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SUB201900030 Correspondence 2019-08-20
Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 5:51 PM To: Stacy Pethia; David Benish Cc: Amelia McCulley Subject: FW: FW: berkmar overlook question - BOS meeting heads up Attachments: SDP201900010 Action Letter 2019-04-19.pdf David & Stacy, FYI in reference to Sean Tubbs bringing up an issue at the BOS meeting tomorrow. I thought you would like to know. Please see his emails below. I've attached my Berkmar Overlook (SDP2019-10) Initial Site Plan comments for your reference, since that is what he may be quoting. Please see comment #3 on the 2nd page. It states that residential density bonuses are not available for the parcels because the comp plan does not designate residential as a primary use in Office/Research & Development (R&D/Flex/Light Industrial areas. It also quotes 2.4 about the intent of bonus factors. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Sean Tubbs <stubbs@pecva.org> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 4:54 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: FW: berkmar overlook question Paty, Thanks. That brings much clarity. I'm interested in the bonus issue question and may bring this up at the Board of Supervisors meeting tomorrow before their affordability discussion. I'll keep an eye out for the new project # when this comes up. I'm still learning how things work! On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 4:52 PM Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> wrote: Sean, SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook is an initial site plan. I have not had any communication with the applicants about the parcel and project since the conditions of approval were provided to them. Therefore, any the comments that are posted (such as #3 about bonus factors) are the most recent information I have. With initial site plan, in almost all cases, there is only one review and then an "approval with conditions". The next submission is then the final site plan. I have not seen a final site plan submission for this project yet. When it comes in it will be assigned a different project number. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@a I bema rle.ors www.albemarle.ora From: Sean Tubbs <stubbs@pecya.org> Sent: Monday, August 19, 2019 8:00 AM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: berkmar overlook question Paty, Hello! I'm writing about the Berkmar Overlook project (SDP201900010) and confirming that it is moving forward without the additional bonus density initially requested. I didn't see a second revision in the documents so I thought I would check. There is a second project coming forward (Galaxie Farm) that has a similar situation. I'm researching for a comment to the Board of Supervisors about the affordable housing policy that's set to get under review. Thanks! Sean Tubbs Field Representative, Piedmont Environmental Council Albemarle, Charlottesville and Greene 434-977-2033, ext. 7046 434-422-2375 (cell) Contributions like yours make the work PEC does possible. Become a member or donate today to continue to restore and protect this beautiful place we love! Sean Tubbs Field Representative, Piedmont Environmental Council Albemarle, Charlottesville and Greene 434-977-2033, ext. 7046 434-422-2375 (cell) Contributions like yours make the work PEC does possible. Become a member or donate today to continue to restore and protect this beautiful place we love! Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecville.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 12:21 PM To: Francis MacCall Cc: Patricia Saternye; Ed Bailey Subject: Re: Zoning Determination Letter Thanks Francis. > On May 15, 2019, at 12:19 PM, Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org> wrote: > Andrew, > What you need to apply for is a Letter of Zoning Compliance. Include a letter stating what you are specifically requesting. > Here is the application http://www.albema rle.orglu pload/i mages/forms_center/departments/Community_Development/formsIZoning_Appl is ations/Zoning_Com pl iance_Letter. pdf > 2-3 weeks is the general review time for these applications. > Francis > -----Original Message ----- > From: Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecville.com> > Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 9:42 AM > To: Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> > Cc: Ed Bailey <ebailey@faulconerconstruction.com> > Subject: Zoning Determination Letter > Francis/Patty, we need a Zoning determination letter as part of our financing package for Berkmar Overlook, simply stating what the zoning is and what is allowed. It always strikes me as silly as you would think the bank would want an approved site plan... we currently are at preliminary approval and working to finalize the plan based on your last round of comments patty. Is this something we can get fairly soon... its a post closing item, but will hinder construction draws if we don't provide when the time comes. > Best > Andrew Baldwin Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 3:18 PM To: Scott Collins; Andrew baldwin Cc: pmorris@faulconerconstruction.com; Greg Baldwin Subject: RE: SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook SRC comments for both the initial site plan and preliminary subdivision plat. Attachments: SUB2019-30 Berkmar Overlook Prelim Approval with Conditions 4-19-2019.pdf, SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook Initial Approval with Conditions 4-19-2019.pdf Scott and Andrew, Attached please find both the approval with conditions letters for Berkmar overlook (SDP2019-10 & SUB2019-30). I created two different letters, with different coversheets since some of the comments were very specific to the site plan or the subdivision plat. Please ensure that as you move forward that all comments are addressed for the appropriate type of submission. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Scott Collins <scott@collins-engineering.com> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 10:42 AM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org>; Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecville.com> Cc: pmorris@faulconerconstruction.com; Greg Baldwin <greg@corecville.com> Subject: RE: SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook SRC comments for both the initial site plan and preliminary subdivision plat. Paty- Thanks. Please proceed with approval letter. Thx. Scott From: Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 10:14 AM To: Scott Collins <scott@collins-engineering.com>; Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecville.com> Cc: pmorris@faulconerconstruction.com; Greg Baldwin <greg@corecville.com> Subject: RE: SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook SRC comments for both the initial site plan and preliminary subdivision plat. Scott & Andrew, Since Andrew said he had no questions, and because I have not gotten a response to my last email (below), I fill finalize the approval with conditions for SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook review. If you still wish to meet, as Scott seemed to be asking for, please provide me the information I requested below so that I will know what kind of meeting it will be and who should be in the room before we start trying to schedule it. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development �,Y/R41lI�T4y J I Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:11 PM To: Scott Collins <scott@collins-engineering.com>; Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecville.com> Cc: pmorris@faulconerconstruction.com; Greg Baldwin <greg@corecville.com> Subject: RE: SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook SRC comments for both the initial site plan and preliminary subdivision plat. Could you meet sooner? If what you want to show me would impact my comments we need to discuss it sooner. If it won't impact the comments but will only be a discussion on how you want to move forward than Friday would be fine. Just please confirm that I then we can set up a time. Also, if this is "how to move forward" in a way different from what you proposed in your submitted plan/plat then let me know a little more detail so that I can ensure that we have the right staff in the room and also in that case it might be better to do it as a Monday preapplication meeting. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development co"'. Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Scott Collins <scott@collins-engineering.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:59 PM To: Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecville.com>; Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Cc: pmorris@faulconerconstruction.com; Greg Baldwin <greg@corecville.com> Subject: RE: SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook SRC comments for both the initial site plan and preliminary subdivision plat. Thanks Paty. Do you have time on Friday to meet. I want to show you our approach on something, and get your thoughts on the best way to proceed. Thanks! Scott From: Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecviIle.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:44 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org> Cc: Scott Collins <scott@collins-engineering.com>; pmorris@faulconerconstruction.com; Greg Baldwin <greg@corecvi I le.com> Subject: Re: SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook SRC comments for both the initial site plan and preliminary subdivision plat. I do not, Scott might have a few comments. Scott? On Apr 16, 2019, at 10:32 AM, Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org> wrote: Scott & Andrew, Do you have any question on the draft comments for SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook. Please let me know as soon as you can. I need to finalize the comments, but I wanted to ensure you had a chance to ask any questions you may have before I do so. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development <image001.gif> Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 6:32 PM To: Scott Collins <scott@collins-engineering.com> Cc: Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecville.com>; pmorris@faulconerconstruction.com; Greg Baldwin <greg@corecvi I le.com> Subject: RE: SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook SRC comments for both the initial site plan and preliminary subdivision plat. Scott, Attached please find the updated DRAFT comments for the SRC items SDP2019-10 and SUB2019-30 Berkmar Overlook. I apologize for it taking me longer to get it to you than I originally thought. This is still a dry but it includes both the VDH comments and the Planning comments that were missing from the version I sent you on 4/3/19. 1 will not make a final official set of comments set ("approval with conditions") until I am sure you have had a chance to go over them and ask me any questions you may have. Please read over the comments and let me know if you want to meet early next week to discuss them, but we can always discuss by email or phone if you prefer to do so. Please keep in mind that these comments were for both a site plan and a subdivision plat. So, the attached draft comments are a combination of the two. This means that planning's, VDOT, & RWSA's comments are combined while the other reviewers made separate entries and comments for the initial and the preliminary. Because of this I've included some color coded clouds around the designations of which of the two reviews the comment are for. So, for example, Fire Rescue has two different comments sheets. One for the initial site plan and one for the preliminary subdivision plat. Most of note are the following: • After consultation with the Zoning Administrator and the Chief of Planning it was determined that Residential Bonus Factors cannot be utilized for this development because of the designation in the Comprehensive Plan. Please see comment #2. • VDOT cannot require the 41h connection but it is my understanding (from emails with Justin D.) that they have no problem with it being included. The County wants the connections because of the connectivity requirements. • VDOT is not willing to maintain most if not all of the crosswalk but the County needs them. Therefore this will be something the HOA will need to have included in any of legal documents set up specifying what the HOA is required to maintain. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development <image001.gif> Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2019 4:17 PM To: Scott Collins <scott@collins-engineering.com> Subject: FW: SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook SRC comments for both the initial site plan and preliminary subdivision plat. Scott, Below please see the VDH comment for SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development <image001.gif> Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Kirtley, Josh<joshua.kirtley@vdh.virginia.gov> Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2019 2:32 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org> Cc: Alan Mazurowski (VDH) (Alan.Mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov) <Alan.Mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov> Subject: Re: SUB2019-30 & SDP2019-10 Berkmar Overlook SRC comments for both the initial site plan and preliminary subdivision plat. Good afternoon, Paty. It was good talking to you earlier. If the proposed development will be served by public water and public sewer, then the Health Department has no further comments regarding this project. If you have any questions, please let me know. Josh Josh Kirtley Environmental Health Technical Consultant Onsite Sewage and Water Programs Thomas Jefferson Health District (434)972-6288 Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: Michaela Accardi Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 8:06 AM To: Places29 North Community Advisory Committee Cc: Patricia Saternye Subject: Re: Places29-North CAC I March Mtg Follow Up Good morning everyone, While this week's meeting is cancelled, I wanted to belatedly follow up about the questions that came up about Berkmar Overlook (SDP201900010) during last month's meeting. Please see the answers below. I have been coordinating with Paty Saternye, the lead reviewer on this project, below: Question 1: Are the anticipated connections (on either end of Swede Street) feasible? • VDOT has requested they provide grading to show that the northern connection is feasible. Engineering has reviewed the plan and says that the connections are feasible, but not easy. • The same developer that is working on Berkmar Overlook is now talking about developing the lots just to the north and therefore they would be handling any connecting road if they do so. Question 2: What is the price point of the market -rate and affordable units? • The developer of Berkmar Overlook said it was too soon for them to have any real information on price points of the units. Since reviewing the plan, Zoning determined that the proposed density bonuses are not feasible because the Comprehensive Plan designates this site's primary use as Office/Research & Development (R&D)/Flex/Light Industrial. Residential density bonuses are not available in areas where the Comprehensive Plan does not designate residential as a primary use. • Asa reminder, density bonuses incentivize developers to do things like provide affordable units and preserve existing trees to allow for more units than are normally permitted. I hope this helps to address your questions. Looking forward to seeing you all at "Sidewalk Talk: A Panel on Form Based Code in Virginia" on April 29th! All the best, Michaela From: Michaela Accardi Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 11:01 AM To: Places29 North Community Advisory Committee Cc: Patricia Saternye Subject: Places29-North CAC I March Mtg Follow Up Good morning, I'm following up with a few resources from last Thursdays meeting. Attached is the brief overview presentation I shared on Berkmar Overlook (SDP201900010) as well as the initial site plan application submitted. As a reminder, Senior Planner Paty Saternye (CC'd) is the lead reviewer. I've passed on the below questions to her: • What is the price point of the market -rate and affordable units? • Are the anticipated connections (on either end of Swede Street) feasible? There were concerns about viability based on grading. I am working with Steve Hoffman to get his presentation on the NIFI project update down to a file size that we can share via email. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or if I missed any resources/links that would be helpful. Warmly, Michaela Accardi Neighborhood Planner Albemarle County Community Development ph:434.296.5832 e)t. 3252 maccardigal bemarle.org Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 7:48 AM To: Patricia Saternye Subject: RE: SUB201800155 - plat could I see this Sure! I'm waiting for signature on it. Please feel free to come by and take a look- I will also leave it on my desk in case I'm not here when you come by. From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 4:53 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Subject: 5UB201800155 - plat could I see this Tori, Could I see your plat for SUB2018-155? I think it is associated with my project, and I think I saw it previously, but I can't seem to find where I may have placed any copy I had. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development r� Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.orR www.albemarle.or� Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: Kevin McDermott Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 9:30 AM To: Patricia Saternye Subject: RE: SDP201900010 & SUB201900030 Berkmar Overlook 4-2-19 Edits made. Kevin From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 8:59 AM To: Kevin McDermott <kmcdermott@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: SDP201900010 & SUB201900030 Berkmar Overlook 4-2-19 Thanks Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development 4�� V aYQcl�� Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.ora From: Kevin McDermott Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 8:59 AM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.ore> Subject: RE: SDP201900010 & SUB201900030 Berkmar Overlook 4-2-19 That would be great. I'll jump on there in just a few minutes. Kevin From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 8:58 AM To: Kevin McDermott <kmcdermott@albemarle.ore> Subject: RE: SDP201900010 & SUB201900030 Berkmar Overlook 4-2-19 Great! Thanks Kevin. Do you want to tweak your comments on it? They haven't gone out yet. I hope to have them out later today. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development A�tp C P., Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Kevin McDermott Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 8:55 AM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: SDP201900010 & SUB201900030 Berkmar Overlook 4-2-19 Paty, I reviewed this and it does appear that by this policy VDOT will not maintain the crosswalks at any of these locations except across Empire St where it intersects Berkmar. I think that we should still require them to put curb ramps at all of the intersections at a minimum and probably have them mark them but require that 3-party agreement that we discussed. I'll work on setting up that template. Thanks, Kevin From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 4:05 PM To: Kevin McDermott <kmcdermott@albemarle.org> Subject: FW: SDP201900010 & SUB201900030 Berkmar Overlook 4-2-19 Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development u 4io'� I `Y�RUI�� Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.ore www.albemarle.or� From: Deel, Justin <iustin.deel@vdot.vireinia.aov> Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 9:59 AM To: Patricia Saternye <paaternye@albemarle.ore>; Adam Moore <Adam.Moore@vdot.vireinia.aov> Subject: Re: SDP201900010 & SUB201900030 Berkmar Overlook 4-2-19 Paty, We didn't say that we do not want a connection to this parcel. We're asking the question is this a legitimate future connection point or is this the designer's attempt to avoid a 200' radius curve? It's not typical for us to see more stubouts and connections than we require, as is the case with this proposal. As I said in the letter, this parcel is currently owned by Albemarle County SPCA. Yes, it was previously owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Presumably this was acquired as part of of the old Route 29 bypass project, which has since been canned. Regardless of ownership or age of building, we're asking is this a realistic connection? You're