrs. Louise Simmons, Mr.
Henry Bush, Mr. Henry Haden, Mrs. Nunnally, Mr.Lynn Petersn, Mr. W. we Wood,,
P. H. Gentry, Hunter Cockrell, Captain R. H. Blair, M ss Jamie Terrell,
Prof. Oglesby, C. 3. Blue Jr., Mrs. Linton R. Massey, Ashton McMurdo.
Mr. Bush gave a most interesting talk on zoning and called for
a discussion of zoning tV this group. The group responded very readily
and only one man in the meeting voiced any objection to this project.
His thought was that,as a farmer, he would need every inch of land he
had and there should not be a law to prevent him from putting up a
building anywhere on his land. After much discussion, however, he
adm tted the advantages of a zoning ordinance.
Mr. Peterson of the Chamber of Commerce suggested some area
be marked for industrial expansion - as he felt it would not be wise
to keep all industries out of the county.
The question of the number of feet the zoning should extend
from center of highway along the right of ways was fully discussed -
and it was the opinion of the majority that zoning should extend
at least 250 feet from center of highway on both sides of road
in order to prevent signs from destroying the beauty of the countryside
along the highway.
Copies of our tentative zoning ordinance were given to each
person at the meeting and they were asked to discuss it with their
neighbors and get their reactions to this project - and meet with us
again at a later date.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.