HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199800030 Application 1998-10-30 • County of Albemarl Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 VA- -Is_& DATE: %D `i fli FEE: $95. 00 615.. f36 STAFF: __S._) ell'-- VARIANCE APPLICATION rt ce-f 11 01 OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) gI20 Name ����/� %�7�Ft/i/IC /J GfC t,t c r�"u' Phone &) 777 —.P1-Z0 Address /636 / a.vf/" 1/4l)/<,;i,, C%KATlc' v9 �9// APPLICANT (if different from above) Name __S -ram _ Phone ( ) Address CONTACT PERSON (if diffe ent from above Name, .�\,,) ,JA C,1140N.e_..., .�s Phone ( ) - Day Phone ( ) 7/ - 7J/? Address -P 0 • -1, IS 1 1 J —I ZZ, 'W- LOCATION: JM )(0 5C FrlL / 1 ) PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. V ' OFFICE USE ONLY civigi ) TAX MAP e z, PARCEL 1 ,:�. ; TM , P ; TM .,,4 % jfL PI" ZONED: _ ' 4 ORDINANCE SECTION: /�• PA 1 5 _ 1 Board of Zoning Appeals Date: / / � '� ' ��C/u?Q 1V CI ( ) Special Permit ( ) Variance 0141 ( ) Proffers Fill BZA ACTION:4 X VA 98-30. Phillip & Katharine Buchanan (owner/applicants) (Signs 2 & 3) request a , variance of 5 feet, from 25' to 20' on the side of property described as Tax Map 62 Parcel 92, to allow the construction of an attached garage. The 2.014 acre-parcel is zoned RA, Rural Areas and is located in the Rivanna Magisterial District at northeast corner of the intersection of Rt. 20N and Franklin Drive.\qlr\ All applications are available in the Albemarle County Building Code & Zoning Services Dept., Rm. #227, County Office Building prior to the public hearings. _ kcl DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST:/ y� /�/Vh /d ��y/7 , /ac �, �it"�//J 40-1 ALi /D�/ 104 fit /1/E i G�al4 W k, Y31� (l C(' �(A AO cL JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE (3) CRITERIA: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. -74 zan- � _ orcfha Ge 1/// Jvzi/ 471ae r /v -1 �Pf aye 4-d� /�' 4i,�P✓ , c�i( g ( ri rfo Gv / /Pa�� "71/1#' S:E . 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. i� / �o doread 4' flo /UA* 2 09-1 s�ote & F ✓e- 07 ego , e/ 4,//1 7s c f .fee - 7,4 e ,Y AV o /Xeft6 /vc �rz 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. 04 >G C t/ , 1t 11// r� '!i f at/ 1r roe j r / Q-f' e r' 6e ek/ ` , 'Ails ci nt Zeri( ve alp kt 7"/ /%6:447- The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not be submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of ,my�knowledge and belief. /)796;c7zaha /Y71 114051 a Nov Signatur Date Receipt# Date ?A3k Variance Request, Phillip & Kate Buchanan 1636 Franklin Drive 1. Continued; The topography of this lot makes the strict application of the setbacks for this lot such that even though the lot is over two acres, there would be no other way to build an attached two car garage. The neighbors are disinclined to sell this or swap this area, and may be prevented from doing so by the combination of reserve septic field requirements and the recorded recreational easement. 2. The house itself has been built at the rear, (top) of the lot, because it was the only buildable area, but in doing so it has been put at the narrowest portion. While other lots in the area have the same hilly terrain, this is the only lot abutting Route 20, which has the 75" setback. This setback renders all land to the rear and west of the house non buildable. The side of the property on which we would like to build, has a "recreational easement" between the houses for the benefit of our property. This easement is exactly in the area that would be encroached upon. This easement both ensures that there will be no other building in that part of the lots, for any fire concerns, but it also means that we are encroaching on a line that is really still part of our yard in use, maintenance, etc. . The distance between our house and our neighbors at this point is it)-k feet. 3. This garage will add to the value of both this, and the neighborhood. It will have a style that matches the house, (roof pitch, windows, siding, etc. ) and will also act as a visual buffer between both homes, adding to privacy for both. As far as from the street, although the garage will look great, because of the height of the rear of the lot, this will not be visible. Thank you for your time and consideration of this request. 1 -\\\•�\1�n I.I �'\ • + .y • A { M 0 i V K • .. A IHU E DwAR <b : W / )V• \114 xs,,,,',,t_ts LIR%Ape .7-------- ----I coT 2 er �' c oh , .......2.:4, i ' - - . 7' ,e� ',e��r�A.v a��, �9, �✓ � . ' i• ,xo,✓GDP / JEr n/159 o• JG.gs \Sy _„I . 277,0040t•J . k (it e.. . d_,, 0,4 .. (, 1 , -(74,6, ,._._ __..... c. , ' . ,) -1\ , . ( V/r 6,9ts'77y A'T- , 4T" u'f/ M///VG To 56M/M'-'/T ear /, / ,1NX//N t5-U5L2/1//S/oN s c,41 e6'=4/6e' ,r9 G e&-/194E'GE' Cd6/v7-Y, V/A1 G/N69 cr"(G Y /4 /994 B. AUBREY HUFFMAN & ASSOCIATES, LTD. CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYING - LAND PLANNING CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIHGINIA ALBEMARLE COUNTY el F 341.\s, \\\\ • 3/73,. \ ' 304:_s? . . ', ''''• , • ..'" X. ...._ , _ .. N \,,,,t• ...0' , ), 141 .,' : •11... 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LOT 2 V P 0k "se ao aa .o o M if\ Q r/4 J — N 0) J a h 75 Bui/ding 0 - Setback Line 01'4)9 A v/l 0 . tfon __ • . \ 41 ,.s' •�o ( oe 21 �0 E P 9�`, \R�,• 6?1,0". „opt` Ft" F?�11k092 O : ��I • R� CO e''p44 h6'6 91 \�\ �50 0o a ,0 0ta \• 5 6',, 5 6Z P p'35.1. O 1t 5 66 ' C` ID A" I91•CO SERVICE UT/L / T/ES ARE UNDERGROUND. • R ' PROPERTY /S NOT IN HUD DEFINED /00 / YEAR FLOOD ZONE PHYSICAL SURVEY SHOWING L 0 T I F R A N K L I N Scale : I ° = 100 ' ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VIRGINIA JUNE . 29 , 1990 B. AUBREY HUFFMAN & ASSOCIATES, LTD. CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYING - LAND PLANNING CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON J. U N E 2 9 , 19 9 0 URVEYED TH ,PROPERTY SHOWN ON THIS PLAT AND THAT THE TITL: ES AND WALLS OF THE BUILDINGS ARE SJ\MN HE 0 , ' -' THUR-- ./e47Z-Z0e F. E W A R D S , C.L. 3. CERT I F I CAT E NO. 1170 /\ . o+,,,,pLT1f 040 , • 0. ,. ARTHUR F. EDWARDS t �'� No. > ', o o� s)-o i3 Coe F s 4 T 9 Y •0 . 9rVc/ c'O�` /,, o • o �, 9 4• y fp :a,l0 SV�v 0 o<- t. 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