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VA200100024 Review Comments 2000-12-04
• STAFF PERSON: Amelia McCulley PUBLIC HEARING: December 4, 2001 STAFF REPORT VA-2001-024 OWNER: Weather Hill Homes, Ltd. APPLICANT: Alan Scouten TAX MAP/PARCEL: 59C1 / Section 2 / 18 ZONING: RA, Rural Areas ACREAGE: 1.92 acres LOCATION: 915 Williston Court in West Leigh subdivision, off the north side of Route 250 West. TECHNICAL REQUEST AND EXPLANATION: The applicant proposes to build a house on a vacant lot and requests 2 variances. He requests relief from Section 10.4 Area and Bulk Regulations, to reduce the side setback from 25 to 15 feet, a variance of 10 feet. He also requests a variance from Section Frontage and Lot Width Measurements, to reduce the front yard lot width from 150 to 80 feet, a variance of 70 feet. The proposed house location will meet the 25 foot setback from the west side, but will be 15 feet from the east side property line. The second variance relates to the location of the house with respect to the required lot width. The required minimum lot width is the same as the frontage requirement in that district for that property. For example, a lot on an internal road in the Rural Areas such as this, must have 150 feet of frontage on that road and must obtain 150 feet of lot width. In addition to meeting the zoning district front yard setback regulations, a house can not be built where the lot width is not met. For lots at the end of a cul-de-sac with narrow frontages, this results in a house location some distance from the road typically greater than the front yard setback, where lot width is met. For this particular lot in West Leigh, it appears that lot width is not met until a distance of about 75 feet into the property off the cul-de-sac. Therefore, while the front yard setback is only 25 feet, the effective setback to meet lot width is about 75 feet. RELEVANT HISTORY: There is no history in the Zoning files on this property. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND QUALIFYING CONDITIONS: This lot is somewhat regular in shape and it is not particularly small. (It is 0.08 acres below the minimum lot size in this zoning district.) This subdivision was recorded and this lot was created prior to the adoption of zoning in Albemarle. There are significant areas of critical slopes and stream setback on this property. It is doubtful that this lot meets current ordinance requirements for a building site; however, it is lawfully nonconforming. VA 2001-024 Weather Hill He 2 December 4, 2001 1 The topographic constraints on this property are exceptional. From a point about 60 feet off the road, the property slopes steeply in critical slopes. The majority of the lot, the entire width and a depth of 160 feet or so, consists of critical slopes. A stream traverses the entire rear of the lot and appears to have associated wetlands. The 100 foot setback from this stream is almost entirely on this property and runs almost directly into the toe of the critical slopes. Therefore, there is limited buildable area and the most practical building area is immediately off the cul-de-sac. Staff agrees that there are exceptional topographic characteristics of this property existing at the time of adoption of this ordinance such that the strict application of the terms of this ordinance would restrict the use of the property. APPLICANT'S JUSTIFICATION AND STAFF COMMENT: A review of the variance criteria provided by the applicant and comments