HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA200000007 Application 2000-03-06 County of Albemarle r Department of Zoning ti c% �y 401 McIntire Road -r-r -` Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 III (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 VA- OOO- Oo 1 DATE: - la -J006 FEE: $95. 00 d . STAFF: �� A.i ^ 'k VARIANCE APPLICATION OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) (Jno a VA 1 a r`v +c,k) Name —Si wN _V t f 1,.1 x1 I' r 1 c . Phone ( .)ol4-s-t17...1-‘ •,tei eta .k'-"rc l k v-� Address -4 �13, • 0100 Cl 4.17-, = s ter, . 5v / * 6c, o APPLICANT (if different from above) Name Phone ( ) - Address CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name Phone ( ) Day Phone ( ) • Address LOCATION: ,' �'�r � �e C�0�-� �'T'(.('V�W 1(/l�'�I1ICJ► , PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. ,. OFFICE USE ONLY J 1 (;I'' TAX MAP '''(IC , PARCEL I° I ; TM , P ; TM , P cXe)4V ZONED: L- IORDINANCE SECTION: q , /g ,/9 PPeals Date: / Z, Sp Board of Zonin A `i / A���`��C �+v i)1SN«�V OD 119 ( ) Special Permit ( ) Variance ( ) Proffers `` -9c1- 21s, ? -.95 . 7(-ci • BZA ACTION: /W ri VAd 1 oD pi/ 5 u /ve' -v(516 tl r &e,,,61,fip-- ,,,ee. S,i,..,4 47_,;,„t__ VA 2000-007 (Sign #7) — James and Virginia Hamrick (owners/applicants). Located in The Gardens Shopping Center (900 Gardens Blvd.) on E side of Rt. • _ 29N just N of Albemarle Square. TM 45/Parcel 104B2, zoned Commercial C-1 & Entrance Corridor Overlay. Request increase in the height for a wall sign from 20 feet to 30 feet. ABBOT : SKINNER ARCHITECTS, PLLC 117 4TH STREET,N.E. CHARLOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA,22902 804-971-1438 Phone & fax March 6,2000 DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: This request is for a variance for the Hamrick Building,in the Gardens Shopping Center,to the 20'-0"height restriction for a wall mounted sign in a commercial district. The building in question is a two story structure located between the Taco Bell and the Carmike Cinema. The building is to be condominiums,with seven individual units. Since the schematic design stage when the building was approved by the Architectural Review Board we have predicated the development of the design and the sign placement on that approval. The developer of the project is going to be taking the space on the second floor,with the associated sign that is in question. Had we been forewarned, at the time of the design approval,that the sign placement,as shown on those approved drawings,was not acceptable we would have reconsidered a number of aspects of the project. ' As the enclosed photographs show that there are quite a few exceptions to this height limitation within 300 yards of the Hamrick Building. Furthermore many of these signs that seem to violate the ordinance are larger back lit or neon signs,whereas the signs in question are only using simple brass letters. The enclosed 1 1x14 xerox shows how the Hamrick sign might actually look from Route 29 North. While not adhering to the letter of the sign ordinance,certainly these modest and simple brass letters do fall within the spirit for which the ordinance was created. 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. It goes without saying that clear signage which reflects the location of a business,in a drive-by commercial setting,is very important.To consider another contrived location for this sign can only cause confusion and consternation for would be customers. Also,the proposed sign location just makes simple sense both architecturally and visually in its proposed location. There is a clear hardship for the owner of the sign to have to place it in a location for the business that is both unclear and forced,to satisfy an ordinance that,while enacted for good reasons, does not effectively apply to this particular situation. 2) That the hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. From the photographs provided it appears that within 300 yards of the Hamrick Building there are, many exceptions to the ordinance. Many of the other offending signs are back lit or neon,as opposed to the simple brass letters proposed in this instance. 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. The signage proposed is understated and unobtrusive by any standard,and particularly in relationship to what is currently installed on the adjacent buildings. If anything,the simple bronze signage on the Hamrick Building is boon to the character of the district,by not employing neon or back lit signage. Also,by not being as aggressive in lighting of the signs,the adjacent signage on other buildings will not be competed with,in any way. The application may be deferred by staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals,if sufficient information necessary to this review has not been submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate,true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 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'.h.'S' "NVtr. •:a., r . �^ .z.�4M: w ,.�. ... 4,_aiAF < tl • fiayy v:v7.n',i`3',19:� °�.tY.'-a'mNM3 r d +� z s •Y .. { c " ,< .. ::m , < .. .. " , , r THE LAND USE REGULATIONS LISTED HEREIN ARE IMPOSED PURSUANT SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE TO THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE AND ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. THEY ARE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A CORRECT AND ACCURATE NOT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS RUNNING WITH THE LAND AND THEIR PLAT, THAT THIS PLAT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH SUBSECTION APPEARANCE ON THIS PLAT IS NOT INTENDED TO IMPOSE THEM AS 55-79.58(A) VIRGINIA CODE ANNO (1998 CUM SUP ) AND THAT SUCH. ON NOVEMBER 24, 1999 I SURVEYED THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THIS PLAT AND THE TITLE LINES AND WALLS OF THE BUILDING ARE SHOWN HEREON AND THAT UNITS 100-700 ARE OWNERS' APPROVAL: NOT YET C PL T THE DIVISION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN IS WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S), PROPRIETOR(S) AND TRUSTEE(S). ANY REFERENCE TO STATE CERTI LAND SURVEYOR FUTURE POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS TO BE DEEMED AS THEORETICAL ONLY. ALL STATEMENTS AFFIXED TO THIS PLAT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TT THE BEST OFF MY KNOWLEDGE. II EACH BLOCK CONTAINS AT LEAST 30,000 S F C� Z l>-t-V OF BUILDABLE AREA LESS THAN 25% SLOPE SrI E BY JAMES I/AMRICK, MEMBER DATE • THIS PLAT COMPLIES WITH THE ALBEMARLE ! .. G�.{,.�, � /�'00 COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. SIGNED BY VIRGINIA HAMRICK, MEMBER DATE OWNERS: • JAMES & VIRGINIA HAMRICK, LLC NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC 710 WINDRIFT DRIVE EARLYSVILLE, VIRGINIA 22936 STATE OF Vtr i V-U OL 10 STATE OF VI ( CITY/COUNTY OF' al Irv( af tC_ CITY/COUNTY OF - 141bQ W1Gtrk- THE FOREGOING WAS ACKNOWLEDGED THE FOREGOING WAS ACKNOWLEDGED . BEFORE ME THIS $+h DAY OF FtbY4lcivc BEFORE ME THIS S+h DAY OF F�brucLrL 2000 BY 3 i s 11clan 2000 BY 1/i ti r��0. 1-karvwtC.IL dnEgo ,fly AthijQ CC �1 T ' "Y PUBLIC NO ARY PUBLIC lz MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Li 1.3e) I .DODD- MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ( 0 1 120 ` .. F FDIC 4 COUNTY APPROVALS. y THO B. LINCOLN 1.014.4 F• .2/05 CERT. NO. 1326 ALBEMARLE COUNTY 0,0 DATE PLANNING COMMISSION 2 ob EXHIBIT A a/8koSUBDVISION PLAT OF LOT C ALBEM COUNTY g 11% SURVEo� F SUPERVISOR "THE GARDENS" BOARD S CHARLOTTESVILLE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT THOMAS B. LINCOLN LAND SURVEYOR INC. 671 BERKMAR CIRCLE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 DECEMBER 8, 1999 SHEET 1 OF 2 TMODEL PB100 C:\DATA9\960403PS.PRO 96-0004-03