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VA199500008 Plan - Approved 1995-06-08
pF A L,1� • f �RG]NP COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 TDD (804) 972-4012 June 8, 1995 Jim Little Hulme-Ridgeway Neon Sign Company 115 Wildwood Drive, P.O. Box 656 Anderson, SC 29622 RE: Variance Application, VA-95-08 Tax Map 61Z, Parcel 03-11 Dear Applicant: This letter is to inform you that on June 6, 1995, during the meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Board unanimously (5:0) approved your request for VA-95-08, subject to the following condition: Apple South, Inc. shall provide a landscaping plan for the base of the sign that meets with the approval of the Design Planner. The landscaping material shall be installed prior to July 1, 1995. Under Virginia Code Section 15.1.496-1, if you disagree with this decision you may appeal within thirty days of the date of this letter by filing with the Circuit Court of Albemarle County. If you do not file such written appeal within thirty days, this decision will become final and unappealable. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, Jbhfi Grady Deputy Zoning Administrator JG/db cc: Ed Birckhead, Birckhead Sign Company Marcia Joseph, Design Planner Staff Person - John Grady Public Hearing - June 6, 1995 Staff Report: VA-95-08 Owner: Apple South Inc./Applicant. Birckhead Sign Company Tax Map/Parcel: 61 Z/03-11 Zoning: Planned Unit Development (PUD) Acreage: 1.609 Location: Southeast quadrant of Route 29 North and Branchlands Boulevard Request: The applicant requests relief from Section 4.15 12 4 Height Regulations, which limits the height of freestanding signs to 12 feet. A variance of 8 feet is requested to allow a 20 foot high freestanding sign. The applicants'justification includes the following: Hardship A 32 foot right-of-way from the face of curb and 5 foot setback requirement plus a 2 to 1 slope along the Route 29 frontage, places the proposed sign 14 inches below the guardrail. This location allows no visibility to northbound traffic. Uniqueness of Hardship All other businesses at this location are further away from Route 29 and are clearly identified to northbound traffic by either wall signs or freestanding signs. The difference in elevation approximately 20 to 25 feet from the parking lot to Route 29, is unique compared to other existing businesses along Route 29 Impact on Character of the Area There will be no detrimental effect nor change in the character of the area as the proposed sign will only appear to project 10 feet above the Route 29 road elevation. Relevant History: July 8, 1986: A variance was approved to increase the area of a directional sign from 4 square feet to 100 square feet. This property