HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200700302 Assessment - Groundwater 2008-01-15 (2).., __,,..,: ROUTE APR 2,4 Z00 4 0 RICHMOINDNA MQNWE.A LTH of VIRGINIA PHONE:, (040)468.7136 Department Of Health ROGKBRID.QR SQUARE SHOPPING 0ENTffl FAX: (640)463 °3892 OFFICE OF DRINKING WATEF? 181 LEXINGTON, NIA WALKER TEE Lexington. Environmental Engineering Field Offloe April 20, 2006 SUBJECT: Albemarle County Water -- General (Red Hill Community) Ms.. Tamara Jo Ambler, Natural Resources Manager County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road ,a Charlottesville,. VA 22902 -4596 Dear. Ms: Ambler: This letter refers to the April 18, 2006 inspection of well sites TW -2 -19, TW 2-27, TW 4 -19, TW 6 28; TW 7.80; TW 8-A and TW 8 -8 with you and Mac Morrow of Golder Associates 'Inc,, to serve the fled. Hill. Community. In accordance with. 12IVAC 5590 -280 of the Commonwealth of Virgin la Waterworks Regulations, the proposed well,sites, TIN -2x1910 TW 2 -27, TIN 4 -19, TW 6-28, TW 7 -30; TW 8-A and TW 8y13; as shown on the attached aerlal photos and topographic maps:, are tentatively approved bythls Departmentforthe construction of Class f- B wells to be utilized as a public drinking. water supply. This approval Is valid for a period of 12 months; If construction of the well has not commenced by April 18, 2007' a reins.pectlon of the well Bites wilt be required. Each well lot must have .a.mInimurn 50 foot redlus. Each well site must be. • Located to provide a minimum distance of 60 feet between the well andiall potential sources of contamination, property lines, and rights- of- way'or easements; • Graded to divert surface run -off from the well and to prevent-pondiing on the well :lot;. • Served by an all- weather access° road; • Any well lot located in an area that livestock has been or will be used, must have a fence placed around the well lot. The requirements for constructlon and development of new wells are covered in the Commonwealth of Virginia Waterworks Regulations 12 VAC 5 -690 -840. Enclosed is a package of Information containing excerpts from the regulations and a summary of new well construction and sampling requirements. Refer to the package cover page for a list of subjects addressed in the package. Fora Class it -D well; the well casing must extend to a depth of 50 feet. Each well must be pressure grouted from the bottom of the annular opening to ground level. Please notifythis office of the date and t €methat the wells wllf be grouted. Provide this Information as soon'as possible so that a member of our staff may be present during grouting. After well construction, the following must be completed: A simultaneous 48 -hour yield and drawdown test, if located within 500 feet of one another or within 600 of existing sources; RCINIA 4 :PARTMENT Vt/XDH0FH E ALTH Proredii You and Your fovimameot WWW.V1DH;VtRG1NIA,QOV Ms. Tamara Jo Ambler Page; 2 SUBJECT: Albemarle County Water --- General (Red Hill Community) • Sample collection; • A preliminary engineering. conference; • Submission of a preliminary engineering report, If the State Lab is to perform the analysis, please contact this office for sampling instructions, If you will be using a. certified private lab, please contact them for containers and any speclal sampling Instructions. Prior to issuing the construction permit, at least one radioactivity analysis for gross alpha plus radium 226 and 228 must be performed and evaluated, Final determination of the radiological quality will be based on the average of values obtained for four consecutive 'quarters. At that time you will be advised of the need for .corrective actions