HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200900004 Checklist 2009-03-05 . A
Sec. 14-302 Contents of preliminary plat. shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water
Sec. 14-302(A) - must be included for plat to be deemed complete Protection Ordinance."
and accepted Documents and information to be submitted with the preliminary
❑ (A)1. Name of subdivision. plan
Li (A)2. Vicinity Map. (1":2000) ' Sec. 14-304 Request for critical slopes waiver.
❑ (A)3. Existing or platted streets. ILI< Sec. 14-305 Stormwater management information.
❑ (A)4. Private easements. 0 Sec. 14-306 Private streets information.
LI (A)5. Public easements. Sec. 14-303 Contents of final plat.
❑ (A)6. Alleys and shared driveways. A. Statement of consent to division. "The division of the land
Li (A)7. Existing and departing lot lines. described herein is with the free consent and in accordance with
❑ (A)8. Proposed lots. the desire of the undersigned owners, proprietors and trustees. Any
❑ (A)9. Building sites on proposed lots. reference to future potential development is to be deemed as
❑ (A)10. Right of further division of proposed lots. The number of lots, theoretical only. All statements affixed to this plat are true and
as assigned by the subdivider, into which each proposed lot may correct to the best of my knowledge."
be further divided by right pursuant to section 10.3.1 of the zoning B. Section name or number.
ordinance, if applicable. The plat shall also contain the following C. Boundary lines.
note: "Parcel [letter or number] is assigned [number] development A D. Acreage of lots.
rights and may/may not be further divided and when further divided E. Dimension standards and information on all lots, streets, alleys,
these rights shall not comprise more than [number] acres. The easements, and shared driveways. tfse e,•+ -'{ro /I- ,.�
residue of Tax Map/Parcel [numbers] is retaining [number] F. Identification of sections, blocks and lots. Seell'a„. s-.
development rights and when further divided it shall not consist of ni G. Ownership of common areas. -. 1541tYi -�,,�,
more than [number] acres." ► H. Monuments. 1
LI (A)11. Instrument creating property proposed for subdivision. X I. Bearing and distance ties.
Li (A)12. Topography. (Not required for 2-lot Subdivision or Final Plat) J. Restrictions.
❑ (A)13. Proposed facilities. Ala K. The location of temporary turnarounds, if needed, with the
L i (A)14. Land to be dedicated in fee or reserved. Fr- following accompanying note: "The area on this plat designated as
❑ (A)15. Identification of all owners and certain interest holders. a temporary turnaround will be constructed and used as other
Sec. 14-302(B) - must be included for approval but may be streets in the subdivision until (street name) is/are extended to
accepted without (street name), at which time the land in the temporary turnaround
❑ (B)1. General Information. The date of drawing, including the date area will be abandoned for street purposes and will revert to
of the last revision, the number of sheets, the north point, and the adjoining property owners in accordance with specific provisions
it i
scale. If true north is used, the method of determination shall be their respective deeds."
shown 4 L. Public utility, drainage and sight distance easements.
L i (B)2. Name of plat preparer. U M. Proposed street names.
LI (B)3. Public areas, facilities or uses. ' N. If the subdivision will contain one or more private streets, the
❑ (B)4. Places of burial. following statement: "The streets in this subdivision may not meet
❑ (B)5. Zoning classification. the standards for acceptance into the secondary system of state
❑ (B)6. Tax map and parcel number. highways and will not be maintained by the Virginia Department of
Li (B)7. Reservoir watershed; agricultural-forestal district. Transportation or the County of Albemarle."
LI (B)8. Yards. O. Signature panels.
Li (B)9. Flood plain. P. Notary panels.
❑ (B)10. Stream buffers note: "The stream buffer(s) shown hereon IR Q. Statement that subdivision will be served by a public water
Subdivision Checklist- Preliminary and Final plat Inn( t I 1✓E ' '1EkAi
supply and public sewer system. If not, the following statement: X Sec. 14-418. Fire protection.
"Under current county policy, public water and/or sewer service -Sec. 14-419. Landscaping for double frontage lots.
will not be available to this property." NC Sec. 14-420. Location of utilities above and underground.
4- R. If the subdivision is in the rural areas and a private road is lii1C Sec. 14-421. Monuments.
proposed, the following statement: "All subsequent divisions of the n Sec. 14-422. Sidewalks and planting strips.-‘44:0ec
residue shall use the point of access or entrance from the street Sec. 14-423. Street signs.
shown hereon." ' Sec. 14-424. Contributions for off-site improvements.
S. Control points.?c
l ,`� Sec. 14-426. Dedication of land for public use.
•Documents and information to be submitted with final plat
Sec. 14-427. Reservation of land for public use.
Sec. 14-308: Flood plain and topographic information. vOLSec. 14-428. Dedication of streets, alleys, curbs, gutters,
Sec. 14-308.1: Groundwater assessment information. sidewalks, swm facilities, bicycle trails, pedestrian trails.
i44-'Sec. 14-309: Soil evaluations. Sec. 14-429. Reservation of land for streets, alleys, walkways,
,1,4 Sec. 14-310: Health director approval of individual private wells waterways or public areas shown on map.
and/or septic systems. Sec. 14-430. Dedication of water and sewerage systems.
Sec.oSec. 14-431. Easements for facilities for swm and drainage cant(
Infrastructure improvement plans, computations and Sec. 14-432. Easements for cable television and public service
41- Sec. 14-312: Location of existing buildings. corporations.
❑ Sec. 14-314: Identification of all interests of the county in property. Sec. 14-433. Effect of recordation of plat on dedications and certain
l< Sec. 14-316: Approval of entrance on public streets. easements.
Sec. 14-317: Instrument evidencing maintenance of certq�n� Sec. 14-434. Completion of on-site improvements required prior to
improvements. ,rc.1,t tt�r 4 o�.rAS ,( d plat approval.
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Onsite improvements and design (i applicable) t ^- Sec. 14-435. Surety in lieu of completion of on-site improvements.
Sec. 14-435.1. Surety for maintenance of streets until accepted in
Sec. 14-400. Minimum lot requirements. L. state system.
Sec. 14-401. Double frontage lots.Sec. 14-402. Lot shape.
Jai.,Sec. 14-436. Release of surety.
) Sec. 14-437. Effect of acceptance or approval of improvements.
Sec. 14-403. Lot frontage. Sec. 14-438. Inspections; right of entry.
Sec. 14-404. Lot location to allow access from lot onto street or Sec. 14-439. Improvements completed at expense of subdivider;
shared driveway. exception.
X Sec. 14-405. Side lot lines. 'Sec. 14-440. County not obligated to maintain improvements.
Jk Sec. 14-406. Remnants.
* Sec. 14-407. Block width.
Sec. 14-408. Block orientation.
Sec. 14-409. Coordination and extension of streets.
Sec. 14-410. Standards for all streets and alleys. Sub#: 200q' COLI
(0, Sec. 14-411. Standards for public streets only.Ar Sec. 14-412. Standards for private streets only. Date: ,. 09
r"Sec. 14-413. Improvements of existing public streets.
JSec. 14-414. Public water and sewerage systems. subdivision checkhstdoc 3/4/2009
Sec. 14-415. Central water supplies and sewerage systems. ��� I,cyn?
�� Sec. 14-416. Individual private wells and septic systems. * t WaS lye: l
Sec. 14-417. Stormwater management and drainage control 0 �, `,` '�w S3 - qv) '�. ,�?7
facilities. - � I ? ��e� -V ��;G
Subdivision Checklist- Preliminary and Final plat 'l, VIte `S lll\,,*IAWZo4%( t('