HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202100125 Action Letter 2021-09-03�goF�a Cameron Langille
County of Albemarle Principal Planner, Planning
Community Development Department - Department Telephone: (434) 296-5832 ext. 3432
To: Scott Collins, P.E., scottC@collins-engineering.com
Date: September 3, 2021
Re: SDP202100059 and SUB202100125 Galaxie Farm Townhomes Initial Site Plan and Preliminary Plat— Conditional
Approval Action Letter
Dear Mr. Collins,
The Agent for the Board of Supervisors hereby grants administrative approval to the above referenced site plan and plat.
See below and attached for conditions and process:
SITE PLAN: This approval shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of this letter, provided that the developer
submits a final site plan for all or a portion of the site within one (1) year after the date of this letter as provided in section
32A.3.1 of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle, and thereafter diligently pursues approval of the final site
In accordance with Chapter 18 Section Early or Mass Grading may be permitted after the following approvals are
1. Engineering approval of a VSMP plan meeting the requirements of Chapter 17 of the Code of the County of
2. Approval of all easements for facilities for stormwater management and drainage control.
3. Submittal of a tree conservation checklist with areas for tree preservation identified.
The final site plan will not be considered to have been officially submitted until the following items are received:
1. A final site plan that satisfies all of the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code, and the conditions
attached to this letter.
2. Applicable fee outlined in the application.
SUBDIVISION: This approval shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of this letter, provided that the
developer submits a final plat for all or a portion of the site within one (1) year after the date of this letter as provided in the
Section 14-226 of the Code of the County of Albemarle, and thereafter diligently pursues approval of the final plat.
The final plat will not be considered to have been officially submitted until the following items are received:
1. A final plat that satisfies all of the requirements of Chapter 14 of the Code of the County of Albemarle, and the
conditions attached to this letter.
2. Applicable fee outlined in the application.
The Department of Community Development shall not accept submittal of the final site plan for signature until tentative
approvals for the attached conditions from the following agencies/reviewers have been obtained:
SRC Members:
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer)- John Anderson, ianderson2palbemarle.org
Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner)- Cameron Langille, blangille@albemarle.org
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board — Khris Taggart, ktaaaartC@albemarle.org
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
Albemarle County Inspections — Betty Slough, bslough(aalbemarle.orq
Albemarle County Information Services (E911)- Elise Kiewra, ekiewra(cbalbemarle.orq
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue- Howard Lagomarsino, hlaaomarsinoaalbemarle.org
Albemarle County Service Authority- Richard Nelson, rnelson@serviceauthroity.org
Virginia Department of Health- Alan Mazurowski, alan.mazurowskivdh.virginia.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation- Willis Bedsaul, willis.bedsaul@vdot.virginia.gov
Please contact Cameron Langille at the Department of Community Development at blangilleaalbemarle.orq or 296-5832 ext.
3432 for further information.
Cameron Langille
Principal Planner
CC: Alan Taylor
Riverbend Development
321 E. Main Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) — Cameron Langille, blangilleCa)albemarle.org— Comments to be
addressed prior to final site plan and final plat approval:
[32.5.2 (c); 14-303 (F) and ZMA201800012] Please provide block/phase lines on the plan that correspond with
the block network shown in the Galaxie Farm ZMA. The total number of units proposed in each block must not
exceed the maximum units specified by the block table on Sheet 7 of the ZMA201800012 Application Plan. Unless
the applicant can demonstrate the number of units proposed in each block is consistent with the maximum
permitted by the Application Plan, a Special Exception must be approved by the Board of Supervisors (BOS) to
allow more units in specific blocks. Based on what staff can surmise from the current drawings, the following
blocks propose more units than what is approved per the Application Plan:
a. Block 1: 12 dwelling units allowed, but 14 are proposed.
b. Block 4: 11 dwelling units allowed, but 13 are proposed.
c. Block 5: 11 dwelling units allowed, but 13 are proposed.
