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VA199800017 Application 1998-06-04
SO O0•w County of Albemarle Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 804 296-5875 FAX 804 972-4060 VA-Cji (6- DATE: 4 June 1998 FEE: $95 j�` STAFF: -k VARIANCE APPLICATION OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) Name Elias & Sandra Awad Phone (804) 296-6206 Address 2508 Woodhurst Road, Charlottesville, VA. 22901 CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name Same Address 11 1 /',, LOCATION: 01-cC( P - 1 A S - `) I ank Ill 1 ) PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. OFFICE USE ONLY 6 (i©DOoo -art `O 2(pO 0 , TAX MAP 660 D , PARCEL H au , TM , P ; TM , P /ot/i4.,,),0 o ZONED: 1�' . ORDINANCE SECTION: it . l I • 2 . 1 3ki- Board of Zoning Appeals Date: 1/14 /t `�"�`�‘ , ( ) Special Permit () Variance `�\`OU () Proffers �M-3$4 ' BZA ACTION: Apr/ad 414/1t, 7 1 ,per dcze- z` gXz / mir VA-98-17. (Sign# 8) Elias & Sandra Awad (applicant). Located in Canterbury Hills at 2508 Woodhurst Rd at its inters w/Franklin Court, TM 60D, Section H, parcel 26, zoned R-2, Residential. Applicant requests to reduce the side setback from 6' to 1' to allow a 11' x 21' tool shed to remain where it was built in 1986.\I lr\ DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Respectfully request a variance of 5 feet for lower corner of tool shed and 2 feet for upper corner of same shed to allow the structure to remain as built. JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE (3) CRITERIA: 111 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. The building structure in question was a necessity in 1986 with a small house of 2,000 Sq. Ft. and 3 children. We needed space for tools, storage, bicycles, etc Without this storage area, we • would have to leave a number of items out in the open. We tried it before, but some items got stolen. Tearing it down or adjusting it would be prohibitive, given the well-built nature of the structure. Please refer to cover letter for details regarding construction. 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning District and the same vicinity. The backyard has (1) steep downhill (exhibit II A-C), (2) location is lowest in the neighborhood, causing drainage problems (exhibit III A-C), (3) the pie-shaped lot makes it difficult to built a shed parallel to the angular line, resulting in one corner being closer to the line than the other corner (please see plat), (4) building the shed further away from the line would be on top of the electric, phone, and cable lines, and (5) other properties in the neighborhood do not have such topo and other hardships (exhibit I C-D) 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. �. Structure in question is well built(exhibit I C-D). When building it, I made sure I got my adjoining neighbor (Mr. Rowell's) verbal permission (another neighbor, Mr. Gibson, as witness) that such a structure does not pose a detriment to his property. Please refer to Mr. Donald Gibson's letter attesting to this effect (exhibit V a). As it is presently located, the structure is well out of the view of Mr. Rowell's house (exhibit II d) The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not been submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. _Lizz6041,43 ,_ < ( 5ir b. ignature to Receipt# - E.. TO CERTIFY THAT ON N E 2 2 I 9 8 3 ,JRVEYED THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON T AND THAT THE TITLE 1-4 S AND WALLS OF THE BUILDINGS ARE S N HEREON. ART H U R F. EDWARDS , C.