HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202000003 Staff Report 2020-05-05 (2)II 9OD-35 90D34 90D-5 90D-4 90-35R Legend 90D-6 133 :. 90D-B r ,90-355 -- Popped nme nema on map may Parcel Info not apcearnlegend) Or _ l ❑ Parcels 141 .3 90D-7 90-35T >Y n 0 90D-11 T' 1633. 90-35F f n 90D-8 1831 1 1634 � 9OD-10 90D-9 1641 1530 1642 90-35X 1650 1524 90-35W . 1835 0 1518 0 90C1-02--32 N N 16500 1658 ` \ NY ry y a I Oa Vir%tL 1512� 1845( Ct o�tik 165190-35M 90C1-02--1 C1673 i 1675 1875 \� 906'-02'-4 1833� 1679 90C `\ - 90-35Y 90-35N i0Z-6 ' W N U • 0 m 188 ft 90-35P 90-35ro' ceogrepnto oatagsenlcea M, xpw.alLemade. f he S hamtnw (43) 2=2 My determination of topryraphy or contours, or any Jempron of physical Improvements, pmperly lines or boundaries Is Mr general Information only ant shall cot the mach for he design, mMlPcation, or mmimNon of Improvements to real property ortor floW plain determination. March B, 2020 Map elements may scale limper than GIS data measure! In the map or as pmvided on the data Joanna l page des to Me projection mrsol Map Porto lon: Mal Web Mercator (Mtlllary SpMre) (EPSG 385 Legend (Noll Sohn Hems on map may not appear In legend) _ Parcel Ink ❑ Parcels 90-35X 1833 90-35Y ] 47 ft2 o�>,. GIS-Web '90-35P ce�r Gata Genicea 9hfo . Ihemaden f is hRmNtw (4M) 2g&5832 My determination of topryrapby or mMours, or any depiction &physical Improvements, porpeM lines ca NUMadare Is for general IMormallen only and Nall mt be used for he design, mMlHcallon, or construction M Improvements to real propeRy orfor Hood plain determination. March B, 3020 Map elements may scale laryer than GIG data admen ed In the map or as pmvided on the data dwMaad page the M Me projection used. Map Projection : Val WN Mercator Mother, SpMre) (EPSG 3857) Legend (Note'. Sotre dams on map may not appear In legend) Parcel Info ❑ Parcels v 47 ft ora< GIS m Web Gear9ncoam saces ��'• - . hareare.orgigla w Y Z - .` (a30)2W%32 Any dcicrminalion of Iopoyraphy or mMoun, or any depub" of physical Improvemards, property lines or Incendiaries Is for general Inllen tmmaonly and shall not be used for fire, mMp design. Ml on, or WrBtren uNof imprommEMs to real propMy area Pow plain disco rmenallon. Marts B, 2020 Map elements may scale larger than GIS data treasured In its map or as provided on the data wwnbw page due M Me proleNon used. Map Projection: K SBl NpU Mercator(rWtlYary Spies)(EPyrG 3857) U 00 1-01 yU0-6q rovu-oo• o w yu=soo -- � /�y��y w I�/ 9�; a/,q�o Legend 90D-54 j!o'�,y / 'ql q� i�8),In (Nor. soma Items on map may not appear In legend) 0 90D-A1 O c� 90-35A o a/a /�:q;9T,�8y {�¢ A��q0 �r7cc —y m Parcel Into i o 90D-27 00 f % °j // ❑ Parcels x1^ ^Q ` Comp Plan Land Use Info cry90D-51 90D B °j ^¢ �a ♦' }I Urban Development Area Boundary 0 a 90D-28 90* 1 VC °j//��`��'h �• Comprehensive Plan Areas y11:OV 1a— 90D-1 90-35D 90-35H ^P ;Qsp, Crozet Master Plan Land Use 90D-37 A AwI��4ro ■ GreensPace• .900� g0 90D-40 co 90-35G r�P✓�. f11 Neighborhood Density Residential Neighborhood Density Residential o �+ ■ Urban Density Residential 90D-42 y^ O1 rn 90D-2 90-35Q 