HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201900002 Staff Report 2020-07-14ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: SP201900002 Pleasant Green — Staff: Megan Nedostup, Principal Planner Fill in the floodplain SP Planning Commission Public Hearing: Board of Supervisors Hearing: July 14, 2020 To be determined Owner(s): SM CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC Applicant(s): Scott Collins, Collins Engineering; Stanley Martin Homes Acreage: Approximately 44 acres (Vue property is Special Use Permit for: Fill in the Flood Hazard 21.8 acres) Overlay under Section 30.3.11 of zoning ordinance TMP: 05600-00-00-11500; 056A1-01-00-030A0; Zoning/by-right use: R-6 Residential (6 unit/acre). 055CO-03-00-OOOA1 Location: South of Cling Lane, northeast of Peach Tree Drive and Orchard Drive (Attachment 1) Magisterial District: White Hall Conditions: Yes DA (Development Area): Crozet Requested # of Dwelling Units/Lots: N/A Proposal: Amendment to SP2016-003 West Comp. Plan Designation: Neighborhood Density Glen to relocate the stream crossing of Residential — 3-6 units /acre, supporting uses such Powell's Creek with box culvert and roadway as religious institutions, schools and other small - in floodplain scale non-residential uses; Greenspace — public parks, open space, environmental features Character of Property: Currently vacant and Use of Surrounding Properties: Residential wooded property; Powell's Creek and associated neighborhoods of Crozet Crossing, Blue Ridge Ave floodplain and stream buffer run through the length and Orchard Acres. Multifamily apartments on the of the property Vue property. Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable: 1. The new location of the stream crossing will 1. The Crozet Master Plan does not identify a road greatly reduce the impact on the stream, with a stream crossing in this location and the buffer, and floodplain than the previous Comprehensive Plan recommends that roads location. with stream crossings only occur in areas 2. The stream crossing will allow development shown in the Master Plans. of the property consistent with the Crozet Master Plan. 3. The applicants are proposing a greenway dedication in an area identified for greenway within the Crozet Master Plan, which will help ensure preservation of the stream buffer. 4. The stream crossing in this location promotes interconnectivity and disperses traffic onto a road system that is able to handle the additional traffic load. SP2019-02 Pleasant Green Planning Commission: July 14, 2020 Page 1 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the special use permit with conditions as outlined in the staff report. SP2019-02 Pleasant Green Planning Commission: July 14, 2020 Page 2 STAFF CONTACT: Megan Nedostup, Principal Planner PLANNING COMMISSION: July 14, 2020 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: TBD PETITION: PROJECT: SP201900002 Pleasant Green MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: White Hall TAX MAP/PARCEL: 05600-00-00-11500; 056A1-01-00-030A0; 055CO-03-00-OOOA1 LOCATION: Southwest of Cling Lane and northeast of Peach Tree Drive and Orchard Drive PROPOSAL: Amendment to SP2016-003 West Glen for relocation and construction of stream crossing of Powell's Creek with box culvert and roadway in floodplain. PETITION: Fill in the Flood Hazard Overlay under section 30.3.11 ZONING: R-6 Residential — 6 units/acre OVERLAY DISTRICT: FH — Flood Hazard Overlay COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Density Residential — 3-6 units /acre, supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools and other small-scale non-residential uses; Greenspace — public parks, open space, environmental features CHARACTER OF THE AREA: This proposal is for a crossing of Powell's Creek, which runs lengthwise through the property, south of Cling Lane and northeast of Peach Tree Drive and Orchard Drive. The Flood Hazard Overlay runs along the creek throughout the property and there is a 100' stream buffer on both sides of Powell's Creek. The properties under consideration for this request are currently undeveloped and mostly wooded with some gentle sloping towards the creek. A by -right site plan and subdivision plat were approved for Phase 1 of the development, that are not subject to the special use permit, earlier this year and construction has started in this area. There is one area of preserved steep slopes south of Powell's Creek adjacent to Orchard Drive. There is an existing crossing of Powell's Creek northwest of the property that was permitted through a previous special use permit for fill in the floodplain to allow for the construction of Cling Lane and the Crozet Crossing subdivision. This crossing contains two box culverts. Southeast of the existing Cling Lane crossing is a small dam with a small area of impoundment behind it. The applicant is proposing to remove the dam and restore the stream in this area as part of the stream mitigation efforts. Neighboring properties are mostly single family detached residential. Crozet Crossing is north of the property and Orchard Acres is to the South. The Buckingham Branch Railroad runs north of the property and there are a few single family residential properties to the east and along Blue Ridge Ave. There are existing residences on properties that will be a part of the Pleasant Green development, but are not required for the special use permit request, including a historic residence. In addition, the Vue apartment development, located on TMP56-115, that fronts on Blue Ridge Ave is under construction. TMP 56-115 is part of the SP application for Pleasant Green because the proposed stream crossing and road will traverse across a portion of this same parcel; however, developers for Pleasant Green are not proposing any dwelling units on TMP 56-115 (Attachments 5 and 6). The property is zoned R-6 Residential and most adjacent parcels to the north and east are also zoned R- 6. Properties to the south are zoned R-2 and parcels east across Blue Ridge Avenue are also zoned R-2. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: • SP 1990-103 Orchard Acres — SP for fill in the floodplain for stream crossing that allowed the existing crossing of Powell's Creek and construction of Cling Lane. The SP contained a condition restricting the development of the property to only 30 lots in the Crozet Crossing subdivision and SP2019-02 Pleasant Green Planning Commission: July 14, 2020 Page 3 required a second access to Orchard Drive be provided prior to further development of the residue (Attachment 3). • SUB2015-29 Crozet Development Solutions — Boundary line adjustment plat to add acreage from 55-C-3A to TMP 56-115 and combine with existing parcels along Blue Ridge Ave. • SDP2016-49 The Vue — Final site plan proposing 126 apartments on TMP 56-115 along Blue Ridge Avenue. Approved on 6/1/2017. • SP2016-003 West Glen — Special use permit for fill in the flood plain for the crossing of Powell's Creek. Approved with conditions 9/14/2016. • SDP2018-068 and SUB2018-159 Pleasant Green Phase 1— Initial site plan and preliminary subdivision plat for Phase 1 of the by -right development approved 10/25/18. • SDP2019-009 Pleasant Green Phase 1— Final site plan for Phase 1 of the by -right development. Approved 2/20/2020. • SUB2019-108 Pleasant Green Phase 1- Final subdivision plat for Phase 1 of the by -right development. Approved 1/6/2020. • SDP2020-019 and SUB2020-033 Pleasant Green Phase 2- Initial site plan and preliminary subdivision plat for Phase 2. These applications are subject to the special use permit and were deferred by the applicant on 4/30/2020. COMMUNITY MEETING: A community meeting was held on April 10, 2019 to discuss the special use permit and the proposed change to the location of the crossing. While there was concerns about traffic in this area due to the development of the property, the Crozet Community Advisory Committee supported the change in location of the crossing (Attachment 6). DETAILS OF THE PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to amend SP2016-003 to relocate the stream crossing to allow a lesser impact to the stream. The properties are zoned R-6 Residential and contain a section of Flood Hazard Overlay District running along Powell's Creek. No zoning change is proposed but the applicant desires to develop the property and needs a second point of access to Orchard Drive to further develop the property to address conditions of SP1990-103. Since the approval of West Glen (SP2016-003- Attachment 4) the properties to the east have been acquired and the applicant is requesting that the crossing be relocated approximately 925 linear feet downstream of the previously approved crossing to allow a lesser impact. The revised location will greatly reduce the impact to the stream and flood plain. The previous impact to the stream buffer was 1.22 acres and 9,660 square feet of preserved slopes. The revised location will be 0.62 acres of impact to the stream buffer, and there are no impacts to the preserved slopes. In addition, the linear footage of roadway and drainage improvements will be reduced from 1200 linear feet to 450 linear feet. The revised crossing will be a 10'x10' triple box culvert, which the applicant has demonstrated will not cause any rise in the base floodplain elevation, or 100-year floodplain elevation (Attachment 5). The proposed roadway crossing the stream will be a part of the Pleasant Green development road network that will connect to Orchard Drive. In addition, this proposed development will also include roads that will connect to Cling Lane (as required per SP1990-103) and Blue Ridge Ave. The applicant is proposing a number of measures to mitigate the impacts to the stream and stream buffer. There is an existing dam on the west side of the property that the applicant proposes to remove with this development. The removal of the dam will allow the stream in this area to return to a natural state. Staff from the Army Corps of Engineering had indicated their support for the dam removal project and was of the opinion that the dam removal/stream restoration would more than offset any environmental impacts from the proposed road crossing during the review of the prior SP for West Glen. SP2019-02 Pleasant Green Planning Commission: July 14, 2020 Page 4 A mitigation plan will be required in accordance with the Water Protection Ordinance (WPO) to be reviewed and approved by the County Engineer to show how impacts to the stream buffer will be mitigated with this proposal. The applicant also proposes to maintain the area of greenway south of Powell's Creek in open space, as shown in the Crozet Master Plan and proposes to dedicate an area of greenway for a trail in this location. If the SP is approved, the applicant proposes to develop the property north of Powell's Creek with a by - right development in accordance with the existing R-6 zoning. The concept plan shows all unit types to be attached residential units. A final site plan