HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202100005 Correspondence 2021-09-02 (4)SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C.
Design Focused Engineering
September 2, 2021
Andy Reitelbach
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia22902
RE: Response Letter #1 for ZMA2021-00005 1805 Avon Street Extended
Dear Andy,
Thank you for your review of the zoning map amendment request for 1805 Avon Street Extended. This
letter contains responses to County comments dated June 4, 2021.Our responses are as follows:
Planning — General Application Comments
1. Revise the narrative and application plan with the assigned application number for this project,
RESPONSE: Comment received. The application plan and narrative have been updated with the
application number.
2. Clarify both in the project narrative and on the application plan that the proposed density of 24
units per acre is both the gross and net density for the project.
RESPONSE: Comment received. An additional note clarifying that the gross and net density is 24
DUA has been added to the application plan and narrative.
3. How tall are the residential buildings, especially the multi -family buildings, proposed to be? The
requested zoning district, PRD, would permit building heights up to 65 feet, or roughly six
stories. However, the master plan for this area (page 33) recommends a maximum building height
of three stories (or approximately 30-35 feet).
RESPONSE: The application plan has been updated to note that the maximum building height
within this PRD is 40' and the max number of above -grade stories is 3. The 40' max height will
allow for the 3-story multi -family buildings to have a pitched roof, if that design is pursued
during the construction design phase of the project.
The proposed building height is consistent with the building heights that were approved with the
rezonings for Avinity Phase I and Phase 11. The Avinity Phase I plan (ZMA 2006-05) permits
townhomes up to 42' and although they were never realized, that plan did permit condos up to 50'
in height.
4. The master plan for the Southern and Western Urban Neighborhoods recommends a greenway
trail (or potentially sidewalk or multi -use path) along Avon Street Ext. (see page 23). The
recently completed corridor study for Avon St. Ext. also recommends a multi -use path along
Avon St. Ext.
In addition, the master plan recommends bicycle and pedestrian facilities be constructed along
Avon St. Ext. (see page 63).
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.22Z51401 shimp-engineering.com
RESPONSE: Please see the revised Concept Plan, which depicts approximately 1,200 SF of
ROW reservation to allow for a 6' planting strip, 10' multi -use path, and 1' of maintenance.
Additionally, the Grading Plan has proposed grading for the path to the maximum extent possible
without grading onto the adjacent property. The owner is willing to commit to reserve this ROW
for future construction of a multi -use path, by others or the County however, the owner proposes
to construct a sidewalk along Avon St. Extended to allow for the existing sidewalk network that
exists in front of Avinity and is being constructed along the frontage of Avon Street Multi -Family
to be connected with 1805 at a time when the properties between 1805 and Avon Street Multi -
Family redevelop.
5. Chapter 6 of the County's Comprehensive Plan recommends that a minimum of 15% of dwelling
units be designated as affordable housing units. (See below for additional comments regarding
affordable housing from Stacy Pethia, the County's Principal Planner for Housing.)
RESPONSE: Comment received. A minimum of 15% of dwelling units will be designated as
affordable housing units.
6. Is the existing 12' access easement (DB 359, page 474) proposed to be incorporated into the
development in any way, such as for general access or emergency access? The plans do not show
it connecting with other travelways proposed in the development.
RESPONSE: No, the access easement is to remain to serve TMP 90-35A and 90-35G only. 1805
Avon Street Extended will only obtain access from Avon Street Extended, with emergency access
from Avinity Loop.
Are any interparcel connections proposed with the church parcel to the south or the residential
properties to the north-northwest? Such connections are an important factor in promoting an
interconnected street network and multi -modal transportation opportunities.
