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VA200200006 Review Comments 2002-05-07
STAFF PERSON: John Shepherd PUBLIC HEARING: May 7, 2002 STAFF REPORT VA-2002-006 OWNER/APPLICANT: Pierson Properties, Inc. (owner) Marcia Joseph (Applicant) TAX MAP/PARCEL: 06100-00-00-018D0 ZONING: R-10, Residential & EC, Entrance Corridor ACREAGE: 6.779 Acres LOCATION: Webland Park is located on the east side of Hydraulic Road just north of Birnam Wood subdivision. TECHNICAL REQUEST AND EXPLANATION: The applicant requests a variance from Section 4.15.10 which requires 100 feet of continuous highway frontage for a freestanding sign. This variance is necessary to reduce the required frontage to 67.83 feet, a variance of 32.17 feet to allow the location of a freestanding sign five feet from the property line at the entrance of this property. The applicant proposes a 24 square foot sign between two stone pillars that identifies Webland Park. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND QUALIFYING CONDITIONS: This 6.779 acre parcel is commonly referred to as a pipestem lot. The lot frontage on Hydraulic Road is 67.83 feet. The developable portion of the parcel is located 965 feet from the entrance. A site development plan for 40 multifamily apartment units was approved for this site on February 7, 2002. Qualifying conditions for hardship can be met when a property owner can show that his property was acquired in good faith and where, by reason of the exceptional narrowness, shallowness, size or shape of a specific piece of property ... or where, by reason or exceptional topographic conditions or ... condition of such piece of property, or of the use or development of property immediately adjacent thereto, the strict application of the terms of this ordinance would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property ... provided that all variances shall be in harmony with the intended spirit and purpose of this ordinance. Section 4.15.1 provides four goals that signs are to meet: (1 ) To promote the general health, safety and welfare, including the creation of an attractive and harmonious environment; (2) Protect the public investment in the creation, maintenance, safety and appearance of its streets, highways and other areas open to the public; (3) Improve pedestrian and vehicular safety by avoiding saturation and confusion in the field of vision that could otherwise result if such signs were not regulated as provided herein; and (4). Protect and enhance the county's attractiveness to tourists and other visitors as sources of economic development. It is staff opinion that the location of a sign at the entrance to the Webland development is consistent with the intent of the sign ordinance. It will serve public safety by assisting motorists approaching the development to identify the entrance and make the maneuver 1 IDEPT\Building&Zoningl2002 staff reports\VA-2002-006Webland Rev doc Webland,VA 2002-006 2 May 7, 2002 to the appropriate lane as required. The freestanding sign at the entrance is necessary because wall signage would not be visible from the road. It is common for subdivisions and other residential developments to have a freestanding sign directing visitors, service vehicles and emergency vehicles to the site. APPLICANT'S JUSTIFICATION AND STAFF COMMENT: A review of the variance criteria provided by the applicant and comments by staff follows: Hardship The applicant comments that the variance is necessary: Shape of the property - The property is accessed from Hydraulic Road. The frontage along Hydraulic Road measures 67.83 feet. This width continues for 690 feet until it widens to 181.57 feet. This lot shape is often referred to as a pipe stem lot. The parcel measures 3.11 acres. It has been combined with two other parcels that share the access from Hydraulic Road. The total combined acreage measures 6.78 acres. This unusual shape allows a sizable developable area, but limits the visibility of the proposed development. Topography - The elevation from Hydraulic Road to the developable area drops forty- eight feet. The change in elevation screens the development from Hydraulic Road. Because this development will not be visible from Hydraulic Road it makes a sign extremely important to locate the access to Webland Park. Vegetation - The approved site plan for Webland Park requires saving existing large trees, and planting trees along the access road to the residential development. The vegetation screens the development from Hydraulic Road. There is no visual cue that the development exists. The only indication will be the County standard Webland road sign. Safety - Hydraulic Road carries a large number of vehicle trips per day. There are few areas on Hydraulic Road to turn and retrace your steps if you miss the entrance to Webland Park. It is important to provide a clear signal to the vehicular user that is visible for a reasonable distance. The existing County standard Webland Road street sign is not easily recognizable and legible for the distance necessary to stop and turn from Hydraulic Road. For a development this size (40 townhouse units) one would expect to see a sign identifying the entrance. Staff agrees that the pipestem shape of the lot, the slope of the lot and the required screening together meet the criteria for a finding of hardship. 