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VA199700021 Review Comments 1998-01-06
STAFF PERSON: Amelia McCulley, PUBLIC HEARING: January 6, 1998 STAFF REPORT VA 97-21 OWNER/APPLICANT: Scott E. Thomas TAX MAP/PARCEL: 101/13 A ZONING: RA, Rural Areas ACREAGE: 0.476 acres LOCATION: On the north side of Route 708 approximately 'A mile east of the intersection with Route 631. REQUEST: In order to construct an addition to a house, the applicant requests relief from Section 10.4, Rural Areas Area and Bulk Regulations, as follows: • to reduce the side setback from 25 to 18 feet, a variance of 7 feet; and • to reduce the rear setback from 35 to 22 feet, a variance of 13 feet. The front porch of the house is presently located about 55 feet from the front property line. VA 80-41 Patrick Coffey was approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals to allow an addition to be located 55 feet from the front property line, a variance of 20 feet. The full 50 foot right-of-way is presently dedicated for Route 708. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND VARIANCE JUSTIFICATION: The existing structure is approximately 800 square feet in size with a 180 square foot porch. The proposed addition is approximately 700 square feet in area and will include a great room with bath and an enlargement of the living room. The applicants intend to make improvements to their newly purchased home, including new siding and the like. The house is presently located in the corner in the most narrow portion of the lot. The well is located in close proximity on the northern side of the house in the corner of the lot and the septic field is on the southern side. The applicant is pursuing the question of whether full septic reserve is available. If it is not, a variance will be necessary. RELEVANT HISTORY: The variance file previously noted is the history on this property. Staff Comment: This is an extraordinary situation due to the small parcel size, the shallowness and the existing development of the property. This parcel is comprised of less than one-half acre, which is less than one-fourth of the minimum lot size for new lots in this zoning district (two acres). This lot size is less than that which is allowed in STAFF REPORT: VA-97-21 Scott E. Thomas Page 2 any zoning district, for a lot which is served by both private well and septic system (1.38 acres). Staff is of the opinion that there is no practical area for a building addition which would not necessitate a variance. Hardship The applicants have submitted: • The small home we purchased on just .5 acre of land is not suitable for our family's needs... we purchased the home with intentions to add on to it. We need to make these additions in order to make the home comfortable enough for our family. Staff often takes the position that a building addition is not a necessity but is a convenience. That does not appear to be the case here. The living area in the existing house is only 800 square feet. This is not a situation in which they are constructing extra area such as for a pool, or a hobby or recreation room; instead, it is one in which they are gaining needed basic living area. 1) The applicant has provided evidence that the strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. Uniqueness of Hardship The applicants state: • The surrounding homes in our neighborhood are all up to much better standards and comfortable enough for the families living in them. Our home is the only house in our neighborhood desperately needing additions and improvement to blend in with the rest. The size of the parcel and the location of the existing development create a hardship in the construction of an addition. The parcel is relatively small. The house is located in the narrow portion of the lot with the well on one side and the septic field on the other. This northern side property line is only 98 feet long, and therefore the lot is not of sufficient width (110 feet) to meet the 75 foot front and 35 foot rear yard setbacks. This situation is not typical of properties zoned Rural Areas nor is it shared by surrounding properties. 