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO 1170 PROPERTY /S NOT IN HUD DEFINED FLOOD ZONE SERVICE UTIL/T/ES ARE UNDERGROUND. LOT S U B J E C T TO V. T. 9 T. R/W O.B. 385 p. 36 3 t' I i oo rt or I. tt S 5/ °56 ' /3 W If-n 20 ' Drain _-_ 10. 0 S cT E_^ L \----- ______ _____-. 1131 t. T •� y + � a • O ARTtfl1R F. SWARDS i% ; u No. LOT 2 7 0 7- 2 6 117 a • ' z 4�` +0E o add U ,. F;�o x1� 1 .! ot Eo N c W � �t 0 i N L 0 T 25 I q 38 5 • : h 2 SrORy F•� � . B ,. '" 8 FR'dNE� RFS/D F A'CE 0 n 3 B. 5 ' • Ifo / din ° -9,, '.' Bai 9 � 1 30 Lin Q ,moo?� k\ Sftback T •Iraq A 1 P h a i t o, 11W ' I.r I% L.; ..O y 2 l a n �— 07.0 o v 79 an 59' 00 2 o •If p - • s320 A 4.3 Ir of R R 0 . 3. J9• • n R, $ I } ?' OO ' D H U Ro , R/ w w 0 0r . 2508 Woodhurst Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 2201 4 June, 1998 Board of Zoning Appeals Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 I am writing to respectfully apply for variance regarding a tool/storage structure which I built during May-June 1986. At that time, I went to the zoning office inquiring about a permit. On two occasions,I was told that no permit was required if the nature of the structure is a tool shed and such a structure is detached from the main residence. Having seen similar sheds in the neighborhood, I thought I could proceed. Consequently, I proceeded as follows: a. Mr. Bud Edwards (a surveyor) re-identified the dividing lines of the property with red ribbons. Please refer to plat(attached). b. Vepco, Sprint, and Adelphia cable came and sprayed the location of the wires underground. I was told I could not built within two feet of such wires. c. Wade Company (builder of the house) identified the location of the sewer line d. A contractor gave me the new county specifications regarding footings. See exhibit I D. e. I contacted my neighbor (Mr. Charles Rowell) whose property adjoins mine if he would have any objections to building the tool shed. In the presence of Mr. Gibson (another neighbor), he said he had no objection as long it is not on his property. Because of the steep nature of the backyard(exhibit II A-C), the location of the electric and other wires underground (exhibit IC), the pie-shaped nature of the lot (see plat), and the drainage problems resulting from neighbors diverting road water on both sides of the property(exhibit III B- C),there was no other place to built this structure than where it is presently located. Since I could not build within two feet of the electric, it left less than 24 feet of space to work within. Building it parallel to the main house made the lower corner of the shed closer to the line than the upper corner because of the pie-shaped nature of the property (see plat). I honestly had no idea regarding set backs for sheds or detached structure. This is a 30-year old neighborhood and although there are a number of similar sheds within the subdivision, I want to assure the Zoning Appeals Board that I never intended to come close to the line because others might have done it. A number of neighbors and passers by saw me build this shed for several weekends. To my knowledge,no one complained either about its location or looks. Please refer to exhibits V A-C ---letters by immediate neighbors attesting to this matter. I even reported it to the county appraiser in 1987 who happened to be on the property doing his assessment. It might be useful to state that the foundation is well built and aesthetically blends with the surrounding properties. It is not a detriment to the adjoining property owner, Mr. Rowell,as it lays at least 35 feet below his basement or ground floor. In terms of strength and durability,the footings are 9" deep by 24" wide (exhibit I D) and 2.5 feet