HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA200000003 Review Comments 2000-03-07 STAFF PERSON: Jan Sprinkle PUBLIC HEARING: March 7, 2000 STAFF REPORT VA-2000-03 OWNER/APPLICANT: Martha Lee K. Voshell and Margaret K. Colmenares, owners; Martha Lee K. Voshell, applicant TAX MAP/PARCEL: 41B / 01-15 ZONING: RA, Rural Areas ACREAGE: Approximately 1 acre LOCATION: Northeast side of the cul-de-sac of Westover Circle in the Westover Hills subdivision. TECHNICAL REQUEST AND EXPLANATION: The applicant requests relief from Section 4.1.6, which states: For lots not served by a central sewer system, no building permit shall be issued for any building or structure, the use of which involves sewage disposal, without written approval from the local office of the Virginia Department of Health of the location and area for both original and future replacement septic disposal fields adequate to serve such use. For residential usage, at a minimum, each septic disposal field shall consist of suitable soils of adequate area to accommodate sewage disposal from a three (3) bedroom dwelling as determined by current regulations of the Virginia Department of Health. A variance is requested to require only: 100% of the original septic disposal field, and 50% of the future replacement field for a three bedroom house. RELEVANT HISTORY: None. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND QUALIFYING CONDITIONS: Mrs. Voshell and Mrs. Colmenares inherited this parcel from their father's estate in 1985. He had owned the property since at least 1967, which is prior to Albemarle County's first zoning ordinance. The lot is nonconforming due to its small size of only about one acre and to the current building site requirement. Section 4.2.2 requires a building site of 30,000 square feet with adequate area for the location of two septic drainfields as approved by the Virginia Department of Health in accordance with Section 4.1.6. The Code of Virginia, Section 15.2-2309 states that the Board of Zoning Appeals can authorize a variance as follows: "When a property owner can show that his property was acquired in good faith and where, by reason of the exceptional narrowness, shallowness, size or shape of a specific piece of property at the time of the effective date of this ordinance, or where, by reason of exceptional topographic conditions or other extraordinary situation or condition of such piece of property . . . the strict application of the terms of this ordinance would effectively prohibit or unreasonably Variance Report, VA 2000-03 2 March 7, 2000 restrict the use of the property or where the board is satisfied, upon the evidence heard by it, that the granting of such variance will alleviate a clearly demonstrable hardship approaching confiscation, as distinguished from a special privilege or convenience sought by the applicant, provided that all variances shall be in harmony with the intended spirit and purpose of this ordinance." In addition to being smaller than the minimum allowed in the district, the property is also restricted by topographic conditions. From the road, the first 75± feet back is an area of about 10 to 15% slope. Beyond that, the land falls off more severely, probably at least 25% slope, down to a creek at the bottom. Since the creek is a tributary stream to the South Fork Rivanna River Reservoir, it carries a setback of 100 feet for both structures and septic systems. According to the soil scientist who analyzed the site, there are also areas of shallow soils and eroded swales that are not suitable for septic drainfields. Development of the lot itself is not part of the variance discussion. The Board can only consider if allowing the lot to be developed without full septic reserve or with a smaller house relieves an unreasonable restriction or demonstrable hardship placed on the land by the zoning ordinance, or if it will change the character of the district or conflict with the spirit and purpose of the ordinance. This is a residential subdivision and the owner has had the reasonable expectation of developing the lot with a dwelling. The owners have stated that they requested a septic easement from both adjacent lots but the requests were turned down. With this type of variance request on a small lot, the main concern is the failure of the primary septic disposal field. Should failure occur, the occupants may continue to use the system for at least a short time span, either unknowingly, or knowingly out of fear of the expense in both dollars and additional requirements that might be associated with constructing a new system only 50% of the former size. In a septic failure, there is concern of the effects on the other properties within close proximity—effects such as smell and bacterial pollution on the ground, as well as possibly entering the ground water and area wells. Similarly within a reservoir watershed (which this lot is), there is concern regarding runoff and bacterial pollution entering the public water supply if the primary system fails. Other concerns are that septic failure will cause a dwelling to be found uninhabitable, create a public nuisance, put pressure on the County for access to public sewer, or force the County to entertain a request for a high maintenance, alternative sewage disposal system. (To date, Albemarle has not allowed any system other than subsurface absorption systems for new construction.) It appears