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SUB200500182 Application 2005-06-07
Comma )evelopment Department, Planning& tit': County of A imarle Community Development Division 401 Mc Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 Planning Application 1 Voice. (434)296-5823 Fax:(434)972-4012 PARCEL /OWNER INFORMATION TMP 09700-00-00-02700 Owner(s): 1 -1 G aj Application # SUB200500182 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description ACREAGE Magisterial Dist. Samuel Miller Land Use Primary Residential--Single-family(incl. modular homes) Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary Rural Areas APPLICATION INFORMATION House # Street Name Apt/ Suite City State Zip Street Address 6303 HEARDS MOUNTAIN RD COVESVILLE 22931- Entered By: Eileen Wittwer on 06/07/2005 Application Type Subdivision Plat Project: Applegate,Willian - Rural Division 2,624.00 Received Date 06/07/2005 Received Date Final Total Fees $95.00 Submittal Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid $95.00 Closing File Date Revision Number Comments: receipt# 11320 ck# 1034/ $95.00/ 6-7-05 ewittwer Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) Type Sub Application Date Comments Rural Division 06/07/2005 APPLICANT/ CONTACT INFORMATION Owner/Applicant Name APPLEGATE,WILLIAM G OR LINDA L Phone # (434) 293-4269 Street Address 6303 HEARDS MOUNTAIN RD Fax # ( ) - City/State COVESVILLE VA Zip Code 22931- E-mail Billapp2@yahoo.com Cellular# ( ) - Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Commi development Department, Planning& .q3 County of A marle Community Development Division 401 Mc Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 Planning Application 2 Voice (434)296-5823 Fax: (434)972-4012 PARCEL/OWNER INFORMATION TMP 09700-00-00-02700 Owner(s): APPLEGAfiE,WILLIAM G OR LINDA L Application # SUB200500182 Project: Applegate,Willian- Rural Division PLANNING APPLICATION INFORMATION Sub-Applications Application Type Subdivision Plat Rural Division Address 6303 HEARDS MOUNTAIN RD ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Use Type Building Sq. Ft. Rental Unit Count Building Count Total Unit Count Building Unit Count Resulting Density 0.00 New Lot Count 1 Unit Type New Lot Acreag Rezoned Acreage Special Use Acreage Open Space Acreage AFD Acreage Disturbed Acreage Road Acreage Site Acreage Acreage Total 49.680 Land Use Intended Use/Justification Agricultural Forest District AFD Location Subdiv. Ordinance Sections Zoning Ordinance Sections Home Location ❑ Public Visit? Business Type Business Name :Service Designation Requested Service Desig. ABUTTING OWNER(S) INFORMATION Name Street Address City/State Zip Code - Phone # ( ) - Fax # ( ) - Cellular# ( ) - E-mail BONDING &SURETY INFORMATION First Posted Type Amount Surety Type Date Date Approved Principal Name HEARINGS Available Hearings Application For Review of of.ALgE• Rural & Family Divisions &° ® f"m ��MaN�p The term"rural division"means either: (a) The division,including redivision,of property,or the establishment of any condominium regime,which is not located in a development area designated in the land use plan element of the comprehensive plan,which results in two or more lots for the purpose of transfer of ownership or building development,such that. Each lot created is at least five acres in area;and Et`Each lot created has at least two hundred fifty(250)feet of frontage on a public street which is part of the primary system or secondary system of state highways OR (b) The sale and/or exchange of land,including the relocation or other alteration of a boundary line,between the owners of abutting lots,provided that. ❑The land so sold and/or exchanged is added to and becomes part of an existing abutting lot as evidenced by appropriate symbols and wording on the plat,together with signatures of all owners pursuant to section 14-303(0)and by the instrument of conveyance thereof, ❑ As a result of the sale and/or exchange,no lot which was five acres or greater in area prior to the sale and/or exchange is less than five acres in area; ❑ As a result of the sale and/or exchange,no lot has less than two hundred fifty(250)feet of frontage on a public street which is part of the primary system or secondary system of state highways;and ❑No additional lot is created by the sale and/or exchange. The term"family division"means. The single division of property for the purpose of sale or gift to a member of the immediate family of the owner of the property. Eligible members of the immediate family are natural or legally defined offspring,grandchild,grandparent,or parent of the owner of property to be divided Rural Division=$95 0 Family Division=$95 (3 copies of plat) (3 copies of plat) ❑ Tier 2 Groundwater Review=$250 plus$25.00 per lot(Required for all plats showing lots less than 21 acres) ❑ Tier 3 Groundwater Review=$400 plus$25.00 per lot(Required for all plats slowing lots where at least 3 lots are 5 acres or less) ❑ Tier 4 Groundwater Review=$1,000 Project Name: �- P m & (5-4.4—a ✓a-1 a- Tax map and parcel:Contact Person(Who should we call/write concerning this project?): ,(( pt.esAle_ Address &SO 3 J S MTV City G©kies I(`Q State �% 14 Zip 22-.3/ ob //��?J �qq Fax# �`,,11// i C�i�1I1 L �'' at Ar c�,o M. Daytime Phone p< � ( " E-mail Owner of Record to (I(ciu-A- G. 4-19,( C_ • Address Co d 3 G7 5--/t`-(/5 Iq ,4! ) City CO v-e 5 4 7( - State 04 Zip 2 Z?