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VA199600010 Application 1996-06-24
County of Albemarle Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA . 22902-4596 q (r,HD (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972--4060 / G/VA- DATE: ( A 1c FEE: $95.00 f 0 STAFF: • VARIANCE APPLICATION OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) Name Dr. Raymond C. Doss Phone ( 804)'971 -9800 Address2407 Hydraulic Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 APPLICANT (if different from above) Name Phone ( ) - Address CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name Anne Gibson Mark, AIA Phone ( 804) 296-.6107 Day Phone ( ) - Address2123 Ivy Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 LOCATION• Hydraulic Road Animal Hospital, Albemarle County, VA PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. OFFICE USE ONLY TAX MAP OUY- , PARCEL - I ; TM , p ; TM , P ZONED: ORDINANCE SECTION: c ic-N 21, ' etiv4 `�` Z • �D'z Board of Zoning Appeals Date: 3/ 6 //p ( ) Special Permit 5 P 9(0- 21 ( ) Variance V A-2 q - Zq ( ) Proffers VA- ' - I p BZA ACTION: 4 (,, C��.t 4 flLS nti.1jrZ-61,4- 41-1 `irk. - _ ".„7„, . 1) VA-96-10 Dr. Raymond C Doss (owner) T/A Hydraulic Animal Hospital • Located on W side of Rt 743 , 300 ft S. of inters with Solomon Rd. TM61K/P9-1, zoned HC. Seeks variance to decrease the number of parking spaces from 22 to 16 and decrease the side setback from 50 ft to as much as 35 ft in specific areas. \qlr\ 111 ESCRIP'rIoN & JUSTIFICATIc$ FOR REQUESTED VARIANCE A varianceto 4 .12 .6 .6 .2 of the current Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance relative to required parking spaces is being requested. Per the calculation, 22 spaces are required. The Owner requests a reduction to 16 spaces for the following reasons: 1 ) His business has never required this number of spaces, 2 ) Due to the narrow, long lot, he feels that the more green space he can maintain, especially near Hydraulic Road, the more aesthetically attractive it will be to the general public , and 3 ) He is happy to preserve an area for future parking if his business should ever require the additional six spaces. Attached is a copy of Drawing No. P-1 , dated 6-21 -96 , which indicates the anticipated expansion and parking areas. I III Agt-t ___, ... , „----- . DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: See description of request on back of first sheet. VaK-i-anre is hPing requested for Section 4 . 12 . 6 . 6 .2 of .the current County Zoning Ordinance concerning parking requirements. JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE (3) CRITERIA: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. This is not an issue of undue hardship although the expense of aciciitional parking for ii(S gain Seems e'Acessive. 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. The Animal Hospital is surrounded by unlike uses and thertore cannot be related in an equitable way . However, excessive parking requirements are in no xaayy hencf i ri al to the surrounding neighbors nor aesthteically pleasing. 