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SDP202000052 Plan - Revision 2021-10-14
FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN LEGEND EXISTING 10 NEW E 311.5 xn 311.5 TC x 311.5 TWxn� 311.5 BW x >2- 0 0 X X -0- -0- oC oHU UGU UGU 0 q q DESCRIPTION BOUNDARIES BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK SITE TEXT PARKING COUNT TOPOGRAPHY INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION TOP OF CURB ELEVATION TOP OF WALL ELEVATION BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION STREAM STREAM BUFFER 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BUILDING BUILDING RETAINING WALL STAIRS EDGE OF PAVEMENT ROAD CENTERLINE FRONT OF CURB BACK OF CURB CG-12 TRUNCATED DOME SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE HANDICAP PARKING MATERIAL CONCRETE RIPRAP ASPHALT EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING WETLAND TREELINE FENCE UTILITY UTILITY POLE GUY WIRE OVERHEAD UTILITY UNDERGROUND UTILITY STORM STORM MANHOLE DROP INLET STORM SEWER ROOF DRAIN o n nuTA nv 0 SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MAIN S S SANITARY SEWER LATERAL WATER W W WATER LINE 0 0 WATER METER 0 0 WATER METER VAULT FIRE HYDRANT A A FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION GAS GAS GAS GAS LINE EASEMENTS CONSTRUCTION GRADING ACCESS SIGHT DISTANCE UTILITY STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE STORMWATER ACCESS DRAINAGE SANITARY WATERLINE GASLINE NOTE: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. REGENTS SCHOOL OF CHARLOTTESVILLE OWNER/DEVELOPER Regents School of Charlottesville Inc. 3045 Ivy Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 PLAN PREPARATION Shimp Engineering, P.C. 912 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434)227-5140 ZONING EC - Entrance Corridor R1 - Residential SP201800011 approved on September 18, 2019 permitting a private school use on the site MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Samuel Miller SOURCE OF TITLE DB 5237 P 251 DB 660 P 780 (plat) SETBACKS Front: 5' Side: 10' Rear: 20' BUILDING HEIGHT The building height shall be limited to 2 stories, per conditions of SP201800011. Maximum height not to exceed 35'. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary is based on field survey by: Dewberry Engineers Inc. 4805 Lake Brook Drive Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Provided on 05/11/2018, field verified by Justin Shimp, P.E. 10/22/2019 Topographic survey with two foot (2') contours provided by Quantum Spatial Topography of four foot (4') contours provided by Albemarle County GIS. BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 88 FLOODZONE These parcels lie within FEMA flood zones "X" and "A" as defined on FIRM map 51003CO268D, dated February 4, 2005. RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the Moore's Creek Watershed and the creek shown is a tributary of Moore's Creek. Wetlands have not been identified on these parcels. This site is not within a watershed of a public water supply. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES This project lies within the ACSA jursidictional area for both water and sewer. Access to existing water and sewer service is available. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transit (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be acheived. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless othrewise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. 12. Backflow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. FIRE MARSHAL'S NOTES 1. A knox box is required on this property. The location of this knox box will be coordinated with the fire marshal's office. 2. ISO Needed Fire Flow for this site is 2,125 gpm. EXISTING USE Vacant Land PROPOSED USE Private School (Grades K-12) LAND USE SCHEDULE S D P2020-52 TAX MAP 75, PARCEL 66 TAX MAP 76, PARCEL 17 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAPSCALE : 1 "= 1000' EXISTING Area % Building 0 SF 0% Pavement 0 SF 0% Sidewalk 0SF 0% BUCKINGHAM Undeveloped 832,431.6 SF 100.0% Total= 832,431.6 SF (19.11 ac.) BALM 0 R A L HEIGHTS RESERVOIR ROAD -- PROPOSED Area QUmversdy Momesson School Building 24,722 SF 3.0% SITE Fontaine Research park V Pavement 41,913 SF 5.0% ° Sidewalk 25,726 SF 3.1/° Ragged Mountain Q nrty Presbytenan Hnm� It tC -arch Undeveloped 740,070.6 SF 88.9% Total= 832,431.6 SF (19.11 ac.) .1rn1ru5 crh• Q , PARKING SCHEDULE 'r,, �ndr. e•ina Private School Use: 90 spaces required per zoning determination 60 faculty spaces, 23 student drop off spaces, 4 handicap spaces, 3 guest spaces i Total 94 - 9'x18' spaces provided (includes 4 - van accessible spaces) Overflow parking to be provided as part of a shared parking agreement with Trinity Presbyterian Church. Pedestrian path provided for access to church parking lot. LIGHTING Lighting shall be in accordance with SP201800011. SIGNS All signs and pavement shall conform with the latest edition of the MUTCD Guidelines. A sign permit must be issued in accordance with the Albemarle County Sign Regulations prior to placement of any signs on -site. Contractor shall provide handicap signs as shown on plan. GENERAL NOTES 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data, for locating all underground utilities, for coordination of the work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. All of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior to the start of work. 2. When working adjacent to existing structures, poles, etc., the contractor shall use whatever methods that are necessary to protect structures from damage. Replacement of damaged structures shall be at the contractor's expense. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at least 72 hours prior to the start of construction. 6. Contractor shall immediate) report an discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents Y P Y P 9 to the owner and engineer. 7. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 8. All bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 9. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. 10. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 11. Retaining walls require separate building permits. 12. All water service lines, sanitary laterals, and sprinkler lines must be visually inspected by the Albemarle County Building Department from the main to the structure. 13. Accessible routes and features must be provided throughout the site in accordance with VCC and ICC At 17.1-2009. 14. All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks. Trip Generation Use ITE Code Independent Variable (IV) PM In t Out Total In Out Total Private School (K-12) 536 Students - 322 157 101 258 24 31 55 SHEETINDEX C1 COVER C2 SP APPLICATION PLAN & CONDITIONS C3 SP APPLICATION PLAN & CONDITIONS C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS C5 SITE PLAN OVERVIEW C6 SITE PLAN C7 SITE PLAN C8 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN C9 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN C10 UTILITY PROFILES C11 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT & PROFILE C12 ROAD PLAN C13 ROAD PLAN C14 ROAD PLAN C15 LANDSCAPE PLAN C16 LANDSCAPE DETAILS C17 LIGHTING PLAN C18 LIGHTING PLAN C19 LIGHTING DETAILS C20 SITE DETAILS C21 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC C22 CENTRAL SEWER OVERVIEW C23 SANITARY SEWER GRAVITY FLOW PLAN C24 SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN PLAN C25 SANITARY SEWER PROFILE & PUMP STATION DETAILS C26 SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION CALCULATIONS APPROVALS Current Development Planner Date Current Development Engineer Date Architectural Review Board Date Fire Official Date Building Official Date Albemarle County Service Authority Date Virginia Department of Transportation Date r� IMAGE PROVIDED BY GOOGLE MAPS SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 Jl1STIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM nIN MP a Lic. N . 183 lU�►`F�21 �w� G 11 ` S 6 I(1/.mt FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. COVER 18.020 C1 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SP 2018-11 THE REGENTS SCHOOL OF CHARLOTTESVILLE — RESERVOIR ROAD WHEREAS, the Regents School of Charlottesville submitted an application for a special use permit to construct and operate a private school on Tax Parcels 07600-00-00-01700 and 07500-00-00-06600, located on Reservoir Road, with an initial maximum enrollment of 280 students, and potential future maximum enrollment of 468 students, and the application is identified as SP20180001 I The Regents School of Charlottesville— Reservoir Road ("SP 2018-11"); and WHEREAS, on September 3, 2019, after a duly noticed public hearing, the Albemarle County 'Planning Commission recommended approva I of SP 2018-11 with staff -recommended -conditions, as well as 'minor technical revisions and clarifications to Condition #2 (now Condition 43) regarding potential future increase(s) to student enrollment in excess of280..students up to a maximum of 468 students and/or a school -start time later than 7:45 a.m.; and WHEREAS, on September 18, 2019, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors held a duly noticed public hearing on SP 2018-11. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the foregoing, the staff report prepared for SP 2018-11 and all of its attachments, the information presented at the public hearing, any written comments received, and the factors relevant to a special use permit in Albemarle County Code §§ 18-1.4, 18-1.5, 18-13.1, 18-, 18-30.7.1, 18-33.39, and 18-33.40, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby approves SP 2018-1 I, subject to the conditions attached hereto. r** 1, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of six to zero, as recorded below, at a meeting held on September 18, 2019. Clerk, Board of County Supprvt ors Ave Nay Mr. Dill Y Mr. Gallaway Ms. Mallek Y� Ms. McKee[ Y Ms. Palmer Y' Mr. Randolph, Y; n RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR SP 18-11 THE REGENTS SCHOOL OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, — RESERVOIR ROAD WHEREAS, the Applicant filed a request in conjunction with SP 2018-1 1 for a special exception to modify the maximum allowable height of the light poles as required in County Code § 18-13.3 to be increased from 35 feet to 70 feet for a proposed lighted ball field at the proposed school. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the foregoing, the staff report prepared in conjunction with the application and the attachments thereto, including staffs supporting analysis, and all of the factors relevant to the special exceptions in Albemarle County Code §§ 18-4.17.5, 18-33.43, and 18-33.49,the Albemarle County Board of Superviso er6 y approves the special exception as set forth above, subject to the conditions attached hereto. 1, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of six to zero, as recorded below, at a meeting held on September 18, 2019. Cler<, Board of County Super rs Aye hLay Mr. Dill Y Mr. Gallaway Y Ms. Mallek Y Ms. McKee) Y Ms. Palmer Y Mr. Randolph Y SP-2018-11 The Regents School of Charlottesville — Reservoir Road Special Use Permit Conditions 1. Development of the subject property shall be in general accord with the concept plan entitled "Special Use Permit Concept Plan and Engineering Study for Regents School of Charlottesville" prepared by Justin Shimp, P.E. of Shimp Engineering, dated July 16, 2018 and revised August 23, 2019, which includes sheets C 1 — C6 (the "Concept Plan"), attached hereto, as determined by the Director of Planning and Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord with the Concept Plan, development and use shall reflect the following major elements within the development essential to the design of the development, as shown on the Concept Plan: a. the location of the "School Facilities Area," "School Recreation Area," and other major school improvements within the 13.12-acre area designated "School Campus Site" on Sheet C3; b. the location of the "Lighted Ball Field" within the "School Recreation Area" on Sheet C3; c. the location and configuration of 5.99-acre area designated "Undeveloped Residue" on Sheet C3; d. the land use chart on Sheets C4 and C5 specifying "Prohibited Uses" and "Permitted Uses" for each different "Land Use" area; Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Except as otherwise provided herein, initial student enrollment shall be limited to 280 students, and the start time of the school shall be no later than 7:45 A.M. 3. Notwithstanding Condition 2, student enrollment may exceed 280 students up to a maximum of 468 students and/or the start time may be shifted to a time later than 7:45 A.M. (together, "operational changes"), if at the time of any such proposed operational changes the applicant submits a formal request that includes a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) which demonstrates the following to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development and his/her designees: a. The proposed operational changes would not result in any movements with a delay greater than 50 seconds;and b. The proposed operational changes would not result in any movements with a delay greater than 35 seconds, unless it will have a delay greater than 35 seconds in the future no -build, provided that if the future no -build shows a delay greater than 35 seconds the future build cannot increase by more than 10 seconds; and c. The proposed operational changes would not result in any movements increasing by more than 15 seconds between the future build and no build conditions; and d. Operations at the US 29 Bypass interchange at Fontaine Avenue Extended may not result in it being placed on the VDOT Top 100 Potential for Safety Improvement (PSI) locations for intersections or segments. For the purposes of this Condition: e. The Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) dated October 12, 2018 and associated supplemental TIA's submitted with SP20180001 I may be used for baseline traffic data until August 2021. If any request for any such proposed operational change(s) is made any time after August 2021, a new TIA and traffic counts will be required to establish a new baseline. f. The scope of any such new TIA and traffic counts prepared in conjunction with a formal request for any such proposed operational change(s) must be determined in consultation with the Director of Community Development's designee(s), and mast include the following intersections: the souhbound exit ramp of US 29 Bypass at the Fontaine Avenue Extended interchange; the northbound exit ramp of US 29 Bypass at the Fontaine Avenue Extended interchange; and the intersection of Fontaine Avenue Extended and Reservoir Road. g. The identification of "future build conditions" and "future no -build conditions" in any such new TIA and traffic counts will be based on the following: i. "Future no -build conditions" will include the traffic generated by the private school use at a student enrollment of 280 and other nearby developments, as determined through the TIA scoping process; and SDP 2018-11 The Regents School of Charlottesville — Reservoir Road Special Exception Conditions 1. The maximum permissible height of the poles supporting outdoor luminaries at The Regents School of Charlottesville's athletic field is 70 feet. 2. Outdoor lighting of The Regents School of Charlottesville's athletic field shall not continue past 10:00 p.m. ii. "Future build conditions" will only include the traffic generated by the proposed increase in number of students over the number of vehicle trips associated with the private school use at a student enrollment of 280 and the traffic generated by any other operational changes; It. Proposed operational changes which do not conform with and adhere to the conditions listed above would require the submittal of all application for a special use permit amendment and approval by the Board of Supervisors. 4. The applicant must plan, fund, and complete the transportation improvements to Reservoir Road shown on the special use permit application materials titled "Reservoir Road Survey for Regents School," prepared by Justin M. Shimp, P.E. of Shimp Engineering, dated July 1, 2019, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The proposed improvements are subject to review and approval by VDOT, the County Engineer, and other applicable Site Review Committee members, and are subject to required County approvals of Road Plans, a Water Protection Ordinance Plan, and all other applicable permitting requirements. S. If the use, structure or activity authorized by this special use permit does not commence within a period of five years after the date of approval, the special use permit shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted hereunder shall terminate. For the purposes of this condition, the tern "commence" means starting the lawful physical construction of any structure shown on the Conceptual Plan referenced in Condition 1 above, and this construction shall commence by September 18, 2024. SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U Lic. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. 18.020 SP APPLICATION PLAN & CONDITIONS C2 Area S Propo! Acade Tota I ) LEGEND LAND USE PROHIBITED USES PERMITTED USES r-------1 Right —of —Way Reservation School Buildings and associated uses, Ingress/Egress, grading, landscaping, Parking and travel ways utilities, along with any other uses L_______J typically permitted within VDOT ROW Academic Woods Area School Buildings and associated uses, Stream restoration, primitive trails, landscaping, Parking and travel ways gardens, utilities (which cannot be reasonably located outside of tree preservation area), and primitive ___ buildings (see note 1 below) r — — — — — — — i School Recreation Area Primary school buildings and associated Ballfields, outdoor recreation, and associated uses, parking and travel ways associated facilities such as bleachers, dugouts, storage sheds, L with parking spaces concession stands, lighting, etc. r—===___- 1 School Buffer Area Parking and travel ways associated with Si na e, grading, retaining walls, landscaping, utilities, 9 9 9 g. 9 P g L-------J parking spaces. ingress/egress to the site, etc. r — Any primary and secondary uses associated School Facility Area None with the proposed school use along with any L — — — — — — — J underlying by —right zoning uses ♦ School Use Boundary Limits of disturbance for school use Limits of disturbance for school use ♦♦ ♦♦♦ other than for those uses permitted in other than for those uses permitted in ��► the academic woods area (see above) the academic woods area (see above) and structures, such as picnic pavilions, storage sheds, and amphitheaters, may be the portion of the academic woods area that is outside of stream buffers and preserved um number of sites for primitive buildings or primitive structures or similar outdoor five (5). The maximum disturbance area of any individual primitive building or primitive r outdoor amenity shall be 500 square feet. The maximum aggregate disturbance area for ive buildings or primitive structures or outdoor amenities shall be 2,500 square feet. primitive structures, and similar outdoor amenities are intended to serve as an accessory and are not intended for use on a daily basis. ection shall be provided from the site to TMP 76-17. The design and location of the loll be finalized during the site plan process. Right —of —Way reservation area shall be reserved for future dedication upon demand by the le or the Virginia Department of Transportation. 7 of the school campus site, as shown on sheet C5, shall be delineated as open space. SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U Lie. N a 183rp r gC1G FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. 18.020 SP APPLICATION PLAN & CONDITIONS NO L {: \ 1 _ A � vvvAvvvv vwvv� � v+wv y �'V A I \V A 1A0 I \ h i T 1\ \,� /YY \I 1\ \ \ \ \ \ . 'v ` `, 1 vA I I AV USE: INGLE _ ENTIA y v �` v vv {{II, /, 1 Y ♦ g� A EA D DI_4 TALBIRLE PER P.B. 660, PGG I NDATION ZONE \ \ \ iF \ �Y:iY ,` \ I ',\ \ 4\ .{ i F \.0 I \\\.n_ • �;11\ f / / / \ \ \ , 'bC - .,A A vV ♦ _ A I I AVID D.B. 269 PG. 54 LINE BEARING DISTAAI L 1 S 08°3652" W 38.34' L2 S 13°5638" W 86.22' I L3 S 84°3324" W 172.13' L4 N 69°13'48" W 74 27'! L5 N 82°3445" W 159 OD'_ L6 S 71 °36'50" W 93.96' L7 IS 72°21 '41 " E 47. 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NMI EXISTING CONDITIONS / D M BREAK INUNDATION ZONE 'o 0 P N F VID \ D.B A269 PG. 54 O / TM 5-61 / ZON : R1 US SIN LE F MILY SI / I � F V HADSH UM / I ND / D B. 26 / 1 N --1 / TM 75-6 I N 1 '•\ R RESI ENTIA SE: SI GLE NTIAL I • I Nm I WOODS B. 44 5, PG N /F // TON DINH 1 N�F A \ AREA D.7 1 CECIL JOHNSON ATION \ / Zo E: R1 REsID N N D.B. 936, PG. 722 I UNIVERSITDY OF VIORGINI 689 ND J SI GLE F MILY ESIDE TIAL TM 76-14 • / ZONE: R1 RESIDENTIAL I TM 76-13B �0 1 USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE: R1 RESIDENTIAL 7� USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 02'44" E ,, D 264.31' ►1 ACADEMIC WOODS AREA C ACADEMIC Os -)3 N/F DAVID HARLOW / D.B. 2690, PG. 154 TM 75-61 ZONE: R1 RESIDENTIAi USE: SINGLE FAMILY R SI ENTIAL / N/F RICHARD SHRUM / D.B. 2678, PG. 194 / TM 75-60 / ZONE: R1 RESIDENTIAL / USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL N/F / TON DINH D.B. 4415, PG. 7 / TM 75-61 A ZONE: R1 RESIDENTIAL USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL is ----------------- / CHU - CHU SCHOOL BUFFER AREA O I I I I I I I � CHU CHU -aHU_ SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U Lic. ain 'g4 FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. 18.020 ' SITE PLAN 30 0 30 60 90 Graphic Scale: 1 "=30' C6 I � z 4- I i MATOKLINE IN I I I \ I \ \ r k1I OI— I OHU pH _ 0 U \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ I — — — H U 0HU OHU—OHU \aa� � \H��OHU �HU \ \ \ \ N ,45°02'44" \E \ 2.21�:52 \I / / fR R(�y�D -A �,\ \ \ �� 26.31�\ \ _IVI 3 \ 9 \ I 2p I I 14' GRAD \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I SHOULDER MA 2:1 SLOPE 1d \ \ �...: \ \ 1 1\ \ I I I I, x27" ` J \ \ 50 \ \ \ \ ..: N \ \ I I I "NO III'ARKI G FI E � — \ � \ \ \ 26 9 \, \ Y \ I I I I I I I I'•,.. LAN SIG S OR YELLOW 24 \ \ \ \ ` \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` \ \ \ \ 48 y (�, PAIN ON URA / � � / \ \ �.�. \\ I . I l I M 1 I $/g p1 I 19°°� IA /' /��max\ 1 I II. I I 1 GY�INAS& I 19 / / — — — \ \ \ As \ \ \ 1 I' s a I / \ FF 519.71 I ` AeDI_ 22 o 2"x847 & -- y_ \ \ N \ l \ I s I Hgf / \ ` 1-7 r/ I \ 1 I 1 I a \ 24 1c s / \ \ \ BARK IRE r / 18 ILA t" SIG R YELLOWS UTCD R7-8 SIGN W/ \ \ PA NT ON C R 20 \ \ \ 7/ / R7-8a PLACARD (TYP) / /RETA _ bL \ 42 , HHIMP ..MAX_HEILLT 17 \:9RIS•Fi15' 1I 300R \: E N G I N E E R I N G L - LANDPLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 9I 21/z' `. / / r, 1 13 ±a I I 1 Z \ ty 1, — _ _ i — 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 .,. y / "� 9 0,4 ; 2184 ISF \ ;" dJ rCJ — — .0 O — — — / / \ \ — \ 'f 13 °b / — LOCKfi=R C\6 \ +00 8,� WL \ — — — r — — ` - CHARLOTTESVILLE A, 902 JUST (af IMP-ENGINEERING.COM �i / 1 Q • ROOM I \ \ W W —W ��W- �W �W W W 2 W W IW —W v zz N SH - / ., / . Y FFE�.1'J.16 / -- - CORAM DEO DRIVE EG- NOT T ..