HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA200800004 Study 2008-08-15 ; 2.. . . . • I 1 • Winmilhil Michie Property 4 4 11 , • r ; • f Michie Property GOCO Oil Co. Property Proximity • rt- e'' A 1;. .''• ',.i t Sze,iX r ti ?, i r: • 't .fi iH+. a y•f•3`.. .f 0 t • y+ " •ask ;J,i w `r. .d-; 9 ,y,x 3" ;' . ;_...• .. ; 2,1. ,.'- •* M 3 ..,'. v,4 mod' )i . t ' ► �►t AI l _ — ,`,' } ( r-fop-a - � Y�=6 f • �rr ice' 'sY� - v_ , • g-_ • •�-•---.r . -II- View From mailboxes on Michie's property. Driveway leading to State Highway Rte 250. GOCO Oil Co. property on right side of the driveway. Arrow pointing to GOCO Oil Co. Well Site. .. • ".. ' ' r'401-44,_ ,sill 1..1� 1111'�' 1',,,.,;,,wti., ,�..y-=-aer.: --:art' -- .�.'^�-- ..._._.�... /....� t `�,�,� -c--isimo. =�- +ram ri:s- ' 'r�,�., _ - Y ' _ .+. .,- *',- -- _ _ ' r- ... ter±. i l 1 fir. 1S.- .niZ % ' _ - ` _ _ - _ N y- _ 'L ". _ rf- V� _ _ _ - - 9:. Jam" •-d 1 View from mailboxes on Michie's Property to their well site. 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(Note on same water flume)---40"--_, Eire: ,. • ... • ,AP 4 % .44 . ....,.._;„ : %isms Icy 111 .. z ...., ,_ , � -1.4i. ; ,.,.rikb A , , . :, • ,_ , , . . . ., *It -4 ks IN . _ __ ... . •....,...„6., �4 • . ..-^ ..... . 1.,,. - .--640,- 446,- 1,. . 4 ' k w -. 1 ' 311 r . ice i . __ v . -� .. .I mow. �,., ,- 1 y r � :'. �Y• :'.a, •. 15/08/2008 View from Well Top on Michie Property. Arrows show Daughters home site area, and proposed well site. • Abandon (Capped) Monitoring Well • r..Ys .tom W • `, ry �T ,;^406 iii. ..... to. •ljrt14.,.11?' r '-.- 3. ..; a - ..-••,;-/.., 4 ,, ,,, • , LI. 14,,,,..., ,.A 7•?-Fr Pi=:-- At ' —.1 . ,ff*:, 44 t ' ''- 4is .,;..-1 ., ,t.:-.;. -•4i P i? . :ttie it / r ' + ` f i . �..'► ♦ r•. -.. -• .pp. o f III•yYYry"/�-y,,5,T N•we .� yir V„ri; • Tr ° > ' %r t ter/ ` ' r , `r.g.J ‘`i t "ice +ice t'•^• •/.. ~'" { ^ View of monitoring well at edge of the two properties. Arrow showing abandoned monitoring well. -' - Ii.',, -..--; ..1„- ,- , ,i. .,---.1, - .1 -- 't- . vs).,;; -7'i-----7,-, 4.,..,"'. .-„1.4& (id , 3'.;;". :. '�t�"'I. `` :,M'. . Pam? .� _ rrleaf`? _ ...h 4.q _.` j S" I yam, .. ti* •`‘1.‘ /1414*1":4 ,-. -4' t4 ''''/ ..‘ Vtilta t .• 1 ri1 ,} i _ , '{"r„ '911w ., /�j3V,t}•• 't:///,�J „*.,",l 4 . '•.., 't.'14,k'L, '''rd.r.•:,;i0,-4 x'it.,, t.; , ,. nI qt�, 1 — y e3 '` / ''• ‘ r--i'fli .••4 -4nr"Al. ../e:;\ . " tqt,. 14./ e• -4— .....), _ ,.. .4..ptr,., _ 4...Ai 1. .• ,...., •.... .,....... • . ‘1,,,...E.t. ••..• ' ,„_a• •4';'' " C'e,,,“,„0, '7••,1,- it*. '''' • ist ., .P '�rA'C •d._ \ .i,. , i,,..�ram� .1--7., 'jr r)_.„ . .`. .�•-.�� V1•1 lilt, '" �p',4 `,. ( r - �' ,� 4- t� ,,�; , , y ti� �F c. a r+ yip ,,A�/j� i ., ,•:' .x. 4r �5 r-ti , ' n4. \ . 4.4,. `I,*4% .- . 3%.."'''.• -,4k 4Nt., 47 gal r Lip,,... ' di . ' ' .'a 1 -- - _ 7 ..... ....4 _...„,...t...„.6. . View of rusted abandoned monitoring well. Abandoned after GOCO Oil put on public water. • Geologist Report Water Source Locations • -�`- .�_�\ _� / Color Code For S �'437" 9 / (nt.:_,. . i � Symbols L---.. 1111 Michie Well �� / - di �;�, - � GOCO 8� Stone-Robinson 1 .. School wells � � N \ �� - -"''-_ __ _-_-- _; .__ \�L Well sites located by 1 • •�� It � 7...) � I; Geologist J ,� �-/ ill Public Water Line location r�' ° �rl" / ) ) :1 -�/' its �� >- .--.;:il 'b ' „ A ��► o ff`,\ V 6o -Ilv �' \ ' � � �:. i 1 i1 ' i 11 �; . ♦ 1 4 ( I. i 1 i 1 , ,f / -.,------': 1 v. 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GATHRIGHT, II CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O.BOX 297 BATESVILLE.VIRGINIA 22924-0297 TELEPHONE 1540)456 8462 /241lGl / I )_4 v MLc4hc 4 n/r4e11)1 j cvrp. / 17a f/a%€l/ .ffaf Al Lh. c446,-/r7/,�5rii/(. , VA 72`/// Plop- 1S-4 wi'!