HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201200071 Plan - Other (not approved) 2012-04-16Uls. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation service TR 55 Worksheet 2: Runoff Curve Number and Runoff Project. Old Trail Development Creekside,111- Phase 11 Designed By. FGM, P Location: C-r"kslde Subdivision Checked By: FGM, P Cheek One: Present X Developed X I- Runriff ramp Mimbpr WK11 FI. ENC­21A M/04- Date: --!L/ �2012 Date'_ 4/1212011 Cover description Drainage Area Soil name and (Cover type,. treatment, and hydrologic conrlition;, Area Pioduct of CN (weighted) - Calculated Description hydr6logicgroup percent impervious; unconnected/ connected CN (Acres) CN xArea total product/ 'SValue (Appeodix.A) total area impervious area ratio) 1110FILTER 8 I Impervious Areas 98 2.64 25% 1 (Proposed) Woods In Good Condition 55 1.59 87.5 70.6 4.16 Lawns in Good Condition (75%+ Groundcover) 61 4,93 3MIS P, lmpervjous Areas 98 0721 20.6 STR. 83 Ditch Woods in Good Condition 55 0,07 3.9 6219 5.89 Lawns in Good Condition M%+ Groundcover) 61, 3,55 216,6 2. Runoff 2-Year Storm 10 Year5f0rm DralnageArea Description Frequency -years Rainfall, P (24 hour)- inches 33 5.6 n/a Runoff, Q- Inches. 1,17 2.55 B 10 FI LTER (Pro po,2d Runoff, 0- Inches 0.76 1.90 STR, 83 & Ditch Runoff, Q- inches Runoff, Q- inches Runoff, -Q-11ndles Runoff, Q- inches Runoff ,o- inches Runoff, Q.- inches U.S. Departmoritof Agriculture Natural 1168burces Conservatibn Service TA55VVorksheet3*Time of Concentration (TJ or Travel Time (TI) Project: Old Trail DevelopmentCreekside III- Phasell Location: Creekside*Subdivislon Check One: Present X Developed Check One: T, x T, Segment.11): Sheet, Flow: (Applicable to T. only) Designed By: ±r2M, PE Checked By: FM, PE Through Pllharea n1a FL-ENG-21A 06/04 Date: 4/12/2012_ Date' 411,21L12. . BIOFILTER R. 3 11itCh {Proposed) Woods- Light I Surface description (Table 3-1) Underbrwh Dense,03riss 2 Manning's roughness.coeff., n (Table 3-1 0.4 0.24 3 Flow 11,ength, L (total L � 100) (ft) too Im 4*Tvofo-yeat-24-hour rainfall, P2(in,.) 347 17 5 L'a n d slope, s (ft/ft) U6 0101 6 Compute Tj- [0.007(n*L) U I P� P'S sops F 0.211 an Shallow Conte ntrated Flow: 7 Surfacp description (paved or unpaved) 8 Flow Length, Lfft) 9 Watercourse slope, s (ft/ft) 10 Average velocity, V (Figure3-1) (ft/s) 11, Ti = L / 3600*V Channel Flow: 12 Cross sectional flow area, a (fe) 13 Wetted perimeter, P, (ft) 14 Hydraulic0dius, r = a/P, (ft) 15 Channel Slope, s (ft/ft) 16 Manning's Roughness Coeff; n 17 V= (. 1.49r'13 s 0.5 ) / n 18 Flow length, L (it) 19 Tj= L / 36W*V 20 Watershed or subarea TorTt (Add Tj in steps 6, 11 and 19) U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Unpaved 550 0.033 2.9 Unpaved 400 0,04 LA > +, Irof 0 C, v, va 0 to cu Lr) > rn C: 115 0,05 0 031 0.32 Project: Old Trail Devi lopmentCreekside fl]- Phase 11 Location: Creekside Subdivision Check One: Present X Developed X TR 55 Worksheet 4, Graphical Peak Discharge Method Designed By. FGM, PE Checked . By, FGM, PE Supplemental Water Quality Information (Above minimum required standards) Short Version B MP Cornpiptflons.For Worksheq�s 2 -6 Albemarle Counly Water, P rpte"qfion Ordinancea,.Modified $11nipte Method. Ptah: Old ,Trait -,CeaLksid6.tit ..Phase If Water Resources Area: Dewlop entArea Pre .kt g__ Project Dralnage.Area Designation DALo4tijNto n,arefgntion basin L. -storm plulant export Impounds, L=�JPJP I.