is located across Branchlands Boulevard from the applicant's property. August 15, 1989: A variance was approved on the adjacent property to allow each tenant to have 1 wall sign not to exceed 200 square feet Staff Report - VA-95-08 Page Two Staff Comment: In staffs opinion, the grade difference between Route 29 and this development create an exceptional topographic condition. This results in very limited visibility of wall signage and freestanding signage. The purpose of the sign ordinance is to allow a business to adequately advertise its location or commodity. It is staffs opinion that proper site identification allows approaching traffic proper time to safely adjust to the proper turn lanes The proposed freestanding sign meets the remaining ordinance criteria for size and location. The proposed sign has also been approved by the Architectural Review Board for style, color and material composition. Recommendation: Staff agrees that the applicant has met the criteria necessary for approval of a variance. 1) The applicant has provided evidence that strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. The topography along Route 29 at this location does impose a hardship for the applicant's proposed sign The steep slope, approximately 2 to 1, plus the required 5 foot setback, places a 12 foot high sign below the existing guardrail and offers no visibility to either north or southbound traffic. The existing sign height does not allow a motorist to properly identify the site and adjust to the proper turn lane. 2) The applicant has provided evidence that such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. Other business locations in this zoning district are on a similar elevation level with Route 29, and have erected freestanding signs or have the ability to erect visible freestanding signs. Only the Branchlands commercial property adjacent to Route 29 suffers this unique topography hardship in this vicinity. 3) The applicant has provided evidence that the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. The proposed sign, although 20 feet in height, will only have the visual appearance of a 9 to 10 foot tall sign along Route 29 at this location because of the steep slope. This is clearly in harmony with the character of the area and intent of the ordinance and should not be a detriment to adjacent property as there are no other freestanding signs or businesses within 100 feet of the sign location. t I Staff Report - VA-95-08 Page Three Should the Board find cause to approve this request staff recommends the following condition: Apple South Inc. shall provide a landscaping plan for the base of the sign that meets with the approval of the Design Planner The landscaping material shall be installed prior to July 1. SITE DATA . / `s X \, • N •! LEGAL REFERENCE. PART OF TAX NAP 61Z-3-11 r /yam ��} r �y / \ ! - ' 7�.sT fG gCC45% • N t SOLACE Of TITLE: D B fOfB P 560 FLAG Go�N P+ P6RAi \ `/ .4CCOM0047E U N 011'ER �, / BRANCHL'ANDS BLVD. \ "'viz .