HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199900018 Application 1999-06-18 County of Albemarle • Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 (� VA- °1- 1 DATE: 18- / FEE: $95. 00 ' 6._ ( STAFF: �� , �1 q VARIANCE APPLICATION OWNER (as ,currently listed in Real Estate) Name Dam N 7 Pi lk -C7/ui& (�'Gt-en/, Phone (P ") 97 f- 1/6/3 Address „ST?l0 ( F.z..i/v'(' i 1,-/I )r j laV`C/sue>// / /4_ APPLICANT (if different from above) Name ,a_ Phone ( ) Address CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name ;a< .:__ Phone ( ) - Day Phone ( ) A- ddre s _ S 3(0U C� U f A\e.�af Niu e - (M 41(60) PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. OFFICE USE ONLY TAX MAP On , PARCEL 1 4_ ., TM , P ; TM , P ZONED: ORDINANCE SECTION: Board of Zoning Appeals Date: -7 / 13/13 ( ) Special Permit ( ) Variance ( ) Proffers 7 BZA ACTION• 5;0 7/ � VA-99-18 (Signs #8 & 9) - Danny R. & Sylvia Guengerich (owner/applicant). Located on SW corner of inters. of Rt 664 & Quintfield Drive, Lot 1 Quintfield Subdivision, N of Earylsville. TM 19/Parcel 12E zoned Rural Areas. Request to reduce front setback from Rt. 664 from 75 to 62 feet to locate a detached garage.\qlr\ DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Varyekne- petU s--f- 7 C 3trr/G1- q el�i // K / i3% /arty 7..5' v JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE (3) CRITERIA: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not be submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. pai.ix):2(„rit,Signs ure Date Receipt# D to DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST:Variance request to construct detached garage extendmg approximately 13' into 75'building setback area. Because Buffalo River Road runs at an approximate 30 degree angle with the house,only rear corner will extend into the setback area. JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE(3)CRITERIA: 1)That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. Hardship for two reasons: 1.The 75' setback rule was overlooked by two County Building Inspectors before the building project was begun, a building permit was granted for plans as presented,a good deal of time,energy,and money has already been spent clearing trees,excavating the site,and preparing footings. If this variance request is not granted,more time and money will be needed to fill in the cavity where the garage was going to be and to re-landscape,and 2.The garage,as planned,is already at the edge of the driveway and cannot be moved any farther forward. Also,because of the location of the house and the lay of the land,there is no other location on this lot suitable for building. We have considered building for two years and finding a suitable building site on our un-level lot has been the stumbling block.. 2)That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zonmg district and the same vicinity. Because the terrain is very hilly in this area,the road is very winding,and property lines are not square, finding a workable site for a garage is a separate challenge for each property. 3)That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the grantmg of the variance. Landscape plantings of non-deciduous bushes or trees will be planted at the rear of the building as a shield from the road. Land directly across the road is presently undeveloped. The nearest neighbor is approximately 100 yards away and on the opposite side of the road. Other neighbors are much farther away. Due to the large size of lots in this area,along with hills and trees,the granting of this variance should not negatively affect adjacent property. The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals,if sufficient information necessary to this review has not been submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate,true,and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature on file 6-18-99 Receipt# 12300 6-18-99 06/22/99 11:30 AM POINT A NOTE. `f N40'09'42"E ESSI 88.23 THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT LIE WITHIN THE - N43'39'23"E N50.34'32"E 73.91 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ACCORDING TO THE �..� 54.65 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS, - N56.36'20"E 37.59 N65.34'36"E 33.23 cp N75'38'49"E N87'05'55"E S76'25'56"E S66'30'17"E S65'34'15"E 39.52 35.30 32.89 I HEREBY CERIFY THAT ON 7-/2' B9 ^" 5217 I SURVEYED THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. v , 61.85 �2� S67'38'21"E 88.70i'or g TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE , INFORMATION 8 s5BELIEF AND IN MY PROFESSIONAL OPINION IT IS ctoPOINT 88.23 ale"corr_`fi rl COidPLETE AND ACCURATE 6 , alf/r4;r' e O q _ 90'09'29" /'C• Sight \ {��ry1r f i �/ 'C `T 11 V. ti •CB : S25'00'15'E / • wa�o9 J a/� - O A = 03'04'5I" / 1�2 Story Frame Well O `��� 0 r, ; ��� / Q A V ROOK ,/�•'. ,L,•,l4.- R = 224.65 / L = 12.08 / / • _ Iron • C , - 'N0. 133'. 4100 C = 12.08 i , __ Found 7/- ' C' CB - SI8'19'26"W / / Grovel __� :e rrl / Drive-; r �l 1 J a,tot �/ j -C \ v 519'58'43"W r:� ., / // • Found O P�• 105,01 '/FDC �N," r-/ Iron / / / - i'F1. 2' \065 AO P • Iron Found i / /Q\• • 4* 6'!y 0g • 203.62 0 Iron Found , // // s62.47'24"W PHYSICAL SURVEY / \o) Iron s' \�to' Found I rri LOT II , , , II QUINTFIELD = �e a LOT 2 al ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VIRGLIIAA pso ti� o SCALE . I = 100" DATE . 7-17-89 co FOR `•' DANNY R. 8 SYLVIA GUENGRICH 4 Iron Found R.W. RAY , R.O. SNOW 8 ASSOC. , INC CHARLOTTESVILLE , VA. / / Li 7666 — -