HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-07 adjNovember 7, 1990 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 1) An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on November 7, 1990, at 3:00 P.M., Meeting Room #7, County Office Building, 401McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. This meeting was adjourned from October 31, 1990. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Messrs. Edward H. Bain, Jr., David P. Bowerman, F. R. Bowie, Mrs. Charlotte Y. Humphris, Mr. Walter F. Perkins (arrived at 3:08 P.M.) and Mr. Peter T. Way. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OFFICERS PRESENT: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., Deputy County Executive; Mr. V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and Community Development; and Mr. David Benish, Chief of Community Development. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 3:05 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Bowie. Agenda Item No. 2. 1991/92-1995/96 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Work Session. Mr. Bowie said the Planning Commission made recommendations concerning the CIP which were reviewed by the County Executive and his staff. He noted that the County Executive's recommendations were given to Board members at the beginning of this meeting. He said the Board will consider the recommenda- tions of the Executive staff and schedule a public hearing for the CIP. Mr. Cilimberg summarized the Planning Commission's review. He said the Planning Commission, at its public hearing on October 9, 1990, voted 5-2, to recommend a prioritized list of Capital Improvements Program projects for the years 1991-92 through 1995-96. Included in the Commission's recommendation are explanatory notes on certain items on the prioritized list. Also included is a spreadsheet which shows all current project requests for 1991 through 1996. Mr. Cilimberg said the priorities were established based on whether the project is mandated by State or Federal government, whether it was a previous- ly funded project, or a project addressing health and safety concerns. Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan was an overall criteria. He said there are 87 projects included in the CIP. Mr. Agnor said the Planning Commission does not consider revenue resourc- es, but makes its recommendations from a planning point of view. He said the grand total of the CIP as recommended by the Planning Commission for a five- year period is $119.0 million. Looking at resources over the next five years, staff identified a possible $9.0 million in revenue to fund the $119.0 million CIP. Therefore, the Executive staff was not able to maintain the priority list submitted by the Planning Commission because. Staff reduced this plan to a total of $29.5 million by eliminating several large projects such as Meadow Creek Parkway, the Avon Street/I-64 Interchange, the Avon Street/Route 20 Connector, (all of which were eliminated by this Board during last year's review of the CIP), the Ivy Landfill project, the new middle school and the new high school. These projects totalled $83.0 million. He noted that several smaller projects totalling $6.5 million were eliminated by staff to bring the CIP to a more realistic figure. Mr. Agnor then referred the Board to the Executive staff's recommenda- tions for the CIP titled "Bond Alternative II". He pointed out the existing revenue resources and the additional resources from the split collection of personal property taxes. Mr. Agnor noted that it will be necessary to borrow $24,670,981 under this CIP plan this fiscal year from the Virginia Public School Authority for school projects. Most of these projects have already been approved by the Board and many have already begun. Mr. Way said he did not recall that the Rose Hill project had been approved by the Board. Mr. Agnor said Rose Hill is~in the CIP as an approved project. However, staff is recommending that it be removed. He said the November 7, 1990 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 2) 42 Board considered removing that project last year, but did not take action to do so. Mr. Tucker said some amount of funding has been appropriated for each of the projects listed for the bond issue. He said staff assumed because of the Board's prior appropriations that these items should be included, even though the Board may decide at this point that a particular project is not necessary. Mr. Agnor said he would address only the recommendations made by his staff which represent a change from the Planning Commission's recommendations. Under Administration and Courts, staff deleted funding from 1991-92 through 1994-95 for the Regional Jail Expansion and Henovation project because the City of Charlottesville has taken no action to fund this project as yet. Mrs. Humphris said she thought the ventilation system was a necessity for the Jail. When the Board