HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA200000033 Review Comments 2001-06-05 STAFF PERSON: Jan Sprinkle PUBLIC HEARING: June 5, 2001 STAFF REPORT VA-2000-033 OWNER/APPLICANT: Thomas and Teresa Harris, owners/applicants TAX MAP/PARCEL: 00800-00-00-035A00 ZONING: RA, Rural Areas ACREAGE: 3.17 LOCATION: East side of Rt. 664 between the intersections with Rts. 671 and 663. TECHNICAL REQUEST AND EXPLANATION: The applicant requests relief from Section 10.4, Area and Bulk Regulations, which requires a front yard of 75 feet. A variance of 33 feet is requested to allow a garage to be constructed only 42 feet from the road or front property line. The garage construction was started without a building permit. When it was discovered in September 2000, the County issued a "stop work order." Once a building permit application was received, the structure was found to be in violation of the front setback. A variance application was filed November 2000, however it lacked sufficient information to process the variance. The necessary information was provided May 7, 2001. RELEVANT HISTORY: VA 91-40 was approved November 12, 1991 to reduce the residential density and the septic requirements on two proposed lots with two dwelling units on each, in order to permit the subdivision of this property. At that time, the one parcel totaled 5.3 acres and contained all four dwellings. The subject lot resulted from this 1992 subdivision. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND QUALIFYING CONDITIONS: Part of this property has been in the Harris family since 1974 and has contained all four dwellings since at least 1966 and probably much longer. Prior to the 1992 subdivision, but after the four dwellings were built, the Harris family expanded the acreage twice. The subdivision plat described in the History section was approved by the county February 10, 1992 and subsequently recorded. The resulting parcels were each surveyed to be 3.17 acres. The size and shape of this particular parcel have no special qualifications for variance. The topography does slope down away from the road where the two houses are, but it levels out quickly and there is a large garage being used commercially (the subject of AP 2001-002). A violation notice was sent regarding that use and an appeal of that violation will be heard at this meeting. That violation is irrelevant to this request for a variance for a private garage in a separate building. This garage construction was started with no building permit. Had Mr. or Mrs. Harris contacted this office, they would have been informed that a permit was needed and they would have been notified of the appropriate setbacks. They had previously obtained a permit for the existing garage on the property. Variance Report, VA 2000-03: 2 June 5, 2001 If the garage were attached to the existing dwelling and would be no closer to the public road, it could then be permitted under the nonconformities section 6.3.A.3, if it met the side yard setback. Unfortunately, the way it has been constructed, the garage is only 10 feet from the side property line, and the setback is 25 feet. Therefore, whether the garage is attached or detached, it needs a variance from either the side or the front yard setbacks. As part of the review of a variance request, we determine if it is possible to build what is proposed and not require a variance. There is sufficient area on this parcel where a garage could be constructed without a variance. Granting a variance at this location is simply a convenience for the owner. APPLICANT'S JUSTIFICATION AND STAFF COMMENT: A review of the variance criteria provided by the applicant and comments by staff follows: Hardship The applicant comments that the variance is necessary: • The current residence is approximately 45 feet from Rt. 664 and was built around 1950. The new garage is beside the house but is detached. It is being built underground with the entrance to the rear and will have a flat roof that can also be used as a patio. • We thought it was back far enough since the house is closer to the road. • We have expended about $10,000 on this underground garage. Although sympathetic, staff cannot identify any hardship as described under the Code of Virginia relating to granting a variance. The property has reasonable use with the two houses and the large garage that exist now. Cost to the owner is not a hardship in and of itself and there is no other hardship to consider with it. Costs due to needing to relocate the structure are not relevant because the applicant began construction without the required permit. Even ignorance of the law is not a hardship. Granting a variance would be a special privilege for the owner. 