`SP Daytime Phone('f ) Z 1 3• `i L 6 7 Fax# P74 E-mail Applicant(Who is the Contact person representing9) Sim ri 7 /?rxv ri- Address City State Zip Daytime Phone( ) Fax# E-mail C.k :-511,3 () foot.. P�` JUN 07 2005 County of Albemarle Department of Community Develop 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 • 1/4/05 Page 1 of 2 Property Information: Does the owner of this property own(or have ownership interest in)any abutting property? If yes,please list those tax map and parcel numbers here SO 1 ou)NEf2- 97—oti , Physical Street Address(if assigned) (o 3 0( 1.�-[1.01.1)S I�X" v COVt:,Vi(le U A- 2. 2-1 %1r Location of Property(landmarks, intersections, or other) (,3 3 l4o iNgvY Magisterial District: S R-)11'J(EC ri 1 F`._-12l5 C D TT S Zoning: R k) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. Proposed Use(s)of Property: Acreage Information: ,/ f Total parcel acreage: . `l 1 �1 Acreage in new lots: '" #of new lots: C n Acreage in open space: 7 Acreage in roads: KA— Comments/Attachments: Grantee Information (Family Division Only): Grantor(owner of existing parcel being divided) New Parcel Description Grantee(Person receiving new parcel) Relationship to Grantor Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign The Rural &Family Division Plat application process includes providing all the information required in Chapter 14 Subdivision of Land of the Albemarle County Code. The foregoing information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the provisions of Chapter 14 S bdivi n of Land o the Albemarle County Code. hih4 ' Signature of Owne , ntr c Purchaser Date WI' At -. 1-(5‹. �- 113 q 2-7 3 t2X Print Name O� Daytime phone number of Signatory 1/4/05 Page.2 of 2 vo crfuJ '!CL' lo. ly rAA 404 V7L 4UJa Ulf Vr l.Urutto,s LtYt.LVX'at. cuoz Rural Subdivision Plat Checklist = � ~ . '. la Plat Requirements per Subdivision Ordinance Sections 14-207(c): A Rural Subdivision plat shall contain the following information: Su tvision Ordinance Section 14-302A V 1.Name of subdivision.The title under which the subdivision is proposed to be recorded. The title shall not duplicate or be a homonym of an existing or reserved subdivision name within the county, the City of Charlottesville, �, Ar the Town of Scottsville, except if the subdivision is an extension of an existing subdivision. PO 3. E 'sting or platted streets,The location, width and names of all existing or platted streets and all other rights-of- �i' 4. Private easements. The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed private easements. Existing dements shall be labeled with the deed book and page number and the name of the owner of record. El 5. Public easements.The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed public easements outside of a street rig t-of way. Existing easements shall be labeled with the deed book and page number and the name of the public 1 er of record. Proposed easements shall be labeled as"dedicated to public use." Ieys and shared driveways.The location and dimensions of all easements for alleys and shared driveways. 7. Existing and departing lot lines.If the property consists of more than one existing lot,then the identification of the isting lots and their outlines,which shall be indicated by dashed lines; and,the location of departing lot lines of utting lots. 9. Building sites on proposed lots.The location, area and dimensions of a building site on each proposed lot ittex complying with the requirements of section 4.2 of the zoning ordinance. The plat shall also contain the following note: " arce! [letter or number] and the residue of Tax Map/Parcel [numbers] each contain a building site that plies with section 4.2.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance." 10. Right of further'division of proposed lots.The number of lots,as assigned by the subdivider, into which each proposed lot may be further divided by right pursuant to section 10.3.1 of the zoning ordinance, if applicable The plat shall also contain the following note: "Parcel [letter or number] is assigned [number] development rights and y/may not be further divided and when further divided these rights shall not comprise more than [number] acres. The residue of Tax Map/Parcel [numbers] is retaining[number] development rights and when further divided it shall of consist of more than [number] acres." 11, strument creating property proposed for subdivision.The deed book and page number of the instrument ereby the property was created,as recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of the county. 14. Lan to be dedicated in fee or reserved.The Iocation, acreage, and current owner of all land intended to be de ' Mod in fee or reserved for public use,or to be reserved in a deed for the common use of lot owners in the bdivision. 15. Identification of all owners and certain interest holders.The names and addresses of each owner of record and holders of any easements affecting the property. Su ivision Ordinance Section 14-302B 1. C eral information.The date of drawing,including the date of the last revision,the number of sheets, the north point,and e c.If true north is used,the method of determination shall be shown. e of plat preparer.The name of the person who preparcd the plat. . Places of burial.The location of any grave,object or structure marking a place cf burial located on the property 5, ing classification.The zoning classification of the property,including all applicable zoning overlay districts,proffers, eci a permits and variances. zvia map and parcel number.The county tax map and parcel number of the property. 