visited the Jail this past summer, she said it was nearly impossible to breathe in the office area. Mr. Benish said there are actually two priority items included in this one project. One is ventilation improvements, and the other is expansion of the kitchen to match the expansion for the modular units. He said the Plan- ning Commission prioritized these as urgent projects. Mr. Agnor said if the City Council or the State takes action to fund a share of this project, the County can then add this amount back to the CIP in a future cycle. Mr. Agnor noted that the changes shown for the Juvenile Court Repairs and Interior Painting project represent an adjustment of cost figures and not a recommendation by staff. Under Education, Albemarle High School, Phase I, staff recommends that demolition of the vocational wing be added in the amount of $308,600. The School Board asked that this project be moved from Phase II to Phase I. Mr. Way asked about the field house project. Mr. Agnor said that is already included in Phase I and staff did not recommend a change. He noted that parents have offered $300,000 toward this project. Mr. Bowerman asked about the capacity at Albemarle High School without the vocational wing. Mr. Agnor said the capacity issue was not addressed in the information he received from the School Board. Mr. Bowerman said he would like to have that question answered at the joint meeting with the School Board next week. Mr. Agnor said the Broadus Wood Elementary project has already been placed on hold by the School Division. Nothing has been spent on that project, although $750,000 has been appropriated. Staff is asking the Board to consider deleting this project from the CIP and returning it in a future cycle if necessary. He said it is questionable if this school will be built because enrollment figures have not met the original projections. Mr. Tucker said removal of this project will give the School's Long Range Planning Committee time to reconsider the enrollment projections. He anticipates that the Long Range Planning Committee will have completed its review in time for the bond issue request in December. Mr. Bowie asked why the bond issue amount shown and the CIP amount for Broadus Wood School are different. Mr. Agnor said the bond issue figures include the cost of the school project in addition to recreational facility costs. The variance amount is included under Outdoor Reereation Improvements in the Parks and Recreation portion of the CIP. There were no objections from Board members to staff's recommendation to delete $2,237,511 in the 1991-92 cycle of the CIP for the Broadus Wood Elemen- tary School, recognizing that the project can be returned if the Long Range Planning Committee's review shows the need for the project. Mr. Agnor said the Murray High School Renovations (Hose Hill) projecthas $255,000 appropriated with $§7,000 spent. When the School's Long Range Planning Committee finishes its review, it will be determined whether an alternative education building to house less than 100 students is needed at November 7, 1990 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 3) the price of $2.5 million. Staff's recommendation is that this project be deleted until that evaluation is made. There was no objection from Board members to staff's recommendation to delete $2,323,845 in the 1991-92 column of the CIP for Murray High School Renovations. Mr. Agnor pointed out that the New Middle School-New Facility and the New High School-New Facility figures were deleted by staff until the enrollment projection figures are completed. He feels that consideration may have to be given to changing the 600 pupil limit on existing elementary schools and reviewing pupil/teacher ratios. Mr. Agnor noted that 12 years ago, Albemarle County had more students than today. Several new schools have been built, and there is still a need for additional schools. He feels the reason has to do with the ratio of teachers to pupils as well as the special education require- ments mandated by the State. He said consideration may also be given to a year-round school system to better use the facilities without adding new ones. Mr. Agnor said the concern is that the growth in enrollment may level off and the County may be left with half empty school buildings in a few years. Mr. Bain said the City has 1200 empty seats in Charlottesville Schools. He feels that something could be worked out to coordinate use of high schools for a period of time until it is clear that a third high school is required. He feels it is foolish to build a new high school until other alternatives have been examined. Mr. Way said regarding the Murray High School project evaluation, he read in the newspaper that the decision has already been made and a task force had been appointed to decide whether to renovate Murray or build a new school for alternative education. He said there was no mention of an evaluation of