-'. :... � ­t . . Z.. . I j)R RV mean runoff "coefficren, Rv=loim.t�o.wq(l) P! I percent lropeNousness.: 15 annual preibjpitatlon,'43lh.Albbi varfe A project area in acres In subject drainage area, t6nc - .1, 66t entration, trig/1 or ppm,fargetphosphonis f 4016f gppli6d to RR. V required 1treatment volume In cy, 0,5" mar ImperW area A(1)4m�o RR r6quirddr0ioval , L(, 0 t� , st) 7 (X L(pie) 11/aRR removal elftlency, 14R1001(ppsf) Routina Method: storaae-indication 2-year SCS 24-hour Storm inflow (cfs) 7.364.at 12.04(hrs) discharge (cfs) 5.000 at 12.18(hrs) FL-ENG-2.Ir water level (ft) 701.583 at 12.18 (hrs) 06/04 storage (cy) 352.297 io-year SCS 24-hour Storm inflow (cfs) 16.028 at 12-04 (hrs) discharge (cfs) 8.83.1 at 12.20(hrs) water level (ft) 702.541at 12.20(hrs) Date: 4/12/2012 storage (cy) 619.592 Date,, 4/11/2012 too -year SCS 24-hour Storm inflow (cfs) 34.631 at 12.04 (hrs) discharge (cfs) 15.198 at 12.26 (hrs) water level (ft) 704.537at 12.26(hrs) storage (cy) 1319.257 1. Data Drainage Area Description Drainage Area Description Drainage Area Description Drainage Area 'Description Drainage Area Description Drainage Area bescription Drainage Area Description Drainage Area De'scriptIon BIOFILTER (Proposed) STR. 83 & Ditch Drainage Area (Am) in miles 0,0143 0,0060 Runoffcurve number CN= 70,6 62,9 Time of concentration (Tc)= 0.31 0.32 Rainfall distribution ty, I e,= 11 11 Pond and swamp areas spread throughout the watershed 3.8 0 I I I I I I S : I 7fiXf 19. Ifinf'. 2. Frequeh =years 2 10 2 10 3, Rainfall, P (24 hour)- inches 3.7 5.6 3.7 516 4. Initial Abstraction, Ia- inches U31 *0.831 1.179 1. 179 5., Computeja/P 0.22 0,15 0.32 0.21 6. Unit peak discharge, Qu- csm/ip 600 650 550 625 7. Runoff, Qfrom Worksheet, 2- inches 1,17 155 0,76 1190 8, Pond and Swamp adlystmei 0,74 V4 1I 9, Peak Discharge, Op- cfs where QP=Qu Aw. Routed through SWM Facility 2,49 7,09 Basin Input Data 6 ContourAreas Elevation(ft) Area(sf) Computed Vol, (cy) 700-00 49S4.00 0.0 701.00 6336.00 208.5 702-00 7451.00 463.6 704-00 10104.00 1111.3 7o6.00 3.2915.00 1962.7 707.SO 15126.00 2739.8 Start-Elevation(ft) 700-00 VOI.(cY) 0.00 3 Outlet Structures Outlet structure o Culvert name: Barrel multiple 3. discharge out of riser D (in) i.S.000 h (in) 0.000 Length (ft) 63.5oo Slope 0,0050 Manning's n 0.0110 Inlet coeff. Ke 0.500 Equation constant set 3 Invert (ft) 694.000 Outlet structure i Curve name: 24" ADS Standard Grate Inlet Stage -Discharge Curve multiple I Invert (ft) 701.100 discharge into riser file: twenty -four -ADS Grate Inlet.txt Outlet structure 2 Culvert name: Emergency Spillway multiple 4 discharge through dam D(n) 15,000 h (in) o.000 Length (ft) 20.000 Slope 0.010 Manning's n 0.013 Inlet coeff, Ke 0.500 Equation constant set 3 Invert (ft) 704.750 Inflow Hvdroarar)hs 3 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph o SCS name: 2-year SCS 24-hour Storm Area (acres) 9.16o CN 70.600 Type 2 rainfall, P (in) 3,700 time of conc. (hrs) 0.3100 time increment (hrs) o.o2oo time limit (hrs) 30-000 fudge factor 0.74 routed true peak flow (cfs) 7.374 peak time (hrs) 12.039 volume (cy) 1o64,328 Hydrograph i SCS name: to -year SCS 24-hour Storm Area (acres) 9.16o CN 70.600 Type 2 rainfall, P (in) 5,600 time of conc. (hrs) 0.3100 time increment (hrs) 0.0200 time limit (hrs) 30-000 fudge factor 0.74 routed true peak flow (cfs) 16.oSo peak time (hrs) 12.039 volume (cy) 2316.420 Hydrograph 2 scs name::ioo-year SCS 24-hour Storm Area (acres) 9.3.6o CN 70.600 Type 2 rainfall, P (in) 9.100 time of conc. (hrs) 0-3100 time increment (hrs) 0.0200 time limit (hrs) 30-000 fudge factor 0.74 routed true peak flow (cfs) 34.678 peak time (hrs) 12.039 volume (cy) SooS.iol]i �,TH o ��1 'SCOT R. COLLTNSZ ,CD Lic. No. 035791,'h, O�Y O _J V) LLJ 0 zU Lr) W U 0 0 -J < LIJ ~ LU V) > Cz W LU Ce U, r11 O ko Ul Z CY) (Y) C?i 0) CN CY) (N W _J U) W 0 _J ry 0 W l`__ D U) W W C/) W (D C:) 0 N I— co W :D a W _J W z z P-4 P-4 P-4 UJ ro) 11-F Ln W LU cl� U JOB NO, 112068 SCALE AS SHOWN1 SHEET NO, 1 OF