RESPONSE: We understand the importance of interparcel connections for realizing multi -modal
transportation opportunities and developing neighborhoods in accordance with Neighborhood
Model Principles. Interparcel connections for pedestrians and cyclists could be realized between
this property and neighboring properties. Due to the existing private road network that has
already been established within Avinity, there are no interparcel vehicular connections proposed
with this application. If the road network within Avinity were to have taken shape as a public
street, the design for this development most likely would have incorporated a vehicular
connection to expand the public street network. Additionally, this parcel may not subdivide and if
that is the case, the internal travelway will not be a private street but rather an accessway and it
would not be typical for an accessway to tie into adjacent street networks.
In summary, this property could contribute to a more connected pedestrian and cycling network
but given the existing conditions of the adjacent street network as a private network, a vehicular
connection is not being proposed with this application.
8. In the narrative, include a section on the impact of this development on police and fire -rescue
RESPONSE: Comment received. Please see the revised narrative that includes a section on the
impact of this development on police and fire -rescue services.
Is it proposed that this development will be subdivided? Or will the entire project remain under
common ownership?
If subdivision occurs, then the applicable regulations in Chapter 14 of the County Code would
have to be met, such as frontage requirements, sidewalks, and planting strips. An entity would
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineeringcom
also need to be created or designated for ownership and maintenance of common features of the
RESPONSE: Comment received. Thank you for highlighting these potentially applicable
regulations at this phase of the design process. This development will likely not be subdivided
however, with this ZMA request; we do not propose to preclude that option. If subdivision is
pursued and a private street must be established to provide required lot frontage, a private street
request will be pursued for agent review and a sidewalk and landscape strip waiver request will
be pursued for commission review at the time of preliminary plat submission.
9. The subdivision ordinance requires sidewalks and planting strips to be provided on both sides of a
street, unless waived by the Planning Commission. The street sections shown on sheet 8 of the
application plan show no planting strips and a sidewalk on only one side of the proposed street.
RESPONSE: The sections provided within the concept plan are shown for internal accessways, if
subdivision is pursued and sidewalk and landscape waivers are necessary to accommodate
construction of the private street, then waivers will be pursued and approval from the planning
commission will be requested at that time.
10. Public streets in residential developments are preferred over private streets in the development
areas of the County. Private streets in the development areas require private street requests to be
RESPONSE: Comment received, at this time the internal vehicular travelways are proposed as
internal accessways. If subdivision is pursued, a private street request will be submitted at that
11. Student generation numbers and school capacity have been closely considered by the Planning
Commission and Board of Supervisors recently. Mountain View Elementary School and
Monticello High School are both currently over capacity, and this development would generate
additional students for these schools.
RESPONSE: Thank you for this comment, we understand capacity pressures have been closely
considered by the PC and the Board, especially for developments in this particular district. The
two public schools are within the County's Urban Development Area. This area of the Southern
& Western Urban Neighborhoods in particular is primarily surrounded by land use designations
of neighborhood density residential, urban density residential, and community mixed use. As the
County seeks to establish urban/rural boundaries and guide density towards appropriate growth
areas, school capacity may continue to be a challenging impact of designated development areas.
To meet goals of rural preservation and encourage sustainable growth patterns, County resources
and facilities, such as public schools, should be planned for in conjunction with the
Comprehensive Plan and master plan updates and revisions.
We also understand Mountain View is currently in the process of compiling a Master Planning
Study, we will be following the recommendations in this plan as this project moves forward.
12. As a PRD, an improved level of amenities and creative design of the site should be provided.
Provide more information on the open space and recreational facilities proposed to be included in
this development. Recreation requirements mandate a minimum of 200 square feet be provided
per dwelling unit, up to 5% of the site area. With 85 units proposed, 7,900 sq. ft. of recreational
space is required. Identify how much recreational space is proposed on the site so that staff can
evaluate the proposed recreational and open space areas.
a. Identify expected locations of the required recreational facilities so that staff can ensure
the proposed amenity spaces are large enough to accommodate these facilities. According
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineeringcom
to 18-4.16.2, a minimum of two tot lots of at least 2,000 sq. ft. each is required and a
minimum of one '/z-court basketball pads of 30 ft. by 30 ft. each is required.
