HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199700010 Application 1997-06-25 County of Albemarle Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 VA- 9 2 — DATE: 2 ) Y J FEE: $95. 00 �t 2$f STAFF: VARIANCE APPLICATION OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) Name C I a04 d i a. JG55up Phone (SOS) 48 a.- 4O`E 9 Address ao2 AF oci c c.a H, U , S 4rrt a_ Fe, dew Me x.i c o APPLICANT (if different from above) Name Phone ( ) - Address CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name Le.n MciII0.0( Phone (8 )245 - 5?28 Day Phone (sot! )cI g 4 - 74 04.4. Address 5OO Fc u.I Cone lDr, Chanl&ttesvi.11e, Vet . 22903 LOCATION: PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. OFFICE USE ONLY TAX MAP b6I , PARCEL ; TM , P ; TM , !!P__ ZONED: 7/4 ORDINANCE SECTION: 4 , / (P Board of Zoning Appeals Date: / /_ ( ) Special Permit ( ) Variance ( ) Proffers BZA ACTION: - 171/ e AJRlB� br7c 1p7 3) VA 97-10. Claudia Jessup, owner/applicant. (Sign #23) Property located on W. side of Ivy Lane +/- 500 feet S. of its intersection with Windsor Road. Tax map 60E1, parcel C-9 is zoned RA, Rural Areas. Request is to reduce the requirement for septic drainfield from 100% reserve to 66% reserve to allow construction of a new 3 bedroom house. \qlr\ DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Request for variance for approval of a septic field that does not meet 4. 2 . 2 . 1 We have 166 percent of ti required 200 percent under this ordinance , as shown on the attacl-d plat . JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE (3) CRITERIA: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. The applicant ' s family has owned this lot since the 1950 ' s , and been paying taxes on it The most recent assessment is $250 , 000 . 00 _ The applicant has the opportunity to sell this lot at well below the current assessment , but needs this variance to ,3 do so . The applicant no longer lives in this area and has no desire to continue ownership of the lot . 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. In the Farmington subdivision, to my knowledge , there are only three building lots remaining. All others are built out on , and no one has experienced this situation 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. This variance will have no impact on adjacent properties . and the character of the district will not change. The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not be submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my know edge and belief. Signa re ate Recept# Date 04/21/1996 08: 14 8049776778 EARTH TECH PAGE 02 1115 5th Street, SW, Charlottesville, Virginia 2 9oz-6465 April 18, 1997 Ms. Claudia Jessup do Len Mailloux Real Estate 3 P.O. Box 8186 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 Re: Soils Study Lots 9- Block C Farmington Dear Ms. Jessup: Telephone As requested we have completed a soils study at the referenced site. The purpose of the 8o4.977.1498 study was to determine the suitability of the soils for the disposal of sewage by means of a septic tank drainfield system. The investigation has consisted of drilling a series of Facsimile hand auger test holes to determine soil profiles on the lot. A log of each test hole is shown on the enclosed soil profile sheet along with a sketch showing the approximate 804.977.6778 hole locations. The holes have been flagged with red ribbon for future reference. Also enclosed is a soil information summary sheet containing information pertinent to the design of the proposed drainfield. Based on our investigation, we offer the following comments regarding soil conditions on Lot 9 as they relate to the installation of a septic tank/drainfield system as a means of sewage disposal: 1) Soils in the vicinity of profile holes E,L,O,P,Q and B,I,J,K and G,M and R on Lot 9 are generally suitable for installation of drainfield lines under the current Health Department regulations. However, it will be necessary to limit the house to 3 bedrooms, install a pump system and obtain a variance from the Zoning Department to reduce to 100% reserve site to 67%. 