such as treatment, use of an alternate source or blending, if .necessary, Plans and specifications shall include-a copy ofthewellcompletion report(s) and yield /drawdown test results, a recorded plat of the well lot(s), and a recorded dedication document for the well iot(s). The dedication document shall clearly state that the well lot(s.)will be used only for the waterworks appurtenances as long as' the lot(s) are being used as part OY the waterworks. Upon receipt of the required, documentation `and after. plans and specifications have been approved, a oonstruction.permitwill be issuedby the State Health COMMIssioner in accordance with 12 VAC 5- 590 -230 of the Waterworks Regulations; Construction of the waterworks facilities shall not. be started until the construction permit has been Issued, All water well drillers are required to be:llcensed by the State B:oal'd -for Contractors. Igo not contract with an unlicensed well driller. You can contact`the State Board for Contractors, Virgin€a department. of Professional and Occupational Regulation, 3600 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23230 (8041367 -8611) to determine if a well driller Is licensed. If you have' any questions, please contact James W. Wore, III, P.E., Deputy 'Pield Director or `Carla Christiansen, Environmental Health Specialist Supervisor In this office at.(540) 463 -7136. Sincerely, James W. Simmons Environmental health Specialist JWS /kl /060420 1 cc: Mr, Mac Morrow, Golder Associates, Inc. v Mr. Mac Sterrett, DEQ- Valley Regional Office Albemarle County Administrator Albemarle County Health Department VDH -- ODW Richmond Central r j *0. ' J p �• � � IY � 2s JS: L.' `E£J l "y 4, �,��'r���''� i1���� A , t i I �) 5 •nJ � 4 �l YT YJ• � L k� V' � L l SY f .y I ".# � 't i .• �� r Nk b '�rl.t� LIRz 1 - yy,1Jy4 Yg [i { '.Ir s. .•- ti 1r�r'rq,;1 liirc -r $, i°7yri' I �,�,at„k. t r 1' F k k k G f uj.�,.r 1 '} "` ; # L�''� 7 f 5{ � ��' f� 7 •j �.r - '. {� �,.n "L I NSF Sr!„�� cj((!r '< 1lj yy; ; s� ey' �r s }Jty6 r r 1 ' +fit �� k���x� fil �' ifiiJ �Sr=Y' >kf'�,Y�i�� z•� � ����x. Ak,"'w:.�' Y� {' ! L fi i 5 *t� ..� i a :� �5ROM kr i i i R 7 k ii tip`. i . r hy� N � y B ,1"i'�' i� r ( - .r 3s f� <.,;"-. _ 7 pry -. �t }c4. .,p5 �"1 -�.f 11 Y.. s��� -�F =.s?. �j�� r ft�} i''�� Copyright (C) 1998, WpWch, Inc. ?78- 39. D0,00., vy 978' 38' 0, 00" Vy ?78' 37" 0.00*1 V?f 741 Il Qjv 6 Z_ 0 .V V 'D -Z _0 C3 "'I jD A —7, T., �4 qj . i 0 t........ . CI_ 676,�,- IQ Y71 If P W y CF- CD Z, J/ Z_ SCALE 1:24000 0 1 MILES Grd( 100D YARDS 0 1 KILOMETER 9- �N ~0 678- 39' OIDID 78' 38' ,00" W 00-4 Name: COVESVILLE Location; 037' 57' 49.00" N 078- 37' 56.89" W Date: 4119=06 Caption: 4/17/06- Red Hill Cornrr;Unity Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet Oakey Property Copyright (C) 1998, WpWch, Inc. Copyright (C) 19%, Wptach, Inc. �78' 39' )0,0" 978' 38' 30.00" Vy 78' 37' )0.00" Vy Z� 741 7, 21 A, "i J t 04 7' J) CL-- Xt p - ks 4 —c -ce Vl Of -Z ia,] -7 ff, _all C iy, Ks try- /e eT-, W 6 76.,- 4 7 I r j. SCALE 1:24000 0 1 MILES 1000 YARDS r 0 1 KILOMETER 678' 39' ocr 78° 38- )0.00" 78- 37' 0.0011 �k -LO, Name: COVESVILLE Location: 037' 57'49.00" N 078'37'56l89`W Date: 4/19/2006 Callon: 4117/06- Red Hill Community Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet Oakey Property Copyright (C) 19%, Wptach, Inc. | 6n�� 6nnn �°"° | / 978^��r—_- Vv | | / o78 a�pO�D Vy / / � q70 Qr�o�o VV / / / Name: COVESVILLE Location: 037' 57' 49.00" N 076' 37' 56.89" W Date: 4/1W2006 Caption: 4/47/06- Red Hill Community Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet Oakey Property I |w, DT .9)". 