HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB199800120 Plat 1998-03-12LINE TABLE
24" Oak
S7717' 17" W
1. Owner: NationsBank N.A., Executor of Kenneth W. Maupin Estate.
Vll Book 88, Page 240.
Will Book 74, Page 248.
Deed Book 121, Page 456 (plat).
2. I.P.F. = Iron Pipe Found.
3. I.R.S. = Iron Rod Set,
4. I.R.F. = Iron Rod Found.
5. ohe = overhead electric.
6. oht = overhead telephone.
7. This property is zoned RA.
8. This property appears to lie in an area designated
as Zone %C (Areas of minimal flooding) as shown on
Federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps dated Dec. 16, 1980
Community Panel # 510006 0185 B.
9. The land use regulations listed herein are imposed
pursuant to the Albemarle County Zoning ordinance in
effect on this date and are shown for information purposes
only. They are not restrictive covenants running with the
land and their appearance on this plat is not intended to
impose them as such.
10. Parcel 'X' has five (5) development rights. Residue
has five (5) development rights.
11. Residue and Parcel "X" contain at least 30,000 s.f.
of contiguous area in slopes of less than 25%.
12. Setbacks: Front = 75', Side = 25', Rear = 35'.
Kenneth W. Maupin Estate
TM 40, Pcl. 25
DB 3981214
Plat Showing a Subdivision
Tax Map 40, Parcel 43
Located on White Hall Rd. (S.R.
White Hall District
County, Virginia
The division of land described herein is with the free
consent and in accordance with the desires of the
undersigned owners, proprietors, and trustees. Any
reference to future potential development is to be
deemed theoretical only. All statements affixed to
this plat are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge. Nd'anc.Bank. W-A. EXEaftr of'ff1G
;6+*At C+ 4nnG4jj w.4"IA BY:KCRMC,.R0Ik1►vP
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged
before me this the It day of LIAR - 18
my commission a res. 2
Kenneth W. Maupin Estate
TM 40, Pcl. 41
OB 311/304
Kenneth W. Maupin Estate
TM 40, Pcl. 42
DB 264/343
Division Line Between Parcel "X"
and Residue is along center of
White Hall Road
State Route 810
"Long Meadow"
50' Restricted Road
Date: Feb. 11, 1998
Revised: Mar. 11, 1998 (county comments)
200 0 200
100 100 400
Scale: 1" = 200'
Surveyor's Statement:
On Jan. 30, 1998 1 made a field survey as per
record description of the property shown on this
plat. To the best of my knowledge and belief this is
a true and accurate plat.
L. S
Vicinity Map
Right—of—way 11
to water
= 2000'
' / 108.21'
n/f Ringwood Co.
TM 40, PcL 39
OB 11021547
5" White Oak
Fence Corner
"Long Meadow"
Lot 1
P.O. Bog 1346
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(804) 971-8339
JAT / 8-006-43. DWG
ao—V —vv
24 Oak c "iy s
LINE TABLEo. ✓..\ ado R'
L1 S4736'34'W 372.72'
L2 S55'38'27'W 107 28' \
L3 S64'17'32"W 7370' Kenneth W. Mauprn Esfafe L
L4 S7717'17'W 9965' TM 40, PcL 41 t
l '
18' Hickory DB 311 304 z •
vs/ Fence /
±3.6' North 's07•As, .�.•,
'' of prop. line 1860/�21 E' - \yy A'�
M^ D a }rj
0 C 63 I {
z a
m Lp
I \
Parcel " ' cn
1.Notes Owner:NatmaBank NA,Executor of 24.642 Ac.
IIYI Book 88,Page 240. y p I
fill Book 74,Page 248. I I.P.F. Vicinit Ye 1' = 2000'
Deed Book 121,Page 456(plat).
2.I.P.F =Iron Pipe Found.
3.LRS=Iran Rod Set. O l �a
4.I.RF =Iron Rod Found. Born G Po/etl t}y 6 j'F Zo Approved for Recordation.