2) The house and driveway will have to be located so that neither interferes with the proposed primary and reserve drainfield sites. The proposed primary and reserve drainfield sites are quite likely the only areas on the lot where the soils are suitable for installation of drainfield lines. 3) There is an existing water line that runs through the lot. The house will have to be located on one side of the water line and the drainfield on the other side. We discussed this situation with the Health Department and they indicated that this could be done under the current regulations although some precautions may be necessary. F AR T 9i 4 s ECH 04/21/1996 08: 14 8049776778 EARTH TECH PAGE 03 Soils Study Lot 9- Block C Farmington Page 2 4) Due to the limited area of suitable soils we were also concerned that there may be an easement for the water line that would further restrict the potential drainfield sites. However, we received a copy of the deed made on June 15, 1956 between Farmington, Inc. and Claude and Mamie Jessup. This deed makes no refernece to an easement. Provided no easement was created when the Albemarle County Service Authority took over the water system at Farmington, then the existence of the water line should not pose a problem for installing a septic system on Lot 9. In order to insure that Lot 9 is a buildable lot we suggest that you I) apply for a letter of certification from the Charlottesville-Albemarle Health Department guaranteeing that they will approve a septic system on the lot once a permit is applied for and 2) request a variance from the Albemarle County Zoning Department reducing the 100% reserve drainfield site to 67%. The contents of this report reflect our opinion as to the suitability of the soils in the areas investigated to support a septic tank/drainfield system under the current Health Department regulations. Final approval and design of the drainfield rests with the Charlottesville-Albemarle Health Department. We hope this is the information you need. If you have any questions, please let us know. Sincerely, EARTH TECH, Inc. Steve Gooch Encl. EARTH TECH 04/21/1996 08: 14 8049776778 EARTH TECH PAGE 04 Soil Profile Lot 9 Block C Farmington Hole Depth Material Description Soil Texture (in.) Group H 0-4 Dark brown(7.5YR 5/4) clay loam 3 4-17 Red(10R4/8) silty clay loam,friable 3 17-36 Dark yellowish brown(10YR 4/6) sandy loam 2 36- Hand auger refusal -weathered granite gneiss I 0-4 Dark reddish gray(SYR 4/2) clay loam 3 4-30 Red(10R418) silty clay loam,friable 3 30-60 Reddish brown(2.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 J 0-4 Dark brown(7.5YR 4/3) clay loam 3 4-27 Red(10R4/8) silty clay Ioam,friable 3 27-46 Red(2.5YR 4/6) clay loam,friable 3 46-60 Yellowish red(5YR 5/8) sandy loam. 2 K 0-4 Dark brown(7.5yR 4/3) clay loam 3 4-14 Red(10R 4/8) silty clay loam,friable 3 14-48 Reddish brown(2.