1 M�LES LO LO jr) Name: COVESVILLE Location: 037' 57' 49.00" N 076' 37' 56.89" W Date: 4/1W2006 Caption: 4/47/06- Red Hill Community Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet Oakey Property I |w, UOPYngnt (U) I UW, WPtoch, Inc. f8' 39' )D,00" Vy ?78' 38' 30, 00" ?7W 37' 0.00" Vy A Y b j� —C� L A, 65 T, 0, "v Y, v d V, X� ET3 Cr 6- 7 .6V- x 4� 7-3 h: — V j v ---------- ids -7 "em V, Cp, e,* /e '—f e.i 1." 7 k "y or 1. 10� k: P d i �;— C�- SCALE 1:24000 0 I MILES 0 IDOD YARDS QgdT '65 I KJLCMETER 678-39, �0.00- V� 678-38, �0.0011 '00.1 vb. Name: COVESVILLE Locatiori� 037o 57' 49.00" N 078o 37' 56.89.. W Date: 4/19/2DO6 Caption: 4/17/06- Red Hill Community Scale: I inch equals 2000 feet Powell Property I- UOPYngnt (U) I UW, WPtoch, Inc. ?78' 39' �D.00" 978' �38' DG.00" Vy j I ?78 37' )0.00" Vy J —L — .... .. .... , 1, 1 -, , ." , W* 7 ..... .... .. — 4'� 'Ji �K '4 Al C:, j v, JA _Q2 V cx_ A� 7". Cot, 'Ila �0 J Z__ J111 IV, _0 Z17 A- V.- Z., Rv I'" LO 4 �,Tff&A X. V1. % L Z__ dd 'Ram Cr5— (y) '7� N 7- CD- 67 jr p C" W, y', VT C" Al-I J�: Z7 SCALE 1:24000 -Z 0 1 MILES Ci_ 0 1�3 0 1WO YARDS Vq r 0 1 KILOMETER C, �7Vo 39' �Iaov. V� b8' 38' D.00" V� 00., V� 7Name: COVESVILLE Location: 037' 57' 49.00" N 078' 37' 56M" W Date: 411912006 Caption: 4/17/06- Red Hill Community Scale: I inch equals 2000 feet Powell Property uopyrignt �u) ibw, mprecri, mc. 4 MS � 44IC-9 WPM VOWS V isms 4 tee - � 5 i� L4 7 fM Svp IffA €f {i I fijT E r. ,YI' 11 Moo r i 7 ri �-._9 94F� '�;ii� >a�- ?F4Ftl - »: 1 -y`� 3:�.. a _•:��. 4 7z J-0 VAX Ut 1 ✓ ? s j �/ r ' l C � 3 flV "o; sip ai*' i x i r Cf't-04 7 = }i .' { 3` WIN F�,. I ■1 511 '"`i }x� s PUtl 141 ,j to � f k�,� � s ern. din ., .' 3 ._... „�. >„ s �..:::� fit.° . "s , ". �. •\ % .�� 4��� z ...f =' - = {t _ �_- i 1 t�, COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA PHONE: .4(640)463 -8 FAX; 0 Department of _ H8alth ROQKBRIDQF SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER FA {60)469.3892 131 WALKER STRMT OFFICE OF DRINKING WATER LEXINGTM VIRGINIA 24450x2431 Lexington EnvIronmehtel Englneering Field .Office June 26, 2006 SUBJECT: Albemarle County Water — General - Southern Pules Ms. Tamara Jo Ambler County of Albemarle Departtinent of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902.4596 � Dear Ms. Ambler, This letter is in reference to my June 26, 2006 evaluation of two proposed well sites for approval as a public water supply source to eventually serve the Red J3i11 Sellool and 12 nearby residential connections in Albemarle County;., h accordance with Section 12 VAC 5.-590- 280 of the Commonwealth of Virginia Waterworlrs Rogulatlons, this latter is to advise that the proposed well sites approximately located on the attached wap of the Oakey property are, tentatively approved by this Office for construction, The wells shall meet Class H-13 specifications as set forth in Section 12.. VAC 5. 590.846 A4b oftho Commonwealth of Virginia Water°worla Regulations. This approval is valid for a period of 12 months. If construction of the. wells has not commenced by June 25, 2007.a re- evaluation of the well sites will be required. The following itemsldocuments must be submitted to this office .for final approval ;. 1. The wells must be located at least 50 feet inside the boundaries of a surveyed, platted, and .dedicated well lot. The well lots must be graded to divert surface runoff from the well and to prevent ponding on the well lot, and an all - weather access road, public or private, must be provided to each well lot. The well lot plat:must be recorded in Albemarle County with the well lot dedication document. An example well lot dedication document is enclosed for your information. 