RESPONSE: Comment received. The open space sheet of the Application Plan has been
updated to provide possible recreation areas and associated areas, which show that at
least 7,900 sf of recreational space may be achieved in the development; the plan depicts
nearly 11,000 SF of recreational space and additional recreational space could be
achieved adjacent to the proposed playground depending on the final grade in that area. A
recreational amenities exhibit has been added to show more detail about the amenities
that are proposed within the development.
b. If facilities other than what are identified in the zoning ordinance are desired, substitution
requests should be submitted so that staff can evaluate to ensure adequate facilities are
RESPONSE: The Application Plan demonstrates that two tot lots may be accommodated
on the property; a substitution may be requested for the half basketball court (30' x 30'),
and that request will be provided to the Director of Planning + Community Development
during site plan when final recreational facilities have been decided upon. A half
basketball court could be accommodated in the area proposed for the picnic shelter and
grassy area however, we feel that an outdoor gathering space with affiliated grassy area,
walking paths, and sitting garden, would better accommodate the needs of this
community, especially since Mountain View Elementary offers two frill sized basketball
courts within walking distance that residents could utilize during non -school hours.
13. Is the open and amenity space proposed to be privately owned (such as by an HOA) or dedicated
to public use?
RESPONSE: Open and amenity space will be privately owned by a management association if
the property remains un-subdivided or if subdivision is pursued, open and amenity space will be
owned by an HOA.
14. Advisory Comment: If this rezoning application is approved by the Board of Supervisors,
additional site development plans will be required, which include initial and final site plans, ARB
plans, V SMP plans, WPO plans, subdivision plats (if applicable), etc.
RESPONSE: Comment received.
Comprehensive Plan
Additional comments on how your proposal relates to the Comprehensive Plan and the Southern and
Western Urban Neighborhoods (SAWUN) Plan are provided below. Comments on conformity with the
Comprehensive Plan and associated master plan are provided to the Planning Commission and Board of
Supervisors as part of the staff report.
The SAWUN Master Plan identifies Tax Map Parcels (TMPs) 90-35D and 90-35H as Urban Density
Residential land use. The UDR classification calls for a mix of residential uses as the primary use pattern,
with limited neighborhood -scale commercial and institutional uses permitted as secondary uses. The
requested maximum number of units and density of the site falls within the range recommended by the
master plan, which is 6-34 units per acre. The height of buildings is recommended to be 1-3 stories. It is
unclear how tall the proposed buildings will be. However, the requested zoning district permits buildings
taller than what is recommended in the master plan.
The master plan recommends a greenway trail, such as a sidewalk or multi -use path, be provided along
Avon Street Ext. (page 23), which is the public road that the subject property has frontage on.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineeringcom
The subject property is located within the vicinity of another area of importance within this master plan's
jurisdiction (see #2 on page 45 of the master plan). Additional information should be provided in the
project narrative regarding this proposal's relationship to that area and elements identified in that section,
such as pedestrian orientation, relegated parking, and buildings and spaces of human scale.
Additional information about the project's consistency with this speck portion of the SAW -UN is now
included in the "Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan" portion of the project narrative.
Neighborhood Model
Pedestrian Orientation
This principle could be strengthened, as there are no sidewalks depicted
along the north side of proposed Private Street A. The SAWUN master plan
recommends a sidewalk or multi -use path along Avon St. Ext. Retaining
walls along sidewalks could create unfriendly environments for pedestrians,
depending on the heights of the walls, as they could act like barriers for
RESPONSE: Comment received. Pedestrian connections are provided in
front of each residential structure to provide connections between the units,
open space, and recreational areas. A sidewalk is proposed along Avon St.
extended to complete the sidewalk network that has already begun to take
shape along Avon St. in front of the Avon St. Multi -Family, Avinity, and
Mountain View elementary properties.