and plat were approved for Phase 1 of this development with its access from Blue Ridge Avenue. The by -right development was not dependent on this stream crossing for public road access. However, an initial site plan, and preliminary plat for Phase 2 were submitted for this area and cannot be approved until this special use permit is approved. These applications were deferred by the applicant on April 30, 2020. ANALYSIS OF THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST Section 33.40 of the Zoning Ordinance states that the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors shall reasonably consider the following factors when reviewing and acting upon an application for a special use permit: No substantial detriment. Whether the proposed special use will be a substantial detriment to adjacent parcels With fill in the floodplain requests, the effect on adjacent lots refers to the potential for flooding of adjacent properties. The County Engineer has reviewed the proposal and concurs with the applicant's conclusion that the construction of the proposed stream crossing will not result in an increase in the 100-year flood elevation and will not detrimentally impact adjacent properties. In addition, the revised location greatly reduces the impact to the stream buffer and floodplain and no longer impacts preserved slopes. Character of the nearby area is unchanged. Whether the character of the adiacent parcels and the nearby area will be changed by the proposed special use. This is an amendment to an existing special use permit that was approved to allow the stream crossing and impact the floodplain. Therefore, staff's opinion is that since this use and crossing can be built in a different location, relocating the crossing to be less impactful improves the condition and the adjacent parcels and nearby area will not be changed. There is otherwise no significant difference to the impact to adjacent parcels between the proposed location and the previously approved location (as regards visibility, noise, etc.) Harmony. Whether the proposed special use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this chapter... The proposed amended special use permit will remain in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Flood Hazard Overlay District chapter which is to prevent the loss of life and property, the creation of health and safety hazards, the disruption of commerce and governmental services, the extraordinary and unnecessary expenditure of public funds for flood protection and relief, and the impairment of the tax base. These purposes are expected to be accomplished through the following measures: (i) regulating uses, activities, and development which, alone or in combination with other existing or future uses, activities, and development, will cause unacceptable increases in flood heights, velocities, and frequencies; (ii) restricting or prohibiting certain uses, activities, and development from locating within areas subject to flooding; (iii) requiring all of those uses, activities, and developments that do occur in areas subject to flooding to be protected or flood -proofed, or both, against flooding and flood damage; and (iv) protecting individuals from buying land and structures which are unsuited for SP2019-02 Pleasant Green Planning Commission: July 14, 2020 Page 5 intended purposes because of flood hazards. The chapter is also intended to address a local need for flood insurance and to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. ...with the uses permitted by right in the district The proposed stream crossing will allow the property to be developed to its by -right potential of R-6 Residential. ...with the regulations provided in section 5 as applicable, There are no supplemental regulations in section 5 applicable to this use. With regard to future flooding, the public health, safety and general welfare is not expected to be impacted by the stream crossing. There may be impacts to the stream and environmental features associated with this stream; however, the proposed new location and mitigation measures are expected to lessen the impacts of the crossing and development and the mitigation measure of removing the dam may result in an improvement to the condition of the stream bank in this area. The applicant has also offered to provide a dedication of greenway to the County of an area south of Powell's Creek. This is consistent with an area of greenway as shown on the Crozet Master Plan. Parks and Recreation staff have reviewed this request and have expressed interest in a greenway trail in this location and is supportive of the dedication. Dedication of the land or an easement over the greenway will help to mitigate impacts of the stream crossing by ensuring this area of greenway within the stream buffer and flood hazard overlay are protected in perpetuity. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The use will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The current Crozet Master Plan designates the portion of this property north of Powell's Creek as Neighborhood Density Residential, which calls for a density of 3-6 units per acre in the areas that are shown in the yellow color on the Master Plan (see below). Part of the property is shown in green which is designated as Parks and Green Systems, representing floodplain, steep slopes and stream buffer. While the Concept Plan (Attachment 5) for the whole development of Pleasant Green does not show all lot lines, it appears that lots could be within the Parks and Green Systems. However, proposed Condition #3 would address this concern. SP2019-02 Pleasant Green Planning Commission: July 14, 2020 Page 6 Crozet Master Plan- Land Use Plan With regard to the stream crossing, the provision of interconnected streets and transportation networks is one of the principles of the Neighborhood Model and is an important strategy within the Development Areas Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed stream crossing will provide a connection that will help provide alternative routes for vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians and will provide a more direct link to downtown Crozet for residents in the area. While the Master Plan does not show a stream crossing in this location, and since the previous approval of the crossing the properties that would allow a road as shown in the Master Plan to be built have been acquired, it should be noted that a single connection east to Blue Ridge Avenue would put further strain on a currently deficient roadway. The transportation planner, Kevin McDermott, has reviewed the application and recommends that all three connections be made to allow the distribution of traffic in this area. Blue Ridge Avenue is a public road that was built prior to current road standards and was not designed to carry a large volume of traffic. No public improvements to Blue Ridge Avenue are proposed in the Six Year Transportation Plan nor are upgrades shown within the Crozet Master Plan. Staff is of the opinion that the connection onto Orchard Drive would provide yet another alternative for this development, and Orchard Drive can more safely handle the additional traffic load. Further, the location of this connection would be less impactful to existing neighborhoods with vehicles having to travel just a short distance on Orchard Drive before intersecting with Jarmans Gap Road. SUMMARY: Staff has identified factors which are favorable and unfavorable to this proposal: Factors Favorable: The new location of the stream crossing will greatly reduce the impact on the stream, buffer, and floodplain than the previous location. SP2019-02 Pleasant Green Planning Commission: July 14, 2020 Page 7 2. The stream crossing will allow development of the property consistent with the Crozet Master Plan. 3. The applicants are proposing a greenway dedication in an area identified for greenway within the Crozet Master Plan, which will help ensure preservation of the stream buffer. 4. The stream crossing in this location promotes interconnectivity and disperses traffic onto a road system that is able to handle the additional traffic load. Factors unfavorable to this request include: 1. The Crozet Master Plan does not identify a road with a stream crossing in this location and the Comprehensive Plan recommends that roads with stream crossings only occur in areas shown in the Master Plans. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Based on the findings described in this staff report and factors identified as favorable, staff recommends approval of the SP amendment, SP 2019-002 Pleasant Green, with the following conditions: 1. The culverts under the proposed Connector Road extension over Powell's Creek must be in general accord with the attached Concept Plan titled "Pleasant Green Subdivision Special Use Permit Plan" (the "Plan") prepared by Collins Engineering with a revision date of March 2, 2020. To be in general accord with the plan, development must reflect the general size, arrangement, and location of the culverts, as well as maintaining no increase of the 100 year flood elevation outside of the Pleasant Green property. Modifications to the plan, which do not conflict with the elements above may be approved subject to the review and approval of the County Engineer. 2. Prior to final road plan approval or permitting of a land disturbance in the floodplain, the applicant must obtain from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) a conditional letter of map revision (CLOMR, or CLOMA), and prior to road acceptance the applicant must obtain from FEMA a letter of map revision (LOMR or LOMA). In addition, the applicant must copy the County Engineer on all correspondence with FEMA. Construction and installation of the culverts must be in compliance with approved road plans and FEMA approved CLOMR or CLOMA. 3. Any residential lots and associated streets resulting from the subdivision of the property, with the exception of the stream crossing and roadway identified on the attached plan as Connector Road, must be located outside of the 100 foot stream buffer, Flood Hazard Overlay and preserved slopes on the property. Lots may be permitted to be located within the landward 10 feet of the 100 foot stream buffer only if the lots are adjacent to approved stormwater management facilities located within the landward 50 feet of the stream buffer. Approval of lots located within the stream buffer must be subject Subdivision Agent approval. 4. The net density of the property must not exceed 6 units per acre, in accordance with the Crozet Master Plan. Net density must be calculated by subtracting the area within the Flood Hazard Overlay District, the 100-foot stream buffer, and areas of preserved slopes from the total acreage of the property subject to the special use permit. 