2) The applicant has provided evidence that such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. • 1 STAFF REPORT: VA-97-21 Scott E. Thomas Page 3 Impact on the Character of the Area The applicants state: • The additions planned for our home will certainly upgrade the district. Our plans could only improve our neighborhood if able to follow through on. This addition is planned as part of an overall improvement of the house. The replacement siding and the like, will improve the appearance. The addition will allow the house to be more compatible in size with the other houses in the neighborhood. Therefore, this house addition should have a positive impact on the character of the area. 3) The applicant has provided evidence that the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff's opinion that this request satisfies all three criteria for the approval of a variance. Staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: 1. This approval is for construction is substantial accordance with building permit 97-1794 AR. Any additions shall require amendment of the variance. 2. Health Department approval of adequate primary and reserve septic field in accordance with Section 4.1.6. I:\GENERAL\SHARE\BLD&ZON\AMELIA\vA97-21.WPD-December 29,1997 0411 OF ALE311,7, Cir"• et if YJ kcaSt ROSERT E. VAUGHN Inspections Department H. P. CLARKE DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS BUILDING OFFICIAL ZONING ADMINISTRATOR BUILDING, ZONING. SOIL EROSION JESSE HURT FIRE PREVENTION DEPUTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 414 EAST MARKET STREET IRA B. CORTEZ CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER (804) 296.5832 • September 11, 1980 • Patrick Coffey Rt. 1, Box 135 • Charlottesville, VA 22901 Re: Board of Zoning Appeals Action VA-80-41 Dear Mr. Coffey: This letter is to inform you that on September 9, 1980, during ' the regular meeting of the Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals, yourapplication for VA-80-41 was granted. This variance allows relief from section 2-3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow an addition to be located 55 feet from the front property line; a variance of 20 feet. If you should have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, Jesse R. Hurt Deputy Zoning Administrator JRH/st cc: VA-80-41. Building Permit File Mr. Hurt said that if they wanted to enclose the carport they would have to come back and get a building permit to do so and they would not need another variance because they would already have one. Mr. Hurt stated the variance could be granted with a condition that the carport not be enclosed later. Mr. Smith said that he could go along with it. Mr. Roberson said he thought they should because it is so close to the road and such a large variance of 19 feet. Mr. Smith made the motion to grant the variance with the condition set that the carport would remain a carport and not be enclosed. Mr. Heath seconded the motion and the roll was called. Mr. Heath - Aye Mr. Kennedy - Aye Mr. Roberson - Aye Mr. Smith - Aye The next application before the Board was VA-80-41, Patrick Coffey. Mr. Hurt read the staff report at this time. VA-80-41. Patrick Coffey, property described as Tax Map 101, Parcel 13A, Zoned A-1, located on Rt. 20 south, turn right on Rt. 708, go approximately 2 miles on right. The applicant requests relief from Section 2-3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow an addition to be located 55 feet from the front property line; a variance of 20 feet. There is a minimum lot size of two (2) acres in an A-1 zone. The parcel upon which this structure is located is a non- conforming lot and only contains .477 acre. This is the only location that this porch could be erected and serve any useful purpose. There is presently a roof over a stoop that does not have supports. This is a potential safety hazard that would be eliminated by the proposed addition. Plans must be submitted and approved by the Building Official on any new construction. Inspections will also be made on the renovation. I feel the addition would be upgrading the present structure. Therefore, due to the size of the lot and the elimination of a potential safety hazard, staff recommends approval. Mr. Bain arrived at 3:15. 4 Terry Coffey was present to represent the application. Mr. Hurt said that he would like to read a letter from an adjacent property owner. Mrs. Evalyn A. Brown, an adjoining property owner, telephoned our office and spoke with Mr. Hurt regarding the requested variance. She stated she was in favor of granting the variance. She has a mobile home on an adjacent parcel. Mr. Kennedy asked if Mrs. Coffey had anything to add? Mrs. Coffey said that she had a plat and that they wanted to add a porch on the front because the house is too small, and also add a small room on the side which would not require a variance. She said that her husband was a teacher and he needs the study space. She also said that she brings in income through sewing in the home and needs the space in the house to move around in. She said that they would like to upgrade the property because it has had tenants in it that have abused it. She said the neighboring properties have nice houses on them and they would like to pick their house up a little. Mr. Kennedy asked if the property was all flat? Mrs. Coffey said that it is flat and in fact there is an existing foundation and they are just going to put a roof over it with supporting posts. Mr. Roberson asked if it is a stoop that she wants to enclose? Mrs. Coffey said that the stoop is very small and that they want to expand it to porch size. Mr. Roberson asked if it is going to be a porch or a room? Mrs. Coffey said that it is going to be a screened in porch, not a room. Mr. Hurt stated that the addition was going on the end of the house and does not need a variance. 