Mixture of Uses
Although only residential uses are proposed for this property, a mixture of
different housing types are proposed, including multi -family and single-
famil attached units.
Neighborhood Centers
There is no designated neighborhood center depicted on this plan. Howe _.
the larger open space areas are located near the center of the proposed
development and these areas could act as a neighborhood center depending
on the amenities and recreational facilities proposed to be located there.
Mixture of Housing
A mixture of housing types is being provided, including single-family
Types and
attached units and a variety of multi -family units, such as apartments and
duplexes. There may be a mixture of affordability provided because of the
housing types mixture. None of the units are proposed to be designated as
affordable, as recommended in the County's housing policy (which
recommends 15%).
RESPONSE: 15% of the housing units are now designated as affordable on
the application plan.
Relegated Parking
The parking areas appear to be relegated from Avon Street Ext. The parking
areas for the multi -family units also appear to be relegated to the sides of
the buildings, as the buildings front on the internal streets. The townhouse
units a ear to have front -loading garages and driveways.
Interconnected Streets
It is unclear whether there are interconnected street networks. It appears _
and Transportation
connections are proposed with 90-35A or 90-35C. In addition, the only
connection with the adjacent Avinity subdivision is an emergency fire
route. Private streets do not necessarily contribute to interconnected street
networks, as they can be closed off to the general public, preventing a fully
interconnected network.
RESPONSE: We understand the importance of interparcel connections for
realizing multi -modal transportation opportunities and developing
neighborhoods in accordance with Neighborhood Model Principles.
Interparcel connections for pedestrians and cyclists could be realized
912 E. High Sr. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineeringcom
between this property and neighboring properties. Due to the existing
private road network that has already been established within Avinity, there
are no interparcel vehicular connections proposed with this application. If
the road network within Avinity were to have taken shape as a public street,
the design for this development most likely would have incorporated a
vehicular connection to expand the public street network. Additionally, this
parcel may not subdivide and if that is the case, the internal travelway will
not be a private street but rather an accessway and it would not be typical
for an accessway to tie into adjacent street networks.
This principle is largely not met. Only vehicular transportation appears t"
be accommodated, with some sidewalks located throughout the
RESPONSE: Sidewalks are proposed in front of every residential structure,
these pedestrian connections provide access between residential structures,
to greenspace and recreational areas within the development and to the
larger pedestrian network along the accessways within the development.
Sidewalks are only not proposed along the western most portion of the
northern side of the accessway where there are no units proposed.
Since the volume of traffic on these internal accessways is fairly low,
separate bicycle facilities are not provided. Traffic through the development
would be limited to residents and would be low -speed. Residents and guests
that enter the site are likely to slow down and look for street activity, as the
proposed accessways are narrow 20' street sections, with on -street parking
and driveways adjacent to the road. The site conditions would indicate to
drivers that they have entered a neighborhood and to look out for
pedestrians on adjacent sidewalks and cyclists on the shared roadway.
Parks, Recreational
Although a PRD requires a minimum of 25% open space, it is unclear how
Amenities, and Open
much is being proposed with this development. In addition, no recreational
facilities, or their proposed locations, have been provided at this time for
staff to analyze.
RESPONSE: The open space sheet of the Application Plan has been
updated to include approximate area for potential amenity space, which
shows that the required area will be met. As a PRD, 25% of the site must be
in common open space; for this 3.62 acre site, 0.9 acres must be designated
as common open space. The open space area shown on Sheet 7 is
approximately one (1) acre which exceeds the open space requirement for
Buildings and Spaces
More information is needed, as it is unclear how tall the proposed buildir
of Human Scale
will be. In addition, as there are several retaining walls proposed along
sidewalks, it will be important that these walls do not overwhelm
pedestrians using these sidewalks.
