HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199600002 Other 1996-02-06REVISED FHWA FEDERAL AID I REGION STATE PROJECT STATE SNEF1 N0, ROUTE PROJECT b 0 a 0 a I I I 13; I QI �I VI I LI � I j � I ZZ 4' Z i vl di 3 } ; O I I CO I 0 m LLJ CO V) 0 a Cr z o w �D o a- in a > ::) w a w (n 0 U DESIGN FEATURES RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION OR TO REGULATION AND CONTROL OF TRAFFIC MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS DEEMED SEE SHEET 3 FOR UTILITY OWNERS NECESSARY BY THE DEPARTMENT Constr. C/L Rte. 682 A - 22' 37' 40.4r Lt. D - 11.46333' T - 100.000' L - 197.394' R - 499,818' Constr. C/L Rte. 682 PCC 305.85.690 d - 44' 06, 25.59' Lt. PI 306.85,690 D - 29.75047' PT 307.83.084 T - 78.020, LS - I8V L - 148258' E - 0.08 O R - 192.589Appr ' V - 42 MPH ox. Location PC 304.37.432 Surv.CIL Surv.CIL Sanitary Drolnfleld 43 P/ 305.15.453 0.41'40'08' LT. 0.25'03'58' LT. PCC 305.85.690 D • 35-37'45' D-10'36'37' ept� Pond LS - 140, T • 6120 T-12o.D4' t Sit ,0 a E - 0.08 • 11695' L - 23624' L 'c� \ V - 26 MPH -16.95R - 540.00' �e�� oK PCC • 305.53.35 TM =73-ID 8Surv. & Constr. C/L Rte. ICI PC - 304.36.40 PI.306 73.40 682 o PI.304.97.60 PT - 507.89.60 JAMES G. & LYN W. RICI: w c �--Or57'44.00' LT, lzz PCC - 305.53.35 �' DB 784 PG 624 �' , o -6 D 0.81767 E� 'O o a 10.474 AC. l T - 120.000' 5r sA c W, L- 239.976' LU 0 e Fed. .\ �� ) . a Elec. Esm't. DB 1/68 PG 3 /cL R - 7007.171' o •��'� KNII "� Prop. Perm. Slope Esm't. o v Tele. Esm't. DB 499 PG 478 �"� LU ° u� : P/ " 3l0- 690 0 0� ,�v N�. 3 �' a� c� ti v Pl 31/ 44.590 +I 3 296 b ,, K, Tele. Esm't. DB 381 PG 374 �t +I PT - 33122.64.566 R'W DB 397, �- • • . • ` Elec. Esm't. DB 348 PG 53 " io W LS - 220' °o wet w m . ; o cn ►n E - 0.0278 V - 70 MP M I to �b 2�o � +� o -Story Brick & a �o •� �� N �� 0 43' j 25 1-Sto From DwellingCl- o F 25 c, C60 ry FT. Elev. • 7 0QL lingPro . R/W +2 - yip, c [88] [46] 03 _, 25 33 90 p c� J o �, Brick z J Ex. R/W Dh97. PG 296 ` \ 1 " �� mr W �o �/ Q' 25' 33' •24.59 Caroge 3Uj \ S., \ S\��S S \•4�� °0 -� [88] [07] Prop. Perm. Drain. Eset. ' `�• ° �. � � O,�tit pitch Re ^'d -' ; K i` •61 o Approx. Location Prop. RAY . 032 Sonitory Drolnfleld I nr r3c: Ov GRHCE H. PAYNE ESTATE WB 58 PG 734 DB 227 PG 523 1525 AC. Elec. Esm't. DB 600 PG 482 `v Tele. Esef. DB 499 PG 494 Tele. Esm'l. DB 381 PG 385 Stotlon to 506.80.00 Side Ditch I Guardrail GR-2 Req'd. �' (• Ditch RI>�)� ; o `, �' ,Sl� S 3 0 22. • a P17 rop. Temp. Slope Esm't.lrop.o \ 881 �� ti I IPF Constr, C/L , �.88� St'� �. EC-2 Req'd.�o� , Gr el� 25' h' K -• Prop. R/W C 331 W 4 ,.- , / - •64.57 -- - -- - -- -- - - - - - - `- 35' R' �St'd. E 2 A.-Ff Prop. R/W -/------------ tn`� �i -xca. _ ' `_ - - -�a�i -- tt1rQ��v�l•Ifr _ ;• !�r � !` �' - - - - �- ° Cr IL Alc 3 1 VA. o Surv. &Constr. Approx. Location C/L Rte. 682 Sanitary Drolnfleld 1 d - r 28' 24.00' Lt. , D - 1.05323' 1 T 69.9 ' L - 139.887' TM '7 3-IA R - 5440.000' i 1' • �1 `� FRANC; H. & v PC 3l3.46.693 Cc c MARIAN3. LAWSON P/ 3/4.16.640 PT 314.86.580 v DB /Ul PG 232 LS - 130' - 362 N ° •° 2.