5. Prior to issuance of a grading permit to allow installation of the stream crossing or with submittal of the final subdivision plat, whichever comes first, the applicant must submit an easement plat dedicating to the county the area identified for a greenway trail on the attached plan. 6. If the construction of the stream crossing for which this Special Use Permit is issued is not commenced by [insert date 5 years after the date the County Board approval of the Special Use Permit], the permit will be deemed abandoned and the authority granted there under will thereupon terminate. 7. Prior to approval of the first final Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) plans or the first final subdivision plat, whichever comes first, the applicant shall conduct a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in accordance with ASTM standards. The Phase II ESA SP2019-02 Pleasant Green Planning Commission: July 14, 2020 Page 8 shall include sampling and testing of accumulated sediment behind the dam that exists on the Property. The applicant shall be required to comply with all recommendations of the Phase II ESA prior to issuance of the first building permit on the Property. The applicant shall also be required to remove accumulated sediment from behind the dam prior to demolition of the dam and dispose of the sediment, either on site or off site, in accordance with the Phase II ESA recommendations. ATTACHMENTS 1 — Location map 2 —Applicant Narrative and Conditions 3 — SP1990-103 Approval and conditions 4 — SP2016-003 Approval and conditions 5 — Concept plan dated March 2, 2020 6 — Crozet Community Advisory Committee Resolution SP2019-02 Pleasant Green Planning Commission: July 14, 2020 Page 9 45 g 56-1 s S 56B-9ez 55-50 g 4 \ p3y10 s o@ 84✓ 5 77 56B-51 55-46B - 55-51A56B-13 O p Legend (Nom: Some cons on map may nor appear In lagane) O erla ys 55-53B nh Om' ° `st _�.� Q' ,`. s <'1T am (mo 55-53C ` �y ` : ^ ^ '` Obn 9 h° O ° IA e 55-51 n Pro 9 ^• g' v. ^ll/ 55C-C �i h M=Ck� `hP 7 \ "OQ a ■ water Protection Ordinal suffers Parcel Into y ° C tT 'h�J h 4 IO ry'7�h\e`'Mgh v 4hP Nib 56B-27 Ss 6' O @ 568-25 y ❑Parcels zoning Info N �Vo h U) O O ^ �° 56B-24 0 L h, r�`L @. 7, 0 Flood Hal Oyeday(100 Year Flo Sin h (i 9 On 56B-22 ? 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Map PmteNonN SS4 yJN Mutates Medlar, GpMe) FPS 3957) PLEASANT GREEN SUBDIVISION SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION NARRATIVE AND CONDITIONS Date: March 18, 2019 Revision #1: March 28, 2019 Revision #2: May 20, 2019 Revision #3: March 2, 2020 Applicant: Stanley Martin Homes Prepared By: Collins Engineering PLEASANT GREEN SUBDIVISION - SPECIAL USE PERMIT PROJECT NARRATIVE & CONDITIONS I. PROJECT PROPOSAL The proposed Pleasant Green Subdivision Special Use Permit is an amendment to the recently approved special use permit for the West Glen Subdivision (SP2016-00003) and the original special use permit affecting the property (SP90-103). The Pleasant Green Subdivision is a proposed by -right R-6 development within the Crozet Growth Area in Albemarle County. The development includes approximately 41.8 acres and incorporates the West Glen Subdivision that was part of the previously approved SPs. Note, the 41.8 acres does not include the 21.8 parcel owned by Vue Realty Partners, which is also included in the special use permit application. The (3) properties included in this Special Use Permit Application are TMP 56A1-01-30A, TMP 55C-03-A1, and TMP 56-115 (parcel owned by Vue Realty Partners). The unit mix within the Pleasant Green development will be single family attached housing, allowing the development to be clustered within a smaller development area on the property and preserve land for pocket parks, open space, and preservation area. Most of the preservation areas will be along the existing Powell's Creek, which is located along the southern boundary of the property. The proposed special use permit that is being requested is for an amendment to the existing special use permits for the filling within the floodplain for a roadway crossing, under section 30.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Currently, the properties within the Pleasant Green development have access from Blue Ridge Avenue and Cling Lane. A third point of access, which was proposed with the West Glen Subdivision and is being modified with this proposal, would connect the proposed development to Orchard Drive, approximately 620 feet north of Jarmans Gap Road. The 2016 Special Use Permit application (SP2016-00003) proposed a roadway connection from the development to Orchard drive, extending along Powell's Creek adjacent and within the existing floodplain and stream buffer corridor. This roadway alignment from the approved special use permit application impacted 1.22 acres of stream buffer and 9,660 SF of preserved slopes for the roadway connection to Orchard Drive. The amendment to the special use permit includes anew road alignment which crosses Powell's Creek perpendicular to the stream, substantially reducing the stream and environmental impacts. The new impact to the stream buffer is 0.62 acres, reducing the stream buffer impacts by 50%, and there are no preserved slope impacts with this proposed special use permit application. A Greenway trail along Powell's Creek is also proposed with this special use permit application, which is consistent with the previously approved special use permit. The SP2016-00003 application was an amendment to an earlier Special use permit (SP1990-103), which required a connection to Orchard drive for additional development along Cling Lane over 30 lots. The proposed Orchard Drive connection requires a crossing of Powell's Creek and filling within the floodway and floodplain for the crossing, as part of section 30.3.13 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. With the combination of the West Glen development with the Pleasant Green properties, the overall development has access to Blue Ridge Avenue and Cling Lane. While these (2) access points will be part of the proposed development, the Crozet neighborhood has expressed their concerns about the increase in traffic on these residential roadways which are currently not in a condition to accommodate the overall traffic from the proposed Pleasant Green development. A connection from the subdivision to Orchard Drive would alleviate these traffic concerns of the neighborhoods as a roadway connection from the development would connect to an existing roadway network in a location that can accommodate the increase in traffic. This proposed connection location would be ideal for the development and would help keep traffic off the smaller residential roadways, such as Cling Lane and Blue Ridge Avenue. This amendment also decreases the linear footage of roadway and drainage improvements of the original SP2016-0003 from 1200 linear feet to 450 linear feet. This reduction in the length of the connector road also reduces the stream impacts and eliminates the preserved slope impacts, as noted above. The new proposed location of the stream crossing is approximately 925 linear feet downstream of the original crossing, and the same design for the stream crossing is proposed with this application plan. Also, similar to the previous SP, no substantial detriment to adjacent lots is expected with this design, since the proposed fill and stream crossing will be designed to have a minimal impact on the 100-year base flood elevation with no increase of the 100-year flood elevation beyond the limits of the subject project. Any changes to the 100-year flood elevation will need to be reviewed and approved through a CLOMR-F/LOMR process with FEMA. The public benefits for the proposed special use permit include a roadway connection with the Crozet neighborhood which will improve traffic circulation within the area and a Greenway trail connection. The proposed Greenway trail will be located along Powell's creek, connecting the existing and proposed neighborhoods to a trailway system from Cling Lane to Jarmans Gap Road, with the potential for a future connection and extension to Mint Springs Park. In addition, the property at the comer of Orchard Drive and Jarmans Gap Road has been acquired by the applicant, and a pocket park is being proposed at this location which will tie-in to the proposed trailway system. The Pleasant Green development will also offer a mixture of residential units, creating a variety of housing types and prices throughout the development. The Pleasant Green special use permit will not change the characteristic of the zoning district, as the proposed neighborhood will be developed under the existing R-6 by -right development standards. The development is proposed to be clustered with smaller lots and attached housing to help mitigate the impacts of the development on the property. Clustering the development will allow for additional buffering of the development from the stream corridor and additional space for the installation of erosion and sediment control measures and stormwater management facilities to help treat the run-off from the site before the outfall into Powell's Creek. The proposed stream crossing and filling of the floodplain for the crossing is consistent with the zoning regulations and requirements for providing roadway connections and pedestrian connections for developments. The requirements for the filling of the floodplain as outlined in Section 30.3 of the zoning ordinance are met with this amendment proposal. The reduction of the impacts to the stream buffer and preserved slopes with this SP amendment is a huge public benefit, and the dedication of the Greenway trail to the County for a trailway connection is consistent with the Crozet Master plan. Il. Consistencv with the Comprehensive Plan The Pleasant Green development is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. The property, which is located within the Crozet growth area, allows for a development between 3-6 dwelling units an acre. Under the by -right development standards, the project will be consistent with the density of the comprehensive plan. The area along Powell's creek is designated as Parks and Green System within the comprehensive plan. The applicant is proposing to dedicate a Greenway trail easement through this area to Albemarle County for a trailway connection through the greenway area. While the Crozet Comprehensive plan does not indicate a roadway connection in this location, the connection was contemplated with the special use permit application (SP1990-103). This connection is also consistent with the goals of the comprehensive plan providing interconnected streets and transportation networks in the development community. This connection provides for both a roadway, pedestrian, and bicycle connection from the existing neighborhoods north of Powell's Creek to Jarmans Gap road and the other Crozet neighborhoods. The connection to Cling Lang and Blue Ridge Avenue will still be included with the development, but a roadway connection across Powell's Creek to Orchard Drive will substantially reduce the traffic impact on these (2) roadways and the effects of the development on