1. The applicant has not provided evidence that the strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. Uniqueness of Hardship The applicant notes: • (no comment) Staff finds that there is no hardship which is unique to this property. 1:1DEP71Building&ZoninglStaff Reports12001 staff reports\VA2000-33.doc Variance Report, VA 2000-033 3 June 5, 2001 2. The applicant has not provided evidence that such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. Impact on Character of the Area The applicant offers: • The proposed garage will be no closer to the road than the improvements on the adjoining property owned by Dennis W. Harris, brother of applicant, and will not be visible from the road. • The garage door will be to the rear, the front of the garage being completely underground. This parcel already has two dwellings close to the road and a large garage behind them, which is being used commercially. The adjacent 3.17 acres also has two dwellings which are close to the road. This area is rural with mostly conforming lots, other than these two properties. Adding yet another structure, available for activity, even if it is not visible from the public street, may indeed add to the crowded effect. If the garage were added below and behind the houses it may have less of an effect. Staff is of the opinion that adding another structure with activity so close to the adjacent property and the road, may have a negative impact on both that property and the character of the area. 3. The applicant has not provided evidence that the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since none of the three criteria for approval has been met, staff recommends denial. Should the Board find cause to approve the request staff recommends the following conditions: 1. This variance is for the garage described in building permit 2000-1734NNR only. No roof, other than the "flat roof" in the building permit file and as described by the applicant in this file for use as a patio may be added. 2. This garage may not be used for any use other than storage of household accessory items and the personal vehicles of the owner. No repair work for the public shall occur in or within 50 feet of the structure. 3. The garage may not be attached to the dwelling in any manner unless and until this variance is amended to include variance of the 25-foot side yard setback. 1:IDEPT\Building&Zonmg\Staff Reports12001 staff reports\VA2000-33 doc Variance Report, VA 2000-03 4 June 5, 2001 4. Any future additions or replacements on this property will be subject to the setback and yard regulations at the time of application. 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HARRIS, J \ `, , oN 8-a5 g LOCATED ON STATE R 1 ovt� �•M• MoaR1 � � SOUTHWEST i F SoN R.025 ABOUT 0.5 MILE � NEL 2 1 DIS1 O,g. 830g Pt-Al WHITE HALL Q�• �3 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, � COMMISSION : � � SCALE: I" 100' • I HI ITS !Mpu 2 0 ` , FOR man (.. ; ' J. o g r �'�`��'� THOMAS HARRIS,OF SuPERvISORII : �� _`" ' of VA- O)-3 RAY S. ASS( . � � ____�_a_.-.�.----_- CNARR W.OTTESVILLE, V illd A t ,�� Cq:��9�8"�'OF ALBEMARLE 117fri di ill a , ‘. . i. w. , . . 1 . . ?, , 'y _ ..• ., a .. + a. ' os I. J 'Y • • .JJ IMPOSED )RDNANCE r ' I BON 12 0 3 PACER 5 1 5 MATION I 1 1 �F,(+L IVENANTS N34'47'43"E dO w0 2 1143 50.38' t� T.M. 8 - 3981 DALLAS G. & BARBARA J. LAWSON G� it. OO•. O.B. 881-166, 168 PLAT (L) N33II.15"E� I t" 1 ROGER 48.99' I 1 �, No. mJ v'J IRON 1 fir. Z• N32.42'S6"E I IRON FOUL ,f 97.7T I FOUND 563'36'26"E 515.64' ° D C LOT A 1 AcRES •40, N30 73.4630..E 1 0 I-DWELL FRFRAME LD�: p!B. 1182 4004 PLAT it I 815-402, - �v 3 OF Dot. 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HARRIS, Jr. PROPERTY R LOCATED ON STATE ROUTE 664 1 , MORR NELOaN8Z1-32PLAT ABOUT 0.5 MILE SOUTHWEST OF NORTONSVILL Og• 731-30g WHITE HALL DISTRICT — • COUNTY PLAN/MG COAMSSWN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA C1-N, A. 2.10•"Z SCALE: I" • 100' DATE: 01-15-9: C ahrma 051(AC.COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS : EXHIBITS OR THOMAS HARRIS, JR. 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