HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199500012 Application 1995-08-07 County of Albemarle Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 VA-211-4 DATE: f�hi_ ''IC.)FEE: $95. Ill& STAFF: ���p�{j� 229 441 VARIANCE APPLICATION OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) Name t`�(� t r t Phone (foti et73 -3 (-- Address P.O. X �`l c Lfl1 1L4A VA 2't0 APPLICANT (if different from above) Name ' Xll.A .\.'[; = t Phone (004)(913-313'2-- Address CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name �6e c- C--eKAV.1 OD1 ( A&MliZhone ( Day Phone (.°--at V )-4 i FAX Address 2(D c J 1 L'i"f L/�L-E y I , 0 {11%eriE S\I l(•L : LOCATION: ( so-1 S [MOL IRAQ, PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. OFFICE USE ONLY ,0 3 8 amtO TAX MAP OW , PARCEL LIII ; TM , P ; TM , P ZONED: C - ORDINANCE SECTION: Board of Zoning Appeals Date: / / . ( ) Special Permit ( ) Variance ( ) Proffers 4. Say BZA ACTION: IS 3t V - J lb\DIdi )'Q 77 1 �71 a*, 1� \i A et v-kC 0 GCA A t� � i (f] DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: ( (:) (atNetok Keajc6T tr )(kie to ruit kl '243' 1 OF- f4\-- (c%1b Vet f)( /\10.0 PAD O2•co<<of 2-,2k ,_� (z-) IReceu f Mobiflc IN lqi-i,oW ( / 11,X tom c4i-CtcA1/4-t-. PES IOI(o/ 2Coch<3, 4-(2,'52 4,2,3,Z -tcm 412_ , , JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE (3) CRITERIA: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship... et-t1 uwou HARoSrhP F3t;' (c Pct-vci,.TS -V-E15 ATPcl tan . AN frPPRo\le �1 i e .R Pfte..k4:l i.ZJ w/S - u-,' PRtc—p `( ef>• (WIcRAcz P-)) A---c o11e1'SL', 3,(co oR$12,Gib Pe C}c1 - i Hs6xPFfNs►G 1 0 cN W I IJO AN OgiVD6 Pfkizici r•O e% (a6E oT -61)..0w, i, c.t.5 15 Imo'i Tb cei T f&o cOa o R pc-A. CAIS pub Tom 56 9-4A4..t 5t 2 O KI 0 ,t -rti6 c waAD be t:xr.Pc UX 0104. 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity... I rkt5 P0ce o- ( -t N(6 ceiNk C figoA R -Ukt L. 056 i 0 O—tc c c -- ex-6 ySe _ Fr) R-Tgams com er-- 0-26A 'eEiviC-c-N af.x(3 •N�P\1\C-sZ e)(- 1M00Z1 Rllk.- fi sPt`�S. -mac Cent•APIZS1JEtv6 P I.-44-N\ ED. < 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. + �tNC� A Pr'1Nt �-‘o 1 44-AS1-CY'? fis42Ao.1 PARK►►.1U (,ht,{. PAC fra_SAi- ��E LIN(r�PRo4 O e UNK 1,k P�J t,)W.) 1 p 47eP• 4 S AcGot•AP+ Y tN(. e The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not be submitted by the deadline. I hereb certify that the information provided on this application and acc• panying information is accurate, true and correct to the best o� my 'knowledge and belief. gaa 3_ "1-95 -ignatur 42 Date Receipt Date VQ , -e C1 0yS0 Vol .. The Division of the Land Described herein is w'" 'tie Free Notes Consent and in Accordance with the Desire of t idersigned I. Owner•Thomas-Ryder Partnersl Owners,Proprietors and Trustees.A11 Statements C : to this do Floor Fashions of Virg1111U, 534 E. Main St., Plot arsI e r�d�ndre� to tie Best of my Knowledge. Charlottesville,Virginia 22901 . �,� - ���f"J 2 Tax Map 45 Parcel I04A 3. Zoned C-I. The fore o ng Document was Acknowleded before me this 1rh 4. I.F.=Iron Found , I.S.= Iron Set Day of_ Qlitll _19LL.Pn/Gpuky�k -I�C(rcrJ Ry(kr as Own r5 My Ct�fmmission Ex fires = jU9)1 S_196 5 References: D.B. 824 P. IA'r��i� eo" Public 6. Easements Shown are for the Benefit of Lots I and 2 Only. Ibemarle ounty Board of Supervisor 7 All Irons to be Set by January 30, 1987. Tot& T. 1t7rt7 U1 Ibe ave(CoNA-Planning Commissfo� Q+t/P 9 IN'. Q v° 2 C O „E - 10' PARKING SETBACK LINE v• N5"7-509, I.F _.30' BUILDING SETBACK LINE 5. �.r a \?A85 ,I.s-- 12/ T.M.P 45 C-02-3 �o G�ot�ot�egv;\\ N32°42090 I.S.,51.85 ND TRUST '� STUART a3 N/F OFRCARWIDBE,OETALOK ATRUSTEES .o '(a I.S. ��2 I N D.B. 605 P. 649 o�` �� �S57°1751 E _� 4c /_-- •-74.84 I.S. �_ No z w co LOT W LOT W TM.P 45-104B .p TWO ° ONE T.M.P 45C-02-4 v N/F JAVOR-WOODBROOK LAND TRUST GREENE GARDENS OF VA. , INC. co '� STUART F. CARWILE,ETAL. TRUSTEES D.B. 699 P. 124 f 62,716 S.F. m 88,780 S.F. h D.B. 648 P. 175 -) ,111 __< coI N/F RONALD W.OR NANCY R.HARVEY c 41 t,X�`, / D.B. 674 P. 614 \ m (pi � 0 N w II dD S64°16 31 W I.S. N50°3I'II411E 50' BUILDING SETBACK LINE 52.09' ��i I.S. /25.00 I.F. N35°26121��W I.S. I.S. `.