the existing residential lots along these two roads. Orchard Drive is a substantially better roadway to serve as a main entrance to the development, and the proposed connection is approximately 620 feet north of Jarmans Gap Road. III. Development Impacts on the Public Facilities & Public Infrastructure The Pleasant Green development is located within the Albemarle County growth area and within the ACSA jurisdictional area. The development will be served by public water and public sanitary sewer. The overall water infrastructure design will tie-in to the existing 12" water main that runs through the property, which will provide the necessary water pressure for fire flow and water capacity for the residential uses. The existing sanitary sewer will be extended from Jarmans Gap Road to the development. Sewer capacity for the development will need to be requested from RWSA for the proposed build -out of the neighborhood. IV. Development Impacts on the Environmental Features The environmental impacts are substantially reduced with the proposed roadway crossing, in comparison to the previously approved road alignment with SP2016-0003. The roadway crossing length is reduced from 1200 linear feet to 450 linear feet (63% reduction), the stream buffer impact is decreased from 1.22 acres to 0.62 acres (50% reduction), and the preserved slope impact is eliminated. The applicant still proposes the following measures to mitigate the impacts on the environmental features with the road crossing and filling of the floodplain: Removal of the Existing Dam in Powell's Creek. The applicant is proposing to remove the concrete dam that impounds water in Powell's Creek as shown on the plan. With the removal of the dam, the applicant shall restore the native stream flow patterns. This will help restore the riparian habitat that has been altered due to the dam construction and allow aquatic life to travel up and down the stream bed, restoring natural processes currently impacted by the dam. 2. Provide stream bank stabilization with armoring to protect those areas along Powell's Creek on the property with extreme erosion issues. 3. Restoration in areas along Powell's Creek where tree cover is sparse, as shown on the plan. This planting with mitigate for the stream buffer impacts with the roadway. 4. Installation of some onsite water quality measures to help treat the run-off from the site. The stream buffers shall be preserved along the Powell's Creek corridor, except in the location of the roadway and utility crossings. V. Conclusion This Pleasant Green SP application greatly reduces the impacts to Powell's Creek and the environmental features along the stream corridor, while still providing a necessary interconnected street, pedestrian and transportation network in the Crozet neighborhood. Additional measures have been incorporated to the design of Pleasant Green and this SP application to protect the stream corridor with the proposed development, including protection of the stream buffer, clustering of the development, and erosion and sediment control measures. Overall, this Special Use Permit amendment is a great improvement over the current approved SP and road alignment for the West Glen portion of the development. PLEASANT GREEN SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS Date: March 2, 2019 SP #: 2019-002 Tax Map Parcel #: 55C-3-Al, 56A1-1-30A, & 56-115 (the "Property") 1. The culverts under the proposed Connector Road extension over Powell's Creek must be in general accord with the attached Concept Plan titled "Pleasant Green Subdivision Special Use Permit Plan" (the "Plan") prepared by Collins Engineering with a revision date of March 2, 2019. To be in general accord with the plan, development must reflect the general size, arrangement, and location of the culverts, as well as maintaining no increase of the 100 year flood elevation outside of the Pleasant Green property. Modifications to the plan, which do not conflict with the elements above may be approved subject to the review and approval of the County Engineer 2. Prior to final road plan approval or permitting of a land disturbance in the floodplain, the applicant must obtain from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) a conditional letter of map revision (CLOMR, or CLOMA), and prior to road acceptance the applicant must obtain from FEMA a letter of map revision (LOMR or LOMA). In addition, the applicant must copy the County Engineer on all correspondence with FEMA. Construction and installation of the culverts must be in compliance with approved road plans and FEMA approved CLOMR or CLOMA. 3. Any residential lots and associated streets located on the Property resulting from a subdivision, with the exception of the stream crossing and roadway identified on the attached plan as Connector Road, must be located outside of the 100 foot stream buffer, Flood Hazard Overlay and preserved slopes on the property. Lots may be permitted to be located within the landward 10 feet of the 100 foot stream buffer only if the lots are adjacent to approved stormwater management facilities located within the landward 50 feet of the stream buffer. Approval of lots located within the stream buffer must be subject Subdivision Agent approval. 4. The net density of the Property must not exceed 6 units per acre, in accordance with the Crozet Master Plan. Net density must be calculated by subtracting the area within the Flood Hazard Overlay District, the 100 foot stream buffer and areas of preserved slopes from the total acreage of the property subject to the special use permit. 5. Prior to issuance of a grading permit to allow installation of the stream crossing or with submittal of the final subdivision plat, whichever comes first, the applicant must submit an easement plat dedicating to the county the area identified for a greenway trail on the attached plan. 6. If the construction of the stream crossing for which this Special Use Permit is issued is not commenced by [insert date 5 years after the date the County Board approval of the Special Use Permit], the permit will be deemed abandoned and the authority granted there under will thereupon terminate. 7. Prior to approval of the first final Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) plans or the first final subdivision plat, whichever comes first, the applicant shall conduct a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in accordance with ASTM standards. The Phase II ESA shall include sampling and testing of accumulated sediment behind the dam that exists on the Property. The applicant shall be required to comply with all recommendations of the Phase II ESA prior to issuance of the first building permit on the Property. The applicant shall also be required to remove accumulated sediment from behind the dam prior to demolition of the dam and dispose of the sediment, either on site or off site, in accordance with the Phase II ESA recommendations. 41 ♦ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of. Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 July 1, 1991 Orchard Acres, Inc ATTN: Richard Nunley 1420 Foxbrook bane Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SP-90-103 Orchard Acres, Inc Tax Map 55C, Parcel A Dear Mr. Nunley: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on June 19, 1991, approved the above -noted request to construct a road crossing the floodplain of Powells Creek on 40.64 acres zoned R-6, Residential. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The bridge shall not be constructed until the following approvals have been obtained: a. Department of Engineering issuance of an erosion control permit; b. Department of Engineering approval of crossing design to insure compliance with section 30.3; C. Virginia Department of Transportation approval of crossing and road and drainage plans and calculations. d. Approval of Virginia marine Resources Commission, if required. 16 i Orchard Acres, Inc Page 2 July 1, 1991 2. This stream crossing shall be constructed to provide access to the 30 lots in the Crozet Crossing subdivision. No development of residue property or access to adjacent properties is allowed until second access is provided to Orchard Drive. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, V. Wayri- bergDirectannin Community Development cc: Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins Bill Roudabush COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 November 4, 2016 Michael Myers, RE C.F.M. - Dominion Engineering 172 S Pantops Dr Charlottesville, Va. 22911 RE: SP201600003 West Glen Dear Mr Myers, On September 14, 2016, the Board of Supervisors took action on your Special Use Permit request to Construction of stream crossing of Powell's Creek with box culvert and roadway in floodplain under Section 30.3 11 of the Zoning Ordinance on TMPs 055C00300000A0; 055C00300000A1, 056A1010002500, 056A10100026A0, 05600-000011500 in the Whitehall District. The Special Use Permit was approved by the Board's adoption of the attached resolution and conditions Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the project noted above, no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully begin until all applicable approvals have been received and conditions have been met. This includes. • compliance with conditions of the SPECIAL USE PERMIT; and • approval of a ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. Before beginning uses as allowed by this special use permit or if you have questions regarding the above - noted action, please contact Rebecca Ragsdale at (434) 296-5832 ext. 3226 Sincerely, David Benish (Acting) Chief of Planning *Attachment* RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SP 2016-03 WEST GLEN WHEREAS, Crozet Development Solutions, LLC is the owner of Tax Map and Parcel Numbers 055CO-03-00-OOOAO, 056A1-01-00-02500, 056A1-01-00-026A0 05600-00-00-11500, and 055CO-03-00- OOOA 1, collectively, the "Property", and WHEREAS, a special use permit was approved by the Board for this property on July 1, 1991 (SP 1990-103 Orchard Acres) to allow fill in the floodplain for the construction of the existing stream crossing across Powell's Creek and the construction of Cling Lane, including a condition requiring that a second access to Orchard Drive be provided prior to further development of the property; and WHEREAS, the Owner filed an application for a special use permit to allow fill in the floodplain to construct a second stream crossing over Powell's Creek in order to further develop the Property in accordance with the above -referenced SP 1990-103 condition, and the application is identified as Special Use Permit 2016-03 West Glen ("SP 2016-03"); and WHEREAS, on June 21, 2016, after a duly noticed public hearing, the Albemarle County Planning Commission recommended approval of SP 2016-03, and WHEREAS, on September 14, 2016, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors held a duly noticed public hearing on SP 2016-03 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the foregoing, the transmittal summary and staff report prepared for SP 2016-03 and all of their attachments, the information presented at the public hearing, and the factors relevant to a special use permit in Albemarle County Code §§ 18-30.3 11 and 18-33.8, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby approves SP 2016-03, subject to the conditions attached hereto. *w• 1, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of five to one, as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on September 14, 2016 A c7_ 2tA.