HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202100003 Application 2021-10-04FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SP # Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? Receipt # Ck# By: Resubmittal of information for Special Use Permit PROJECT NUMBER THAT HAS BEEN ASSIGNED: Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided with this resubmittal is what has been requested from staff Bret Flory --- Signature of Owner, Contract Purchaser Date Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory FEES to be paid after application For original Special Use Permit fee of $1,075 ❑ First resubmission (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) Free ❑ Each additional resubmission (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $538 For original Special Use Permit fee of $2,000 ❑ FirSt resubmis5lon (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) Free ❑ Each additional resubmission (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $1,075 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 Revised 11/2/2015 Page 1 of 1 TO: Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Rd., North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902 434.358.7500 RE: SUP Comment Response —1720 Seminole Trail Special Use Permit SP202100003 DATE: October 4, 2021 Ms.Mariah Gleason, We have addressed the comments dated May 19, 2021. Please see our response below A. Special Use Permit Thank you for revising and resubmitting your proposal and including additional information to address comments provided by staff in the initial comment letter dated March 5, 2021. Staff have reviewed the revised materials submitted on April 19, 2021 and offer the following comments: 1. On the conceptual plan, staff recommend the following revisions: a. Remove the "Caliber Collision Vehicles Enter Only' signage label located in the right-of-way. Private business signage within the public right-of-way is unlikely to be accepted by VDOT. Response: Label removed. See revised site plan b. Remove the "Existing City Decorative Light Pole" label. The orientation and placement of these lights may change during the review of the site plan. Response: Label removed. See revised site plan c. There seems to be a conflict between the in/out circulation of the southern entrance and the "Caliber Collision Vehicles Exit Only" sign. Is the intension for the southern entrance to be limited to exiting vehicles? If not, please remove this label. Response: Label removed. See revised site plan d. Remove the "Existing Pylon Pole" label. Response: Label removed. See revised site plan e. Provide a label for the conversion of the existing sidewalk area into a planting strip. Response: Label "Proposed planting strip" added. See revised site plan 2. Please be aware, comments from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) indicate that the southern proposed entrance does not meet the minimum entrance spacing (565 feet) for a 45 mph Principal Arterial road. As a result, VDOT will require an Access Management Exception at the site planning stage. While this exception is typically evaluated as part of the site planning Bret Flory 1913 Garden Grove Court • Plano, Texas 75075 • 972.467.9749 process, failure to obtain the exception could have significant impacts on the special use permit. For context, special use permit approvals, as standard County practice, are conditioned such that development of the proposed site must be "in general accord" with the proposed conceptual plan. If the site plan fails to be in general accord with conceptual plan, an amendment to the special use permit condition is required. Since there is no "fast -track" for special use permit amendments, this would effectively mean a new special use permit review. Staff recommend the applicant pursue the Access Management Exception prior to the approval of this special use permit to ensure no significant changes are needed to the conceptual plan. Response: Please find attached approved access management exception request from VDOT 3. Please note, due to the placement of the 14-foot wide shared -use path, the available planting area will likely not be able to accommodate trees that meet the Entrance Corridor frontage tree size requirements. In which case, the proposed conceptual plan will preclude the final site plan from meeting landscape design requirements. Staff recommend the applicant follow up with ARB and Planning staff regarding whether substitutions, waivers, or exceptions to these requirements are possible. Response: We plan to present the attached proposed landscape plan for the site plan review. ARB completed an advisory review and recommended approval of the SP at this stage. 4. Please also note, in reviewing the integration of the frontage condition recommended by the Places29 Master Plan, staff are concerned that the proposed frontage improvements may create unsafe conditions. To be specific, the placement, width, and ramping of the 14-foot wide shared - use path could be mistaken for a vehicular driveway or convenient vehicular drop-off location, rather than a pedestrian facility. This could lead to direct and significant conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles. In addition, the posted speed limit along this section of Seminole Trail/Rt 29 is 45mph. In which case, vehicle drivers may not be able to successfully correct their movements if/when they realize the 14-foot wide shared -use path is not a driveway. Therefore, staff recommend additional safety -oriented measures be included in a future site plan to ensure frontage improvements allow for a safe pedestrian environment. Safety measures may include signage, bollards, pavement markings, and other design features. Response: Bollards have been provided. See revised site plan. We will coordinate during the site plan review B. Comprehensive Plan Initial comments on how your proposal generally relates to the Comprehensive Plan, which in this area is the Rio29 Small Area Plan, are provided below. Comments on conformity with the Rio29 Small Area Plan are provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as part of the staff report. The Rio29 Small Area Plan designates this property, TMP 45-106, as a Core area. The Core designation is characterized by a highly urban and pedestrian -friendly environment. Buildings within this area are recommended to be 3-6 stories in height, built close to the street, have windows on the ground story along the street and active first floor uses. The plan also recommends pedestrian access and relegated parking in the Core area. In comparison with Rio29 Small Area Plan, the proposal is inconsistent with the recommendations of the Plan in three ways: use, street frontage design, and building form. The Rio 29 Small Area Plan explicitly states that auto service uses are not encouraged in the Core. However, the Plan does allow that these uses may be permitted by exception when the applicant can demonstrate that there will be minimal impacts on surrounding uses. The proposal is also inconsistent with the recommended street frontage design along Route 29, on which the subject property is located. The Plan designates Route 29 as a Through Corridor, prescribing an optimal street frontage design that includes a 5- foot to 25-foot frontage zone, a 14-foot shared -use path, and an 8-foot separation zone between Bret Flory 1913 Gardengrove Court • Plano, Texas 75075 • 972.467.9749 the building face and the public street. Staff recommends the proposal work to incorporate these recommended street frontage design aspects in order to be more consistent with the Rio 29 Small Area Plan. Lastly, the proposal is inconsistent with the Rio29 Small Area Plan in that the existing building, to be utilized by the proposed body shop, does not align with the Plan's form and site design standards. The Plan recommends buildings 3-6 stories in height and massing that avoids expansive blank walls, in favor of transparent first floors to create visually interesting pedestrian environments. The existing building on this site is 1-story in height and includes expansive blank walls along the sides of the building which are visible from the Entrance Corridor. That said, since the proposed use does not intend to make significant changes to the existing building's exterior, staff acknowledges that the continuation