2. [ZMA201800012] The proposed layout of streets and lots within Blocks 2, 3, and 8 differ from the approved
Application Plan of ZMA201800012. Specific items to be addressed are as follows:
a. Road E (identified as Vera Rubin Place on the plat/plans) is not located in the same area west of the Block
7 Open Space as shown on the Application Plan. The Application Plan showed the Road E private street in
that location so that amenity -oriented lots could be provided in Block 2 that would front on the private
street and face the Block 7 amenity area. In order to provide Road E (Vera Rubin Place) as shown on the
preliminary plat/initial site plan, the road either needs to be a public road meeting all applicable
VDOT/County public road standards, or a private street authorization request must be approved by the
Planning Commission. If the applicant chooses to pursue the road as a private street, please submit a
written request for authorization of the private street under Section 14-233, and include all supplemental
information required to evaluate the request as specified in Section 14-234. The applicable fee for this
request is $823.68 and the request may be filed with the road plan application.
b. The private street authorization for Road E was granted through the ZMA so that the private street would
only connect to Road C (Mary Jackson Court) and not connect to Road A.1 (Galaxie Farm Lane). However,
the preliminary plat and initial site plan show Vera Rubin Drive (Road E) now connecting to both Galaxie
Farm Lane (Road A.1) and Mary Jackson Court (Road Q. Moving the private road as proposed will need
approval of a Special Exception application by the Board of Supervisors prior to approval of the road
plans, final site plan and final plat.
c. Block 8 open space area is located east (or in front of) the residential units in Block 3, but the Application
Plan shows Block 8 located to the west of Block 3. Moving the location of Block 8 as proposed will require
approval of a Special Exception application by the Board of Supervisors prior to approval of the road
plans, final site plan and final plat.
d. Please be aware that is the Board of Supervisors does not approve the Special Exception and or private
street authorization request, the final site plan and final plat will need to comply with the requirements of
the ZMA201800012 Application Plan.
3. [General Comment] As of September 3, 2021, Engineering Division review is not yet complete. Road plans, final
site plan, and final plat must demonstrate compliance with all applicable Engineering Division comments.
Engineering staff have informed Planning Division staff that comments will be provided directly to the applicant in
the next 1-3 business days.
4. [; 14-419] Lots 1-4 are double frontage lots. Please label the 20' landscape screening buffer at the rear of
these lots on all applicable drawings.
a. [14-303 (G)] Is the buffer intended to be subdivided off as a separate piece of land that will be owned
and maintained by the HOA? Or will this be a private landscaping easement within each lot?
b. [14-302 (A)(4)] and 14-317] If private easement, an instrument evidencing maintenance of all
landscaping within the 20' buffer easement will need to be provided with the final plat.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
c. [14-302 (A)(4)] If private easement, please revise the callouts so that it states that it is a "private 20'
landscaping easement" on the final site plan and final plat.
5. [32.5.2 (a); 14-302(B)(8)] Please clearly show and label all required setbacks on lots on Sheets 3-5. This includes
garage setbacks as described in the footnotes on Sheet 7 of the ZMA Application Plan.
a. It appears that incorrect front setbacks are drawn on lots 15-27 and 54-59.
6. [32.5.2 (o); 14-303(D) and ZMA201800012] Please provide a block acreage table that states the acreage of each
block and the number of units proposed consistent with the table on Sheet 7 of the Application Plan.
a. Ensure that all parcel boundaries, owner names, TMP numbers, acreages, and recorded instrument
numbers are added to the drawings for all parcels visible on the final site plan/final plat.
7. [32.5.2 (b)] Please clarify where parking will be provided for each unit. Identify whether units will have garages
located on the individual lots.
a. Per Section 18-4.12.15, all parking spaces shall be established on the same lot with the primary use to
which it is appurtenant, except as authorized by section 18-4.12.8. Unless the Zoning Administrator allows
parking to be provided in a different location in accordance with Section 18-4.12.8. lots 22-27 will need to
be revised so that the minimum required parking is provided on each lot.
8. [32.5.2 (a); 14-302 (13)(7)] Please amend the watershed note on Sheet 1 to state whether that is a water supply
9. [32.5.2 (f)] Show and label the limits of the WPO stream buffer across all applicable drawings.
a. [14-302(B)(10)] Final plat must contain a note stating "The stream buffer(s) shown hereon shall be
managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance.
