HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA200100005 Other 2000-10-16 Date -I 11 CC County of Albemarle OW/—CO- -/OD& Staff ev ,L„ BUILDING PERMIT �� Iiinf'\ Land Use Yes r-'No —® Building Code and Zoning Services ""��yy��� PERMIT D: CK H .► ,� 401 McIntire Road Permit#F��(.(t--//F5 7_ OTHE ' �� Charlottesville, VA 22092-4596 Project I D—01g I I Tel. (804) 296-5832 • Fax (804) 972-4126 � ) p 4 �-y�1 r n Z NAME V (iZLTIIl9l 1--AA) l /2"'�-S-r 5 NAME C .gue CO .S LLC' lCC a ADDRESS �2c kiv&rbef..„.7.brV ADDRESS T� IJL�(/N�I"������ Z n(�J�-� _� 2 CITY to- f '>1, l(%e U 2Z41/OCITYUI.CLar'�U"Z'..110 ; ((l`_'ti) A Z 4r 7I— / i.: PHONE C ! ���/ O PHONE q ( r ��� k C.) State Reg f County Exempt 'V Type of Frame Type of Water Supply Z ►'v!l ~ 'v ❑Masonry ErTAlood 0 Steel 0 Public Xrivate 0 C.Well W NAM9 V. J Type of Heating/Mechanical Type of Sewage E oral ❑Oil 0 Gas 0 Elec. 0 Public eptic V ADDRESS Z replace ElWood Stove CITY ❑Other ❑Gas Logs I Class of Work: LU PHONE { yorrEW 0 ADDITION 0 ALTERATION 0 Other 2 c-- -- Describe r ..,' ,.. k: w 0(< yDOti%71�L- 47(�'[-L 1 -fit iL y `� .i, No of Stones Sq ft 1st Floor/ 2nd FloorP5b Garage '4AFin Basement �Q fin Basement �.. Decks C92j Porches PROPOSED USE SET B , Crawl Space fE Slab Engineering LifFront �� Zoning One Family Bedrooms Baths Back _____ Value of Work Permit Fee ( . Garage Carport f I Kitchen R.Sd c�-• Cab 1%Surcharge L Sd �i `f' / i Total i Other nn Type of Use _� 1Z Floor Zoning A Dist. 1 School Dist. Const. -- Group =' Live Load +/ 1) «Z e Acres 9 Size of Bldg. No.of Max Tax Map/Parcel i � 12 �"'� I (Total)Sq.Ft Stories .--_,_ Occ Load Lot Blk Sec. Phase No.of No of Accessory Fire Sprinklers Required > Dwelling Units I Structures 0 Yes 0 No Subdivision /�'( (ii' O LL( `cor Zoning Pre-Construction Building Pre-Construction Fire Alarms Required Plans Reviewed By Zoning Approved for Issua B Iding Approved for 0 Yes 0 No ❑Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No T Issuance By �/ �C SPECIAL APPROVALS REQUIRED R CEI ED j�. REQUIRED ..-i •.I ..mac, !O 03 co l t.--1 --zs, Zoning /0 "'J NOTICE Health Dept SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, Engineering ....• .1/'✓-•./Ci�I VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. 'C.'_iLl i _ .�`�_t� ( g g THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED Service Authority IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 6 MONTHS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS Planning SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 6 MONTHS AT ANY TIME AFTER Highway Dept t� 1 WORK/S COMMENCED I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW Prel./Final Zoning THE SAME TO BE itIt'AIVDCQFtHEC'T. ROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES Recorded Plat GOVERNING THISY,TYPE OF WORK WILL COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED Site Plan ✓� HEREIN OR NOT"THE GRANTING OF PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR ARB LOCH �� ' GUL CON RUCTION R E PERFORMANCE OF CON �Ig // RAND EAL ESTATE DEPT $ APPRAISED VALUE it RE OF teNTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE BUILDINGS 1 ❑ _ --- -m -- ' SIGNATURE OF OWNER(IF OWNER BUILDER) DATE TOTAL ----- ....... Commonwealth of Virgin A. '` mit No. 743-5031 Department of Transportation ' l Revision No. 0 Land Use PermitiJ Status Active This permit only grants permission to use whatever rights the Commonwealth Transportation Board and the Department of Transportation have in the right of way and no more,and it is the obligation of the permittee to secure any other releases or permission that may be needed in order to perform the work. Application No. 324537 Payment Method Check Total Payment Amount $ 40.00 Effective Date October 17,2000 Expiration Date April 15,2001 Amount Due $ 0.00 Reinstatement Dat Revision Date Permittee Information: Your Job# Surety 8,Account Receivable information: Owner 224589518-7430-1, Charles W. Agent N/A, Not Applicable Name Erie Insurance Hurt Address Charles W. Hurt Surety Type Continuous Bond 195 Riverbend Drive 878160033 Amount $ 100,000.00 Charlottesville,VA 22911 Obligation Amt. $ 1,000.00 Contact Stephen M. Melton Surety Holder Owner Phone# (804)979-9518 Fax# (804)296-3510 24 Hr.