\ N/F WALTER C. OR HELEN A. 68.60' S39°28'46°E MACKEY —� I.S. 67.00'�,, / 10 ?—� D.B. 655 P. 65 / pl.S. N/F BARBARA B. LOWE T M.P 45- 104 z ( I.S. D.B. 774 P.640 w m S50°31 14„W i GREENEGARDENS OF VA. , INC. co b to 7500 • D.B. 697 P. 788 ro in- / P 9 O0 O N O ' 2- w ,nm T `C)0 � 8 N/F CHARLES E. OR NOREENE YANCEY ReseT D.B. 718 P. 739 743 ' 0' CA 4111" SITE sv Epp—N/F KATHRYN WILLSON � D.B. 74P P. 456\ � 6 I.F. N/F BILLY A. a JUNE C. BELCHER VICINITY MAP D.B. 517 P. 134 1 �� I 5 PLAT SHOWING 4 .*Ti OF LOTS ONE AND TWO �o4' A DIVISION OF TAX MAP 45 PARCEL I04A 4 2 CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT NOIAAS B. COLN ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VIRGINIA NO 1326 DECEMBER 30, 1986 V.44'D suR0-• , 0 50 100 200 300 400 SCALE IN FEET GLOECKNER. LINCOLN. & OSBORNE. INC. Englrrn,Snr1r1'•en rued bend Normal 710 EAST NIGH STREET SHEET I OF 6 CHARLOTTESVILLE.VIRGINIA 22901 86 202 01 SHEEHAN ARCHITECTS INTERIORS •ARC HITECTURE• PLANNING July 31, 1995 C py County of Albemarle Department of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 Attn. Mr.William D. Fritz Senior Planner RE: Blue Ridge Health Alliance Major Site Plan Amendment Dear Bill, This letter is in reply to yours dated July 5, 1995, and provides responses to information regarding the following items: 1. Submit a waiver request for grading within 20 feet of a residentially zoned property. [32.6.6, 32.5.3 and 21.7.3]; 2. Provide a request for modification to allow grading on critical slopes. [32.6.6, 36.5.3, 4.2.3,] , and in accord with section 4.2.5 and all of the provisions of 4.2. 3. The Comprehensive Plan, Open Space Plan indicates the area of the proposed grading as buffer area. This item should be addressed. 1. Waiver Request for Grading Within 20 Feet of Residentially Zoned Property: This request is being submitted as shown on the Amended Site Plan currently under review. The existing landscape elements adjacent to residential property consist of pre-existing uncontrolled fill, exhibiting rubble trash and other unsightly elements. The grading proposed would remove the rubbish as a first step in preparing for the foundation pad for the "Versa-Lok" retaining wall. No concrete footings are required for this system, and the grading would consist mainly of stacking the retaining wall system from the existing grade at the foot of the wall and adding fill dirt as the wall is brought up to the finished height. Using this system creates the absolute minimum disturbance to the existing grades. With respect to 21.7.3, it is our submission that the proposed site design is an improvement over the recently approved Site Plan which included a two level parking garage in this area. The clearing necessary will also result in an improved design in that screening vines and an attractive rusticated, colored wall will replace an unkempt steep bank of uncontrolled fill. The major portion of the landscape retaining wall is in excess of 30 feet from the residential property, which exceed the minimum setback required by 50 percent [21.7.3]. Additionally, the proposed landscaping buffer screening exceeds the requirements as described in []. Therefore it is our position that the improved landscape retaining wall design, the additional landscaping proposed, the elimination of the parking garage, and the minimal amount of grading TEL:804•979•1830 226 EAST HIGH STREET•CHARLOTTESVH.I F•VA 22902 FAX:804•979•5681 Mr.William D. Fritz page 2 required, all support this waiver request for grading within 20 feet of a residentially zoned property. Request for Modification to Allow Grading on Critical Slopes: The intent of section 4.2 in the ordinance, as it applies, is to conserve steep hillsides with respect to drinking water, soil erosion, sedimentation, and water pollution. The Comprehensive Plan includes critical slopes under natural resources because they require protection in order to maintain the balance between slope, soils, geology, and vegetation. The existing site's steep slopes are not the natural terrain or grades. This area of the site is characterized as uncontrolled fill dirt, which exhibits elements of rubble, trash, rock and other debris. The proposed construction will have minimal grading requirements other than removing organic vegetation, and leveling for the first course of the "Versa-Lok" retaining wall. No concrete footings or mortar is required. Additional clean fill and geosynthetic reinforcement to reinforce the soil will be added. Literature of the proposed system is attached for your review. Even in its present state, with the installed landscaping, is susceptible to erosion from heavy rain given the loose structure of the soil. The existing grades and unkempt vegetation cannot be characterized as an "aesthetic resource". The proposed construction of the landscape retaining wall will create a permanent structure to retain the earth. Runoff from the parking lot will be collected by the storm drainage system and directed to the existing storm water detention pond. The end result will provide for less erosion of the critical slope, and an engineered control of storm water and sedimentation. The provision of septic field construction and effluent as described in Section 4.2 do not apply since no septic development is proposed. Since the proposed grading does not conflict with the Comprehensive Plan's objective of preserving and managing the County's natural resources in order to protect the environment and to conserve natural resources for future use, the Owner requests relief to allow grading on a critical slope. The proposed strategy for construction of the retaining wall addresses both soil erosion issues and runoff control and storm water detention. The Comprehensive Plan. Open Space Plan indicates the Area of the Proposed Grading as Buffer Area. This buffer area between the site and the adjacent residential area is to be maintained as much as possible. Additional landscape buffer planting is proposed, as well as an architecturally attractive rusticated stone masonry retaining wall. Furthermore, Appendix B, of the Comprehensive Plan [p.250] recommends the following general standards as guidance in commercial developments, "E. Employ commercial office uses as transitional areas between residential areas and heavier commercial or industrial areas." Mr.William D. Fritz page 3 The conversion of the proposed use from a commercial carpet retailer/wholesaler to the more upscale use of all office space by QualChoice, is in conformance with the intent of this section of the Comprehensive Plan. I trust these responses address the concerns contained in your letter. I will be following up with the Variance request for parking in the required setback. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Peter L Sheeran cc: P. Ryder enclosure