HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200300012 Assessment - Environmental 2002-11-01 - - ----..._------ �___ -- --- --- - - z- -
In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District ALgEMARLE-- CHARLOTTESVILLE
State Department of Health 1138 Ro;a Hill Drive FLUVANNA couNT'(PALM'RA)
Office of Environmental Health COUNTY
P. O. Sox 7546 LOUISA (LOUISA)
Phone (804) 972-6259 NELSON COUNTY(WVINGSTON)
FAX (804) 972-4310 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906
November 1, 2002
Mr. Francis H.MacCall, Planner
County of Albemarle
Department of Planning and Community Development
401 McIntire Road,Room 218
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
RE: Review of Proposed Subdivision Plat fir Individual Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems,
Stephen Plaskon(SUB-2001-314) Subdivision(Lots 1 and 2)
Tax Map#58,Parcel 98
Dear Mr. MacCall:
On October 14, 2002 the County of Albemarle requested the Virginia Department of
Health (via the Charlottesville/Albemarle Count.y Health Department) review the proposed
subdivision plat identified above.This request was received on October 22, 2002. This letter is to
inform you that the above referenced preliminary subdivision plat is approved for individual
onsite sewage disposal systems in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, and the
Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations(12 VAC 5-610-10 et seq., the "Regulations"), and in
compliance with the local ordinances of Albema.-le County.
Tlus request for subdivision review was submitted pursuant to the provisions of§ 32.1-
163.5 of the Code of Virginia which requires the Health Department to accept private soil
evaluations and designs from an Authorized Onsi.te Soil Evaluator(AOSE) or a Professional
Engineer(PE)working in consultation with an A OSE for residential development. This
subdivision was certified as being in compliance with the Board of Health's regulations by: John
F. Hutcherson,AOSE# 132, (434)589-3611. This subdivision approval is issued in reliance
upon that certification.
Pursuant to § 360 of the Regulations this approval, is not an assurance that Sewage
Disposal System Construction Permits will be is:ued for any lot in the subdivision identified
above unless that lot is specifically identified on the above referenced plat as having an approved
site for an onsite sewage disposal system, and unless all conditions and circumstances are present
at the time of application for a permit as are present at the time of this approval. This subdivision
may contain lots that to do not have approved sit{:s for onsite sewage systems.
This subdivision approval is issued in reliance upon the certification that approved lots
are suitable for"traditional systems," however actual system designs may be different at the time
construction permits are issued. This subdivision approval does pertain to the requirements of
local ordinances.
The approved onsite sewage disposal system sites are shown on the above
referenced preliminary plat, which alone;with the soil evaluation reports for each
proposed lot, is on file with the Charlottesville/Albemarle County Health
)1 '(LL-
Jack D. :✓IcClelland.
Technica_ Consultant
PC: File - Charlottesville/Albemarle Counter Health Department
Stephen Plaskon, Owner
John F. Hutcherson, ROSE
Page 1 of 5
Soil Summary Report
General Information
Date: April 9, 2001 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department
Applicant: Stephen Plaskon Telephone No. 434-295-5806
Address: P.O. Box 460 Ivy,Virginia 22945
Owner: Same as applicant Address: Same as applicant
Location: East side of Rt.637, .1 mile South of Rt.786
Tax Map 58 Parcel 98 Subdivision-Plaskon Block/Section-N/A Lot-#2 Drainfield#1
Soil Information Summary
1. Position in landscape satisfactory Yes-X No-
Describe: side slope
2. Slope: 13%
3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max.- Min.- None-X
4. Depth to seasonal water table(gray mottling or gray color) No-X Yes- inches
5. Free water present No-X Yes- range in inches
6. Soil percolation estimated Yes-X Texture Group I II III IV
No- Estimated Rate-55 min/inch
7. Permeability test performed Yes- If yes,note type of test performed and attach
Site Approved-X Drainfield to be placed at 42" depth at site designated on permit,plat,or drawing
Site Disapproved-
Reasons for rejection
1._Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation.
2._Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock.
3._Insutficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table.
4._Rates of absorption too slow.
5._Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield,and/or Reserve Area.
6._Proposed system too close to well.
7._Other Specify
Page 2 of 5
Date-April 9,2001 Lot-#2 Drainfield#1
Hole # Horizon Depth(inches) Description of color, texture, etc. Texture Group
1 A 0-3 dark reddish brown 5YR 3/4 loam II
Bt 3-26 reddish brown 2.5YR 4/4 clay IV
C 26-60 reddish brown 5YR 4/4 to strong brown
7.5YR 4/6 clay loam with pockets of III
sandy clay loam with few white weathered II
2 A 0-3 dark reddish brown 5YR 3/4 loam II
Bt 3-12 yellowish red 5YR 4/6 sandy clay IV
C 12-60 yellowish red 5YR 4/6 to strong brown
7.5YR 4/6 sandy clay loam&loam with II
white weathered rock&many fine mica
3 A 0-3 dark reddish brown 5YR 3/4 loam II
Bt 3-25 dark red 2.5YR 3/6 clay IV
C 25-60 red 2.5YR 4/6 to reddish brown 5YR 4/4
sandy clay loam to sandy loam with I I
white weathered rock
4 A 0-2 dark reddish brown 5YR 3/4 loam II
Bt 2-30 dark red 2.5YR 3/6 clay IV
C 30-60 dark red 2.5YR 3/6 sandy clay loam with II
many fine mica flakes
Shrink-Swell Potential
Low to Moderate
Page 3 of 5
Abbreviated Design Form
Subdivision-Plaskon Lot-#2 Drainfield #1
Design Basis
A. Estimated percolation rate 55
B.Trench bottom square feet
required per bedroom(from
Table 4.6 based on gravity) 412
C. Number of bedrooms 3
Area calculations
D. Length of trench 83 ft. Length of available area 95 ft.
E. Width of trench 3 ft.
F.Number of trenches 5
G. Center-to-center spacing 10 ft.
H. Width required 43 ft. Width of available area including reserve 95 ft.
I. Total square footage required 1236
(line B times line C)
J. Square footage in design 1245
K. Is a reserve area required? Yes-X No-
SCALE Page 4 of 5
1 inch=100 ft.