10. [32.5.2 (k); 14-303 (E); 14-303 (L)] Please show the location of all proposed sewer and drainage easements. On
the final plat/site plan, revised the labels so they state either "public" or "private" and the easement type and
11. [32.5.2 (1); 14-303 (E); 14-303 (L)] On the final plat/site plan, please label all new utility easements as "public" or
"private' and state the easement type and dimensions.
12. [32.5.2 (e)] On the final site plan, please provide details about the existing landscape features that will preserved
(if any) as described in Section 18- State the general types of trees or shrubs that exist (e.g. deciduous
trees, caliper range at breast height, etc.) and label these features on the existing conditions drawing and the
landscaping plan.
13. [32.5.2 (n)] Please state the proposed surface materials for all parking lots, travel ways, walkways, etc. in a label
on the site plan drawings.
14. [32.5.2 (n)] Please identify all proposed recreational areas and amenities. Per Sheet 6 of the Application Plan,
Blocks 7 & 8 can both feature trails, playgrounds, etc. The site plan only identifies those areas as open space and
no amenities are shown. The final site plan must demonstrate compliance with all applicable regulations from
Section 18-4.16 related to recreation prior to approval.
a. [ZMA201800012] The site plan does not show a clubhouse within the Block 8 open space parcel (Open
Space B). Clubhouses are one of the permitted uses specified on Sheet 6 of the Application Plan. Please
explain whether a clubhouse is proposed or has been considered. If a clubhouse will be provided,
associated parking must be provided in Block 3, per notes under the table on Sheet 6 of the Application
Plan. These does not appear to be much space available for any off-street parking.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
15. [32.5.2 (n)] The Vera Rubin Place connection to the emergency access road on the adjacent parcel (TMP 091A1-
00-00-OOOEO) will need to have bollards installed to prevent use of that emergency access by private vehicles.
16. [14-302 (A)(4) and 14-302 (A)(5)] Prior to final site plan approval, an easement plat application must be
submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded for all proposed public and private easements.
17. [32.6, 14-311] Prior to final site plan and final plat approval, a Water Protection Ordinance (WPO) plan and Road
Plan Application must be approved. See Engineering Division comments for further information.
18. [14-317] An instrument evidencing maintenance of all required improvements that will not be owned or
maintained by the County is required with the final plat. This includes private street and alley easements, sidewalk
easements (if applicable), buffer easements, landscaping easements (if applicable), etc.
19. [4.17] Please provide a full lighting plan with the final site plan in compliance with Section 4.17 of the Zoning
Ordinance with the final site plan.
20. [14-434] Prior to final plat approval for any block, streets serving and within each block must be built or bonded.
a. [14-311 and 14-3161 Approval of a road plan application is required prior to final site plan and plat
approval. This is required to demonstrate compliance with County and VDOT road design requirements.
Additional comments regarding street design and requirements may be forthcoming pending completion
of Engineering review.
21. [32.6] The final site plan must comply with all applicable requirements of Section 32.6 and 32.7 prior to approval.
22. [32.7.9] Please provide a landscaping plan that complies with all requirements of Section 32.7.9 on the final site
plan. This includes the following:
a. [ (c)] Existing landscape features as described in this Code section.
b. [] Street trees 50 feet on center along roads A.2, B, C, D.1, and D.2.
c. [] Minimum 5% of overall parking area landscaping, including one tree per every 10 parking
spaces proposed. Please provide a calculation on the landscaping plan identifying the percentage and sq.
ft. of required and proposed parking area landscaping.
d. [] Screening for double frontage lots.
e. [] Minimum total landscaping canopy for the site area. Site area is calculated as described in
Section (c). Please provide a calculation on the landscaping plan identifying the percentage and
sq. ft. of required and proposed canopy area.
f. All proposed landscaping must be species identified on the Albemarle County Approved Plants List.
g. Canopy areas for specific tree and shrub species can be obtained from the Plant Canopy Calculations
23. [] Please add a note to the Landscape plans stating, "All landscaping shall be installed by the first planting
season following the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy within the development"
24. [] Please add a note to the Landscape plans stating "All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in
a healthy condition by the current owner or a property owners' association and replaced when necessary.
Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan."