� Clerk, Board of County $ pi'rvisors Ave Nay Mr Dill Y Ms. Mallek N Ms. McKeel Y _ Ms. Palmer Y Mr Randolph Y Mr Sheffield _ Y SP-2016-03 WEST GLEN Conditions The culverts under Cling Lane Extended shall be in general accord with the attached drawing titled "Special Use Permit Plans for West Glen Subdivision" (the "Plan) prepared by Dominion Engineering with a revision date of June 3, 2016 To be in general accord with the Plan, development shall reflect the general size, arrangement, and location of the culverts, as well as maintaining no increase of the 100 year flood elevation outside of the West Glen Subdivision property Modifications to the plan, which do not conflict with the elements above may be approved subject to the review and approval of the County Engineer 2. Prior to final road plan approval or permitting of a land disturbance in the floodplain, the applicant shall obtain from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) a conditional letter of map revision (CLOMR or CLOMA), and prior to road acceptance the applicant shall obtain from FEMA a letter of map revision (LOMR or LOMA). In addition, the applicant shall copy the County Engineer on all correspondence with FEMA. Construction and installation of the culverts shall be in compliance with approved road plans and the FEMA approved CLOMR or CLOMA. Any residential lots and associated streets resulting from the subdivision of the Property, with the exception of the stream crossing and roadway identified on the attached plan as Cling Lane Extended, shall be located outside of the 100 foot stream buffer, Flood Hazard Overlay District and preserved slopes on the Property Lots may be permitted to be located within the landward 10 feet of the 100 foot stream buffer only if the lots are adjacent to approved stormwater management facilities located within the landward 50 feet of the stream buffer Approval of lots located within the stream buffer shall be subject to Subdivision Agent approval. 4 The net density of the Property shall not exceed 6 units per acre, in accordance with the Crozet Master Plan. Net density shall be calculated by subtracting the area within the Flood Hazard Overlay District, the 100 foot stream buffer, and areas of preserved slopes from the total acreage of the Property 5 Prior to issuance of a grading permit to allow installation of the stream crossing or with submittal of the final subdivision plat, whichever comes first, the applicant shall submit an easement plat dedicating to the County the area identified for a greenway trail on the Plan. 6 If the construction of the stream crossing for which this Special Use Permit is issued is not commenced by September 14, 2021, the permit shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. 7 Prior to approval of the first final Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) plans or the first final subdivision plat, whichever comes fast, the applicant shall conduct a Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in accordance with ASTM standards. The Phase H ESA shall include sampling and testing of accumulated sediment behind the dam that exists on the Property The applicant shall be required to comply with all recommendations of the Phase II ESA prior to issuance of the first building permit on the Property The applicant shall also be required to remove accumulated sediment from behind the dam prior to demolition of the darn and dispose of the sediment, either on site or off site, in accordance with the Phase 1I ESA recommendations. = v� o c O Q c -Mo E SPECIAL USE PERMIT PLANS FOR _ ��m� 0 nip E C 0 W WE T LEN IVI ION n/ TMP 55C•O3-A, 56AI mOl m259 56AI mOl m26A9 55C•O3-A7 , & 56ol 15 WHITE HALL DISTRICT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA REGIONAL CONTEXT/VICINITY MAP OWNER/DEVELOPER OWNER: Crozet Development Solutions, LLC 1215 E Market St, Suite B Charlottesville, VA 22902 DEVELOPER: Southern Development Group 170 Siouth Pantops Dr. Charlottesville, VA 22902 SCALE: 1 "=1000' O TMP 55C-03-A O2 TMP 56A1-01-25 O3 TMP 56A1-01-26A �4 TMP 56-115 (5 TMP 55C-03-A1 SHEET INDEX( SPl COVER SHEET SP2 EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE OVERVIEW SP3 PROPOSED CONDITIONS SITE OVERVIEW SP4 SITE PLAN SP5 FLOODPLAIN PLAN SP6 FLOODPLAIN PLAN SP7 FLOODPLAIN PLAN SP8 ROAD PROFILE - CLING LANE EXTENSION 10+00 TO 18+00 SP9 ROAD PROFILE - CLING LANE EXTENSION 18+00 TO 27+1 1.59 SP10 SIGHT DISTANCE PLAN AND PROFILE ORCHARD DR SP1 1 FLOODPLAIN SUMMARY Af�'D PROPOSED CULVERT CROSS SECTIONS PARCEL MAR �o E--7 rti SCALE: 1 "=400' J J 0 a a� �C3 4a O Q U° �Qo QQ °o o o �� E�'j #P QdoEp 5Z>0'(-1'icjJ t15e Submittal ype Reviewed and Approved by the Communi D velopment f.)epartment Date % � I t0 _. rila"_ IlG OC)OC)� �;A4a e -- � re lic. `N�o. 33028 ww m (24I A 0 m 0 W z o z tflu) 00 o � � u; J Q CD g c) E-H v� ui Zg W O J z o w W W o E— J F2" w W x w Q) DOM. PROJECT NO:15.002 INDEX TITLE: SPI SHEET NO: 1 of 11 DATE: 01/19/2016 / 1 / 41 RPEE 500 YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN /' / �/ /'// / �/� `/_ 00 YR __ - / / / 4, / CLING Y ` 100 YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN' NI \ I I I 500 YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN NOTES: 1. APPLICANT IS PROPOSING TO DEVELOP PARCELS 1, 2, 3, AND 5. 2. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION IS BASED ON FIELD SURVEY SUPPLEMENTED BY ALBEMARLE COUNTY GIS. OVERALL PROJECT AREA TABULATION PARCEL AREA O1 TMP 55C-03—A 12.81 Ac. O2 TMP 56A1-01-25 4.43 Ac. O3 TMP 56A1-01-26A 0.89 Ac. ® O TMP 56-115 TMP 55C-03—A1 21.30 1.34 Ac. Ac. TOTAL AREA: 40.77 Ac. B — EXISTING 8'4"WX8'4"H DOUBLE BOX CULVERT 150 0 150 300 450 SCALE: 1" = 150' KEY OVERALL BOUNDARY (5 PARCELS) INTERIOR PROPERTY LINES — — DEPARTING PROPERTY LINES — — 100—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (1% CHANCE STORM) 500—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (0.2% CHANCE STORM) FEMA FLOODWAY - - - 50' STREAM BUFFER LINE — 100' STREAM BUFFER LINE 0 WETLANDS 0 PRESERVED SLOPES �=Quo �m u Y. W E O^, m 't v 4/ o m m mmcv E N -u 0 111 ic. No. 33028 �0 �w SSIONAL E��1 A m 0 Y U W 2 U C/J Z zi � W o Q } Fa m w m 0 W z Z wW 0 O A � � 0 o I q w J Q � i n n wcil rwn v w U v O � qqq qqq U V Z E- E— w I < o z o W O rz � � w z w CD 0 Q � 54 Z 0 C a E-1 w w W Lu DOM. PROJECT INDEX TITLE: (ter SP2 SHEET NO: 2 of 11 DATE: 01/19/2016 (No Parking) - 49' Public R/W ADT CLING LANE EXTENDED 44 SFD x 10 TPD + 31 TOWNHOUSES x 7 TPD + 27 EX. SFD x 10 TPD= 927 VPD 5 6.0' 24' Curb To Curb 6,0' 5' Sidewalk Planting 0.5' 0.5' Planting Sidew Tom• 4" alk SFD: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 1.0' Strip 1.5" SM 9.5A BM 25.OA T yp• StripTPD: TRIPS PER DAY 1.0' SLOPE 2% SLOE CG-6 '+ ''"'' Install sidewalk as VPD: VEHICLES PER DAY g xS f <$� t s £} t � ; 4 y s { $ �} yrFS Y�, }, r� {� k shown on plans. 3000 psi concrete with 4" stone base. (Typical) COMPACTED Note: Provide VDOT Std. JD-4 SUBGRADE� 8" VDOT Pavement Edgedrain for entire 95% COMPACTED 21A length of Cling Lane. 1 1TYPICAL ROAD SECTION - ONSITE STREET FOR < 2,000 VPD - --- - --- -------- - - ... ---- ------- -- —------- CU3i NOT TO SCALE - - - 6R�EBOARD -` 4/ 00 YR STOkM BI 500 YR FEMA FLOdbPLAIN - CLING LN EXIST Ox 100 YR FEMA FLOOD PLAIN--,,` 1 - li 500 YR FEMA FLOODPLAII WEST GLEN SUBDIVISION SITE AREA: R-6 CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT SITE AREA = 19.47 Ac Q+0+ T +(5) PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY = 3.16 Ac PROPOSED OPEN SPACE = 8.04 Ac (41.3% > 25% Min - OK) PROPOSED OPEN SPACE IN FLOODPLAIN = 4.61 Ac (< 80% OF TOTAL OPEN SPACE - OK) MAXIMUM DENSITY: 6 DU/Ac = 6 x 19.47 = 1116 UNITS PROPOSED DENSITY: ±81 UNITS / 19.47 Ac = ± 4 DU/Ac WEST GLEN SUBDIVISION TO REMAIN OVERALL PROJECT AREA TABULATION PARCEL AREA 1 TMP 55C-03-A 12.81 Ac. O2 TMP 56A1-01-25 4.43 Ac. O3 TMP 56A1-01-26A 0.89 Ac. ® TMP 56-115 21.30 Ac. O5 TMP 55C-03-A1 1.34 Ac. TOTAL AREA: 40.77 Ac. EXISTING �-8141'WX81411H `DOUBLE BOX r CULVERT 150 0 150 300 450 SCALE: 1" = 150' KEY OVERALL BOUNDARY (5 PARCELS) INTERIOR PROPERTY LINES — — DEPARTING PROPERTY LINES — — 100—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (1% CHANCE STORM) ---- 500—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (0.2% CHANCE STORM) ® — FEMA FLOODWAY -- 50' STREAM BUFFER LINE — — 100' STREAM BUFFER LINE WETLANDS PRESERVED SLOPES L' No.33028 ►VONAL 1�� m 0 w U Li w U I m 0 w z w o A w A I I r, w vvi E, E. w I <a QCD Zo w C:� O J LO z O � � Cf) w — w E ---- Q V Cf] � O C/D U) 0 wwo � a T /1 W W DOM. PROJECT NO:15.0020 INDEX TITLE: � 110S P 3 SHEET NO: 3 of 11 DATE: 01/19/016 Z J if 1 / ---------------- _ r / - - O / // /� // i /ice/ / // // _ / =' .. '-_ •� - `.` / �`a a a»"% / //^ / \ l �ut n6 Lot as - 1"0 " tnt-�z' / / % / / / / Low / (� l s utxo. w;, _ _ PROPOSED STREAIVN/ JPt — g/. / Los � / CROSSING TRIPLE BOX qp V ;-5 - 00 R F-EMA--F-L�pPL } X ER � . y , TR AM BUFF At TI N C \\\ / / _ 5 / X i , R PLANTING\ 0 P POSED � 7 \ -- - s ,- ,/f- ' 0\YR FEMA NO PO r LOO\ V " LAI N /. . : v. e , POW E LL S �z" STF�_Af�d CENTERLINE-- / 5 eP J f i _ OPOS€� 4 20 � ;; — _ � y � \ CESS EASEMENT A FLOODWAY /\L f -- 5 _ —, TO BE REMOVED I \ III - --- _ -pt jL--j I Lot 6-1 / IIf 100 0 100 200 300 SCALE: 1" = 100' PROPOSED MITIGATION SUMMARY 1. REMOVAL OF DAM 2. STREAMBANK RESTORATION AT DAM REMOVAL 3. PROPOSED MITIGATION PLANTING 4. 15% AFFORDABLE DWELLING UNITS (ADU) KEY OVERALL BOUNDARY (5 PARCELS) INTERIOR PROPERTY LINES - - DEPARTING PROPERTY LINES L_J — 100—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (1% CHANCE STORM) -- - 500—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (0,2% CHANCE STORM) - FEMA FLOODWAY — — 50' STREAM BUFFER LINE — — 100' STREAM BUFFER LINE WETLANDS 0 PRESERVED SLOPES ---E s L 0 0) 0 W p,mmR 1no�v W O n tic. No. 330228 O Y 3y�� ��sS I0NAL a a s ui I ,Z o Lu :o ' Q L6 .Z � z w � O E � w U� E- W U E-� Llj W Z z W uj DOM. PROJECT NO:15.002 INDEX TITLE: q)01�SQP 4 SHEIET NO: 4 Of 11 DATE: 01/19/2016 rn �5 cli 49 C N cm M _ \ , r ot %' / /' / _ - -` ._._--- — _.��BO' '� ,i�jV / \ _/5 - -"tJ 5q— L / ® ........ .., / A 6�'FREEBOARD 100 YR STORM BELOW ;CLING LN � //r / / � \ /' _ --- t-.