HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201900085 Other 2019-09-05 APPLICATION REVIEW HISTORY
ARB #/Name ARB2019-85 W4 Development Car Wash—Advisory Review
County received application 7/9/2019
Corresponding submittal 7/22/2019
deadline/ARB meeting date 9/3/2019
Transfer from intake to ARB Staff Unknown
7/18/2019 Completeness check. Nothing else required,
First ARB staff review but staff contacted applicant and requested
8/14/2019- additional information if it is available.
8/22/2019 Full Review
Emails with Applicant 7/18-19/2019 Emails in reference to additional materials.
7/24-29/2019 Emails on timeframe of review.
Comments to applicant 8/26/19 Staff Report sent to applicant.
ARB meeting date 9/3/2019
ARB action 9/4/2019 Action letter sent to applicant on 9/5/19