the alternative education program as mentioned by Mr. Agnor. Mr. Way said he wants it clearly understood that he is not supporting the Murray High School Renovation project until there has been an evaluation. Mr. Bowie said this item can be placed on the agenda for the joint School Board meeting next week. In the meantime, the Board is accepting staff's recommendation. Mrs. Humphris added that she feels a cost benefit evaluation must be made in addition to program evaluations. She feels that possibly the goal of the Murray High School program should be to put itself out of business eventually. Mr. Bain said regardless of where they are housed, there are children who do not fit in the normal classroom and must be educated some place. Mrs. Humphris said she does not understand why existing facilities cannot be used. What happens in the Murray School building that cannot happen at the existing high school buildings? She said she keeps asking that question, but has received no answer as yet. Mr. Bowie said he is asking the same question. Mr. Bain said that becomes a question of school capacity. The reason these students are at Murray High School is because they create problems in the regular classroom. Mr. Way asked how this matter is interfaced with the School Board. He feels there needs to be better communication between the School Board and the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Bowie said this matter will be an item for discussion with the School Board. He feels that another item for discussion should be the Board's reasoning for deleting these items from the CIP. Mr. Perkins said he feels that even if the enrollment projections remain high, it is more economical to enlarge the existing middle schools and high schools than to build new ones. Mr. Agnor said the next recommendation under Education is that Albemarle High School, Phase II, be deleted from the 1994-95 and 1995-96 columns. He said those figures represent planning estimates and can be returned to the CIP in a future cycle. November 7, 1990 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 4) The Vehicular Maintenance Facility is recommended for deletion from the 1991-92 and 1992-93 columns. He said the Board turned down this request for administrative offices in the bus shop in an earlier CIP. Staff is recommending that the Western Albemarle High School Press Box project be deleted from 1992-93. Staff feels that might be a good project for parents to undertake. The security systems for all schools in 1991-92 and 1992-93 is being deleted. These would be nice to have but staff feels it is something that can be deleted. Mr. Bain asked if the security systems would prevent something like the Albemarle High School fire from happening again. Mr. Agnor said this is a burglar alarm system recommended by the insurance company in three high schools and four middle schools. This project is to expand security systems into computer rooms and athletic equipment storage areas in some schools. The consensus of the Board was to follow the Executive staff's recommendation for deleting security systems. The last item recommended for deletion under Education is the Energy/ Maintenance System. He said energy management can be continued by hand and computerized at a later time. Mr. Agnor said the Board's action today will decrease the total current request figures under Education by another $4.5 million. Under Fire, Rescue and Safety, staff recommends that the Fire Station for an Aerial Truck be deleted from the 1994-95 and 1995-96 columns. Staff feels that there will be space available, should the aerial truck be purchased, without having to build a facility. Mr. Bowie asked if a column can be added to the CIP showing the total amount approved by the Board. Under Highways and Transportation, the Revenue Sharing amount was adjusted to $400,000, which is a more realistic figure. Staff feels that Sidewalk Construction should be considered as each project comes up; there- fore, staff is recommending that these amounts be deleted. The same is true for the Street Lights on Rio Road. Staff feels that this project will not occur in 1991-92 and can be considered as projects are presented. Mrs. Humphris asked who will be using the sidewalk on Hydraulic Road between the Top 100 Video Store and Whitewood Road. Mr. Benish said there have been a number of requests from residents of Arbor Crest Apartments. Also, the Pedestrian Obstacle Study done in the mid-80's indicates a demand in that area. He said the offices along Whitewood Road and the school complex also generate some demand for this project. Mr. Agnor said the Avon Street/Route 20 Connector road is recommended for deletion in 1991-92 and 1992-93 as well as the Meyers Drive Reconstruction and Extension, Avon Street/I-64 Interchange and the Meadow Creek Parkway. Staff feels that Meyers Drive will not require an upgrading at this time. Mr. Agnor noted that the Berkmar Drive