of the existing building form is acceptable, as the current inconsistency with the Rio29 Small Area Plan is not being increased. Update 5119: Staff acknowledges additional information and revisions provided by the applicant to address conformity with the Rio29 Small Area Plan. The revised conceptual plan includes frontage improvements (e.g. shared -use path, separation zone, etc) that align with the recommendations of the Small Area Plan. Also, in evaluating the appropriateness of the proposed use on the subject property, staff acknowledges that many of the services offered by the proposed use will take place indoors and, as indicated by the applicant's narrative, the proposed use will likely not be a source of substantial or excessive noise, odor, dust, or vibration. The applicant's narrative also addresses environmental precautions and safety measures that will be observed by the proposed use. It is not clear, based on the conceptual plan, what buffering/screening features (e.g. landscaping) or topography may be preserved onsite. Based on the applicant's narrative, staff could find the proposed body shop use acceptable in this location as minimal impacts are expected to surrounding uses. Response: Acknowledged. We appreciate the consideration. C. Additional Comments from Reviewers Planning Comments Staff has reviewed revised materials submitted by the applicant on April 19, 2021. The following comments related to planning matters have been provided by Mariah Gleason: 1. Concerning a future site plan, the southern ingress/egress travelway does not provide at least a 20-foot travelway width in all areas. This travelway will likely need to revised to meet the County's requirements for two-way circulation provided in section 4.12.15. Response: Please find attached approved VDOT access management exception 2. Please keep in mind, approval of the special plan or any modifications to any standards. Response: Acknowledged. use permit in no way implies approval of a site 2. Should the special use permit be approved, development of the site and building cannot commence without an approved site plan and appropriate building permits. Response: Acknowledged Zoning The Zoning reviewer, Lea Brumfield, Brumfield@albemarle.org, reviewed revised materials submitted by the applicant and has no objections to this proposal. Response: Acknowledged Bret Flory 1913 Gardengrove Court • Plano, Texas 75075 • 972.467.9749 Engineering The County Engineer, Frank Pohl, fpohl@albemarle.org, reviewed revised materials submitted by the applicant and has no objections to this proposal. Response: Acknowledged Entrance Corridor/Architectural Review Board (ARB) The ARB reviewer, Khristopher Taggart, ktaggart@albemarle.org, reviewed revised materials submitted by the applicant and provided the following comment: 1. Due to the 14' wide shared use path shown in the conceptual site plan, the available planting area will likely not be able to accommodate trees that meet the Entrance Corridor frontage tree size requirements. We plan to present the attached proposed landscape plan for the site plan review. ARB completed an advisory review and recommended approval of the SP at this stage. Fire/Rescue The Fire/Rescue reviewer, Howard Lagomarsino, hlagomarsino(a)albemarle.org, reviewed revised materials submitted by the applicant. Fire/Rescue has no objections to this proposal, but offers the following information/comments for a future site plan: Response: Acknowledged. We will coordinate the any outstanding comments below during Site Plan Review 1. Please provide a note on future plans of ISO fire flow for the structure's intended use Response: 2,000 gal/min for 2 hours fire flow note has been added 2. Please provide ACSA available fire flow test. Response: Please see attached fire flow test showing a total estimated flow (gpm) of 2,610 3. Knox Box will be required. Please place a note indicating this on the future plan. The location of this can be coordinated with the Fire Marshal's Office. Response: Attached site plan shows proposed Knox Box location. Final location to be coordinated with the Fire Marshall 4. An unobstructed path of 20ft is required for emergency vehicle and fire apparatus access so that all portions of grade level are within 150 ft of the emergency vehicle and fire apparatus while on access road. Response: The attached site plan has been coordinated to meet the 150 ft hose lay 5. Gate on north side of building is too narrow and restricts access of emergency vehicles and fire apparatus. Width is required at 20 ft, unobstructed. Response: The attached site plan meets the 150 ft hose lay requirement therefore, full fire lane around the building is not required. The fire access road provided has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Howard Lagomarsino 6. Clarify locations and distances to closest hydrants. Response: Please see attached fire flow test and map 7. Clarify square footage of space and determine need for fire suppression sprinkler system (if required, fire department connection needs to be within 100 ft of a fire hydrant and on address side of building) Response: The building area is 9,200+1- SF. Fire Suppression sprinkler is not required. Bret Flory 1913 Gardengrove Court • Plano, Texas 75075 • 972.467.9749 4 Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) The VDOT reviewer, Adam Moore, adam.moore@vdot.virginia.gov, reviewed revised materials submitted by the applicant. VDOT has no objections to this proposal, but offers the comments below for a future site plan. Please see the review letter attached for more information. 1. Please provide trip generation data. 2. The southern proposed entrance does not meet the minimum entrance spacing (565') for a 45 mph Principal Arterial road. An Access Management Exception is required. 3. Please provide right turn lane\taper warrant, and if required turn lane and taper must be provided. Please see VDOT's Road Design Manual Appendix F-pg., F-96, for turn lane\taper warrants and required geometry. 4. Intersection sight distances must be shown on the Site Plan and profiles provided. 5. Entrance geometry must be provided on the Site Plan. Note that the minimum radius for a commercial entrance without a separate truck access is 42 feet. 6. Note that the final site plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual Appendices B(1) and F, as well as any other applicable standards, regulations or other requirements. Response: Please find attached approved access management exception request from VDOT Building Inspections The Building Inspections reviewer, Betty Slough, bslough@albemarle.org, reviewed revised materials submitted by the applicant and has no objections to this proposal. Response: Acknowledged Albemarle County Service Authority (ASCA) The ACSA reviewer, Richard Nelson, rnelson@serviceauthority.org, reviewed revised materials submitted by the applicant. ACSA no objections to this proposal, but offers the following information/comments for a future site plan: 1. Proposed pavers in front of Calber Collision cannot encumber ACSA water easement along Rt. 29. Response: The proposed paver is 3'-0" from the water main.Since we are required to meet the frontage design requirements for Rio29 Small Area Plan, an encroachment agreement may need to be coordinated. 2. Fixture counts will need to be provided, once determined, to ensure the existing water meter is accurately sized. Response: Acknowledged. We will coordinate during Site Plan Review Natural Resources The Natural Resources Manager, Kimberly Biasiolli, kbiasiolli@albemarle.org, has no objections to this proposal. Response: Acknowledged Respectfully, Bret Flory blo rvCcD crossa rch itects. com 972.467.9749 Bret Flory 1913 Gardengrove Court • Plano, Texas 75075 • 972.467.9749 PER SECONDARY s'-o" MAXIMUM SPAN BETWEEN POSTS LEGEND F 2 0 W W U Z W LL NOTE: ALL STEEL FENCING AND ASSOCIATED FENCE HARDWARE TO BE PRIMED AND PAINTED OR POWDER COATED BLACK STEEL CHAIN LINK FENCE ELEVATION 1" = 20'-0" 19'X19' (M DUMPSTE U TALL" DUMPSTE REFER T( EXISTING LIGHT PC EXISTING HYDRAW BLACK VINYL CLAD CHAIN LINK FENCING PANEL WITH BLACK PRIVACY SLATS ROUND STEEL PIPE POSTS, REF. SPECS FOR SIZE AND PIPE WALL THICKNESS ol BLACK VINYL CLAD CHAIN LINK FENCING PANEL WITH BLACK PRIVACY SLATS ROUND STEEL PIPE POSTS, REF. SPECS FOR SIZE AND PIPE WALL THICKNESS CHAIN LINK FENCE DETAIL 1" = 20'-0" I STEEL FENCE ELEVATION 1 " = 20'-0" 1" SQ. ORNAMENTAL PICKETS ORNAMENTAL 4X4 STEEL FENCING POST HEAVY DUTY PRIVACY MESH ORNAMENTAL FENCING PANEL c tt 3" X 3" STEEL POSTS SEATED IN CONCRETE PER STRUCTURAL INSTRUCTION, RAILS WELDED TO POSTS SHADOW BOX WOOD FENCE WOOD FENCE ELEVATION 1" = 20'-0" IC ER JTI G STRIZ F 14 WIDE RED USE �5 VICE Ja - D/ JA E W ):A, TE PLAN 20'-0" 5 0 20 40 GRAPHIC SCALE (IN FEET) 1 INCH = 20 FT. WINTERGREEN BOXWOOD SHRUBS (BUXUS MICROPHYLLA) MATURES 4 TO 5 FT. HT. PLANT 4 TO 5 FT. APART. (FULL SPREAD DISTANCE) STELLA DE ORO DAYLILY (PERENNIAL) HEMEROCALLIS 'STELLA DE ORO', PLANT HT. 1211, FLOWER HT. 1819 , SPACED AT 1411 NOTE: ISO FIRE FLOW IS 2,000 GAL. PER MINUTE SITE DATA OFFICE SQ. FT. = 11419SQ. FT.