RESPONSE: The application plan has been revised to propose a maximum
of three stories above grade, aligning with Urban Density Residential
guidelines. Retaining walls will be a maximum of 6' within managed slopes
and planting is to be provided to reduce their impact on sidewalks. The
maximum height of 6' will likely only be a portion of the wall, providing a
more comfortable scale along the rest of the wall.
This principle is met, as these two subject parcels are proposed to be
redeveloped with a higher density of residential units than what currentl,
912 E. High 5r. Charlottesville, VA 229021434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineeringcom
exists on the property.
Respecting Terrain
There are areas of managed steep slopes on this property. These areas can
and Careful Grading
be disturbed; however, careful grading of these areas will be important, and
and Regrading
any retaining walls proposed for these areas must meet the requirements
of Terrain
identified in the zoning ordinance.
Clear Boundaries
This principle is not applicable to the request.
Between the
Development Areas
and the Rural Area
Plannin¢ — Transportation
Daniel Butch — Transportation Senior Planner
1. The Avon St. Ext. Corridor Study identifies a recommendation for a 10' shared use path within
public right-of-way along Avon St. Ext. frontage.
RESPONSE: Comment received. Please see the revised Concept Plan, which proposes
approximately 1,200 sf of ROW reservation to allow for the future construction of a 10' multi -use
path. Grading has additionally been revised up to the adjacent property line to prepare for this
future construction; this grading will need to be finalized in the future and the property owner
would be open to establishing a construction easement at the time of path construction.
This project proposes to construct a sidewalk along Avon St. Extended to allow for the
continuation of the sidewalk network that has already begun to take shape along Avon St. Ext. in
front of Avinity and Mountain View Elementary.
En¢ineerina & Water Resources Division, Communitv Development Department
Frank Pohl, County Engineer
1. Redevelopment requirements will apply during VSMP permitting [90VAC25-870-63.2].
RESPONSE: Comment received. This will be noted for the future site plan phase.
2. Refer to WPO201300044-Avinity approved plans and adjust stormwater discharge from the site
accordingly. It doesn't appear discharge to Avinity Estates will be possible without an easement
from Avinity Estates HOA. Refer to WPO201500057 and plat at DB 5124 PG 676.
RESPONSE: There is an existing channel on tax map parcel 90-35H (see below snippet from
Sheet C2 Existing Conditions, approved SDP2018-35 Avinity Estates) that water may be
discharged to without easement because this drainage pattern is consistent with the historic
drainage of the property. This will comply with applicable stormwater regulations at the site plan
912 E. High Sr. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineeringcom
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3. It is highly recommended to incorporate pervious pavement in off-street parking spaces to reduce
stormwater runoff.
RESPONSE: Thank you for bringing this to our attention. In reference to comment 5, this may be
explored as a solution for reducing runoff towards Avon Street and will be farther evaluated at
the site plan stage.
4. If stormwater is routed through the pond in Avinity, the basin will need to be analyzed for the
100-yr event to ensure it meets freeboard/overflow requirements.
RESPONSE: Comment received. This will be analyzed at the site plan stage.
5. Stormwater detention may be required for the portion of the site draining towards Avon Street
Extended. Detention located within the private street ROW is prohibited.
RESPONSE: Comment received, detention needs will be further addressed at the site plan phase.
To address this concern at this conceptual phase, the application plan proposes detention in the
open space between Avon Street Ext. and the portion of the site nearest Avon Street Ext. slated
for residential development.
6. Off-street parking lots may require a longer throat before the first parking space to provide
separation from parking.
RESPONSE: Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The first parking space is just over 50'
from the edge of pavement, which is in line with VDOT Appendix F for off-street parking areas
and entrance throat lengths, we will confirm adequacy of throat length at the site plan phase.
Buildina Inspections Division, Community Development Department
Betty Slough — Building Plans Reviewer
912 E. High SG Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering. corn
I . Add the following note to the general notes page: Retaining walls greater than 3 feet in height
require a separate building permit. Walls exceeding 4 feet in height require a stamped engineered
design also. Walls require inspections as outlined in the USBC.
