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VA200100024 Application 2001-11-05
f i County of Albemarle Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road 54"j Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804)972-4060 VA- a - DATE: FEE: $95.00 STAFF: C VARIANCE APPLICATION / 9 5 3 g' OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) Name: Weather Hill Homes, Ltd Phone: (804) 296-9484 Address: 315 Old Ivy Way Suite 102 Charlottesville, VA 22903 (9 i) APPLICANT (If different from above) Name: Alan Scouten Phone: (804) 296-9484 Address: 315 Old Ivy Way Suite 102 Charlottesville, VA 22903 CONTACT PERSON (If different from above) Name: SAME Phone: SAME . Address: SAME " LOCATION: LOT 18, WEST LEIGH, SECTION 2 6) 15 b)r // Im a./ PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFI CATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. OFFICE USE ONLY Sgc ! - D -oD- ©/ O0 ( o: ) TAX MAP , PARCEL ; TM , P ; TM , P Sm ZONED: _ f9 ORDINANCE SECTION: /0, 3 Board of Zoning Appeals Date: / /_ I 5)&4 No 1415W1 ( ) Special Permit ( ) Variance ( ) Proffers BZA ACTION: 1rP d ( 11-1 olc/ DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Applicant requests the following variances: 1) 18.10.4 Rural Areas District Area and Bulk Regulations - requesting reduction in side yard setbacks from 25 feet to 15 feet 2) Minimum Lot Width - requesting waiving of front yard depth requirement. JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE ( 3) CRITERIA: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. The West Leigh Section Two Plat was certified in 1962, seven years before the 1969 Zoning Ordinance was adopted, and eighteen years before the current Zoning Ordinance was adopted. As the development was built out, vacant lots were bought by neighbors. Two of these lots, 15 and 18, were sold . two years ago. A home is . being built on Lot 15 and Lot 18 has a front . that comes to a point with a 25 degree acute angle. In addition, the lot reaches critical slopes within 100 feet of the point. In order to follow the . setback and minimum front yard ordinance, preserve critical slopes and . preserve floodplains, the house footprint would need to be reduced to 950 . square feet, with no garage; the existing grades from front to back would vary . by 14 . feet (onto a critical slope in the back); and a 30" chestnut oak would . need to be . removed from the footprint. Finally, moving the housesite back (to be in compliance with the ordinance) would incur substantial grading, . retaining, erosion control, and stormwater management concerns that would be more detrimental than granting avariance of the ordinance. 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. An estimated 95 % of residential construction in West Leigh Section Two occurred . before the ordinance was written. None of the other lots have the percentage of lot in critical slopes, floodplains, and hardwood forests. Having discussed this variance . request with the neighbors on Williston Court, the applicant feels they are in agreement with the granting of this request. 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. The neighbors on Williston Court are in agreement with the granting of this request. The existing houses have similar front yard relationships to the private road. The back of this lot, which is in floodplain and critical slope, has been maintained by the neighbor as a park I playfield for the neighborhood children. The applicant wishes to provide the same ammenity to the community. The closer that the house is to the street, the less disturbance there will be to this back yard area. The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not been submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1Li53 � 1140 Signature Date Receipt# Date VA-2001-024. (Sign #3) Weatherhill Homes Ltd. (owner); Alan Scouten (applicant) Located at 915 Williston Court in West Leigh subdivision off N. side Rt. 250 W. TM 59C1\Parcel 02-18, zoned Rural Areas. Request variances to: a) reduce side yard setback from 25 to 15 feet, and b) to reduce the front yard width from 150 feet to 80 feet. L Evtry Mans Right 11/5/01 9 18 AM Norwegian Mountains the Willa:sen Guide Every Man's Right allemansratten The Every Man's Right means that everybody has the right to go everywhere in the Norwegian Nature. This right is internationally unique. In other countries the owner of the