± SHOP FLOOR SQ.FT. = 77781 SQ. FT.± TOTAL BUILDING SQ.FT. = 9,200SQ. FF. ± ACREAGE TOTAL = 1.016 PARCEL CONTROL NUMBER: 04500-00-00-10600 FLOOD ZONE 'X' (OUTSIDE 500 YEAR PLAIN) SETBACKS: FRONT: TBD REAR: TBD SIDES: TBD PROPOSED HEIGHT = EXIST MAX. HEIGHT = TBD ZONING HC USE TBD WATER TBD SEWER TBD PARKING CALCULATIONS OFFICE @ 1:XXX REQ'D = TBD SHOP @ 1:XXX REQ'D = TBD CITY TOTAL REQUIRED = TBD TOTAL PARKING SHOWN = 31 BICYCLE CALCULATIONS OFFICE @ 5% OF 10 = TBD SHOP @ 5% OF 47 = TBD CITY TOTAL REQUIRED = TBD TOTAL BICYCLE SHOWN = 0 BRETFLORY 1913 GARDENGROVE COURT rePLANO, TEXAS 75075 w PH: 972.467.9749 CALIBER COLLISION CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN 01 1720 SEMINOLE TRAIL CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA SUP#: SP20200003 PROJECT#: 20064 DATE:21.10.01 VDOTVirginia Department of Transportation February 2015 ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: AM-E ACCESS MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS 24 VAC 30-73 SECTION 120 Submitted by: Bret Flory Date: 8/13/2021 Email Address: bflory@crossarchitects.com Phone: (972) 398-6644 Address: 879 Junction Drive, Allen, TX 75013 Project Name: Caliber Collision - SeminoleTrail Rte# US29 Locality: Albemarle County Description of Project: Caliber Collision is proposing to occupy the vacant 10,500 s.f. building at 1720 Seminole Trail, which was previously a Goodwill store. The parcel has two right -in / right -out driveways on the US 29 southbound exit lanes to Rio Road. This AME request refers to the north driveway, which is 270 feet north of the existing CVS driveway. VDOT District: Culpeper Area Land Use Engineer: Adam Moore, P.E. NOTES: (1). Submit this form and any attachments to one of the District's Area Land Use Engineers. (2). See Section 120 of the Regulations for details on the requirements, exceptions, and exception request review process. (3). Attach additional information as necessary to justify the exception request(s). (4). If a traffic engineering study is required, the decision on the request will be based on VDOT engineering judgment. (5). Use the LD-440 Design Exception or the LD-448 Design Waiver forms for design and engineering standards, e.g. radius, grade, sight distance. See IIM-LD-227 on VDOT web site for additional instructions. Select the Exception(s) Being Requested ❑ Exception to the shared commercial entrance requirement. (Access M. Regulations Section 120 c.2) Reason for exception: ❑ A. An agreement to share the entrance could not be reached with adjoining property owner. ❑ Attached: Written evidence that adjoining property owner will not share the entrance. ❑ B. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other. ❑ Specify constraint: ❑ Attached: Documentation of constraint such as aerial photo or topographic map. ❑ Exception to the vehicular connection to adjoining undeveloped property requirement. (Section 120 CA) Reason for exception: ❑ A. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other. ❑ Specify constraint: ❑ Attached: Documentation of constraint such as aerial photo or topographic map. ❑ B. Other reason: February 2015 ❑ Exception to the commercial entrance shall not be located within the functional area of an intersection requirement. (See Regulation Section 120 C. 1; Appendix F, Rd Design Manual) ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study documenting that the operation of the intersection and public safety will not be adversely impacted. ❑ ✓ EXCEPTION TO THE SPACING STANDARDS FOR: • Commercial entrances; intersections/median crossovers (Table 2-2); • Commercial entrances/intersections near interchange ramps (Tables 2-3, 2-4); or • Corner clearance (Figure 4-4). Appendix F, Road Design Manual Information on the Exception Request ✓❑ ON A STATE HIGHWAY Functional classification: Principal Arterial: ❑✓ Minor Arterial: ❑ Collector: ❑ Local: Posted speed limit: 45 mph NEAR AN INTERCHANGE RAMP (Submittal of a traffic engineering study required) CORNER CLEARANCE (Submittal of a traffic engineering study required) Type of intersection/entrance: Signalized [=-] Unsignalized 21 Full Access [] Partial Access 2 Required spacing distance 305 ft Proposed spacing distance 270 ft Requested exception: Reduction in required spacing 35 ft REASON FOR EXCEPTION: ✓❑ A. To be located on an older, established business corridor along a highway where existing spacing did not meet the standards prior to 7/1/08 or 10/14/09. (Regulation Section 120 C.3.c) ❑✓ Attached: Dated aerial photo of corridor identifying proposed entrance/intersection location. ❑ B. Not enough property frontage to meet spacing standard, but the applicant does not want a partial access right-in/right-out entrance. (Section 120 C.3.f) ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study documenting that left turn movements at the entrance will not have a negative impact on highway operation or safety. ❑ C. To be located within a new urbanism mixed use type development. (Section 120 C.3.d) ❑ Attached: The design of the development and compliance with intersection sight distance. ❑ D. The proposed entrance meets the signal warrants but does not meet the signalized intersection spacing standard. The applicant requests an exception to the spacing standard. ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study that (i) evaluates the location's suitability for a roundabout and (ii) provides documentation that the proposed signal will not impact safety and traffic flow. (Section 120 C.5) February 2015 ❑ E. The development's 2Id (or additional) entrance does not meet the spacing standards but is necessary for the streets to be accepted into the secondary system. (Section 120 C.3.e) ❑ Attached: Information on the development that identifies the location of entrances. ❑ F. To be located within the limits of a VDOT and locality approved access management corridor plan. ❑ Attached: Aerial photo of corridor identifying proposed entrance/intersection location. (Sect 120 C.3.b) FOR VDOT USE ONL Recommendation on Exception Request: Approve ✓ Deny Date, 8/17/21 Area Land Use Engineer or: Name Adam 1. Moore, P.E. Remarks: The Residency recommends approval based on the following factors and conditions: 1. Condition of approved site plan showing acceptable entrance geometry. 2. The proposed use is expected to generate fewer trips than the previous active use. 3. The right lane of the GSI ramps function as continuous right turn lanes and should remain adequate for this use. 4. The existing north entrance is shared so removal or shifting of it is infeasible. 5. The southern entrance is needed to circulation of tow/vehicle delivery trucks. 