Extension figures represent an update in amounts only. Regarding Timberwood Parkway, staff feels that there are so many unknown factors related to the development of Forest Lakes Subdivision, as well as the Meadow Creek Parkway, that this project is recommended for deletion at this time. Mr. Tucker noted that $116,000 was appropriated for the Meadow Creek Parkway when the Board agreed to have an alignment study conducted beyond Rio Road. He said staff has not moved forward to have that alignment study and is requesting guidance from the Board on whether to proceed. Mr. Bowie said he feels it is appropriate to wait until VI)OT's meeting regarding Route 29 North next week and then address this matter. Mr. Tucker said the $116,000 study is to specify where the roadway will be located so that as development occurs developers may consent to build part of the road. November 7, 1990 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 5) Mr. Cilimberg added that the Planning Commission's recommendation is for funding for planning and engineering only for the Avon Street/Route 20 Connec- tor project, the Timberwood Parkway project and the Meadow Creek Parkway. The Planning Commission feels that it is better for the County to have the plans available when surrounding development takes place. For Meadow Creek Parkway, that is the prior appropriation amount. For Timberwood Parkway, there has been no appropriation. For Avon Street/Route 20, an additional $70,700 is required in 1991-92 for planning and engineering. Mr. Bain said a developer who has land can build anywhere he wants, especially if the County has no road design or plans. Mr. Agnor pointed out that an alignment study does not allow the County to require a developer to build where the study shows the road should go. Mrs. Humphris said she feels there are developers who feel the road would be beneficial to them and would- be happy to know the alignment. Mr. Cilimberg said the Planning Commission wants to avoid "piece meal" planning of roads in order to better deal with development proposals. He said these plans would have to be approved by VDoT in order to be of any value. Mr. Bain said he would like to be consistent in either taking the plan- ning amount out of the CIP for both the Avon Street/Route 20 Connector Road and Timberwood Parkway, or leaving both amounts in the CIP. He suggests that the $70,700 be included in this CIP and deleted later if that becomes neces- sary. The Board agreed to include $70,700 in 1991-92 for the Avon Street/Route 20 Connector project and $75,000 in 1991-92 for the Timberwood Parkway project for planning and engineering work. Under Libraries, Mr. Agnor said that the Gordon Avenue Replacement of HVAC project simply shows updated figures. Staff did not recommend any change otherwise. At the request of the Regional Library, the Bookmobile Replacement project and the Northside Branch project were moved to 1991-92 from 1992-93. He said that is consistent with a recent decision made by the Board regarding the Northside Branch. The change for the Bookmobile is in recognition of the fact that it may not last until 1992-93. Mr. Way asked why a Bookmobile is still necessary when there are several branch libraries in the County. Mr. Agnor said that is something the Board may wish to reconsider. Mr. Bain said he suggested a long time ago that a coordinated effort be made between school libraries in outlying areas of the County and the Regional Library. Mr. Way agreed and said the suggestion may need to be made to the Library Board. One way to get that process started is to eliminate funding of the Bookmobile. Mr. Cilimberg said review of the long-awaited Public Facilities Plan which addresses this issue will be completed by the Planning Commission by the end of this month. Mr. Bowie suggested that this item be left in 1992-93 instead of moving it up to 1991-92. Other Board members concurred. Under Parks and Recreation, Mr. Agnor said the Outdoor Recreation Im- provements project involves four elementary schools, Stony Point, Crozet, Cale and Yancey, which have no recreational facilities following new construction or major renovations. Staff is recommending that $110,000 allocated for four tennis courts at Albemarle High School be shifted to these four elementary schools. Mr. Way said there is only one new project and that is Cale School. The other three schools were already in existence. He asked why each of these projects needs $35,000 for recreational facilities when he thinks three of them already had existing equipment. Mr. Bowie pointed out that Stony Point's playgrounds were demolished in the renovation process due to the redesign of the school. He also noted that the equipment at Stony Point was handmade by the parents and was worn out. Mr. Bain added that the useful equipment was being saved but that most of these schools did not have adequate equipment in the first place. Mr. Bowie agreed