HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA201100098 Staff Report 1991-10-30 -Ji®II1 JW- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors FROM: V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and Community Development DATE: October 30, 1991 RE: Jurisdictional Area Designation - Village of Rivanna Staff has received the attached from a property owner in the Village of Rivanna requesting jurisdictional area designation for water and sewer service (Attachment A) . On November 6, 1991, the Board will hold a public hearingfor jurisdictional area designation in the village for th . Glenmore property only. Some 565 additional acres are also included in the village and public water and sewer is allowable under the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for these properties (See Attachment B) . It is staff' s recommendation that the Board of Supervisors proceed to a public hearing to consider full jurisdictional area designation for all remaining properties in the Village of Rivanna, including Mr. Bieker' s. A list of these parcels (Attachment C) and a map delineating their location (Attachment D) is included. VWC/jcw ATTACHMENT cc: Bill Brent • 'ATTACHMENT Ai Daniel Bieker Rt. 1, Box 468-P North Garden, /A 22959 (804)971-9618 4�✓/ i ^ t 1 1 1 {�IY 1 { Mr. Wayne Cilimberg Fr "` 3�V t fff• s .�.. Director of Planning a !,` ` , Dept. of Planning and Community Development OCT cd ism 401 McIntire Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 ,PLANNING DIVISION October 18, 1991 Dear Mr. Cilimberg, Currently I own a five acre parcel (TM 79, P 25A) near the Glenmore development. The parcel is located in a designated growth area, and within the Village of Glenmore. I would like to initiate a request that the jurisdictional area be amended (if this is the correct procedure) to include this property in sewer and water rights when these utilities become available. Please advise me of any procedural steps I need to follow or rmeetings I should attend to proceed with this matter. Thank you. Sincerely, cc: Richard Tarbell VILLAGE OF RIVANNA Fri �1aa CD LOCATION ��`+'c�,k�,^J ��• V/ RL 75o co Rivanna is located east of the City of of Charlottesville .♦ ^y�iA a and south of Route 250 East. The southwestern boundary is formed by the Rivanna River. The western boundary is formed si"d'"`�I by an unnamed stream just east of Camp Branch. The northern _.T • boundary is formed by Route 250. The eastern boundary is f formed by the eastern boundary for Carroll Creek (See 2r�SO Attachment B) /'.+„, —� m EXISTING LAND USE -... .f.,� '4 '▪%M`` Z Rivanna was designated as part of Rural Areas IV previously Milton '" J• . , +::' •�,�ry'. } '! t\ L1J in the plan. The area consists of low density residential +�� •j-a , , Eand agricultural uses. The existing population is estimated ,”^is+` ',"�., < c, e` RZ''' + " to be 220. y '▪ 0 ' (.) The Village of Rivanna includes: " .; ` - 9 {'� ; r '"l3�I+�,: ', f „ 75 dwelling units .- �?i+ ��7 tip l ', 3 • '` ^t z I—. one church ;: :; y2 l!•s.,Yl � ��� 1 • 1 " ,1 ' f �'t'.. h3 z .r.3 : '._. One Upholstery Business ti--. �9 14..=4�y 9 it y� ,,i .. Z Q •+.' p '`. '1.� " 'S "'l• �S v �-' ' !'c-' t'... `.3-kfir • Stone Robinson Elementary School is located just west of the o mil .:, ,1 [s .0 '" -,V� ' '' 1fi . ::: Y?,' villa a of Route 729. Clifton which now serves as an inn Unr csfq' or ' :: � . ,'.�i', • `A�`' f,l' -iis listed on the Virginia Register of Historic Properties p�' g r�••„p? �,,, '\ .•• '� , .r and is also located on Route 729 adjacent to the village. V"�fn" Z,t.etk �'},'r..-.; '0.. .. ' ;: '• ' ter'..;' While no commercial area exists in the village, there are ;'O ., ? :},y . It,.' � currently three convenience stores located along Route 250 �. ^ -': ,'�•s '3; `.,.� �s.x;.,;r>>`* between Route 22 and the County line. In addition, the ` + z �+ v ,� n^- 3' �!~'�,,� 7 village is located approximately four miles from a major �., ,,'.4.0 4 t,'•,.Z';?':;, ,�'2 „Y�.; ' 1 shopping center and other commercial areas on Pantops �• ;,3_?;y-g), '. ri;+f 1 Mountain (Urban Neighborhood 3). v'%j �' K >�,+� # ' .. • :VJ ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS •1 :; ,•.' ••• .A ' .