saying yes. That's fine, the County can require this stub out. However, VDOT cannot require this as they are already making connections to both Berkmar & Woodburn. The SSAR does not require an additional (3rd in this case) connection unless more than 200 residential units are proposed. Concerning marked crosswalks, I've attached our reference document. VDOT does not require nor maintain marked crosswalks unless they are warranted per this document. If the County wants marked crosswalks in this and all subdivisions, it would be up to the County to maintain the markings. Justin On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 4:19 PM Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.ore> wrote: Justin, I wanted to touch base on SDP201900010 & SUB201900030 Berkmar Overlook. Two of your comments state that you do not want a connection to TMP 45-86A and that they shouldn't include marked crosswalks. Both of these items are things the County regular required and requests. The connection is for some time in the future. The SPCA on TMP 45-86 is relatively new and that likely means that it won't have anytime soon. The old SPCA on TMP 45-86A however, has been there since I was a child. In looking at our County GIS, I think the recent transfer you may be seeing is from SPCA to VDOT and then back to the SPCA. I'm not certain of this, but the SPCA does show up as the previous Owner before VDOT Right of way Division. If we don't get the connection now it will never be able to be built in the future because they would likely just move residential lots to be in its place. Or do you still want the right of way and just not the have the road built with the intersection until later? As far as crosswalks are considered, we would expect that the development will be used as a connector road between Berkmar and Woodburn. I am concerned in reference to public safety not to include them. Could you provide any insight into these two items? Maybe regulations that lead to you not requiring them or wanting them. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@a I bema rle.org www.albemarle.org From: Deel, Justin <justin.deel@vdot.virginia.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2019 4:36 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Cc: Scott Collins <Scott@collins-engineering.com>; Adam Moore <Adam.Moore@vdot.virginia.gov> Subject: SDP201900010 & SUB201900030 Berkmar Overlook 4-2-19 Paty, Attached is our review letter for SDP201900010 & SUB201900030 Berkmar Overlook 4-2-19, which includes the following comments: 1. Is Parcel 45-86A being redeveloped in the near future? It appears that the Albemarle County SPCA acquired this parcel in October 2018. Unless this parcel is expected to be acquired and redeveloped in the near future, this stubout is not necessary; therefore, the intersection is not necessary and a curve should be used. Note that the proposed development appears to meet connectivity requirements with proposed connections to both Berkmar Drive and Woodburn Road. 2. Please provide an exhibit demonstrating the grading necessary to extend Swede Street to the North, and identify limits of temporary grading easements necessary should the road be extended. 3. Marked crosswalks do not appear to be warranted and should be removed. 4. For cul-de-sacs with radii less than 45', approval of Albemarle County Fire & Rescue is required. 5. The proposed intersection of Empire Street and Marsac Street does not meet comer clear/spacing requirements. 6. The curve and reverse curve on the western end of Marsac Street and through the intersection with Empire street do not appear necessary. 7. The proposed entrance to Parcel 45-112F does not meet comer clearance/spacing requirements. 8. Street trees cannot be within 30 feet of intersection curb radii. 9. Provide turn lane warrants for both Berkmar Drive and Woodburn Road. 10. Intersection sight distance lines and profiles must be provided for all intersections. 11. Note that the final site and subdivision (road) plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual Appendices B(1) and F, as well as any other applicable standards, regulations or other requirements. Justin Deel, P.E. VDOT - Charlottesville 434-422-9894 540-717-1408 (c) Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: Elizabeth V.Schmid <jackbeth90@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 3:32 PM To: Patricia Saternye Subject: Re: sdp2019-10 submitted plan Berkmar Overlook Got it, thanks again, Paty. We appreciate your help in understanding this new situation on our road. Beth On Apr 8, 2019, at 3:25 PM, Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org> wrote: There is no way to know. This is just an initial site plan. A final site plan has to be submitted, reviewed and approved. The applicant may start on the final site plan right away or could wait up to a year before submitting the final site plan. Once it is submitted it can often take 6 to 9 months before approval, and that is assuming they want to move forward after they have seen the County's comments. This is still very early in the process and things can change. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development aY�R41l1��4� I Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.orR www.albemarle.ora From: Elizabeth V.Schmid <0ackbeth90@Rmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 3:21 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.ore> Subject: Re: sdp2019-10 submitted plan Berkmar Overlook Paty, Do you know when construction of the Berkmar Overlook development might begin? On Apr 8, 2019, at 3:09 PM, Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.ora> wrote: Beth, The majority of the units are supposed to be market rate. They have proposed only 8 (out of 71) affordable units. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Mai Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.ore www.albemarle.org From: Elizabeth V.Schmid <Iackbeth90@email.com> Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 3:04 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.ore> Subject: Re: sdp2019-10 submitted plan Berkmar Overlook Paty, Will it be a low-income housing development? If so, is there a comparable development in the Cville area that we can check out to get an idea of what's in our future? Thanks for the additional information, and we look forward to seeing the comments when they are available. Best, Beth On Apr 8, 2019, at 2:57 PM, Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.ore> wrote: Beth and Jack, I just wanted to mention, that since the meeting was last week the comments will be going out shortly. I hope to have draft comments out to the applicant before the end of tomorrow, but they will likely not be final comments until later in the week. As I mentioned to Jack on the phone, since it is a by -right development (they are proposing to build what it is zoned as) we can only require what is in the Code. So we are somewhat limited. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development ,`y / 41b ` i Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Elizabeth V.Schmid <0ackbeth90@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 2:35 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: sdp2019-10 submitted plan Berkmar Overlook Thank you, Paty. We appreciate receiving this information, and may be in touch again with questions. Best, Beth and Jack Schmid On Apr 8, 2019, at 2:28 PM, Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org> wrote: Jack & Beth, Attached is the plan that was submitted for both SDP2019-10 & SUB2019-30 Berkmar Overlook. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Ir ©_ �u� Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: David Benish Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2019 3:41 PM To: Patricia Saternye Cc: Bill Fritz, Rachel Falkenstein; Megan Nedostup Subject: RE: Are bonus densities allowed in a proposed development (SDP2019-19 & SUB2019-30 Berkmar Overlook) I agree with Zoning's interpretation that the residential density bonus is the not available in areas where the Comp Plan does not designate residential as a primary use —I think this interpretation is consistent (not inconsistent?) with the intent/recommendation of the Master Plan. I believe the interpretation of the land use recommendations for this property and treatment of residential as a secondary use is correct. I think Amelia's comments in her e-mail to you below summarizes the situation well. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks. From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 4:46 PM To: David Benish <DBENISH@albemarle.org> Cc: Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>; Rachel Falkenstein <rfalkenstein@albemarle.org>; Megan Nedostup <m nedostu p@al bema rle.org> Subject: FW: Are bonus densities allowed in a proposed development (SDP2019-19 & SUB2019-30 Berkmar Overlook) David, I had a question on my SRC review that I asked Bill. Then Bill and I expanded to Rachel. When Bill & Rachel had opposite views they said I should ask Amelia, which I did and you can see her response below. I'm forwarding this to you because today, in 2"" set of eyes, it was pointed out to me that although Amelia has to interpret 2.4.1 Application of Bonus Factors you (and possibly the planning commission) would be the correct person to interpret the Comp Plan. My original email below (almost at the very bottom) explains the issue and links to the appropriate documents. It is looking like the applicant cannot utilize any Bonus Factors. I'm comfortable with this interpretation, and thought that might be the case when I started asking questions, but Bill and Megan asked me to reach out to ensure that the Comp Plan is being interpreted correctly as well. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development o11 u `Y�R41ln� Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.ore www.albemarle.ora From: Amelia McCulley Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 4:33 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Cc: Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Bart Svoboda <bsvoboda@albemarle.org>; Lea Brumfield <Ibrumfield@albemarle.org>; Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>; Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Subject: Are bonus densities allowed in a proposed development (SDP2019-19 & SUB2019-30 Berkmar Overlook) Paty, Please see Francis' explanation below. It is our opinion that residential density bonus is not available in areas where the Comp Plan does not designate residential as a primary use. Even if it were, there would be no limits on the density bonus even though there are limits on property designated for residential use — and this would be an absurd result. From: Francis MacCall Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2019 1:06 PM To: Amelia McCulley <AMCCULLE@albemarle.org> Cc: Bart Svoboda <bsvoboda@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Are bonus densities allowed in a proposed development (SDP2019-19 & SUB2019-30 Berkmar Overlook) I agree with Bill on this one. We should start with the Intent of the bonus factors in 2.4 to help with deciding this. Are they intended to be used in this area? We can't jump to applying the factors until we decide if they are intended to be used in a particular area. 2.4 INTENT OF BONUS FACTOR PROVISIONS The provision of bonus factors is intended to encourage development which reflects the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan. To this end, bonus factors are based on development standards as recommended by the comprehensive plan. 2.4.1 APPLICATION OF BONUS FACTORS Bonus factors shall be applied to the gross density -standard level in accordance with the regulations of the applicable district, except that the resulting density shall not exceed the recommended density shown in the comprehensive plan. Unless otherwise specifically provided, bonus factors shall not be permitted for any improvement or design feature required by this ordinance. Chapter 14 of the Code of Albemarle, or any other applicable law or regulation. Where permitted, bonus factors shall be applied in into only. (Amended 8.14-85) As it states, the bonus factors are intended to encourage development which reflects the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan. So what are the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan for this area? Here is what Chapter 4 of the Places29 Master Plan states http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/community development/forms/Places29 Mast er Plan/2011/February/Chapter4-FutureLandUseTrans FINAL 02 2011.pdf Office/Research & Development (R & D)/Flex/Light Industrial. This designation allows a range of employment -generating uses and is applied to the majority of the nonretail employment areas within the Places29 area to create Employment Neighborhoods. These uses are the "new" types of industrial uses that arc more employee -intensive and may be less involved with manufacturing. As such, these uses are expected to have the fewest impacts on surrounding uses (e.g., noise, vibrations, odors), although they may have a greater traffic impact due to the number of employees. The designation is used in the areas around Centers (see Land Use Table LU2). "Office" includes the typical commercial office buildings that may house a variety of users. It may also include professional offices, such as medical or real estate offices, although these offices may also be located in Commercial Mixed Use and Urban Mixed Use areas. "Research & Development (R&D)" is applied to an administrative, engineering, and/or scientific research, design, or experimentation facility that engages in research, or research and development, of innovative ideas in technology -intensive fields. Examples include research and development of