HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA200100017 Review Comments 2001-10-02 STAFF PERSON: John Shepherd PUBLIC HEARING: October 2, 2001 STAFF REPORT VA-2001-017 OWNER/APPLICANT: William and Sybil Robertson TAX MAP/PARCEL: 04500-00-00-031 EO ZONING: RA, Rural Areas ACREAGE: 2.041 acres LOCATION: 2020 Earlysville Road TECHNICAL REQUEST AND EXPLANATION: The applicant requests a variance from Section 4.2.1, Building Site Required, which excludes from building sites, such area as may be located within 200 feet of the 100 year floodplain of any public drinking water impoundment. This variance is necessary to allow the construction of an addition to a dwelling , approximately 140 feet from the reservoir, a variance of 60 feet. RELEVANT HISTORY: VA-97-19 was approved on December 2, 1997. This action allowed the construction of a garage on an existing slab 40 feet from the right of way of State Route 743, a variance of 35 feet and 135 feet from the reservoir, a variance of 65 feet. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND QUALIFYING CONDITIONS: This 2.014 acre parcel is improved by a 1420 square foot, two bedroom dwelling, a 676 square foot garage and a 144 square foot shed. It is staff opinion that the owners now enjoy reasonable use of their property and that approval of this request would be a convenience to the owner. However, there are additional factors the Board may wish to consider. This property was acquired by the Robertsons in 1992. There has been no change in the size or shape of the property since the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance in 1980. At 2.041 acres, it is a relatively small parcel that is restricted by a front setback of 75 feet and a setback from the reservoir of 200 feet. These setbacks exclude all but a small triangular area adjacent to the northern property line. This area along State Route 743 is basically residential. There is a church across the road, but most of the properties in the area are two to five acre lots developed with single family homes. The floodplain of the reservoir is protected by a 200 foot buffer provided for in Section 17-317 B of the Water Protection Ordinance. The entire existing house as well as the proposed addition lies within this buffer. Any development within this buffer will require the approval of a mitigation plan in accordance with the provisions of the Water Protection Ordinance. a Variance Report, VA 2001-015 2 October 2, 2001 APPLICANT'S JUSTIFICATION AND STAFF COMMENT: A review of the variance criteria provided by the applicant and comments by staff follows: Hardship The applicant comments that the variance is necessary: • This house is now 1,024 square feet with only two small bedrooms. The largest bedroom has less than 150 square feet. The lot is two acres. It seems a harsh thing not to be able to have one more reasonable size bedroom added to a small house on a large lot. Staff is sympathetic to the applicants'request to add a bedroom, bathroom and walk-in closet as well as a garage to their home. The records in Finance Department indicate the house is functionally obsolete because it is too small for the lot. There is no alternative location to add to the house. However, staff opinion is that the applicant does now enjoy reasonable use of their property by virtue of the existing improvements. (There is an addition on the rear of the house that increased the finished square footage from 1,040 to 1,420.) 1. The applicant has not provided evidence that the strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. Uniqueness of Hardship The applicant notes: • The house was built before the present ordinance was adopted. The house at any rear corner is already in violation of the reservoir setback requirements. The houses in this vicinity were constructed later and are built much farther from the reservoir. I don't believe they would have the same problems with setbacks as this house. Staff opinion is there are no other properties in the same district and vicinity that are as severely impacted by the two setbacks as this case. 2. The applicant has provided evidence that such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. C.IWINDOWSITEMPIVA-2001-017 Robertson.doc Variance Report, VA 2001-015 3 October 2, 2001 Impact on Character of the Area The applicant offers: This request is for a residential use bedroom to be added. It will be an attractive addition to the house which should not be a detriment to adjacent property or the character of the district. The proposed addition in an area that is developed residentially will not change the character of the district. The garage will allow the storage of vehicles and other personal property out of sight of the public road. 3. The applicant has provided evidence that the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since only two of the three criteria for approval have been met, staff can not recommend approval of this request. Should the Board find cause to approve this request, staff recommends the following condition: This variance is for the construction of the addition as described in this file only. Any future additions or replacements will be subject to the setback and yard regulations at the time of application. C:IWINDOWSITEMPIVA-2001-017 Robertson doc ._hki, ......iii . 1" •-'• %. .t I•.4 '.. tt, 4. •41. 114-••' :t:• , 6•4.4!4 : r41 .. • ,; •4' .'7';5:_as: `.". • 1p • 4' • i ii . ." Vs 1 si ' ..•4 '4411• ...4- ..4/ ' 11( • . • !i'1. 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