2. The wells must be constructed to meet Class II -13 requirements. The wells must be cased with approved casing to a depth of not less than 50 feet amid the bottozn:of the well casing must temiivate in solid bedrock or other impervious formation.. In addition the wells must be grouted with neat cement grout to a depth of not less. than 50 feet. A signed copy of the well drillcr's water well cornpletion.report must be provided to this office h1dicatitig these minimwn construction requirements have been met. During construction of the wells, it is requested that the Lexington Envilonnaentai Engineer' :Field Offzee be notified of the date and approximate time that grouting of the wells will be accomplished. Please transmit this notification as soon as the information is available to you so that an engineer from this Office can be present, if possible, 4. Upon completion of the wells, a yield and drawdown test of a minimum duration of 48 hours is required to determine the reliable well production, A copy of the completed test results must be submitted. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 1XDH(0 F H 6 A LT H Prokulh$ You and Your ertvironmerrt WWW- MRVIPM1 lle nnr Ms, Tamara To Ambler Page 2 SUBJECT; Albemarle County. Water — General — Southern Pines 5, Near the end of the yield. test, water samplos' must be collected for metals, inorganic,. organic, radiological, and nitrate analyses, You may use the state laboratory or any certified private laboratory for these analyses. You .should be aware that few, if any, single private :laboratories will be certified to .conduct all of, the required analyses so you may have to use several differont.tabs to cover all of the required tests. We have enclosed a summary of all of the required chemical analyses and the associated state-laboratory fees for your information. You are requested to notify this office for assistance in the proper collection of these samples and to insure that all required..parameters are included in the analyses. 6. A series of twenty bacteriological samples must be collected from the discharge of each well and submitted to. the state laboratory or any certified .private laboratory to determine the bacteriological quality, of the raw groundwater prior to the issuance of an operation permit One bacteriological sample must be collected each hour, of the pumping test. These samples must be analyzed by the total colifonn Most Probable Number (kVJlPN) test method, Additional - bacteriological :monitoring or other quality .evaluations may be required depending upon the specific geology of the site and other factors, The :need for additional water quality evahiations will be determined on a case by case basis. A 7. Upon completion of the wells and submittal of the samples; plans and specifications for construction of the well house and development of the well lead must be submitted to this Office, for review i n accordance with Section. 12 VAC 5-590-280 of the Regulations, These plans and specifications must be prepared by a professional engineer licensed in Virginia. Upon receipt of all required information and documents, and after approval of the plan's and specifications have been given, a construction. permit. will be issued by the State Health Commissioner in accordance with Section 12 VAC 5- 590240 of the RegulaWons. Construction of the facilities shall not commence until recoiptof the :construction:permit, If i can be of #inther assistance, please do not hesitate to call me at 540/463- 7136: Very truly yours, Carl Christiansen. CSC /1clf060626 2' Environmental Health Specialist Supervisor Enclosure ^ cc Sarah Temple, Albemarle County Schools Brent Waters, Golder Associates Albemarle County Health Department — Attru Dr. Susan McLeod VDH - ODW -- Richmond Central Hloll Resistivity Bedrock - . W OA sESrtvlT_ r bFi�ySAy TW 2- 425tdn"M� V98t � Item&cin4r � Nili IS .kTiar� n,95% i2 19�5 2.27 40— . poaaNO WIfer" Bearin�fra�aWta Zanas TW 4-35 ., e'4maters) mempjcAL RESISTIVITY pI ORLE Northwest T'f.i i� ;���dn�Fla pr»���t��evVat�r- turn _ SuUtheoBt ���;�� �r:y &78i 1&'gt9, zone.