ground usually can disallow people walking on his ground if that's what he want. • From The Law of Outdoor Activities §I : Definitions of cultivated and non-cultivated area. As cultivated area are in this law reckoned buildt areas and yards around them,production fields, planted forest and other areas alike where the entry of people undoubtly would be troublesome for the owner or user Small areas without production that are next to cultivated areas, or fenced in with such are also regarded as cultivated areas. This goes also for areas for industrial or other special purpose where entry of people undoubtly would be troublesome for owner, user or others. As non-cultivated area is in this law meant areas without production which is not regarded as cultivated area. §2 : Entry of non-cultivated area In a non-cultivated area anyone can enter on foot all of the year, as long as it is with care. This also goes for entry with horse, sled, bicycle and such on roads and paths in non-cultivated areas and everywhere in non-cultivated areas in the mountains as long as the owner has not made this forbidden in certain areas with the permission of the department of Outdoor Activities. §3 : Entry of cultivated area In cultivated areas, anyone can enter on foot in the time of the year when the ground is frozen or covered with snow, but not in the time from 30. of April to 14. of October. This right is not for yard or built area, fenced garden or park or other specially-purpose fences area where the entry of people at winter-time undoubtly would be troublesome for owner or user. §9 Camping Area for camping must not be taken in cultivated area without permission from the owner. In non-cultivated area camping must not be done in ways that can be troublesome for others. Camping must not be done where it can do harm to wood. Tent must not be set up so close to house or cabins that it can disturb the peace of those who live there, and at least not closer than 150 meters. The rules of distance to houses do not apply for areas specially made for tenting. nodal Novaiubait 1,2001 > ENTERTAINMENT/TV D3 SecretEden Carolyn and her husband,Wesley,live pL [e.• 7 their ponds every fall.I hate seeing on approximately 3/4 of an acre onlytwo Eden � � �. ���� water-gardening books that give makes effort blocks from downtown Waynesboro. =f.' �� y the same advice ff Theu fenced-in property is located at the Continued from Di i i \i'ltid,''.13:tt.,*, Sad to say, garden-center per- comer of an intersection so that two • r .3sonnel and authors often do not aides are visible from the street. Although they do not put out r s' , ':n, have a well-rounded understand; seeds for the birds during the sum- s` , r •x mg of our natural world,resulting worth wh tl a However,because of all of the plantings, seer, the Eaveys regularly host e in advice being perpetuated that is it is not easy to see beyond the fence,so Northern cardinals, blue jays, I 1 ,31, x'i k -; ` disastrous for our wildlife. cial I doubt anyone would realize how spa- Carolina wrens, tufted titmice, I s a r� . . . ' The Eaveys are able to act upon ost people think that you have a Place lies within. white-breasted nuthatches, + , : .r rc, .' -f , „ my advice in the hopes that they to live in the country in order to The moment that you pass through American goldfinches,house finch- _- gyp( A jt jg F jpn . ;.""-;1' can once again attract frogs and Msey lots of wildlife.Sadly,there the gate,you feel as if you have left the es,downyand hairywoodpeckers, f h , behind and entered an entirely new CERTIFIED toads to their yard.Unfortunately, city Carolina chickadees, mourning "`"^ 'u r it is not so easyfor them to get is not really much"country"left any- 6ACKYARD W110llff HABITAT, more because people have moved to world. doves,gray catbirds and Northern neighbors to keep their cats rural areas and proceeded to turn them The property has a privet hedge sur• mockingbirds. Dunng the winter ' i r , indoors—pets that are probably into suburbia.Luckily,if you do the rounding it that not only provides a months,yellow-bellied sapsuckers Batt; ! -- I responsible for the disappearance right things,you can manage to attract Great winter roosting place for sparrows, and dark-eyed juncos visit from the " of the chipmunks that also used to but also acts as a sound barrer—pre- more-northern states. a fair bit of wildlife to a yard in subur- reside in the