6. The local lanes of Route 29 at Route 631 were constructed in part to serve the businesses near the intersection. This parcel is one such site. Verbal concurrence by Carrie Shepheard, PE given 4/26/21. Exception Request Action: Approved❑✓ Denied❑ 11 Date: District Administrator or Designee: MM IeA1 mp him g n21.08.2613:38:d8 -W Name (and position if Designee) Remarks: District Staff: Please email copy to Bradley. SheltonoVDOT.Virginia.gov VDOTVirginia Department of Transportation February 2015 ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: AM-E ACCESS MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS 24 VAC 30-73 SECTION 120 Submitted by: Bret Flory Date: 8/13/21 Email Address: bflory@crossarchitects.com Phone: (972) 398-6644 Address: 879 Junction Drive, Allen, TX 75013 Project Name: Caliber Collision - SeminoleTrail Rte# US29 Locality: Albemarle County Description of Project: Caliber Collision is proposing to occupy the vacant 10,500 s.f. building at 1720 Seminole Trail, which was previously a Goodwill store. The parcel has two right -in / right -out driveways on the US 29 southbound exit lanes to Rio Road. This AME request refers to the south driveway, which is 160 feet north of the existing CVS driveway. VDOT District: Culpeper Area Land Use Engineer: Adam Moore, P.E. NOTES: (1). Submit this form and any attachments to one of the District's Area Land Use Engineers. (2). See Section 120 of the Regulations for details on the requirements, exceptions, and exception request review process. (3). Attach additional information as necessary to justify the exception request(s). (4). If a traffic engineering study is required, the decision on the request will be based on VDOT engineering judgment. (5). Use the LD-440 Design Exception or the LD-448 Design Waiver forms for design and engineering standards, e.g. radius, grade, sight distance. See IIM-LD-227 on VDOT web site for additional instructions. Select the Exception(s) Being Requested ❑ Exception to the shared commercial entrance requirement. (Access M. Regulations Section 120 c.2) Reason for exception: ❑ A. An agreement to share the entrance could not be reached with adjoining property owner. ❑ Attached: Written evidence that adjoining property owner will not share the entrance. ❑ B. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other. ❑ Specify constraint: ❑ Attached: Documentation of constraint such as aerial photo or topographic map. ❑ Exception to the vehicular connection to adjoining undeveloped property requirement. (Section 120 CA) Reason for exception: ❑ A. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other. ❑ Specify constraint: ❑ Attached: Documentation of constraint such as aerial photo or topographic map. ❑ B. Other reason: February 2015 ❑ Exception to the commercial entrance shall not be located within the functional area of an intersection requirement. (See Regulation Section 120 C. 1; Appendix F, Rd Design Manual) ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study documenting that the operation of the intersection and public safety will not be adversely impacted. ❑ ✓ EXCEPTION TO THE SPACING STANDARDS FOR: • Commercial entrances; intersections/median crossovers (Table 2-2); • Commercial entrances/intersections near interchange ramps (Tables 2-3, 2-4); or • Corner clearance (Figure 4-4). Appendix F, Road Design Manual Information on the Exception Request ✓❑ ON A STATE HIGHWAY Functional classification: Principal Arterial: ❑✓ Minor Arterial: ❑ Collector: ❑ Local: Posted speed limit: 45 mph NEAR AN INTERCHANGE RAMP (Submittal of a traffic engineering study required) CORNER CLEARANCE (Submittal of a traffic engineering study required) Type of intersection/entrance: Signalized [=-] Unsignalized 21 Full Access [] Partial Access 2 Required spacing distance 305 ft Proposed spacing distance 160 ft Requested exception: Reduction in required spacing 145 ft REASON FOR EXCEPTION: ✓❑ A. To be located on an older, established business corridor along a highway where existing spacing did not meet the standards prior to 7/1/08 or 10/14/09. (Regulation Section 120 C.3.c) ❑✓ Attached: Dated aerial photo of corridor identifying proposed entrance/intersection location. ❑ B. Not enough property frontage to meet spacing standard, but the applicant does not want a partial access right-in/right-out entrance. (Section 120 C.3.f) ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study documenting that left turn movements at the entrance will not have a negative impact on highway operation or safety. ❑ C. To be located within a new urbanism mixed use type development. (Section 120 C.3.d) ❑ Attached: The design of the development and compliance with intersection sight distance. ❑ D. The proposed entrance meets the signal warrants but does not meet the signalized intersection spacing standard. The applicant requests an exception to the spacing standard. ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study that (i) evaluates the location's suitability for a roundabout and (ii) provides documentation that the proposed signal will not impact safety and traffic flow. (Section 120 C.5) February 2015 ❑ E. The development's 2"d (or additional) entrance does not meet the spacing standards but is necessary for the streets to be accepted into the secondary system. (section 120 c.3.e) ❑ Attached: Information on the development that identifies the location of entrances. ❑ F. To be located within the limits of a VDOT and locality approved access management corridor plan. ❑ Attached: Aerial photo of corridor identifying proposed entrance/intersection location. (Sect 120 C.3.1b) FOR VDOT USE ONL Recommendation on Exception Request: Approve ✓ Deny Date: 8/17/21 Area Land Use Engineer or: Name Adam J. Moore, P.E. Remarks: The Residency recommends approval based on the following factors and conditions: 1. Condition of approved site plan showing acceptable entrance geometry. 2. The proposed use is expected to generate fewer trips than the previous active use. 3. The right lane of the GSI ramps function as continuous right turn lanes and should remain adequate for this use. 4. The existing north entrance is shared so removal or shifting of it is infeasible. 5. The southern entrance is needed to circulation of tow/vehicle delivery trucks. 6. The local lanes of Route 29 at Route 631 were constructed in part to serve the businesses near the intersection. This parcel is one such site. Verbal concurrence by Carrie Shepheard, PE given 4/26/21. Exception Request Action: Approved❑✓ Denied❑ Date: District Administrator or Designee: Michelle A Shropshire 2021.0826 13=4531-04'00' Name (and position if Designee) Remarks: District Staff: Please email copy to Bradley.Shelton(cDVDOT.Virginia.gov vv0 F e fires• p50 006 PioP �00�19 eee�Op50°7� PNG1 P0' OB Bore II II / �— SS II , W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W7w- W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W gasm W W W W W W W W W W W W W W A°y I \\ 11 -GM \\ I W ap r- \ I 4 W IW I W W W W01 W W W I W W W I I W W W W W W W IC J W W W v I I W W W v 6 W W W \'`�G 0 I Q'Sm W W O s ef"1G5° II I LU W W3: .. 10 119 I ,Q W W TG II/ W W E Z > > 0 CO III h N Jest 00 p0 Epp o W W W W o ,.. a W �oPOg5�206ePP,G SF' W � . 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THE ENGINEER AND THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE EXACT. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES AT LEAST 72 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES. Ti JI'�I 44,074 SF 4,407 SF (10% OF SITE AREA) 9,338 SF (21.1 % OF SITE AREA) PLANT SCHEDULE SHRUBS 0 0 0' 10, 29 49 Scale 1" = 20' CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY BA2 Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea Nana' / Dwarf Redleaf Japanses Barberry 3 gal 20 GM Buxus x 'Green Mountain' / Boxwood GROUND COVERS CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY W W W I FK Festuca arundinacea 'Kentucky 31 / Kentucky Tall Fescue sod 8,985 sf GENERAL GRADING AND PLANTING NOTES 1. BY SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL FOR THE LANDSCAPE PLANTING SCOPE OF WORK, THE CONTRACTOR CONFIRMS THAT HE HAS READ, AND WILL COMPLY WITH, THE ASSOCIATED NOTES, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS WITH THIS PROJECT. 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING ALL EXISTING VEGETATION (EXCEPT WHERE NOTED TO REMAIN). 3. IN THE CONTEXT OF THESE PLANS, NOTES, AND SPECIFICATIONS, "FINISH GRADE" REFERS TO THE FINAL ELEVATION OF THE SOIL SURFACE (NOT TOP OF MULCH) AS INDICATED ON THE GRADING PLANS. a. BEFORE STARTING WORK, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT THE ROUGH GRADES OF ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS ARE WITHIN +/-0.1' OF FINISH GRADE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE DETAILED INSTRUCTION ON TURF AREA AND PLANTING BED PREPARATION. b. CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN FINISH GRADES AS SHOWN ON GRADING PLANS, AND CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN SLOPES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL HAVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM STRUCTURES AT THE MINIMUM SLOPE SPECIFIED IN THE REPORT AND ON THE GRADING PLANS, AND AREAS OF POTENTIAL PONDING SHALL BE REGRADED TO BLEND IN WITH THE SURROUNDING GRADES AND ELIMINATE PONDING POTENTIAL. C. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE EXPORT OF ANY SOIL WILL BE NEEDED, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE ROUGH GRADE PROVIDED, THE AMOUNT OF SOIL AMENDMENTS TO BE ADDED (BASED ON A SOIL TEST, PER SPECIFICATIONS), AND THE FINISH GRADES TO BE ESTABLISHED. d. ENSURE THAT THE FINISH GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO WALKS AND OTHER WALKING SURFACES, AFTER INSTALLING SOIL AMENDMENTS, IS 3" BELOW THE ADJACENT FINISH SURFACE, IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR PROPER MULCH DEPTH. TAPER THE SOIL SURFACE TO MEET FINISH GRADE, AS SPECIFIED ON THE GRADING PLANS, AT APPROXIMATELY 18" AWAY FROM THE WALKS. e. ENSURE THAT THE FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO WALKS AND OTHER WALKING SURFACES, AFTER INSTALLING SOIL AMENDMENTS, IS 1" BELOW THE FINISH SURFACE OF THE WALKS. TAPER THE SOIL SURFACE TO MEET FINISH GRADE, AS SPECIFIED ON THE GRADING PLANS, AT APPROXIMATELY 18" AWAY FROM THE WALKS. I. SHOULD ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES ARISE BETWEEN THE GRADING PLANS, GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, THESE NOTES AND PLANS, AND ACTUAL CONDITIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY BRING SUCH ITEMS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, AND OWNER. 4. ALL PLANT LOCATIONS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. ACTUAL LOCATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER PRIOR TO PLANTING. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY ARE MET (I.E., MINIMUM PLANT QUANTITIES, PLANTING METHODS, TREE PROTECTION METHODS, ETC.). a. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING PLANT QUANTITIES; PLANT QUANTITIES SHOWN ON LEGENDS AND CALLOUTS ARE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY. IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE PLAN AND THE PLANT LEGEND, THE PLANT QUANTITY AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN (FOR INDIVIDUAL SYMBOLS) OR CALLOUT(FOR GROUNDCOVER PATTERNS) SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE. b. NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN WRITING (VIA PROPER CHANNELS). C. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, AT A MINIMUM, PROVIDE REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOS OF ALL PLANTS PROPOSED FOR THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALLOW THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND THE OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE TO INSPECT, AND APPROVE OR REJECT, ALL PLANTS DELIVERED TO THE JOBSITE. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMITTALS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE LANDSCAPE IN A HEALTHY CONDITION FOR 90 DAYS AFTER ACCEPTANCE BY THE OWNER. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE FOR THE START OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, AND FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE AT THE END OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 6. THE PLANTING OF TREES SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH EITHER THE STANDARDIZED LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS JOINTLY ADOPTED BY THE VIRGINIA NURSERYMEN'S ASSOCIATION, THE VIRGINIA SOCIETY OF LANDSCAPE DESIGNERS AND THE VIRGINIA CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, OR THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. 7. SEE SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS. 21010 C .. . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ROOT BARRIERS NEAR ALL NEWLY -PLANTED TREES THAT ARE LOCATED WITHIN FIVE (5) FEET OF PAVING OR CURBS. ROOT BARRIERS SHALL BE "CENTURY" OR "DEEP -ROOT" 24" DEEP PANELS (OR EQUAL). BARRIERS SHALL BE LOCATED IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO HARDSCAPE. INSTALL PANELS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE CONTRACTOR USE ROOT BARRIERS OF A TYPE THAT COMPLETELY ENCIRCLE THE ROOTBALL. MULCHES AFTER ALL PLANTING IS COMPLETE, CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL 3" THICK LAYER OF 1-1/2" SHREDDED WOOD MULCH, NATURAL (UNDYED), OVER LANDSCAPE FABRIC IN ALL PLANTING AREAS (EXCEPT FOR TURF AND SEEDED AREAS). CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SAMPLES OF ALL MULCHES TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND OWNER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ABSOLUTELY NO EXPOSED GROUND SHALL BE LEFT SHOWING ANYWHERE ON THE PROJECT AFTER MULCH HAS BEEN INSTALLED (SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE "GENERAL GRADING AND PLANTING NOTES" AND SPECIFICATIONS). V z I— z J n W n a U U) 0 z J A EVERGREEN DESIGN GROUP (800)680-6630 1650 Market St., Ste 3600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 w .EvergeenDesignGroupxom T H OF "q D, rilvvir 7 S GIBSON n Uc. No 0406001797 NS�O��o AFIGN\ DATE: 9/17121 FFLORY O LU O Ln r-, CD t- Z Ln N LU 1 ` V : LUOCYF- ~U- L oC) U Qm°�aa � Q rn Z ZO> O < LU >J J0 — O Z LU LU Ir m Z J Q j U _ m U DATE: 09/15/2021 PROJECT NUMBER: 20064 REVISIONS NO DATE DRAWINGS ISSUED FOR: PERMIT SHEET NUMBER LP-1 COPYRIGHT 0 2021 TH OF -q D/ PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL B. SUBMITTALS 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SUBMITTALS AND SAMPLES, IF REQUIRED, TO THE LANDSCAPE A. QUALIFICATIONS OF LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT, AND RECEIVE APPROVAL IN WRITING FOR SUCH SUBMITTALS BEFORE WORK COMMENCES. 1. ALL LANDSCAPE WORK SHOWN ON THESE PLANS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A SINGLE FIRM 2. SUBMITTALS SHALL INCLUDE PHOTOS OF PLANTS WITH A RULER OR MEASURING STICK FOR SCALE, SPECIALIZING IN LANDSCAPE PLANTING. PHOTOS OR SAMPLES OF ANY REQUIRED MULCHES, AND SOIL TEST RESULTS AND PREPARATION 2. A LIST OF SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED PROJECTS OF THIS TYPE, SIZE AND NATURE MAY BE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE TESTING LAB (INCLUDING COMPOST AND FERTILIZER RATES AND REQUESTED BY THE OWNER FOR FURTHER QUALIFICATION MEASURES. TYPES, AND OTHER AMENDMENTS FOR TREE/SHRUB, TURF, AND SEED AREAS AS MAY BE 3. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL HOLD A VALID CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE ISSUED BY THE APPROPRIATE). APPROPRIATE LOCAL JURISDICTION. 3. SUBMITTALS SHALL ALSO INCLUDE MANUFACTURER CUT SHEETS FOR PLANTING ACCESSORIES SUCH B. SCOPE OF WORK AS TREE STAKES AND TIES, EDGING, AND LANDSCAPE FABRICS (IF ANY). 1. WORK COVERED BY THESE SECTIONS INCLUDES THE FURNISHING AND PAYMENT OF ALL MATERIALS, 4. WHERE MULTIPLE ITEMS ARE SHOWN ON A PAGE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEARLY INDICATE THE LABOR, SERVICES, EQUIPMENT, LICENSES, TAXES AND ANY OTHER ITEMS THAT ARE NECESSARY FOR ITEM BEING CONSIDERED. THE EXECUTION, INSTALLATION AND COMPLETION OF ALL WORK, SPECIFIED HEREIN AND / OR SHOWN C. GENERAL PLANTING ON THE LANDSCAPE PLANS, NOTES, AND DETAILS. 1. REMOVE ALL NURSERY TAGS AND STAKES FROM PLANTS. 2. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, CODES AND 2. EXCEPT IN AREAS TO BE PLANTED WITH ORNAMENTAL GRASSES, APPLY PRE -EMERGENT HERBICIDES REGULATIONS REQUIRED BY AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION OVER SUCH WORK, INCLUDING ALL AT THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED RATE. INSPECTIONS AND PERMITS REQUIRED BY FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN SUPPLY, 3. TRENCHING NEAR EXISTING TREES: TRANSPORTATION AND INSTALLATION OF MATERIALS. a. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB ROOTS 1-1/2" AND LARGER IN DIAMETER WITHIN THE CRITICAL 3. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES ROOT ZONE (CRZ) OF EXISTING TREES, AND SHALL EXERCISE ALL POSSIBLE CARE AND (WATER, SEWER, ELECTRICAL, TELEPHONE, GAS, CABLE, TELEVISION, ETC.) PRIOR TO THE START OF PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID INJURY TO TREE ROOTS, TRUNKS, AND BRANCHES. THE CRZ IS ANY WORK. DEFINED AS A CIRCULAR AREA EXTENDING OUTWARD FROM THE TREE TRUNK, WITH A RADIUS EQUAL TO V FOR EVERY 1" OF TRUNK DIAMETER -AT -BREAST -HEIGHT (4.5' ABOVE THE AVERAGE GRADE AT THE TRUNK). PRODUCTS b. ALL EXCAVATION WITHIN THE CRZ SHALL BE PERFORMED USING HAND TOOLS. NO MACHINE EXCAVATION OR TRENCHING OF ANY KIND SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE CRZ. A. ALL MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS SHALL BE NEW. C. ALTER ALIGNMENT OF PIPE TO AVOID TREE ROOTS 1-1/2" AND LARGER IN DIAMETER. WHERE B. CONTAINER AND BALLED-AND-BURLAPPED PLANTS: TREE ROOTS 1-1/2" AND LARGER IN DIAMETER ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE FIELD, TUNNEL UNDER 1. FURNISH NURSERY -GROWN PLANTS COMPLYING WITH ANSI Z60.1-2014. PROVIDE WELL -SHAPED, FULLY SUCH ROOTS. WRAP EXPOSED ROOTS WITH SEVERAL LAYERS OF BURLAP AND KEEP MOIST. BRANCHED, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS STOCK FREE OF DISEASE, INSECTS, EGGS, LARVAE, AND DEFECTS CLOSE ALL TRENCHES WITHIN THE CANOPY DRIP LINES WITHIN 24 HOURS. SUCH AS KNOTS, SUN SCALD, INJURIES, ABRASIONS, AND DISFIGUREMENT. ALL PLANTS WITHIN A d. ALL SEVERED ROOTS SHALL BE HAND PRUNED WITH SHARP TOOLS AND ALLOWED TO AIR-DRY. SPECIES SHALL HAVE SIMILAR SIZE, AND SHALL BE OF A FORM TYPICAL FOR THE SPECIES. ALL TREES DO NOT USE ANY SORT OF SEALERS OR WOUND PAINTS. SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM SOURCES WITHIN 200 MILES OF THE PROJECT SITE, AND WITH SIMILAR C. TREE PLANTING CLIMACTIC CONDITIONS. 1. TREE PLANTING HOLES SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO MINIMUM WIDTH OF TWO TIMES THE WIDTH OF THE 2. ROOT SYSTEMS SHALL BE HEALTHY, DENSELY BRANCHED ROOT SYSTEMS, NON -POT-BOUND, FREE ROOTBALL, AND TO A DEPTH EQUAL TO THE DEPTH OF THE ROOTBALL LESS TWO TO FOUR INCHES. FROM ENCIRCLING AND/OR GIRDLING ROOTS, AND FREE FROM ANY OTHER ROOT DEFECTS (SUCH AS 2. SCARIFY THE SIDES AND BOTTOM OF THE PLANTING HOLE PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE TREE. J-SHAPED ROOTS). REMOVE ANY GLAZING THAT MAY HAVE BEEN CAUSED DURING THE EXCAVATION OF THE HOLE. 3. TREES MAY BE PLANTED FROM CONTAINERS OR BALLED-AND-BURLAPPED (B&B). UNLESS SPECIFIED 3 FOR CONTAINER AND BOX TREES, TO REMOVE ANY POTENTIALLY GIRDLING ROOTS AND OTHER ROOT ON THE PLANTING LEGEND. BARE -ROOT TREES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. DEFECTS,THECONTRACTOR HALL HAVE A 1" LAYER OFF F THE SIDES AND BOTTOM F THE S S O O S SO 4. ANY PLANT DEEMED UNACCEPTABLE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER SHALL BE ROOTBALL OF ALL TREES JUST BEFORE PLACING INTO THE PLANTING PIT. DO NOT "TEASE" ROOTS IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND SHALL BE REPLACED WITH AN ACCEPTABLE PLANT OF OUT FROM THE ROOTBALL. LIKE TYPE AND SIZE AT THE CONTRACTOR'S OWN EXPENSE. ANY PLANTS APPEARING TO BE 4. INSTALL THE TREE ON UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE SO THAT THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL IS TWO TO UNHEALTHY, EVEN IF DETERMINED TO STILL BE ALIVE, SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED. THE LANDSCAPE FOUR INCHES ABOVE THE SURROUNDING GRADE. ARCHITECT AND OWNER SHALL BE THE SOLE JUDGES AS TO THE ACCEPTABILITY OF PLANT MATERIAL. 5. BACKFILL THE TREE HOLE UTILIZING THE EXISTING TOPSOIL FROM ON -SITE. ROCKS LARGER THAN 1" 5. ALL TREES SHALL BE STANDARD IN FORM, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. TREES WITH CENTRAL DIA. AND ALL OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SOIL PRIOR TO THE BACKFILL. SHOULD LEADERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF LEADER IS DAMAGED OR REMOVED. PRUNE ALL DAMAGED TWIGS ADDITIONAL SOIL BE REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH THIS TASK, USE STORED TOPSOIL FROM ON -SITE OR AFTER PLANTING. IMPORT ADDITIONAL TOPSOIL FROM OFF -SITE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. IMPORTED 6. CALIPER MEASUREMENTS FOR STANDARD (SINGLE TRUNK) TREES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: SIX INCHES TOPSOIL SHALL BE OF SIMILAR TEXTURAL CLASS AND COMPOSITION IN THE ON -SITE SOIL. ABOVE THE ROOT FLARE FOR TREES UP TO AND INCLUDING FOUR INCHES IN CALIPER, AND TWELVE 6. TREES SHALL NOT BE STAKED UNLESS LOCAL CONDITIONS (SUCH AS HEAVY WINDS OR SLOPES) INCHES ABOVE THE ROOT FLARE FOR TREES EXCEEDING FOUR INCHES IN CALIPER. REQUIRE STAKES TO KEEP TREES UPRIGHT. SHOULD STAKING BE REQUIRED, THE TOTAL NUMBER OF 7. MULTI -TRUNK TREES SHALL BE MEASURED BY THEIR OVERALL HEIGHT, MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF TREE STAKES (BEYOND THE MINIMUMS LISTED BELOW) WILL BE LEFT TO THE LANDSCAPE THE ROOT BALL. WHERE CALIPER MEASUREMENTS ARE USED, THE CALIPER SHALL BE CALCULATED CONTRACTOR'S DISCRETION. SHOULD ANY TREES FALL OR LEAN, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR AS ONE-HALF OF THE SUM OF THE CALIPER OF THE THREE LARGEST TRUNKS. SHALL STRAIGHTEN THE TREE, OR REPLACE IT SHOULD IT BECOME DAMAGED. TREE STAKING SHALL 8. ANY TREE OR SHRUB SHOWN TO HAVE EXCESS SOIL PLACED ON TOP OF THE ROOT BALL, SO THAT ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: THE ROOT FLARE HAS BEEN COMPLETELY COVERED, SHALL BE REJECTED. a. 1"-2" TREES TWO STAKES PER TREE C. SOD: PROVIDE WELL -ROOTED SOD OF THE VARIETY NOTED ON THE PLANS. SOD SHALL BE CUT FROM b. 2-1/2"4" TREES THREE STAKES PER TREE HEALTHY, MATURE TURF WITH SOIL THICKNESS OF 3/4" TO 1". EACH PALLET OF SOD SHALL BE C. TREES OVER 4" CALIPER GUY AS NEEDED ACCOMPANIED BY A CERTIFICATE FROM SUPPLIER STATING THE COMPOSITION OF THE SOD. d. MULTI -TRUNK TREES THREE STAKES PER TREE MINIMUM, QUANTITY AND POSITIONS AS D. SEED: PROVIDE BLEND OF SPECIES AND VARIETIES AS NOTED ON THE PLANS, WITH MAXIMUM NEEDED TO STABILIZE THE TREE PERCENTAGES OF PURITY, GERMINATION, AND MINIMUM PERCENTAGE OF WEED SEED AS INDICATED ON 7. UPON COMPLETION OF PLANTING, CONSTRUCT AN EARTH WATERING BASIN AROUND THE TREE. PLANS. EACH BAG OF SEED SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A TAG FROM THE SUPPLIER INDICATING THE COVER THE INTERIOR OF THE TREE RING WITH THE WEED BARRIER CLOTH AND TOPDRESS WITH COMPOSITION OF THE SEED. MULCH (TYPE AND DEPTH PER PLANS). E. TOPSOIL: SANDY TO CLAY LOAM TOPSOIL, FREE OF STONES LARGER THAN A INCH, FOREIGN MATTER, D. SHRUB, PERENNIAL, AND GROUNDCOVER PLANTING PLANTS ROOTS AND SEEDS. 1. DIG THE PLANTING HOLES TE AS WIDE AND 2" LESS DEEP THAN EACH PLANTS ROOTBALL. INSTALL F. COMPOST: WELL -COMPOSTED, STABLE, AND WEED -FREE ORGANIC MATTER, PH RANGE OF 5.5 TO 8; THE PLANT IN THE HOLE. BACKFILL AROUND THE PLANT WITH SOIL AMENDED PER SOIL TEST MOISTURE CONTENT 35 TO 55 PERCENT BY WEIGHT; 100 PERCENT PASSING THROUGH 3/4-INCH SIEVE; RECOMMENDATIONS. SOLUBLE SALT CONTENT OF 5 TO 10 DECISIEMENS/M; NOT EXCEEDING 0.5 PERCENT INERT CONTAMINANTS 2. INSTALL THE WEED BARRIER CLOTH, OVERLAPPING IT AT THE ENDS. UTILIZE STEEL STAPLES TO KEEP AND FREE OF SUBSTANCES TOXIC TO PLANTINGS. NO MANURE OR ANIMAL -BASED PRODUCTS SHALL BE THE WEED BARRIER CLOTH IN PLACE. USED. 3. WHEN PLANTING IS COMPLETE, INSTALL MULCH (TYPE AND DEPTH PER PLANS) OVER ALL PLANTING G. FERTILIZER: GRANULAR FERTILIZER CONSISTING OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, AND OTHER BEDS, COVERING THE ENTIRE PLANTING AREA. NUTRIENTS IN PROPORTIONS, AMOUNTS, AND RELEASE RATES RECOMMENDED IN A SOIL REPORT FROM A E. SODDING QUALIFIED SOIL -TESTING AGENCY (SEE BELOW). 1. SOD VARIETY TO BE AS SPECIFIED ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. H. MULCH: SIZE AND TYPE AS INDICATED ON PLANS, FREE FROM DELETERIOUS MATERIALS AND SUITABLE AS A 2. LAY SOD WITHIN 24 HOURS FROM THE TIME OF STRIPPING. DO NOT LAY IF THE GROUND IS FROZEN. TOP DRESSING OF TREES AND SHRUBS. 3. LAY THE SOD TO FORMA SOLID MASS WITH TIGHTLY FITTED JOINTS. BUTT ENDS AND SIDES OF SOD I. TREE STAKING AND GUYING STRIPS - DO NOT OVERLAP. STAGGER STRIPS TO OFFSET JOINTS IN ADJACENT COURSES. 1. STAKES: 6' LONG GREEN METAL T-POSTS. 4. ROLL THE SOD TO ENSURE GOOD CONTACT OF THE SOD'S ROOT SYSTEM WITH THE SOIL 2. GUY AND TIE WIRE: ASTM A 641, CLASS 1, GALVANIZED -STEEL WIRE, 2-STRAND, TWISTED, 0.106 INCH UNDERNEATH. DIAMETER. 5. WATER THE SOD THOROUGHLY WITH A FINE SPRAY IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING TO OBTAIN AT 3. STRAP CHAFING GUARD: REINFORCED NYLON OR CANVAS AT LEAST 1-1/2 INCH WIDE, WITH LEAST SIX INCHES OF PENETRATION INTO THE SOIL BELOW THE SOD. GROMMETS TO PROTECT TREE TRUNKS FROM DAMAGE. F. HYDROMULCHING L. STEEL EDGING: PROFESSIONAL STEEL EDGING, 14 GAUGE THICK X 4 INCHES WIDE, FACTORY PAINTED DARK 1. TURF HYDROMULCH MIX (PER 1,000 SF) SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: GREEN. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS INCLUDE COL -MET OR APPROVED EQUAL. a. WINTER MIX (OCTOBER 1 - MARCH 31) M. PRE -EMERGENT HERBICIDES: ANY GRANULAR, NON -STAINING PRE -EMERGENT HERBICIDE THAT IS LABELED 50# CELLULOSE FIBER MULCH FOR THE SPECIFIC ORNAMENTALS OR TURF ON WHICH IT WILL BE UTILIZED. PRE -EMERGENT HERBICIDES 2# UNHULLED FESCUE SEED SHALL BE APPLIED PER THE MANUFACTURER'S LABELED RATES. 2# ANNUAL RYE SEED 15# 15-15-15 WATER SOLUBLE FERTILIZER b. SUMMER MIX (APRIL 1 - SEPTEMBER 30) METHODS 50# CELLULOSE FIBER MULCH 2# HULLED FESCUE SEED A. SOIL PREPARATION 15# 15-15-15 WATER SOLUBLE FERTILIZER 1. BEFORE STARTING WORK, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT THE GRADE OF ALL 2. SEED HYDROMULCH MIX (PER 1,000 SF) SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: LANDSCAPE AREAS ARE WITHIN +/-0.1' OF FINISH GRADE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE a. GENERAL OWNER IMMEDIATELY SHOULD ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST. 50# CELLULOSE FIBER MULCH 2. SOIL TESTING: 15# 15-15-15 WATER SOLUBLE FERTILIZER a. AFTER FINISH GRADES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED, CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE SOIL SAMPLES SEED RATE PER LEGEND FROM THE PROJECT'S LANDSCAPE AREAS TESTED BY AN ESTABLISHED SOIL TESTING G. MULCH LABORATORY. EACH SAMPLE SUBMITTED TO THE LAB SHALL CONTAIN NO LESS THAN ONE 1. INSTALL MULCH TOPDRESSING, TYPE AND DEPTH PER MULCH NOTE, IN ALL PLANTING AREAS AND QUART OF SOIL, TAKEN FROM BETWEEN THE SOIL SURFACE AND 6" DEPTH. IF NO SAMPLE TREE RINGS. LOCATIONS ARE INDICATED ON THE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE A MINIMUM OF THREE 2. DO NOT INSTALL MULCH WITHIN 6" OF TREE ROOT FLARE AND WITHIN 24" OF HABITABLE STRUCTURES, SAMPLES FROM VARIOUS REPRESENTATIVE LOCATIONS FOR TESTING. EXCEPT AS MAYBE NOTED ON THESE PLANS. MULCH COVER WITHIN 6" OF CONCRETE WALKS AND b. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE SOIL TESTING LABORATORY PROVIDE RESULTS FOR THE CURBS SHALL NOT PROTRUDE ABOVE THE FINISH SURFACE OF THE WALKS AND CURBS. MULCH FOLLOWING: SOIL TEXTURAL CLASS, GENERAL SOIL FERTILITY, PH, ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT, COVER WITHIN 12" OF WALLS SHALL BE AT LEAST 3" LOWER THAN THE TOP OF WALL. SALT (CEC), LIME, SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO (SAR) AND BORON CONTENT. I. CLEAN UP C. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO SUBMIT THE PROJECTS PLANT LIST TO THE LABORATORY ALONG 1. DURING LANDSCAPE PREPARATION AND PLANTING, KEEP ALL PAVEMENT CLEAN AND ALL WORK AREAS WITH THE SOIL SAMPLES. IN A NEAT, ORDERLY CONDITION. d. THE SOIL REPORT PRODUCED BY THE LABORATORY SHALL CONTAIN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2. LEGALLY DISPOSE ALL EXCAVATED MATERIALS OFF THE PROJECT SITE. THE FOLLOWING (AS APPROPRIATE): SEPARATE SOIL PREPARATION AND BACKFILL MIX J. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GENERAL ORNAMENTAL PLANTS, XERIC PLANTS, TURF, AND NATIVE 1. UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE SITE CLEAN, SEED, AS WELL AS PRE -PLANT FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ANY FREE OF DEBRIS AND TRASH, AND SUITABLE FOR USE AS INTENDED. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR OTHER SOIL RELATED ISSUES. THE REPORT SHALL ALSO PROVIDE A FERTILIZER PROGRAM FOR SHALL THEN REQUEST AN INSPECTION BY THE OWNER TO DETERMINE FINAL ACCEPTABILITY. THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD AND FOR LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE. 2. WHEN THE INSPECTED PLANTING WORK DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THE 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SOIL AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZERS PER THE SOILS REPORT LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE AND/OR REPAIR THE REJECTED WORK TO THE OWNER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. ANY CHANGE IN COST DUE TO THE SOIL REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS, EITHER SATISFACTION WITHIN 24 HOURS. INCREASE OR DECREASE, SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER WITH THE REPORT. 3. THE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PERIOD WILL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE LANDSCAPE WORK HAS 4. FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY, THE SOIL PREPARATION SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: BEEN RE -INSPECTED BY THE OWNER AND FOUND TO BE ACCEPTABLE. AT THAT TIME, A WRITTEN a. TURF: INCORPORATE THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS INTO THE TOP 8" OF SOIL BY MEANS OF NOTICE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE WILL BE ISSUED BY THE OWNER, AND THE MAINTENANCE AND ROTOTILLING AFTER CROSS -RIPPING: GUARANTEE PERIODS WILL COMMENCE. i. NITROGEN STABILIZED ORGANIC AMENDMENT- 4 CU. YDS. PER 1,000 S.F. K. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ii. PREPLANT TURF FERTILIZER (10-20-10 OR SIMILAR, SLOW RELEASE, ORGANIC) - 15 LBS PER 1,000 1. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ALL WORK SHOWN S.F. ON THESE PLANS FOR 90 DAYS BEYOND FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPE WORK BY THE iii. "CLAY BUSTER" OR EQUAL - USE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED RATE OWNER. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SHALL INCLUDE WEEKLY SITE VISITS FOR THE FOLLOWING b. TREES, SHRUBS, AND PERENNIALS: INCORPORATE THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS INTO THE TOP ACTIONS (AS APPROPRIATE): PROPER PRUNING, RESTAKING OF TREES, RESETTING OF PLANTS THAT 8" OF SOIL BY MEANS OF ROTOTILLING AFTER CROSS -RIPPING: HAVE SETTLED, MOWING AND AERATION OF LAWNS, WEEDING, RESEEDING AREAS WHICH HAVE NOT i. NITROGEN STABILIZED ORGANIC AMENDMENT - 4 CU. YDS. PER 1,000 S.F. GERMINATED WELL, TREATING FOR INSECTS AND DISEASES,REPLACEMENT OF MULCH, REMOVAL OF ii. 12-12-12 FERTILIZER (OR SIMILAR, ORGANIC, SLOW RELEASE) - 10 LBS. PER CU. YD. LITTER, REPAIRS TO THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM DUE TO FAULTY PARTS AND/OR WORKMANSHIP, AND iii. "CLAY BUSTER" OR EQUAL - USE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED RATE THE APPROPRIATE WATERING OF ALL PLANTINGS. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN V. IRON SULPHATE - 2 LBS. PER CU. YD. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM IN PROPER WORKING ORDER, WITH SCHEDULING ADJUSTMENTS BY SEASON 5. IN THE CONTEXT OF THESE PLANS, NOTES, AND SPECIFICATIONS, "FINISH GRADE" REFERS TO THE TO MAXIMIZE WATER CONSERVATION. FINAL ELEVATION OF THE SOIL SURFACE (NOT TOP OF MULCH) AS INDICATED ON THE GRADING PLANS. 2. SHOULD SEEDED AND/OR SODDED AREAS NOT BE COVERED BY AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM, a. BEFORE STARTING WORK, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT THE ROUGH THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WATERING THESE AREAS AND OBTAINING GRADES OF ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS ARE WITHIN +/-0.1' OF FINISH GRADE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS A FULL, HEALTHY STAND OF PLANTS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. FOR MORE DETAILED INSTRUCTION ON TURF AREA AND PLANTING BED PREPARATION. 3. TO ACHIEVE FINAL ACCEPTANCE AT THE END OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, ALL OF THE FOLLOWING b. CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN FINISH GRADES AS SHOWN ON GRADING PLANS, AND CONSTRUCT CONDITIONS MUST OCCUR: AND MAINTAIN SLOPES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. ALL LANDSCAPE a. THE LANDSCAPE SHALL SHOW ACTIVE, HEALTHY GROWTH (WITH EXCEPTIONS MADE FOR AREAS SHALL HAVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM STRUCTURES AT THE MINIMUM SLOPE SEASONAL DORMANCY). ALL PLANTS NOT MEETING THIS CONDITION SHALL BE REJECTED AND SPECIFIED IN THE REPORT AND ON THE GRADING PLANS, AND AREAS OF POTENTIAL PONDING REPLACED BY HEALTHY PLANT MATERIAL PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE. SHALL BE REGRADED TO BLEND IN WITH THE SURROUNDING GRADES AND ELIMINATE PONDING b. ALL HARDSCAPE SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE. POTENTIAL. C. SODDED AREAS MUST BE ACTIVELY GROWING AND MUST REACH A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 1 1/2 C. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE EXPORT OF ANY SOIL INCHES BEFORE FIRST MOWING. HYDROMULCHED AREAS SHALL SHOW ACTIVE, HEALTHY WILL BE NEEDED, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE ROUGH GRADE PROVIDED, THE AMOUNT OF SOIL GROWTH. BARE AREAS LARGER THAN TWELVE SQUARE INCHES MUST BE RESODDED OR AMENDMENTS TO BE ADDED (BASED ON A SOIL TEST, PER SPECIFICATIONS), AND THE FINISH RESEEDED (AS APPROPRIATE) PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE. ALL SODDED TURF SHALL BE GRADES TO BE ESTABLISHED. NEATLY MOWED. d. ENSURE THAT THE FINISH GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO WALKS AND L. WARRANTY PERIOD, PLANT GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENTS OTHER WALKING SURFACES, AFTER INSTALLING SOIL AMENDMENTS, IS 3" BELOW THE ADJACENT 1. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE ALL TREES, SHRUBS, PERENNIALS, SOD, FINISH SURFACE, IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR PROPER MULCH DEPTH. TAPER THE SOIL SURFACE SEEDED/HYDROMULCHED AREAS, AND IRRIGATION SYSTEMS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE TO MEET FINISH GRADE, AS SPECIFIED ON THE GRADING PLANS, AT APPROXIMATELY 18" AWAY DATE OF THE OWNER'S FINAL ACCEPTANCE (90 DAYS FOR ANNUAL PLANTS). THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FROM THE WALKS. REPLACE, AT HIS OWN EXPENSE AND TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER, ANY PLANTS WHICH DIE e. ENSURE THAT THE FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO WALKS AND IN THAT TIME, OR REPAIR ANY PORTIONS OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WHICH OPERATE IMPROPERLY. OTHER WALKING SURFACES, AFTER INSTALLING SOIL AMENDMENTS, IS 1" BELOW THE FINISH 2. AFTER THE INITIAL MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND DURING THE GUARANTEE PERIOD, THE LANDSCAPE SURFACE OF THE WALKS. TAPER THE SOIL SURFACE TO MEET FINISH GRADE, AS SPECIFIED ON CONTRACTOR SHALL ONLY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT OF PLANTS WHEN PLANT DEATH THE GRADING PLANS, AT APPROXIMATELY 18" AWAY FROM THE WALKS. CANNOT BE ATTRIBUTED DIRECTLY TO OVERWATERING OR OTHER DAMAGE BY HUMAN ACTIONS. I. SHOULD ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES ARISE BETWEEN THE GRADING PLANS, M. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF (2) COPIES OF RECORD DRAWINGS TO THE OWNER UPON COMPLETION OF WORK. A GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, THESE NOTES AND PLANS, AND ACTUAL CONDITIONS, THE RECORD DRAWING IS A RECORD OF ALL CHANGES THAT OCCURRED IN THE FIELD AND THAT ARE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY BRING SUCH ITEMS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE DOCUMENTED THROUGH CHANGE ORDERS, ADDENDA, OR CONTRACTOR/CONSULTANT DRAWING MARKUPS. ARCHITECT, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, AND OWNER. 6. ONCE SOIL PREPARATION IS COMPLETE, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT THERE ARE NO DEBRIS, TRASH, OR STONES LARGER THAN 1" REMAINING IN THE TOP 6" OF SOIL. OROLLED -TOP STEEL EDGING PER PLANS. OTAPERED STEEL STAKES. O3 MULCH, TYPE AND DEPTH PER PLANS. OFINISH GRADE. NOTES: 1 INSTALL EDGING SO THAT STAKES WILL BE ON INSIDE OF PLANTING BED. 2) BOTTOM OF EDGING SHALL BE BURIED A MINIMUM OF 1" BELOW FINISH GRADE. 3) TOP OF MULCH SHALL BE 1" LOWER THAN TOP OF EDGING. STEEL EDGING SCALE: NOT TO SCALE OPEN LANDSCAPE PARKWAY TO 10 n 2 3 O TYPICAL WALKWAY OR PAVING - N 4 O TREE TRUNK OTYPICAL SYMBOL FOR LINEAR ROOT BARRIER MATERIAL. SEE PLANTING 5 NOTES FOR TYPE AND MANUFACTURER. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S .. h SPECIFICATIONS. . O TREE CANOPY . .. O TYPICAL PLANTING AREA 6 O TYPICAL CURB AND GUTTER ROOT BARRIER - PLAN VIEW SCALE: NOT TO SCALE STAKING EXAMPLES (PLAN VIEW) • 1 e 40 PREVAILING PREVAILING WINDS WINDS ADTREEPLANTING SCALE: NOT TO SCALE OTREE CANOPY. OCINCH -TIES (24" BOX/2" CAL. TREES AND SMALLER) OR 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE WITH NYLON TREE STRAPS AT TREE AND STAKE (36" BOX/2.5" CAL. TREES AND LARGER). SECURE TIES OR STRAPS TO TRUNK JUST ABOVE LOWEST MAJOR BRANCHES. O24"X 3/4" P.V.C. MARKERS OVER WIRES. OGREEN STEEL T-POSTS. EXTEND POSTS 12" MIN. INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. OPRESSURE -TREATED WOOD DEADMAN, TWO PER TREE (MIN.). BURY OUTSIDE OF PLANTING PIT AND 18" MIN. INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. OTRUNK FLARE. OMULCH, TYPE AND DEPTH PER PLANS. DO NOT PLACE MULCH WITHIN 6" OF TRUNK. OFINISH GRADE. OROOT BALL. 10 BACKFILL. AMEND AND FERTILIZE ONLY AS RECOMMENDED IN SOIL FERTILITY ANALYSIS. 11 UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. 12 4' HIGH EARTHEN WATERING BASIN. 13 FINISH GRADE. NOTES: 1. SCARIFY SIDES OF PLANTING PIT PRIOR TO SETTING TREE. 2. REMOVE EXCESS SOIL APPLIED ON TOP OF THE ROOTBALL THAT COVERS THE ROOT FLARE. THE PLANTING HOLE DEPTH SHALL BE SUCH THAT THE ROOTBALL RESTS ON UNDISTURBED SOIL AND THE ROOT FLARE IS 2"4" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. 3. FOR B&B TREES, CUT OFF BOTTOM 113 OF WIRE BASKET BEFORE PLACING TREE IN HOLE, CUT OFF AND REMOVE REMAINDER OF BASKET AFTER TREE IS SET IN HOLE, REMOVE ALL NYLON TIES, TWINE, ROPE, AND OTHER PACKING MATERIAL. REMOVE AS MUCH BURLAP FROM AROUND ROOTBALL AS IS PRACTICAL. 4. REMOVE ALL NURSERY STAKES AFTER PLANTING. 5. FOR TREES 36" BOX/2.5" CAL. AND LARGER, USE THREE STAKES OR DEADMEN (AS APPROPRIATE), SPACED EVENLY AROUND TREE. 6. STAKING SHALL BE TIGHT ENOUGH TO PREVENT TRUNK FROM BENDING, BUT LOOSE ENOUGH TO ALLOW SOME TRUNK MOVEMENT IN WIND. O1 SHRUB PERENNIAL OR ORNAMENTAL GRASS. O2MULCH, TYPE AND DEPTH PER PLANS. PLACE NO MORE THAN 1" OF MULCH WITHIN 6" OF PLANT CENTER. OFINISH GRADE. 4O ROOT BALL. OBACKFILL. AMEND AND FERTILIZE ONLY AS RECOMMENDED IN SOIL FERTILITY ANALYSIS. 0 UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. 7O 3" HIGH EARTHEN WATERING BASIN. OWEED FABRIC UNDER MULCH. SHRUB AND PERENNIAL PLANTING SCALE: NTS A EVERGREEN DESIGN GROUP (800)680-6630 1650 Market St., Ste 3600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 w .EvergeenDesignGroup.com if !V IF 7 S GIBSON n Uc. No 0406001797 14S�O��o I..Oq PE ARGN\ 09/15/2021 OR DATE: LY D 0 W O Ln r� C3.) O z N >- W 1-, C3.) 0 X N W 0 c�� ~ILL 0C) U Qm°�aa Q rn zQ z 0 > _O 1 1 1 C/ J _j J > J_ J 0 > C) W W Um� W ~ mz0 J cr Q J Q U _ mU 09/15/2021 PROJECT NUMBER: 20064 REVISIONS NO DATE DRAWINGS ISSUED FOR: PERMIT SHEET NUMBER LP-2 COPYRIGHT 0 2021 Albemarle (Quay Hydrant HOW Service Authority ": � Test Report IGO aP*WP FWW G1Fd11agpsFll.. �^ 22911 44U) 9"4511 Location Date and Time of Test Minutes of Flow Pipe Size (Inches) Pressure Hydrant Static Pressure (psi) Residual Pressure (psi) CVS PHARMACY 7/8/20218:41:00 AMI 2 7-81 12934 66.1 a Pressure Zone URBANRING Date of Report 7/8/2021 ❑✓Q20Looped ❑Q20Multiple lnlineHydrants ❑Q20SingleFlow ❑ Sprinkler Test Single Flow Flow Hydrant #1 10532 Pitot Pressure #1(psi) 25.3 Yellow 1 © Test Flow 1 Flow Hydrant #2 12�667 Pitot Pressure #2 (psi) F 31.8 Yellow 2 © Test Flow 2 Flow Hydrant #3 12904 Pitot Pressure #3 (psi) 34.7 Yellow 3 El Flow 3 Total Estimated Flow (gpm) 2610 AW WA 0,20 Calculation (gpm) i Nuvalue mQ20lndk dm InwI%mt prel edropfw 020 OR a nlcs anldw fat) F l1�11P Hydrants opened all the way. For mhdofc ck m"p tdo. w0h aced Pdderd diguzr.zee411 Webkiand L. to ands 199f1 AM.Vg ft nrd Oxrat m AWWA. Fv wlbw PoR d 311iam,a het 0t third oNa PDt'.'W I Numiw of the Pa4rd Fbw w. pow p wmgwge's uzd. Estimated Consumption (gal) 15220 For use for water audit 838 9471 Signature of Tester: �� 8 2s67 Ply Gi4Hydrant Service,e.Ownership - FbwHydrallt 'vl -_ / r pbt Yi ;nnim, PnwC OPneS� -- _� _— h ANCS Privsc Owna9iP /--� 110 — t-__ q 8� - Fi Scrcca ACS4 Qnbd AGS4 Ndnr Se..i.• "- ns `. 8 - ALSA r. L.rc _ 4CIA VOW Min nenhip ACSA 1729 2 p7 P ..OJ._-. 4u '� i '� '•� - f 41 fifty, Type ffi\_ `- 6f Wpbr Lnvrs 719 nz ' Test Hydrant 74s ' \ 2904 2934 \ as nr ' ! a'!� 2933 Zy 10531 29 721 FbwHydrant L as s.i i 2448 IVL FbwNydrant 0532 , 414 let 1 1680 J 'Mt Mt nYUYnnm.p.nn.W.Ym.Ym..n: n n.J lur.nyuNn u�:M1.n iY. pn,mn.n :� m.p.nWm.W:. nn V•rm��u!^hYY 1mPu.. Alkemorle(ounty:�:n� Albemarle ^A r � , Na.... nun�uu 4r n,YmcM1. q.. .vnnw upYJW nnu N. Pm •.nY Wn,mn.�nn ul lYnYnVhY ur,vn:uu1n ur�Wy J:r'p.'.un Jphryr:P Service Aut_h6_rity W.yn nuYnuY:n mpna^.m•^. run: pugXv uhlu ilwYp:.n Ya.mnnWun S. WUIX ur.p ure:.1-V W Wun. w::y.ry cc:.mm�W..Jnnrn.pnn O 75 150 225 309 n.nn.,.n=unmwn. JCY.m.wewm.n Feet O _ - - _- - pcs. �.rc rrmwv�n-