25. [ZMA201800012] Final site plan and plat must demonstrate compliance with tracking requirements for providing
affordable housing units as provided on Sheet 10 of the Application Plan. Additional comments related to
affordable housing units proposed may be forthcoming at time of final plat/site plan review.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
Comments from Other Reviewers:
Albemarle County Engineering Division — John Anderson, janderson2@albemarle.org — Engineering review not yet
complete as of September 3, 2021. Engineering staff have informed Planning Division staff that comments will be sent
directly to the applicant in the next 1-3 business days.
Albemarle County E911 Services — Elise Kiewra, ekiewra@albemarle.org — Requested changes, see attached.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board — Khris Taggart, ktaaaartCc@albemarle.org — Requested changes, see
Albemarle County Inspections — Betty Slough, bsloughCc@albemarle.org — No objection.
Albemarle County Fire & Rescue — Howard Lagomarsino, hlaaomarsinoC@albemarle.org — Requested changes, see
Albemarle County Service Authority — Richard Nelson, rnelson(c@serviceauthority.org — See attached recommendation.
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) — Willis Bedsaul, willis.bedsaul(a@vdot.virginia.gov — Requested changes,
see attached.
Virginia Department of Health (VDH) — Alan Mazurowski, alan.mazurowski(@vdh.virginia.gov — No objection, see
City of Charlottesville — Christian Chirico, chiricoc@albemarle.org — See attached recommendation.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
�1 OF `tt8
County of Albemarle
TMP: 09100-00-00-00900,09100-00-00-01500
DATE: 7/30/21
The following road names are acceptable:
The following road names will need to be changed:
Elise Kiewra
eki ewra (u)albemarle.org
tel:434-296-5832 ext.3030
MAE ]EMISON LN will need to be changed to MARY JACKSON CT due to the alignment.
Per Part I, Section 4-k of the County's Road Naming and Property Numbering Manual (page 10 of PDF).
When a proposed road is a continuation of or in alignment with an approved road, it shall utilize the same road name as
the approved road. A new road name shall be required if the proposed road is disconnected from the existing road by an
offset greater than 60 feet.
401 McIntire Road, Suite 228 1 Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
�1 OF `tt8
County of Albemarle
TMP: 09100-00-00-00900,09100-00-00-01500
DATE: 7/30/21
The following road names are acceptable:
The following road names will need to be changed:
Elise Kiewra
eki ewra (u)albemarle.org
tel:434-296-5832 ext.3030
MAE ]EMISON LN will need to be changed to MARY JACKSON CT due to the alignment.
Per Part I, Section 4-k of the County's Road Naming and Property Numbering Manual (page 10 of PDF).
When a proposed road is a continuation of or in alignment with an approved road, it shall utilize the same road name as
the approved road. A new road name shall be required if the proposed road is disconnected from the existing road by an
offset greater than 60 feet.
401 McIntire Road, Suite 228 1 Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
�1 OF `tt8
County of Albemarle
Community Development Department - Planning
August 17, 2021
Scott Collins
Collins Engineering
455 Second Street SE, Suite 201
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Khristopher Taggart
Telephone: (434) 296-5832 ext.3278
RE: ARB-2021-76: Galaxie Farm - Initial (TMP: 09100-00-00-00900, 09100-00-00-01500)
Dear Applicant,
At its meeting on Monday, August 16, 2021, the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board unanimously
voted to forward the following recommendations on the above -noted Initial Site Development Plan to the agent
for the Site Review Committee:
• Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per § 18-30.6.4c(2), (3) and (5) and
recommended conditions of initial plan approval:
o Prior to Initial Plan approval the following items shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the ARB:
None. The ARB recommends approval of the Initial Plan without conditions.
• Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines: None.
• Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: None
• Regarding the final site plan submittal:
A Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval. The following items and all
items on the ARB Final Site Plan Checklist must be addressed:
1. Provide architectural designs with the next submittal. Note that the side and rear elevations of
the townhouses in lots 18-27 and 54-59 must be designed to eliminate blankness and achieve
appropriate form, scale, etc.
2. Show the location of mechanical equipment (building- and ground -mounted) on the site and
architectural plans and show how it will be screened from the EC.
3. Confirm that the fence on the southwest side of the site is to remain. Revise the site plan to
show the fence consistently throughout the site plan.