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 48- Hand auger refusal - weathered granite gneiss L 0-5 Dark brown(7.5YR 4/3) clay loam 3 5-40 Red(10R4/8) silty clay loam,friable 3 40-60 Red(2.SYR 4/6) clay loam,friable 3 M 0-5 Dark gray(10YR 4/1)loam 2 5-12 Reddish brown(2.5YR 5/4) clay loam 3 12-42 Red(10R4/8) silty clay loam,firm 3 42-60 Red (2.5YR 5/8) clay loam, friable 3 N 0-4 Dark grayish brown(10YR 4/2) clay loam 3 4-27 Red(10R4/8) silty clay loam,firm 3 27-42 Red(2.5YR 4/6) clay loam, friable with some sand 3/2 42- Hand auger refusal-weathered granite gneiss O 0-6 Brown (7.5YR 5/4)clay loam 3 6-45 Red(10R4/8) silty clay loam,firm 3 45-60 Yellowish red(5YR 5/8) clay loam,friable 3 04/21/1996 08: 14 8049776778 EARTH TECH PAGE 05 Soils Study Lot 9 Block C Farmington Page 2 P 0-4 Dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) clay loam 3 4-24 Red(10R4/8) silty clay loam,firm 3 24-60 Red(2.5YR 5/8) clay loam, friable 3 Q 0-4 Reddish brown(2.5YR 5/4) clay loam 3 4-27 Red(10R4/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 27-40 Reddish brown(2.5YR 5/4) clay loam,friable 3 40-50 Dark yellowish brown(10YR 4/6) sandy loam 2 50- Hand auger refusal- weathered granite gneiss R 0-4 Reddish brown(2.5YR 5/4) clay loam 3 4-37 Red(10R4/8) silty clay loam,friable 3 37-60 Dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6) sandy loam 2 \i� 4Ne •A( /14, .! r •tarr .4-7. r '�,P • ilaci°) 11" 4`- I yo ? • 1 p►`ciL Mole g S I 11 naa ` °,a, 4 ti 3 inc, � 3 C2 f:Nc.) _ �iAAR 04/21/1996 08: 14 8049776778 EARTH TECH PAGE 06 Soil Information Summary Lot 9 Block C Farmington 1) Position on slope information -Position satisfactory, hillside 2) Slope- 10% 3) Depth to rock/impervious strata-Max. - 60 inches+ Min. - 40 inches 4) Depth to seasonal water table-60 inches+ 5) Free water present- No 6) Soil percolation rate estimated-65 @ 24-36" Comments: Locate primary drainfield in vicinity of holes E,L,O,P and Q at 24" (6 85 foot lines). Split reserve site between holes B,I,J and K(3 50 foot lines) and G,M and R(3 67 foot lines). Area is large enough to support primary and 67% reserve site for 3 bedroom house. A pump system will be required. Issuance of a drainfield permit will probably depend on variance from Albemarle County Zoning Department to decrease 100%reserve site to 67%and whether or not the Health Department will allow the piping(conveyance system) from the pump chamber to the distribution box to be placed under the existing water line. 221 / Plat of Lots "A" and "B" on State Route 631, 2 miles North of Charlottesviller Virginia, for W. H. Snyder. Scale 1"-60' Date:6/27/56. 0. R. Randolph, Engineer Charlottesville,Va. VIRGINIA, • IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF ALBEMARLE CIRCUIT COURT JULY 3rd, 1956. This deed was presented to me in said office and with certificate annexed admitted to record at 10:40 A. M. & $5.50 stamp and plat attached. 1 Teste: ,Clerk. o6_4 THIS DEED made this 15th day of June 1956, between FARMINGTON, Farmington, Inc. INCORPORATED, party of the first part, and CLAUDE A. JESSUP and MAMIE A. To B/S JESSUP, his wife, parties of the second part, ' Claude A. Jessup &c WI TNESSETH .t Fee $ 6.00 Tax 36.00 That for and in consideration of $24,000.00 (TWENTY FOUR Tran 1.00 Plat 1.00 THOUSAND DOLLARS), cash in hand paid and receipt of which is hereby acknow- pd, 44.00 ledged, Farmington, Inc. grants, bargains, sells and conveys with GENERAL WARRANTY of Title, unto Claude A. Jessup and Mamie A. Jessup, his wife, as 531L z ) Z tenants by the entirety with full rights of survivorship as at common law Q 7 4 and not as tenants in common, all those three (3) adjoining lots of land in Albemarle County, Virginia, near Charlottesville, fronting on the West side o C(' Ivy Lane and shown as Lots 7, 8 and 9 on a plat of a portion of Block C of the Farmington Estate by