Eaveys'garden.Until venting the sounds of city traffic and Occasionally this marvelous 4'7 1 • our society becomes enlightened on folbia` other noises from penetrating.And garden delights its owners with a However,I have always believed that - ' this issue, cats will continue to although I visited on a very hot summer pileated woodpecker or a Cooper's Marlene Condon havoc with our native am- they in urban areas—actual cities daygreeted me inside the gar- pastspnng ay wreaka. could also share their properties,even of coolness g hawk and this s nn it Carolyn Eaveys backyard hideawayin W nesboro has been certified wildlifeld are species small,witha numbero do den chestnut wherendone 60-year-old-ald hy d- brought in about 75 cedar gate,trees and one silver wtixwinga. as a backyard wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. when I exited through the gm'- s mon s if they were willing opportu- maple shade the property But birds and squirrels are not den gate and found myself smack so.A few months ago I got the he Eaveys have planted winterberry the'be 'nnin and end to the squirrels brought a smile to her emptying out their pond and sani- in the middle of a city,complete nity to Enid out i'f'my beginning face when they stole her husband's tizing it by removing every last bit with sounds of traffic and Pete �� bo- elief was well founded' (a tytte of holly)and two different kinds wildlife in Carolyn s wonderful gar- first ape tomato and tried to getit of scum and debris. pee mowing lawns, it was some- or just wishful thinking. of dburnums(shrubs)that provide cover den.Carolyn,endowed with a great upa tree The result is that there is no thing the a shock. I had spent some- and food for birds.Northern cardinals sense of humor,said,"For the bees A reader of Blue and Carolina wrens have nested in then The Eaveys previously had matenal left at the bottom of the least an hour in a totally different Ridge Carolyn Esrey, there is lavender,peonies for the enjoyed the company of frogsand pond for adult frogs and their tad- world,one that was peaceful and lives west of the Blue 12-foot-tall American holly. ants Iif you have ever grownP Y • Wesley constructed and put up three peonies,you know that the blooms toads in their pond, but these poles to hibernate under, nor is soothing. �. - Mountains in squirrel nesting boxes and two alwaysamphibians have disappeared. there food for these creatures to eat I feel certain that if everyone Waynesboro.Carolyn Bray s9 are filled with ants]and a P wrote to ask if I could squifeed their feeding stations.The Eaveys Harry Lauder walking stick fa type Amphibians are in trouble these if they become active on warmer muarvel use enc that roly everyone n's truly ' .m give a talk to her garden feed their squirrels black oil sunflower of hazelnut]for the Japanese bee- days and their populations are winter days would at least try to follow herI� seeds and peanuts. ties." declining. Thus these animals would die club and she offered to By encouraging wildlife to share No one is sure why yet,but I and, unless new animals moved example. WM Four tube feeders filled with nicer Our world would then'be'a far show fe her own little seed have brought in as many as 27 her yard, Carolynhas had the offered Carolyn a possible cause for into the yard in the spring,eventu-ildlif Fed wildlife sanctuary.In Ani goldfinches at a time,as well oppotunity to see a blue jay teach the disappearance of her particular ally the frogs and toads would dis- nicer place in which to live. 1996 the National appear from the property. Marlene A.Condon is a nature water Wildlife Federation had certified her as house finches.Besides providing wild- its four young how to take a bath. amphibians PPe P Pe y and photographer who lives in Albemarle yard as an official backyard habitat. bird seed mix in a pavilion-style feeder, She watched as baby squirrels left The Eaveys had been following For these reasons I cnnge every County.Questions may be directed to her in So one day when I had business to the Eaveys maintain one large and one their nest box for the first time,one the advice of water-gardening can- time I hear or see advertisements care dr The Daily Progress,PO Box 9030, attend tom Waynesboro,I called small ground-level birdbath,one four- by one,until all five were out onto tern for several years,which means for free classes at garden centers Charlottesville, Va 22906. Enclose a Carolyn to see if she could show me her taro and three 2-foot-high birdbaths a tree limb.And two of the young that they have been completely that instruct folks to clean out stamped,sell-addressed envelope. yard that morning.How I wish all of you strategically placed around the yard. could visit what is,to me,"Carolyn's See EDEN on D3 Marvelous Secret Garden" 10/17/01 14 •00 FAX 817 5212 RICIfAfOND & RISI N) QJ ?