� -— — _— — — ' PR SE0 RAIL / \ PRESEFVED SLOPES \/ _ —L$ / - /' AS E T. / // //sue a PER / r/— ---Z�� s / // /,' COUNTY IS �/ L - -- — _ 500 YR'FEMA F ODP IN / �i' // /' / / ' s l /— _-- . / EXISTING / \ = 3 / � / of 12'WX8'H '/ --' -- — M / Lot 5j - i -- - p DOUBLE/BO/X CUT / / / / / / 5 Soc„� �e 1 / / — " 100 8 REAM .BUFFER No.33028 DO STREAM BUFFER Lot 47 L / - s ,l ! / � / ■■RRR/ / /. / ./ \ - \ .may ' / �_ � % % / f - / / / of v z /tot cn Z o O / / r <s . i i 5 � r r / / _ W w 'i �s t s. y / _ f PR POSED TRAIL EASEMENT . EXISTING A. N0 A r 4 CONCRETE - DAM TO BE ` _—�— - ,�". REMOVED s _ s -'►L / s ►_ I / STR I f�l � CENf RLiNE i" I I 1'i30-YR FEMA FLOODO�AIN I I PRESER ED SLOPES I I PER ALB MARLE— - ;--.--'GOD S- \ 500 YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN -- — ` - — -- , PECH TREE VR , A 50 0 50 100 150 SCALE: 1" = 50' KEY OVERALL BOUNDARY (5 PARCELS) INTERIOR PROPERTY LINES — — DEPARTING PROPERTY LINES — — 100—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (1% CHANCE STORM) 500—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (0.2% CHANCE STORM) ® — FEMA FLOODWAY — — 50' STREAM BUFFER LINE — — 100' STREAM BUFFER LINE WETLANDS PRESERVED SLOPES u s rl LLI i� Z F--I o m rn a cn W w Q z w zo W z -" cm Z C.5 F H OCD Z z a a �:D z U O �:D E1 w cn � � a :J nW W LLJ x w DOM. PROJECT NO 15,002 INDEX TITLE: 9 - `5 OV�'J��Q S Tr SHEET NO: 5 of 11 DATE: 01/19/2016 MANAGED SLOPES PER ALBEMARLE COUNTY GIS / 1 t s � - 1 � �cd O � 53 I PRESERVED, OPES PER ALREMAR ES I - - — — -- - - -- COUNTY GIS 50 0 50 100 150 / / / / - - PROPOSED / 10'WX10'H RI TPLE BOX CULVERT / 100' STREAM WFrER / 50' STREAM BUFFER FEMA FLOODWAY r' KEY OVERALL BOUNDARY (5 PARCELS) INTERIOR PROPERTY LINES - - DEPARTING PROPERTY LINES - - 100-YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (1% CHANCE STORM) 500-YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (0.2% CHANCE STORM) FEMA FLOODWAY - -- 50' STREAM BUFFER LINE - - 100' STREAM BUFFER LINE WETLANDS M PRESERVED SLOPES fic. MY 9 No. 33028 G�1� �'z 11,,.,m I — I � 1'1 o fa4 cn w w xw � w ✓� W CD DOM. PROJECT NO:1 INDEX TITLE: s P u SHEET NO: 6 of 11 DATE: 01/19/2016 PRESERVED SL01 ��S M1, / r P' A I RAA 1 cy) �NNt06+ / \ \ co V cl G2 c 500YRF�OODPLAIN / \ _ ®\ `TINE "V11X8'4"H UBLE' BOX \ KEY OVERALL BOUNDARY (5 PARCELS) INTERIOR PROPERTY LINES — — DEPARTING PROPERTY LINES — — 100—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (1% CHANCE STORM) 500—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (0.2% CHANCE STORM) ® - — FEMA FLOODWAY ------w 50' STREAM BUFFER LINE — - — 100' STREAM BUFFER LINE WETLANDS 0 PRESERVED SLOPES Lic. No. 33028 (p-5-/(,. p 11 FZ! m Y U W U WAIW KEY OVERALL BOUNDARY (5 PARCELS) INTERIOR PROPERTY LINES — — DEPARTING PROPERTY LINES — — 100—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (1% CHANCE STORM) 500—YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN (0.2% CHANCE STORM) ® - — FEMA FLOODWAY ------w 50' STREAM BUFFER LINE — - — 100' STREAM BUFFER LINE WETLANDS 0 PRESERVED SLOPES Lic. No. 33028 (p-5-/(,. p 11 FZ! m Y U W U WAIW w < O Z OO W c Cat J LL ti HH Fi4 rTO v 1 � o z ��w z as w CJ �_ o cn w w w J (� w ul W x W DOM. PROJECT NO:16.002 INDEX TITLE: �,u1NS7 SHEET NO: 7 of 11 DATE: 01/19/2016 U 'WETLANDS�j�S E/ / � /' � I. \ \ I 0 1 \ i\ 0 C a) /� 5R1�2 500 YR FEM oobPLAIN - CP 0 (3) C', "b 4L�1- \ Z, K (Al / 5 I I t Cl) L V f 0 IA C04) n A92- \N1 0) if N I Ilk Z Q) R OP S DC 0 TION ING LN 30 0 30 60 90 PROPOSED SPAR& 1 O'W X 1 O'H PROPOSED TRAIL SCALE: I" = 30' TRIPLE BOX CULVERT EASEMENT 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Cling bone Extended Profile Horiiz. Scale: 1"=30' Vertical Scale: 1"=10' 0 LLI 000e. o \00 BAN R C �)R IL NE FEMA FLO F. MY S AM.. 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PROJECT NO: 15.002C INDEX TITLE: )q�Y SP 8 mq4kV SHEET NO: 8 of 11 DATE: 01/19/16 ----------- \ \ PROP(?SED1QO-VR� \ �oe' m oNN�s \ FEMA FLOODLINE ; . _ o 4000,;' t m� /, !/ + - c Lei i \. - � PER A EMARLE � - i 5 \\ COUN Y GIS F1\ ! I O SE i LU I v v s v ��I i� ;CQNNE 10 TO z 30 0 30 60 90 ORCHARD DR SCALE: 1" = 30' 770 765 760 755 750 745 740 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 695 690 685 680 675 I� Cling Lane Extended Profile Horiz. Scale: 1"=30' Vertical Scale: 1 "=10' - _ _ - - -- -- -... _ - - - -- - _ -- - -- - ----- --� - -- --- - -- - -- - -_ - - - ---- -._ - - - - - _ - _ 715.47 t - - - -- -- LEN- = 404-A ----- - ---- - - - - - - - - -- ------- - --- - _- - __ -- ---- - -- - -- - - -- - - - -- _..__-....._._... ..__.. .._..._.-_ _...___. .._..--._,...L ._. .-__. _.-.-_ ........ - .-..._. __— .......-.. - .... 1- i _ - - --- -- --s-M STA_= t9T166 5— - - - WPI-ST4 = 21+3 65 _ - - - ----- - - - _ _. --- -- - --- - -- - - __--j--- - -- - - -- - _ - -- - - -- - -- - - _ - - -- LEN=--4h.A0----- --- = - - ------ - -------_ -- -- -_ -- -- -- - - - --- -- _ -- - - T - - - -- -- _ _ - - - WSB=�33:5fi -- - - ;... - _ LSD = 1a5:5 - - ------ --- - - -41 . ----- --- -- -- L- -_ _. _ ----__-. �..--- --- .__.._ -_ _.. _. _ - ______ .__ - - __ -_. - - __ ... _ _ ---- - _[�TA — - _- - -- - --- -- - - -- `-- --- -- - 243 65.57 _ - - - - . __ _ -_.... --. - -- -.., — — L " -- — -- _ — — --- ------- -- ______ -T _ _ ...-_ _- — _-- _-- _ — LEN = 29 00_. .. ..-.. .__ -.... _.,..,_ --- .._. —._ _ ..... -- - - - - —_ --� -- — ----26.sRi - - - - - 1(S11 _ — -- --- - - --- -- - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -,----- ------ - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -t- 1 -- - -- --- - - -- - -- ---- - - _.� - -_ - ------' - -- - - 0 CHAR DRP NT)f. -T-- _._. -- -- -- - - --- -- --- r - _ - GT____ - ._..__ �. �- PROPOSED -GRADE —__ - --.m -- - - - --- - ----- - - - - -- - - - - -- _ __ 7 _ -__ --_ _ �..._. _- __- __ _._— _- ._ -- - ........_ _-__.. ---- -- ------ ----- `--- - -- - - - - - -- - - F- J"-' _. __.___...-__ _._ __............. _ _.-.- --------- -- _._____ us - �...._.._-.— .............. _..._ _Op. toW _- _ __ _-_- - --� F __ _ .- -,. .. ._._. ^ �_ --� -- --- ----- - --------------- ------------�---- - _ ._.___.__ _ ...---- -----—..--------------------- --_--r'7 r --- - ---- - =r II Ir -- - -----�--_ - ___ - - —. W:��Dlas- __-- ------- _- -- - --- —__ _ \ - ----- ------ r _.-. _ - -- ------ _ ----- _— — - _-- - -- - rj rj _ -- -- --- ----- -- -.—w— - - = — t - - -- - --- V1 J. W -- -- --- .__.-. —____ ,. _ ___.—_._..—. _ ,.-_-_F.___-.. _..._ ._.__ __._. - - ---- _.. - - - - -- - --- - --- -- a -- -- - --- - r r, --- -- __ _ --- o- - T - - - -- -- - - u --- n -- - - f�f13PRN6 CRf�DE- — — i -:- --- _ _ _...r_- . _ _-_ --- .. ___ 1 _------------ _ - .. __. .._ .f. -._._. � -._ OO -;tN n (-C)M 0) 000 N COO n C0 O C0 P7 O O CO 00 (-0 O 0) n 0) N 0 N CO CO N N N c\I N N N N N N N O 19+00 20+00 21 +00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 0 z w o m 0 0 I I � w Z' z wm 770 >� o 1V�1 765 a 0 U 0 U 760 755 ui a z 750 z W 745 Z 740 735 0 E' O F—i Zi O p 730 N r-i 725 720 W W � W W 715 W 710 U 705- W A E-I U) CJ CK) 700 w_ 695 '� 0 F W H p 690 x w O 685 DORM. PROJECT NO:15.002 680 INDEX TITLE: n`n,�(-�_ 675 S P 9 V �ii I �l SHEET NO: 9 of 11 DATE: 01/19/16 7 7 7 7 7 7 �M DE p OINT\ - " 1 i \ 1 I i N " Il IO�I pECIS ANT ' 1 ) RIGHT VIEW SITE DISTANCE 280' SP 9 Horiz. Scale: 1"=30" Vert. Scale: 1"=10" 1 1 LEFT VIEW SITE DISTANCE 280' S P 9 Horiz. Scale: 1"=30" Vert. Scale: 1°=10" Ix IV \ DECISIO , \ pOINT C \\ i \ ti \ 50 0 50 100 150 SCALE: 1" = 50' 725 720 715 710 705 700 695 690 a�EO 0) u p N — _ NNNpJ p � L c 6 up m W E 0 omm� _ C: Aa�� _ N `m f . _ U � C W 0 Pc.'No. 33028 G-5J1b G ti14NAL 1 r I I ui J Q N U U QU qy A I U U z C7 E. r/1 di � O Q C\2 Z 0 W z N J un Z Q � Q di O 0 W �:D a (� W Z W w Q � W 00 DOM. PROJECT NO:15.002 INpEX TITLE: �kqS t 0 SHEET NO: 10 01 11 DATE: 01/19/2016 740 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 T 7: 7: 7: 7: 7 7 7( 7( EXISTING CONDITIONS _. I I - ---------- --- . I" Descriptor 'Reach ; River Sta'Prof He QTotal Min Ch EI W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. SlopeVel Chnl (Flow Area Top Widd - (cfs) (ft) , . _ _ (ft) _ (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft)- I _ POWELLS CR 6995 :100-YEAR 1390 757 765,35 762 02 765.84 _. . _ -- - 0.004395 5.87 274.11 151.59' EX. CLING LANE X ING POWELLS CR -_ -_ ; 6960 4Culvert __ _....._ ........ ..... j POWELLS CR 6925 ! 100-YEAR •:. 1390 756.1 761.17 760.71 762.57 0.022656. 9.89 160.46t 306.691. POWELLS CR 6875 100-YEAR' 139& 754.6 760.45 760.45i 760.94 0.024296; 8.76 397.51 299.45 L POWELLS CR 6490 100 YEAR 1400i 743 750.34 750.34E 751.36 0.022201f 10.43 266,45 122.08 K POWELLS CRI 6120 '100YEAR' 1410, 733 740.24� 740.241 741.16 0.021135) 10.08 290.16 140.62 723 730.01 730 031 730.82 0.020602 972 329.5 180,49 . i - NO RISE tv,708.5 POWELLS CR ' S190 100-YEAR; 1450 i7; 715.72 716.94 0.023728 11.16 241.45 94.34', H2-NO RISE POWELLS CR 5151 ;100-YEAR' 1450 708.5 Z 713.84 715.23 0019996 9.55` 224.13 88.93 `�H1-NORtSE POWELLSCR 5056 100YEAR 1450 706.5 71, 71225 713.36 0.018598 8.451 233.42 131.32 �i r }{ - NO RISE POWELLS CR 4885 ,100 YEAR 1460 . _. . 701.2 708.6) 708.61 709.79 0.023429 11) 257.71 111.72: G2 POWELLS CR ! 4455 1100 YEAR 1460! 692 697.74 697.74' 69&27 0.0267221 9.141 394.05 293.97 G1 POWELLS CR i 4326 100-YEAR 1460 689.2 695 24 695.5 0.013752E 6 84 522.87 334.64 _ -..-. G v POWELLS CR , 4210 100 YEAR 1480 686.7 693 09 _ 692.87i 693.59 0.01961 8 551 401.68 241.33 F POWELLS CR 3550 1100-YEAR 1510 670.5 678441 678,441 679.57 0,0228111 10.74' 263.35 117.4' POWELLS CR j 3334 100-YEAR ' 1520� 665.2 675.221 675.3 0 001713 3.71 867.29 265.22 POWELLS CR 3307 i100 YEAR 1520' 664,4E 675.10 670 675.24 0.001276i 3.471 686.86 262.69 POWELLS CR 3260 Culvert i JARMANS GAP X ING POWELLS CR j 3218 100-YEAR 1520 663 11 668 75 668.75 671.58 0 04099 13 491 112.71 20.07 _._... ._... POWELLS CRT 3186 _ 110D-YEAR; 1520� 661.5 668.52' 668.52 669.61 0 023188 - 10.79 -- t 244 22 109.021 PROPOSED CONDITIONS Descriptor ------jReach RiverSta Profile QTotal MmCh El W S. _ -- Irf<l ,Iftl Iftl iPOWELLSCR 1 6995 1100-YEARS 13901 757 765.35 EX. CLING LANE X-ING POWELLS CR 6960 Culvert POWELLS CR 6925 100-YEAR •: 1390' 756.1[ 761.17 ---------- POWELLS CR 6875 100YEAR 1390 754.6 76045 L POWELLS CR 6490 100 YEAR 1400 743 750.34 K POWELLS CR { 6120 100-YEAR 1410 733E 740.24 J POWELLS CR 5735 100 YEAR 1430 723 730.03 „ i - NO RISE POWELLS CR 5190 100 YEAKI ... 1450 708 5 . 715,72 H2-NORISE POWELLSCR ,) 5151 �100-YEAR 1450 7106 7133C PROP BOX CULVERT POWELLS CR 5103 Culvert 1-HI `�NO RISE POWELLS CR Sii56 1, 10E0�-`SEAR 1450, 706.5 711.59 H - NO RISE POWELLS CR 4885 " 1460 701.2 708.61 G2 --------------------- POWELLS CR 4455 ' 100-YEAR 1460 _ 692, 698.23 G1 POWELLS CR 4326 .100YEAR, 1460 689.21 695.46 G POWELLS CR 4210 100-YEAR 1480 68_6_.7 693.09 F POWELLS CR 3550 :100 YEAR 1510 670.5; 678.44 POWELLS CR 3334 100-YEAR 1520 665.2'. 675.22 POWELLS CR ! 3307 100-YEAR ` 1520 664.4. 675.10 JARMANS GAP X-INGIPOWELLS CR 3260 Culvert POWELLS CR 1 3218 100 YEAR 1520 663.1 66875 *EXISTING GRADE BASED ON FIELD RUN TOPOGRAPHY, MARCH 2O16. Crit W.S E.G. Elev E.G. 5 715. 709. 668.75 Q ?VelChnl I Flow_A_re TopWidtt 1ft/sl 11sa ftl (ftt ��. 