()13 AC. V 70 MPH W Tele. Esm't. �6 499 PG 478 v� Tele. Esm't. B 381 PG 374 w � Elec. Esm't. OB 348 PG 53 N : b' V) I-SFrorm I o Dwelling cn FT. 6 0 v� LnI-P I o I W 3, �\ Z5 o _ St'd. EC-2 Req'd. vAl ` ,' W - 4' 1 I � •. I I 25' ; 25' •46.69 ; •8660C End Pro], 0682-002-P3 Sta. 3/5.00.00 501 / T M =73-4A JAMES S. & MAY LAY FU DB 512 PG 526 132 AC. Tele. Esm't. DB 499 PG 593 Te/e. Esm't. DB 383 PG 363 N Elec. Esm't. DB 348 PG 278 a, 0 25' " •7I.26 4 g ti CL_W Prop. R/W 15' • 72.70 KII/ 1)1( VeV c,/I_ - ` t ,� 6= Ex. 4/W OB 757, PG 24 Ex. R/W DB 690, PG 673 oP °r �'/� 3 ` ; Prop. R � , o o Gravel ; o ( SYd. EC-2 Req'd. _- o oo� •94.55 N �, - 1, .. v ` ��� W - 4' 'Si,86 Pr p. R/W 25,E N Prop. R/W •77 o N P �,�,,�h o� - �W 1 Prop.R/�N a �,���-�� 24.4r 25, •46 ,� •28.35 17.77' 1 , _ - 6� �y , yyood °o IPF 3 2., IPF • offered 12' , 13.53 N 038 IPF 5 TM 73 4C •69 ''' 4 '` I c p%/_ 25' % •24'i9 64.57 P ars IPF •7728 o 0682-002-P33 I !1 C50/ T e - � M '� _/" 25' TM =73-3 Cn W KAHLIL & o 1 25 83.08 ,Y, 25 CI NDY R. HAMADY 3 - �'_ : ,, EUNICE E. WHITE ti SfOR; OnC. �q�Q1, �1 •l0 25' 1 ` 1 Deck o , Wall ,°' �`t✓ i' � •78.67 DB 1031 PG 336 2-Story 1 •33 45- z "' �` IZ? - v; o Gt� 3 DB 457 PG 554 `, 2-S Std. EC-2 Req'd. L 0.5/ AC. 2.969 AC. o Frame v �, o W - 4 1 N � I.f1 � M p,,,/ellln9 1 •4/0 o o, -'' Tele. Esm't. DB 382 PG 5l0 M Te% Esm't. DB 383 PG 363 _CO3-C,�`�`Elec. Esm t. OB 348 PG 160 tr, Stec. Esm't. DB 348 PG 278 __��_ Side Ditch l?eq'd. 54' g `� ,o Z St'dEC-2 � Feq'd., Q /.� .o c .23 i, z �� U,� \ =' ►�� TM =73-18 a q? o - T M =73-I .,UV I I I,flle Sheet for elevation Stotlon Slde C.Y. 308.IODO Rt. Note: Erosion Control Stone to be placed In accordance with St'd. EC-l. 0 Denotes Proposed Pavement n n n Denotes Temporary Filter Barrier Req'd. ,.n Denotes Temporary Slit Fence Req'd. Fq_ _ _ _ - Denotes Construction Limits In Cuts [F7_ - _ Denotes Construction Limits In Fills Note : Figures In parenthesis and dot - dot - dashed lines denote Temporary Easements. Note : Proposed Rlght of Way based on Construction Centerline. ^`-) � o b a Prop. Perm. D In. Esm't. VV'YLIE R..,OOKE, for Constr. & olnt. of Outlet Ditch DB 968 PG 488 ? ,'' - , - COLE W. SANDRIDGL & o \ �• a o 034 5J56 AC. SiorY F r • _ - - SHERRY LLOYD TM •73-IC Tele. Esm't. DB 499 PC 478 2p,1elli�9 6ie� DB 911 PG 83 Outlet Ditch Req'd. MARK J. & v, Tele. Esm'f. DB 38l PG 374pprox. Lpr°lnf geld 8.41 AC. Elec. Esm't. OB 348 PG 53 so Elec. EWA I. SETARO Elec. Esm't. DB 971 PG 51/ c DB 748 PG 007 Tele. Esm't. DB 499 PG 478 0z 5.038 AC. o �' Tele. Esm't. DB 381 PG 374 c Elec. Esm't. DB 348 PG 53 Tele. Esm't. DB 499 PG 478 � c o toct o Tele. Esm't. DB 381 PG 374 �= c � v CI r- ✓a nn .n �- W �0z Ui � �� C O C �� o C Ci �� W 5 t -) 6� t 2 F�. o b ��' b I V Slde Ditch W o �►n �'V c i NNr�jLu v r\ W I Outlet Ditch �Ilj 10 & Var. f Stotlon Slde C.Y. 307.25.00 Rt. 309.00.00 U. Statlor to Stotlon Slde C.Y. 309.00d o 309.80.00 Lt. -co -9L 9 57 SCALE 0 50' 100, PLAN N0. POJECT I 0682 R002_P33 I FILE N0. I SHEET N0. A //