by staff follows: Hardship Staff comments are written in italics and follow the applicant's comments. The applicant notes that the variance is necessary: • The West Leigh Section Two Plat was certified in 1962, seven years before the 1969 Zoning Ordinance was adopted. • As the development was built out, vacant lots were bought by neighbors. Two of these lots, 15 and 18 were sold two years ago. A home is being built on Lot 15 and Lot 18 has a front that comes to a point with a 25 degree acute angle. • In addition, the lot reaches critical slopes within 100 feet of the point. • In order to follow the setback and minimum front yard ordinance, preserve critical slopes and preserve floodplains, the house footprint would need to be reduced to 950 square feet, with no garage. The existing grades from front to back would vary by 14 feet (onto a critical slope in the back) and a 30 " chestnut oak would need to be removed from the footprint. • Finally, moving the housesite back (to be in compliance with the ordinance) would incur substantial grading, retaining, erosion control and stormwater management concerns that would be more detrimental than granting a variance of the ordinance. Staff concurs that the topographic conditions of this property present an undue hardship. 1. The applicant has provided evidence that the strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. Uniqueness of Hardship The applicant notes: VA 2001-024 Weather Hill He 3 December 4, 2001 • An estimated 95% of residential construction in West Leigh Section Two occurred before the ordinance was written. None of the other lots have the percentage of lot in critical slopes, floodplains and hardwood forests. • Having discussed this variance request with neighbors on Williston Court, the applicant feels they are in agreement with the granting of this request. Staff notes that while many lots were created prior to zoning in Albemarle, it is unusual to have a combination of topographic conditions which present such constraints to construction. While some nonconforming lots which do not have building sites result in building on critical slopes, the slopes on this property are significant. In addition, there is such limited level land just off the cul-de-sac. Staff is of the opinion that the applicant is making a reasonable variance request. 2. The applicant has provided evidence that such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. Impact on Character of the Area The applicant offers: • The neighbors on Williston Court are in agreement with the granting of this request. • The existing houses have similar front yard relationships to the private road. • The back of this lot which is in floodplain and critical slope, has been maintained by the neighbor as a park / playfleld for the neighborhood children. The applicant wishes to provide the same amenity to the community. The closer that the house is to the street, the less disturbance there will be to this back yard area. Staff has not received written comment from neighbors and can not address that statement. While this house will be somewhat closer to the road than the surrounding homes, it is located at the end of the cul-de-sac. In addition, it would seem that building at the required setback and lot width would result in significant tree removal and massive grading; these would seem to negatively impact the area. 3. The applicant has provided evidence that the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since all of the three criteria for approval have been met, staff recommends approval of this request. Staff recommends the following condition: 1. Approval is limited to the house proposed by this variance. roi ., y' rt.