—.. ..—.. —..- . 30 / \� \ EXCEED 6i SLOPE \ — \ ,— .:: 121 . , 6,� NYLOPLAST� \ AT CG�12 c 3 SVC 1 � o .12' RAIN' 4 .7.1�AP`b YARD DRAIN h7,a \ EZN-F r — p D LOADING AREA ... RAT GRAT � . ." (TYP.) \ �. g� � \ \ � STACKING AN --- -a 00 L�CKER 5' \ \ a o,x<' -, ."5_ S%-�P:'.IiIANP ^T ''f..h!'I:T. i',ki..' k` :;,....�.�-��" REGENTS 5J8'WM . ..>' /.. �. 15+0� — FFE 512.5 .Q �.._ �,G�]2 . ;� " a,.. ✓". \ \ —� — r %� PLAZA06 ` RE INING ALL " ..i.. y— \ �, 7 0 SF 08 HEIG 1T08600 SF — — — \ \ — — — — — — — — — CLA SRO rC�9SROOM �1��'�+ — ` + T f ( 11 cn LOCKER ARD DRAIN F S 5 F CCA B TYPE �RR1MI E NATU \ 1 \ RQOM I£t£1fA1NNMk 2,352 SF F 5k8. FF 16.5 I T \-.� IL PER 9LB RLE Ut4-TY_ 4 2 22 SFV C / �df� � 6 \ \ \ \ \ STANDAR . ?.'• FFE 513.5 — _RESENSS— — y / \ � � ,. _ ADMINISTRATIVE \ Q / \ F a FFE A518.5 x / \� \ \ �PAF�XIMUM_2b% 1e \ FFE BUILDING w — — 60� F " x x �'_ /\ A A N x \ �, RD DRAIN- J CLASS D 4s— F \ F�.; _ FE 5 8!5 �a '� — — — — C — — — r r i r , r \ \ Sj RS�O]VAL - /6 0 SF/ / \ \ `_'' \ \ ✓ ` — \ = — �` CLASS SER� (n \I _ — / °o —�' FFE l 00- - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN STEEP SLOPES MANAGED600 SF -, _ \ ----- - - ___ --\ REGENTS 00 \ � j-CLASSROOM 22 MS &' J Wlb L'N yyy -50 _ FFE 516.5 �P55j� jJ i� �P) = y l —.\\\\ \\ \\�\_\----.--- \\-,\ / \� \1� / SCHOOL 3) \ \ I \ r -� v CLASSROOM x 1 / /j - 6 DIAMETER FFE 516.5 r — SF / I S /�i -1, / .PUMP STATIONS \ \ # N _ 60as°sR°�° ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA Al / — — — — — ep0 \ ` 1 / I I SUBMISSION: --- \_ TREE P ECTION 1 1 I I ) / l 2020.01.21 `� �`� //FEdVCIPd�G --- \� ` \ I \ � /� �w REVISION: TCD / _ _ \ — / / / 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB N W \ i )L.4 DON PIER L // / / / / / — _ ` — _ > > / / / / 241 LF - 8" SDR- 5 \ — / FOUNDATIONS / / / / / / — \ — — r i / / / / / / / / /'9 �F�.o / 2020.06.22 / / / / / / / / �! / / / �� 2020.10.19 // j//// ( I l �/ / / r / / jr / / _// /\ /9T9�iy: 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 / �— \/�7 / / I / / / / / / / / /� / �// 2021.08.17 BID SET AO\ 2021.10.14 \ FS ♦\ \ \ \ / \ _ O' — / / / / / / / / / r / / / / FILE N0. 18.020 r 7 000 -��% � // // // // / / /j /' // / // // // / �\ \\ GRADING & UTILITY PLAN /s / 30 00 0 30 60 90 Graphic Scale: 1 "=30' C9I 535 530 525 520 515 510 51 00 g 10+50 5 I STORM PROFILE A4—A4a C10 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1"=10' 4 STORM SEWER PROFILE AO—A5 C10 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1"=10' Al 51 511 50! 501 491 491 W4,i 51 50 50 49 49 A1x rn O N r + o rn a a 3 rc o o =Zo w o� Z_ 10+50 11+00 11+ o r` DJ � Ln rn �Z 2 STORM PROFILE Al —Al x z Z C1 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' Ind I04 515 510 505 500 �4g95 5I5 0 A1c 535 530 3 STORM SEWER PROFILE BO—B4 C10 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1"=10' 525 520 515 510 505 500 495 490 485 480 540 5 53 A3 53 52 52 51 51 mi 505 500 495 490 485 480 475 470 4ss 460 04055 0 BE X. GRADE- O ED.— a r O _to o wo< O � H n G w0� Z H (n N N N UD o �Z 50 > Z 10+50 11+00 Z 5 STORM SEWER PROFILE A3—A3a C10 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1"=10' A1d I N d Q 3 0 rtX. GRADE o + =zo n It LO ED � 00 INN 07 Z_ I � I� - � d Q d Q d Q _ _ r` r 431 rn o Z BID M a 10+50 11+00 11+50 w > �STORM SEWER PROFILE Al—Ald oz — 12+00 0 z >12+50 13+00 z 13+50 14+00 144 > z0 z (\ HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' 515 510 I It56 I ztuu tLLll"tll�� iIM TECHNICAL NOTE Minimum and Maximum Cover Heights for Corrugated HDPE Pipe (per ASTM F2648) TN 2.02 May 2020 Introduction The information in this document is designed to provide answers to general cover height questions; the data provided is not 505 intended to be used for project design. The design procedure described in the Structures section (Section 2) of the Drainage Handbook provides detailed information for analyzing most common installation conditions. This procedure should be utilized for project specific designs. The two common cover height concerns are minimum cover in areas exposed to vehicular traffic and maximum cover heights. 500 Either may be considered Worst case" scenario from a loading perspective, depending on the project cond4ions. Minimum Cover in Traffic Applications 495 Pipe diameters from 4- through 484nch (100-1200 mm) installed in traffic areas (AASHTO H-25 or HS-25 bads) must have at Best ores foot (0.3m) of cover over the pipe crown, while 60-inch (1500 mm) pipe must have at least 24 inches (0.6m) of cover. The backfill envelope must be constructed in accordance with the Installation section (Section 5) of the Drainage Handbook and the requirements of ASTM D2321. The backfill envelope must be of the type and compaction listed in Appendix A-5, 490 Table A-5-2A of the Drainage Handbook In Table 1 below, this condition is represented by a Class II material compacted to 90%standard Proctor density, although other material can provide similar strength at slightly lower levels of compaction. Structural backfill material should extend to the crown of the pipe; the remaining cover should be appropriate for the installation and as specified by the design engineer. If settlement or nutting is a concern, it may be appropriate to extend the structural backfill to grade. Where pavement Is involved, subbase material ran be considered in the minimum burial depth. While rigid 5485 Lj' pavements can be included in the minimum cover, the thickness of flexible pavements should not be included in the minimum cover. Additional information that may affect the cover requirements is included in the Installation section (Section 5) of the Dminage Handbook. Some examples of what may need to be considered am temporary heavy equipment construction loading , paving equipment and similar loads that am less than the design bad, the potential of pipe flotation, and the type of surface treatment which will be installed over the pipe zone. Please note that Table 1 and 3 are based on the installation of N-12 and MEGA GREEN (per ASTM F2646) pipe under pavement using a unifarn backfill lips and compaction level, as depicted in Figure 1. Table 1 Minimum Cover Requirements for N-128and MEGAGREENTM Pipes (per ASTM F2648) with AASHTO H-25 or HS-25 Load InsiIn Diameter, to, Inches tam Minimum Cover fiat m 4 (100) - 48 (12001 1 (0 3) 60 (1500) Note: Minimum covers presented here ware calculated assuming Class It backfill material compacted to 90%standard Proctor density amund Me pipe and structural backht to the crown of Me pipe, as recommended in Section 5 of the Drainage Handbook, with an add4lonallayerof compacted traffic lane sub -base fora total cover as required. In shallow hafhc installations, especially where pavement a involved, a good quality compassed material to gretle is required b prevent surface settlement ante mfSng. 1610TI41Ia.Ve@w. HILLLOa0,df 10� (6W)921di10 MM.el,sppemm , ATN9.0x OA01620211 HDPE PIPE COVER NOTES C10 NITS 535 530 525 520 515 510 12+585 ff((flfPy I f � I r. 11 . C LLLILLY�� III Maximum Cover Wall thrust generally governs the maximum cover pipe can withstand and conservative maximum cover heights will result when using the information presented in the Structures section (Section 2) of the Drainage Handbook. The maximum burial depth is highly influenced by the type of bel ll and level of compaction around the pipe. General maximum cover limits for N-12 and MEGA GREEN (per ASTM F2648) pipe are shown in Table 3 for a variety of backfill conditions. Table 3 was developed assuming pipe is installed in accordance with ASTM D2321 and the Installation section (Section 5) of the Dreinage Handbook. Additionally, the calculations assume no hydrostatic load around the pipe, incorporate the maximum safety factors represented in Structures section of the Dminage Handbook, use material properties consistent with the expected performance characteristics for N-12 and MEGA GREEN (par ASTM F2648) materials as shown in Table 2 below, and assume the native; soil (in-siW) is ofadequate strength and is suitable for installation. For applications requiring fill heights greater than those shown in Table 3orwhers hydrostatic pressure due to groundwater is present, contact an ADS engineering mpresenative. Figure 1 ADS N42 and MEGAGREEN (per ASTM F2648) Trench Detail Under Pavement MIN. COVER TO MIN. COVER TO RIGID PAVEMENT, ITFLEXIBLE PAVEMENT, H FINAL , BACKFILL O INITIAL SPRINGLINE BACKFILL HAUNCH 4"(100mm)FOR BEDDING 4'-24' (100 mm 600 tam) PIPE 6"(150 mm)FOR SUITABLE 30"-60"(750 tam-1500 min)PIPE MIN. TRENCH WIDTH FOUNDATION Table 2 ADS N-12 and MEGAGREEN (per ASTM F2648) Mechanical Properties Cell class Design Compressive Design (%) Design Tensile Strain (%) Initial 50-Year Fit (pan E (Pal) Fu pan E pan ASTM D3350 424420C-4-10" 3.7 4.0 3.000 110.000 800 21,0DO 43542DC-12-50- 2 1M0TMBWi&w. HLLwaD,gf10028 poijarl sxxalsppsow ATf19.02 0A082020 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ah, 'g4 FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. UTILITY PROFILES C10 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 KJ I MATCH LINE �! EX 18 WATERUNE. INVERT ASSUMED --. BASED ON 5' COVER. CONTRACTOR SHALL — — _ POTHOIE AND CONFlRM X INVERT PRIOR TO 15" STORM INVERT zU INSTALLATION N J w O W F- J wIn N to w + ED O U (!1 (n Fa-^ M Z CO HU) O Z 0] NN —z M J Q w Z U r 00 H XQ -00 u= 10+50 ow 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+ 0 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17 00 vT } O Q Q J V) - x N 0 ri w M H Q X N 03 ' MATCH LINE Y GRADE MIN UUVLH IN SEPAKAIIUI'4 EX 1B'ASSUMED WAIERLE N INVERT BASED ON 5' COVER. CONTRACTOR SHALL \ THOUE ANsrALLAnoN oPEW WATERLINQin t lE z z CO Inw+00 15+50 16+00 16+5017+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 t0 cql ' p 21f X w 0 1 WATER MAIN PROFILE C11 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' _ \ / I L-j 00 PQ T / /N 1 X� LINE— INS — �42 T� a� V Do 545 540 535 530 525 SHIMP 520 ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 515 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 510 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 5,50' • 80 Graphic0 / H-CAP EX: � 40- — — — I THE EAST & ABANDON L — 38 / I O / / CE W W 300 \ — �� — —W �\ _0° BEND— — \ \ Tw W O 8" TS+V ON EX. 8/ LINE 8" W- W� ) \—� J / W EPLA �s �--- R OU T XO? RESE/ / W 10 00 RVQ ROAD 0° BEND \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i — CUT & CAP EX. 6 LINE / UPON C-arPLE I �\ T �N E-W- 8'=L1 N //� iF \ o \ \ \ \ \ \ / — — — — APPROXIMATE LOCATION F /0�� n O �Pc o �I a Lic. 183 col►�Iz1 kw4� FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. 