•r/o7./ z F000 LION �... .F I ears,/GN7.?4.vCE 1--I Q P 0 BOA 1300 � �" , \ \ ,-.7 r4✓0 Er/7 Z SALISBURY, NC 28145 - - CONTRACT Dl1RCHASEq/DEVEIOPER PR°A tour 9-0' F cvR3 �,.._,jrc,o..0 I$T GAS LINE - --- -G------ , -- \\- J v x f I cc APPLE SOWN. INC b ---- t I p '-" gscr ! f`!,, -- � \-� I i 'I OapC 'S � , Ct`[\Aro BOUNDARY SIFSVEY ((1 / '�/4 ----I✓f IN6 S� - � — — -- ` ` r P1 U) ofv ;:df1 .� _ •$EWER Ego --� /- r \ ro.✓r�� !!7 _ - _ Yv_: r \ el =�"f>THIS SITE LIES WITHIN THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR - N�C _ f� _ ,T ,/ 1 J !�- .✓r>•o r e�.asrc r.vs r...r J./••. z I 1 I E.0 r- I- OYEr1AY DISTRICT REQUIRING A CERTIFICATE a _ - - } APPROPRIATENESS FOR SITE PLAN AND SIGN Y jii _! r� f �f`y• "• _ _ Y _ ".- LAMP POST 1tY01�.��ROPOOI �j'GyC __1 1 ,' w S cli SETBACKS: BUILDING PARKINGiNe . } �! Q�%� �.e .. --• ������� - ', C. \dl-- — — q� '1 I u 71c ;t J Q = FRONT 30 !ALONG R/M SI 10 (ALONG R/M Sl I p• Z/ 1 �„ .... w�.. x �u A- "�=h . ,',I, \ ► n z i I Q QI U SLOE 30 (ALONG R/M S) f0 (ALONG RIM Sl S t II ��� o pL C —Ni-- e•s moose •ie O REAR 0 0 ( V' �'� , //� o� >. A-Cl J� !w. CAE+;51 e•% - r--sty Frv.a✓oa.• e.a em in , PARKING SCHEDULE En i' • I 1 Y. • �j I l o \�� �i , iic A i/ mil- eon.J.q�,l t.,a. 3�co.✓v\c '•o�'" W Q 1985 GROS$50 fT ! 13 SPACE$/5000 SO Ft �q t'J / �• $ / �•'� a,.... ' Ate, e r — - —l\ I a 65 SPACES OUIREO i •('. 0 ;� ••� i f �,/-- YI H im , ,,, 5- / L Zo - 41 ' (n > i; < d--ma's. i _ ,►`I J ,,. +Nr, PROPOSED USE RESTAURANT c4T,o,4J I M�-�� ` I `t,,'i >^ LEI' I ° �% )' O cc UT 1 I I• I M 1 e ' X� ( : J I► I \ f,0 \ ,1\ m to W LAND USE SCHEDULE. I - I • • �� A °i \ Q BEFORE i AFTER S I - I ( .' j o t(11` - II I q'` l [AEXISTING I _ \ O ui 2 BUIlOING 0 Oi 1 985 S F 7i ���� ' I ✓ # I - l.; 'Sp \PARKING • I I O w J . it v OPEN A,WA 70.088 100% 30 724 S F /di 7 • �, i I ,a, PAVED AREA 0 02 3/ 379 S F 49t I ^'•"^� +'�.( �•� I • \ AREA _ • O TOTAL 70 088 f00f 70 OBB S F Snot \ I I 1 ce✓r.eo.�ra•✓a I � I a • _ -. .- \� - _ __�-- \F✓c.o»s•� \ I I cc 0 I, ��1.�\ .-, - .` ' •-j '11�+.n c I „4 'T�3• CUn+l \\ ` W J PAYEIENi SPECS. 6' OF A2Sa BASE STEW * RY'! \ I i :V t` tt I I <<•iGl cam= »L..e.}.- • �,ck,C et I• y+ „ ELEY •t33 6c- I _� 2' OF S-5 ShOWN REcEivE 3 1� PROS 7y', Cm,Is /3S'l /, , Roftl yu twit"; 1r• `, F� I,"a1�h W> - + - PROPOIEO AGYe \\ Ni, 2'CG-6 THf10I1GHgUT EXCEPT AS _ 1 -THIS SITE IS NOT LOCATED IN A RESERVOIR WATERSHED �I I I -: '� - \ I I II ` \ -ALL LIGHTING TO BE DIRECTED SO AS NOT TO SHINE 777 E7JE NL�/7 ON ADJOINING PROPERTIES M LIGHTING SPILLOVER PRoP. :\ I `_�� { 1 ,,,,,,�� - •P nVS TO CO.vNEC7 70 I .