/ 002 _ .................... �- --�.. _.. _ r 3 - / 5' .... ____ _ _ \ 12 F �` 131 Acs. .. . `'��• • • /5, \. • V • 1.7e Ace. °• ' 34 . . \ + I. 1 7 ' •n 2,34 Acs •�L:•`, ..�; .t r°'c ` _ .G 4. r"1 , •i•YI 1.44 4cs.:,7' zbntt --- r i 15 1.9z Acs. ri. 35 _ ^.. •27 t.3O Acs. ....ear• ' �_ 2.31 Acs. Z. y ""'• +.• 1 9 ' ~Tn`.ri ac 9. ew'.�� y In 1 n�aa s?s .: �T. "• I6 s'�c• j 19 t� n _ 11 6 A • •C) osD� 0I` Lf36 Acs. s 26 0 _ 36 I ���/a� ..n•ro�. ti " • It �•l' • ,_2.93 Ace L 2.16 Acs . \/ ^'•ir. 1 orb n.)•aI _� ° m .i�� •��r r •_o ''a, <, ry '-r. r, w =\ ssi N 2 O rz• -. 1 c��\ A -S. �_= 37 Y1\ z.s4 A�e, r \ .X 2.10 Acs. 1.59 Ace. ld• i o` N a' ••L•) t. e. P 1 Q •Z% �' \7 / o? 2 T1Is o.•-. s rfLL Cs. ere Q S, LOT J'8 �r ••• �.7•a.'V'.. ,2j• ice,.•- ,� �sKr oR L.- ' 4e''O ••` a ;/ e-z, 1.54 Ac..= • .n•sz PokeG�!�fK ' riss •cl.''.til —��s/ 24 6y__1-66 Acs. 8.,, r- 1.67 Acs ne em• �Y ••• ` �� _ • y•l b•car w 9C •t c•_ •7• J_ i 'a: !r- �• r. ,=S'� �yy1ra SEC IO'/za �, 1.60Acs. Na r. ' 2 .T.) gni .°,�Peµ 195 Ace, ...,.•+,''•,,,,,,, nt«cnAL Norc,. CURVE OAT . . •l.I• . tot. •U••r 1•1• •• a.1• ..... ,eS��' , '� Qr • ' � a •`•.t et•l ... w 5MqM \ • - 1a.,ep •...• ••• a•..... • 0 _9Prs C:.-`.19_ ••. . ^� I)•rF L111 VI I1111 Ia!• IIIMIZIMA��IRIEN rle.•y IL• -• sot. 1411 •�1 �1� —p2•��• Lr, L,.•• • •.ICI.% •. 111 .•u•ser..... WEST' GE/Gy •o\. .a...a•a• .r.-•••• • . ...r .. 9 "5 APPR OVALS - • COUNTY ANNING COMMISSION COUNTY•I BOARD OF SUPERVISORS r '. OWNER • ' ( iS .!«..._.. I APPROVAL •r'• +a_+•�_�` • Tnie vial Is approved as shorn. S•e not• SUBDIVISION PLAT Oboe. regarding q streets. v„• .q CE 1 Oi t t feeauw •)� �!•n cJ r••• ••< SECTION T1r0 • J �� ` L WITH REVISIONS TO PORTION SECT. ONE ^T$0,„... SURVEY CERTIFICATION WEST L E I G H < AL©E✓LIARLE • . + Certified to De SCALE I . zvo• sawusq. I COUNTY. VIRG1NIq " ( t0.. AMOS R. SWEET z carrecl on(' occurose. van CERTIFICATE No, hC r ‘,.....Pic d 75 l'1\ G' ft'nR.i,)�,r �J�>,.,r 'r_L•_.-_ r—� =� ? 21: 19 t r_ taPp e44' AMOS R. SWEET I �� cFRrIfIEn sI1IIVFYap 111 ►yiiNikl� l ' „ I : • 1 •I11.11 I •Ili 1 1 ill Tax Map File Number Applicant '; ' Date Ran e I059C1 1 I 01/01/1968 to 12/31/2( l Appeals d❑ ARB 0 Clearances W Determinations - , SDP 0 SUB 'd' Variances ❑d ZMA: �/❑ ATL's ❑d Compliance letter El Home Occs Signs ❑d SPs/CUPs 'v1 Violations/Complaints Q ZTAs View Edit Print TAX MAP 1 TYPEI PROJECT l DATE I APPLICANT r�'� � 059C1-00-00-00800 SP-1973-313 09/28/1973 WILLIAM AUSTIN trite,11 N ft I 059C1-00-00-03300 SP-1973-303 08/31/1973 DONALD TUCKER AI' I 1 j A,I 059C1-00-00-03700 SUB1999230 09/14/1999 Richmond,Joseph W Jr&Patricia B Ou' I 1 I 059C1-02-00-00800 HO-1994-199 06/08/1994 Joy A. Crompton 00„ I �'I 059C1-02-00-01600 VA-1986-025A 06/20/1986 Dr&Mrs R Raney ' .e4,,1059C1-02-00-02600 VA-1988-053 07/20/1988 Dr&Mrs. E McKenzie 66' I 1 1 I ead 059C1-02-00-02600 HO-1994-328 09/23/1994 Eric&Grace McKenzie ^o I ( I ,I 059C1-02-00-02800 SP-1972-165 03/07/1972 GEORGE O. DAVID,JR Add Record I Print List I Requery I Return to SPIN I Find record by Tax Map )01 Apply Filter All ON All OFF I OWNER I Corley, Chase Olds I- I j t i 1 ; 1 r I i i t { i1( t ;_ i 4 I I � S i 1 I { I ! i ; I i;-t t I 11 i i ! ; t i --, i i i i i i I `1, i I I ! { ; I 1- I I i I �r I i I; ! ! ; i ,I ! It I { i i I I I I I ( t ! i i i �{ { t j ; i ! I I i i i s I } . ! I 5 iLAI -t ! i I I ! . i i { i ! f I i k ij I y i , i %I } ! �- ! j { I — --_-_ I t t - _ f { ! I I i I I 1 I ! ' i i i I , ' e �''' k f f i I I ` I 4 \ ! ' ' _._.. - -- - - ... _..--t,,.---_—_ _ { 6 r { t __ .._.__-_.__ -- t( I , j I -- --- ! € ' I I ! It { - -- - - - - .._.. - --- -----_--_._.-,-.-,.,-. __.... - - -- -- i i I ' , - -.._..- -- - - - I I f I I i ? - { i I I I.I I # ? I G7 f! i I 1 t I -p I I ..., -:,. I SIN M f T 1 1 t i f 1 / i �~ 1/ 1 I I 1 I 1 I �^ ;-��1. \ 4 \ \ i ! I 1 } •, I �.--r----- �- - _ - _ I ; ; 1 r_ { { ! j I I i I i I � � .. ! \ _._' I j1 I \ \ . _ _ T rk ; ! 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