HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA200000023 Review Comments 2000-08-01 STAFF PERSON: Amelia McCulley
PUBLIC HEARING: August 1, 2000
OWNER/APPLICANTS: Virginia Land Trust (owner) / Mark Tulenko T/A Atlantic
Sports & Rehabilitation (applicant)
TAX/MAP/PARCEL: 61Z / 3 / 10
ZONING: PUD, Planned Unit Development, designated for commercial
ACREAGE: 1 .873 acres
LOCATION: East side of Hillsdale Drive across from the intersection with
Branchlands Blvd. The building is known as the
Branchlands Professional Center.
TECHNICAL REQUEST AND EXPLANATION: The applicant requests a variance from
Section Signs Permitted by Zoning District. This is a request to increase the
size for a wall sign from 32 square feet to 48 square feet, a variance of 16 square feet.
The applicant would like to relocate their existing wall sign from their prior site to this
new business location.
The sign is an internally illuminated box sign, 3 feet high by 16 feet long. The sign
background is blue and states "Atlantic Sports & Rehabilitation" and includes their logo.
They are currently open and are utilizing a temporary sign.
RELEVANT HISTORY: Several parcels within the Branchlands Planned Unit
Development have received sign variances to increase the allowable sign size. They
are continuing work to finish out space within this building. This business occupies the
first floor. It was developed under a site plan named The Branchlands Professional
Center, approved March, 1999.
Atlantic Sports & Rehabilitation was previously located at Seminole Square in
Charlottesville. When this space was completed, they relocated. They are hoping to
utilize their existing wall sign.
owner can show that his property was acquired in good faith and where, by reason of
the exceptional narrowness, shallowness, size or shape of a specific piece of property
... or where, by reason or exceptional topographic conditions or ... condition of such
VA 00-23 Atlantic Sports&Rehab 2 August 1,2000
Board of Zoning Appeals
Amelia McCulley
piece of property, or of the use or development of property immediately adjacent
thereto, the strict application of the terms of this ordinance would effectively prohibit or
unreasonably restrict the use of the property ... provided that all variances shall be in
harmony with the intended spirit and purpose of this ordinance.
Staff is not aware of an unusual or exceptional aspect to this property which gives rise
to the need for a variance. This is another situation in which we have had recurring
variances and have recognized the need to change the regulations. The draft sign
ordinance addresses this situation by increasing the maximum wall sign size to 100
square feet, based on a calculation of 1 square foot per 1 linear foot of establishment
structure frontage. The applicant's sign would not only meet the draft sign ordinance
but would be less than 1/2 the size allowed. The draft sign ordinance has been
discussed by the Architectural Review Board and will come to a roundtable public
discussion later this summer. The zoning text will then be scheduled for public hearings
beginning this fall.
STAFF ANALYSIS: This situation is similar to what we have experienced for
nonconformities and for tower variances, which are now addressed by approved zoning
text amendments. In the interim, the public and staff must continue to work under the
existing regulations. Staff has not received negative feedback relating to proposed sign
provisions for PUD wall signs. Therefore, if these sign provisions are adopted as
proposed, this variance will be temporary or will become moot. However, staff must
continue to review variance requests under the criteria as setforth in the State Code.
criteria provided by the applicant and comments by staff follows:
The applicant comments that the variance is necessary:
• This sign is for a commercial building located behind Toys R Us and it would create
a hardship because it could make it difficult for our customers to locate the new
• The other businesses in the area all have larger signs to increase their visibility to
their customers. It would make it more difficult for our customers to locate our new
facility with a new and smaller sign.
• The existing sign has been used for almost five years.
• Other businesses in the vicinity of the building all have signs that are proportional to
the front of the store and are large enough for customers to locate their building.
Staff opinion is that this hardship is shared generally by all to whom this regulation
applies. The hardship is created by the regulation itself and is not unique to this
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Board of Zoning Appeals
Amelia McCulley
property. The fact that the applicants currently have a sign and would have to purchase
an entirely new one unless the variance is granted, is somewhat unique. However, this
fact alone does not constitute an undue hardship.
1. The applicant has not provided evidence that the strict application of the
ordinance would produce undue hardship.
Uniqueness of Hardship
The applicant comments that the variance in necessary:
• The other businesses in the vicinity of our building all have signs that exceed the
current sign ordinance guidelines. These other businesses were subject to the
same hardship in regards to customer recognition. According to the county office
these businesses were all granted a variance. Therefore, there is no shared
hardship because they all have approval for larger signs.
Staff finds that the hardship is shared generally by all properties zoned Planned Unit
Development. Several in this area have previously received variances. (See #1 in the
2. Evidence has not been provided that such hardship is not shared generally
by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity.
Impact on Character of the Area
The applicant offers:
• It is our understanding that the current ordinance is being modified in order to
accommodate commercial businesses in the area. If the new ordinance passes we
would probably be allotted 100 square feet of signage. We are asking for
permission to hang a sign that is only 48 square feet.
• Other businesses in the vicinity have variances and signs that exceed 48 square
feet. Our sign would not be brighter nor larger than any other sign in the vicinity nor
would it be located in the "29 corridor" to cause an additional distraction to drivers on
Staff is of the opinion that the proposal would not negatively impact the character of the
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Board of Zoning Appeals
Amelia McCulley
3. The applicant has provided evidence that the authorization of such
variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the
character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since the application satisfies only one of the three
criteria, staff recommends denial. Should the Board find cause to approve this request,
staff is not aware of any appropriate conditions. It is likely that the new sign ordinance
will permit a larger sign than the applicants now propose. If that is the case, they will be
entitled to utilize the then-existing regulations as they make changes to the sign.
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