\ REVISIONS ONTO PUBLIC FEATS IS NOT 10 EXCEED ONE-HALF ' \ I I " c;. 1 SPACE18tro1 1 llBL✓O ' _ }'_ _�\ - "/r;'se•:.a c'' I1/21 FOOT CAN LE MAY 15 1995 SXovcz. ad- \ 1L ^ : :1 1 = zI ' .'�-- -�. \` ' .: r .ac.•v.rr..•�-STORx.ATER OETENrSON !$ACCONPL15HE0 MITH _ p/ J({D�LAr 1 1 S 1 I �-c o "' �JL -, \ _ \ •i .,rn �s•--et J•s IBASIN +��+ �Q� �! ! C i ��- I��-' r \ ve,9s-.a ea t.•+ -SIGN LOCATION TO BE DETERM]NEO AT TIME of PETl+IT APPLlGr[ON ALBEMARL CO , cog 8 \ (J• • I - > ;` < N•: ,3 j 21 i III / I r -s , S1GN IS TO BE PROVIDED YYfTH ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FROM BUILDING -BACKFLOW PREVEN7ER OH FIRE IRIS 7O BE LOCATED INSIDE BVL - ' `- /)/A \ • I .Ni w� if:ArEl.ar I-'Pl II G. -THIS SITE K LOCATED IN THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT f�2 I I 1 nSQ _ VI I cNt - - - - - --• •f•' I - y Ou COto - .•: '. -THIS PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ZMA I/-07 BRANCHLANOS J " - 11 ..14�� 7 = Iy• Cr. 1.1 -DUMPSTERS ARE TO BE PROTECTED WITH THE BUILDINGS FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM z I -I J i ?�� -•c�• -�•- - r-,l •- - ^~ - - -- - - - - - I CUTE I I 1,7+ W • „s-•�G?i•E 1__V,. 1- - - r - - r-DW crMEV- - - (li I o • +a+tea. S yl I ^h I `__k - oeY 1000 GAL 4 _.I I �I • I SCALE �• * • F ( 1 I 1 I \ :T—�• f i�:i I aEAse T w � eeMI 7 J • I j1 * I1 Q6 1 CC I 'I I I l c•.ee OLr/SrER I `' °jCtial"� „ '.0 f ••/ 4 /F l K. set (!3 , I••q1 ' I I I I I \ F;0 rc.Yl ,/'•, 0.9p°•'[P fi 6.R yN / r I C -(, � I�I�Y1I Nil}111j} 1z (� ll I, / K•S` t ``X`►e. I S S +e Ml^�0. S e� "� i (I GONDOLA INTERVAL • - j a - / FE4C=0 AMA.' ( ,`S( rU P I! N. 1 �� l 1 I16� 0� I FEET 1 96-t5-vve eo 3.GS, - A) •`\ A �I}I •1I 1 I• 1 .! D, e_ Liao' _ cats-...to" tldyy ♦'-gip• o \ I ►30- 7 ! Zit 1;`, \ 1111)I ��ty 1� 11 • { .f • n I .. . �� x� fl��F f�/� of X 1 I I 1 w I I I' II I I I i I• } x� ' P•.:0.0sro J I Q N ln. 1 W M/l/w �,o l • I. IRO CSEO it t: _.... / _� ` ALE4 ` I r i^ �ACCCsd E1M7 1 1I 4Z9 SO 4 I. ` 420• STORM SEWER FOR ROOF O P<7/L/3 ;,,A l� o I 4 ; I /TRMNSFDANER I I ` Vi\ L •50 eo.....ec7>o \ O44.VlML 4U01 1 ITI f II \ } ' Z -- I - © I p i �o�� =�- FOOD LIOM iI �? 4If y" I � F % i, I"Vf� 7 ,. F.1_ -}3)-11 F- ? $I�� , 10 6RAOIN@f ---- — I_�_N i 1 �_ •.._ ;:t.,:-- ______ Qr �•y ICIF , II �, '1 �,�. QQ Z z 440 O i givj• N I 1 .• a - 2 _ 11 f 11 I ' F Z Q ^ ti 3 . NIQ� I • I 440- v 4`0 % I I I II '' I in O J > I 4zlP 1 I }p:F) I I i pL> W CU J Cl- cc^ �ENr 70P EL ; wJ ` T I ` I Q Z 7 7/•✓ �3/9/ I <: t• I ,'II ._ ti a+ W c -a i ' - n W ' Q M4../>4.✓ � .I • 430- ��ro. G- we I I W O . / M/✓ J:LP yA tea/ OD Q H i' \�.