• S1PP . 1C9tl 40- 40 EQ #3C} tlit3 120 14G 180. 980 Qlstartce (Maters) ,, Division of Consolidated Laboratory Set Microbiology Testing Method 206 -63 Total Coliform -New SM 9221 B & E ($30.00) New well test initially requires 20 samples to be collected Metals Testing 2.06 -:1, Metal Analysis .(panel) EPA. 2.00-.8 ! SM 3111 BIEPA 245.1 I otal Cost $600. $ 99 inQr ante Tesun 206 -2(} Inoranias (panel) Multiple methods65 206 -5 Nitrate -N EPA 300,0 ! 415.50 i at--clanigg Test' n 206 -2 Volatile Organics EPA 502.2 E $90 Radiolo real Testing. 1 206 -20 Radiologicals Multiple methods $165 WELD LOT CE RTIFICATION WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Virginia, through (e dI Owner), is th.e owner in fee simple of certain real property lying and berg in City (County), Virginia, more particularly described by ( eed a Ce ti "sate o D asi•� recorded in Deed Boob' �.� at page M the Office of the'Citcuit Court of Virginia and WHEREAS, the (Legal.Ownej proposes to construct and operate on the aforesaid read property a well and appurtenances thetteto for the puxxpose- of supplying water to the public, or to more than 25 individuals, said well lying within, the well lot described by plat of survey .attached hereto and Made part hereof, NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with the Waterworks Regulations, §'5-§0-840 of the Virginia Department of Health, issued puc puant to Chapter 6, Title -32.x. of the Code of Virginia (1979 ), as amended, tl.e (L a stet hereby certifies to the Department of Health that the aforesaid. well lot shall hereafter be used for water supply purposes only, and that the only'improvements or appurtenances to be located thexeon shall be hose 'which axe pecessary or convenient to the operation of a waterworks. Accoxdingly, the (Legate ll QVner)- shad not perrlinit- the area within said well lot to be used for any purpose which would cause coxttau irtation of the water supply or for human habitation, It is understood that the purpose of the Cert fiicatiIon. is to assure the Department of 14ealth that .the said well lot shall be properly used for a water supply system only' The Certificate also prowls public notiep that any subsequent owner of the well lot and water sttppl: system shall be subject to tie, same. rt'egulatiour, and . restrictions; so long as suck parcel of laxid is.ised. for a water supply system serving the public or more than -tw•en.ty -fire individuaIs. This cextificadon shall be null and void- and of no further effect should the well on the aforesaid, premises be aba' dozied and the use thereof for a water supply system cease. WITNESS the following signature of the (Lea • "this : dad �f �� � 2Q +. yvSwk.�.r x1*, n••!k!!'. "ra'^r ..y;,, .