HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100037 Correspondence 2021-08-27oe ace 401 McIntire Road, North Wing
$` Count of Albemarle Charlottesville,VA22902-4579
Y Telephone:434-296-5832
August 27, 2021
Kelsey Schlein
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
912 East High Street
Charlottesville VA 22902
RE: SDP202100037 South Pantops Townhomes Parking Study / Request for Parking
Reduction per Section 4.12.12
Dear Ms. Schlein:
I have reviewed the parking study provided. I agree with your analysis. Per Section 4.12.12(b) of
Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code, the reduction of two guest parking spaces from ten to
eight is authorized to allow the development of the noted site plan.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Francis H. MacCall
Chief of Zoning, Deputy Zoning Administrator
Attachment: Copy of Parking Study
Design Focused Engineering
July 16, 2021
Kevin McCollum, County Planner
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
RE: SDP202100037 South Pantops Townhomes
Parking Study I Request for Parking Reduction per Sec.4.12.12
Dear Mr. McCollum,
On behalf of the Applicant for SDP2021-37, an initial site plan known as "South Pantops Townhomes,"
we hereby request a parking reduction in accordance with Sec.4.12.12. This parking study is provided in
support of this reduction request and demonstrates how Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
tools reduce the number of parking spaces required to serve the proposed 40-unit townhome development.
Per the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, " TDM tools include, but are not limited to, mass transit, car
pooling, and park and ride lots." Per Section 4.12.6, multifamily units, including townhouses, shall
provide for a minimum of two (2) parking spaces per unit, for each unit with two or more bedrooms and
"if parking is provided on individual lots... rather than in lots or bays that are shared by all units in the
development, then one guest space per four units shall be provided." Following discussions with County
Staff regarding comment 4 from the comment letter dated June 9, 2021, we were informed the County
expects guest parking spaces to be provided in areas other than on individual townhome lots, such as on -
street or in shared bays. Comment 4 states, "please provide one guest parking space per every four units.
There does not appear to be adequate width along the street to provide on -street parking. Where is guest
parking proposed?' Although our interpretation differs from Staffs in that the Zoning Ordinance does not
specify the location of guest parking and we believe required spaces may be provided on individual lots,
we respectfully request review of this parking reduction request in accordance with Sec.4.12.12 which
specifically requests a reduction from two (2) required parking spaces within the development.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
With this 40-unit townhome proposal, Section 4.12.6 would necessitate that each unit is served by two (2)
parking spaces with an additional ten (10) guest parking spaces, for a total of 90 required parking spaces
within the development. The proposed development design provides for the two -space per unit
requirement on individual townhome lots as each unit will have a two -car garage and an 18'x18'
driveway leading to the garage, for a total of four (4) spaces per unit on each individual lot. Eight (8)
guest spaces are provided within a common parking bay, adjacent to Lot 12. As aforementioned each lot
will have four (4) spaces and so although two (2) required guest spaces are not provided in the shared
parking bay to meet the ten (10) guest space requirement, there will be parking to accommodate 168
vehicles within the development ((40 units x 4 spaces) + 8 guest spaces in shared bay)).
Data available from the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates provide support for a
reduction to parking minimums required by 4.12.6 by utilizing Transportation Demand Management
tools, as ACS data demonstrates that people utilize modes of transportation other than an individually
occupied personal vehicle.' For workers aged 16 years and over in households in Census Tract 105 in
Albemarle County, which includes the Pantops area and this development site, the following commuting
patterns were reported:
• Carpool: 2.6% of individuals reported carpooling
• Public Transportation:.9% of individuals reported taking public transportation
• Walked:.6% of individuals reported walking to work
• Taxicab, motorcycle, bicycle, or other means: 4.5% of individuals reported taking taxicab,
motorcycle, bicycle, or other means to work
• TOTAL: 8.6% of individuals reported commuting to work by means of transportation other than
an individually occupied vehicle
' Table: B08141 "Means of Transportation to Work by Vehicles Available" 2019 ACS 5-Year Estimates
httos:Hdata.census. eov/cedsci/table?t=Transuortation&g=0500000US51003 1400000US51003010500&tid=ACSD
This data demonstrates that individuals living within Census Tract 105 in Albemarle County are utilizing
alternative modes of transportation and it is likely that individuals who live in the South Pantops
Townhomes community will adopt similar commuting trends as their neighbors elsewhere in Census
Tract 105. This Census Tract is increasingly urbanizing to develop in a manner that is consistent with
recommendations called for in the Pantops Master Plan which will promote increased walkability,
density, connectivity, and access to alternative transportation modes and networks. The 2% reduction in
required parking spaces is reasonable given that there is data to support that in this census tract 8.6% of
workers are utilizing TDM tools for their commutes.
In addition to on -site development, South Pantops Townhomes proposes a public sidewalk along the
property frontage of South Pantops Drive, contributing to the overall Pantops pedestrian network. South
Pantops Drive features a complete sidewalk network on the opposite side of the street from the project,
from Riverbend Drive to State Farm Boulevard, allowing for adequate pedestrian circulation throughout
the area. Moreover, the existing sidewalk network provides connections to three Route 10 Charlottesville
Area Transit bus stops within a ten-minute walking shed of the South Pantops Townhomes site.
ITE Trip Generation estimates demonstrate that there are 293 daily trips affiliated with this 40 unit
townhome community; this translates to 7.3 vehicle trips per day (VTPD) per unit.
Multi -Family
Housing (Low -
ITE Trip Generation estimates from the loth Edition Trip Generation Manual indicate that there would be
448 daily trips affiliated with a 40-unit single family detached community, or 11.2 trips per unit. Despite
this higher trip generation for single family detached units when compared to townhome units, which is
likely attributable to more vehicles entering and exiting the community, the Albemarle County parking
requirements for single family detached units and townhome units with 2 or more bedrooms are the same
at 2 spaces per unit. Given that the townhome unit type generates considerably less trips than single-
family detached units, we find that a reduction in two (2) required guest spaces is founded and that there
is no trip generation data to support that townhomes will generate more trips and relatedly, require more
parking than single family detached units.
In consideration of the 160 total on -lot parking spaces, the eight off -site guest spaces, ACS data
demonstrating residents utilize alternative forms of transportation, and ITE trip generation estimates, the
intent of providing one guest space for every ten units is achieved within South Pantops Townhomes.
Guests of residents would be adequately served by parking provided on residential lots and within the
shared parking bay.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this request. Please feel free to contact me with any
questions or comments.
Best regards,
Kelsey Schlein
Shimp Engineering, P.C.