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. Adjacent properties yore of dissimilar uses relative to the animal hnspital _ They will in no way be harmed or rlaprixPd if this variance is granted. In fact, aestheti- cally they will be improved if this variance is granted. The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not be submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ,,,,Q p '--- .1,4----> 6,,,,_ -,/3 Signatte Da e Receipt# Date DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: variance ie reauested for two side yard buildtnq setbacks The exi_stinq structure pre-dates these set-- back requirements 4nd extends beyond the fifty foot setbacks. rherpfnr"e saken encl oq.i n% flap eYi s.tlna run.4 I lit structure r9 thorn �of}»nYc �t the_nNW__ r-urner wP _r_iaciwasz, a j 6 For_q, GYtAnCyCn anA at thc__ __cOrrrpl a 15 font 4,.xtran- SiOn1 is ram rad_ Thts then aU.GW axpay15.inn fin nc•c-ur in s3 rectangular fashion with respect to the existing structure. JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE (3) CRITERIA: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. To expand along the required building setback lines causes the Mc'hi terturP fa_ .p.ricAnrp nh1 igaP angles which ar_e difficult to hipi1c1T 1nPfficiPnt And without ` reasou Witb Lesp _ct " to i h� �xi zi inV Uiii Laing 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. Adjacent properties are not zoned Highway Commercial and therefore do hot have the same requirements . 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. This variance will not cause substantial detriment to the adjacent property and will allow the expansion to be more efficient and aesthetically pleasing. The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not be submitted by the deadline. Z hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature Date Receipt/ Date \ IIi0 —''''-'.----..7--__—"---.-....-.-...-- --- _.4.,..------------- _ --__ t ,. 7 -z-- --__.---------- ---- -. — --..--- -- - -- -- — -__; _ _ a c 6 2IY.72 H 5.1 I V.I.. '/A4 - , A ,---- , ‘ ...)i r,) ,, szi ,-- ' . ,1 t A -- • -. ......, ( v 1 i- , 1 - • 0 . -... / , .\• ; _„ •- i * ) ......._ .,,,,- .- ----'''''Ptiwiv, .,Y-/- ' -'. -- •-- —---1 --, — ( i 1, • .....-1-------- ., , _,.....----- \ i 1 \ , • \ is , il ori.- ,. r .-I-r\------ t -,., ey'd 1 Co_ 1 A '.- -„ \ 1 ,- < .i•-• \ •. 1 ,\ Pu _' . _..(„ ...• -..\_1 /A(2 i OZ •_ ...--."-'' ....... 1 4• 1... 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I , , , 0 / or ..... -- \ \ `, ,-- - - I , - . - ,,\ 0 , )7P Eil 0 p ,,:. , , 1 , ._ -- ‘„ ,, - ..,, • , c,) • 7 d e 5 c, s, ' ( . =' ' L ' , •-Y- , ),,'' - e --- zr) 2 - , ,- V S .- • j -.j --- - . -\ \ . - ..---- -/ , h§1) -• -- ---,'--- ;....-- .,-. t, At °'' ...---"el_.... '. rer 0\\ / '- --- , 114.) ,...y,,..„-A • . ,.- -.- -- • t: :'':': .........,• ,. 0..".. . • V.,' ' , f Z 7•44r..,...___tEv..._........._iii .. 7Ck':12 77 •,''''' C6. a) z S • \CP. >s (\�G tn ���$ Parcel "tii ,1at 5a R p;o�°�o Mosbacher - AG Co. ---- ti g p 8 467- 308 n .� I ) 0. B 447-329(031) i 1 t R 1 1 co 1 io u) N i ("JN . 1 Z 1 ,t1t 54.e',!::1'• I ' (-kCitijj: It)17/:;k5,5 ‘ Parcel X PSfjliktri (C' beitA/ticrwiro 0— rt�1111, cl ; , Berkshire Assocs. y Parcel "C" 0 B 411-197 3 r 0 B 373 89(plal) a ‘.4,. I � �0Inglewood Square Limited 0, ,6o \. 0 0. 8 479-578 ref) / r ;:� o D. B 479-580(plat) r O -/; 1 d I' 4 jilulji I Tu. • N_ e jg) vi54/' N11°-261-0Q'w 137 02 vt to I j_912 _ ' -o Lot 2 in 12 N tD � c ` ° "' col Oak Terraceii ' � Berkshire Assocs. -I� p B. 363-99(Pla1) Illn z y � ` 0 B 413-343 r lMA � `���.� D B 403-334(plat) • co COl;N1N� I � i0 ��tp PAR1Mt ° I - - -o 0 I ig I oL c Barter brook I 10 D.B. 405-76(000 PLAT SHOWING A RE—SURVEY OF THE JOHN J. HUCKLE LOT ON HYDRAULIC ROAD SHOWN ON TAX MAP 6IK AS PARCEL 9-1 IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VA. �1,ALTN OF Graphic Scale r SCALE I = 50 25' 50DATE : 5/4/77 p _ 1i 'Q 75' too' 125' tso' a TA c, 1a 11. BLUE a v THOMAS D. BLUE CERTIFICATE No. 54-17.3(a)840 CIVIL ENGINEER 8 LAND SURVEYOR a CHARLOTTESVILLE , VIRGINIA 7t/j,111 ' P �4� /./,`A (,y C71.4,l-j-e,1.:ler— /Fn TATo) ¢ . # inn 2014 Johnson, Craven & Gibson 2123 Ivy Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 June 24, 1996 To: Albemarle County Zoning Department Attn: Jan sprinkle Re: Hydraulic Road Animal Hospital variance to 4 . 12 . 6. 6.2 (Parking) If this variance is granted we request that flexibility be granted in terms of the final parking layout as this has not been studied in relation to a final building design. We appreciate your assistance. Sincerely, Anne Gibson Mark, AIA Johnson, Craven & Gibson Gitalfiglielji 4`+ '7;xRi pLBEM -`TUUNTY [�r� ZONING OEPI I .,a jAitittleop:s4c.":cft:'(.39E.Tm6:Ersit ZONING DEP r Ls "{ � ` ��e ! �1 i 1 e. ���' { ��4 • 73 t r DB 447— 306 1K CL 00 4 / V�• �' I �1 �' 7 O �iJ' vj ) (7 _� y 11 .. i � � 4 •� Y.- � � i i f j ._ ;o `' k c ! SEw J 6it IliTFJIp%t%t% f U / �•. , t UJ.'S %r '� � r. Lqmc le O + Q 1.4 .'1 &erj _t A, re �4-rrw. . ~ , }kA- 54� � %r, (, T R:uIC LNG 4f h/o �i -Sc,. I ! '� ' XA:F'C T/C 7'; e. - f ' 1r 4//-/97 A'' L D t �,� 04 37.3 (PGa� ® ! L� -C i`' F o B• 479 -s-78 i �cR�S` it �11�-97g—s4�, 0.9 it vk 4- ti) ! r AY �k ti✓ A , -- of ( fbAl!� pUg 10 1 fENC� d 9' f _ AJ. JL Ali 3 1 137El L`_o r 2 i3 e n s h/re'.. ,4ss,,- - I ©, 3. 413 -.3,93 D.C. - 03 - 3 34 Pz.,or r _ 101Z jMLAN ,..5` . p V'jr YO 407E 314177 0 Z -la3 sh ti Parcel "A' Mosbocher - AG Co 0 8 467- 308 0 8 447-329(dn1) T.M, 419-3-IA z — N Lot 1 N Parcel "x" 0.913 Acres Berkshire Assocs m 0 8 411.197 i 3 Parcel "Crr D 8 373 Wool) r, rk1• (off K�9'4 D '8'4v e1 Inglewood Square Limiled D e 403 334(,W) 0 0/479515 � 1 K' 9^ c D B 479 5 80ly,klll T.M. &I Imo- 'i)- 1 8 R N RAYMorJD c. Do55 N I I ii— 0 W 13702 $ Lot2 1 N I ( Q 1 .1r r• tf/ 1- J- r k Berkshire Assocs N - g) Oak Terrace z ) 0 8 t13 -343 ON 0 8 363 99(obq 0. 8 403-3341 MaU —_ �•I 07 r NAME OF DEVELOPMENT: HYDRAULIC ROAD ANIMAL HOSPITAL OWNER: DR. RAYMOND C. DOSS PLAN PREPARED BY: ANNE GIBSON MARK, AIA JOHNSON, CRAVEN & GIBSON TAX MAP & PARCEL NO.: TAX MAP 61-K, PARCEL 9-1 ZONING: HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: JACK JOUETT DISTRICT COUNTY & STATE: ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BENCH MARK: TOP OF WATER METER (noted on drawing) SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: JOHNSON, CRAVEN & GIBSON SOURCE OF SURVEY: THOMAS D. BLUE (3-4-77) CIVIL ENGINEER & LAND S►IRVEYOR MAXIMUM NO. OF EMPLOYEES: FIVE MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 24'-0" PARKING: MAXIMUM REQUIREMENT 22 r2 s,nnm.. ,Zn T t o 1 n* n E n ."' --zG ...,,ISING F,C,..S RECEBAE—M IUD. 1.9 1996 `70 IVTAOIV,�_ Z�9�0'_