^ I \ \I t .I • 1 COI \ 1 W • VJ I. 420 ?N '1 STORM SEWER A-TO 6' 0 I r Y.oRA.c/T L/A./E I I I F000 LION p IMP 61Z -03 -11 ✓ 9a31 I II o �I ,, I ta� ZONED PhD . .<e. P4rr.I:L-.> —_ o I h (C� „ r k� OIL •Y; a I 440- Y� oiQWk4 430- W A PtoP o ��.r L...r 1 440• 7! r0 p Q � ar i I o K v. \I h o PZi^ _..:.z �Ct•v l wu/,vT4/.✓a' 1 rN) Icy I ^° C tt F/.PE L/AYE I. r� a:� 430 \/N ,a9- G o✓cs4v 0 I 1, 8094-.ea-RCP , �� dto II SHEET •4920 c•+4�g7 V i 0 7o REPL AGE h ! 2 3 EX 3T J4./ I I I% Er/1T /eV"RCO P. I iloP _ u.v6 I 420- II �: - (P,e,rore) ---- -- 410 SA.t//TARP SEWER1„ q30 • /-•s0-.+,/••/0r �j? I -STORM ...let. -"C.TO -B ,I���S — / oo N, /-•,'o'V .`• 7 .� .I ME NUMBER I I rs Os- bh 8h lH 9b sh hh ch th 117 bf St 411 41 .' K Ef 4i rf exbz a a qt SZ Ft are rz az I,! SI ll 91 .sT ht £t u 11 Of b 8 L 9 �- k c z I It i- 11 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 , 11 i I I I 1 1 I I I f ► 13 t 1- 1 1 lt 11 f I t I 1 I I I 1 r Irti'll b im ! I 1' t y 1 ' I _ l tZ I J 1 1R' -- b, t ! GAS I ! 1 t t _95 I mear I bZ A' ii a i rog-NtZ1o]� LS .( Milt �, _,hr it --ht I ;04 —j —07 I Ic I --"Cc ' s9 I -- 95 t _ 4 t — o 4 . Plitc igA3 • i i 14H`sip)li V rest r Sot 9 • VA .. g 5 - 0 RECrsvFD jU v 5 199b ALBEMMi/SL,=_COUNTV MO P0454 . ZONING DEPAIIINIENT ` f I Z/70 — 6 9 — t i 6 3 ---- 6 7-- /1' I' /\ 6 4 -- I1.10 46 s- 6 9— 6(--g" 6 3 — q...,6 (1 6 z-- 6 / — 11 9-60 — L-- iii" 5-9-- NI' lli rvJ2 B TN OU NDYJt_. sy— 53 -- j 5-2-— i r .�'7 -- fSt? --- qq y Z1 it .1 ' t �6 i azl bII SFS — i �t \-_ fii — ( .1 tul cL., h, r r i l f tit i a i i 1 1 l 11 4 t: I l 1 t t 1 i l e l t l- L i ` i { l i n t E s l l i i i i l t l 2 3 '1 -c 6 7 8 q 10 it n. j3 14 15' !6 /7 if m zv zi zz 2.3 2.4 25 21, z7 2$ z't 30 31 3 33 34 35 3fr 117 18 34 Lio le 1 42. `f3 Litt 45 46 117 48 '19 .50 s1 1 I LEGAL REFERENCE PART OF TAX MAP 61Z-3-11 - / ,�, \ SOURCE OF TITLE: D B f018 P .f , / X \ - ' •vccoMoo47E U c:l /` fU„ W40TN OF Z MINER - BRANCHLANDS BLVD. GOTiIGN7.pa.vcB FOOD LION / , P O. BOX 1300 , / \ qua EY.T H 2 SALISBURY. NC 28145 \ _ —, I i4 1 r+ CONTRACT PURCHASER/DEVELOPER / G_ G co..."cn0,. IST GAS LINE , / • S50'03'18'E 280 37 ��� '� f G- G \{ G-- I ( U a > i APRE SOUTH INC A?) ) \ 1 0 HANCOCK Al WASHING70H i V� _ '� _ i RAMON, GA 30650 � - _ -- 1 �I CtiARL0TIESYILLE IL►6ISTERIAL DIStRILi / ✓ J 9 �- 4.5 Y SURVEY \ _— -- ' , �` SOURCE OF TOPO AIO BOUNDARY / -� A-f s f.,:0 20- EXISTING STD,.- __ - , _ - �' \`f' \ r` Q Gil > I ROLAABUSH. GALE 6 ASSOC. INC _ .e W i �� -�T - ~.0 7We ec oof t.as\ 4\ E3 f U U1 ZONING. PIA \ �� ! � '��- till. ..,..t <ccv�rers> (� 1 THIS SITE LIES WITHIN THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR - �-^ -���� e _ ✓r o eiastaF,cc..r vh�sl \ , 3 l-r ii rw- OYERLAY DISTRICT REQUIRING A CERTIFICATE OF v ram _ - R-' _ LAND POST ItYD)�� I qO ` _/tom f �fi `�G�y�'' I v- (1 o o 1 APPROPRIATENESS FOR SITE PLAN AND SIGN •o-c1 \ -I� -� T. =////� �� c.