'Lic. No. 33028 � -(�-,/b 762,57 0.022656� 989i 160.46 306.69 760.94 0 024296' 8, 76 397.51 299.45 Q 751.36 0.0222011 10.43 266.45I 122.08' 741.16 0.021135 10.08' -- 290.16 140.62 } o 730.82 0.020602 9.72 329.51 180.49' v 716.94 0.023728 11.161 241.45 94.34 LL' x 713.61 0.002916 4 49 346.36 74.9' 712.2 0.009041 709.79 0.023429 698.68' 0.018719 696.03 0,022386 693.59 0.01961 679.57 0.022811 675.3 0.001713 675.24 0.001276 '.iLE%M7 41KLrkL•; 6.7V 289.14 98.6 11 257.71` 111.72 8.18 394.47 223.25 8.99 372.6 22955 8.55 401.68 241.33 10.74 263.35 117.4 333 867.29 265.22 3.471 686.86 262.69 13.49! 112. / 1 10 20 30 ilr iii � � 740 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 740 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 � m 0 rn ui Z z A M �a ca tea. J Q m O o a a w A w I c� z o w e; lL rl Z d � Z PL4 U� �D O a 0 O ~ R� Eq CfD E-' %> F"-E a w � O i-- O Q � w z H w DOM. PROJECT NOJ5,002 INDEX TITLE: i'IsP 1 30 0 SCALE: H: 1" = 30 60 90 SHEET NO: 11 OF 11 DATE: 01/19/2016 GENERAL NOTES OWNER: STANLEY MARTIN COMPANIES LLC 11710 PLAZA AMERICA DRIVE, SUITE 1100 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 DEVELOPER: STANLEY MARTIN HOMES 404 PEOPLE PLACE, SUITE 303 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911 ENGINEER: COLLINS ENGINEERING 200 GARRETT ST, SUITE K CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 (434)293-3719 TAX MAP NO.: TMP 55C-3-Al (0.700 AC.) IMP 56A1-1-30A (0.500 AC) TMP 56-115 - WE REALTY PARTNERS LLC (21.854 AC) TOTAL AREA: 1.200 ACRES (NOT INCLUDING IMP 56-115) ZONING. R-6 RESIDENTIAL PRESERVED/MANAGED SLOPES: PRESERVED SLOPES AND MANAGED SLOPES HAVE BEEN SHOWN AND LABELED ON THE PLANS. WATERSHED: LICKINGHOLE CREEK WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED AGRICULTURAL/ FORESTAL DISTRICT. NONE TOPO & SURVEY., THE BOUNDARY LINE, PARCEL INFORMATION AND TOPOGRAPHY WERE PROVIDED BY ROUDABUSH, GALE AND ASSOCIATES IN ✓ANUARY OF 2019. INFORMATION WAS FIELD VERIFIED BY COLLINS ENGINEERING IN ✓ANUARY OF 2019. DATUM: NAD 83 EXIS77NG VEGETATION: PAR77ALLY WOODED STREAM BUFFERS: THE 100' STREAM BUFFERS SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE MANAGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY WATER PR07EC77ON ORDINANCE FLOODPLAIN: A POR77ON OF THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN A FLOODPLAIN ZONE AS SHOWN ON FEMA MAP#51003CO229D, DATED FEBRUARY 4, 2005. SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN - PLEASANT GREEN SUBDIVISION SP 2019mOO2 WHITEHALL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA �► � r Ii � �UIu'O��I ul +i �M - Zi�aRa� � ���ia" �' e•i•` • s � '�� �'?/ v: 0.'. " ERE 7� • S 1 a I� �i�./� d ap�� • �I ��� y>air q t \�/ .� ,rii 3 .��� � � a� s •9V�' y� ��°. III. jl�r�` ' ���� � � . ` � '! �.�+� �'! � � �� ��► '✓� ,' Iq,1 �,:,•�; �.-� '"", �s� •, . M! •� •�� � , � � � - ..... � ,�� � � ►— _,.� `►� ♦ �I �� � III �I- � dl� ''"1�1,,� : � � � � � / T . � � I I 1 f• � � ■ �1 �. �� i• i T • I !�� � � + � �1 �♦ ,<<�'�:� �i� , � ` � �� �� �' � it ' �'� � _�►�. �yl���►���,. 77s � v ,_� �i_'.'���.'�i►'O ,_.� L�' ����_��� ♦ ����._.� .L�:nrdil 1��111111�,����� SHEET LAYOUT SCALE: 1" = 200' VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 2' LAUREL HILLS CROZET ra'A CROSSING GRAYROCK WAYLANDS WAYLAND PARK I GRANT r SITE Starr Hill 9seu Crozet z�a caa REA PARKSIDE if— VILLAGE Old Trail Golf Club 9 i—m- PARK VIEW BROOKWO Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title i COVER Z EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE OVERVIEW 3 APPROVED CONDITIONS SITE OVERVIEW 4 PROPOSED CONDITIONS SITE OVERVIEW 5 ROAD PLAN & PROFILE - CONNECTOR ROAD S TOTAL NUMBER OF SHEETS LEGEND O EXISTING CULVERT _•„_•,• EARTH DITCH O CULVERT DRIVEWAY CULVERT Q DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. BENCH MARK CURB CLEARING LIMI7S CURB & GUTTER - - - - - PROPOSED PAVEMENT T 0 EC-3A DITCH 20° EXIS77NG CONTOUR DEPTH OF EC-3A DITCH PROPOSED CONTOUR 20o 240.55 VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN EC-2 DITCH PROPOSED SPOT ELEVA77ON 6" DEPTH OF EC-2 DITCH TH OFD SCOTT R. COLLINS'Z No. 35791 11� Zz0 k= Ln w 0S U in Z O Z OV O U U in J /A w t=i� a -D U v, Z w O �..� O z Q Z --erg LUw ao L w wLn Q w 0 F c) N L z _') Q M ® M N i LU Wla- c:) LUN U)W / D w Q ® J U LU o � w LLI ZJ z = O LLj W " �, > Y i--i LU > O Ul cl) m I— ::D ZLU LU U) � z — w WLU / IY cl Q (D `D z O 0 Q LU a JOB NO. 112066 SCALE 1" =200� SHEET NO. 1 I ` 1 , I 1 \ `�� �/\\\ \ \ it CD CO I / , �1 ' 1 , I I \ 1 ❑ \❑ ° IIJI��II ❑ \ _- _=--Lj COTT R. COLLINS'Z No. 35791 I�l En z _ Z LU O � F 0 OU _ z ZZ O O O Q Z O F oc U In w LU 0 (n Q U ~ ~ o Zug a z -- Ww w d ceU oW W� o \ --- \ \ ______ CK MBRANCH RAILROAD RAILR rf'"_. BU INGHA O '` O ` % \`\ '/ i \ 1 ❑ 'I / : EE PROPLINE — /'SM CHARLOTfESVILLE, LLC TMP-0s6A, -,,=,25U0— \Lj❑ \ x \ ❑ r\ ' / / / QB 5226, PG_jp9_ �� _ I �\ \ � � ,° / e // / .< \ � � Q / ON O\ Lu 00 CD Si\4 OT CHARLTESV}LLE, LL(i TMP ;56Aa=a.00-o2�bo c� // /r _ - 13.1s9ac. i A ,�AVAV h ii 1pVA / iru" ox"u ` �• ` vv -'� M \ ❑Q \\ / \' ` / I y /" -_-- hi 3 l — -DB 5226, Pog ' / I I \ \ .•m..-,,,,•,I.•i \��\-y'� ❑ _ _ EXISTING MANAGED STEEP SLOPESDA , �\ \ •______ \ \ \O ma's/ y i I I% i r/J--_�'�'i/ � -''/ ��'��`h ``l00'WPOBUFFER. \'_JFESVL6E,-Lt4j FLOODPLAI - - ---- ------ - --- ---_CID '.§Aa of o0 o�bp9 // / / — \\\ ❑ , / _ _--_------' SMLMA TTESVILLeLL�' '/i / ____ 1,.1/ '__.11 \����_____'/ -I\/'WETLANDS (TY .), '//__ ////. —///%� III/1 `.'o•mm«,,..`s \\ /� ® �� FREEBOARD 100 YEAR / = % -'- -'?MwbssSo 03 naoboAa , / / J 4 : " C�4 STORM BELOW CLING LANE f6, PGj6g�.•°�\.\; 100_YEAR FEMA FLOODP er ,_-'bBs1\ \ _�\'� \ \ i�^/ --- — _ice �.,/,� j;_ y�t•j�.s•�/ i� ice/ _ - __ __ _' �__�� _ _—'' / M L.L /\W // --// _ _ r//r�; r!—i� �'^-`t� °. ,°.,w•, .•..«..,.�"' \°l ]•� 9e�ye•.,�s ,'< ,j �\I\\\ \ — /// C� /\' _/ O \ \ �j w =j } I i7 11 i' 1 100' WPO BUFFER" --- — _ _ - k / ROPERTY BOU DARY (TYPJ �.� may,•','/ � - { � �\\\ J / / \\ y, 1 EXISTING 12' W x 8' HO-�A / \` O i , t$ 1 I. DOUBLE BOX CULVERT \ � ,-'� � � ,= ' - - � r_��� � - � \ \ � �.. ti ' / / � O� I `. ^ >••°. ..;c••6,,,,,° ° °w.:\ \\� \\ \ 'q / VUE REALTY A RS LLC ` W ER TMPo 600- o-o - o0 100' PO BUFF � CV O \\ /. '' i i �••" ' d; _ \•..°pyy� ` \\\\� ice\ / //�- Lu za. ac. _/ f° e° i VUE REALTY PARFN�RSt{C;----' —\ / / - \ - _ \ �•� 100-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN ...•%M ••••T.., _ •w '�+..° - _- -_ - DB 4856, PG 582 - \ h"K' ..d• - - 1 _,'` 1 " , ' '. �•' ;.-° __ °..... _ ---" ,••"' � — -- > \ `' ° / +r--_ �00-Y� MEF A FLOODPLA� � Q \ J EMA FL - - , / . \ `___-_ .} r' s \ r , s \ 1 a" �„_.-� /`-�..- _ / O \\\` \ \ \ — —_- •'n a -� \ �- / _ - _ - ` —5 / _ _ 00 YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN V A� >v ` � _ LL.I _ FEMA � � Q �_ � ; \ SM CHARLOTTESVILL'E, LLC � \ !!awT•••• \ \ \ Oi v A \ TMP o56As-oa-ao-o3oAov v _ / ` O EXISTING STREA^I �,I I I r j I 100-YEAR FE i A FLO i DPLAINI j 4 — _ ❑ \ \ CB sb PG 309 Lj O v' Q �XISTING CONCRETE DAM"< \ -• •...•, / J z / \ ` ❑ - PROPERTY BOUNDARY (TYP.) I I ° \ \ �� — — •;� { y —_ Q 0 EXISTING 8'_4"W x 8,_4„ H \ = O V /\ ❑', I —1 - _ _V _ EXISTING STREAM \`- ; ; \ ` " %f / /' DOUBLE BOX CULVERT U ❑ _ _ — _ _ �f EXISTING PRESERVED STEEP SLOPES --_ \ \ ;' _ XISTING ST— /�. � o ❑ - ----- p❑ ° I `o \- /'� �\ � 1,-.---j�/ I I\'I\\ 'EREAM \ ,\ y � Q \ `\ ❑ ❑ , 1 ', T 'IP 55Co- g-oo-o S` '_ �/ /„': ' \ 1 1 \ \ r/w / o \ \ 100-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN> \ MI w otrESVI� E LirC\ \ , ` \I��\ O I 1 � (\/\\\ V ' O / p� ❑ ❑ _ _ I I \ l\ O \ \ �y//�' _ �` _ / \ s /, . �i ' ,zj, J_,`f\T. y\ ` `i O �Q ) J / �/�\ _ _ — _ _ ,�n / Lu rE:J0 \ / --❑ I 1 ' __ ❑__ __ ❑ \ \ \,(\\i \ \ O / �' v ' \ -- rill„� , �2 /A � `�+''}i ` \// \ J V / Lj `� __ El 500-YEAR F-FEMA FLOODPLAIN O / /1 II'II��''II II-IrrL-I� v \\V Lu Lu ° o I' I \ / I I ❑III \ 0 ---- \` Y LEGEND I of -- ❑�_-n- I \ GREENWAY /PRESERVATION AREA / �, I FLOODWAY w -- - � � I , _ l l � � GREENWAY IMPACTS &PRESERVED SLOPE IMPACTS J /J/ v WETLANDS 0 riI 0 _ \ PRESERVED SLOPES a V) ,1 , \\\iii \ 0 75 150 \ O� ` MANAGED SLOPES JOB NO. ` _ _ 0� 112066 � STREAM SCALE IN ET) O 1" - �5O1 inch 50 ft. IBOUNDARY LJI SHEET NO. PROPERTY �1( I I z y 1 1v— 1 CO ED / ,' I l �' i �' // / A / / /' /v 11 _ ', — / \� — __ ------ --------- CD Iri��l El 11�J1I �` ♦ ��` ♦ _ 1 __ _ V �'*_ /- SCOTT R. COLLINS�Z C� No. 35791 I�l Z Z z W F OU 0 z Zz O Z O O K Q 0 F LU cc U W cz,W Q U ~ ~ a z -- W w Z0g LU O W ce w Q > CL CL W � I\\ i\ - "♦ ' \\ ' ` ` \\ ��❑ i \ �- — — — — — - -- IIIIIIIIIIIII+I-h+l l+l+ll BUCKINGHAM BRANCH RAILROAD 511 -- - i _ O '"\�/ \ \, ❑ ly 'I _ � - ,SM CHARLOTfESVILLE, LLC TtvJRo�6A1-Duos D-o2&o0 �\ / ` I \ // ; ,' Sf' ,�, \ _esx"•'�ww. �,(�\ ' ❑ - // '❑ \ /"/� �� B 226, PG D _p1 )\\ '�i a / ❑/`./ \❑ '� .., Lu 00 CD _ \\ \ ,'`/ O/X `✓ \ / \ ' I z---- /// 13.49 aC. ❑-❑Q \ / \ , \ _ -- ' / ' 1 /�� —, —I- �B5_2 I �3 ° EXISTING MANAGED STEEP SLOPES / j/' _ /' .... .. L9 ,� ; — — \ ❑'' i %J / / / / ; 100' WPO BUFFER, W _ +f ibl{t4/ / , jjp6 \I ❑� 500-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAI % /; '_ / , \ / \ ✓ s--- � _' j^ ; ` - / I .\ Tom. __� '-_ Cei I— \ J S HA5w&wT ILL , LLG' _ - I / - _ ' \ \,' // - ' ' _ ''TfvJ.Bb556=o3-go-o6oAg, , / / _- _ .-�i // ❑ � FREEBOARD 100 YEAR \ tiJ v i ;- = s 2�3c / / �69 5 \ 1 \ . ��' E // ! /iii' \ III N STORM BELOW CLING LANE ❑ ,Y; -'_ - _-- -'DBSrr6, PG 369.% -6ve - ' ';n?/ G °e , 100-YEAR FEMA FLOODP / q BUFFER', / /- ❑ ROPERTY BOUNDARY (TYP.) \ - EXISTING 12' W x 8' H % //% "'\ ; / /--'n / o ;' ❑❑ / \ ,\\\ / /- NO , a' — ❑'_- M / DOUBLE BOX CULVERT — UEREALTY A SL / , I V TMP o5600- o-o - 50o C y / ,°.,• 100' WPO BUFF N w O ❑ ',',, , \; i / ".-,..-" w' .,..1 °. °`°•.°°° N \J 0 p. I \ Q 1 r/ ♦/'� JVUE REALTY PARTNERS Lib �` 1 -�✓ / ,:,. ,. j. ;„ _ -_ � .� i 100 YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN J ..�'�.......-.+E� ! .. �: ;,. , --- - � --TMP =ii- - -� - � \ 'a,. 1`/ - \ , , -,\ \ . ...b ° :..: r..... ❑ •. .: :: __ _ _ - _ / R�600-ao-oo 500- _ -'\ a ...--,.,. *a. / \\ `\ _ --- _ ❑ % r f s4 ♦�___'.-- _.r; \ I i ,%' A . : � - � _- , : ..: - _ _ �3�yac - � _-� � �I lil � .?'tea-_�°� - \ W , _ c _ __-•- _ .' i:f .i. , , "1 e•••$...... 1 ': �: � °°,.» _w°.. ,y.°.», .„,°. -- - _- DB y856, PG 582 � \' .IIIII. \^ � :'+` � °'1. � - \ � 500-YEAR MEF ❑FLOODPLAIN ' CN — PEMA FLOODWAY ♦♦� - ----- \ : v I I, I r , - ❑ - _— I - ,- - / ---- - _ - i � _s —_ �_ ❑ ODW Y \ — -- - —' ! _ =500-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN "" _ - O \\ W •ee•° L9 F I L / - I - ---- \ SM CHARLOTTESVIL[E, �C (`C - _ _•y.e�eeee FEMA F ` -Ir,-_ _ _ _ _ ❑ O _ Y _ ` TMP o56Ai-oa-ao-o3oAo \ _ W' ❑ n 0.500ac. \ EXISTING CONCRETE DAM II I 100-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN� _ \ �� v,� DBsz2ao9 O EXISTING STREAM pl'1 r j 1 ❑ rll 1 �J I I I I ❑ `\ \ \ \ .. \ , • ee a °•w p \\\ /'' O TO BE REMOVED I U \ ❑ _ 1_ � I C�I �, � APPROVED ROADWAY ALIGNMENT, STEEP SLOPE � •° ��'' / ❑ ❑ PROPERTY BOUNDARY (TYP.) & STREAM BUFFER IMPACTS PER SP201600003 — ; 'T Q U) " `\ \ \- -- -' - � Y'\4:` �❑. f/ __ EXISTING 8,_4„W x 8'_4�� H\ \ \ �, / ❑ — -- _ ❑ EXISTING STREAM \;, /= \ / "_ - /r, DOUBLE BOX CULVERT \ C) H- ENISTINGPRESERVED STEEP SLOPES _ - 'r �� Lu / \ ,, \ I ❑ � LL __— � I _ � _Q❑ I II \\ O \\ /,, LLIMITS j, EXISTINGSTREAMAPPROVEOF `-= 1 T P 55Co-3-qo-0 /'- j j,/j //' 100-YEAR FEMA FI/ OD AI\ \ -� D Q I ❑ I \ GRADING DISTURBANCE oa �,_ % /, \ O\ ' \ Jam'"� ----- --__ _J I ❑vv \ I o B5226, pG 309 �♦ '-'"bl -'-sl —s'�"� TT'ESVILLE Lir ,\I1 k}'�- 0 Q \ -. w -I -o//00�❑ \o ❑ --- - --- o p {- - _ ?