5 Mr. Kennedy asked if this road was enlarged at one time and if Route 708 took some of the front of this property? Mr. Hurt said that they submitted a plat showing a 30 foot right- of-way and after checking the maps it showed a 50 foot right-of-way. He said that they had to go back to get a new plat showing a 50 foot right-of-way. Orginally this parcel was .478 acres, but now is .477 acres. Mr. Kennedy asked what variance would have been needed with the old road? Mrs. Coffey said probably about 10 feet. Mr. Kennedy said that he could agree with the applicant that the property needed to be renovated. Mr. Kennedy asked if there was anyone present that was in opposition to the variance? Mr. Forest R. Via, adjacent property owner, was present in opposition of the variance being granted. Mr. Via said that the land had never been surveyed. He said that it has been surveyed twice and it has been changed twice since they have been surveying it. He said that he objected to anything being built until it is surveyed and corrected, because the last survey included his well and it should not be on it. He said that he had given this land to his son-in-law and there was no specified size to it. He said when the surveyor came he showed him where to go at each point and that is where he drove the stakes, which are not there now. Mr. Smith said that he hated to interupt, but we are only interested in the front property lines, not the side lines. Mr. Hurt said that we are not concerned with the side property lines because there is no variance involved. Mr. Kennedy said that the plat presented was dated August 11, 1980, 6 by Gloeckner and Lincoln and Mr. Via's is dated August 15, 1980 showing the well right at the corner. Actually, the side yard on the plat dated August 15 is further over than on the August 11th plat, and I do not think there is any substantial difference as far as the front yard line is concerned and that is the subject of the variance. Mr. Via stated that the August llth plat was not recorded. He stated that it would make a difference because they have changed it twice already. Mr. Hurt stated he did not think the Board could act on the addition at the end of the house. Mr. Kennedy stated that they tried to make sure not to make a mistake on the side yard. He said that he did not see the effects on it. He said that what he had was something to settle with the surveyor. He stated he did not know why he had a plat dated August 15 and another dated August 11 that indicate a difference in the property lines. Mrs. Coffey stated originally the error was made on the right-of- way. Mr. Kennedy asked which plat was correct. Mrs. Coffey pointed out the correct plat. She stated the only thing is that one corner of the property line is on Mr. Via's well. Another plat was drawn up to show the well covering. Mr. Kennedy asked if the only change in the August 15th correction was just to put the well out of the corner. Mr. Via asked that it be held up until they get the surveying correct on the parcel. Mr. Kennedy stated he did not think that was a issue before the Board. He stated if it turned out that the surveyor was wrong so that the variance was considerd wrong, he could come back and present the additional evidence. -7- • Mr. Via asked what would happen if they built on the rooms and then found out that the property lines were wrong. What would happen then? Mr. Hurt stated they would have to apply for a variance on the house for the addition. Mr. Via asked if after they built it, would they have them tear it down. Mr. Heath said that it has been done in the past. Mr. Kennedy stated he thought that what Mr. Via was talking about was something to be settled with the surveyor and is not really an issue before the Board of Zoning Appeals. He stated his concerns do not come into the picture because it does not involve the variance that the applicant is seeking; it does not affect the front yard variance. He stated that they have a certified