�.j3J���yy r �' // NS • �+• "YYYt *dd�x`` F �' ii4t 1 y �f m�fS + it L4 'J �' i 4�ff o ^: 4.2" N�jG�M.�k.����y:1 -0 !00 _ � t ,l i" / 9 f i \_--__I±ITiJiii 'I f.f �_� —� N55 t; \ • _ 8 G *kit,* fligeo. or.___...1 „„„moVIII------- Ica _ - _--1-• % _--- -� — _ ,,r _________________-_----__::___ _____ . \_____"41 5. — — 1r` _ _ —°' 40 .---- '_� 0 _--_� 40 _`-- -CO 30 - \\�\ . , . 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(0 3j'3) v • 4 r v^ - 4 8' ' _ / a O ,•,• ^ so°° �s�ss 1.54 Acs. ° S.`i°40'W. 452•82' _� • , 24 e •�6 ° h ---2 3- A. 7s°• ,` N 44. 1.66 Acs. a . 4 9z 1 � r 0 AS .�95• 0 1,67 Acs,, n�� _J, k 1. 3. is• l.ZI••-44. �W- �0 35.00• �'ZoOL9 W. ` 1� S ZO, 9 43 f 3j2c4N,� •�ti �°% 1.60 Acs.S�C ION o _ws Zs �ot9 5 �� • I ESL I J ti LNG •. � 13*, • P 3.., y © , 1.95 Acs. �,►•� +, „)\ GENERAL NOTES CURVE DATA 'e" �' THE STREETS IN THIS SUBDIVISION ARE K• `3Slf SUBSTANDARD TO THE SUBDIVISION tt NO. DELTA RADIUS TANGENT ARC °GOO '0 300 REQUIREMENTS, AND THEREFORE ARE NOT h• 7` 0 49' 0' 229.18' 104.45 19 ,.00' A,iw'1' ELIGIBLE FOR STATE HIGHWAY MAINTEN- 2 26.10' 142.58" 35.72. 70.00• • .S•7y' ANCC, AND WILL HAVE TO [C MAINTAINED 3 25•00' Z14.51' 46•00• 94.4 d' S409,4' N. PRIVATELY. 4 86.00' 96.32' 89.92' 144.57' 31.2 1N 74, .`8. S•O'42'E. --__=INDICATES DRAINAGE EASEMENT. 5 b°,00' 120b.B8' b3.25' 126.38' O� iOC.O°' INDICATES UTILITY EASEMENT. Y3 6 20.00' 286.51' S0.52' ioO.00' .' ARc+133.00 " ; 7 13°10' ALL LOT CORNERS MARKED BY IRON RODS. ?. :,t1 818.48 94.4�' 189•l0' . y 6 47•so' 2$1.04' 110.46' BOUNDARY LINES OF LOTS EXTEND TO THE', 206.12' CENTER OF STREETS.._BUT ALL STREETS Q' • 'jp•OI'- 334;53• 89,64' 175.IS ARE SUBJECT TO FIFTY(SO) FOOT WIDTH 10 57043' Ioe.11' 59,5]' IOe.90' �1 d111 REDEDICATION. Y� ; .' 11 52.0•0' 410.04' 200.00' 372.I(°' \*I0' RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS- 1 12. 23400' 294,91' bo.00' 118.38' • dill D KID\._ ; BOOK , PAGE •y Y' 17 37.45' 440.76 fo ' ISo. 9' Z90.38' �-- , . IB 25°00 685. ,3' 152 00' 299.IT' -� WEST LE/Gy `` BLDG• SET-BACK, MM. SS'FROM CENTER RO., APPR OVALS - COUNTY ANNING COMMISSION COUNTY-' BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 471)6 pi,,,..lerit/ „_, -..)C.. Z•HAIRM•H , i :.,::: / CHAIIMAH ; fJ7 Lec RetTA wY �V •crr �/ fk^ �L1 19IoZ % 1Y1!*RCN /C 1962_ SECT■TARY +`r�. =�.. -sEi=! „r �r S, r'-U a r6u I o-r'1-Z 2" OW I NER APPROVAL SUBDIVISION PLAT •£ �' This plot is approved as shown. See note PAGE I OF 2 y• fi;o :.x. above regarding streets, WEST LEIGH, INC. SECTION T W0 ?:`t °� k44r r, ",t,., WITH REVISIONS TO PORTION SECT. ONE .> FEBRUARY.2)?'194AZ ! I/ /. r�� '•-I T - 4 WEST - LEIGH 41.1114 041. SURVEY CERTIFICATION • ' 'A'n . fli ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA `:, $�' `fis'��:. G7 Certified to be ;��;"`f 4? SCALE I" L 200. JANUARY 1962 + * jam.� correct and accurate. ,• a� ' •{ a AMOS R. SWEET •ti -- ►*+ - '`' *ems:; 311:1VVV3V4 1,11.4100 Q Ct 9 kr't CI "2:2::::.z-.•,tta S 31. 1. ""'v '^' `L` ` ' ALBEMARLE COUNTY e W: fie/ 311 6 il 3 iWEST LEIGH SECTION I D.B.355 Pqs 275,277,279,281 % ]ze WEST LEIGH SECTION 2 D.B.385 Pgs.518, 519 0 WEST LEIGH SECTION 3 D.B.388 Pgs.566,567 ` 21 . 0 ]7• 3 2 ,f 33 l\ P. 1 ep•D „- — 4101111%hillip Vii OL. 23 3e 37 j1 I SBtlll in - 3 0 C . 4 lipv l 0 O 31 36 .