HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA199900001 Staff Report 1993-02-26 Distrjbutd to Lc2t �o r ,roe ntg�, �niL" �3 E No. a. 71Pt �'IRGlI31P V-147 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE N ' " - yi" h - Dept. of Planning & Community Development ; � .. ,�1 1i 1 401 McIntire Road - VIIEy Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 , i ; (804) 296-5823 ,` . j B/1 RP OF C,;1) Rtil,S ls: MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors FROM: V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning & Community jv Development DATE: February 26 , 1993 RE: Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) Jurisdictional Area Amendment for David W. Booth/Sandra Andrews and Sherwood Exum (GOCO, Inc. ) - Tax Map 79, Parcels 18 and 19 This item will be before you as a public hearing on March 3 , 1993 . Enclosed is the original report on this matter from October and subsequent information regarding each parcel. Tax Map 79, Parcel 19 (Booth/Andrews) Samples from the well on this property were taken by Applied Technology and Engineering, P.C. (January 28 , 1993 letter from John W. Walenten) . The Department of Engineering has provided ,- response (February 24, 1993 memo from Jack Kelsey) . Engineering staff does not find that jurisdictional area amendment is adequately justified. Tax Map 79, Parcel 18 (GOCO) This property was the subject of the August 14, 1989 State Water Control Board letter and the "Site, Risk and Remediation Assessment of Groundwater Contamination at the Shadwell "76" Station Shadwell, Virginia" report. Substantial petroleum contamination was found in the domestic well supply at this site. A Corrective Action Plan (page 24 of the report) was identified. It has since been found that the line carrying runoff from the gravel area near the unloading rack is not a source contaminating Albemarle County Board of Supervisors February 26, 1993 Page 2 the well. According to Mr. Harry Montague, a representative of GOCO, it is now believed that contamination of the unloading rack area and contamination ofthe well were unrelated. The well is believed to be the source of isolated contamination resulting from vandalism. The well is no longer being used as there is only one employee on-site. GOCO has not attempted to establish another domestic well on-site, although monitoring wells established for the assessment indicate the contamination was localized. Summary As stated previously, utility service outside of designated growth areas has typically been limited to those cases where properties have experienced quality/quantity problems and are adjacent to existing lines. Booth/Andrews desires water only and has a documented coliform level not acceptable for drinking water. However, the recommended procedure for resolution of this problem has not been undertaken. Staff does not recommend jurisdictional area amendment for Parcel 19 (Booth/Andrews) until the four step procedure for resolving the coliform problem has been exhausted. GOCO desires water only to existing structures and has documented localized petroleum contamination. No new well source has been attempted to be established. The use of the site is restricted by its non-conforming zoning status and on-site activities do not require more than domestic water needs. Staff does not recommend jurisdictional area amendment for Parcel 18 (GOCO) until evidence is provided that no other on-site water source is available. • VWC/mem cc: Booth/Andrews Exum Bill Brent Jo Higgins r � HYDRO SYSTEMS /NClie. 3 3 y3 e5/2 c_ March 2, 1993 Mr. Harry Montague, President GOCO OIL Company 924 Harris Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: Site Selection for New Water Supply Well, Shadwell Store, Route 250. Dear Mr. Montigue: Per your request, I have analyzed the groundwater data for the above referenced Site to determine the best location for the placement of a new water supply well on GOCO's property. The data I reviewed is contained in the June 12, 1990 report HYDROSYSTEMS prepared for submission to the Virginia State Water Control Board and is titled "Site, Risk, and Remediation Assessment of Groundwater Contamination at the Shadwell 76 Station, Shadwell, Virginia". As you are aware, the current water supply well is contaminated with petroleum, mainly in the form of gasoline type compounds. Benzene concentrations greatly exceed the U.S. EPA and Virginia Drinking Water Standard of 5 ppb. Benzene is a known carcinogen. To evaluate potential new water supply well locations on GOCO's property, I reviewed all of the existing