that most of the lots on this cul-de-sac are less than the 2-acre minimum. Therefore, it is doubtful that they have space available to grant an easement large enough for a septic drainfield. There is one large parcel across the creek at the rear, but running pipes to reach a drainfield across a stream is not permitted in a drinking-water watershed. Although our ordinance utilizes a three-bedroom house as the standard for septic site provision, we should consider that this lot is only half the minimum lot size of the current Rural Areas district. Therefore, it is possible to determine that reasonable use of the I:IDEP11Building&Zoning1Staff Reports\VA2000-03.doc Variance Report, VA 2000-03 3 March 7, 2000 property could be a smaller house. Note also that in our ordinance, one-acre lots are anticipated only in the growth areas where public water and sewer are available. APPLICANT'S JUSTIFICATION AND STAFF COMMENT: A review of the variance criteria provided by the applicant and comments by staff follows: Hardship The applicant comments that the variance is necessary: • Because they are unable to get approved to be built on without a 50% reserved drainfield. Staff finds that the small size and topography of this lot do constitute a hardship as described under the Code of Virginia relating to granting a variance. However, it is staff's position that a two-bedroom house would be reasonable use of the property. 1. The applicant has provided evidence that the strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. NeD Uniqueness of Hardship t' �, .y�oljtiAl The applicant notes: .., ow. IA. • Houses have been built on both sides of our lot. ,,v), 46,.;17,/r The houses on either side of this lot were built in 1972, before our current ordinance. Staff is aware that this general area of the county has many platted lots that do not conform to the minimum lot size and probably not to the septic provisions. 2. The applicant has not provided evidence that such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. Impact on Character of the Area The applicant offers: • The variance will not affect adjacent properties as they are already built upon. Those owners have been contacted and they have declined to give any right of way [easement]for additional land for a reserved drainfield. Staff agrees that the reduction of the drainfield requirement will not change the character of the district unless the primary drainfield fails. Should there be a failure there is potential for detriment to adjoining wells and the watershed itself. 1:1DEPT\Building 8 Zoning\Staff Reports\VA2000-03.doc Variance Report, VA 2000-03 4 March 7, 2000 3. The applicant has not provided evidence that the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since only one of the criteria has been met, staff cannot recommend approval of the reduction of the reserve drainfield area to 50%. However, staff can recommend approval of a reduction, from three to two, of the number of bedrooms required under Section 4.1.6. This would then allow a full septic reserve in the area noted in the soils report. This reduction would allow reasonable use of the property while better protecting the public health and welfare, as well as be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the ordinance. Should the Board find cause to approve the reduction to two bedrooms, staff recommends the following conditions: 1 .. 1. This variance is granted to allow the location and area for both original and 100% �I " " future replacement septic disposal fields adequate to serve a two bedroom house. 5 2. The Health Depa rtment shall be consulted for methods to maintain and protect the septic field. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the owner shall cause to be recorded a notice in the chain of title which informs future owners that this variance limits the house to two bedrooms unless and until the County's requirement for sewage disposal for more bedrooms is met. 1011411 1.1DEPT1Building&Zoning\Staff Reports\VA2000-03.doc ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 401 MCINTIRE ROAD MEETING ROOM #241, 2:00 P.M. DRAFT AGENDA TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2000 I. Call to Order II. Establish a Quorum III. Deferred Appeal Hearing AP-99-03 Pantops, L.C. (owner), Gage T/A Pegasus Motorcar Company, L.C. (appellant) Staff Person: Amelia McCulley IV. Variance Hearing • VA-2000-003 Martha Lee K. Voshell and Margaret K. Colmenares (owners) Staff Person: Jan Sprinkle V. Old Business • Approval of Minutes: February 2, 2000 VI. New Business VII. Adjournment ALBEMARLE COUNTY 27 .E$ °arm on s 41A 41AI 41 ,0 46 0 � 41 H 4 I C ' 37 D ve Ri Vet-i 37 3 7C ,��` _ 37D1 41A2 � ♦ 45 34 42 Al } � 0 3./ 39F OD_ 1�� � � ;;� 42A it ■ ``\ 3 \ 38 41A4 41A3 / 36 � , , � ' A 4 34 43 31 308 �,� 42 2 38A' 33 ,33� CV 36A 31 30 30A ,� rin'l,1O CO41G ��,- /,1 �4 A ' 43A 41D 41F i .' 4B WHITE 31A 22A 2 2 D I' 3 25 29 2 2 E 41E / 44A2 44 HALL 4A 24 23 '2 79 80 43A3/43A2 8l �♦ 2 2 F / �• I� , SEE 62 83 88 ` 52 52E ��• 4 4 A( 44A 47B 1 40-26B 23 D 27 78 • 47E O 23C1 28 10 2 2 22 G 77 87 52 • •� 4T10 Rt . 84 2 2 C • 47 23 C � 86 � 5A T 5 95 1 50 ♦ -j G ' 23A 22I 76 �/` A 5 1 _ ,♦ 49 49 22 B 58 56A 21 A l 57 \ ; 49 F 49 DO SEE 21 2 2 H `, 49G 40- 39 49H 21B � i 56C 50B / vr 20G 560 6p,r_ - 49J 8 21c 568 -� s9 50A ' � \ 49K 20 A' 2 0 H - _f s4O . a9 Ag P. 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