� „__ ,L-BA '�%t �—''�'1 t + r+ AA Tt > • �l ( i ' a.. is� 'DE 30 (ALONG R/W 5) f0 140NG R/W SI9!0�' A+r - y,i�J • .u I ��v Et 51 L B./ -n-<--- e 0/0 it •- tt U REAR 0 0 /N� NG'�,t! PQ!-,s,• a .. pie.vs✓,Afe e•a o •-•Z ¢ PARKING SCrEDIA.E � X�e t/ ers -7W eo..l,�e e v X 4985 GROSS SO FT ! 13 SPACES/1000 SO FT • _ �� !: �� M NI ��� ' `�'.--��i'�,f:; 9 \ - = CC 65 SPACES REQUIRED I `\. APPre-$•,_=5 sve-. , gu m; 11 -z,. *7 i-c_,s-- /- r. z I in w 69 SPACES PROVIDED 1 - " �_ d N�— x^ �' L1 S .- �' / ~�`t\ CD > ¢DIiOPOSEO USE. RESTIURl,NT . I ,yG.A, .. r y ! M ,' •+ r t^ia'- • I 111 I ' .� T0' \ /; .. • Q D W LAND 115E SCHEDULE I • I II 1 I el a- a II - l,c�'` E(EXISTING y • Z ORE % iiu I ¢ aOS a � , ,70TOOL 0OS I /��/ I O I co Y'o Yi'i� i� a70088 1G0S \ `�/V I �,•, IG g I o W S - T '-- \ �\ ,f c0 Z ROTES t I \\I i .T l k I •e _ ,� r , s0 et" T7 L `Q \-PAVEMENT SPECS. 6' OF 421 EASE STONE t \t/ I/ RX "`�� '�`�"" 'YF I X� ; 5 7i 1 `\ ELEv <33& \ i+ w J L • 38-, R PeRpe timr cs 1384 ARom Bulcoa 1 ,_ 1 E/iJE.✓�Ln/T \�� 2 ff S-5 O k W_ z I rROPOJEO 4cce3 I, COCA i . + EXOIR ATAS SHOWN r II ,p Co,.,.dc7/O \ I REVISIONS -THIS SITE IS NOT LOCATED IN A OIR WATERSHED L j I NJ uuss� o -ALL LIGHTING TO BE DIRECTED SO AS TO SHINE P j.lu� I\ ti CD - s��' 11 e.P4NlN[4✓01 ON ADJOINING PROPERTIES AND LIGHTING •ILLOVER �� ;\ j c O [*'� le =i • 9 x fspia eiYP1 I�1 t �Gevp --_1_ -\`_`� _ \ I'I .,/r:•!Ic�eY`-� ONTO PUBLIC ROADS IS NOT t0 EXCEED r - F 5Xo i , 's, i - c- W ' IS/21 FOOT CAHOIE V� �� \ 1 111 = y o I " /r:f,f•J -STORMWATER DETENTION IS ACCOIGLISHED WITH _ , I a I .4 _ - I \ `; .;ro ,s >,....Scat + EXISTIIG BASIN!SOUTH SIDE OF TOTAL CEVELOFIENT i ( { f A I ..-.` I 117�3". • n \ ` t/t,'ss c.s c•Co." - 3� ��� N. 1 11 K L .=rn 1 l 1B r/ie 9sat�4r., -SIGN LOCATION TO BE DETERNIIEO AT TINE Of PERNIt APPLICATION G(>� 1 ` -,S $� rn 16 Y 24 $ 1 SIGN IS TO BE PROVIDED WITH ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FROM BtM.O IG r B - - I I _ ¢' . , i v'N •• - --- -• -- t- 6 \` -- - - • \ I , i* , ¢g 1 luvELWAr ItrP) 11 11 -BACKFLOW PREVENTER ON FIRE LINE TO BE LOCATED INSIDE BUILDING IN MECHANICAL ROOM NI -THK SITE IS LOCATED IN THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT J TI• _ ? cm,-CO-J et _� ::Li, 1 ) i (/...Sf W1�O, - -TPUS PROPERTY SUBJECT TO 2MA 56.07 BRA11CILAND4 _/ S j i •>: • C 3 f_ ••0.Cc,.0 i..e- a• r-I, -OVAIPSTERS ARE TO BE PROTECTED WITH THE BUILDINGS ME SUPPRESSION SYSTEM CDillg + + C. - , CA7E z x I W t L, 3. - _ -f _ = r,•�sI„Eg-- - - - . . - STOTN ERA'E ,�• Q CT) i II 1 1 t •�" ire z� -- E )�1 Q"I • 1 I ^Lt 1c 1 �.'i fOIYJ GAL I I I s••, "" I SCALE oI Ojq �, 11 i - n% .Y� ir..I1 IG,3-ASE':,AD I 1i33�' I `� J FLA�J"�1S t�?r ` - 440 RODE gIi 1 I i i ` 1 c ieK / p�t�, it n�.