computer software, information systems, communication systems, transportation, geographic information systems, and multi -media and video technology. Development, construction, and testing of prototypes may be associated with this use. Such a business does not involve the mass manufacture, fabrication, processing, or sale of products. Many research & development uses can locate in traditional office buildings or buildings that resemble office buildings, rather than traditional industrial facilities. "Flex" describes businesses that may include several uses, such as a manufacturing facility with warehouse space for components and completed products, a showroom for sale of the products, and office space where administrative duties for the business take place. Another example is a business "incubator' that supports new businesses. A Flex use may include: research & development, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, office, retail, customer service, and showrooms, among others. Different businesses would have different combinations of these uses and in varying percentages. Another feature of Flex uses is the need for space that can be reconfigured as a business grows or adds products. "Light Industrial" is described below. Light Industrial uses that are combined with Office/R&D/Flex uses would not usually have impacts, other than traffic, on adjacent uses. Care needs to be taken that the impacts of light industrial uses are compatible with surrounding uses and the character of the area. Primary uses: office, research & development (R&D), and flex, light manufacturing�storage/distribution uses. Chapter a. Future Land Use Plan and Transportaft Network . Page 4-6 Places29: A Master Plan for the Northern Development Areas . Adopted February 2, 2011 Revised June 10, 2015 Secondary uses: retail, commercial, and light manufacturing uses that are associated with the primary uses, residential, open space, and institutional uses. As Bill notes and is noted in the linked Table residential is a secondary use in that land use designation. I would say that residential is not a goal or objective for this area even though it is listed as a secondary use. Also, I would say we are intentionally silent on the density because residential is not a goal or objective for this area. Even if we were to allow residential in the area, it is intended to be small enough that we are probably not concerned with density. Thus, they cannot apply bonus factors to the proposed by right residential development. Francis From: Amelia McCulley Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2019 11:44 AM To: Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Bart Svoboda <bsvoboda@albemarle.org> Subject: FW: Are bonus densities allowed in a proposed development (SDP2019-19 & SUB2019-30 Berkmar Overlook) Can you two please let me know what you think on this? From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 4:21 PM To: Amelia McCulley <AMCCULLE@albemarle.org> Cc: Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>; Rachel Falkenstein <rfalkenstein@albemarle.org> Subject: Are bonus densities allowed in a proposed development (SDP2019-19 & SUB2019-30 Berkmar Overlook) Amelia, I have a bonus density question that I brought to Bill and Rachel. Because they had differing opinions they suggested that I ask your opinion. This is for my SRC review (SDP2019-19 & SUB2019-30 Berkmar Overlook). It is currently zoned 116. The Comp Plan area is Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial. The ordinance (2.4.1) states "... except that the resulting density shall not exceed the recommended density shown in the comprehensive plan." Unfortunately Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial, in the current version of the Comp Plan, does not specify a maximum density for residential and residential is only a secondary use. The proposed plan is 100% residential. Question: Can I allow them to use any bonus densities for residential uses? Bill thinks they cannot, because no density is specified so anything would exceed the density. He also points out it is a secondary use. Rachel thinks that they can because the comp plan is silent on a maximum density then they are not limited (...of course except where other sections of the code cap the %.) Link to section of Comp Plan: http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/community development/forms/Places29 Mast er Plan/2011/February/Chapter4-Table LU2 AROUNDCenters BOSDraft 02 2011.pdf Link to GIS for parcels: http://gisweb.albemarle.org/GPV 51/Viewer.aspx?state=188117914615 Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development ;4 U Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Bill Fritz Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 4:01 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org> Subject: land use http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/community development/forms/Places29 Mast er Plan/2011/February/Chapter4-Table LU2 AROUNDCenters BOSDraft 02 2011.pdf William D. Fritz, AICP Development Process Manager/Ombudsman 434-296-5823 ext 3242 Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 5:36 PM To: Scott Collins Subject: RE: Berkmar Overlook I apologize for not having them for you, but they most likely won't be ready for the meeting tomorrow either. Once I am able to provide them to you if you wish to set up another meeting to go over them we can do that. There were a number of comments from the other reviewers, so you might want to ask them questions, and since some of the CAC members appear to be interested they might attend. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.orR www.albemarle.ors From: Scott Collins <scott@collins-engineering.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 5:32 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Berkmar Overlook Thanks. I am going to need your comments this evening. I have meetings in the morning and can not review planning comments prior to the meeting if I don't get them this evening. It will not be a very productive meeting if I can not get the comments before hand to review. Thx. Scott From: Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org> Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 5:26 PM To: Scott Collins <scott@collins-enaineering.com> Subject: RE: Berkmar Overlook Scott, I don't have them all, but I've attached what I have so far. We are still missing VDH and the planning comments are not ready either. I will have some questions for you tomorrow though. Two of which I will mention now since they came from the CAC members, and they might be at the SRC meeting and ask. • They want to know the price point of the market -rate and affordable units. • They also wanted to know about the feasibility of the future connections because of the grading. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.ore www.albemarle.org From: Scott Collins <scott@collins-enaineering.