90-35B dr ■ Mixed -use r 90O oO l 90D-36 9 ■ Downtown a p� �'Q7. ■ Institutional 90D-14 0O� h O 90D-3 90-35R S Light lndusidal O 9�q ■ See Crozet Maslemigan Text D 440\ y O �90D-4 �� �6 Pool Master Plan Centers and Di WM O rsr'x o rwP 90-35S R O Urban Center T ^� CO Neighborhood Service Center C Employment District 7 m Reveatianal District 90D-12 90D-6 _� y q Pool Master Plan Future Street r 90D-C 90-35T �:QI;� 7;97`7p� Principal Arterial as Boulevard Avenue N *pofa 7 1,e17� Ave Lonue(Conceptual Alignment) 90D-11 ^�i/yN• �85 — wl Street 90-35F Q'Ar�' ��d�- Lowl Street (Conceptual Alignment) ITFIit 3 — Rural Transition O' <90D-10 O O0wO ! . ; I 0 Pantops Master Plan Urban Center U O 90 D-9 A\ 'lf `r Iij PaMops Master Plan Land Use _ O / �� O ^Q ; Q mow- w Neighborhood Density Residential /-Ct (i 90-35W °d Oo �.y ■Commercial Mixed Use O �+ i ■ Urban Density Residential C `flo7f N> p wQ 9■ Community Mixed Use ;�0 �• P� w' Sp1��3 IC� 0 A�� ■ Office/R&D/Flex/Lightindustdal o O^ ��2 ? 3Z ■ Instilldional 91-16B ■ Public Parrs ■ Potential Pudic Park ak_(+.J_\ ■ Parks and Green Systems 91-18 p2I R GIS-Web 8 cer hio eammalloomertsreorgsa hHcrNra (434)2W5832 My determination oftopagraphy or contours, or any depiNm Mphysidal Improvements, property lines or boundaries is for general Information only and shall not be used for Me design, mMificalion, or consimption or Improvements to real propeRy, orror POM plain determination. March g, 2M Map elements may stale larger Nan GAS data measured In the map or as provided on he data download page due m the prig lion used. Map Projection: W3S84 Web Mercator(Aumhor, Sphere)(EPSG 3857) 90D-G 9pp-6q 90D-66 o w O 90D-D a, 90D-540-35A g\5G 90=35 jih h°�.� R 9 �o \P' .g'�O'� / 97 7.9 �i8j N °' .. 'M /��q,':8 �' /9j:t9j Legend (No 9some Hens on map may nnt appear In legend) N N -Al90D-A1 90D-65 O �� o 0 ty h� OQ !� 9 �Q c.:/�'`!� KP 00 / q 9•� a, /�x `'.I-144 Parcel Info OD-24 o O O ry � m o 90D-27 0o b �i �' ta;�/'P '� P ❑Parcels zoning Info 00 OQ p, 04 90D-B nP/ O Zoning Classifications Rural Areas 90D-41 0< 9 0 9 Ryp:OV Via— 90D-1 1.,�4 90-35D 90-35H .�P QSP Village Residential i R1 Residential QA " 00� gOQ 90D-40 I;+ eoi 90D-37 0 �Q✓ 90-35C �%b m ■ R2 Residential R4 Residential cs wP Q 90D-30 0 90D-46 gOD-42 ,ham m rn 9OD-2 90-350 90-35B m' it, ■ R6 Residential ■ R10 Residential ■ R15ne al p9 00 ry 90D-36 OD- 0 9 m\ / Q r'd m tars I 90-35R 90D-14 oQ 9, q, 9 S Unit Planned Unit Development ■ Planned Residential Development ■ Neighborhood Model District ■ Monticello Historic District 00 Q o\B 90D-44 C_(�'�y ���/d ^k,� O.\ pO ^� m po .n 90D-4 90-35S 1q76 Q' !� C1Commercial rcialO ■ Commercial Office ■ Hghviay Commercial pt �O 1 OD-16 OQ 90D-5 9 do 0 90D-12 ` ^Q� O �� //°�� ■ Planned Development Shopping Cit. ■ Planned Development Mixed Comm. ■ Downtovm Coal District 90D-6 90D-C 90-35T t7 ,y '97 q70 O '�� 73 LighUntlusiry ■ Heavy Industry ■ 90D-7 Q %^Q 91 ` g78S Planned Development Industrial Par ■ Tovmotswttsvilk o 90D-'11Mry��f o 90D-8 90-35F ^/�^�% ry fls�3 oU- O o 90-35W �\�\®. OC1- U U ^r 90-35X m9o4^� e 91-16B \_ Cam `1 'oakr G It W 90C1-02-- 90G1-01--A1 24 °� ti 9pG } 9OC7 ?