HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199800030 Review Comments 1999-03-02 STAFF PERSON: Jan Sprinkle
PUBLIC HEARING: March 2, 1999
OWNER/APPLICANT: Phillip and Katharine Buchanan
ZONING: RA, Rural Areas & EC, Entrance Corridor
ACREAGE: 2.014
LOCATION: Northeast corner of the intersection of Rt. 20N & Franklin Dr.
NOTE: Rehearing changes from original report are in bold italics.
TECHNICAL REQUEST AND EXPLANATION: The applicant requests relief from
Section 10.4, Area and Bulk Regulations, which requires a 25-foot side yard for primary
structures in the RA district. A variance of 17(originally 5) feet is requested to allow the
addition of an attached garage to be 8 (originally 20) feet from the side property line.
RELEVANT HISTORY: There is no relevant history in the files of planning or zoning.
by subdivision plat in 1979 and although it had a boundary adjustment in 1983, it is
almost the size and shape now that it was in 1980 when the County Zoning Ordinance
was adopted. The 2.014 acres makes this a small, but conforming lot. There are some
critical slopes between the existing driveway and both Rt. 20 and Franklin Drive which
restrict the use of this property. The entire parcel is sloped with the highest point at the
northeast corner. The existing house was built in 1983 and just purchased in August
1998 by Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan. They would like to construct an attached 3-car garage
(24'x 32') on the northeast corner of the house. The main reason that the ordinance
has different setbacks for attached and detached accessory structures is that attached
structures are often converted to living space and therefore, need to meet primary
setbacks. There is sufficient area on this lot to construct the three car garage in a
detached arrangement without variance.
criteria provided by the applicant and comments by staff follows:
The applicant comments that the variance is necessary:
• The ordinance will allow a detached garage only six feet from the property line, but
requires an attached garage to be 25 feet.
Staff Report VA 98-30, Rehea, Page 2 March 2, 1999
• The topography of the lot will allow no other way to build an attached two car
• The neighbors are disinclined to sell this or swap this area, and may be prevented
from doing so by the combination of reserve septic field requirements and the
recorded recreational easement.
Staff cannot identify any hardship as described under the Code of Virginia relating to
granting a variance. There is already reasonable use of the property with the single
family dwelling and no garage. Note however, that there is enough room to build an
attached single car garage (11'x 20') and possibly a two car garage without a variance,
or up to three car garage if detached. (An attached two car garage at 22'x 20' would
require a variance of 9 feet.)
1. The applicant has not provided evidence that the strict application of the
ordinance would produce undue hardship.
Uniqueness of Hardship
The applicant notes.
• The house is in the only buildable area which is also the narrowest portion.
• Other lots have the same hilly terrain, but only this one abuts Rt. 20 and therefore
has two 75-foot setbacks from two state roads which eliminates a large portion of the
lot from building.
• The side of the property closest to the proposed garage is encumbered with a
recreational easement for the benefit of this property. This easement both ensures
that there will be no other building in that part of either lot, for any fire concerns, but
also that the encroachment is on a line that is really part of their own yard in use,
maintenance, etc.
• The distance between our house and the neighbors' at this point is 104 feet.
Staff agrees that this is an unusual situation with the recreational easement
encumbering the neighbors'land for the enjoyment of this lot. The neighbor has also
expressed no objection to the variance. However, every lot in the subdivision must
maintain the same setbacks and this is not a unique situation. There is other area in
which the applicant can build.
2. The applicant has not provided evidence that such hardship is not shared
generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same
vicinity. Staff does not see that a recreational easement on the adjoining
property changes the situation from that experienced by all other
properties in the same district. It simply means that neither property owner
can build in the easement area.
IICOB_I\VOL31DEPT\Budding&ZoninglReports\VA98-30R doc
Staff Report VA 98-30, Rehearii Page 3 March 2, 1999
Impact on Character of the Area
The applicant offers
• This garage will add to the value of both this, and the neighborhood
• The style will match the house in roof pitch, windows, siding, etc.
• The garage will act as a visual buffer between the homes, adding to privacy for both.
• Although the garage will look great, because of the height of the rear of the lot, this
will not be visible from the street.
Staff agrees that the addition of the attached garage will not change the character of the
3. The applicant has provided evidence that the authorization of such
variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that
the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since only one of the criteria for approval has been
met, staff recommends denial. However, should the board find cause to approve the
request, staff recommends the following condition:
1 . The variance is for an attached garage, not wider than 32 feet, and no closer
than 8 feet (originally 20) feet from the property line.
\\COB I\VOL31DEPT\Building&ZoninglReports\VA98-30R doc
MEETING ROOM #241, 2:00 P.M.
Call to Order
I I. Establish a Quorum
III. Variance Public Hearings
VA-98-32 Charles Dunnivan, et al Estate
Staff Person: Amelia McCulley
VA-99-01 Carlton and Nancy Luck
Staff Person Amelia McCulley
VA-99-02 Rio Associates Limited Partnership (owner)
lnterspace (applicant)
Staff Person Jan Sprinkle
VA-99-03 Donald E. Seal (owner)
Virginia Oil Company (applicant)
Staff Person Jan Sprinkle
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
VA-98-30 Phillip & Katharine Buchanan
Applicant Request for Rehearing
VI. Adjournment
C•\i.\zoning\bzal\agenda for Dec 1 mcctng.doc