1. The applicant has provided evidence that the strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. I:IDEPT Building&Zoning12002 staff reports\VA-2002-006Webland Rev.doc Webland,VA 2002-006 3 May 7, 2002 Uniqueness of Hardship The applicant notes: It is not known how many other properties within the R-10 zoning district are pipe stem lots. It is unlikely that there are a large percentage of lots in the urban areas that are shaped like the Webland site. The properties within the vicinity fronting on Hydraulic Road do not share the shape and topography with the Webland property. They are able to build close to the road. The frontage of the adjacent properties is greater than 100 feet. The buildings on other sites in the vicinity are visible from Hydraulic Road. Staff agrees with the applicant's analysis. 2. The applicant has provided evidence that such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. Impact on Character of the Area The applicant offers: The sign proposed will reflect the character of the area. The design proposed is conservative; it has limited colors and design elements. This sign will be a low sign supported by rock pillars surrounded by low growing vegetation. The colors on the sign will be blue and green on a white background. The lighting proposed is external, shielded and the intensity will measure less than 3,000 lumens. The stone pillars will be reflecting the color of indigenous stone. The shrubs proposed will be evergreen chosen to reflect the soil conditions, solar aspect requirements and availability. There is a stonewall across Hydraulic at the Roslyn Ridge entrance, and a low wooden sign advertising the entrance to Birnham Woods. The proposed Weblands sign will not detract from the character of the area, nor will it be a detriment to the Hydraulic Road streetscape. Staff does not disagree with the applicant's discussion and notes the sign must be approved by the Architectural Review Board. 3. The applicant has provided evidence that the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. I:IDEPflBuilding&Zoningl2002 staff reports\VA-2002-006Webland Rev.doc Webland,VA 2002-006 4 May 7, 2002 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since the three criteria for approval have been met, staff can recommend approval of this request. I IDEPT18uilding&Zoning12002 staff reports\VA-2002-006Web/and Rev.doc ALBEMARLE COUNTY 45 � -".' � % - - �f�� it/ v"J/' t>< AT TV©F- fr, E; j, :A i =Tr-xi s xi• —FOUR—� i l/'/i� hi.�4'' lye ''. i \ Littx a/// —SEASO 011C/ /'/: c ill'24‘;4/9:2", Doi --7-7-1,---.---.___..-7-__: '', / 7:•:, ' sra.. ,.. • t 44 iltr: :/ . ......,,... llt - / H ��j. / /��ski/// ` ®f vy ,.e Mr yik � kelt i. �1 ‘4\nIT .7.771 , ' VA-2002-006 Pierson Properties, Inc `—� �\Q►��` �� O" � a Tax Map 61, Parcel 18D : for az- '' '" I.��. . --....-............:... 1---.... 7 ---....,......:.„- qiii 1111h. \�� t,)�e tyoi,f•�YeI : .-„, .. .....„... .....,,,........„:-.. , 40.0::. / a, .,,,., / tri... nil i . ---44%...- ;SAM..I I I I I I I.I I I irl-w-9 ' , Wii Alr', \ ' , .... , w /Q` 10 :brOvi .1- *C. --•, I .j'0 �11 i, dgirA.. 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COUNTY of ALBEMARLE ��r-4�� BOARD of SUPERVISORS PIPE 4- e4 •ROM a. ..79,74_____X___ _ -- DESIGNATED A ENT DATE b 0) • • h CITY of CHARLOTTESVILLE e,� P LfNNING CO/KA//S /QN / ch . _4. et N,TE O7 R£TAR-r4 (l TyIS RESTRICTED ROAD is FOR THE PURPOSE • C • IV ` r \ �r �,/ r r e, or SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION OF POUR O 1.... K . DATE / PARCELS ONL r ANY FURTHER SCUD/V/S/ON OR V q yr \6 . 11) ACCESS TO THIS RESTRICTED ROAD WILL \1 \1. CERTIFICATION REQUIRE THE REAPPROVAL OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PL ANN/NB CL'NNISS/ON AS AUTHORIZED UNDER SECTION 1- ../ OF THE COUNTY LAND 1 O,oeM1 THIS IS A CORRECT AND ACCURATE SUBD/vIS/CN AND DEVELOPMENT . THE RESTR/CTED PL / i3 Q ,4/VITE AD /S TO BE NA/NTA/NED BY THE LOT OWNERS OF THE SUBDIYIS/ON S•�°/I' o 0 _,-r 14S SHOWN ON THIS PLAT CAN PIPE�� /T3 30 E 6\ \ ��V vo T BE FURTHER SUBDIVIDED OR (� 1 d/ CON✓ErEO Off UNTIL SUCH TIME O ?:R/1S./r O 5 y , ,2.jr /, .'S THE R/W SHOWN /S CONSTRUCTED h,M ti LOT / b 'i �� %O VEET V/RB/N/A DEPARTMENT OF •j * ti ti, HIGHWAYS SPECIFICATIONS l •o S Jt°/e. I 06"W` Q 0' .15. SL',LDINB LINE ON FRONT Of LOTS. �^ /1137 ` „to LOT ? MINI' II +� sr a OWNERS APPROVAL g'_ S.se°/*QB"N. 'n THIS 0/V/SION MEETS' THE OWNERS APPROVAL R/CNT OF WAY SHOWN • '"p?, s.F• O HEREON IS DEDICATED TO PUBLIC w LOT ,j or) USE w ry �‘ b O $ !s°/*0 W 30 ,N ^0\A 0 / r�'1. !/ , ice. t. tP / h . b 50,D,, I 4 4 SET IRON '1. . O`p� tW b • O r H / 4' AON • e Nir) LOT * / re",1, �-:. h Er • r.14L ;/ t'; 3./p9 Ats. / /�,1 e'. , ' • • N l's. • . • / (0,t.% --, ; •• • . 0 ,e,C ! CT Ir'!j(. tsi • �� •v IR' costs i 9 19 IRON Q� O• ♦ Par 29 SA 6/ • \ . \ . , 1 • I PLAT SNOWING • D/V/S/ON OF PARCEL /8 SHEET 6/ t OWNED BY ASA L /E M. PRESTON ALBEMARLE CO, V/RG/N/A ✓ANUARY //, /972 +1;'.. , , • rr. 1 coo 00 h00 R snlieewr'a.m.w.wr:g n0 /TOO - - - - - - -jeaeo 8 230,24- 4 I'MW—AN �T -------- .......... S41-43 D. I I.T LOT c. L 0 C:N 4—;�, TIJ1,11M 51—A. 11 4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10, sp1m ffi TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OF TAX MAP 11 PARCELS 110, 11D AND 11 LOCATED ON HYDRAULIC ROAD C 0 'O.ESA.N DI III I III ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA _o V_ M M 0 p 6T7HIGMAS B. LINCOLN LAND SURVEYOR INC. M�MAR IRCLE CHAD 1— T11DEL IETI I—INIA VA