7. eservoir watershed; agricultural-forestal district.A notation as to whether the land is within an Albemarle County and or -i sty of harlottesville water supply watershed or an agricultural-forestal district. 8.Y ds.The location of all yards required by this chapter and the zoning ordinance,which may be shown graphically or scnbcd - a note on the plat. 9. F plain.The location of any part of the property within the flood hazard ove'Iay district,as set forth in section 30.3 of the mug ordinance. l0. Stream buffers.The location of stream buffers required by section 17-317 of the water protection ordinance,with the following note;"The stream buii'er(s)shown hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance," 6/17/05 Page 1 of 2 � zs .* ate.., AUG 0 9 2005 COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT 06/29/05 WED 16:20 FAX 434 972 4035 DIV OF CURRENT DEVELOPME [el003 .Subd' lion Ordinance Section 303 A. Statement of consent to division.A statement that: "The division of the land described herein is with the free consent and in »° ace dance with the desire of the undersigned owners,proprietors and trustees.Any reference to future potential development is med as theoretical only. All statements affixed to this plat are true and correct to the best of my knowledge." ection name or number.The name or number of the section if the property is a part of a larger piece of land. C.Boundary lines.The exterior boundary lines of the property with bearings to degrees,minutes and seconds. Curvilinear data shal ' elude radius, central angle, arc length, and tangent distance.All dimensions shall conform to the standards set forth in this apt . creage of lots.The total acreage of each existing lot and each proposed lot. E.Dimension standards and information on all lots,streets,alleys,easements,and shared driveways,All linear,angular, and curvilinear dimensions of lots,streets, alleys,public easements and private easements and shared driveways shall conform to the requirements set forth in 18 VAC 10-10-370(C),a copy of which shall be on file in the department of engineering and public works.Curvilinear data shall include radius,central angle, arc length,and tangent distances and may be shown either directly on the corresponding boundary or surveyed line or in table form.Easements shown fcr private streets, alleys and shared driveways _ shall be labeled as"private street easement","alley easement"or"shared driveway easement."The easement holder(s)shall be ,,, id 'feed on the plat.Ushered driveways are shown,a note shall be added to the Flat stating that maintenance shall be by the wners of a lots affected by the shared driveway easement,not by the Virginia Department of Transportation or the county F.Ids ication of sections,blocks and lots.Sections(phases)shall be identifies by numbers,blocks shall be identified by le s;lots shall be identified by numbers,assigned in numerical order. H.Monuments.The location and material of all permanent reference monuments Monuments found or installed prior to plat rec ion may be referred to if they are permanent and undisturbed.If any monument required by this chapter will be installed er recordation of the final plat,the certification of the professional engineer or lend surveyor shall so note. I.B ing and distance ties.A definite bearing and distance tic between not less than two(2)permanent monuments on the tenor boundary of the property and further tie to existing street intersection where possible and reasonably convenient L.Public utility,drainage and sight distance easements.The location and dimensions of each public utility,drainage and sight ye dista easement outside of a street right-of-way;for each existing casement,include a note staring the deed book and page ber. 0. Signature panels.Signature panels for each owner and for the agent or his designee The signature panel for the owner shall be ated tmmediately'below the statement required by paragraph(A). r 'otary panels.Notary panels for the notary to acknowledge the signature of the owner. S. Control points.At least four(4)control points,evenly distributed across the property and located at survey property comers,ee , and shown on each sheet depicting the property.At the option of the subdivider,the control points may be shown on a copy of the final plat,rather than on the original final plat. Water rotection Ordinance -4 • Stream bufier(s). Any stream buffers required under Section 17-317 of the Albemarle County Code shall be shown on the plat z,; alon ith the following note:"The stream buffer(s)shown hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Water Protection disance of Albemarle County." Groundwater management plan Level A or Level B. [Sec.17-4031 Read and Sign In representing the above referenced firm submitting this plat for final approval, I hereby state that,to the best of my lltowledge, the attached plat contains all information required by this checklist. /i!!" _____ 8/110i Signature of person comp rng checklist Date t s"la'tN L. k"Ey 13'l'-30- 2So7 " Daytime phone number of Signatory Printed Name County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 6/17/05 Page 2 of 2