%c A o -oo-ono\ --- ---- ~LU > Li _ �/� ❑ W 0 \Ir---❑ I � � � - \ `❑ ,</\/\ / --- ' �' ' , 500-YEAR-FEMA FLOODPLAIN � 0 / � � \ \o _ ❑ -- - --- __ APPR VED IMPA TS: LU a_ I ' ❑ ❑ ❑ STREAM BUFFER IMPACTS: 53,207 SF ❑ /,' ❑ / - ❑ / (7 I I I PRESERVED SLOPE IMPACTS: 9,66o SF o 'O / 1 Q I i I `,\ \\ / 1� ♦\ , I I j It 1 \ I 1, I I I 1 I I ,J '❑ I ❑ I I I % \ �❑ \ \` O, / — c2l', \ \(�yJ\J1�__�a ' I — ❑__`__' `__ _ I I Ll �I °`` QD \ /• `\\ \ \\ y LEGEND < u/'' GREENWAY/PRESERVATION AREA GREENWAY IMPACTS &PRESERVED SLOPE IMPACTS ❑ \ v ❑ WETLANDS ri / ❑ w �/ ' / \ ° ❑ \/ `/ � / o 75 iso ❑/ `\ PRESERVED SLOPES JOB NO. / I ❑ \ O❑ _ /'' ❑ \ — \�' lMANAGED SLOPES 112066 STREAM SCALE 11Z IN / \\ ,� `\ \ ❑ d' inch \150 ft. ......•••••• 100 YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN SHEEP NO. O ❑ I❑ /' \ ❑ PROPERTY BOUNDARY 3 / ❑ ' =,O /\ / ' \ \ \ Oil If \'❑ `\ \ \ ❑ I, (NTH j 111 \ \I \ \SCOTT R. COLLINSZ i` \'-❑ I \ \0 % I❑ I \ _,y CODNo. 35791 It \ 'E'SgIONAL EIyG�' - JI off ID If Ln M / ou If \ F Q Z H \ I LU / i ' / i i O\ L \\ n // 1 ', / I I 1 NIA ' \ \ ______ \ 1 , D ' Z J �` / _ / -' — — --- \ \ I' I > z a g _ '---- �__ '' \ -- PROPOSED CONNECTION W w i ; ,, � , \ 1 0 1 W � � E:l OMB STREET -- --- _ \ - -"❑ \` -- ---- - - -1 = _ "/' -- ' "-- ,\- -- �' - I I ❑ \ ❑ \ LU ❑ BLOUE RCIDGE AVENUI EI& ❑ _ / w Q - - E 1 \ \ 1 Ln ❑ _ of W CKI MBRANCH RAILROAD I % i BU NGHA ❑ ' �zsa� - - _ _ _ ❑ /' 1 -RAIL _ _ _ _ —OF- 1 ❑'i ,❑1 , \ LL/ ❑ T- / / �� PROPOSED CONNECTION Q / / TO CLING LANE ❑ CD f It \ ,❑ It oX ❑ JEYISTINGMANAGEDSTEEPSLOPES -'I /h \ / \ xi! ' xb \ / ,❑❑D /- / v i �❑ v "� - v\\❑ 1 i V \ _WPOBUFFER _s \-_ /, - / , / - / / / / _,� \ 0 ❑❑ _ �' ❑; r 500-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN 100// _ / / ❑ / , ❑ \� - "' _ O W FREEBOARD 100 YEAR \O / 0 STORM BELOW CLING LANE `�, Ys$' , , 0-YEAR FEMA FLODDP ❑ M \ s - 1 , Lu ❑ 3s d. 10, WPO BUFFER" / - _ _ -- _ ' ! /: s../ !s' - r r �i -- - - 1 - / ry enl Inlnnov iTvo � a°O%/ ' / .,.sae-.w.m.¢,e�..;,�a.,p.�. ., \ I / � O ❑ %, % , Lk'� , PROPOSED GREENWAY TRAIL %, i �'� gym❑ / \ EXISTING � % //; � _- ��� '- ��❑ 'v-�--- _ =i❑ ®..mmm � �,.°_ � �\\ � /��i ,I � O DOUBLE BOX CULVERT \ / / ; \\\`- - - / smmwmmmmr. \\ / / CV 1 � �x / w `\ � , a ". - � � °,»° - mxmmiw •"°�• / � , , O , PO BUFF ?- Vl V I f _--tea,` r - 1 / ' ,_/ , ,; _'i _ �� 11 •Oy, _. �g-,ysmaermrarsmamsm®iwrw®r®®rs-wravaasaarN� 1°° / , - `-" __ `� "�',.._;_ / / / / , - i < 1 , :'% r , •ag =' �� ___ ;:> -__,, _ � / 100-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN v Lu4mm , __ °6jtl+.— / ........ » � - __ - -_ - .__=' • '..... ` -. _ - - - i-' ; •.'.=w-'^°�=n.« r.»_°...c, w-"o .« _ -- -- . \ \ \ \ \ °�O ••.R.:.'- - ❑00-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLA� - \ 4 FEMA FLOODWAY ,�� ° I \ � � --- --- \ . — , _ _ _ _ J )j _ - - i - _ _;.A, *a` ✓� _ �--'-- �� I-- A _ _ .'�.,.-" FEMA � A FLOODWAY - - W -_r- ❑ ❑ -Lu 500 YEAR FEMAFLO DPLAIN \ \ , LL - / EXISTING CONCRETE n _ — . --- ' ^ EXISTING STREAM p' I I I I . _ \ PROPOSED STREAM CROSSING _ _ _ \ ,- V / L9 ❑ ❑ \ I \ DAM TO BE REMOVED ❑ ❑ EAR FEMA A FLO i DPLAINI ❑ \ \ \ 1 W x 10' H TRIPLE BOX CULVERT L s „" - \ �" O ' ❑ 100-Y p� �❑� --- - m [ \-- I I I ❑ v A .... - PROPOSED FILL IN O�O� Q / ❑ - PROPERTY BOUNDARY (TYP. I I _ FEMA FLOODPLAIN EXISTING STREA �. .... EXISTING 8'-4"W x 8' 4" H = Q \ �❑ ❑ - _ ❑ _ w \ \y\ _ _ 'i, ❑,\o. DOUBLE BOX CULVERT \Lu ❑ \ ` -/' w U �LJ , I \ _ _ EXISTING PRESERVED STEE\P\SLOPE S I� I o 1 I _ _ ❑ III \�.' LLLIII l \ Lu \ \ I ❑ i - ❑ _p❑ I PROPOSED ROADWAY ALIGNMENT /��`vV,A`vIA` --;/7 \ H� , O - - 'l r/ i 1 I,, v ❑ \ o ❑ - _ ❑ p� I &STREAM BUFFER IMPACTS �" _ \ !' 1gr EXISTING STREAM ❑ l^ Q /%/!'% 100-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN> V J L U I ❑,, , ❑ ❑❑ \ ul co ,/ \ `; , WOPOSED GREENWAY TRAIL Lu 0 I - ❑ PROPOSED CONNECTION ❑r / ,J O ❑ CD �/ TO ORCHARD DRIVE )-YEAR FEMA FLOODPLAIN �/ ❑ ,� �,� ❑ ❑ ❑----- o O� ❑❑ �, ❑ o ❑ — W w O \ , O I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ \ ❑ \ \ PROPOSED LIMITS OF ❑ ~ W ❑Lu QjI ❑ GRADING DISTURBANCE ❑ : I I PP OVED IM ACTS: \ J Q \ I ,❑ LEGEND \ ' , I It ❑\\ I1 \ ' �I I ❑ I I 1 'E:l ' TREAM BUFFER IMPACTS: 26,994 SF O \ PROPOSED SIDEWALK CONNECTION GREENWAY/PRESERVATION AREA O z I O- I 0 I I I TO JARMANS GAP ROAD ® FLOODWAY O Q o ❑__�I PRESERVED SLOPE IMPACTS: N/A / ❑ _ N I O \ O O" ' ❑ \ GREENWAY IMPACTS &PRESERVED SLOPE IMPACTS v , °I ' - -- �-- I � \\ \` ❑ \ `\\ ❑ / `, ❑ WETLANDS Q Lu --- PROPOSED FILL IN FLOOD AI 12,484 U. YD. o / _ PRESERVEDSLOPES J MANAGED SLOPES w ❑ -- o HI IJ �, �'- ❑ `\ � � STREAM a uzi �' �' o ❑ / o �s iso ❑� e ............ ioo YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN JOB NO. , ❑` 112066 ❑ `❑ ❑ --❑ ` \ PROPERTY BOUNDARY SCALE IN 15TO) `\ ❑ ) , `\ ❑ ❑ PROPOSED GREENWAY TRAIL 1 — 150 ❑ 1❑ I, / ❑ ❑ /--/ ❑ PROPOSED MITIGATION AREA SHEET NO. OIn P— /- I II \II \ II 111 II\ I \ \ I I Ill I OO I J l I 0. Oo \ \ 110 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0p PROPOSED (3) io'xio' BOX CULVERT I 692 \ \ \ \ 1 SLOPE I 1°6 I ? #00_ 0+50I / 12+d0.: / ,/ 11+50 Oo 12+00 1 +so CONNE TOR ROAD 700 OP / / a 30 N 5 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 60 12�/ j^Zo �/_ /• / / / //0 / O v ( IN FEET ) / / (0I inch = 30 It A- 1 / �n (j) 1 (\ IV I PROPOSED 8' SIDEWALK 1 Is, \ J PROPOSED CONNECTION TO SIDEWALK \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ AL ONG JARMANS GAP ROAD \ \ \ _45\ \ \ \ �0 S \ \ NOTES: 1. ALL FILL TO BE PLACED AT 95%COMPACTION. 2. MINIMUM 3.5' OF COVER MUST BE MAINTAINED OVER W/L. 3. MINIMUM OF i' OF VERTICAL SEPARATION FROM STORM SEWER & W/L AND 1.5' OF SEPARATION BETWEEN W/L & SANITARY SEWER MUST BE PROVIDED. 715 EXISTING ioo' STREAM BUFFER (TYP. •XI � OO OO TH (C-) LNo.35791 O (D 'ton IONAL / EXISTING FEMA loo-YEAR FLOODPLAIN (TYP. b _JJ wo �� AG 4 CONCRETE SIDEWALK CG-6 CURB CURB & GUTTER FINISHED GRADE CURB &GUTTER FINISHED I POINT OF CG-s SURFACE 2Z 2X 2i 2X 6' PLANTING - 1 6' PLANING VDOT 21A MAZE BASE —8' STRIP 6• 4 WOT Z s21A ON BASE BASE 10' (TRAVEL LANE) SUBBASE 1o' 4" VDOT sT1A B2� SIRUP 6— (TRAVEL LANE) TYPICAL NEIGHBORHOOD STREET SECTION (55' R)F) CONNECTOR ROAD (PUBLIC ROAD) GS—SSAR RESIDENTIAL & JfI.YED USE SUBDIVISION STREET DESIGN SPEED- 25 ffPll NOTE: ALL ROADWAY EMBANKMENT MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF SOIL AND BE PLACED IN SUCCESSIVE UNIFORM LAYERS NOT MORE THAN 8 INCHES IN THICKNESS BEFORE COMPACTION OVER THE ENTIRE ROADBED AREA IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT 2007 ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATION 303.04 NOTE: CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE CRUSHER RUN AGGREGATE SIZE NO. 25 OR 26, AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL SIZE 21A OR 21B, FLOWABLE FILL, OR CRUSHED GLASS CONFORMING TO THE SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR CRUSHER RUN AGGREGATE SIZE 25 AND 26, PER VDOT ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS, SECTION 302.03G. PVI STA: i5+oo.00 PVI ELEV: 7o6.22 K: 215.3z 715 PVI STA: 2+47.50 o.00 PVI ELE : 700.58 0 N Lo 0 K:8 .70 0 Lo 0 � LVC:3 0.00 + 0 + ° ]10 °n COo L°n a V v 710 LOW PT. ST :12+37-90 + n + n m m W w N L6 It H Lii / v > U w 2. 0� u m \ m PROPOSED GRADE (TYP.) W % 705 z 0noA Z.z 705 PROPOSED 77 x7\\ 700 VDOT STD. CD-1 PROPOSED TIE-IN TO WITH ALSTON STREET PLEASANT GREEN ROUNDABOUT, PHASE I FINAL PROPOSED SITE PLAN 700 TIE-IN TO STA. 1o+1o,ELEV.= EXISTING ORCHARD o DRIVE VDOT STD. CD-2 STA. i5+o7,ELEV.=7o6.35 5�33 7 \ FI L P. \ 6 95 (T 6 95 CONNECTOR I tOAD C/L STA 1 +oo CONNECT DR ROAD C/L S rA 15+79 EXISTING ORC ARD DRIVE ALSTON A 16+42 STREET C/L S \X 690 690 PROPOSED (3) 8'(H)xio'(W) BOX CULVERTS EXISTING GRADE (TYP.) 685 685 m Ln m I., Ln 'i M N In M CO to In lA O LO m N CO Ln •i It N .t .i w •i 1p n m 0 �O It N 0 N n N Ln O L!1 I� O O d 00 O Q1 m O O Ol N 01 O 00 N O1 0 00 N O 0 00 0 O1 O 01 O Q1 O O1 LO O O^ W Lo Lo Lo � � r, � Lo 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 CONNECTOR ROAD 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+oo 705 3:1 SLOPE 700 695 PROPOSED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT WING WALL 6go CULVERT COUNTERSUNK 6"-8"=Q__j__, INV. 1 N=688.00J 685 O O1 00 N w k 0+00 0+50 1+00 4• CONCRETE SIDEWALK 705 -PROPOSED GRADE (TYP.) 3:1 SLOPE 700 PROPOSED (3) 8'(H)xio'(W) CCONCRETE BOX CULVERTS 89.o LF Qa 1.40% 695 CULVERT WING WALL 6go CULVERTCOUNTERSUNK 6"-I INV. OUT=686.75 EXISTING GRADE 685 M O m Lo Lo 00 1+50 2+00 2+50 CULVERT CROSS-SECTION VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE 5 0 2.5 5 10 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 5 fL HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 200 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50 fL J ti M ® M O F--I CV w W CV O CY) w C>\I > Q Q W Q J p U L9W 0— W � (!') z ® O Q z = p U �- q W Y U0 J H� EL . Lw 0 ul C/) W Q ZLu Q Lu (n O U) z �� w J� w W JI..L Q z O Q CV Lu Lu U w ru C W n JOB NO. 112066 SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET NO. 5 Crozet Community Advisory Committee Resolution Regarding Stanley Martin Stream Crossing SP Amendment April 10, 2019 WHEREAS, Stanley Martin Homes has submitted an application for an amendment to special use permit SP2016-00003, to move the previously approved stream crossing for their Pleasant Green development area; WHEREAS, the Crozet Community Advisory Council ("CCAC") has reviewed this application and heard presentations from Jeremy Swink and Scott Collins and wishes to provide input to the Albemarle County Planning Staff ("Staff) Planning Commission ("PC") and the Board of Supervisors ("BOS"); BE IT RESOLVED, that the CCAC is in favor of the new stream crossing location, and supports issuance of this special use permit amendment, for the reasons identified below: 1. Significantly reduced environmental impact on the stream, floodplain and critical slope areas of Powell's Creek. 2. Shorter and more desirable connection road to Jarmans Gap Road (via Orchard Drive), which the developer posits will reduce both construction and resident traffic at the development's Blue Ridge Avenue and Cling Lane entrances. 3. Trail connection is improved. 1, Allie Pesch, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true correct copy of the resolution adopted by the Crozet Community Advisory Committee at a regular meeting held April 10, 2019. CCAC Members present and voting YES: Tom Loach, Jon McKeon, Allie Pesch, Shawn Bird, Doug Bates, Katya Spicuzza, Josh Rector, Joe Fore, Sandy Hausman, Kostas Alibertis. Members voting NO: none. Members abstaining: Valerie Long. Members absent: Mike Kunkel, Brian Day, Kelly Templeman-Gobble, David Mitchell. Allie Pesch CCAC Chair