�:,,:.' u,ti:M:' n N't, . - STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY /COUNTY OF _ I, A Notary Pi blic for the City/County of aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do certify fy :that whose name, -i.s sigxied to the foregoing writing; bear 'g date on the day of � _ his acknowledged the same before xe in my City /Got�nty aforesaid. , r Given t ; der. MY hand' f is day: of. 20• Notary-Public My cone fission expires ComrnonwmIth of Virginia 44niftrr,mUV fi�r41i 11.4's��J7r�letintl Report Owner Albemarle CoWy Tax Map ID City w VWOB Nrmii _ f aoatian Red Hill County ALBEMARLE W WeN V&IW Qgtieral Information L57)' llhg' mw"d Ai* WrdRY v%te Compk*d ilrift row U-S x[F'r amlye SM. Depth to F*Irook 50" Yield Lenprh of Tact 1 hr �t�ia'+�}8t @r'LgVdl �i�fq'h +z�9'�1Y31C�r'i�v�i h i�l�[uri�i rroW'�R�te) Oislnl'eoted (Y or Nj N Disinfectant Vsect Amount Used Casing, i�rom V to 03' Pram to P rom TAO Size a" Mat. st"l Size Met, fte Mat. Wt.lSohad'ul'e SON-40 'V4lt IGOWule Y{lt.lworliediJ4a Gravel Fook From to From to Krum to �ro�s From D to Sol From to From to Bbra Hold Size 10" Bore Hole Size Bore Mole 811zo Type Portland Cement Tye TYPO Method Pumped Method Method Water Zones or Spmeo xV lntervzlls: From to '34803 �p $ r From 40 to From to Mesh Dfa, i Mesh Dia, Mesh Ilia. * t.{se its • '�ilnrhri, u[lrrl�ffittU l�ti�utlUit� �frlilu'tilCi'f�il t�i�r.+l'rr� Pufslitt, XX Community _.. _ Noncommunity Ahartdonmotrt Information Borod or Duo Wells Wells ether than Bared Wells CmIrw .Rmouad Y or 111? Casing Removmd- Y ar N7 If Y, I)epth to which oaeilig was removers: Depth to which ca6lno was removed; r1�ar�th.sa+tl�to0 "Fi17', Aiic3 +iar�ri t~fs�srltsyr nff�te+tatlsanilfll;. T� Source of Fill Source M gravel or sand: rWrAm10 PtLU • , J P_ From_ . P_ F'rm -p— ,41 Prom— �11-� MethO of permaneNy murkirig lsraotiom Z0 �]Ddd -n3M XiSFi1l`106 ZT9Z929vel? ZZ,LT 9006/LT/80 *I]rillers Lag* (Use aQclition4l shears if necessary) certify that the Information oontained here is true a nd that this well was imtelled and mriskuoted In amordanae with the permit and further that the Weil complies with Ali applicable state and local re- lulataons,, ordinances and laws. Drilling Contractor B & L Water ealali ..inc„ Address PCB Sax 1438 .lem VA. 2 I.53 m Phone 540.380,1623 Representing Virginia Contractors Llcense Nur 60 3Jdd _F13M 39ISHJ_f108 ZI9395968ti Z3 :LT 90QZ /LZ /88 AIJG -9 -2006 10:37 FROM:C R MOORF WELL DRILL 4349773600 TO:18043582900 P.3 Model 18GS stages L�GOULDS PUMPS Waipht (tbs.) W.E.(Z METERS FEET W.E, RPM 3450 ; Total 320 % 1 6 1113 60 Hz 22.0 300 1000 26 RECOMMENDED RANG i i a 13,0 11,8 24.8 I 6 — 28 %PM 30 IBG5152 41 1''A 1 ; 15,5 2130- 20,1 yfy d I - 28 y 180815422 1%a 1 11 15,5 900 1 BGSSQ ° r s, „ j zo 16GS15432,34 1%z 3 11 260— 11,8 IY 9 23 180520412 2 1 14 113.1 15.1 9312 10 30 40 1805204434 2 3 14 t 13.6 240 aoq _� 38 18GS30412 GPM 1 19 ...... , 23.5 419 12� 52 64 18GS30432,34 3 3 22.4 p 220 700 + `�• . 55 18GS"a0412 57 1 30 32.0 200 _ 17 69_ _ 66 1801850432,34 5 3 30 _ — 18 600 •w„w.y . „.. 18GS 63 - 160 3 500 s ... 140 100- 300 i8GS V . \ 60— 200 40 100 �RM° 20 \ - �j♦ tiM A V a 25 w 30 35 40 GPM 0 5 10 15 20 0 ” 7 — 8 math 1 2 3. 4 5 6 CAPACITY DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS Model HP P11030 stages Cangth (Inehesj Waipht (tbs.) W.E.(Z Motor mm L,0,k � W.E, MOW Total 18GS07412,22 % 1 6 1113 10.7 22.0 6 20 26 i8QS10412,22 i i a 13,0 11,8 24.8 � 7 23 _ 30 IBG5152 41 1''A 1 11 15,5 13,6 20,1 9 28 _37 180815422 1%a 1 11 15,5 15.1 30,8 0 31 40 _ 16GS15432,34 1%z 3 11 115 11,8 27.3 9 23 32 180520412 2 1 14 113.1 15.1 9312 10 30 40 1805204434 2 3 14 18.1 13.6 31.7 10 28 38 18GS30412 3 1 19 22,4 23.5 419 12� 52 64 18GS30432,34 3 3 19 22.4 20.0 410 12 43 55 18GS"a0412 57 1 30 32.0 29.5 62,4 17 69_ _ 66 1801850432,34 5 3 30 _ 32,9 23,6 56,5 17 63 * W,L. - water end or pump without motor. * LAX. length of assembly - omplate pump, water and and motor. ip DISCHANU 1 %4" NPT r — I Effective dlameter to with cable. I . guard —s j t —• 3.75' MOTOR i I �) INSTALLATION: COUNTY: LOCATION: OWNER: OPERATOR: PERMIT NO.: DATE ISSUED: TYPE OF TREATMENT: SOURCE: DESIGN BASIS: DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION SHEET DATE: April 30, 1998 Red Hill School CERTIFIED CLASS: NA Albemarle TYPE: Nontransient Noncommunity On the south side of Route 710 approximately 1/4 mile east of its intersection with Route 29 approximately 7.5 miles south of Charlottesville Albemarle County School Board 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 George Shifflett 2751 Hydraulic Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 A 2003660 Amended August 14, 1989; April 30, 1998 TELEPHONE: 8041973 -3677 Chlorination, soda ash and orthophosphate injection Three wells 4,000 gpd The Red Hill School public water supply consists of three drilled wells, a 6,000- gallon hydropneumatic tank, chlorination plus soda ash and phosphate treatment. Well No. 2 is located in a softball field (right field) at the base of the hill behind the school approximately 300 feet east of the school building. It is drilled to a depth of 345 feet and buried under a poured concrete pad. Estimated yield from this well Is 7 gpm based on pump capacity. The depth of casing, grouting and reliable well yield is unknown. Well. No. 3 is located approximately 200 feet east of the school at the top of the hill adjacent to the filter building. It Is drilled to a depth of 365 feet and supplied with a well cap and sealed conduit. The casing is 6 inches in diameter and terminates 1.2 inches above a 6 -foot by 6 -foot concrete pad. Estimated yield from this well is 4 gpm based on pump capacity, The depth of casing, grouting and reliable well yield is unknown, Well No. 4 is located approximately 300 feet south of the school building along the southern property boundary. The well was completed on August 22, 1997 and is drilled to a total depth of 405 feet, The well is cased with 6 -inch heavy steel casing to a depth of 61 feet and cement grouted to a depth of 50 feet. The well casing extends 12 inches above a 6 -foot by 6 -foot concrete pad and is equipped with a pitless adapter assembly and sanitary well cap. A Red Jacket submersible well pump delivers 5.8 gpm at 490 feet TDH into the existing 6,000 gallon hydropneumatic'tank located in the school water treatment building. The well yield following a 48 -hour pump test was 6 gpm. An existing sample tap and totalizing flow meter, located in the treatment building, will be used for this new well. Page 2 - Albemarle County— Red Hill School Engineering Description Sheet The treatment building, located adjacent to Well No. 3, houses the control end of a 6,000 - gallon hydropneumatic tank, a solution feed chlorinator, corrosion control treatment, raw and finished water sample taps and a meter with bypass piping downstream of the confluence of all three wells. Treatment consists of a solution of soda ash blended with hypochlorite and separate orthophosphate (Aqua - Mag) injection directly into the well discharge. Both foods are equipped with a 4 gpd metering pump. The soda ash has a 40 gallon solution crock and the orthophosphate draws from a 5- gallon premixed solution drum. Both metering pumps are wired in parallel with the well pump. Design CgngcitX Source /Pump Capacity: Well Numbers 1 and 2 - Unknown Well Number 4 = 5.8 gpm (pump limited) 5.8 gpm x 2 ERCs /gpm = 11.6 ERCs 11.6 ERCs x 400 gpd /ERC = 4,640 gpd Storage Capacity: 6,000 - gallon hydropneumatic tank A 6,000 + 3 = 2,000 gallons effective storage 2,000 gallons - 200 gallons /ERG =10 ERCs 10 ERCs x 400 gpd /ERC = 4,000 gpd Existing Condition: 300 students /staff Therefor®, the design capacity of the Red Hill School waterworks is Iimited by storage to.a design capacity of 4,000 gpd. CSC /mep