4. Include the standard mechanical equipment note on the architectural plans.
5. Revise the plan to provide trees along the south/southwest perimeter of the site to help integrate
the development into environment of the corridor. A mix of trees, irregularly spaced, is
6. Include with the final site plan a complete landscape plan. Ensure that there are no conflicts
between landscaping and utilities.
7. Include the standard plan health note on the landscape plan.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
8. Revise the plan to indicate retaining wall material, color, manufacturer. A block in a muted,
earth -tone color would be appropriate. Samples may be required.
9. Show the tree protection fencing for the tree buffer throughout the landscaping, grading and,
E&S plans.
10. Revise the plan to indicate the use of earth -tone concrete and stone to better integrate the
culverts and rip rap located in the tree buffer into the site.
You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms,
checklists and schedules are available on-line at https://www.albemarle.org/government/community-
development/apply-for/planning-and-site-development-applications. Please be certain that your ARB submittal
addresses the above -noted issues and all checklist items.
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to contact me.
Khris Taggart, Planner
cc: Galaxie Farm Investments LLC
600 East Water Street, Suite H
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Riverbend Development
455 Second Street SE, Suite 201
Charlottesville, VA 22902
NWITL "Iw_1 1174 LTA F_\74:11115911*1
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
Review Comments for SUB202100125 Preliminary Plat
Date Completed: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 DepartmenUDivision/Agency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Khristopher Taggart CDD ARB see Recommendations
Page: � County of Albemarle Printed On: 08118l2021
Review Comments for SDP202100059 Initial Site Plan
Date Completed: Monday, August 02, 2021 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Howard Lagomarsino Fire Rescue Requested Changes
Per plans dated 7/5/2021:
1) Provide a note on the plans for the ISO calculation for required fire flow
2) Provide a note on the plans for available fire flow
3) Fire apparatus access Roads to all buildings that provide access to within 150 ft of all sides of the ground level are
necessary. The minimum, unobstructed width of these roads is 20 feet. In any ares where parking restricts this to 20 ft. or less,
no parking signs are required. Also provide no parking signs in all cul de sacs to prevent parked vehicles from obstructiong
access to buildings.
4) To accomodate emergency apparatus, minimum required turn radius is 25 feet. Intersection of Vera Rubin and Mary
Jackson shows 15 ft. turn radius. Please provide a 25 ft. turn radius on all roads.
5) Fire flow requirements dictate the spacing and number of hydrants. The least strigent requires fire hydrant spacing every
500 ft and arranged so no building is less than 250 ft. from a hydrant. The fire flow will determine the exact spacing, but the
current hydrants shown do not even meet the least stringent requirement. Please provide adequate number and spacing of
Pager County of Albemarle Printed On: 08/18/2021
Review Comments for SUB202100125 Preliminary Plat
Date Completed: Monday, August 02, 2021 Department/Division/Agency Review Status:
Reviewer Howard Lagomarsino
Fire Rescue
Requested Changes
The below comments were provided for the initial site plan submittal (SDP202100059). They can be addressed at that phase:
Per plans dated 7/5/2021:
1) Provide a note on the plans for the ISO calculation for required fire flow
2) Provide a note on the plans for available fire flow
3) Fire apparatus access Roads to all buildings that provide access to within 150 ft of all sides of the ground level are
necessary. The minimum, unobstructed width of these roads is 20 feet. In any ares where parking restricts this to 20 ft. or less,
no parking signs are required. Also provide no parking signs in all cul de sacs to prevent parked vehicles from obstructiong
access to buildings.
4) To accomodate emergency apparatus, minimum required turn radius is 25 feet. Intersection of Vera Rubin and Mary
Jackson shows 15 ft- turn radius- Please provide a 25 ft- turn radius on all roads.
5) Fire flow requirements dictate the spacing and number of hydrants. The least strigent requires fire hydrant spacing every
500 ft and arranged so no building is less than 250 ft. from a hydrant. The fire flow will determine the exact spacing, but the
current hydrants shown do not even meet the least stringent requirement. Please provide adequate number and spacing of
Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 08/18/2021
Review Comments for SDP202100059 Initial Site Plan
Date Completed: Friday, July 30, 2021 Department/DivisiordAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Richard Nelson ACSA I Administrative Approval
I recommend SDP202100059 & SUB2O2100125 Galaxie Farm Townhomes Initial Site Plan & Preliminary Plat for approval with
the following conditions:
Submit 3 hard copies and a PDF of the utility plan for review and approval.