/-e 1(z Qr1v 71.ev' �`iv �f a fa o, ��Q ,rs Well s'7 c Z•p%4 c t4dfr& 6.ef.rr0.1a1 ale SIQ/.e Jef,Wa-12 a.1 'a n your`pro��t oc41( y/ic 464s4/74 kis q/a o5 /?auk z z is o.7/4,i a f'w /h4d4/4/ rtv rg•iv-457 o f 7`4.e we// Aelu kreek see r fact t. he/, f. 44 �'•' t4 so14f4(44d ctrro/ 1;4s•S s ,4-el t;/( your/9","7`✓ Q 74 So."77c <L 107A. 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' '7/ . • Test Performed by Aqua Air Laboratories • A G U —A I R I Biological, Chemical, and Physical Analysis of Water, Air, and Solids; I Biological and Chemical Treatability Studies; Flow Measurements On O RAT(DRIES , I Ni G- I P.0 Box 4006 : Charlottesville, Va. 22903-0841 I Phone 034)295-1716 I Virginia Laboratory ID # 00815 05/09/2008 JOB NUMBER: Z83940 DATE RECEIVED: 05/09/2008 DATE REPORTED: 05/09/2008 ROBERT MICHIE 1066 SHADWELL STATION LN CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 22911 SAMPLE LABORATORY SERVICE RESULT PROCEDURE STARTED/ ANALYST COMPLETED Z83940 BLACK FILTER RESIDUE 1#1160014 TOTAL; AA, DIRECT ASPIRATION SEE BELOW 290 05/09/2008 B : BBP 05/09/2008 0 : AQUA-AIR LABORATORIES I BY T/ej. }peteik.) avt_ (21-4--t_ 2—eZeei) os! C. a-QJ .12te-) /,42c): • DEQ Testing Results of Michie Well MARYLAND SPECTRAL SERVICES, INC. 1500 Caton Center Drive Baltimore, MD 21227 • VOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA GC/MS METHOD 8260 CLIENT SAMPLE ID: MICHIE-RA VBLK0826A1 PAGE 1 OF 2 89-1392 LAB SAMPLE ID: 080822185 METHOD BLANK SAMPLE DATE: 08/20/08 RECEIVED DATE: 08/22/08 ANALYSIS DATE: 08/26/08 08/26/08 FILE NAME: 0822185 0826VBLKA1 INSTRUMENT ID: MSA MSA MATRIX: WATER WATER UNITS: ug/L ug/L DILUTION FACTOR: 1.0 1.0 VOLATILE COMPOUNDS Acetone 10 U 10 U t-Amyl Alcohol (TAA) 20 U 20 U t-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) 2.0 U 2.0 U Benzene 2.0 U 2.0 U Bronodichloromethane 2.0 U 2.0 U Broaoform 2.0 U 2.0 U Bromomethane 2.0 U 2.0 U tert-Butanol (TBA) 15 U 15 U 2-Butanone (MEK) 10 U 10 U Carbon Disulfide 2.0 U 2.0 U Carbon Tetrachloride 2.0 U 2.0 U Chlorobenzene 2.0 U 2.0 U Chloroethane 2.0 U 2.0 U Chloroform 2.0 U 2.0 U Chloromethane 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,2-D1braro-3-chloropropene 2.0 U 2.0 U Dibroaochloromethane 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,1-Dichloroethane 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,2-Dichloroethane 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,1-Dichloroethene 2.0 U 2.0 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.0 U 2.0 U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,2-Dichloropropane 2.0 U 2.0 U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 2.0 U 2.0 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 2.0 U 2.0 U Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 2.0 U 2.0 U Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 2.0 U 2.0 U Ethylbenzene 2.0 U 2.0 U 2-Hexanone 10 U 10 U 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 10 U 10 U Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) a 2.0 U Methylene Chloride 2.0 U 2.0 U Styrene 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2.0 U 2.0 U Tetrachtoroethene 2.0 U 2.0 U • MARYLAND SPECTRAL SERVICES, INC. • 1500 Caton Center Drive Baltimore, MD 21227 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA GC/MS METHOD 8260 CLIENT SAMPLE ID: MICHIE-RA VBLK0515A1 PAGE 1 OF 2 LAB SAMPLE ID: 08051508 METHOD BLANK SAMPLE DATE: 05/14/08 RECEIVED DATE: 05/15/08 ANALYSIS DATE: 05/15/08 05/15/08 FILE NAME: 051508 0515VBLKA1 INSTRUMENT ID: MSA NSA MATRIX: WATER WATER UNITS: ug/L ug/L DILUTION FACTOR: 1.0 1.0 VOLATILE COMPOUNDS Acetone 10 U 10 U t-Ajrryl Alcohol (TAA) 20 U 20 U