18.020 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT & PROFILE Cil 1 I I NEW RIGHT OF WAY \ x � I I: I: I vy f \ / - \ `. / RETA G j MA HEI H r 555 550 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 500 495 490 485 HORIZONTAL CURVE #2 148, 30' PRESCRIPTIVE RIGHT—OF—WAY + \` \� \ \ \ —��\\\ \\ \ \ 1 18 ROAD (TYP) \11+00 I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \� \ CI J \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-SIGHT DISTANCE (35 MPH) SDL: 390' \ 3�137' 30 0 30 60 90 Graphic Scale: 1 `30' 75+00 V I I \ I 20 I 14' GRAD \ I SHOULDER \ ? +0p \ \ MA 2:1 SLOPE I\ \ II II HORIZONTALHORIZO CURVE # 1 NT II I \\ CURVE AL o h / \ \\ R_VE #3 SIGHT DISTANCE (35 MPH) SDR: 390' I L — �\ \\ \\ \ \ 7191 24 \—r \ �\ - \ \ \ \ \ 26 \ \ \� so / / I GNMNoASUM I I'•, 19, FFIE 519.7p I x19 22 \ \ 'r6' \ ., 48 I II I - - - ' \ \ C�R�Zp \ \ \ �s6 \ r144 e I I 20 \ a2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ A Ixl6I.lip, I a n r rn O 0 10 10o N 00 � Q� 0 M p� N 0 M +- +N�j +'6 +� +a +� +� PVI STA. 17+82.00 w d w > > PVI ELEV. 547.52 > Nw Nw Nw Nw 135.00VC <¢ J � w 155.48SD 0 u u U u u 0 u 17.87K-Val >> 55 >> >> 55 >> >> d a PVI STA. 12+57.00 a s d a PVI STA. 15+65.1 9 d a a s d a PVI STA. 17+73.86 d a PVI ELEV. 526.80 PVI ELEV. 543.90 PVI ELEV. 547.70 CREST ST-A.1_744717 CREST ELEV. 46.65 r — 45.92 ROP. GRADE o N N �n N Pq to N 50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U Tic. ah, 'g4 FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. ROAD PLAN C12 Z�00 27+25 P '28+00 \ VDOT RIGHT F WAY \� aD \ F -F ONN (NO Lo O� Ocp ON OON O N Off— r MN 0u7 000 N� ujN Nr cVn �O N DO O� 05vrn 0 +� +� +� +r1 +� + CO DO mPVI "' STA. 1 7+82.00 PVI ELEV. 547.52 > > > > Q> W O 135.00VC Q W Q W Q W J � Q ci 155.48SD vQ~ iw N Nw a v~iw v~iw c~i�w rn w v~iw 17.87K-Val 55 55 > j N00 55 » ain »> 55 c+o� PVI STA. 17+73.86 as as as �°6 PVI STA. 20+00.00 as as PVI STA. 21+47.00 as aui aoaa PVI STA. 25+10.00 as N +n PVI ELEV. 547.70 PVI ELLV. 4.7 �'� PVI V. 4 PVI ELEV. 526.90 w 1 6.33 .. .. PVI STA. 21+56.01 PVI EILEV. 539.10 — 1 B7.15VC SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM I`FIZI sw FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 OR a FILE NO. NulN 18.020 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 ROAD PLAN C13 ,,, 550 545 540 535 530 525 520 S1 S 0»u 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 500 495 490 485 480 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 2 SIGHT DISTANCE LEFT PROFILE C14 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' OBJECT HORIZONTAL CURVE #o 9 555 550 545 540 1 x O o 0 \ I i 535 530 .... .. 25j75 PI 525 520 \ S1 S \ . f 540 535 .. .. 530 525 520 n N N m u� n 515 N � o a J O rv) W N N +06 510 W W ° n N W 505 69 U U 500 495 490 485 480 14+00 HORIZONTAL CURVE #11 _R=933' 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 28+00 28+50 29+00 29+50 30+00 !6= 6ullf,, 545 540 6W 6xi,, w4i *0 62ti 62•4: 674m, 61914: 495 490 4885 30+540 0 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM I`FIZI sw FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. ROAD PLAN C14]. O 0 / / I / / I I / I I LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Total Plant Symbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Caliper/Height Quantity Height (ft) Canopy Total Canopy SF in 10 Yrs Large Shade Tree Fagus grandifolia American Beech 1'-12" 23 20 227 4994 Large Shade Tree Querus bicolor Swamp White Oak 2�" 9 31 299 2691 Large Shade Tree Tilia tomentosa "Green "Green Mountain" 21" 10 25 276 2760 Mountain" Silver Linden Screening Evergreen Cryptomeria japonica "Yoshino" Cryptomeria Yoshino 4'-5' Ht. 44 25 123 5412 O Ornamental Tree Corpus florido Flowering Dogwood 6-7' Ht. 16 17 124 1984 OOrnamental Tree Cercis conadensis Eastern Redbud 6-7' Ht. 14 17 124 1736 4) Ornamental Tree Prunus subhirtella Weeping Cherry 6-7' Ht. 10 15 77 770 'Pendula Rosa' Deciduous Shrub Viburnum plicatum Snowball Viburnum 24"-36" 9 8 50 450 ® Deciduous Shrub Buddleia davidii Butterfly Bush 24"-36" 6 7 16 96 Broadleaved Evergreen Shrub Ilex glabra Inkberry Holly 24"-36" 57 6 23 1311 ® Broadleaved Evergreen Shrub Cotoneaster Cotoneaster 24"-36" 45 6 22 990 divaricatus Low Maintenance Ground Cover Wildflower Seed Mix TOTAL SITE CANOPY 23194 NOTE: Existing trees to remain within School Facilities Area are not counted towards total site canopy ! I \ \ I \\ S�\REENIN(G I','-S/'ROPO s7^.A5-8 !!i� 6� SHOULDER - - _ _ 7%.'! 2:1 SLOPE M I \ p \\ L� \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ " \�I, I I 1 I I // (\\ \ \\ \\ \` 2$ \ \\\ 4pa.i 14 26 yse � \\ O V I' I �" I I I i • / //� / l24 ♦s. GIMNASIUM I / � l I I I I I I I II I II � '•,. �/i l / / 22 ... ,..._.\ — — — I ' I I' � POPLA \ �+` LOW�MAINTENANCE I' „ I �+ \\ D 'I ' i \. \ ql 'I I I / / ® — * \ �� /�ROUN� COVER AL Ex. / 1 / \ 0 K SLO� ES 3: 1 A l v v v v > k \ _ \ III STEEP R P \ I \ \ o \ \ L\ � _ II II \\ Ex + oAK x.eoc\ MAPLE AK EXISTING RE ��� \\ I ,I .I � - — \� I' .�• 1 "p I ' E, .. _; . I 1 \ T ELL(`IE—� v o \ \ \ a e% • Y � + 9e _ � — I II I I � �� � I � w � MA�L-E I 1 - _ LOCKER \ \ •�/ \ - - - / \ R oM /I \ w w —w\_ �W— w —w —w —w 2 w —w —w—w-- _\_— v f N,E`W\2, ACSA EASE � • 1 --- %f� LOCKER- .n ROOM REGENTS L-j- 06 �( OB ' PLAZA ) LOCKER Roo\ PDX.�P\LAS�R - - J �o / �jRE� PR'OTE�TION/ FENCI (� _ �� \ \ ADMINISTRATIVE -CN- -— O�O� - I - 1 ,. i y, R v v v X. 1 ORS �� / v - - - BUILDING / \ HALL - I KO APL V E�� - _ O O I � V A \ � � l 1, � 1`� � � v _ ceASS On✓ r� v — — _ _ E_ POPL jsrl - t� f \ \\ \ / \ E%. 12" X. 15 \ ��,� � \ � _ _ // �yl � P Pl. P E\ \ `I GL— 'CHERRY X. " OAiC - - \ 1 MA LE.. \ \ - _ - - / \ / - F 1t3.. \ \ �, \ -- - - f -- A\ -I--- \._ v _-,/Ex.1s' - oAK x.1z. — �v —g — \„, l \ xV1 v / - / V v _ _ \ \ \ i MAPL Ex: ,: \ \ x. s\ x. 1s' a" \ oAK \ \ - / / / / _ \ \ \ _ _ - - op �\ \ A x v _ / _ _ cLAssgooM / / M - - v v / �:. 1 \ _ - /C'As / / ThEE PROTECTION FENCING_(FYP) �= `t1 6 X M E KO APLf\ - / �RO�M \ - HIC _ _ - - Ex. 12" / E \ K x. 1 �^ OA PL x' _ ���EOPLA �.K�1` AP \ _ — oFF�o� / / // F \ \ \ \�\\ _� _ \ \ RBPL-AR- ii C ORY " \ \ POPLA ( OAK / 1 �0 \-GLASSBO(LM & / - / ILKOR� NSSR / / l f - A --- --- �� 15 -MAPLE \ _ v / \ -� \ \•,0 ��. .\�\ \� �� �PLAR\FV. 18 \ X. 1d" \\ �AK OA\�\ v I 1 \ cAL ssRob'MPL \ V �_--- v MAP QA----- ' / / \ _` ----- \ EECH PLE/--MI�PLE \ \ _ B \/ �' \_- --- \ OOu'/ // 1 / / // \ - .70- \00 rX&ll\t-TREE_S T9-RE-(vl N — ( I I / // �00 PINE X or TRE-EL44E kEW 00 fIt 00 —49 00 or A 9 v v / / l �yA / v \ _ / A000 \ v-- 00, \\ \ \h 40 0 40 80 120 Graphic Scale: 1 "=40' SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM n Q�+ p a 183 ah, sw FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. LANDSCAPE PLAN NMI 51. LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Total Plant Symbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Caliper/Height Quantity Height (ft) Canopy Total Canopy SF in 10 Yrs d Large Shade Tree Fagus grandifolia American Beech 12"-14" 23 20 227 4994 Large Shade Tree Querus bicolor Swamp White Oak 21" 9 31 299 2691 of a •.. �'l ed 9:r Large Shade Tree Tilia tomentosa "Green Mountain" 1>> 22 10 25 276 2760 Green Mountain Silver Linden >�1 Screening Evergreen Cryptomeria japonica Cryptomeria Yoshino 4'— 5Ht. 44 25 123 5412 Yoshino COrnamental Tree Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood 6-7' Ht. 16 17 124 1984 } Ornamental Tree Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud 6-7' Ht. 14 17 124 1736 Ornamental Tree Prunus subhirtella Weeping Cherr p g y 6-7 Ht. 10 15 77 770 Pendula Rosa Deciduous Shrub Viburnum plicatum Snowball Viburnum 24"-36" 9 8 50 450 ® Deciduous Shrub Buddleia davidii Butterfly Bush 24"-36" 6 7 16 96 Broadleaved Evergreen Shrub Ilex glabra Inkberry Holly 24"-36" 57 6 23 1311 Broadleaved Evergreen Shrub Cotoneaster Cotoneaster 24"-36" 45 6 22 990 divaricatus 1�1 Low Maintenance Ground Cover Wildflower Seed Mix TOTAL SITE CANOPY 23194 NOTE: Existing trees to remain within School Facilities Area are not counted towards total site canopy SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT. SPACE PLANTS AS SPECIFIED IN PLANT LIST OR AS SHOWN. ADJUST SPACING AS NECESSARY OR AS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 0IA\ MULCH 2" DEEP IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGHLY. SET SHRUB PLUMB. TOP OF ROOTBALL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 1"ABOVE FINISHED GRADE REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 113 OF ROOTBALL 3" TALL WATERING BERM FINISHED GRADE Sri. ........ i����������1, 1 SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL C16 Not To Scale SET TRUNK PLUMB. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT AND SPACING. ARBOR TIES, OR SIM 1-1/2" SQ. OAK ST SET 180 DEGREES FINISHED GRADE APPLY 2" OF WOOD WATER THOROUGHLY 4" COMPACTED EAR WATERING BERM EXISTING GRADE PLANTING PIT. SEE REQUIREMENTS, PLA SOIL AMENDMENTS. REMOVE BURLAP & 1/3 OF ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SOIL 0 I Ln 0 I 1992 3.38 FENCING AND A I I DRP LINE SNOW FENCE BOARD FENCE ORING CORD FENCE 'a•}a0a ' �-- PLASTIC FENCE CORRECT METHODS OF TREE FENCING CORRECT TRUNK ARMORING ao• TRIANGULAR BOARD FENCE Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.38-2 III - 401 TREE PROTECTION FENCING LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: SITE REQUIREMENT ( SITE AREA: SITE AREA: CANOPY REQUIRED: CANOPY PROVIDED: ACADEMIC WOODS AREA: 10% CANOPY REQUIRED. 832,432 SF 832,432 SF x 10% = 83,243 SF 83,243.2 SF 23,194 SF +260,924 SF 284,118 SF PROVIDED STREET TREES ( LARGE SHADE TREES (1z"-14" MIN. CAL.) 50' O.C. PARALLEL TO ROAD REQUIRED: RESERVOIR ROAD — 999 LF/ 50 = 19 TREES PROVIDED: 22 LARGE SHADE TREES INTERIOR/PARKING LANDSCAPE ( 5% OF PARKED PAVED AREA. 43,761.2 SF x 5% = 2,188.1 SF REQUIRED: 2,188.1 SF PROVIDED: 3,286 SF INTERIOR/PARKING LANDSCAPE ( 95 PARKING SPACES (95/10 = 9.5) REQUIRED: 10 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 19 LARGE SHADE TREES LARGE SHADE TREES (1"-14" MIN. CAL.) NOTES: 1. Contractor to apply mulch bedding around all proposed trees and shrubs. All other landscaped areas shall be sodded. 2. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 3. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 4. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the entrance corridor must be eliminated. County of Albemarle Conservation flan Checklist — To be placed on Landscape flans (Handbook, pp HI-284-111-297-1hr complete specifications) 1. Thefollowingllems shall be shown on the plan: ❑ 'frees to be saved; ® Limits of clearins (outside dripline of trees to be saved); 0 Location and ty� f protective fencing; ❑ Grade chat ea re ` g tree wella or walk ❑ Proposed7trene tg or tunneling beyond -the li[iiia of clearing. 2. Markings: ® All trees to be saved shall be marked with print or ribbon at a height clearly visible to equipment opeiato Id No grading shall begin until the tree marking has been inspected and approved by a County hlspectorl 3. Pre -Construction Conference: m Tree preservation and protection measures shall be reviewed with the contractor on site. 4. Epuimnent Operation and Storage: Id Ileavy equipment, vehicular traffic and storage of construction materials including soil shall not�er ' tad within the driplines of trees to be saved. 5. Soil Erosion and Stormwater Detention Devices: LI Such devices shall not adversely affect trees to be saved. 6- Fires: ® Fires are not permitted within j00Feet of the dripline of trees to be saved. 11 Toxic Materials: Ild Toxic materials shall not be stored within 100 feet of the dripline of trees to be saved. 8. Protective Fencing: ® Trees to be retained within 40 feet of a proposed building or grading activity shall be protected by fencing. CI Fencing shall be in place and shall be inspected and approved by a County Inspector prior to grading or construction. 9. Tree Wells: ❑ When the ground level must be raised within the dripline of a tree to be saved, a tree well shall be provided and a construction detail submitted for approval. 10. Tree Walls: ❑ When the ground level must be lowered within the dripline a tree to be saved, a tree wall shall be provided; and a construction detail submitted for approval. 