T. W. Saunders. S. N. C. dated June 1956, and attached hereto as a part of this deed. D yet Lot 9 in Block C is LLd to the 3" water line which now crosses the northern portion of said lot substantially as shown on said plat, and the right to maintain said water line. The lots hereby conveyed are a portion of the land conveyed to Farmington, Inc. by John W. Fishburne, Executor of Warner Wood and others by deed dated September 15, 1927 and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in D. B. 198 p. 250. Reference is made to said deed-and plat for a more complete description of said land. As appurtenant to the property hereinabove conveyed, Farming- ton, Inc. also grants Claude A. Jessup and Mamie A, Jessup, their heirs and assigns, the perpetual easement of a right of way for all purposes of passage and for telephone lines and lines for conveyance of electric current 1i and for other utilities over the roads which bound said lots and over the other roads as now constructed on the Farmington Estate out to the Jefferson Highway and to the Garth Road; and this grant of a right of way shall not be construed as an exclusive grant, but said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, shall also have, as appurtenant to said lots such j 22 IV No re-subdivision of any part of this property by sale or otherwise shall be made unless the consent of Farmington, Inc. thereto shall have been first obtained. V No billboards or signs of any kind shall be erected or main- tained or displayed unless consent of Farmington, Inc. shall have been first obtained. VI All sewerage disposl shall be in accordance with the speci- fications of State Health Department. If Farmington, Inc. or its assigns, shall have installed adequate sewerage facilities within two hundred feet of the property line, all sewerage must be disposed of by proper connection. VII Farmington, Inc. reserves the right or easement three feet in width along the rear and side lines of each lot hereby conveyed for pole lines and conduits in connection with supplying light, power, water, gas, sewer and telephone service; also reserves the right of access, at all times, to such lines and conduits for purposes of construction, maintenance and repair. VIII Farmington, Inc. its successors or assigns shall have the right to change, alter or close up any street or avenue not adjacent to the lot described above and not in the opinion of the said Company necessary to the full enjoyment by the parties of the second part of the above described property, and shall retain the title and right to, and control of, all streetl's and avenues, subject only to the right of the parties of the second part for the purposes of ingress and egress necessary to the full enjoyment of the above described property. IX No nuisance of any sort shall be maintained on the property hereby conveyed. And Farmington, Inc. of its own motion, or upon complaint filed with it in writing by any aggrieved party shall have full authority, without order of Court, to require the abatement or, discontinuance of any practice or of any use of property that said Company may consider detrimental to the best interest of the community, whether such practices or use shall bz. technically a nuisance or not. X These restrictions shall apply equally to such portions of the estate known as "Farmington", owned by said Farmington, Inc. as have been platted, and the plats thereof recorded at or before the date of this deed. They shall be made equally applicable to such portions hereafter platted as said Farmington, Inc, may designate, but said Company expressly reserves the right to waive, amend or modify said restrictions as to any portion oe portions of said estate not yet platted as it may see fit. NOTE: •.