data including water quality, groundwater flow direction, potential sources of contamination, geologic conditions, and available area. Because of the existing severe contamination,in the upgradient areas of the site, the use of a septic field to the north of the Station, the existence of an underground storage tank, unpaved dispensing areas, and groundwater flow to the northwest, HYDROSYSTEMS has determined that most of the-property is absolutely unsuitable for the installation of a water supply well. Wells placed within this ' area will either immediately encounter contaminated groundwater or will upon usage draw in contaminated groundwater from other areas of the site once the well is placed in operation. This leaves one small area at the southern point of the site. Placing a water supply well here will be a gamble at best. Well MW-4 was contaminated with total petroleum hydrocarbons just above the Virginia Drinking Water Standards. The source of this contamination is not known. In addition, the most highly contaminated monitoring well on site is only 135 feet away at the loading rack. It is very possible that a water supply well in this location will draw in 2340 Commonwealth Drive • Suite 202 • Charlottesville • VA • 22901 (804) 973-9740 r � Mr. Harry Montague March 2, 1993 Page 2 contaminated groundwater from the site to the north. In my experience, this is not an uncommon occurrence. I am currently working on a case in Albemarle County where a new well drilled 250 feet up hill from an-area of gasoline contamination became contaminated after it was put into use. Everyone assumed the well was far enough away and was upgradient of the contamination. Because of the fractured nature of"ilie bedrock aquifer systems in Albemarle County, the influence of a pumping well can reach long distances along those fractures, even pulling in groundwater from downgradient areas as was seen in this case. Because of the severity of the groundwater contamination at this site and the existing geologic conditions, HYDROSYSTEMS cannot recommend the placement of a water supply well on the GOCO property. We are not comfortable with the minimal isolation distances available. We would instead recommend that a location on one of the surrounding properties be considered or if possible tapping into the proposed water main. If you have any questions concerning this letter report or if you wish to pursue potential off-site well locations, please contact me at your convenience. Y,e s T ly, t e frey A. Sitler, CPG Executive Vice President Attachment HYDROSYSTEMS�N�— f •31,.f --....-•-.-.-.- 7 . _ '3U.f -�._.- 7' --... x • •4.-,-#,,•.......I : - 1 • :ram •.,._, / - 47..;.;:i--_____- ___ --- _— �.. .. ✓ ;oT 7+ tea_ y ;'TI" gellirriel41 / \r� ENE 44100. _ .441 011 I I Woo.., . ..i .4,1.1 F 4 , _. �C1r0,14. ✓� tj,� 9. ti Apo:�,cc.- , �4401101 � 40� , VEG .1 o � � GRO .400-7rooirr, • **.141 ...r!)„.42T10111,111V o. 1 „.„ti o I I ri I:0 i r p...,.. 44 to.4.vi it)0.4 I p,..,..4 i:..T".....4 00...e. , 0. V-- '',,,. ....--- -i'l l'IM ' \ ...,4 0 0.4 I I 0.4 4041 114*-7 5 4 0,-40/..,4 i I I 0*41110•...41* .„4111101t410 ,,,....i s a.,.•:: \,:,...1 .110)..... . Ps - i\I I 1;' ".- O....,.41101,-..41-"4:..„,`0;0 *I:: ,,,•••'....#4.1111111 41,';- 4' 4111* 4141°° rf,'• •.•:.• -1, ‘‘ A .4 9 0.0 N Li*. !;#4 iii,0 0, \Alt*Iltbt...411 • -÷ •--. '••▪ ":,, 1.:.‘‘.11$tit it, ,•''' :,---- '• Ai*? // •• /•:1i0° 6 ' -. .••••*--... 1104SW 4111111 ... . ---•-•-- - • 1111‘Z 41400, .,*•!'.*7 - ,,..••••:,...‹ •*::*•.“01 41011•*-- - . i aJ. r •N +!` 1\\\\\L // f --iij ! - SCALE �� ?• \\\\------ / ii ''' 1 INCH APPROXIMATELY 45 FEET / -- / �` •'�-`s _- �� _ _ ��i 3 its a 'ui;:�,lr,•LL `- '•▪ j \▪ \\\\\ --- / / • / 0 \ / ' ' t rr coded `�, `• € Mw•4 tip. / a f•. • \ ..3^ / _ e r e c to \\\ / /% ! -.N- • O ' • oin well locations at the Shadwell "76" Station, Shadwell, y Figure 4. Site plan showing the topography and boring/monitoring g m VA. cn Z n 1 . k ' COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE M10V AL6 fIN A if •1177.- 'fclNlP RECEIVE" FEB 2 4 1993 MEMORANDUM P; ;;n ng Dept TO: Wayne Cilimberg.-Director of Plan•.