11. Treachine and Tunneling: ❑ When trenching is required within the limits of clearing, it shall be done as faraway'from the trunks of trees as possible. Tunneling under a large tree shall be considered as an alternative when it is anticipated that necessary trenching will destroy feeder roots. 12. Cleanun: Ild Protective fencing shall be the last items removed during the final cleanup. 13. Damaged'Irees: ® Damaged trees shall be treated immediately by pruning, fertilization or other methods recommended by a tree specialist. Nt IT IS THE DEVELOPER'S7t�SgONSIVILITV TTOQCOIII NRE ER WITH THE CONTRACTOR ON TREE CONSERVATION CONTRACT CONSERVATION PLAN CHECKLIST SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U Lic. aill sw FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. 18.020 LANDSCAPE DETAILS 2 TREE PLANTING DETAIL C16 Not To Scale C16 Symbol Label Quantity Manufacturer Catalog Number Description Lamp Filename Number Lamps Lumens Per Lamp Light Loss Factor Wattage ❑ A 12 BEGA Converted by LUMCat V 10.06.2015/H.R. 99523 LED 921 4W 99523_BEGA_IES.IES 1 Absolute 1 106 ❑ Notes: 1. Parking lot lights to be mounted at 20 ft. 2. The maximum permissible height of the poles supporting outdoor luminaires at the athletic field (not shown) is 70 feet. 3. Outdoor lighting of the athletic field shall not continue past 10:00 p.m. 4. Lighting fixtures of the athletic field will be installed to achieve full cutoff lighting. X•� X x x X7 ° X X %O 7x RIGHT OF WAY AY LINE'?0 0 00 ° X 0 o O O ° •° X O o .O o •O o cO o °° X O °°° X •o° ° O X O °° X 'O •Oo 'x° ox Oo 0° X° X. oo 0 o°°X ° O .00 °°°°o X X •o 0°° 0 x °O O O 'OO X .° ° O ° ° X x0.5 FOO INDL CON XFGO ° O•O p O X X X O o '7 X OO X ° °°TOU ° X X 0 'O X °° X ° ° °° ° O O O O ° O X °°� °O , °.0O ° , O X X O2 °x Lo2 X O° O O ° X �0 0 0O O ° O° X O S °° X V X p j O X 0 X y •Opo % O % X •7 % .� j X O O X c� X ?S x 2 A X X 79 7, X O ° O O x o �� 0 d' A j i9 x ?gyp X O X •� A X X T/ x ° O x Cp y x X S S7 % X S F j ? 6 x o 0 O X % x G' O O X X > >� 7 x O ?6 O X ° p X �O X �9 2� s' % 2� X A TS , S X S X 0 >TS 9 % O O O O S '� X x X 1T SX ° O O X ° 17 d O X S RO X ? 2 X p °X 0 O o� 0% ° x X X "' O % % a X X 'O 7 X 8 t? 6) X O X X ° °O 0 x ° O .O 0 x S % s S X '96 X yT O y X O X 0 X O O X I• •�, O X X O X 0 O [� (9 X x X ?6 X �° ° ° L'Q) pole-t*uminaires - Asymmetrical light distribution % s X X X �X o 0 O O X X '� S X % •� t�j X X 'C9 .6, t� x X° ;gpplication O O c� 8 O LED pole -top i6?ninaire with asymmetrical light distribution designed for the X S d � j x X X '� ?S y X X •� j 2 X tP •O O,O illumil tion of parking areas and roadways. Tool -less entry with hinged door X X X •p c?n� 2 X X 'O O x X '� O 0 X for e4 of mainten .0 Provided with slip fitter to fit 3' O.D. poles. x Ire° 6 �' O X Materials 0 7 X ?O � X S P 17 x X .O uminaire h@psing and pole fitter constructed of die-cast marine grade, 0 x X6' S O X X ST j X X pper free (50.3% copper content) A360.0 aluminum alloy X '� O X •r9 X °'O O Cle safety glass with anti -reflective coating for increased transmission X .�\Ly X o ) 'S X 'O R r made of6��ure anodized aluminum X 'A O, ' .�, Q p x X ° .) p X X Silloo a ed rob@ically to casting, plasma treated for increased •� O O 'A'S x O ) x� °'O O adhesion x S X O High teml%i lure silicone gasket S O O 0 S O X Ma hankfa captive stainless steel fasteners -O NRTL listed to North American Standards, suitable for wet locations S O Protection class IP66 Os S Weight: 19.0 lbs. EPA (Effective projection area): 0.75 sq. ft. Electrical Operating voltage 120-277VAC Minimum start temperature -300 C LED module wattage 92.4 W System wattage 106.0 W Controllability 0-10V dimmable Color rendering index Ra> 80 Luminalre lumens 9,454 lumens (3000K) Lifetime at Ta=150C >500.000 h (1-70) Lifetime at Ta=350C 308,000 In (1-70) LED color temperature 4000K - Product number + K4 3500K - Product number + K36 3000K - Product number + K3 2700K - Product number + K27 BEGA can supply you with suitable LED replacement modules for up to 20 years after the purchase of LED luminaires - see website for details Finish All BEGA standard finishes are matte, textured polyester powder coat with minimum 3 mil thickness. Available colors Black (BLK) White (WI -IT) RAL: Bronze (BRZ) Silver (SLV) CUS: STATISTICS: Average = 1.1 fc Maximum = 11.3 fc Minimum = 0.0 fc Max/Min = N/A Average/Min = N/A Type: BEGA Product: 99523K3 Project: Modified: Available Accessories IMS-1_2 Internal motion sensor - 8' mouting height IMS-1_3 Internal motion sensor - 20' mouting height IMS-11.4 Internal motion sensor - 40' mouting height - narrow IMS-1_7 Internal motion sensor - 40' mouting height - wide FSIR- Configuration tool See individual accessory spec sheet for details. / 1. � I�LIIIg1Q--) a I� p Pole -top luminaire - Asymmetrical light distribution LED A B C 99523 92AW 13% 3 26 Racarrnenden for use with 30' to 35' poles BEGA 1000 BEGA Way, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805)684-0533 info•bega-us.com ouetothe dynamic natureor N9MM products and the associatedtecbnoldglm,Iumiftredmontrissheet issubimttochange almetlimeeboa o, B65AE Arad p0IV moat Wr,Wtechnicai data, please Martobegs-us.com 0 mpynght BEGA 2018 Updated 01/17/19 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM UJYM LiC. aill Aw FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. LIGHTING PLAN 30 0 30 60 90 Graphic Scale: 1 "=30' C17 Regents School Of Charlottesville Atheltic Field Charlattessille,VA Lighting System 4 1 1 as V1.71867 Light Level summary 61d Nw CYwlarkn Mask imam Chas FMIua4e Peabody Une Hmlzmral 0.09 0 am A M PmOem, Line Man fandma(us FulOnf 4m 0 aSi5 am A a Federal Lane Me. Veniuelllluminerce Mdlk ON 0 am am A a SexualHonzontal illuminance 0 0 0A1 am M. A Z Sacra ll MaxCandela ...a Via W2 0= A 2a a Scm Bql Mee VMIion gYminerce 0M& 0 0 am am A 91 sbmr Hodzy al lnumlaNlW M SIRar to A a ENGINEEREDDESIGN By:Brayton Carter FIIISa2DD917A.O Sep-20 EQUIPMENT LIST FOR AREAS SHOWN E!lEE�EEEgEEE}E�E1t�^�{,,� tSlfltt�Itt7ltth�tt�ttttttl�tl�tvt a,_a m®mom mum SCALE IN FEET 1 120 ENGINEERED DESIGN BV: BraVtcn Carter File M200947A 0i From Hometown to Professional 0030 mus We Make It Happen sure "apnna LSmbe l^9. tl ®.1 all, 112al 11 ismay, her 1 M1— ep on overead the III nmn M1fusm awelnquC. Regents School Of Charlottesville Atheltic Field Charlothe lle,VA Name: %oPertyvne Spaeirs 300' bright 30'laed grade elzoxiu Fora DLB GFM Son Aveye: 010212 Minimum: O.W .is 0 Pans: 3m begrel gE INFORMA N 31 Applied clrent; p No. of mmlNimr: 20 Total Load21.16 FW GuamnRM Pellarman[e: The ILLUMINARON daaVlOad above is guaranteed per your yousco Warres" document Field Measurements Individual held measuremema monomial omlace-scalaed preficlu a and should be layers [nesn[e verb IESNA R, If " Electrical 3Verem Requirements: Refer to Amperage aw Chart and/or Ile Mused Coal 1,.. Smzzzl for elenn[al sling. Insallalon Requirements: Re[ulta assume l 3% voltage at line side asehe drivel andstruRR9 Y located within 3 feel flml of deaign I..ns. 0000 mus We Make It Happen sure apnna tghlirs. n.®nl eel, anent ooze ep thnano now n.veo ue arle, utic. EQUIPMENT LIST FOR AREAS SHOWN mt�tOt�tt�t�t O®®O1 ®®8 ENGINEEREDDE N By:Brayton Cater-Flle R700947A.DR p-0 GALE IN FEET1:200 Poklwtlmisl Ynerdmsart rtladve N m see O,omNmmepNMd� ENGINEEREDDESIGN By: Beal Darter -File R200947A- 03-Sep20 Regefrts School Of Charlottesville Atheltic Field CharII willerVA Entire Goal Guaranhetl Average: 30 Stan Average: 33.59 Maximum: 37 Minimum'. 29 Avg/Min: 1.36 LuvnnYvd Mu/Mint: Ma./Min: 1.27 VG jadjaca. on) : 1.1e Gas No. of Polms: W Gmm.mMPerformano: MlI MlN NMaolbed aboveisguamnteedperp rMmm Warm my Mm mete aM Imludo a 0.95 dirl depre[iannn boor. Field Measurements: Individual hold meaeurememx must vary from mmputen['alculated Prmi[llons and should be taken emdan[e wI[MIDEA NR6-11 Hazards System Requirements: Peter to Amperage Draw Chart and/or the'MuI control side— Summary' for dissected .,an.. InrtllhNon Requinmenh: Remasassume; 3% located within 3 feet hml of design loot , VVVV MU st o pjup We Make It Happen Not W be .Pcnc u9�pin9eLLG el all di �2➢2➢M Mode f11ryq �If pen foreas the saire _i.ie If.... Regents School Of Charlottesville Scheme Field CM1arlbnesvillgVA wauDER sol[¢r nMrlol System "of.—.: Refer to Amperage Draw Chartand/or the -M. Cpn1M EyaRm Summ¢ry' f..Real suing. Ipslhtlon R¢gYirem¢ns: Resulsaseume23% efulfdn' st line side a the diner and structures looted wihin 3 feet heal of design Iota[ion, euulPmervl usl ton w%rws sxowry o m SINGLE LUMINAIRE AMPERAGE DRAW CHART I®I®I�I�I�®1147 �mmmOm�© 0CM musco H We Make It Happen a send .ywft=1.uc elm',. and m ixnn", Llsmul Muam ap. Light", o LLC. SHIMP ENGINEERIN 32 LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U Lice ate, 'g4 FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. LIGHTING PLAN 18.020 25.00In (&95 mmJ 28.00In (980 com) OO 0 I' 24.00 in (610 mm) Luminaire Data Weight (luminaire) 45 lb (20 kg) UL listing number E338094 UL listed for USA / Canada UL1598 CSA-C222 No250.0 CE Declaration LVD, EMC, ROHS Ingress protection, luminaire IP65 Material and finish Aluminum, powder -coat Wind speed rating (aiming only) 150 mi/h (67 hill UL, IEC ambient temperature 50*C(122nF) rating, luminaire Photometric Characteristics Projected lumen maintenance per IESTM-21-11 L90 (13.5k) >81,000 h L80 (13.5k) >81,000 h L70 (13.5k) >81,000 h CIE correlated color temperature 5700 K Color rendering index (CRI) 75 typ, 70 min Lumens' 136,000 Footnotes: 1) Incorporates appropriate dirt depreciation factor for life of luminalre. U.S,and foreign patent(s) Issued and pending • 02019 Musco Sports Lighting, LLC • TLC-LED-12005700K ]5 CRI • M-2943-eirl musco T 0 12.00 in (305 mm) I- 21.50 in (546 mm) 20.00 in (508 com) 26.00 in (660 com) Luminaire Data Weight (luminaire) 40lb (18 kg) UL listing number E338094 UL listed for USA / Canada UL1598 CSA-C22.2 No250.0 CE Declaration LVD, EMC, ROHS Ingress protection, luminaire IP65 Material and finish Aluminum, powder -coat painted Wind speed rating (aiming only) 150 mi/h (67 hill UL, IEC ambient temperature 500C(1220F) rating, luminaire Photometric Characteristics Projected lumen maintenance per IESTM-21-11 L90 (13.5k) >81,000 h LSO (13.5k) >81,000 h L70 (13.5k) >81,000 h CIE correlated color temperature 5700 K Color rendering index (CRI) 75 typ, 70 min Lumens' 89,600 Footnotes: 1) Incorporates appropriate dirt depreciation factor for life of luminaire Driver Data Electrical Data Rated wattage' Per driver 1170 W Per luminaire 1170 W Number of luminaires per driver 1 Starting (inrush) current <40 A, 256 µs Fuse rating 15 A UL, IEC ambient temperature rating, 50°C (122aF) electrical components enclosure _ Ingress protection, electrical IP54 components enclosure Efficiency 95% Dimming mode optional Range, energy consumption 14-100% Range, light output 19 -100% Typical Wiring Surge' protection -------------- Controller Disconnect fir present) l L1 T Fuse Driver � I - Luminaire L2* Fuse * If L2 (corn) is neutral then not switched or fused. t Not present if indoor installation. Max operating current per 7.26 A 6,98 A 6.60 A 6.31 A 6.05 A 5.24 A 4.18 A 3.82 A 3.63 A 3.50 A 3.03 A luminaire' Footnotes: 1) Rated wattage is the power consumption, including driver efficiency losses, at stabilized operation In 25'C ambient temperature environment. 2) Operating current includes allowance for 0.90 minimum power factor, operating temperature, and LED light source manufacturing tolerances. Notes 1. Use thermal magnetic HID -rated or D-curve circuit breakers. 