t-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) 2.0 U 2.0 U Benzene 2.0 U 2.0 U Bromodichloromethane 2.0 U 2.0 U Bromoform 2.0 U 2.0 U Bromomethane 2.0 U 2.0 U tert-Butanot (TBA) 15 U 15 U 2-Butanone (MEK) 10 U 10 U Carbon Disulfide 2.0 U 2.0 U Carbon Tetrachloride 2.0 U 2.0 U Chlorobenzene 2.0 U 2.0 U Chloroethane 2.0 U 2.0 U Chloroform 2.0 U 2.0 U Chloromethane 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 2.0 U 2.0 U Dibromochloromethane 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,1-Dichloroethane 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,2-Dichloroethane 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,1-Dichloroethene 2.0 U 2.0 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.0 U 2.0 U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,2-Dichloropropane 2.0 U 2.0 U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 2.0 U 2.0 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 2.0 U 2.0 U Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 2.0 U 2.0 U Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 2.0 U 2.0 U Ethylbenzene 2.0 U 2.0 U 2-Hexanone 10 U 10 U 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 10 U 10 U Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 21 2.0 U Methylene Chloride 2.0 U 2.0 U Styrene 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2.0 U 2.0 U Tetrachloroethene 2.0 U 2.0 U • • "' ct : COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY VALLEY REGIONAL OFFICE L.Preston Bryant,Jr. 4411 Early Road, P.O. Box 3000,Harrisonburg,Virginia 22801 David K.Pallor Secretary of Natural Resources (540) 574-7800 Fax(540)574-7878 Director www deq.virginia.gov Amy Thatcher Owens • Regional Director June 5, 2008 GOCO Oil Company Attn: Mr. Harry Montague 924 Harris Street Charlottesville, VA 22903 Re: Re-opening of PC 89-1392 due to Petroleum Impact to the Robert and Carolyn Michie Well, 1066 Shadwell Station Lane, Charlottesville Dear Mr. Montague: • As we have discussed in recent weeks, the Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ) received notification from the referenced property owners on May 12, 2008 of the presence of a foreign taste in their well water for the past several months and black staining in their sediment filter in recent weeks. In response to their concern and due to the proximity of their property to others in the vicinity with documented historic petroleum releases, the DEQ had the well sampled on May 14, 2008 to confirm or confute the presence of petroleum components in the well. The enclosed laboratory analytical results indicate a positive detection of 21 ug/L MTBE, a former gasoline additive. Based on a recent visit to the impacted property and a review of your compliance inspection records over the past several years, there does not appear to be evidence suggesting that a new petroleum release has occurred from either your facility or from the two underground heating oil tanks on the referenced property. Given the proximity of the impacted Michie well to the known gasoline plume previously investigated on your property under PC 89-1392, the MTBE contamination in the Michie well is presumed to have originated from a historic release from your facility. Based on these findings, DEQ is reopening PC 89-1392 in order to address this newly impacted supply well. State Water Control Law authorizes the State Water Control Board (the "Board"), acting through DEQ, to require any owner or operator who is the responsible person for a petroleum release from a tank system to undertake corrective action for any such release. Based on the evidence •storage available to us, it appears that you are the Responsible Person (RP) for this