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Page 5 of 5
Certification Statement
County: Albemarle Date: September 25,2002
Property Identification: Stephen Plaskon Subdivision,Tax Map 58 Parcel 98,Lots#1 & #2,
located on the East side of Rt.637, .1 mile South of Rt. 786
Submitted by : John F.Hutcherson
Hutcherson Soil Consultants
5802 Union Mills Road
Troy,Virginia 22974
This is to certify according to 32.1-163.5 of the code of Virginia that work
submitted for the referred property is in accordance to and complies with
the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations of the Virginia Department
of Health. I recommend a subdivision approval be approved.
AOSE #132: � Date: September 25,2002
Page 1 of 5
Soil Summary Report
General Information
Date: April 9, 2001 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department
Applicant: Stephen Plaskon Telephone No. 434-295-5806
Address: P.O.Box 460 Ivy,Virginia 22945
Owner: Same as applicant Address: Same as applicant
Location: East side of Rt.637, .1 mile South of Rt.786
Tax Map 58 Parcel 98 Subdivision-Plaskon Block/Section-N/A Lot-#2 Drainfield#2
Soil Information Summary
1. Position in landscape satisfactory Yes-X No-
Describe: side slope
2. Slope: 10%
3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max.- Min.- None-X
4. Depth to seasonal water table(gray mottling or gray color) No-X Yes- inches
5. Free water present No-X Yes- range in inches
6. Soil percolation estimated Yes-X Texture Group I II III IV
No- Estimated Rate-55 min/inch
7. Permeability test performed Yes- If yes,note type of test performed and attach
Site Approved-X Drainfield to be placed at 40" depth at site designated on permit,plat,or drawing
Site Disapproved-
Reasons for rejection
1._Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation.
2._Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock.
3._Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table.
4._Rates of absorption too slow.
5._Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield,and/or Reserve Area.
6._Proposed system too close to well.
7._Other Specify
Page 2 of 5
Date-April 9, 2001 Lot-#2 Drainfield#2
Hole # Horizon Depth(inches) Description of color, texture, etc. Texture Group
1 A 0-3 reddish brown 2.5YR 4/4 loam II
Bt 3-22 dark red 2.5YR 3/6 to red 2.5YR 4/6 clay IV
C 22-60 red 2.5YR 4/6 to yellowish red 5YR 4/6
loam with many fine mica flakes II
2 A 0-2 dark brown 7.5YR 3/4 loam II
Bt 2-24 dark red 2.5YR 3/6 clay IV
C 24-60 dark red 2.5YR 3/6 clay loam with quartz III
3 A 0-3 light reddish brown 5YR 6/4 loam H
Bt 3-18 dark red 2.5YR 3/6&yellowish red 5YR 4/6
clay IV
C 18-60 brown 7.5YR 4/4 to dark yellowish brown
10YR 3/4 sandy loam&loam with white II
weathered rock&many fine mica flakes
4 A 0-6 dark reddish brown 5YR 3/4 sandy clay loan II
Bt 6-28 dark reddish brown 5YR 3/4 clay IV
C 28-60 dark reddish brown 5YR 3/4 to yellowish
red 5YR 5/6 sandy clay loam to sandy loam II
with yellow&white weathered rock
Shrink-Swell Potential
Low to Moderate
Page 3 of 5
Abbreviated Design Form
Subdivision-Plaskon Lot-#2 Drainfield#2
Design Basis
A. Estimated percolation rate 55
B. Trench bottom square feet
required per bedroom(from
Table 4.6 based on gravity) 412
C. Number of bedrooms 3
Area calculations
D. Length of trench 83 ft. Length of available area 90 ft.
E. Width of trench 3 ft.
F.Number of trenches 5
G. Center-to-center spacing 10 ft.
H.Width required 43 ft. Width of available area including reserve 93 ft.
I. Total square footage required 1236
(line B times line C)
J. Square footage in design 1245
K.Is a reserve area required? Yes-X No-
SCALE Page 4 of 5
1 inch=100 ft.
FENCE `960•
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IF AT el' 520.6' - 58 8 •
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�FE Y II i N11'36'38"E /\DRALD
d 1 - 95.82' NO. 2 IS
acr U � i i D COI I N05 TH3
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Page 5 of 5
Certification Statement
County: Albemarle Date: September 25,2002
Property Identification: Stephen Plaskon Subdivision,Tax Map 58 Parcel 98,Lots#1 ,
located on the East side of Rt.637, .1 mile South of Rt. 786
Submitted by : John F.Hutcherson
Hutcherson Soil Consultants
5802 Union Mills Road
Troy,Virginia 22974
This is to certify according to 32.1-163.5 of the code of Virginia that work
submitted for the referred property is in accordance to and complies with
the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations of the Virginia Department
of Health. I recommend a subdivision approval be approved.
AOSE #132: 1� 11-� Date: September 25,2002