2. See Musco Control5ystem Summary for circuit information. U.S. and foreign patem(s) Issued and pending • 02019 Musco Sports Lighting, LLC • TLC-LED-120057001l • M-2943-en04-3 musco 2 Driver Data Electrical Data Rated wattage' Per driver 890 W Per luminaire 890 W Number of luminaires per driver 1 Starting (inrush) current <40 A, 256 µs Fuse rating 15 A UL, IEC ambient temperature rating, electrical components enclosure 50-C (1221) Ingress protection, electrical components enclosure IP54 Efficiency 95% Dimming mode optional Range, energy consumption 25 -100% Range, light output 30 -100% Typical Wiring Surge protection -------------- Controller Disconnect '_�_°ymum) l L1 T Fuse Driver � I _�� - Luminaire L2* Fuse * If L2 (corn) is neutral then not switched or fused. t Not present if indoor installation. Max operating current per 5.50 A 5.29 A 5.00 A 4.78 A 4.58 A 3.97 A 3.17 A 2.90 A 2.75 A 2.65 A 2.29 A luminaire' Footnotes: 1) Rated wattage is the power consumption, including driver efficiency losses, at stabilized operation In 25"C ambient temperature environment. 2) Operating current includes allowance for 0.90 minimum power factor, operating temperature, and LED light source manufacturing tolerances. Notes 1. Use thermal magnetic HID -rated or D-curve circuit breakers. 2. See Musco Control5ystem Summary for circuit information. a Solutions for Lighting ssrsaa_.wn_ Solutions for Lighting SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U Lic. ail' Aw FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. 18.020 LIGHTING DETAILS 0000 musco U.S. and foreign patent(sl Issued and pending • 02018 Muuo Sports Lighting, LIL • lti-IED-9805]IXB(]5 CRI • M-M28en04< 1 0000 musco 2 US and foreign patenrys) Issued and pending • 02018 Muxo Sports Lighting, LLC • TLC-LED-900570IK 75 Cm • M-2622crxial C19 SEE NOTE 4 4n �Z_2" RADIUS a� 71/2" d a: 15" .. d ' SURF, T4A A MAXBASE d.- SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 105 502 WP-2 1�4" "",-2" R SURFACE BASE SUBBASE NOTES 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 IF CAST IN PLACE, 4000 PSI IF PRECAST. 3. CURB 0 FET. OR LESS (ALONG FACE OFVCURB) WILING A L BE PAIDS OF 0FORE AS RADIAL CURB, 4. THE DEPTH OF CURB MAY BE REDUCED AS MUCH AS 3" (15" DEPTH) OR INCREASED MUCH AS 3" (21" DEPTH) IN ORDER THAT THE BOTTO OF CURB WILL COINCIDE WITH THE TOP OF A COURSE OF THE PAVEMENT SUBSTRUCTURE. OTHERWISE THE DEPTH IS TO BE 18" AS SHOWN. NO ADJUSTMENT IN THE PRICE BID IS TO BE MADE FOR A DECREASE OR AN INCREASE IN DEPTH. 5. CG-2 IS TO BE USED ON ROADWAYS MEETING THE REQUIREMNSAPPENDIXEATOFFTT EC DOT ROAD DESIGN MANUAL. STANDARD 6" CURB VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EDGE OF EXISING PAVEMENT (AS DETERMINED IN FIELD) TACK COAT THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION JOINT EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS PROPOSED ASPHALT LAYERS ---------------- EXISTING SUBBASE PROPOSED SUBBASE ------------------------ COMPACTED SUBGRADE CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL ® REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS TO EXISTING SUBBASE AND REPLACE WITH PROPOSED ASPHALT WIDENING LAYERS ® PROPOSED MINIMUM 1 �/2 INCH THICK ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE (SEE NOTE 5) ■ MINIMUM 12 INCHES, OR GREATER AS NECESSARY TO ABUT THE FULL THICKNESS OF EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS AS DETERMINED BY CORES (SEE NOTE 31 NOTES: 1. ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL HAVE A PAVEMENT DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VDOT PROCEDURES AND BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. THE PAVEMENT DESIGN FOR ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE DEPTHS AND TYPES OF THE LAYERS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED PAVEMENT SHALL BE ADDRESSED IN THE PAVEMENT DESIGN. 3. A MINIMUM OF THREE CORES SHALL BE TAKEN ALONG THE CENTER OF THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE TO DETERMINE THE TYPE AND THICKNESS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT LAYERS. THESE CORES SHALL BE SPACED NO MORE THAN 500 FEET APART. 4. THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE SHALL BE MILLED A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 11 INCHES AND REPLACED WITH AN ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE TO MATCH THE PROPOSED PAVEMENT WIDENING SURFACE COURSE. UNLESS WAIVED BY THE ENGINEER. 5. THE ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE THE MILLING DEPTH OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE ADJUSTED TO ACHIEVE AN ACCEPTABLE PAVEMENT CROSS -SLOPE AND EFFECTIVE SURFACE DRAINAGE. 6. EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND MARKERS WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS SHALL BE RESTORED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. 7. FINAL TRANSVERSE PAVEMENT TIE-IN SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315.05(c) OF THE SPECIFICATIONS EXCEPT THAT ALL JOINTS AT TIE-IN LOCATIONS SHALL BE TESTED USING A 10 FOOT STRAIGHTEDGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315.07(a) OF THE SPECIFICATIONS. XVDOT ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS SHEET 1 OF 1 REVISION DATE 303.02 ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING FOR WIDENING SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 375 3 1S 2 RESERVED 20 PARKING- 20 1 1e �A.. 6 3875 3J75 —' is 76 25 U12 R7-8 NOPARKING LEGEND — GREEN (RETROREFL), WHITE SYMBOL ON BLUE (RETROREFL) BACKGROUND —WHITE (RETROREFL) 'Reduce spacing 50%D. **See page 6.31. "'See page 6-2 for arrow design. SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 315 ACCESSIBLE N 1 I )E H7-NB VANALTf of c A B C D E F G H J K L 12 6 375 436 15 15 D S 1 D 1.871 3658 1.5 16 9 375 .438 28 2O 1 150 2987 &764 15 al PARKING APPLICATION ORECTDNAL APPLCADON COLOR& LEGEND -GREEN (NETRONFNECTA'n ORBLACK COLONS LEGEND-MADE(NETROREFLECINEI BACKGROUND-WHRE (RETRORERECTNEF RACKGROUND-BLUE (IETRORERECINEI NOTES: 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 IF CAST IN PLACE, 4000 PSI IF PRECAST. 3. COMBINATION CURB & GUTTER HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET OR LESS (ALONG FACE OF CURB)SHALL BE PAID FOR AS RADIAL COMBINATION CURB & GUTTER. 4. FOR USE WITH STABILIZED OPEN -GRADED DRAINAGE LAYER, THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB AND GUTTER BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE SLOP SUBBASE COURSES AND TO THE DEPTH OF THE PAVEMENT. 5. ALLOWABLE CRITERIA FOR THE USE OF CG-6 IS BASED ON ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION AND DESIGN SPEED AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A OF THE VDOT ROAD DESIGN MANUAL. 7" b b b b b O O O O O 6' 2'-0" THIS AREA MAY BE CONCRETE AT THE OPTION OF THE CONTRACTOR 05NUL COMBINATION 6" CURB & GUTTER 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 3 )AUTOTURN EXHIBIT C20 SCALE: 1 "=30' 4 )PRIMITIVE TRAIL DETAIL C20 SCALE: 1 "=5' THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB AND GUTTER MAY BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE SLOPE OF SUBBASE COURSES PROVIDED A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 7" 15 MAINTAINED. CTAKIFADn DIIC An 5' - PRIMITIVE TRAIL LCH, DUST 0I-3A, 3B, 3C EXPANSION KEYED )WARE H )INT FARPED UTTER ROACH TER TYPE A NOSE DETAIL SHALL BE USED WITH CG-3 & CG-7 STANDARDS. 'f � L2y2'"X2%2"X1/5 v - GALVANIZED TYPE B NOSE DETAIL SHALL BE USED WITH CG-2 6 CG-6 STANDARDS. TYPE A • TYPE B �/2' X 4" STUD SHEAR CONNECTOR WELDED GALVANIZED PLATE FOR TYPE A TO BE BENT ON AN ANGLE OF 68e30' TO ANGLE IRON AT 2'C-C. CONNECTORS AND IS TO BE ANCHORED WITH I/t" X 4" STUD SHEAR NOSE DETAILS WELDED TO BENT PLATE AT 2'C-C. 2„ .ARPR. PAVEMENT DI-3A ,_. L J DI-38 L DI-3C 7ol, L "+"; WPRPED PAVEMENT _—_ FLOWFLOW DETAIL WHEN USED FOR USE ON GRADES ADJACENT TO CURB FOR USE IN SAGS WITHOUT GUTTER BOTH SIDES TO BE SYMMETRICAL XVDOT STANDARD CURB DROP INLET SREFERENCEN ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS SHEET 1 OF 2 REVISION DATE 12" - 30" PIPE: MAXIMUM DEPTH (H) - 8' z33 104.09 08/10 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 302 1.5" OF SM-9.5A 2" OF BM-25 — 6" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE — COMPACTED SUBGRADE 1 )ON -SITE PAVEMENT SECTION C20 Not To Scale 6" — 3,000 PSI CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS OR STRONGER. WIRE REINFORCING OR #4 BARS AT 12" O.C. 4" COMPACTED VDOT #21A COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO BE FIELD VERIFIED x 6" Bollard r-6" x 6" Bollard " x 4" Wooden Post e D 6" Wooden Fence Board DU ER U E 2" x 4" Rail (typ) x x p 4" x 4" Steel Columns for Gates 4" x 6" Treated Wooden Gate finish to match buildings 97 q q . CONCRETE PAO CONCRETE PAO e q 10' x,1.8' 10' x,1.8; _ ' " 11 ' " I[Concrete 6" Wooden 1 Fence Board 4' Steel Columns for Gates 7E E " x 6' 6" Treated Wooden ce4f %%a tp rRatch buildings Pad 2 )DUMPSTER PAD DETAIL C20 Not To Scale SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U Tic. 1`FIZI 'g4 FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. SITE DETAILS C20 Page 6H-48 September 2019 September 2019 Page 6H-49 Page 6H-14 September 2019 Lane Closure Operation with Temporary Traffic Barrier' (Figure TTC-20.2d NOTES Guidance: 1. See Table 6H-5, page 6H-6, for recommended spacing of advance warning signs. 2. SHOULDER CLOSED (W21-5a) signs should be used on Limited -Access Highways where there is no opportunity for disabled vehicles to pull off the roadway (see Figure TTC-6). 3. Inen closing a lane, a PCMS should be used in advance of the first warning sign if all of the left side signs cannot be installed.z 4. If drivers cannot see a pull -off area beyond the closed shoulder, information regarding the length of the shoulder closure should be provided in feet or miles, as appropriate. 5. An emergency pull -off area should be provided per Section 6G.18 and Temporary Traffic Control Figure TTC-8. Standard: 6. On divided highways having a median wider than 8', right and left sign assemblies shall be required. 7. Group 2 channelizing device spacing shall be at the following: Group 2 Channelizing Device Spacing Spacing Speed Limit (mph) Location n Loca Spacing Speed Limit (mph) Location Spacing Speed Limit (mph) 0 •35 36 + 0 35 1 36 + 0 -35 1 36 + Transition 20' 40' Travelway 40' 80' Construction Access 80' 120' Construction access spacing may be increased to this distance, but shall not exceed one access per Y< mile. 8. For taper lengths, see TTC-19' 9. See Table 611-6 for barrier transition flare rate.' When the barrier transition flare' is on a horizontal alignment, the total offset shall be prorated around the curve in lieu of a straight-line flare. 10. End treatment of a barrier in order of preference: a. Where guardrail exists, attach to barrier with appropriate fixed object attachment. b. Where cut slope exists, bury barrier into cut slope and provide for drainage as needed. c. Extend end of barrier until it is beyond the established clear zone (see Figure 2 on Page A-4 of Appendix A for clear zone values). d. When barrier end is inside the established clear zone, attenuator service Type I or Type H shall be used. Refer to L&D special design drawings. 