petroleum release. Code § 62.1-44.34:9. A responsible person is any person who is an owner or operator of an underground storage tank or an aboveground storage tank at the time the release is reported to the Board. §62.1-44.34:8. Mr.Harry Montague June 5,2008 Page 2 of 3 Since the extent of the dissolved plume in the deep fractured bedrock aquifer is unknown and we believe it cannot be reasonably delineated or remediated at this time, DEQ believes the best corrective action in order to provide and maintain a safe potable water supply is to connect the impacted Michie residence and rental house(which share the same well) and any other wells found to be impacted in the vicinity to the Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA) water line. DEQ has already contacted the ACSA and the Albemarle County Department of Community Development in recent weeks regarding this proposed water line connection. As was necessary for GOCO in March 2000, this connection will require an amendment to the ACSA jurisdictional area boundaries for water service to include the Michie property and any other impacted properties. Early indications suggest the request will make the agenda fox the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meeting in July. Assuming the request is approved by the Board of Supervisors and passes through the public hearing and comment period, a water line connection may be possible by late summer, at which time you will be required to coordinate with the ACSA to schedule and pay for the proposed connection. Shortly after the municipal water line connection is completed, you will be required to submit a brief letter report to DEQ summarizing the work completed and the approximate completion dates. We will provide you with a report deadline after the connection is scheduled with the ACSA. If you perform the required investigation and corrective action, it will not be necessary for the Board to initiate an administrative or judicial proceeding to render a final determination of liability. If you choose not to perform the required actions, the Board may elect to initiate either administrative or judicial enforcement proceedings against you. In any administrative proceeding,whether initiated at your request or by the Board or the Department, your rights under Code § 2.2-4019 include notice and a chance to appear in person or by a representative to present factual data, argument, and proof in connection with this matter. During this proceeding you may dispute the Department's allegation that you are the RP for this petroleum release. The Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund(VPSTF), also administered by the Department on behalf of the Board,may be available to reimburse you for some of the costs to mitigate the effects of this release. Please note that prior approval of site work is required if you plan to seek reimbursement from the Fund. You may request prior approval by submitting an Activity Authorization Form(AAF)to this office before you start investigation and corrective action activities. This letter is intended to provide information to assist you in evaluating your compliance obligations and is not intended to be a case decision under the Administrative Process Act. I have been assigned as the case manager for,this pollution complaint case and will assist you in completing an effective corrective action. I appreciate your cooperation with this matter to date and look forward to working with you in the coming months to resolve this issue. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the information contained in this letter,please do not hesitate to contact me at(540) 574-7847 or • at tapitsenberger@deq.virginia.gov. In the event that discussions with me or other staff do not lead to a satisfactory resolution of the contents of this letter, you may elect to participate in DEQ's Process for Early Dispute Resolution. For information on the Process for Early Dispute Resolution,please visit the SMr.Harry Montague June 5, 2008 Page 3 of 3 "Laws &Regulations", then the"DEQ Regulations"portion of our website at: http://www.deq.virginia.gov/regulations/pdf/Process_forEarly_Dispute_Resolution_8260532.pdf. Sincerely, V, Gl".. Todd A. Pitsenberger Remediation Geologist Enclosures cc: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Michie Mr. David Benish, Albemarle County Department of Community Development Remediation File • • • Albemarle County Planning Dept. Land Use Guidance For Jurisdictional Area Boundary Amendments • Recommendations • Provide public water and sewer only to areas within the ACSA jurisdictional area. • Follow the boundaries of the designated Development Areas in delineating jurisdictional areas. • Only allow changes in jurisdictional areas outside of designated Development Areas in cases where the property is: (1) adjacent to existing lines; and (2) public health and/or safety is in danger. • Prohibit access to the.Crozet Interceptor between the boundary of the Crozet Community and the Urban Area. • Prohibit the installation of private central water and/or sewer systems in the Urban Neighborhoods, Communities and Villages. Water and Sewer Planning Water and sewer facilities are essential if the urban densities recommended in the land use plan are to be realized. Available water supply and wastewater treatment capacities can limit the ultimate number of connections which can be made to either system. More important to the effective use of these capacities for future growth is the strategic location and sizing of necessary water storage facilities, water distribution, and wastewater collection lines. The provision of water with adequate pressure to support necessary fire flows is equally important. Coordination of utilities and land use planning also requires the provision of utilities where they are needed, and policies to ensure that Development Area densities and areas designated are appropriate. To ensure effective planning efforts between the County, City, UVA, ACSA and RWSA, the Master Water and Sewer Study has been prepared. In this study, both short and long term projected water and wastewater needs for the existing Development Area boundaries and possible future expansion areas are analyzed. Also, based on these projections, the needed water and sewer facility improvements to meet the future demand of the service area are outlined. The Commonwealth of Virginia requires that new facilities be designed to handle expected growth for a 50 year period. The intent of this provision is to ensure that utilities are provided in a cost effective manner that reduces the possibility of resizing a line at a future date. Therefore, this study evaluates a number of long term Development Area expansion scenarios that extend beyond the Comprehensive Plan's time.frame of 20 years and projects water and sewer demand for each of these scenarios. The Master Water and Sewer Study will be revised to reflect the land use category changes made during the development of this Comprehensive Plan and any modifications to Development Areas made in the future. Once the study is revised, it will be presented to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors for review and adopted into the Comprehensive Plan as a general guide for the provision of water and sewer facilities. Adoption of the Master Water and Sewer Study may 130