survey from a surveyor which is being handeled in the best possible way. He stated he thought they could continue with the request because Mrs. Coffey is seeking a front yard variance and it seems to be enough room on the side yard. He stated as Chairman of the Board, action on the variance would not be held up. Mr. Via said that they did not agree and he should have the right to hold it up. Mr. Kennedy said that he had the right to appeal if the decision of the Board was to grant the variance, butithad not been decided yet. As there was no one else present to speak for or against the variance, the public hearing was closed for action by the Board. Mrs. Coffey said that the survey was done from the last transfer of the property or a deed description from the transfer. She stated the error was made on the right-of-way, not on any of the property lines. Mr. Via stated that he had the thing Mrs. Marshall had given him from the Clerk's office. He stated that she said that there was no survey on -8- the property. He said that the man that bought it when he sold it never recorded it. Mr. Via said that he did not know where this man got the survey. Mr. Kennedy asked Mrs. Coffey when she bought the property if she took the property by deed description and not by a survey? Mr. Kennedy stated it was something that they were going to have to settle with their attorney and surveyor. Mr. Hurt stated that he would like to point out that it would not affect the front lot line or highway right-of-way. Mr. Kennedy stated the Board could proceed with the variance because the matter in question was something to be settled elsewhere because it did not affect the front lot line. Mr. Kennedy stated that the public meeting was closed to the public. Mr . Smith stated that he did not see anything wrong with granting the variance. Therefore, he made the motion that the variance be granted. Mr. Roberson seconded the motion and the roll was called. Mr. Heath - Aye Mr. Bain - Aye Mr. Kennedy - Aye Mr. Roberson - Aye Mr. Smith - Aye Mr. Via asked how long he had to appeal the decision. Mr. Kennedy informed him that he had 30 days to file the appeal. The next application before the Board was VA-80-43, Heritage Land Company. Mr. Hurt read the staff report at this time. VA-80-43. Heritage Land Company (Dr. Charles Hurt) , property described as Tax Map 078, Parcel 55A, Zoned B-1 and R-3, located on the north side of Route 250 east on Pantops. The applicant requests relief from section 7-3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow a location sign to be erected just off the right-of-way; a variance of 30 feet. All structures, except signs advertising sale or rent of the property, shall be located thirty (30) feet or more from any street right-of-way. 9 MAP PARCEL t A OWNER DESCRIPTION PETITION, 07/15/1997 11:35 804--9797021 CABIN F CARTER. ATTY rmuc "` l /y i Na 4.1"1,R.F. f! J� N�``y t nO wooden desk 1. is ,,,,,%,,,, � 5 1story� �`�-�'4k l ronc /oundol�o l�Tep ��?�� ;*' i�\ coveredconc. porch .��. �O. \posldJ I.R.F. Al* iv • f \v�. S. �o�fe /���y �„t // a` �� So y �' I. F. .4tPro-6 jfD0 Tl[ 101, PcL 13A IQ or, '• • 0.476 Ac. • /5 0 It -es3iet91‘ , 4.4e�25..d• *tS YA A rt \o 1 1l \ l A- X • • `'a�c • • • 700 11( • tN._ ,,_,.. • I.P.F. ` Holm 1.H.Tr1J.Feport Funi:ned. 2.Envier. Patrick Tema k Teo 11.taffy. -+ Deed Boot 697,Pogo 626. 3.T li property appears to Ike area', on aa dulgnatad as ions'C areas of minima/ fading)as sloven on Federal Flood Ineurorre Rau 11 dat.d Dec. 16, IBM Core-..milt' Panel 510006 0330 B. Plat Showing a Physical Survey of b.1.p.r. : b R�Found. Tax 1(ap 101, Parcel 13A Located on Taylor Gap Road (S.R. 708) Scottsville District • Albemarle County, Virginia Oct.: June 24, 1997 Lr.IT/f Cfr 30 0 30 .�i7' v, 15 15 Oo , r ' Scale: 1' = 30' 1 ntCORPORATl17 Surveyor's Statement: s �I L KEY LAND RFORAT 0R3 On June 24, 1907 I mode a field survey oa per. LL 7 record description of the property shown on this tht/ 7 X plat. To the best of my knowledge and belief this Is CUM 21124.61r LAND PLANNERS s true and accurate plot. P.O. Hex 124E Charlottesville. VA 2290E LS. Cl2th1 (Bo,/ 7-_f�93A ' • B7-106-00 /A/CRif,--jg"'S... /,�6 S-- -7C -�71 S -C—. i 9 / .4r. At LB EMARLEB9 COUNTY _j -� -�� 1 / J 1. J o' 0.4 4 z,4 \ /19 I ee /)4 ! rl/ yam\ 6 / / 1( J7 -14 5 g3 I PT N /.._____,..,..4'‘.."--....,.......,, t.,,C----. \I\ \ i/ 24 / \---2. (.4.____, e 2. \ 9 4 0/. r -.7---. ---(.../ / tir6 AE 7E \ / /\ fr/ M0 MilCq / 41 a2 QJ 2• ,ST • ao \ 79 / ,el 47 r ID V I / / C 44 i \ 2J0t , 1 qg 23______ IJC \ / / / /. ,_. 