11. Barrier panels 8 inches in width and 12 inches in height shall be placed on top of the concrete barrier and spaced on 40' centers along the transition or taper sections and spaced on 80' centers along the parallel or tangent sections. Reflectorized surface shall be fluorescent orange prismatic lens sheeting. The light at the beginning of the barrier run and at the breakpoint where the barrier becomes paraRel to the roadway shall be a Type B flashing light. Barrier delinators shall be spaced n 20' centers along the transition or taper sections and spaced on 80' centers and centered' in- between the barrier panels along the parallel or tangent sections' approximately 24 inches up from the roadway surface. Guidance: 12. Eradication of existing pavement markings should be as shown in Figure TTC-55. Hon: 13. The barrier shown in this typical application is an example of one method that may be used to close a 14. 1: Revision 1- 4/1/2015 2: Revision 2 - 7/1/2018 September 2019 RIGHT SHOULDER-sillss CLOSED RIGHT SHOULDER � i CLOSED AHEAD ROAD WORK ten` AHEAD 1: Revision 1- 4/12015 2: Revision 2 - 9/12019 Stationary Operation on a Shoulder Oigure TTC-4.2) Lane Closure Operation with Temporary Traffic Barrier ft ure TTC-20-2 0 z } y 6" LINE BEGINNING of Q AT ANGLE BREAK 1E LU BARRIER o_ z w w Q 8" LINE a \ SEE NOTE11 R4-V7L 1: Revision 1 - 4/1/2015 2: Revision 2 - 7/1/2018 Page 6H-15 CVJ _E NOTE 10 LING ODE) G20-2 (V) 500' ± BARRIER PANELS SEE NOTE 11 BARRIER DELINEATOR SEE NOTE 11 TYPE B WARNING LIGHT SEE NOTE 11 BARRIER PANELS SEE NOTE 11 BARRIER DELINEATOR SEE NOTE 11 GROUP' NG SEE DEVICES SEE NOTEOTE77 ERADICATE 200' OF EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKING - / GUARDRAIL SEE NOTE 11 ILLUMINATED FLASHING AMBER ARROW TYPE C SEE NOTE 3 QSHOULDER TAPER O0 W4-2R OPTIONAL LONG-TERM TRANSVERSE RUMBLE STRIPS SEE NOTE 14 i LANE ENDS Wg 2L MERGE LEFT RIGHT i� LANE W9-3R CLOSED HEAD ROAD i WORK W20-1 AHEAD L PCMS - SEE NOTE I Page 6H-54 Typical Traffic Control Lane Closure on a Two -Lane Roadway Using Flaggers QFigure TTC-23.2) NOTES Typical Traffic Control Stationary Operation on a Shoulder (Figur C-4-� NOTES Standard 1. For long-term stationary work (more than 3 days) on divided highways having a median wider than 81, sign assemblies on both sides of the roadway shall be required as shown (ROAD WORK AHEAD (W20-1), RIGHT SHOULDER CLOSED AHEAD (W21-51IR), RIGHT SHOULDER CLOSED (W21-5aR)% even though only one shoulder is being closed. For operations less than 3 days in duration, sign assemblies will only be required on the side where the shoulder is being closed. Guidance 2. Sign spacing should be 1300W500' for Limited Access highways. For all other roadways, the sign spacing should be 500'400' where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph, and 350'-500' where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less. Hon: 3. The SHOULDER WORK (W21-5) sign on an intersecting roadway may be omitted where drivers ewerginp from that roadway will encounter another advance warning sign prior to this activity area. 4. For short duration operations of 60 minutes or less, all signs and channelizing devices may be eliminated if a vehicle with activated hi -intensity amber rotating, flashing, or' oscillating lights is used Standard: 5. Vehicle hazard warning signals shall not be used instead of the vehicle's high -intensity amber rotating, flashing, or oscillating lights. Vehicle hazard warning signals can be used to supplement high -intensity amber rotating, flashing, or' oscillating, lights. 6. Taper length (L) shall be at the following: Taper Length L Speed Limit (mph) Lane Width Feet Remarks Speed Limit m h Lane Width Feet Remarks 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 25 95 105 115 125 L=SV/60 50 450 500 550 600 L=SW 30 135 150 165 180 L=S2W/60 55 495 550 605 660 L= SW 35 185 205 225 245 L=S2W/60 60 540 600 660 720 L=SW 40 240 270 295 320 L=SV/60 65 585 650 715 780 L=SW 45 405 450 495 540 L=SW 70 630 700 770 840 L=SW Limited Access highways shall use a 1000' merging taper regardless of the posted speed, for shifting taper see Table 61-1.22 Shoulder Taper = % L Minimum 7. Channelizine device suacine shall be at the followine: Channelizing Device Spacing Location Spacing Speed Limit m h Location Spacing Speed Limit m h Location Spacing 1 Speed Limit (mph) 0 35 36 + 0 35 1 36 + 0 35 1 36 + Transition 20' 40' Travelwa 40' SO' 'Construction Access I 80' 120' 'Construction access s1!2cIng may be increased to this distance, but shall not exceed one access per'% mile. 8. On roadways with paved shoulders having a width of 8 feet or more, channelizing devices shall be used to close the shoulder in advance of the merging taper to direct vehicular traffic to remain within the traveled way. 9. The buffer space length shall be as shown in Table 611-3 on Page 611-5 for the posted speed limit. 10. A truck -mounted attenuator (TMA) shall be used on the shadow vehicle on Limited Access highways and multi -lane roadways with posted speed limit equal to or greater than 45 mph for operations with a duration greater than 60 minutes. 11. When a side road intersects the highway within the temporary traffic control zone, additional traffic control devices shall be placed as needed. 1: Revision 1- 4/1/2015 2: Revision 2 - 911/2,019 September 2019 September 2019 Guidance: 1. Sign spacing distance should be 350'--500' where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less, and 500'400' where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph. 2. Care should be exercised when establishing the limits of the work zone to insure maximum possible sight distance in advance of the flagger station and transition, based on the posted speed limit and at least equal to or greater than the values in Table 6H-3. Generally speaking, motorists should have a clear line of sightfrom the graphic flagger symbol sign to the flagger. 3. 'To maintain efficient trafc flow in a flagging operation on a two-lane roadway, the maximum time motorists should be stopped at a flagger station is 8 minutes for high volume roadways (average daily traffic of 500 or more vehicles per day) to a maximum of 12 minutes for low volume roadways (less than 500 vehicles per day). For additional information see Section 6E.07.� Standard: 4. Portable Temporary Rumle Strips (PTRS) shall be used as noted in Section 6F.99. 5. Flagging stations shall be located far enough in advance of the work space to permit approaching traffic to reduce speed and/or stop before passing the work space and allow sufficient distance for departing traffic in the left lane to return to the right lane before reaching opposing traffic (see Table 611-3 on Page 611-5). 6. All flaggers shall be state certified and have their certification card in their possession when performing flagging duties (see Section 6E.01, Qualifications for Flaggers). 7. Cone spacing shall be based on the posted speed and the values in Table 6114 on Page 6H-6.' 8. A shadow vehicle with at least one high intensity amber rotating, flashing, or' oscillating light shall be parked 80'-120' in advance of the first work crew. hgII: 8. A SLOW (W21-V10) sign maybe required in this area to rive advance waznine of the operation ahead Guidance: 9. If the queue of traffic reaches the BE PREPARED TO STOP (W34) sign then the signs, and if used the PTRS'should be readjusted at greater distances. 10. When a highway -rail crossing exists within or upstream of the transition area and it is anticipated that queues resulting from the lane closure might extend through the highway -rail grade crossing, the temporary traffic control zone should be extended so that the transition area precedes the highway -rail crossing (see Figure TTC-56 for additional information on highway -rail crossings). Standard: 11. At night, flagger stations shall be illuminated, except in emergencies (see Section 6E.08). Hon: 12. Cones may be eliminated when usingilot vehicle operation or when the total roadway width is 20 feet or less. 13. For low -volume situations with short work zones on straight roadways where the flagger is visible to road Standard:' 14. When used, three portable temporary rumble (PTRS) strips shall be installed across the entire travel lane adjacent to the BE PREPARED TO STOP (W34) sign. The portable temporary rumble strips shall be monitored and adjusted as necessary during the work shift to ensure proper placement on the roadway. When the PTRS are installed, the RUMBLE STRIPS AHEAD (W20- V26) sign shall also be utilized. 1: Revision 1- 4112015 2: Revision 2 - 9112019 Maintenance of Traffic: TTC 23.2 to be used during entrance installation. TTC 23.2 with traffic barriers from TTC 20.2 to be used for regrading of Reservior Road. For should widening, use TTC 4.2. Lane Closure on a Two -Lane Roadway Using Flaggers ure TTC-23.2 #GV3HV OV3Htl aroa 3NV1 3NO erlxr �T salDu 3MMM Ow a3 d -- 38 Z � u -�Tm m 9'8 9 'E'Z S310N 33S NOIiVIS N390Vld PTRS SPACING (CENTER TO CENTER) POSTED/STATUTORY SPEED LIMIT S40 MPH 10 FEET 41 - 55 MPH 15 FEET > 55 MPH 20 FEET PTRS \ 1p J IIIIIIIG SEE NOTE 4 - �o • • 0 + 009 ssoa aroa ON3 ROADWAY CENTER LINE PTRS SEE NOTE 4 & 14 1: Revision 1- 4112015 2: Revision 2 - 9112019 1 t w 0 z G20-z (V) 500 ± 50' - 100' BUFFER SEE TABLE 6H-3 80'- 120' SHADOW VEHICLE REQUIRED BUFFER SEE TABLE 614-3 50' - 100' FLAGGER STATION SEE NOTES 2, 3, 5 & 6 SEE NOTE 1 - Page 6H-55 VV20-7 SEE NOTE 1 BE PREPARED W3-4 SEE TO STOP SEE NOTE 10 NOTE 1 MMILE NWs wzo-vzs SEE SEE NOTE 15 NOTE 1 W20-4 SEE NOTE 1 ROAD WORK W20-1 SHIMP ENGINEERING' LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM U Lic. j` h, sw FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.01.21 REVISION: 2020.04.20 PRELIMINARY ARB 2020.06.22 2020.10.19 2021.04.09 2021.05.19 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC 18.020 C21 / / O DAVIDNHARLOW NOTE: SANITARY LATERAL D.B. 2690, 54 PG. 1/ O TM 75-61 I CONNECTIONS TO BE ADJUSTED / ZONE: R1 RESIDENTIA / USE: SINGLE FAMILY R SI NTIAL � AS ON -SITE PLUMBING IS TO BE / RICHARD FSHRUM 1 I / D.B. 2678, PG. 194TM USE: SINGLE RFAMILYDENTIDENTIAL ' DETERMINED / I ' N/F I / TON DINH 1 N/F NSF D.B: 4415, PG. 7 1 CECIL JOHNSON^ / , UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION DE_(�FniTc' 0r�unni OiTF 80 0 Graphic Scale: 1 IER =WER SYSTEM 80 160 240 SHIMP ENGINEERIN 32 LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM It Lic. CENTRAL SEWAGE SYSTEM PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.12 REVISION: 2021.08.09 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. CENTRAL SEWER OVERVIEW 18.020 C22 20 dry. \�\ _% C� 30 0 30 60 90 oA.J \ \ \ \ �4n \ _ — — — / . \ — — _ Graphic Scale: 1 "=30' 00 \ w w —w\� �w�w �w —w —w {— 2 w —wl—w —w --- -----\ ---- i 8\ GG-6 NOT T �.. —.. _ ..—.. —.. — _ _ NEW 2 ' ACSSA EA5EAJEN I EXCEED i SLOPE — _ �i AT---w---w�G�12 3 SVC — —17+00 \\ 6� \ E�v-F w w W W W\ �� OOIVY T,y� \ ����LL` ,a — — . (L-3C.6 'LNwa� r•a . ^ a; — — T — . �..0 ..,, / i15+ F \ Alt vv --- — —ON' —/6 SF — —CAA SRO SF— 2,352 SF 8. ADMINISTRATIVE �CLASSOM / — ' — — \ — -�. 2, 22 1 FF 5X/ F 516.5 J ETAINING WALL M�XJi�G\ 6' \ \ \ — — ` / / HALL/ \ — — \ ——REGENSS— — \` — — — — — BUILDING w _ FFE a8:5- o _ FFE 518.5 — — 606 F S Ow w IPL S CLASS OM Do FFE 16. / �$5 pFq M/ _i \ _ i \ — — — — \ l I ` . ----- ---- _ �_� \ \ \ l / 1 l \ 600 SF `�— 2665OW_� Op LA0S9R06M 6 DIAMIETER__--- FFE 516.5 P STATI N� �\ \ \�� — ------ � ° „ HDP _ — — — bo.5�°s`� / /1 I S o / / / — o. 9 �- — � I `` I l / I / � I I I \�8 \ \ N ELEYA DON PIER L / / / / 241 LF _ SDR FOUNDATIONS / / — / / / \ -----------_\ / I L-j I �1 �/In l \ m I �sJ�n cry d o � 00 N T PATH OF FORCE MAIN & PRIVATE SANITARY EASEMENT SUBJECT TO MINOR REVISION BASED UPON AGREEMENT TO BE NEGOTIATED BETWEEN TRINITY CHURCH AND REGENTS SCHOOL SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM It Lic. CENTRAL SEWAGE SYSTEM PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.12 REVISION: 2021.08.09 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. 