that the need for $35,000 for each school should be re-evaluated. Mr. Bain asked if the Parks and Recreation Department is November 7, 1990 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 6) involved in these projects. Mr. Agnor said this is a coordinated effort between Parks and Recreation and the schools. Mr. Agnor said staff is recommending that the Boat Launch project at the Rivanna River be deleted for 1991-92. This project is to acquire land and build a boat launch at the Rivanna Reservoir. The Southern Park Improvements project is recommended for deletion from 1992-93, and Rivanna Park improve- ments are recon~nended for deletion from 1994-95. There were no objections from Board members to these recommendations for Parks and Recreation. Under Utility Improvements, Mr. Agnor said staff is recommending that the Peyton Drive Stormwater Detention project be deleted from 1993-94. Prelimi- nary information indicates that this basin is not going to serve a necessary function. The Albemarle County Master Drainage Plan is recommended for deletion from 1991-92. Mr. Agnor said staff is working on a policy for stormwater management, and legislation is expected in the next General Assembly as well. Therefore, staff feels that this project can be included in a future cycle. Mr. Bain asked what the project entails. Mr. Cilimberg said the cost is primarily to model the areas to be covered under an urban stormwater manage- ment program. The study would extend from Crozet to the urban area. Mr. Agnor feels that the County should proceed cautiously in this area until a policy is developed. Staff recommends that the Woodbrook Channel Improvements be deleted from 1992-93 because development in this area has eliminated the need for this project. The Windham/Jarman Gap Road Channel Improvements, Phase II, project is also recommended for deletion from 1991-92 since there has been no demand this project since Phase I improvements were completed. Mr. Agnor said the prior appropriations would go back to the Fund Balance if the Board concurs with staff's recommendation. Mr. Agnor said the Keene Landfill Closure amount in 1991-92 is recom- mended for $1,000,000 instead of $4,083,550. Another $500,000 each is recom- mended for 1992-93 and 1993-94. Since the exact amount for the closure is unknown until the State approves the plan, staff feels that $2.0 million is a more realistic number. For the Ivy Landfill Improvements project, staff is recommending that the 1991-92 and 1992-93 amounts be deleted because this project is being shifted to the new Rivanna Solid Waste Authority. Mr. Agnor noted that some of the prior appropriation amount of $450,000 was spent before the Authority was formed. Mr. Agnor noted that the Lickinghole Creek Regional Sedimentation Basin project is being left in the CIP but problems have been encountered with obtaining permits due to environmental issues. It is questionable as to whether this project can be accomplished. Mr. Bowerman asked about the Ricky Road Drainage project. Mr. Cilimberg said this request was received at the end of the Planning Commission's cycle of review. This is the first time the project has appeared in the CIP. There were no objections by Board members to the recommendations made by staff for Utility Improvements. Mr. Agnor said if the Board proceeds with the CIP on the basis of staff's recommendations and the changes made by the Board, there will be a debt service related to real property taxes of approximately eight cents. Without the Board's changes, the debt service would be approximately 10 cents. He said that cost could be phased over two fiscal years. Mr. Bain said if the legislature grants equal taxing power next year, the debt service will be taken care of. Mr. Bowie said he has no objection to setting a public hearing on this recommended CIP, although it has a tax increase implication. He said the CIP November 7, 1990 (Adjourned Meeting) z~7 (Page 7) as recommended for public hearing can be lowered, but it cannot be increased without another public hearing. Motion was offered by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Perkins to schedule a public hearing for the CIP as recommended by staff with the changes made by the Board for December 12, 1990, at 7:30 P.M. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowerman, Bowie, Mrs. Humphris, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. Agenda Item No. 3. Adjourn. Mr. Bowie said there is a request for a brief Executive Session to discuss performance of an individual. At 4:47 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Way to adjourn into Executive Session in accordance with Virginia Code Section 2.1-344.A.4. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: Messrs. Bain, Bowerman, Bowie, Mrs. Humphris, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Way. None. The Board reconvened into open session at 5:40 P.M. and immediately adjourned. CHAIRMAN