of commercial basement-type blocks that the structure is anchored on. See exhibit II C). The finished floor is 4-inch concrete with reinforced steel mesh. The goal has been to ensure safety and long-lasting structure,given the topo of the land. In conclusion,I would like to state that during the sixteen years we have lived in Canterbury Hills subdivision, my family and I have always cooperated with the neighbors and the county and have strived toward preserving decency and integrity of the area through the neighborhood watch and various civic activities. We are proud to be part of the neighborhood and of Albemarle County. It is unfortunate that after twelve years,this unintended infraction comes up. My family and I would be grateful for the approval of variance in this matter. If there is any additional information in the way of documentation or witnesses to help in support of my request, I would be happy to do so. Respectfully submitted, Elias M. Awad THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON J U NE 2 2 , I 9 8 3 , I SURVEYED THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THIS PLAT AND THAT THE TITLE LINES AND WALLS OF THE BUILDINGS ARE SHOWN HEREON. X . ART H U R F. ED WAR OS , C.L.S. CERTIFICATE/ NO. II 70 PROPERTY IS NOT IN HUD DEFINED FLOOD ZONE SERVICE UT/LIT/ES ARE UNDERGROUND. LOT SUBJECT TO V. T. 9 T. R/W D.B. 3B5 p. 36 3 o n .°m ----- ••• 1. SIS 5/ °56 ' /3 " W I(°n-—1 20 ' Drain. 40. 00 S/re�rn ..C , S .. I? n, r - __________ _______ \\__________ \_______ e �� . g,61Tii a44, (-, T y �1 . •0 ' Mira F. EDWARDS +': o �` . 0 No. LOT 27 •a oa 0 T � 2 6 1170 A z Qt,p ��4 aAN F 4111, ,v �` — rn p (MO �� f� t'1 ` 7$oL o 40'Ep 1 N c W05 ,1\' C . 9\ IV L O T 2 5 • 0 38. 5. , x --�� h 2 STORY fonco P.D.,. . �T B FRgNE� T.L., w/ESIDa`N4eA 0 BO��m • n/ � I o° 3 B 5 -O Leillall O' 9° d Q `` '¢,,sojal 4.111111111111111 S G t b O L i n •p S, n •If° A3 P h ° I / o, _v. is.3, � r Ill k • 4o y P ___------- _z_. '� Igo a A • .:P 0 , * °' o p . 5 9 0 0 1r A - _ 320. --2-- c" rop R - 0 • 3 ?..5,, y 5 A: 1 j R_ ' - °° ' p N U (Ro R/ w ) w 0 M PHYSICAL SURVEY SHOWING LOT 26 , BLOCK H , SECTION 5 CANTERBU R Y HILLS S c a l e : I = 3 0 ' ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VIRGINIA June 2 2 , 1 9 8 3 B. AUBREY HUFFMAN & ASSOCIATES, LTD. CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYING - LAND PLANNING CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA P . S. 4 4 p. 65 Exb'i477"5 i. Tool/Storage Structure and Foundation .27#0., /,,....ictity20,7 tyr•-nv 7/ii ( riej../fis te")1'0 d---,-ao--d . .9'W "416 e,,, 11'641714' 1.57719? VG4-"Ntair7ei /-1.---y2., c -2-. 101) P„,4,2,J ' alui --)1-_ 7f74,/79 i , f7 •iou ..,.. "..... _ • iiipP, - PP :. .... 4 : ... P i • -...-- • -, -, -. _... Aill\t — • .; I 6 #4111P*-- h a 7 , ... , , , ••• . . • TO\ I AS/ g I ..., . . le r 1 I 1•6 . 4 • Ikliiiiilli' ' ;#1)114' s .P•. l' .' ) : r. 4 , .,•-rt.! . 0 II' . 1 Iler M.All - , I I liy I r ' . '11111 i . . , ..' , :1I 4 .1..,. --.1 4 , • • 4ritt - . ... ,,,, ct) 1,3 1 -4w. -cf viyi 0 8661 olmf £ u331M.—amptuls luasold f '.)ir • _ ....: .. I; . ,....• - - ,..-Arla • 41N. ....t... '''' .:.• :41! -. : , . • r . /r,?'° • 7 :, • ,.... : . ..., . , , ...,, ,,,• _______ • ., .. .• TZ -----. --..------ VA.!''..--7".. ;:' • . 4 .: 1 v. , .:. i .0... - ...„. . ... .1 • '. .1 ._ .-.0- --arglie - -":7 -. •. —. ., .•., " •a,.... . . IL - 7tiSi. j. : ..flit4C-.-44111Li°'" 1116.41' 1, 7ip, ,- — -6 - - .. -,,._. .-s..*..-.. ...A.,..... i.ic--Ini '.k, le,.. - %, ,• , , y? '1.4. • ' -1' ;,)-ir : ' ...Ur- ' 7 -,,p4t,„ . ..1,-lir ft .... • ' ' • ,.... : . 1. 'Y' - ut s.._:• -It . ' • ''s • •' - : " • • ' •••..c / ,,,1;,:". • '' -1,,.:„,A.-t :, • .... 1.- . , II. Justification of Location • if 0;b i(/ " ---. .411 .;,-(., . , � V�41f 4 , ,...igs 11/4 r44r ` a '•o' gild' Jc1 ill. 11 -. , ,. ,,, y195 11 Vepco, Sprint, Adelphia cables within three feet from existing structure / f-e1,414t 1� je,,,,,,k IANIK: 1 1- � ilk IF 1';Qh/ '• -4( , 'N. ... •..� - `. _` - ice,,,<< ., _�- _.� .w .4 ::::....„... •f/!• i.,. .. ..-�... . 'r • 4. 4 * ' 111 IP"L ._ Footings of structure well within county specifications '9.1' ' ''— i d 4 -.fi« i 101i - 1: I. "4.-I, „ft_ t1 t . Id T. A., .--:44 . _ - --- -.,..4._ ...w.„-- ..- ..:--‘-_--,14,-...„-: --14 . --_:.--.--.1.-. ... . . . , . .At-i, . . , ... . ,_ ....„.., _. . - ,_: .44 .. •17, • • ��Y _ � f• .t .' `ice(; i,s•'-t' - . I:C..'f\ steepness of the terrain-looking up if 9Ir., -i 1 D. . , .. ,,,.,., _ , ......, .• , . ...,,.-........ ,.- v... : i. .4 , ,- - „„ k ..;% vir. #3. ''..... I,:..' .•..'` .V - '''''' ''N \'' ''' ,N . ... , -kt _ 10 ,�,. --,o. ..,\ r i ,t • 0 '• w-., �': �, y* � 4777 ,rf•+F 'lam k ''.,'48 rl� `, L^. steepness of the terrain—looking down / _ fiiii/,/ . -t: 7 --------____ ,.e, C.,/ jz -:----- _ _ -----"gi / 6 _ _ uvio _ , (\c-bt- pi,,,,e, , . :,... :,..„..,, , „,,,, . _ ._-_ -,,- f..,,,,,--2,,,,, ,-...- ' �� _: ti` lip, �' t" ea r \/ - ,,;?.._ "k•-... 0 pI4*4 6 Present structure showing steepness of the terrain 1 . r .,r . A t t r-. 1 le 5%.• ".. - ....-9 I" p ,. Lit IF ts- ......".11/4 lr D ....40 ,\_,., ,.„ _. ....„ ,, pi,..,,,,......i„.....„ ilk __ • 4, . . , . . i ' Front of structure—showing effort to promote drainage and correct for steepness Structure well below view of next door neighbor-Mr. Rowell's residence (2506 Woodhurst Rd.) III. Threats Limiting Choice of Location ....,. _ • . •*;4: -;.:,;,t -,. ., i ' - • •,,, .., •.•,. % ,,.- ,-, ' •,, " v. --4, •..,,.•-• ,. , 4 ' —:416. • d.. . 44V.1, -111.:' ......... '..ga.:Sti*:, .'..Zet* • . •10-7 1- - 4,... - #. ": lit. ....-;• • -.- ...,,,,,, I, ." .... - • ,,- /fib .„..............7.,... ... . ..,a, , 4,,..... _... ,„„.......i.....4 ._ ...;.-;:7"''1,i 1111M --r 'r 160 - . Wollie:-1. .t.4 . ..,.%:.4. ' -. •' .....•, IllikeP4r4"'"..'.''"?..' ,4 • , ,f_1.- ,..,..,1 ,IA . -'.... ma........,.4.4•41..; ,,„.: ,Iii-A7 y •1 IP • '. -41°. • ' ' ;•Ile 14 '. .04 - '. . tin. A 4-"r&e:...aiiis , sa 1....... ar ....., i . 1. ' .... . " iii4r.-----....... sit• •41111%... ' --. _ , ' ..... ..._............Tioi.......,m,, 1111DIMP. — e"..... 1.41111111111110, _ _ ....iiii A - 41prr_ , '.., -›.V..44............... - 46. • -0.. -4Z.N62„,., ......... Our residence is the lowest spot in the neighborhood - # ` Aft \ , '3. ,: ; f Cate. 1 r t',r. jay. z 3 t _ ? S= 4 .� d ?"``.c I_ 'L as _Z-C — - — , / - _ ill_ . Neighbor on right(Mr. Rowell)built bumps which diverted road water onto our property. I had to pipe underground excess water to manage •r _ • _f - - '. \.\.1 , - 4 ...,,,...„,„?.. 4.t. t .. .. :-,,,,L - 4i, ! .V, z: �'4.- 4.: , _ ,..4000t. , ,e4.., joky , Road water ends up on left end of our property, making that location of back yard useless to build existing structure IV. Topology of Immediate Neighbors Backyards _=7R� • L 'or y' .fir • ..e\ \ r 4 tip_ tF r r v . • e` i. b.,-.. 4•14Etti .'*1 .• _ +C �-,r�'�`. s +• .+�� ' � �'° '°ice g okt41-1;..:. , mow- rig '4 ____,..r f ire Neighbor on left(Elberlik) 7 L/ Terrain relatively flat 'e iiiii l/7" : t __,41/‘ Ali ll"tir� �.' tit........."‘"--1--\ ; "� - , --.,,,}UP *1": '.,,l'R'• -to, V, 4,6 . 011' /:e4, . ......... ...., ......,..,...„,,,,.. _, . , ..4.. le 5 - fir` 4,., x •o �`4,*. .‘,I, _,, - .. ....... ,,, , .„,...,:;.„...„,.._,„ ,. -,..A,:,,a-,„ lw4n,,,,-.„ ..., yg ,�..:„R. t 4 r i ar, s, .4 -` .�- - �S any'.".1 Neighbor on right(Rowell) Terrain gentle roll ` ! I '•TE S' • _ '''.' .; --,.• ..-.1'1--itip,......:.71"4 ..1/4154'•.•'i •-- ...2. :"' - :. -;.. r'-'t-'1r' •tr: . , 1 • • . '' S M+ i �f4-. , t•. '.. J 1 ` + * r , '' v , ., :.....,,,,,,,,-,:t. ""-,1,- . .,.:.„„ ;sole'. ' . ,iik's 7.44 ooni:: ;47i,"c-17,r . , „,„,,,,....„... .,: ,, - ...,... i , , ,., ,,,,,. .„..,,v,,, p*.; 1 ....0..„...:4,,, ,...1._ .-7,.., 2°a neighbor on left (Gibsons)—relatively level 41? '44611 ,�' • st r • st►~ ' , , I-0,- • • ,.. I' .. I . .. . . , r,::....4,-.....rf.:.•*--, • 0,1 t'---------7 - - . ,,i .- ! i1,106,''''--:'. 4it.,'.1.•.. . . :•!'".• =,,, �a left : 'a iW .._ . :T . »� 3 neighbor on 1 i (McIvors)—relatively _ `'� `L : a level - t ,jam r6 L ,.. �. .. ,�" ,• .C;w '' ✓- ,...r , . ( V - .• -••••`^, ' .7if,„1,,,i10.- • "'",‘ .r. • , ' ' t,,'"•"" ',.....', -, . +••x j Illh Y Burgesses (across . .. ;;� street)-relatively ya; • - ik'r. $ t ; - level -".+. . .. _ -. .Ai, , "" 1 1 ,i+,, + ., ' , l ,7 rti�Pe• M s V0 a�$. • .I,,hd`�ld,N • ♦ 'l.'aa. ,� V. From immediate neighbors t June 4, 1998 Albemarle County Zoning Administrator 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Elias Award 205 Woodhurst Road, Canterbury Hills Subdivision To Whom It May Concern: It is my understanding that a dispute has arisen with regard to a tool shed that was erected by Mr. Awad at least ten years ago. I was present during the construction of the shed and offer the following information. Due to the slope of the land and poor drainage conditions in his yard and adjoining neighbors, myself included, the shed was placed at the rear of the Awad property in close proximity to the property line shared with Mr. Charles Rowell. During the construction of the shed I have a distinct recollection of a conversation at which I was present between Mr. Awad and Mr. Rowell. At that time Mr. Rowell voiced no objection to the shed stating "as long as it is not on my property". To the best of my knowledge no one has voiced any objection to the shed until now. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Donald E. Gibson 104 Franklin Court Charlottesville, VA 22901 (804) 971-6579 To: Albemarle County Zoning From: Robert A. Garland, Jr. 105 Woodhurst Court Charlottesville, VA 22901 (804) 293-2045 Re: Elias Awad Zoning Variance Date: June 4, 1998 It is my understanding that there has been a complaint filed with your office regarding an apparent zoning violation on the property of Elias Awad at 2508 Woodhurst Rd. (parcel 060D0000H02600). I am writing to encourage your office to grant the zoning variance requested by Mr. Awad. I have been a close neighbor of the Awads since they moved into this neighborhood and have never felt that the tool shed represented a zoning violation nor devalued his property or that of the neighborhood . I believe it has been in this same location for at least ten years without difficulty. June 3, 1998 Board of Zoning Appeals Albemarle County We understand from Mr. Elias Awad, residing at 2508 Woodhurst Road, Charlottesvile, a question is raised regarding the location of his tool/storage structure in the back of his property. With the structure being over ten years old, its location and condition in our opinion do not pose a detriment to our property or to the neighborhood. Sincerely, rAH-414 rrison W. Burgess ugh P. Mclvor Donald E. Gibson 100 Woodhurst CT., 103 Franklin Ct., 104 Franldin Ct., Chrlottesville, Va. 22 01 Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Charlottesville, Va. 22901