HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202100005 Correspondence 2021-09-021805 AVON STREET EXTENDED I PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ZMA2021-00005 PROJECT NARRATIVE Parcel Acreage Existing Zoning Comprehensive Plan Designation TMP 90-35D 2.377 AC R-1 Urban Density Residential TMP 90-35H 1.25 AC R-1 Urban Density Residential 3.627 AC Project Proposal Victorian Properties II, LLC is the owner of tax map parcel 09000-00-00-035DO and James R. Moss is the owner of tax map parcel 09000-00-00-035HO in Albemarle County, Virginia. Tax map parcel 09000-00-00-035DO and 09000-00-00- 035H0, (collectively the "property") are the subject parcels of this zoning map amendment request. The property is located on Avon Street Extended, immediately adjacent to the Avinity subdivision and Church of God Southside. Victorian Properties II, LLC (the "applicant") requests a zoning map amendment for the 3.627-acre property from R-1 Residential to Planned Residential Development to allow for a maximum 85 residential units which are proposed as a mixture of two-family, duplex, triplex, and multi -family structures. The proposed maximum gross and net density on the site is 24 DUA. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan TMP 90-35D and 90-35H are designated as areas of Urban Density Residential by the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan. If approved, a rezoning to PRD would allow for a maximum of 85 units total to be constructed on the property, for a proposed density of 24 DUA, falling in line with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations of 6-34 DUA. This proposal proposes to establish these 85 units within a mixture of residential structures of a neighborhood scale, as well as to repurpose an existing building as a two- or three -unit dwelling. The variety of housing types contributes to missing middle housing in Albemarle County and creates opportunities and options for housing types in this community. This project is directly consistent with Objective 1 of the recently adopted "Housing Albemarle Plan" which seeks to "Increase the supply of housing to meet the diverse housing needs of current and future Albemarle County residents." Strategy la of Objective 1 seeks to "allow, encourage, and incentivize a varitety of housing types (such as bungalow courts, triplexes and fourplexes, accessory dwelling units, live/work units, tiny homes, modular homes, and apartment buildings); close to job centers, public transit and community amenities; and affordable for all income levels; and promote increased density in the Development Areas." This project supports the goals outlined in Strategy la as it proposes to build a mixture of unit types including small multi -family, triplex and stacked units. The property is in close proximity to an area between Avon Street Ext. and Scottsville Road designated as Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial; there are several existing businesses in this area and the Comprehensive Plan calls for additional businesses and correspondingly additional jobs to take shape within this area. This property is close to a job center that is slated to continue to add businesses and jobs as it redevelops in the future. The project is also in close proximity to Mountain View Elementary which is beneficial for families who can walk to school and beneficial for residents, generally, who can enjoy the amenities at the school during off -hours. The following is an analysis of the project's consistency with Neighborhood Model Principles: Pedestrian Orientation: The proposed site design encourages pedestrian movement throughout the development by providing sidewalks in front of each residential structure to provide connections between the units, open space, and recreational areas. A sidewalk is proposed along Avon St. extended to complete the sidewalk network that has already begun to take shape along Avon St. ZMA2021-00005 1805 Avon Street Narrative I 1 in front of the Avon St. Multi -Family, Avinity, and Mountain View elementary properties. The amenity spaces are centrally located within the development and are conveniently accessible by the pedestrians paths provided for residents. Mixture of Uses: Commercial uses are not by -right within a Planned Residential Development, therefore this principle is not applicable. This property is within close proximity to an area designated for Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial uses in the Comprehensive Plan as well as Mountain View Elementary and so although this project on this 3.6 acre property does not propose to incorporate a mixture of uses within its boundaries, the property is well situated within an area that has established commercial and institutional uses. Neighborhood Center While the property is not located within a designated Neighborhood Center, the Avon Street Extended Center is approximately 2,500', or 0.5-mile, north of the property, within a ten-minute walking shed for residents. This neighborhood center would be easily accessible by multimodal transportation opportunities at the time of implementation of the Avon Street Corridor plans. Mixture of Housing Types and Affordabili The proposed development would provide a maximum of 85 units, with a mixture of two-family, duplex, triplex, and multi -family structures.. With varied housing types and sizes, there will inherently be a mixture of price points within this PRD. Additionally, the project proposes to provide affordable units consistent with recommendations in the Comprehensive Plan. Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks: Interparcel connections for pedestrians and cyclists could be realized between this property and neighboring properties. Due to the existing private road network that has already been established within Avinity, there are no interparcel vehicular connections proposed with this application.Multi-Modal Transportation Networks: The proposed application plan features sidewalks throughout the site that will connect to the proposed pedestrian improvements along Avon Street Ext. The travelways of the development would feature low volumes of slower traffic, accommodating bicyclists throughout the site, while providing access to future bicycle infrastructure on Avon Street, as identified in the Avon Corridor Study. Parks, Recreational Amenities, and Open Space: As a proposed Planned Residential Development, the site will provide 25% open space. Programmed open space and amenities will be located at a central location to the development. Furthermore, the site is nearby the future Biscuit Run park; the Avon Street Corridor study outlines County's intentions to provide multimodal transportation opportunities to this County amenity. Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale: The proposed site layout is intended to not only serve the future residents of this development but also to serve nearby residents who will take advantage of a broadened pedestrian network and amenity spaces. This project proposes a scale of development that is directly consistent with the form of buildings that exist within the neighboring Avinity and Avon Street Multi -Family developments. The proposed building heights are limited to three stories, which is consistent with recommendations in the Southern and Western Urban Neighborhoods Master Plan. The building heights, unit types, pedestrian connections, and central amenity areas will all contribute to a development that is human scale. Relegated Parkin¢: Parallel parking is proposed along the entrance, with perpendicular parking relegated away from Avon Street Extended ZMA2021-00005 1805 Avon Street Narrative 12 Redevelopment: The existing parcels are zoned R-1, with single-family residential uses on the property. The Comprehensive Plan designates the property as Urban Density Residential, which encourages higher density development from 6-34 DUA of all housing types. Redevelopment of the property to a mixture of housing types at 24 DUA would fall in line with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for this portion of Avon Street. Respecting Terrain and Careful Grading and Regrading of Terrain: Managed slopes are present on the property and any grading in managed slopes will comply with Section 18-30.7.5 of the Albemarle County Code. PRD Open Space Requirement Section 19.6 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance requires that no less than 25 percent of the area devoted to residential use within the PRD shall be in common open space. 25 percent of the total 3.627 acres is 0.91 acres (39,498 SF) to be designated as open space for the development. The proposed development will comply with the minimum open space requirement, while providing programmed recreational space in the middle of the parcel for residents to enjoy. IMPACTS ON PUBLIC FACILITIES & PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE Water and sewer: The property is to be served by public water and sanitary infrastructure. Proposed sanitary is to connect through the adjacent Avinity subdivision and the proposed waterline is to connect to existing water infrastructure across Avon Street Extended. Traffic: Due to its adjacency to Church of God Southside, the property does not meet VDOT entrance spacing standards. See the attached Access Management Exception request provided with this submission. Traffic from the proposed development is estimated to generate 35 trips during the morning peak hour and 45 trips during the evening peak hour. Right and left turn lanes are not warranted by the proposed use. See the Access Management Exception request for further details on traffic impacts. Safety: The property is within the response area of the Monticello Fire Station and the Monticello Rescue Squad. The property is patrolled by the Blue Ridge District Sector 5 Beat 3. According to American Community Survey (ACS) 2019 5-year estimates, there are approximately 2.34 people per household in Albemarle County'. If every household had 2.34 people, there could be an estimated 199 people served within this development. IMPACT ON SCHOOLS Elementary Middle High Total Multifamily 0.12 10.03 10.05 0.21 85 Units 1 10.2 12.55 14.25 1 17.85 'Table " S 1101" Households and Families. U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates ZMA2021-00005 1805 Avon Street Narrative 13 Utilizing Albemarle County Public School's multipliers, with the proposed 85 multifamily units, there could be up to 18 students added to the Albemarle County Public School system. Future students of this development would attend Mountain View Elementary School, Walton Middle School, and Monticello High School. IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES Managed steep slopes are present on the property and any grading activity within areas designated as managed slopes shall comply with Sec. 30.7.5 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Stormwater is to be captured on -site and is proposed to discharge into the designated open space adjacent to the property. Design and discharge of stormwater management will comply with the relevant DEQ and VSMP regulations. PROPOSED PROFFERS TO ADDRESS IMPACTS Being as this is a planned development district, the application plan is a development commitment that will guide future development on this property. ZMA2021-00005 1805 Avon Street Narrative 14