18.020 SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN PLAN C23 UNKNOWN 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 1 FORCE MAIN PROFILE C25 HORIZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' mxmX PAME SM BNALL WMAN A FEMDIE MONIOING SK M TO BE MANAGED BY A CONTRACIFD PROFESSIONAL MIRB PAATV. C`"T PAK1 � SUW TPCLE e GaxouT \ /—10HUN WATER ALNN udR B.OBNERATWI CCHIMIL PANEL . P.P. .... -.9 r PUMP INIET ELEV. BOTTOM a WET WELL REV.- I W .... .. , .. . Y 23+00 TOP VIEW OSIOiflE P. BMBIP BFNERATQi 0 23+50 24+00 FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW 2 SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION DETAILS 24+50 25+00 540 6XV 6109, ,Ly4W7 ,LSWZi] 61N 611C .7eI.i 490 485 44780 25+50 5 CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN SHOP DRAWINGS FROM VENDOR FOR PUMP ASSEMBLY, GENERATOR, AND CONTROL PANELS. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO ENGINEER FOR REVIEW OF ANY PROPOSED CHANGES AND FINAL APPROVAL OF DRAWINGS PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PUMP -RELATED EQUIPMENT. (0-WAY) MAP£R MRE NSTAllEO A G OISMARE£ UNE BISMARC£ UNE SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM �a Lic. 183 0VAi. E� CENTRAL SEWAGE SYSTEM PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.12 REVISION: 2021.08.09 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. FORCE MAIN PROFILE & SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION DETAILS C25 Scale: 1 "=5' C251 APPLICATION DATAAND CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Maximum Solid Size 3" Minimum Casing Thickness 516" Casing Corrosion Allowance W. Maximum Working Pressure 30 PSI Maximum Submergence 50 feet Minimum Submergence Fully submerged for continuous operation 6" below top of motor for intermittent operation Maximum Environmental Temperature 400 C(104° F) continuous operation, 60°C(140" F) intermittent operation Power Cable -Type (See Motor Information forAWG data/size.) Type SJTOW: single phase, 1 6 and 2 HP Type STOW: single phase, 1'k - 3 HP and 5 HP, 460 V Type STOW: single phase, 3 and 5 HP, three phase 5 HP, 230 V and 71h HP Motor Cover, Bearing Housing, Seal Housing, Casing Gray Cast Iron -ASTM A48, Class 30 Impeller - Standard, Optional Gray Cast Iron -ASTM A48 or Cast Bronze - ASTM B584 C87600 Motor Shaft AISI 300 Series Stainless Steel Motor Design NEMA 56 Frame, oil filled with Class F Insulation Motor Overload Protection Single haw: on winding thermal overload protection auto reset Threephase: requires Class 10 overloads in control panel External Hardware 300 Series Stainless Steel Im ellerT a Semi -open with pump out vanes on back shroud Oil Capacity- Seal Chamber 1.5 quarts Oil Capacity - Motor Chamber life-5 HP single and threephase: 7 quarts 7%HPthreephase: 6.5 quarts Mechanical Seals - Standard U er Carbon/Ceramic; Type 21 Lower Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide; Type 31 Mechanical Seals - Optional Lower I Silicon Carbiderrungsten Carbide; Type 31 (All dimensions are in inches. Do not use for construction purposes.) 25 a it FLAN E 3.50" APPLICATIONS Used in a variety of residential, commercial and industrial applications such as: • Sewage systems, Flood and Pollution Control, Dewatering/Effluent, Farms, Hospitals, Trailer Courts, Motels SPECIFICATIONS Pump: • Maximum solid size: 3" • Discharge size: 4 , 125 # ANSI flange • Maximum capacity: 620 GPM • Maximum total head: 60 feet • 300 Series stainess steel fasteners • 20' Power cord • Standard silicon carbide/silicon carbide outer seal Motor: • Maximum ambient temperature: 1040 F (40' C) continuous duty, 140' F (60' C) intermittent duty • Rated for continuous duty when fully submerged • Insulation: Class F e 60 Hertz • Single row ball bearings • 300 Series stainless steel keyed shaft Single Phase: • 1.5 - 5 HP; 208 and 230 volts e Built-in thermal overloads with automatic reset e Built-in capacitors MODELAND MOTOR Throe Phase: • 1.5 - 7.5 HP; 200, 230,460 and 575 volts • Class 10 overload protection must be provided in control panel MOTORS • Fully submerged in oil -filled chamber: High grade turbine oil surrounds motor for more efficient heat dissipation, permanent lubrication of bearings and mechanical seal for complete protection against outside environment. • Class F insulation • Designed for Continuous Operation: Pump ratings are within the motor manufacturer's recommended working limits and can be operated continuously without damage when fully submerged. • Bearings: Upper and lower heavy duty ball bearing construction for precision positioning of parts and to carry thrust loads. • Power Cable: Severe duty rated, oil and water resistant. Epoxy seal on motor end provides secondary moisture barrier in case of outer jacket damage and to prevent oil wicking. 20 foot standard with optional lengths available. • O-ring: Assures positive sealing against contaminants and oil leakage. AGENCY LISTINGS c Tested to UL 778 and CSA 22.2 108 Standards By Canadian Standards Association File #LR38549 Order No. NP Phase Voth RPM Impeller Dia. in. Maximum Am LB. Am KVA Code Power Cable F.L. Resistance Wt. (lbs.) Start Line -Line WS1518D4M W51512D4M 1.5 1 208 1750 5.63 17.2 50.8 B 14/31.4 1.1 0.9 195 230 14.7 29.5 E 1.8 WS1538D4M W51532D4M 3 200 11.5 40.9 H 14/4NA 1.7 230 10.0 40.0 F P.3 W 15 4D4M WS1537D4M 4-6 5.0 20.0 F 9.3 575 4.0 14.4 H 14.8 WS1518D4 WS1512D4 W51538D4 WS1532D4 1.5 1 208 1750 6.25 17.2 50.8 B 14/31.4 1.1 0.9 195 230 14.7 29.5 E 1.8 3 200 11.5 40.9 H 14/4 81 MP' 1.7 230 10.0 40.0 F 83 2.3 W 15 4D4 WS1537D4 46 5.0 20.0 F 8 9.3 575 4.0 14.4 H 74 14.8 WS2018D4 WS2012D4 WS2038D4 W52032D4 WS203404 2 1 208 1750 6.63 20.3 50.8 B 14/3 80 1.1 0.9 200 230 17.3 36.9 D 75 1.4 1.5 3 200 13.3 40.9 H 14/4 81 NA 1.7 230 11.6 40.0 F 83 2.3 460 5.8 20.0 F 83 9.3 W52037D4 575 4.6 14.4 H 74 14.8 W53018D4 ,WS3012D4i W53038D4 WS3032D4 3 208 ;1750.' 7.00 25.5 50.8 B �C; f10%3. 80 1.1 0.9 208 ;2301 ;21.5', '46.41 79', �.1.01 1.0' 3 200 16.6 53.8 G 10/4 85 NA 1.3 205 230 14.4 49.5 H 14/4 83 1.9 WS3034D4 WS3037D4 460 7.2 24.8 H 83 7.5 575 5.8 17.3 G 78 11.6 WS5012D4 WS5038D4 5 1 230 1750 7.25 26.5 57.7 A 10/3 80 1.0 0.8 213 3 200 19.1 73.9 F 10/4 84 0.9 210 14/4 WS5037D4 575 6.6 22.8 E 80 7.4 WS7532D4 W57534D4 7.5 3 230 1750 7.69 23.0 105.0 G 10/4 83 NA 0.7 225 460 1 11.5 52.5 G 83 2.8 W57537D4 575 9.2 42.0 E 84 4.4 PAGE 2 PUMP SPECIFICATIONS C26 Scale: N/A Discharge Pipe Information Pipe 1 3" force main Pipe 1 Pipe length (feet) 1500 ft Pipe diameter (inches) 3 in Pipe C-factor 120 Portion of Flow 1 Cross -sectional area (feet) 0.049 ft Hydraulic radius 0.063 ft Suction water surface elevation (A) Suction water surface elevation (B) Discharge water surface elevation Static head (A) Static head (B) 488.00 feet 489.00 feet 490.00 feet 2.0 feet 1.0 feet Daily Average Flowrates Type: Unit: Number of Units: gpcV unit Total(gpd) Grade School w/ Showers per student / staff 468 16 7,488 `day assumed to be 12-hrfor purpose of this analysis. Total 7,488 Daily Peak Flowrates Type: Un it: Number of Units: Daily Average Flow gpd (12-hr) 7,486 Daily Average Flow gpm 10.40 Peaking Factor n/a 2.5 Peak Daily Flow gpm 26.01 Wet Well Sizing Type: Lin it: Number of Units: Diameter ft 5 Volume per foot gallons 100 Wet Working Depth ft 5.24 Wet Working Volume gallons 5.95 Total Storage gallons 1,422 Pumping Rate gpm 75 Time to Empy minutes 19 Duplex Pump (2 Pumps) I Parameter Ftessure Ppe Length, (ft) Rpe Dia., (in) Hazen WilliarrsGbe4f C 1500 3 120 "Piping from purrp basin to discharge point Minor Losses Typg Kvalues # Fittings Cate Valve 0.19 0 Rua Valve a/oo 0.86 1 Butteffly Valve 0.4 0 Soving Check Valve 2.5 1 W Bend 0.25 1 45' Bend 0.2 3 22.50 Bend 0.12 0 11.25' Bend 0.06 0 Tee (through) 0.6 0 Tee side out 1.8 0 QoSs hrcu h 0.6 0 QnSs Iside cut 1.8 0 Heduoerf Increaser 0.1 0 Discharcietoar 1 1 120.00 100.00 - - - - -- E - a tw E 80.00 - 0 m o ti .., o 3 ui O r4 LL 3 c O 0D LL a) = 60.00 - - -- Ca- o � t � ^ v O N Y 0 Q a 40.00 20.00 0 System Curve - Head Loss Calculations Flowrake Water Velocity In: Dynamic Losses, It Total Dynamic Head Total Dynamic Head (+20%) gpm cfs Velocity ft/s Minor Losses Pipe Friction Max. Lift ft Min. Lift fk Max. Lift ft Min. Lift ft 0 0 0 0 0 2.00 1.00 2.40 1.20 5 0.01 0.23 0.00 0.21 2.21 1.21 2.66 1.46 10 0.02 0.45 0.01 0.75 2-77 1.77 3.32 2.12 15 0.03 0.68 0.03 1.60 3.63 2.63 4.35 3.15 20 0.04 0.91 0.06 2.72 4.78 3.70 5.73 4.53 25 0.06 1.13 0.09 4.11 6.20 5.20 7.44 6.24 30 0.07 1.36 0.13 5.75 7.09 6.09 9.46 0.26 35 0.08 1.59 0.18 7.65 9.83 8.83 11.80 10.60 40 0.09 1.02 0.24 9.00 12.03 11.03 14.44 13.24 45 0.10 2.04 0.30 12.10 14.40 13.48 17.37 16.17 50 0.11 2.27 0.37 14.80 17.17 16.17 20.60 19.40 55 0.12 2.50 0.45 17.66 20.10 19.10 24.12 22.92 60 0.13 2.72 0.53 20.74 23.27 22.27 27.92 26.72 65 0.14 2.95 0.62 24.05 26.67 25.67 3201. 30.81 70 0.16 3.10 0.72 27.58 30.31 29.31 36.37 35.17 75 0.17 3.40 0.03 31.34 34.17 33.17 41.00 39.80 80 0.18 3.63 0.94 35.31 38.26 37.26 45.91 44.71 85 0.19 3.86 1.07 39.50 42.57 41.57 51.08 49.88 90 0.20 4.08 1.19 43.91 47.10 46.10 56.53 55.33 95 0.21 4.31 1.33 48.53 51.86 50.86 62.23 61.03 100 0.22 1 4.54 1.47 53.36 1 56.83 55.83 68.20 67.00 Wet Well Calculations Wet Well Diameter 5 ft Wet Well Height 10 ft Pump Rate 75 gpm 'Pump rate is where system curve and pump curve cross Mn active wetwell volume: 1) Min oftminutepump rate time 75 gallons 2) 10 m inutes pump cycle time ( 3 cycles/hr/pump ) 187.5 gallons Dimensions of sloped portion around base ofwet well (ft): height= 1.00 width = 1.00 Volume perfootof depth ofwetwell : Volume of storage per ftofheight Depth (ft) Volume (gal) 147 gal/ft 0 0 1 100 2 247 3 394 4 540 5 687 6 834 7 981 8 1128 9 1275 10 1 1422 3 PUMP STATION CALCULATIONS C26 Scale: N/A flow rate into Wet Well Qin= scharge Flow Out of WetWell Qout= imum cycle time between starts Tmin= Storage Volume of Well ghtto start pump ime storage atpump start e to Start Pump from empty e to Empty From Start imum cycle time between starts 31 Cycle Time Ies per Day(12 Hours) Ies per hour cCycles per hour Wet Well 26.01 gpm 75.00 gpm Omin Vmin= I 93.751gal 5.24 ft 723 gal 25.39 min 9.65 min 5.00 min 14.65 min 23.70 cycles/12hr 1.97 cycl/hr 4.10 cycl/hr Minimum Submergence Hx Fd= 0.020 Hx= 0.175 ft Hmin= 4.775 ft System & Pump Curves - Regents School 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 Flow (gpm) 0.058 cfs 0.167 cfs 0.42 hr 0.16 hr 0.08 hr 0.24 hr Pum p settings 1)Bottom ofwet well 488.00 ft 2)Pump Inlet 488.29 ft 2)AII pumps off 488.47 ft 3) Lead pump on 493.24 ft (Condition A) 4) Lag pump on 494.24 ft (Condition B) 5)High Water Alarm 495.24 ft 6)Top ofwet well 498.00 ft SYSTEM & PUMP CURVES C26 Scale: N/A Pump Selection Pump 5 Goulds WS_D4 Series Model. 3888D4 WS30D4 Oder No. WS3012D4 3 " (Solids) 4"Discharge Flange 1-Phase 230V 1750 RPM Max Amps: 21.5 Flow Pump 5 TDH (gpm) TDH (ft) 0 46.00 5 45.50 10 45.00 15 44.50 20 44.00 25 43.75 30 43.50 35 42.88 40 42.25 45 42.13 50 4200. 55 41.50 60 41.00 65 40.63 70 40.25 75 40.13 80 40.00 85 39.50 90 39.00 95 38.75 100 38.50 105 38.25 110 38.00 115 37.75 120 37.50 125 37.00 130 36.50 TDH - Max. TDH - Min. -*-Pump 5 SHIMP ENGINEERIN 32 LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM It Lic. CENTRAL SEWAGE SYSTEM PLAN REGENTS SCHOOL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.12 REVISION: 2021.08.09 2021.08.17 BID SET 2021.10.14 FILE NO. 18.020 SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION CALCULATIONS r