- : & Community Development FROM: Jack M. Kelsey, PE - Civil Engineer"► / DATE: I, February 24, 1993 RE: Jurisdictional Area Request - Tax Map 79 Parcel 19 As requested this Department has reviewed the analysis of the drinking water sampled from the above referenced private well and the technical grounds for support of an extension to the ACSA jurisdictional area. Sampling and testing of this well indicated unacceptable coliform bacteria levels. According to the Thomas Jefferson Health Department this type of contamination is very common (especially in older wells) and is a problem they deal with on a daily basis. Very rarely is the groundwater the source of this type of contamination. Bacteria contamination is generally due to intrusion of surface runoff into the well as a result of poor installation or (in the case of old wells) the standards utilized at that time. The Health Department utilizes a four step procedure for recommending a resolution to these problems. The first recommendation is to protect the wellhead from the intrusion of surface runoff, chlorinate and flush the well to remove the bacteria from the stored water 8 well as the liner and appurtences, and then test the water. Should these measures fail to correct the contamination, the second recommendation is to install a new well in accordance with present standards. If bacteria contamination continues to persist, installation of a chlorination system • is then recommended. Lastly, for the rare case when all options fail, the Health Department will recommend the owner apply for extension of the ACSA jurisdictional'area. As a policy the County has discouraged extension of ACSA jurisdictional areas in other than County designated growth areas, unless public health and safety is endangered. This site is not located within a County designated growth area. r• 4 Wayne Cilimberg February 24, 1993 Page 2 -\The scope of the sampling and testing of this well was limited to the determination of the water quality in the present condition of the well and are not conclusive evidence that the well is a danger to public health and safety. Extension of the ACSA jurisdictional area is not adequately justified until disinfection, remedial measures to eliminate the source of the contamination, and/or the other options described above are attempted and failed. Therefore, at this time the Engineering Department cannot support this request. JMK/ CC: Jo Higgins - Director of Engineering RECEIVED NOV 2 5 1992 Planning Dept: COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA • .STATE WATER CONTROL BOARD Richard N.Burton 2111 Hamilton St i•eet Executive Director .t„ Post Office Box 11143 fiichnrond.Virginia 232.30 1143 Please reply to: Valley Regional Office (604)367-0056 116 North_Main Street P.O'.BoS.i68 Bridgewater,Virginia 22012 (703)828-2595 August 14, 1989 Mr. Sherwood Exum 924 Harris Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Re: Shadwell GOCO "76" - Albemarle County, PC 89-1392 Dear Mr. Exum: This is in regard to the report of the taste and odor of petroleum in the domestic well water supply at the referenced site. On April 28 , 1989 Mr. John Paul Jones, Albemarle Fire Inspector, reported petroleum contamination at the referenced site. On June 29, 1989 Mr. Larry Carpenter of this office obtained water samples for analysis from the well which serves this site. Analytical results from these samples (copy attached) indicate substantial petroleum contamination is affecting ground water at this site. Due to the presence of this contamination, Valley Regional staff believe that a site, risk and remediation assessment is necessary to protect human safety and the environment. Therefore, I must request GOCO Oil Company to submit a site, risk and remediation assessment by September 29 , 1989 . To be considered complete, these assessments must address the following elements. • August 14 , 1939 -2- Mr. Sherwood Exum SITE ASSESSMENT A. Include data on the physical/chemical- properties of the contaminant B. Nature and quantity of release C. Site characterization [soils, aquifer, strata] 1) Geologic 2) Hydrologic D. Land/water usage, potential usage [population distribution, potential receptors] E. Contamination characterization - Vertical and lateral extent for each phase [if applicable] 1) Vapor phase 2) Dissolved phase 3) Free product phase RISK ASSESSMENT A. Potential migration B. Migration routes 1) Man-made 2) Natural C. Potential and impacted receptors [Human and Non-Human] D. Potential/level further environmental damage REMEDIATION ASSESSMENT A. Potential for remediation [feasibility] B. Degree of remediation/end point C. Applicable technologies D. Projected duration V ' rest 14 1989 -3- Mr. Sherwood Exum ;r•- k yfor Thanou your continuing cnlnt hv anyhesitate cooperation. y questions, do notShould ou or your to •contact me. Sincerely, • ames D. Green Regional UST Geologist Enclosure cc: Mac Sterrett/VRO File PReP Central Mr. John P. Jones 401 McIntire Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 Dy