HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201900089 Checklist 2019-08-20 COUNTY-wiDE CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS
Minor amendments to architectural designs
Structure Design Changes to the architectural design The proposed installation generally has the
of a building should be consistent appearance of a metal awning. The awning colors are
with the design of the building as it expected to be compatible with the building colors.
was originally approved by the The location of the awning is above some of the
ARB or consistent with the design windows—not all—with the bottoms of the solar
of a building that otherwise meets panels 2' above the tops of the windows.The awning
the EC Guidelines. For buildings extends across 5 pilasters.A more traditional
that have not been approved by the appearance would result from an awning installed
ARB and do not meet the EC above each window,without crossing the pilasters,
Guidelines,changes should increase and with the awnings located closer to the tops of the
the consistency of the building with windows.At close view,the awning may have an
the EC Guidelines. odd appearance due to these oddities,but visibility of
the building, and therefore the awning, from the Rio
EC is limited. Given the limited view,the proposed
appearance is acceptable.
Building permits in which the proposed change occupies 50% or less of the altered elevation
Proportion Alteration must be in proportion with the The solar canopy does not appear over-scaled for the
existing elevation. elevation.It would have a more traditional
appearance if it was constructed as individual
awnings over each individual window.
Roof form Roof form must be consistent with the No roof change.
existing patterns of scale and proportion of
the roof form of the existing building.
Materials Materials must be consistent with the The aluminum awning frame and the solar panels are
existing patterns of scale and proportion of not incompatible with the block building.
the existing materials.No new vinyl.
Colors Colors must be coordinated with existing The black and anodized aluminum and the dark blue
colors. solar cells are compatible with the grey,white and
blue colors of the building.
Planting Trees and shrubs may be required to Trees and shrubs exist.No additional planting is
integrate the alteration into the building necessary.
and site.
New or replacement, rooftop or ground-mounted equipment
Size,scale, Replacement equipment(new This equipment is new. The awning will have
location units replacing old units in the limited visibility from the EC. From this vantage
same location) shall not be point, it is expected to appear more like an awning
more visible than the existing and not like equipment.
New equipment shall not be
visible from the EC.
Roof form Rooftop equipment on new Rooftop equipment is not proposed.
buildings shall be screened by
appropriately scaled parapets,
the roof,or other appropriately
scaled architectural elements
that are fully coordinated with
the building design.
Location Buildings or structures shall be The criteria The awning will have limited visibility from the
used to screen ground-mounted for screening EC. From this vantage point, it is expected to
equipment from the EC. In fences apply. appear more like an awning and not like
situations where no structure is equipment.
available for screening,
equipment shall be located as
distant from the EC as possible
to minimize visibility,with
screening devices added to
eliminate visibility.
Colors Replacement equipment that The black and anodized aluminum and the dark
remains visible from the EC blue solar cells are compatible with the grey,
must be colored to reduce white and blue colors of the building.
visibility—either coordinated
with the building or to blend
with the background.
Screening Walls, fences and other The criteria The solar panels are disguised as an awning.
devices architectural features may be for screening Given the limited view that is available from the
considered for screening fences apply. EC,the disguise is sufficient enough to establish
mechanical equipment. Such an acceptable appearance.
features must be coordinated in
material, color, and scale with
the building. Durability and
maintenance shall be
considered when reviewing
proposed screening materials.
Planting Planting may be required in Trees and shrubs are already provided along
conjunction with walls or Berkmar. The awning does not prompt the need
fencing to provide a design that for additional planting.
is coordinated and compatible
with the building and site.
Screening consisting solely of The quantity,
planting may be considered quality, size,
based on: size of the area to be location and
screened,proximity to the EC, choice of
density of planting,and ability landscape
of the planting to provide materials shall
immediate screening. be such that at
least 33%of
the screening
effect will be
within 3 years
of planting.
NOTE All equipment guidelines apply.