-ti .' l '}v1 p -� ? .�..,:�... c 3 =•,:. The area is largely wooded with open areas along 250 and •:,,,r',; tY �, ;. adjacent to the Rivanna River. As the village develops, it \+ ","-?.,Y,��n;7, ,.,:,s,iTS7^. J will most likely be orientated toward the river, rather than . \ i }'5i‘l +z '�z:w o,. w �� Route 250. There is extensive floodplain along the Rivanna 'l ' 1 ;r' 'v� <`/ River, Carroll Creek and other streams. The Rivanna River ''i''?'3 1. ):" .;7;.:ya:7.?'-f 1� is a state designated Scenic River. Along the Rivanna River \ %i.• '' ,;::,r" exist ruins of the canal connecting Charlottesville to the `` . ,'.•' J 1 Kanawha Canal along the James River. \ A.% / � . The soils in the Rivanna Village are classified in the 5 �`.•.; Manteo-Nason-Tatum Association. Manteo soils have moderate ,,f .� J I limitations for development due to drainage problems. In ` • addition, Manteo soils have a very shallow depth to bedrock / of 10-'0". Development may be more costly or difficult due 42 to the required •excavation of rock. Nason/Tatum soils have . few limitations for development. Rt53 1: q. • 68 ' / 69 'VILLAGE OF'GLI;NMORE: HVAUS _'---- 250 and is to be incorporated into development CV - Access to the Urban Area is good using either Interstate 64 proposals. or Route 250. Improvements are planned to widen Route 250 a) to five lanes (undivided) between the Shadwell Interstate 64 • As this area should function as a public service C7) interchange and Route 20, and seven lanes divided from Route center for the eastern part of the County, necessary 20 to High Street, including a replacement to Free Bridge. public facilities are to be located consistent with Q„ objectives and strategies of the Community Facilities RECO24iENDATIONS Plan. m : Preserve the extensive floodplain and critical slopes along the Rivanna River, Carroll Creek and other --Z streams as open space. Protect the unique scenic and • W historic characteristics of the river with the development of the village. • Areas north of Interstate 64 have historic/scenic V significance to the County and region (including possible designation as a Rural Historic District and h-ve large acreage in an Agricultural/Forestal r" District. To preserve and protect these resources, do �— not expand thn village boundaries north of U. S. Route 250 East, wes: of Route 22, nor south of the Rivanna River. • To further preserve and protect these resources, water lines should be sized to serve the Village and Stone Robinson School only. Capacity shall be reserved for a potential new school in the Village until such time as determined that the school is not necessary. • No development of properties above current allowable zoning densities shall be permitted unless public water and sewer are made available. Ultimate gross density , with the provision of water and sewer is not to exceed village density as described under Residential Land Use Designations. • Residential development dwelling unit type shall be • limited to single family detached. • Existing local convenience commercial uses in combination with the proximity of Urban Area commercial • are sufficient to serve the village. No commercial uses are recommended in the village. • Consider development proposals under a planned development approach to allow for the coordinated planning of utilities, public facilities and roads necessary to support the entire growth area. • • Access within the village between Route 250 and the Rivanna River is currently provided by roads which do not connect. An internal road network should be • 70 • ATTACHMENT C IPage 11 TAX MAP PARCEL 79 25A 79 25B 79 25C 79 25 79 26 79 28 79 29 79 30 79 31 79 32 79 33 79 34 79 35A 79 35 79D 1� 79D 2l 79D 3 79D 4 ( 79D 5) 79D 8 79D 9 79D 10 79D 111 79D 12 / 79D 13 79D 14 \-3/ 79D 15 79D 16 79D 17 , . 79D 18 j 79D 19J 93 61W-: (/ 93 61 93 62 ✓ 1 60 93 61A- 80 46A\ 46B� 80 46C 80 46D 80 46E 80 46 80 47 80 48 80 49A 80 49 80 50, 80 51 80 52 v 80 53 80 54A N CD CT) cv a. 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