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BBuilding Code and Zoning Services —, } }r r =- 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Va. 229 96 ; f Pro)ect # / ® j : . ., i,\tiR Applicant to complete �, h :; > , Telephone (804) 296-5832 �,� numbered spaces only 'n?Gi�\' Fax (804) 972-4126 j.,." ./ / c�// , 1 c-- NAME _ C (-) 4/ /_� ��� C NAME 2 ¢ 5 ADDRESS ', /(--') / l0 r//1) // k- /-c: 0 V ADDRESS c-(1 W i 1 r / Q 3 33 01)/I/ / C I a CY° Z CITY 0CITY J 4 PHONE ! 7 7- C/ / (7) `lLJ) V PHONE -\� 5 Architect or Designer Mail Address State Reg County_State Exempt 6 Type of frame Type of Heating/Mechanical 'Y ❑Masonry Wood ❑Steel ❑Other DOil OGas DElectric ❑Heat Pump 7 T pe of was�tee�r supply ❑Fireplace ❑Wood Stove ita Public Wrivate OCentral Well / ❑Other 8 Type of sewage'disposal Vu Public ©Septic /ADDITION 9 Class of work ❑NEW DALTERATION ❑REPAIR ❑Other / j�f N. 10 Describe work /;'2-1 Cifi�t 4( ill.�,r�c[��Y�.l) )1'1'\ CJ 4&/ l 1 )->�r X zW/ L 1--)2/ -- No of stories Sq ft area 1 floor?/ 2nd floor L i Garage `-' Basement Finished area Decks Porches Zoning c>2 O - r)-O PROPOSED USE SET BACKS Crawl Space ❑ Slab 0 permit Fee / n �— Front cr Ci 10/0 Surcharge /` 0 _) �j Value of Work !'� I One Family Bedrooms ✓_Baths Back / 0 )0 Total 7 2_ -5 ..7 q 0 Garage C Carport () Kitchen R.Sd. ,/ LC- - c cz)7' — L Sd __. Type of Use Floor Other �r}zn, r co. Group 2- Live Load �• Zoning i'?f Dist.3C-(') ti School Dist C(�.C= /O�W 1 C) - �)p -�Q. Size of Bldg No of Max Tax Map Parcel ! �� / r Q (Total)Sq Ft Stories ( Occ Load Lot Blk. Sec. crest /r rl Subdivision I CI !/ V F F Fire Fire Sprinklers Grading Required Dyes ❑No Plans reviewed by Zoning approved for issuance Building 1 Approved for issuance by No of / No of Structures / NOV �i�JY �g�7 Dwelling Units Special Approvals Required facer ad / Not Required Zoning , �J /// ��`A '//'n7 J4 NOTICE Health Dept j SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- Run oft Control 1/ ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CON- Service Authority STRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 6 MONTHS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR Planning r✓ ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 6 MONTHS AT ANY TIME AFTER Highway Dept WORK IS COMMENCED / I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS Prel/Final Zoning APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT Soil Erosion ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED Recorded Plat I✓ 1.. HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT Site Plan ✓ PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION REAL ESTATE DEPT APPRAISED VALUE SIGNATURE OF CONT TOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (DATE LAND $ fit----) -VVYY-locnl / /1r 1 h .7 BUILDINGS SI NATURE OF O NER(IF OWNER BUILDER) (DATE) TOTAL $ WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT /``4 / /. I ' APPLICATION TAKEN BY. ' )( PERMIT VALIDATION CK M 0 CASH - X o -„I1 of XZ ,s,„;--t )c / I s tkZ-E� o\ J u { �1 Ak ,Y.., �k . ,PEVJEL PI!UST `,_-= CiN THE. CCU TY INSPECTOR OR S USE FOR - a ANY tNSFEC T ION CAN BE MADE - F��I„��ByNOV 1 4 tgg7 -- i r 'ST COMPLY WITH THE ` �C7 ✓J!, D!NG COuE `tb ! _ '..C.a.,TLY":I T HTT THE _ E 1:1 E;UNSERVATION CODE I MEET NATIUNALELECTrIC;kLCODE ,L L WORK SUBJECT -'O FIELD I ,I ,1 I, 1, I: i1 II 1 I1 1 1, I I 11 hi I� S- _ II kp II as II f II I 1 A . II I , II I W I Q_ II II II II II 1 I i1 I t II il ji, 1 �C 0 n J _s, 1c.... , c * 0 o 0 (--- Do f T- N p o // :C.; /V s , 07/15/1997 11:35 904--9797021 ORBIN F CARTER, ATTY "", yr J q7 , / 9L1 ) a — 4.t• ^ "I.R F. ,y�,t:' cute wooden deck o ti T V.1.►5 ,�Jt a d rfepr 1 .".,a. j M �It E Ilk �IIIV - sr, .'9b� 9211 arory '!".i; 0, \ 1 ccna /oundahon frame •fi ?� G \ cowered \ J' coot porch ,\osfd) m I.R F 1�'L , �101' , ea"� i IRF. TM 101 PcL 13A �� 0.476 Ac. I c off ' 1 ti • f • • I P.F \ 1.No TRI.Report Furnl:hed. \ 2 Owner Patrick W 6:Teresa U.Coffey O..d Spoil 697, Pogo 62A. 3.Ni property appears to qo 1n an ono des{gnoted as Zone ore Zone' os of mintrnd P.00ding)as shown on FeMrol Rood lettlelfre Rate 0 doted Dec. 16, 1060 Com,..mrty Peel 510006 0330 A Plat Showing a Physical Survey of b.;-R f w iron RA W d Tax gap 101, Parcel 13A Located on Taylor Gap Road (S.R. 700) Scottsville District Albemarle County, Virginia Date: June 24, 30007 �r t•.lTlf opt.n JO 0 15 15 CO 2 C Scale 1' = 30' r r S tOI L KLY DICORPorte1I7 Surveyor's Statement: r„11 LAND 9URYEYORJ On June 24, 1907 1 made a Feld survey as per LL record descnptron of the property shown on this el2r 7 4 plot To the beet of my knowledge and belief this Is Ceem�. LAND PLANNERS o true and oecurete plat P O, Box 134E Charlottesville. VA 2200E 004) 971-8930 Ls CA 4/97 JAI f p7-104olYC 97-106-00 1#