••♦♦• PLAT N \ \ BOUNDARY DATA SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON A CURRENT '••�EALTF( p�!•e■ ORTH A FIELD SURVEY. O\ Lf Pais • �24 \`\ o R,e �� i / k*11 , / 1 IRON N U �� y FOUND S, ♦ • 09 • 9 16''y/, POLE /V�, • ROGER W. RAY • • 6 • • 1331 ♦ • • 5-7� • • BOLT i l 7�4 i N FOUND Sps,3j O FA-A, (60'� — — ---_— •Il��b:UR i elfin rn � w E 0 o LOT 8 M PIPE T.M. 6OE(I)-C-8 DAVID A. & 4 FOUNDo SIO°07'I8"E 175.07' ANDREA L. FREEMAN FENCE ° D.B. 1541-360 POLE PIPE D.B. 325-224 PLAT T.M. 60E(I)-C-9 \gg76 FOUND \ CLAUDIA J. RICHARDS LOT 9 �3' to 1.88 ACRES N�\°O� t W.B. 78-634 PIPE i D.B. 1382-437 FOUND coD.B. 325-224 PLAT C.�NGE 265. BOUNDARY SURVEY STREAM DRAINAGE 240 LOT 9, BLOCK C 3i°2 FARMINGTON, INC. o _,: PIPE " TRFq /' LOT 10 SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICT PIPE NO7°I5'56"W `•.,. T.M. 6OE(I)-C-10 FOUND 161.70' o FARMINGTON COUNTRY CLUB ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LOT 10A / PIPE FOUND D.B. 668-600, 603 & 604 PLAT SCALE: I" = 60' DATE: MAY 07, 1997 T.M. 60E(I)-C-I I / r / CLAUDIA J. RICHARDS W.B. 78-634 FOR D.B. 1382-437 CLAUDIA J. RICHARDS D.B. 455-458 PLAT ROGER W. RAY & ASSOC., INC. I717-2B ALLIED STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22903 11228 NOTE: .•••••• P BOUNDARY DATA SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON A CURRENT ••�gpLT1(Op•• D B AT NORTH \ AOw FIELD SURVEY. `•OF Gru• • 325-224 FR o PH DENOTES PERK HOLE. • c� IRON S/2° </iyF •VO • FOUND \\ • ROGER W. RAY • /09 /6''iv POLE / 96' Y C 1331 i PH "N" '4n/� • i • ° ° BOLT PH PH FOUND S s, A'---- (6Q') - - :•-1f SUR���a•� m V PHo PH g 3/0�"lti NCE ••••••.• LOT 8 0 PHoPH„ G„ o PIPE T.M. 60E(I)-C-8 DAVID A. & off PHI- PH PH • a• OUND SIO°07'18"E 175.07' ANDREA L. FREEMAN ° 0 o "Q" D" FENCE PIPE PH POLE D.B. 1541-360 PH ,\ D.B. 325-224 PLAT „K„ „J..�o T.M. 60 (I)-C-9 0 916 FOUND ° CLAUDIA J. RICHARDS ..0 PH PH LOT 9 3•\N M „A„ „c„ Ltd ACRES N3\°o5\ W.B. 78-634 PIPE D.B. 1382-437 FOUND D.B. 325-224 PLAT 0) p,8 Ci- BOUNDARY SURVEY STREAM DRAINAGE 200 LOT 9, BLOCK C -- 3z°2 FARMINGTON, INC. -_ _ o N ° ::. PIPE :;: TRFq i- LOT 10 SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICT PIPE 07 15 56"W T.M. 60E(I)-C-10 FOUND 161.70' 0 FARMINGTON COUNTRY CLUB ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA PIPE D.B. 668-600, 603 & 604 PLAT SCALE: I" = 60' DATE: MAY 07, 1997 LOT 10A FOUND T.M. 60E(I)-C-II // CLAUDIA J. RICHARDS W.B. 78-634 / FOR D.B. 1382-437 CLAUDIA J. RICHARDS D.B. 455-458 PLAT ROGER W. RAY & ASSOC., INC. I717-2B ALLIED STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22903 11228 \ • • J \ The ����� 5it� o� \ <0^ \ C . F. G A s s c 4A.. V r�'C 0,n fi • V. -A,y Sr.n . 4eq,.i.,• ,.,9 1 /r•-3.. z7 / 7 S 49/-2o w 6Y3 LOT •.-r0 n// I 3. O4; Ac . • a • i =Yo,, ems- I/s-se Jr./ / 8 6.9 /Y/7 .s-o'r„ G .0 - I` _ -or, GO� V /y S'G -Bu vy 4. . Y/7:-.6. w. LoT 8. 275.8 A () .s / v3 w 3847 t cr { -.Er o r. N /I ;k N 7f pr /4,, • - r`► \ .)0p.`, S 1TG .1° � .3 ' r� n • `� Cl i O. \\ o • t 40 Y 9, • e I - ,-1 Z .O Z. A c. h I I ~d�, �;6�-�}3 rIr 2 4 Z \ co ,-\ ' \ T. rI t. \ b•r \ 0, I ` L I ..A.nr d.V% . I ' Z:r,�n \, -'.c 7�NlUllflg 1 PL A � \• � '' s / ' . NIN�Z E \ b , S3�1�35 i SHOW / /YG 4OY5 7 S. AtiD 9,\�, _6619 % f / !Y 5LO CI< C ., OF THE 1 F,1 /z fit / N a. 7- 0 Al Z-iv C. 5 U 5-2) / v/..\ # s / CA' Ch1A lc. L07- 7- ' 51// . , - f/A . \ SU /e 1/ Z-• y- 0 ,/ unN . -• / 956, t FOR f C L. A IJDE A . J z 5SLIP sca/e / "^ op 7- .0- .5 o ,., .-. dQrg S. N. C . r. /r I'1