2. Add the following note to the general notes page: Accessible parking spaces, access isles, and
accessible route shall be installed in accordance with ICC ANSI Al 17.1-09 and the 2015 Virginia
Construction Code.
3. Add the following note to the general notes page: All water lines, sewer lines, and fire lines from
the main to the structure located on private property must have a visual inspection performed by
the building department.
4. Add the following note to the general notes page: Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures
are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer,
the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the
building drain or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level
rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer
shall not discharge through a backwater valve.
5. Add the following note to the general notes page: All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not
to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks.
6. Note to developer: Due to required distances from lot lines and structures as required by the
NFPA, underground propane tanks may be prohibited. Plan accordingly.
7. Add the following note to the general notes page: Buildings or structures built before January 1,
1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to apply for a demolition permit. Asbestos
removal permits are required if positive for such from Albemarle County and VDOLI. Contact
VDOLI for their additional requirements and permits for demolition projects at 540-562-3580
RESPONSE: Thank you for your review and for these comments. These required notes will be
incorporated into the site plan when that plan is prepared and submitted to the County for review.
Albemarle County Housing Division
Stacy Pethia — Principal Planner of Housing
1. The narrative states the mixture of housing types and size being proposed means `there will
inherently be a mixture of affordability in this PRD.' We need a bit more information about this
a. Will this affordability meet County definitions of affordable housing?
RESPONSE: Yes, the application plan now includes a commitment to affordable housing
within the development; this commitment is consistent with the County's definitions of
affordable housing per the Appendix in the 2015 adopted Comprehensive Plan. We
understand the "Housing Albemarle" plan was recently adopted by the Board of
Supervisors and that the updated definitions of affordable housing in that plan (including
the affordability term, rental limits, and income qualifications) will not be adopted until
an incentives package is developed and adopted.
b. If yes, what percentage of units will meet this definition?
RESPONSE: A minimum of 15% of units will be designated as affordable.
c. What types of units will be designated affordable?
RESPONSE: The language provided does not designate a breakdown of unit type
however this level of detail can be explored with Staff if that is identified as an integral
component of this affordable housing commitment.
Cl. Will affordable units be renter -occupied or owner -occupied?
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineeringcom
RESPONSE: These affordable units will most likely be renter -occupied however; there is
a possibility that units could be owner occupied. Language describing for -sale affordable
dwelling units has been included in the application plan.
Albemarle County Fire -Rescue
Howard Lagomarsino — Fire & Rescue Plans Reviewer — no objection but things to consider for site plan
1. Height of buildings?
2. 150' limit to dead end
3. Turning radius min. 25'
RESPONSE: Thank you for your review and important site plan considerations moving forward. The
application plan has been updated to include a maximum height of 40'. Dead -ends and turning radius
will meet the required minimums for fire access at site plan.
Albemarle County Service Authority
Richard Nelson
1. Is this site in the jurisdictional area for water and/or sewer?
2. What is the distance to the closest water and sewer line, if in the jurisdictional area?
Sewer along the parcel line. Water is located across Avon.
3. Are there water pressure issues which may affect the proposed use as shown on plan?
Water pressures may be low, depending on the proposed water main connection.
4. Are there major upgrades needed to the water distribution or sewer collection system of which the
applicant and staff should be aware?
5. Are there other service provision issues such as the need for grinder pumps?
6. Which issues should be resolved at the SP/ZMA stage and which issues can be resolved at the site
plan/plat stage?
7. If the project is a larger water user, what longterm impacts or implications do you foresee?
8. Additional comments?
RESPONSE: Thank you for your comments.
If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions, please feel free to contact me at
Kelseykshimp-en ing eering com or by phone at 434-227-5140.
Kelsey Schlein
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
912 E. High Sr. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineeringcom