HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202100012 Narrative Zoning Map Amendment 2021-09-20SKYLINE RIDGE APARTMENTS - REZONING PERMIT
Submission Date: SEPTEMBER 20, 2021
Application Plan 1 I P a g e
Skyline Ridge Apartments - Narrative
Project Narrative
I. Project Overview
Figure IA: 1996 Aerial Image of the Skyline Ridge property
Figure 1B: 2000 Aerial Image of the Skyline Ridge property
Figure 1C: 2002 Aerial Image of the Skyline Ridge property
Figure 1D: 2010 Aerial Image of the Skyline Ridge property
Figure IE: 2018 Aerial Image of the Skyline Ridge property &
Context Map
II. Existing Conditions & Surrounding Area
III. Consistency with the Comprehensive plan
Figure 2: Current Comprehensive Plan
Figure 3: Current Zoning Map
IV. Environmental Impacts
Figure 4: Overall Context Map
V. Steep Slope analysis
VI. Conclusion
Application Plan:
Exhibit #1:
Existing Conditions — Original Site Plan
Exhibit #2:
Original Limits of Disturbance & Critical Slope Impacts
Exhibit #3:
Original Final Site Plan and Grading Plan
Exhibit #4:
Original Development Area with Albemarle County GIS
Preserved Slopes
Original Development Area with Field Verified Preserved Slopes
Exhibit #6:
Proposed Application Plan with Preserved Steep Slope
I. Project Overview
The applicant, Woodard Properties, is seeking a zoning map amendment (ZMA) permit to amend the preserved
steep slopes within the original approved development area for the Skyline Ridge project. This project is a by -
right apartment complex in the R-15 zoning district, located off Ivy Road at the end of Colonnade Drive. The
property tax map number is 06000-00-00-04008, and the property is 4.96 acres. Woodard Properties is a real
estate development and property management company located in Charlottesville, Virginia, and they are
proposing to construct a maximum of 74 multi -family apartment units on the property.
Woodard Properties received a Land Disturbance permit for the original apartment building and parking lot in
1997 and started the site construction. The site was cleared, erosion and sediment control measures were
installed, the site was rough graded creating the apartment building pad and parking lot areas, and some of the
utilities to the site were installed. Sometime shortly after this work was completed, the project was paused due
to market demands for the apartment building at that time. The disturbed areas were restabilized and the
construction team demobilized from the project. Figures IA through lE show the aerial photo of the site
between 1996 and 2018. From the photos, the clearing and land disturbing operations can be seen in the 2000
and 2002 aerial photos, with the site being restabilized from 2002 to 2010. The 2018 aerial photo shows the
current state of the property and the general context map for the site.
ZMA — Application Plan
Skyline Ridge Apartment Rezoning Amendment Narrative
At the point when construction stopped on the property in 1998, the property had been graded and the land
prepared to start the installation of the footings and concrete pads for the apartment building. The existing
critical slopes within the limits of disturbance area on the property had been impacted and graded with the
intermediate grading of the site for preparation of the start of the building construction. The original approved
site plan included a critical slope waiver for the impacts to the existing critical slopes within the development
area of the project. The total land disturbance of the original development was 2.66 acres and the total amount of
critical slopes approved by staff for impacts was approximately 41,820 sf (0.96 acres). See Exhibit 1 and Exhibit
2 in the attached development plans for the approved existing conditions of the site when the site plan was
approved in 1996 and the total amount of critical slopes approved for impacts with the site plan. Exhibit 3 shows
the approved site development plan and grading plan for this project. The site was rough graded based this
approved site plan, before stopping and restabilizing the disturbed areas.
In 2014, the Board of Supervisors adopted the Steep Slopes overlay district, which classified preserved slopes
and managed slopes on properties within the development area of Albemarle County. When the steep slope
overlay district mapping was performed on this site, there were several areas that were classified with slopes
over 25%. These areas were classified as preserved slopes across the site, including the 25% slopes created
when the site was cleared and rough graded for the apartment project. Exhibit 4 illustrates these areas of critical
slopes included in the original limits of disturbance that are now determined as preserved slopes. The applicant
is requesting a rezoning amendment to amend the steep slope overlay district on the property to remove the
preserved slopes from the original approved development area of the property. The slopes that exist within this
area are manmade slopes and do not have the characteristics of preserved slopes, see the steep slope analysis
section on sheet 4 of this application narrative.
IL Existing Conditions & Surrounding Area
The subject property, as shown in Figure lE on sheet 3, is surrounded by existing apartments on the north
and east side of the property. The site is bounded on the westem and southem boundaries by (2) single
family residences. A water tower owned and operated by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority is also
located along the southem boundary of the property. The site is located approximately 1200 linear feet
south of Ivy Road. Colonnade Drive provides access to the property and the property is located at the end
of the cul-de-sac of the roadway. As noted, the development area of the property was cleared and graded in
1997 but has since been restabilized after the construction activity ended. Site vegetation has been
reestablished on the property and is predominately wooded. The remnants of the erosion control measures
and some of the existing utilities still exist on the property from the land disturbing activity in 1997 and
From the clearing and grading activity in 1997, the site was cleared and rough graded for the approved
apartment building. The building was approved in the location as shown on the approved site development
plan, exhibit 3. The apartment building is located just below the 700 elevation contour, adhering to the
mountaintop development requirements. The proposed project will continue to adhere to these
requirements. The residential house along the westem property line is located on top of Lewis Mountain,
which is adjacent to this property. This property is located along the eastern limits of Lewis Mountain.
2 1 P a g e
Figure IA: 1996 Aerial image of the Skyline Ridge property
Figure 1B: 2000 Aerial image of the Skyline Ridge property
ZMA — Application Plan
Skyline Ridge Apartment Rezoning Amendment Narrative
Figure 1C: 2002 Aerial image of the Skyline Ridge property
Figure 1D: 2010 Aerial image of the Skyline Ridge property
III. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan
The proposed apartment complex is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's designation of Urban Density
Residential, as shown in Figure 2: Comprehensive plan on Sheet 5. In addition, the existing zoning of the
property, as shown in Figure 3: Zoning Map on Sheet 6, is R-15 residential zoning, allowing 15 dwelling units
per acre. The proposed density of the site meets the allowable density for both the Comprehensive plan and the
existing R-15 zoning on the property. The Urban Density residential allows 6.01 DUA to 34 DUA on the
property. The property also has noted areas of Greenspace, which do not allow for any residential density in
these areas. From the 4.96 acres on the property, approximately 2.3 acres are located within the Urban Density
residential area, and the remaining 2.66 acres is classified as Greenspace, per the Comprehensive plan. The
allowable density for the property, per the Comprehensive plan is 2.3 acres x 34 DUA = 78 dwelling units. The
allowable density with the R-15 zoning is 15 DUA x 4.96 acres = 74 dwelling units. The maximum number of
dwelling units proposed with the project is 74 units. This complies with both the R15 zoning on the property and
the Comprehensive land use designation areas on the property.
The proposed density and multi -family development on the property is consistent with the adjacent properties to
the north and east of the site. These properties are also R15 residential and have been developed consistent with
the allowable density in the R-15 zoning. The residential property to the south is also located on R-15 zoned
property. This property may be redeveloped in the future for higher density under this by -right zoning.
Figure 1E: 2018 Aerial image of the Skyline Ridge property & Context Map
ZMA — Application Plan
Skyline Ridge Apartment Rezoning Amendment Narrative
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Figure 2: Comprehensive Plan
Application Plan 5 1 P a g e
Skyline Ridge Apartments - Narrative
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Figure 3: Zoning Map
ZMA — Application Plan
Skyline Ridge Apartment Rezoning Amendment Narrative
Figure 4: Overall Critical Resources Map
IV. Environmentallmpacts
Figure 4 illustrates the existing environmental features on the property in the Overall Critical Resources Map In
addition to the preserved steep slopes on the property as shown in green in Figure 4, there is an existing
Mountain Protection Area on the property (shown in purple) starting at the 700 contour elevation. The
development, as indicated in the narrative, is proposing to impact the existing steep slopes on the property within
the original development area from the approved 1997 site plan. The improvements within the development area
will stop prior to the existing 700 contour and will not impact the existing Mountain Protection area. The
proposed development will preserved all the existing steep slopes outside of the original development area and
will also preserve the Mountain Protection Area by not allowing the construction of any structures above the 700
foot contour area.
There are no existing floodplains or water protection buffers located on the property, and the development of this
property will not impact any existing floodplains or Water protections areas.
V. Steep Slope Analysis:
The slopes within the original development area on the previously approved site plan meet the requirements of
managed slopes, and not preserved slopes. There are number of requirements listed in the Section 30.7.3 of the
Albemarle County Zoning ordinance for which steep slopes are classified as managed slopes or preserved slopes.
The following is an analysis of the existing steep slopes within the development area and how their
characteristics compare the requirements of preserved and managed slopes:
ZMA — Application Plan
Skyline Ridge Apartment Rezoning Amendment Narrative
1. The characteristics of the steep slopes are limited or fragmented (managed slopes) verses contiguous area
of steep slopes ranging in either a close grouping of slopes or creating an area of 10,000 sf or greater
(preserved slopes) — the steep slopes within the development area of the property, as shown in Figure 4
and Exhibit 4, are fragmented across the area and the majority of areas are not greater than 10,000 sf in
area. The steep slopes vary across the development area, and match the rough grading of the original
site plan.
2. The slopes are part of a system of slopes associated with or abutting a water feature (preserved slopes)
verses not be associated with or abutting a water feature (managed slopes) — none of the steep slopes
within the approved development area on the property are associated with or abutting any water features,
such as ponds, rivers, streams, or reservoirs. These slopes have the characteristics of managed slopes
under this requirement.
3. The slopes are part of a hillside system (preserved slopes) verses slopes that are not natural but
manufactured — the current steep slopes within the approved development area on the property were
created with the rough grading of the site under the previously approved site plan. These slopes are now
determined to be manmade or manufactured slopes. There were existing steep slopes within the
development area that would have been classified as preserved slopes as they were part of the overall
hillside on the property; however, these have been impacted with the previous site development and the
new steep slopes are manufactured slopes.
4. The slopes were significantly disturbed prior to June 1, 2021 (managed slopes requirement) — yes, the
site within the approved development area was cleared and graded in 1998, see the aerial exhibits in
Figures IA through 1D of the clearing and grading of the site from the year 2000 through 2010.
5. The slopes are located within previously approved single-family residential lots (managed slope
requirement)— this requirement does not apply as the property was originally cleared and disturbed for an
apartment building and associated parking areas.
6. The slopes are shown to be disturbed, or allowed to be disturbed, by a prior county action (managed
slope requirement) — yes, the original steep slopes within the approved development area were approved
by Albemarle county for impacts with the approved site plan. A critical slopes waiver was approved by
the County staff for the project.
7. The slopes are identified as a resource in the comprehensive plan (preserved slopes) — yes, the steep
slopes on the property as mapped in 2014 are shown as greenspace areas in the Comprehensive plan.
However, as noted above in the other conditions, these slopes do not have the characteristics of preserved
slopes and should not be classified as resource areas in the comprehensive plan.
8. The slopes are of significant value to the entrance corridor overlay district (preserved slope requirement)
— no, this condition does not apply to the steep slopes on this property. The property is not located in an
Entrance Corridor overlay district and does not impact this overlay district.
9. The slopes have been preserved by a prior county action (preserved slope requirement) — no, the
preserved steep slopes within the previously approved development area have not been preserved by a
prior county action. On the contrary, the steep slopes within this development area proposed to be
impacted were previously approved for impacts by the county for the approved site plan, which has
In exhibit 4, the overall preserved steep slopes, as identified by the Albemarle County GIS, have been shown and
delineated on the development plan. The total critical slopes within the proposed area of disturbance are 48,740
SF. The original critical slopes within the disturbed area from the expired approved site plan of 1997 were
41,820 sf, as shown in Exhibit 2. With the rough grading of the site in 1997, the overall critical slopes on the
property increased by 6,920 sf.
Based on the field run topo, the critical slopes within the development area have been field verified. Exhibit 5
illustrates the field verified preserved steep slopes within the proposed development area for the project. The
total field verified preserved steep slopes are 35,905 sf. This is a decrease of 12,835 sf, or 25% of the preserved
steep slopes based on the Albemarle County GIS analysis of the site within the development area. However, it
will be necessary to disturb the majority of the remaining 35,905 sf of the field verified preserved steep slopes
within the proposed development area for the building and parking for the proposed apartment building. Exhibit
6 illustrates the building and parking envelopes overlaid on the existing topography and preserved steep slopes.
VIL Conclusion
As summarized in the narrative, the developer is seeking a rezoning map amendment to amend the steep slopes
within the previously approved development area of a final site plan that has expired. The site was graded, based
on an approved site plan from 1997, and created steep slopes across the site that match the proposed
development plan for the apartment building and parking lot. The developer would like to continue with the
project now that there is a demand for the apartment units. They are requesting a zoning amendment to remove
the preserved slopes within the development area on the property, changing these steep slopes to managed
slopes. The property would then be developed, once a new final site plan and VSMP plan is approved, meeting
the requirements of developing on managed slopes. These existing steep slopes have more characteristics
matching the managed slope requirements as opposed to the criteria for preserved slopes. In addition, the
creation of the steep slopes within the development area is tied to an approved site plan and land disturbance
permit. The steep slopes within the development area on the property should be re-classified as managed slopes
with this rezoning application for the continuation of the apartment building and parking lot.
ZMA — Application Plan
Skyline Ridge Apartment Rezoning Amendment Narrative