\ C` O 412 9 �O 90 1 ii 011,\ n `+ » 11 • s Is Y s W �`LLJS�O� 4�f le , • t IS 1 11 S zo'..r 2 1 �/, zz 1( o i u, - \'1 % �' 23 23 • 7 ` — 'VI '"'" e,....fp 37 \'1` �� 6 �\ ill Il n J' ct) _.. ...._ ,44444 \/ 2e �w 4 2 G 6 Fyf+ 21 _ 3 // D �1 12 13 62 \64 I J• a„VE ez• 2 • 1 �!� Kt\.( 1 - y !� I W I �p 0 \ / \ t1 511 i Cr53 WEST LEIGH SECTION 2 D B.385 Pqe 518 B 5I9 , 1 • ,• \ ,,-' '/ se AE SE IY[C NESEN6E0 t t ss j= /el 3e ,.. ,. ... SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICT ... . / SECTION 59C(I) z "" •• 4• / SECTION 59 C(2) • 10/17/01 14 : 00 FAX '1 817 5212 •- R I C1ID10ND & FI SI NI; 121002 • . . � I 2 . e-. \ , 00 t,e z- : • • _ r`�' .1. 13 12 7.6 -- • ♦ + I.31 Act. .:� ' '+. `����_ - _ ``; yam• `% r • �, + .� ^O,` f • '! �JYa •,ti ` stew C�• sl.. • a.•0 . 14 >. • • e of • • .r 2,334 ACs. • ,e•L ..4• • 0 1' '�c. r ` - .. .r`• 1 Ir"''• •L •.I. 1.44 4Cs. 2sf .41 • I,: • •••• `. , _ ~ vl I S •• 1.92 Acs. •" • 3 5 _ ::::.- • !� y, a:.•,.t. �n• fa ti -� r. . - o .1 1.16Acsb•�, ' tic-, 1.86 Acs- r 26 0 / 36 i • 1 O.f�P� - a,^ r 2.93 Ace• -.3 0 2.16 ACs. G• .• '\- •'+.�.�°'r. • s 20 r _ =sue 2 -•- ! Iz 2. 51 Ace. • • S 3 '�S\ ,o�h 2.Io Acs, o• o '� • 1.59 Ace. 1�. = i S'.. 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'•4.t.0 _ r•r[Pi s.a•+TY; • n q•oo • . It._aR IYr =-_ ..olc o,ur•.a ,.•t rt,r. ira •i••q' _�R,s C�. ��oFi 1• '-''^" Ir•IFAItI %WM( I�.Irl.if • 1 ••••I••. 110 r•r.r r••1 •••1 • 4.'1 1•rr tw lr • Le 'j'.G ISz.00' ram.--�'�'.+ -�• •[l• ••e• ^,__• _ r Y(.•1•.►M WGC S/ �•�E��I/S/ O� •le•, ■l•••A••, •m. e•••w0A '''''A 1••. APPROVALS - I • ' - COUNTY aNN1NG CON/MISSION - I COUNTY'I BOARD OF SUPERVISORS -�•�r"' / �/ {� 1 • -.+. err•,.1►•.h.. ., • ,............}744,w,iJ\"21 ., "72..., • • • I . OWNER.- APPROVAL -•v�rsrr 1e- t7-L� • pprov Tnie SUBDIVISION PLAT ola1 is o ed es shorn, sell not• • above regarding slreeIs. .[,r L.,•. on IC I OF A y ..... SECTION I f>?n(tu wl•t'jrro ' _-.LL.-_ "l' T N C. -�C ' -Y-L �/( WITH REVISIONS TO PORTION SECT. ONE - WEST LEIGH i 4�I`T8� SURVEY CERTIFICATION a� AL©EMARLE • COUNTY VIRGIN lA • t Certified to De j U A14IOS R. SWEET z correct ono accurate.k% SceLE 1' • zoo' lA1�uAq,. • CERTIFICATE. No. /) 196Z • . • •.. ?9 d 75 %1� , f7nfSyUt�r 2G 19LL • ., .. •. T .-, y • • f.41(D-21 6a4�' AMOS ' R. SWEET • �, : III: 1,17 � CP:Spr1En slflfy • ! . 1 a001 1.00, (240 lt •I }II I' � t I i II �YGR II 'fII• III Ili I I 1 S III , A PRESENTED TO BZ A-- d h 1 1. V1 * VA , 1 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE �.[3EM1lRLE NOTES: BOUNDARY SHOWN IS APPROXIMATE, BASED ON PLAT BY A.R. SWEET, DATED JAN. 1962 AND BY WILLIAM S. ROUDABUSH DATED MAR. 28, 1984 m cHERC) INDICATES TREE TYPE AND SIZE IN INCHES N qX INDICATES TEST HOLE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LOTS 15A AND 18 SECTION TWO WEST LEIGH ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA NOVEMBER 24, 1999 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=20' ROUDABUSH, GALE AND ASSOCIATES. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION SURVEYORS, PLANNERS. ENGINEERS 914 MONTICELLO ROAD 0 20 40 60 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA dclt—dwin/4087.p— 408) rInr� nY ��iltn EXHIBITS PRESEt{TCD TO O Yl :RE llL 5 L� COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE WEATHER HILL residence for: H O M E S, L T D. � Margaret and Alan alan k. scouten A-11 1 ! S C O U T EN 315 dtrywoy. -, 102.cM1arbtl1-11e.�022903 804.296.9484 �a--296.2— Lot 18, Williston Court, West Leigh Albemarle County, Virginia 8