# (804)979-9518 Acct. Recv.# n/a AUTHORIZATION: In compliance with your application,permission is hereby given insofar as the Commonwealth Transportation Board has the right, power, and authority under sections 33.1 - 12(3); 33.1 - 197; 33.1 - 198 of the Code of Virginia as amended,to grant by Special Agreement and/or by Land Use Permit for you to perform the work and or activity(s)described below: Location County/City/Town 02,Albemarle Highway Route(s) 250 From Route: 678 To Route: 676 Work Description Construct driveway to private residence. Entrance will require culvert pipe, 24'of 12"CMP pipe. Attachments: MP-63,special provisions and signing diagram TTC-3 0 revised and TTC-20.1. Fee Description New Fee Existing Fee Total Regular Permit Fee $40.00 $0.00 $40.00 Totals $40.00 $0.00 $40.00 TERMS:Applicable as stated within the Land Use Permit Manual (current edition) and/or as per approved plans) and/or regulatory instructions and/or agreements attached hereto.THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE FOLLOWING A I TACHMENTS. COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD II II I I II II II II II II II Charles Nottingham, Commissioner 7 4 3 - 5 0 3 1 By. L / October 17, 2000 Final Inspection Requirements- Upon completion of the work described under this permit,the permittee shall contact the following office in writing to request inspection. Charlottesville Residency (804)293-0011 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville,VA 22911 Permit No.: 743-5031, Revsion No: 0 Permittee Copy VDOT Web Site. www vdot state.va.us - 146D Own & tauYin "1- of ALA Contractor: &,1-1/4/1.k/--- 4 U y- ti 41Y GINxr COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS 296-5832 Date�I�(ff�I Vie( i5krmT: ______�d 1 J, 1�- Bldg. Permit Time. y- a Type of Inspection. 0 Approved ❑ elected COMMENTS: At �� r 1>a 1/` AA-v../IC / / am , Inspector By: John Sheph= From: John Shepherd Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 1:01 PM To: 'WRC2KR@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu' Cc: Amelia McCulley; Tom Foley; Charlotte Humphris Subject: FW: Virginia Land Trust Variance Request Mr. Chowder: I want to respond more fully to your concerns about this variance. Regarding the entrance, please understand that the owner of this property can build one dwelling on this parcel as a matter of right. VDOT approved the entrance that has been constructed in the course of the review of the building permit. Jim Kesterson of VDOT is able to answer any questions you may have regarding the specifics of the entrance permit(743-5031). His phone number is 293-0011. The setbacks from Route 250 are the same as for any parcel fronting on a public road in the Rural Areas zoning district, 75 feet. In the past, the setback for parcels in the Scenic Highway Overlay District was 150 feet. However, those provisions were repealed in 1992. Route 250 is in the Entrance Corridor Overlay District. The Architectural Review Board reviews commercial, but not residential development on entrance corridors. Again, please contact me if you wish to discuss this further. John Shepherd Manager of Zoning Administration 296-5832 Original Message From: John Shepherd Sent: Wednesday,May 02,2001 8.24 PM To: 'WRC2KR@hscmail mcc.virginia.edu' Subject: Virginia Land Trust Variance Request Mr. Chowder: I received your email to Mrs. Humphris regarding the Virginia Land Trust Variance and passed it on the members of the Board of Zoning Appeals prior to the hearing on 5/1/01. The BZA denied the request. Please let me know if you wish to discuss any aspect of this action further. I thank you for your interest in this matter. John Shepherd Manager of Zoning Administration 296-5832 1