•-?? 9p�C7,0 J oc�0D22 h� 90-35Y 90-35M � yoc yoc� OC��90C�O .9/Qf 9 � j 1 Paz 90-35P � w 376 ft c ¢ 91-19 1� \ 'O)�•s 90-34 C 90-35V tl2�p7GIS Geographic Date services Oah, .„.v..am ieeane.orygle 90'C 1-01--3 S g0-33A 90-35AU C - heorp3. _ (43q 2WM32 Any determination of topography or mMours, or any deposition M plrysical Improvements, property lines or touMarvas Is for general Information only and mall not Le used for the design, mMI sighad, or mmtmclion of Improvements to real property mfw floM plain determination. March B, 2M Map elements may scale laryer than GIS data measured in the map or as provided on Me data doenbad page due fo Me pool used. Map Partia lonM03 8 Ivan Methodist (WtlINry SpMre) (EPSG 3857) 90D-101-s 9' n ^0D-79\90C-77 g 0 00• 62 11 ---����C 4 O 900� 736�N0'1 90D-78 B 90C1-01--A6 �0 7?� o�y r--���iO�C•gy o 90D-77 ypG- �// 9 D-E OsV O• iP� �� 90C- - y)91_ 1 r/1�� 65 91-1 p —F r 90C�/ I 66 Cale JC 5f. Is 91-12 O L Legend 9 (Note. Some items on map may not appear in Parcel Info ❑Parcels / 000 O pS ��58"q 00 oV/moo 90 '0,p U QN' /9�T �. 90� 7g1 ^-pD-F O Pti�90 SI 000.0� �m oU 9i7GGJ.7 91-13 9L-2' Tgp` of 9 S. B . °°p m p p0 90 S N- 00 (7 N P 900'} O6 �0 90D-71 I8N fn (l o \S 9 po0P� 91.12A 91-11 g m y °Os 90D-G D /oO 900 90D-69 �O sd o_0( 9OO m to fc �q sy 7 190 `fl!p t/'�9 1'mlm� 96 �o� or00O` f p0 yN `'.0 _' 9\ qG • p 97 P" "S t:P����7%'tom'' i+d $. v m .� a ? °\� % �rL^S Q<r a v e►�Lh^ / / 11 eps 90 ?�\a� IL/�7g0 bill Y.FIosoa O 90• 90D-21'zo Q�`g0. �,%�,� O,qO w L 7 9p• 3SC y 9 a ^7}%9p 8 .. 0 /d 91-10 O �!t(/JY Cam? P +/ 3SO 90'O,�p C5 d Sh, AP'�97r: 91A1-E 91-15 it T ca o 0 O 'i✓' ,yN g� / 9 3SQ vS oo yo \pOv 0.3SR olo•� 90-35B e�""�r 91-9 / 91-16D 9 y:1191 9pO.2 900�.31 9 00 O36 e R9 Oaks-Dra i i9 O Q% �N o, o p0" q S O S tr q 6 m:n90D-C o0D" 90-35T✓z/\,90D-B °f g0D-liQ 11:d C 90-35F o A 79 60 ^V 9..7� S 91-16A1+ p6 of o g0D•11 oa -Sh. o o poD- o dytGr�bve.,�ti ! 31 36 90-35W 90C1-01--A1 '��c ?' e:6''.2\ \OOG 9 pd•" ^� a G �eG•t:�;t:> d%�Q/''� kP. p0� Ge-�{ \ ? 90-35X �� 3 P^ •T O' iO Q Cio O g �m70 9 0C ��•3 1 91-16B ', O 1. 2.-Q 9p�C 3i 1/•?�,Z SC 90-35M 7.'�`.r� 90-35Y m I p 5 90 0 9 ?� O y� Ic 06 90-35N 90C1-0.1--59 da�rl,/•y C 90-35P o s 3 �00-35 NP��iJ o • \ o'Cno 90 3 Aai 01-3Sq 91-18 o'•', 90,338 \ 90-35V p 90-33C iV 90 33 satigg90-28 SO7 11 @!'gar p 90-6D pO Q�Crfi1090p 7. 9O1 � It 80F 90-21H ��� V 90-21 H1 F 752ft oTgcZc co so-z76 2 yai'�A�Jg o� T91-19B2 O?TC GIG Web �ym Services cvoycealbamade �ol��\ 90 27 91-19B3 orgrraphanDith (a3a)z9s 5e3z 90-30 90-31 r. 90-32A 90-2TA 91 -19B1 „v My determination oftopo3rapby or contours, or any depiction of physical Improvements, property lines or boundaries is for general Information only and shall not be used for Me design, modification, or construction of Improvements to real properly or for flood plain determination. March 9. 2020 Map elements may scale larger than GIS data measured in the map or as provided on the data download page due to the projection used Map Pmjection: Vel Web Mercator (Auuliary Sphere) (EPSG 3857)