Utility plan approval will be required prior to final plat approval.
Richard Nelson
Civil Engineer
Albemarle County Service Authority
168 Spotnap Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22911
Page: 1� County of Albemarle Printed On: 08118l2021
Stephen C. Brich, P.E. 1401 East Broad Street (804) 7862701
Commissioner Richmond, Virginia 23219 Fax: (804) 7862940
August 24, 2021
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Cameron Langille
Re: Galaxie Farm Townhomes — Initial Site Plan and Preliminary Plat
SDP-2021-00059 and SUB-2021-00125
Review # 1
Dear Mr. Langille:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Collins Engineering, dated 6
June 2021, and offers the following comments.
1. Proposed Galaxie Farm lane, lots 1 through 4 road frontage, sight distance line is behind
right of way, a sight distance easement will need to be required.
2. The corner of lot#59 needs to stay clear of all obstructions within the sight distance
3. Proposed Mae Jemison lane, a turnaround should be provided for any temporary or stub
street longer than 150'I1., from point of intersection to the end of pavement. Any portion
of the turnaround outside of dedicated right of way for the stub street may be placed in an
easement. Please refer to VDOT's Road Design Manual appendix B(1), pg., B-25, for
temporary turnarounds and stub streets.
4. Please provide vertical profile sheet for proposed public roads.
5. Please label on typical section, parking or no parking.
6. Please provide drainage calculations for proposed storm water structures.
7. VDOT will not maintain trees planted within the buffer strip. These trees need to be
covered by a maintenance agreement and species types must be selected and planted in a
way that minimizes potential damage to the road and sidewalk.
8. Trees planted within the buffer strip must be trimmed so that branches and leaves do not
grow between 2 and 7 feet above ground level to maintain sight distance.
9. The Standard Drawings contained in the VDOT Road & Bridge Standards are signed and
sealed engineering drawings that are copyrighted materials of VDOT and the
Commonwealth of Virginia. VDOT's policy is to offer the Standard Drawings in a secure
electronic format and each Standard is available on this website.
htto://www.virginiadot.org/business/locdes/vdot road and bridge standards.asp
Plan assemblies using the Road & Bridge Standards shall reference each standard used.
Inserting the Standard Drawings into locality, or private development plan assemblies, or
modifying the Standard Drawings in any way, is not permitted. Please remove all standard
drawings from plan set.
10. Please provide sight line profiles.
11. Final Site Plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual
Appendices B(1) and F, as well as any other applicable standards, regulations or other
Please provide a digital copy in PDF format of the revised plan along with a comment response
letter. If further information is desired, please contact Willis Bedsaul at (434) 422-9866.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process.
Adam J. Moore, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency
Nue Edge HeoNh Dishkt
6°��anrn `_°ti
Cameron Langille, Principal Planner
Albemarle County Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Galaxie Farm Townhomes
HeaHh Deportment
1138 Rose Hli Drive
Chodollesvile, VA 22903
C OCO 434-972-6200 1 tax 434-972-4310
August 16, 2021
Initial Site Plan & Preliminary Subdivision Plat
SDP2021-59 and SUB202100125
Tax Map #s: 91-9 & 15
Mr. Langille:
As requested, I've reviewed the site plans, dated 7/5/21. Consistent with my previous
comments on SUB20200072, I recommend all existing wells be located on the site plans
and that text be added to establish that all wells will be permanently abandoned in
accordance with 12VAC5-630-450 of the VA Private Well Regulations. Any wells in an
area to be redeveloped must be permanently abandoned to protect against potential
contamination of groundwater during and after the planned redevelopment.
I recommend denial of the current site plan and subdivision plat.
If there are any questions or concerns, please give me a call, 434-972-4306.
Alan Mazurowski
Environmental Health Supervisor
Blue Ridge Health District
alan.mazurowskikvdh.vir ig nia. og_v
Review Comments for SDP202100059 Initial Site Plan
Date Completed: Thursday, July 15, 2021 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status:
Unassigned See Recommendations
Pager County of Albemarle Printed On: 08/18/2021