`u «s ' I 1 'a F�111 �H`J`r4L I -� v`` \ _ AD PROP /JR4/.✓1 �i6 R /' I . c• - ,/- fA %'' 6-SAN I ./.."-- N. S i (n I11 1 1 1 i 1 1 ` i , I• • S'` • $ ►N N S . S + S , CONTO:A INTERVAL �\ '11111i Itlil+ill ly \ K- a. X- .,,:Tw 1 YTIt 1 ? CO II 1 vim'- ov °� , 1 \-- c�i.FENCED AK. ��` I11e5;U .ems d I I I FEET 430- CAI C�2 a S .�. M A) , `.` R I I i, �'� !��� (' 1 ' ;; •`I ' �.\ co„,ci. ,w , x� tl l�� L^ L� Tcttt N \II j,,,,,,,,,,. '�� y _ a- _ Q� _ A '1 - '"et„ 4Y/•••t7/+ovrr4s y- r'rM'l/X _.N ;.` 4rEv •�I 1 R 4 } wtttss E>� I 429 SO �I0$N• 1:V I I OPJIER I W lln 4 k F 0 I .s .. a 70• Cow.wtCC STORM SEWER FOR ROOF ORq/A/•S b'� 1,I V! eR ✓C..4-C a , i • 1, \.k., _,' H; ..i 1 I ° e/ �- _ FOOD LION 1 I A-- -� _ \• i N50'03 18 W 26J 38 } / 1I i-� -� ;L+r 61Z -(7)-11 l Z 2 N.� b 1 o f �� 1.._ 7 �__GSFB CUT A:SEu D f/� I 1 o l' __A._GRADING r y .1_1-- - :u+t F U ¢H- 440 o'Z h'hk I I I y e' I1 i <Z Q o \IR 3 k Q+mf 1• I 440- i W„� I I I I II ���� I . VT CO J _ ; 4 Qa 1 1 1♦� k0 'f I I i `•c> w CV a , ^ '-r ,Ex TOPE, O�S�VO Q' I hL. ~') a 43/ 9/ I I a P• 1;1 II N w Z ♦♦ (L c 430- 1� /a/ -/S RCP C/07% D I , I I , w 0 I- yJr • M4/,/74/.•/ ✓e0/ 6- we 6 430- a�•. I 1 1 I w 1 I . M/,/it'/.. t M •\ 1 \ \I i 1 I 1 1 1 m .. 1:6,r41 vWlp \ I �I STORM SEWER- 4 TO B I I I I J Tn m 420 1 vs o PA yr /�E o I 1 I il • < /'•ao./,/-./O v I I /-,m,.,,..,/o✓ -I I IQ , I • FOOD LION I1 a W1i �I '2 TMP 61Z -O3 -11 3zo o 'N ., )) I �� e. ZONED' PUD . ..- .. r.�r.,� �qt9, I 1 i!I rh �Iq yl In Q I Y, YN 1 ?� II 9F OIL WI; h I 440- O t� %Q B W11 430- �tl 0 iroi o-fiR7 c.,•^t !It • i 440• 0 �' V 1 h ) �R .7EJ MO/✓74/,/j i I I`� 1 ^ �'� V Iv F/RE 1 At/e 1 � I , \V /%POI,/:/O✓ ,� I 430- _1,I I 1 420- I J atop 430 /�✓ /49- a-wc I, BO 94-a4 RCP . I jS:EET 2 3 .gda0 S4q/�7.987- O 4.O GS7. 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S . .. aPPleb e S1&N ►S �#3' IRorti NW/ 2 (5PPT) it A Na 410- FRom PROPr.RTY L1NC ON SIGN ELEVATION 13aA-tJGHI.ANDS LLVD. 7-3- Sq. Ped- 1.0. ci._ IT Pry. Ai? >A-c NAME APPLE/3E, :PPRO%ED Er etc- +t/DESCRIPTION CAT[ ADDRESS DY1G DATE elf Sib -!o(OReD Stitt_ CMSJATE__zIP PHDr:Et—i P1.ASTrt, (WA NEON AT,.s T2i-0 MyM. - PAGE IPHULME RIDGEWAY SIGN CO. • °' 115 Wildwocd Orly.. • P.O.Dot 656•Ph.603•225.5351 • Anderson,SC 29521 „GIs S /Fel> 4"/ t.....e.." . . s .0,, , / IP. ' S&-"D a c 4. << 47 . . RECEIVED MAY 15 1995 ALBEMALE COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT . C.-, 7 / , , - , EF),—)fe-i—inei 1 7, A&ov6 Ro,4D G,24D6- I . I s, ,:-1.r flif°Q 6 r T. ' I FL/6C w- 47: ,.Y$ C: 9; I ‹E I -->l . - III S/GN Is 1/ 3, m a LW ,L BLit , pR ;.,), L,Nr qt F1?o - 5(DC Pl_o('eQ L ,,fie- .oF P