HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199400012 Application 1994-09-12 County of Albemarle Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 � 1/ �` (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 `"P p, VA- V DATE: 1 FEE: $95. 00 P 01- STAFF: VARIANCE APPLICATION OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) Name Holiday Trails, Inc. Phone ( 804) 977 -3781 Address P. 0. Box 5806, Charlottesville, VA 22905 APPLICANT (if different from above) Name Sprint Cellular Company Phone (800 )473 - 7780,Ext. 7363 Address O'Hare Plaza, 8725 Higgins Rd. , Ste. 330, Chicago, IL 60651 CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name M. E. Gibson, Jr. Phone ( 804) 977 - 4455 Day Phone ( ) - 105-109 E. High Street, P. 0. Box 1585 Address Char1 nfteRvi 1 1 e. VA 22902 LOCATION: Camp Holiday Trails, Route 702, near I-64 PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. ` OFFICE USE ONLY 'S?P-g0-15 �j P-S�]-fj 5P-9 y Q& TAX MAP CY15 , PARCEL fi'7(L ; T�M Or15, P LV{G ; TM , P Ca OR D NANCE SECTION Z`50. ) ZONED: K A Board of Zoning Appe 1s Date: 1p /( /C14 �r . ')-15 ( ) Special Permit SP 14-2,(4, ( ) Variance ( ) Proffers ,, __ J ASS-f(SUP)9'-17 7'0A W r91 1994 au�d - BZA ACTION: IC�`ll\�� App,-pJ� t ( "t4,�`/(6 q 4,ff 63-- ) 2) VA-94-12 . Holiday Trails, Inc. (owner) . Sprint Cellular Co(applicant) . Property off Rt. 702 on N side I64 at Camp Holiday Trails. Zoned Rural Areas with EC overlay. TM75/P47C, 47C1. Request to construct cellular telephone facility. Variance to reduce front setback from I64 from 75 to 21 ft for the monopole and 11 ft for the equipment building. \qlr\ DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Sprint desires to locate a 180' monopole for cellular telephone communication on Camp Holiday Trails property 21.63' from the I-64 right-of-way, and a prefab equipment building 11 ' from the right-of-way. The Zoning Administrator has determined I-64 is a "street" for front yard setback purposes and Sprint requires a variance from the 75' front yard setback requirement to construct its cellular telephone communications facilities. JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE (3) CRITERIA: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. The site is the high point on the Holiday Trails property and the land drops off dramatically away from the I-64 right-of-way approximately 70' from the right-of-way making construction behind the 75' setback impossible. There is a drop off of about 200' at a slope of approximately 80 degrees. 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. The hardship is not shared by other properties due to the difference in topography. The plvemment of cellular rommuniration Gitec is very important. 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. The adjacent property owner, VDOT, has indicated its agreement to this facility and to the proximity to the I-64 right-of-way fence. There will still be more than a one-to-one fall zone to the edge of pavement. The chararter of the district will not be affected since the tower will be of minimal visibility from surrounding properties. Camp Holiday Trails owns most of the surrounding property. The adjoining owner, Mr. Goodwin, has indicated his agreement with this proposal. The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not be submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the be t of my knowledge and belief. C� � Iz lIt / 61-- 091' Signature D te Receipt# D te -' 0 , VARIANCE CHECKLIST The current application form must be completed by the applicant in its entirety (the request should be clear) . THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION AND IS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT. ( 1 Application with justification statement. ?0 (✓) Most recently approved recorded plat. If none exists, then a copy of the deed description for the property or properties involved in the request. (✓) The appropriate drawings showing all existing and proposed improvements on the property, with dimensions and distances to property lines, and any special conditions of the property that may justify the request. (4 The fee payable to the County of Albemarle. THE ZONING DEPARTMENT WILL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO THE APPLICANT: ( ) One public notice sign for each roadway and/or road frontage. ( ) Instructions for posting signs. (Copy of the review schedule. . --\IVflAd NZ)•, 1 , a 4 (Person accepting applyation) DaLo‘19 e I ALBEMARLE COUNT 59 ,7------------1._/'d ( f /sEE C: 74.17A2 l>' 59. / , / ac1c l9-40 94E // / 17As /. )---1---- , / CHARLOTTESVILLE RESERVOIR �' scc L_ 69.14E % 63 6341 ..--'/ ) /' •-•'-',--"--/- K / � �� // �)C 67. is 3ef- I.,"--'. 1.\, C I \ „-mil --\—�/ .6 i • \ 62 iK,151 \\-- \ . ( I ( X.