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 4:58 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.ore> Subject: Berkmar Overlook Paty- Are the Berkmar Overlook Preliminary site plan comments ready yet? Thanks. Scott Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2019 4:45 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Subject: RE: ACSA Sewer Plat TMP 45-112, 112E & 112G Its on your chair Q. Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.ore www.albemarle.ors From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 4:33 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: ACSA Sewer Plat TMP 45-112, 112E & 112G Thanks! I've literally been waiting since last October for these. Glad they're finally here! I'll give you a copy or scan once I get them signed. Tori From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2019 4:32 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.orR> Subject: RE: ACSA Sewer Plat TMP 45-112, 112E & 112G Tori, Please see emails below. A plat was dropped of with "Paty" on it, but it appear to have been for you. Since this is for one of my SRC projects (coming up in April) could I have a copy or a scan of the plat once you have the County Approval for it? I will leave it on your chair Q. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.ore www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 4:30 PM To: Bethany Velasquez <Bethanv@roudabush.com>; Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecville.com> Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org ; Brian Jamison <BJamison@roudabush.com> Subject: RE: ACSA Sewer Plat TMP 45-112, 112E & 112G Thank you Andrew and Bethany for that clarification. Tori appears to be out at the moment. So, I will try to get it routed to her tomorrow. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development U V aV�R41N�N Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.ore www.albemarle.ors From: Bethany Velasquez <Bethany@roudabush.com> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 4:25 PM To: Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecville.com>; Brian Jamison <BJamison@roudabush.com> Cc: Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org>; Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org Subject: Re: ACSA Sewer Plat TMP 45-112, 112E & 112G Hi Paty, It should go to Tori. It has already been approved. Thanks for the heads up, Bethany Velasquez Roudabush, Gale & Assoc. 434-977-0205 On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 4:20 PM -0500, "Andrew baldwin" <andrew@corecville.com> wrote: Patty it is. It's for the berkmar overlook project. Sorry. My assistant brought it down. We can sign the application and bring a fee check down if need be. Just let me know. Best Andrew Sent from my iPhone On Mar 7, 2019, at 4:17 PM, Brian Jamison <BJamison@roudabush.com> wrote: I will look into this in the morning Patty. Thanks for letting me know. Brian Sent from my iPhone On Mar 7, 2019, at 4:13 PM, Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org> wrote: Andrew, Please see the email below. Do you have any information on it? Your name was also on the post -it note on the plat and I forgot to include you when I sent the email below. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development <image001.gif> Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 4:05 PM To: Brian Jamison <BJamison@roudabush.com> Subject: ACSA Sewer Plat TMP 45-112, 112E & 112G Mr. Jamison, A signed plat was dropped of with my first name on it Monday without an application or fee. It is an ACSA Sewer Plat on TMPs 45-112, 112E & 112G. It has your seal on it. I am uncertain why it was sent to me, since I don't have a project on the site, or why it would be submitted without an application or fee. Please provide whatever information you have on this. It will need to be submitted officially with an application and fee and I need to know if it associated with a site plan currently under review so we will know what planner may be reviewing a project it is associated with. Please provide this information prior to submitting an application and fee for it so that I can ensure our intake staff will have enough information to process it properly. For your reference I've attached the Easement Plat application and check list. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development <image001.gif> Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 Psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org <Easement_Plat_&_Check) ist.pdf> Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecville.com> Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2019 4:36 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: Bethany Velasquez; Brian Jamison; Patricia Saternye Subject: Re: ACSA Sewer Plat TMP 45-112, 112E & 112G Great. Thanks Tori! Sorry for the confusion patty. Sent from my iPhone On Mar 7, 2019, at 4:32 PM, Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> wrote: Hi All, I believe this is in reference to SUB2018-155 Berkmar Drive easement plat. I gave the 'no review comments left' comment on Oct 1, and have been waiting for signed plats since then, so they are ready to be signed by Planning (and then it will be officially approved). I'll get them signed by Planning tomorrow hopefully (assuming they're in my mailbox!). Thanks! Tori From: Bethany Velasquez <Bethany@roudabush.com> Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2019 4:25 PM To: Andrew baldwin <andrew@corecville.com>; Brian Jamison <BJamison@roudabush.com> Cc: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org>; Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: ACSA Sewer Plat TMP 45-112, 112E & 112G Hi Paty, It should go to Tori. It has already been approved. Thanks for the heads up, Bethany Velasquez Roudabush, Gale & Assoc. 434-977-0205 On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 4:20 PM -0500, "Andrew baldwin" <andrew@corecville.com> wrote: Patty it is. It's for the berkmar overlook project. Sorry. My assistant brought it down. We can sign the application and bring a fee check down if need be. Just let me know. Best Andrew Sent from my iPhone On Mar 7, 2019, at 4:17 PM, Brian Jamison <BJamison@roudabush.com> wrote: I will look into this in the morning Patty. Thanks for letting me know. Brian Sent from my iPhone On Mar 7, 2019, at 4:13 PM, Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org> wrote: Andrew, Please see the email below. Do you have any information on it? Your name was also on the post -it note on the plat and I forgot to include you when I sent the email below. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development <image001.gif> Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternVe@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2019 4:05 PM To: Brian Jamison <BJamison@roudabush.com> Subject: ACSA Sewer Plat TMP 45-112, 112E & 112G Mr. Jamison, A signed plat was dropped of with my first name on it Monday without an application or fee. It is an ACSA Sewer Plat on TMPs 45-112, 112E & 112G. It has your seal on it. I am uncertain why it was sent to me, since I don't have a project on the site, or why it would be submitted without an application or fee. Please provide whatever information you have on this. It will need to be submitted officially with an application and fee and I need to know if it associated with a site plan currently under review so we will know what planner may be reviewing a project it is associated with. Please provide this information prior to submitting an application and fee for it so that I can ensure our intake staff will have enough information to process it properly. For your reference I've attached the Easement Plat application and check list. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development <image001.gif> Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 Psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org <Easement_Plat_&_Check) ist.pdf> Patricia "Paty" Saternye From: Megan Nedostup Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 3:25 PM To: Patricia Saternye Subject: RE: Bonus Density Agreement Honestly, I don't think I paid close attention to this before. I think based on the ordinance language, where it is required before C/O, that we would just make a comment on this and if they are rental I am guessing they will work with Ron/Stacy on this agreement. I will touch base with Rebecca and see what their process has been for this, if any, and then provide direction. We may need to add a note to the site plan that says "if affordable housing will be rental units an agreement with the County will be approved prior to C/O" or something like that, so that when the building permit comes it, it is clear. But if Rebecca is already catching this, we may not need a note. From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 3:21 PM To: Megan Nedostup <mnedostup@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Bonus Density Agreement I don't see anything that specifies if they are for sale or rent. Where would they normally specify that? Would it normally be on the coversheet of the initial? Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.ore www.albemarle.ors From: Megan Nedostup Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 3:15 PM To: Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.or6> Subject: RE: Bonus Density Agreement Thanks Paty. Are they for rent or sale? Ordinance has different requirements depending on the type. For yours, R-6, the language is in 16.4.3. If they are rental, hopefully I will have a template, or example soon, which 1 think this is what they are requesting, so you will have an example as well. Megan Nedostup, AICP (pronounced nuh-DAHST-up) Principal Planner Community Development Department Planning Services ph: 434.296.5832 ext. 3004 From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 3:00 PM To: Megan Nedostup <mnedostup@albemarle.org>; Andrew Knuppel <aknuppel@albemarle.org>; Andy Reitelbach <mreitelbach@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>; Brent Nelson <bnelson@albemarle.org>; Cameron Langille <blangille@albemarle.org>; Christopher Perez <cperez@albemarle.org>; David Benish <DBENISH@albemarle.org>; Mariah Gleason <mgleason@albemarle.org>; Michaela Accardi <maccardi@albemarle.org>; Rachel Falkenstein <rfalkenstein@albemarle.org>; Scott Clark <Sclark@albemarle.org>; Tim Padalino <tpadalino@albemarle.org>; Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Bonus Density Agreement Megan, I don't think it is my project, because I have not been in touch with a Mr. Carrington. However, my SRC item for April 41h does list a density bonus for affordable housing on the site plan (SDP2019-10). So, I just thought I would mention it. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternve@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Megan Nedostup Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 2:06 PM To: Andrew Knuppel <aknuppel@albemarle.org>; Andy Reitelbach <mreitelbach@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>; Brent Nelson <bnelson@albemarle.org>; Cameron Langille <blangille@albemarle.org>; Christopher Perez <cperez@albemarle.org>; David Benish <DBENISH@albemarle.org>; Mariah Gleason <mgleason@albemarle.org>; Michaela Accardi <maccardi@albemarle.org>; Patricia Saternye <psaternve@albemarle.org>; Rachel Falkenstein <rfalkenstein@albemarle.org>; Scott Clark <Sclark@albemarle.org>; Tim Padalino <tpadalino@albemarle.org>; Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Subject: FW: Bonus Density Agreement Anyone been working with Mr. Carrington on a project that could help with this? Thanks, Megan Nedostup, AICP (pronounced nuh-DAHST-up) Principal Planner Community Development Department Planning Services ph: 434.296.5832 ext. 3004 From: Marsha Davis Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 2:04 PM To: Megan Nedostup <mnedostup@albemarle.org>; Rachel Falkenstein <rfalkenstein@albemarle.org> Cc: James Douglas <Idouglas@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Bonus Density Agreement Mr. Carrington called our office and asked for a template of an agreement between the County and a developer regarding affordability, and when I asked whether it was affordable housing, he said it was regarding a density bonus. I spoke to Ana Kilmer, and she recommended I ask the two of you. I haven't yet asked any of the attorneys because I thought it was something you all would have, but I'll check with them if you don't know about it. Thanks! Marsha Marsha A. Davis Legal Services Coordinator Albemarle CountyAttorney's Office 401 McIntire Road, Suite 325 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 972-4067 ext 7931 mars h ad avisoa I bemarle. org From: Megan Nedostup Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 1:58 PM To: Marsha Davis <MDavis02@albemarle.org>; Rachel Falkenstein <rfalkenstein@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Bonus Density Agreement Hi Marsha, I am not sure what a Bonus Density Agreement is, so I am sorry I don't have anything to pass along. Did someone in planning say that he needed one? Megan Nedostup, AICP (pronounced nuh-DAHST-up) Principal Planner Community Development Department Planning Services ph: 434.296.5832 ext. 3004 From: Marsha Davis Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 1:50 PM To: Megan Nedostup <mnedostup@albemarle.org>; Rachel Falkenstein <rfalkenstein@albemarle.org> Subject: Bonus Density Agreement Do one of you have a template Bonus Density Agreement that you can provide to the following individual: Bo Carrington 434-962-1449 edward(cbsevendevelopment.co Thank you! Marsha Marsha A. Davis Legal Services Coordinator Albemarle CountyAttorney's Office 401 McIntire Road, Suite 325 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 972-4067 ezt.7931 mars had avisoa I bemarle. org