5.ohs=overhead electric. Barn (tYP� 0� / a e� Tr
6.oM=overhead I.R S. ,•
7.This property is zonedw RA. NBf665?" / Oufbldg. 38.22' %• �'�r 3�/lffj@ ���
B This Pro�rty appears to Be in on area designated 48.1 20' Pine
as Zone (+(Areas of minimal Roofing)as shown on W 497 12' ' I ..:.22' I R S
Federal Flood Insurance Rate Yaps dated Dec. 16, 1980 I.R S. N8T50'5 W \ OOutbld. /
Community Panel+510006 0185 B. g .,e
9.The land use regulations fisted herein or,Imposed tth
Kenneth W. Moupin Estate
pursuant to the Albemarle County Zoning ordnance in TM 40, Pcl. 25 sj`66 \' ` a Kenneth W Maupin Estate
effect on this date and are shown for information purposes DB 398/214 0 ..oj 6.0 'I TM 40, Pal 42
any.They are not restrictive covenants running with the V. n `House 4 Barn o�, DB 264/343
land and thek appearance on this plat b not intended to r •" Barn 3
impose them as such. r
10.Parcel'X'has five(5)development rights.Residue a• ,`` v2 n
has five(5)development rights. / C 7 26 89'9 +
11 Residue and Parcel'lC contain at least 30,000 of •L \
of contiguous area h slopes of less than 25%. — {/ I N Division Line Between Parcel "X"
12.Setbacks Front=75',Side=25',Rear=35' —— — '
D,R �► 40.00' cs and Residue is along center of
I.R.S. I x White Hall Road
State Route 810
Match Match Line ` I I Match
Line I N86'58'21"E
1 108 e
12" Gum
I / Fence Come Stone
ini 1 N8E51'0YE Found
(.,4' 949 49' n /Ringwood Co
3 I.R S ii J TM 40, Pcl. 39
c8 N 1 ./e a DB 1102/547
I; CI \ Z
I Pr
�o z
x.i c �J�P u 34. a
Plat Showing a Subdivision of
il'il 40, Pcl. 43 49.788 Ac.. t—t mI Parcel "lee —24.642 Ac,I a
Residue 25.126 Ac.1
Located on White Hall R . S.R. 810) r—n
836 47' 12' Cedar + I.R.F. /
I.R.S. >rft 40•.9 r' 31. • ' 4I
Nt758'36'W 'M' N89'30'54 W —S897 58"WOak
White Hall District iii t 5' e C ner
"Long Meadow" �r �� Fence Comer
50'Restricted Road
ii 'Long Meadow'
Right water
way ii Lot 1
Albemarle County, Virgini •4 Elk � : Lda tawater ii Olt(.:
II 6 ` e t':
s +a1pr
FAMILY .----#sort
'' IN ' S101 ._._.-
PLAN C .,.--a Date: Feb 11, 1998 ' f
Revised: Mar. 11, 1998 (county comments) 1j'" P 98
R �.Tr ; y°�r 200 _0 200 E'�
. R1 Aicne," too 100 400
APP. `
_j' $ i ,"J, Scale: 1' = 200'
The division of land described herein Is with the free Surveyors Statement: LAND SURVEYORS
consent and in accordance with the desires of the NOTARY PUBLIC: On Jan. 30, 1998 I made a field survey as per
undersigned owners, proprietors, and trustees. Any The foregoing instrument was acknowledged record description of the property shown on this &
reference to future potential development is to be plat. To the best of my knowledge and belief this is LAND PLANNERS
deemed theoretical only. All statements affixed to before me this the // day of MAR-fa a true and accurate plat
this plat are true and correct to the best of my _iJ s P.O. Box 1348
knowledge. sn($ank 4.A•Execoforof'fNtt. �r Charlottesville, VA 22902
914490,1C f nfes,w.K In BY:kelbc.P004 Ve �, ,� 1 (B04) 971-8339
�� J my commission a rea: /2 3-' .a L'S' JAY./8-006-43.DWG