• 476 62A j") i I / \60 / / 39 �� �� 4 7 C I 1 47A 1 L IRI 702 4 4 57 liClin 46 �� INTERSTATE ROUTE 64 � 74 i .111 /\------1---- \7M Zeggignillft. Vil se 76 I _ VA-94-12, Sprint Cellular Company _/ 1 1 ,5i s= .>/ Tax Map 75, Parcel 47C & 47C1 \ 46 53 r-,...i, I / 64 1 • /� al"Sr / 2c i \___ .. ,�_ .t _ 4/IP ,\ /.� ) ( 1 II / 13 /27 \-\\ . -3� , 39 . -. .3s` ��/ / 6 qA 1 E�.2 ` �� Yi 2 ( / I / �`VA'19 RAILWAY s DON 7661 \ .\ I° / , .r,,,,„ 144 \ ,,,,,,,,--1:00 A 414 ASIP( ' - /44k. 26 9 /12 Is 14 / PN �. _•• I ,2 -�\ 1 ols�.,�� 121:® .26 %• / 24 I 41 (')/ , 43 \is I19 /1 / I j/ 3 I 6/ is 1 /, I A,v •4 •I.Z '1 ( • I I ^ s i -y /, 23 /, / ./.. 1 i I 89 SCALE iRFEET SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICT 400 4 400 H4• wq •l. SECTION 75 I / ,ff'OPOSED 180' TALL MONOPOLE LINE / OF Z5, St6- / TREE LINE± PROPOSED BLDG. 1 I EX. GROUND l� - INTERSTATE 64 SPRINT - CHARLOTTESVILLE SITE AT CAMP HOLIDAY TRAILS TYPICAL SITE SECTION HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 "= 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 1"= 50' 09/20/94 16:18 $804 979 1221 DICK GIBSON - ALBEMARLE COUNTY WI001/004 ;CEDED SEP 21 1994 ALBEMARLE COUNTY TELECOPY COVER SHEET ZONING DEPARTMENT TREMBLAY & SMITH RECEIVED P.O. Box 1585 1 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 SEP 0 1994 105-109 E. High Street ENGINEERING Telephone: (804) 977-4455; Facsimile: (804) 979-1221 SEND TO: Amelia McCulley, Zoning Administrator FAX: 972-4035 Keith Lee, Chicago, IL FAX: 312-399-2437 Larry Bickings, Colonial Heights FAX: 804-520-6714 Comments/Instructions: * Client/Matter: Sprint Cellular/Camp Holiday Trails Attorney Number: MEG Date/Time: 9/20/94 No. Pages: 4 (includes cover) The information contained in this facsimile message is attorney privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us by telephone and return the original message to us at the above address via the U.S. Postal Service. Thank you. If there is any problem during transmission, please call the telephone number shown above. 09 20 94 16: 18 /Y804 979 1221 DICK GIBSON 444 ALBEMARLE COUNTY e1002 '004 LAW OFFICES TREMBLAY St SMITH P.O. Box 1585 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902.1585 105-109 EAST HIGH STREET TELEPHONE(804)977-4455 FACSIMILE(804)979.1221 VIA FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION 972-4035 September 20, 1994 Amelia McCulley, Zoning Administrator Department of Planning and Community Development Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Sprint Cellular (Camp Holiday Trails Site) Dear Amelia: I am enclosing a cross section of the Sprint site to demon- strate line of sight perspective for both the monopole and the building. You will note the tree line blocks the sight of the monopole from the west bound lane. You will note the ground blocks the sight line of the building. We previously spoke with VDOT, and VDOT indicated no objection to locating the monopole the indicated distance from the right-of- way. VDOT stated that they would indicate no objection when the application was presented for review in the normal course of events. The VDOT contact person is Mr. Mills. We have photographs of the site which I will want to show to the BZA. Marcia Joseph currently has my only copies, and I will retrieve them from her after the ARB hearing on September 19, 1994. The monopole must be located within relative proximity to I-64 in order to achieve the coverage objective. Thus, the top part of the monopole will be visible from certain portions of I-64 due to the need for the antennae to clear the tops of the trees and attain an elevation necessary to send and transmit cellular telephone signals. This will be true regardless of whether the pole is set back 75 ' feet from the VDOT right-of-way fence. In other words, set back is not a factory which affects potential visibility. Also, as I mentioned, the equipment building and fence could not be seen from I-64 even if it were placed right on the VDOT right-of- way line. This is true because of the topography. The hill on MEMBER, COMMONWEALTH LAW GROUP 09/20/94 16:19 $804 979 1221 DICK GIBSON 4-44 ALBEMARLE COUNTY []003/004 TREMBLAY & SMITH McCulley September 20, 1994 Page 2 which the building would sit will block the view from anywhere on I-64 . You will be able to confirm this by a field visit. Please let me know if you need anything else. Again, thank you for all of your help. Best regards. Very truly yours, r • M. E. Gibson, Jr. MEG/sp CC: Keith Lee Larry Bickings Mechele Goss 28\Spri\Alb\McCulley.003 09/20/94 16:19 $804 979 1221 DICK GIBSON - -- ALBEMARLE COUNTY 0 004/004 • 11‘ OPOSEA 180' TALL MONOPOLE- / LINE- / OF • TREE IOU PROPOSED BLDG. EX. GROUND W4 - - - INTERSTATE 64 SPRINT - CHARLOTTESVILLE SITE AT CAMP HOLIDAY TRAILS TYPICAL SITE SECTION HORIZONTAL SCALE.- 1 A= 50' VERTICAL SCALE: lu= 50'