HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202100131 Correspondence 2021-11-03 (2)BOHLERI County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Attn: Kristopher Taggart Dear Mr. Taggart, 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 Warrenton, VA 20186 o. 540.349.4500 October 22, 2021 Via Electronic Upload Re: SDP 2021-00054 Discount Tire - Initial Site Plan 1S1 Review Response 1636 Seminole Trail Charlottesville, VA 22901 Albemarle County BE # V211201 Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of Halle Properties, LLC the Final Site Plan 1S1 Submission for the Discount Tire in Albemarle County, Virginia. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from your department. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: Comment 1: Provide samples for all materials and colors. Response 1: Materials board provided with this submission. Comment 2: Revise the masonry to one with a more finished appearance. Response 2: Masonry updated as requested, see provided Conceptual Color Elevations & Trash Enclosure. Comment 3: Revise the building forms to establish a more cohesive appearance for the overall building. Response 3: Building forms updated as requested, see provided Conceptual Color Elevations & Trash Enclosure and Color Perspective. Comment 4: Revise the design of the north elevation to incorporate architectural detailing to relieve blankness. Response 4: North elevation updated as requested, see provided Conceptual Color Elevations & Trash Enclosure and Color Perspective. Comment 5: Revise the size of building forms and the distribution of materials and colors to create a better sense of human scale and greater coordination throughout the building. Response 5: Building forms and material updated as requested, see provided Conceptual Color Elevations & Trash Enclosure and Color Perspective. w . BohlerEngineering.com BOHLERd Kristopher Taggart Initial Site Plan — 1s' Review Response (ARB Submission) October 22, 2021 Page 2 of 4 Comment 6: Revise the color of the ACM to a more muted, earth tone color. Response 6: Aluminum composite panels updated to Alucobond `Native Copper Mica' and `Bone White', see provided Conceptual Color Elevations & Trash Enclosure and Materials Board. Comment 7: Revise the architectural drawings to include the standard window glass note: Visible light transmittance (VL7) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%. Specifications on the proposed window glass should be submitted with the application for final review. Response 7: Note added, see provided Conceptual Color Elevations & Trash Enclosure. Comment 8: Show the location of mechanical equipment (building and ground mounted) on the site and architectural plans and show how it will be screened from the EC. Response 8: Location of roof mounted mechanical equipment shown on Sheet C-301. Parapet roof allows for screening of roof mounted equipment. Comment 9: Revise the site plan to provide a dumpster enclosure detail. A material that coordinates with that approved for the main building would be appropriate. Response 9: Trash enclosure plan/elevations provided on Conceptual Color Elevations & Trash Enclosure. Comment 10: Add the standard mechanical equipment note to the site plan and architectural drawings: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated." Response 10:Standard mechanical equipment note added to Sheet C-301 Note #2. Comment 11: Revise the photometric plan to indicate that the plan was calculated using an LLF of 1. 0 for all fixtures and revise the photometrics accordingly. Response 11: Photometric plan has been updated as requested, see Sheet C-704. Comment 12: Revise the color temperature of the pole -mounted lighting to a soft, warm white (3000K). Response 12:Photometric plan has been updated as requested, see Sheet C-704. Comment 13: Revise the lighting plan to indicate the color temperature for the under -canopy lighting. A lighting temperature of 2000K- 3000K would be appropriate. Response 13:Photometric plan has been updated as requested, see Sheet C-704. Comment 14: Revise the height of the pole -mounted fixtures to a height that does not exceed 20', including the base and indicate this on the plan. Response 14: Photometric plan has been updated as requested, see Sheet C-704. Comment 15: Add the standard lighting note to the lighting plan: " Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3, 000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle." Response 15:Photometric plan has been updated as requested, see Sheet C-704. w . BohlerEngineering.com BOHLER Kristopher Taggart Initial Site Plan — 1s' Review Response (ARB Submission) October 22, 2021 Page 3 of 4 Comment 16: Revise the plan to provide additional planting area along the Rt. 29 frontage to accommodate required frontage trees free of utilities and easements. Note that this will likely require the elimination of the 8- space parking row and possibly some of the adjacent travelway. Response 16:Additional planting area has been provided along the route 29 frontage (southwest property line A) by shifting the layout Northwest away from the easements. All the proposed trees and shrubs along property line A have been adjusted to be located outside of any existing or proposed easements and avoid conflicts with any utilities. Medium street trees have been proposed due to the presence of overhead wires. See the Landscape Plan, sheet C-701. Comment 17: Revise the site plan to provide a planting area along the north elevation of the building. Response 17:The site plan has been adjusted to provide a planting area along the Northeast property line (D). Additional plants have been proposed along this property line including trees and shrubs. See the Landscape Plan and Landscape Compliance for tabulation information, sheets C-701 and C-702. Comment 18: Revise the site plan to include the standard landscaping note: " All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height, the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant." Response 18:The note provided above has been added to the landscape notes (F). See the See the Landscape Plan and Landscape Compliance, sheets C-701 and C-702. Comment 19: Revise the plan to show a pedestrian way across the frontage with the new development. Response 19:Sidewalk, crosswalk and CG-12 added for pedestrian crossing at site entrance shown on Sheet C-301. Comment 20: Add planting beds along the retaining walls to allow for trees at 2. 5" caliper and shrubs at 24". Response 20:The site plan has been adjusted to provide a planting area along the Northeast property line (D). Additional 2.5" caliper trees and 24" shrubs have been proposed along this property line including. See the Landscape Plan and Landscape Compliance for tabulation information, sheets C-701 and C-702. Comment 21: Revise the plan to indicate retaining wall material, color, manufacturer. A block in a muted, earth -tone color would be appropriate. Samples may be required. Response 21:Plan has been updated to indicate retaining wall material, see Sheet C-301; a color sample has also been provided with this submission. Comment 22: Terrace all retaining walls over 6' in height and provide planting beds. Response 22: Not applicable. Retaining wall maximum height is 4.8'. w . BohlerEngineering.com BOHLER// Kristopher Taggart Initial Site Plan — 1s' Review Response (ARB Submission) October 22, 2021 Page 4 of 4 Comment 23: Revise the plans to correct the depth of the landscape buffer. Response 23:The previous 25' landscape buffer along the route 29 frontage (southwest property line A) has been removed. See the Landscape Plan, sheet C-701. Comment 24: Please note separate sign applications are required for all proposed signs. The following preliminary comments are provided: a. Revise the wall signs to use either face illumination or halo illumination. b. Revise the sign proposed on the south elevation so that it has a more coordinated appearance. This can be done by reducing the size of the sign and/ or changing the layout to a single line of text. c. The background of any cabinet signs proposed will be required to have an opaque background if internally illuminated. d. Include the size of the existing freestanding sign on the sign drawings. If the sign is taller than 12' and larger than 32 square feet, the proposal must include a 25% reduction in height and area until the height reaches 12' and area reaches 32 sf. Response 24:Signs have been updated as requested, please see Sign Packages 1 and 2 included with this submission. Comment 25: Provide a perspective showing the view of the north elevation from the street. Response 25: Color Perspective included with this submission as requested. Comment 26: Consider reducing the width of the travelway on the north side to create planting area at the building. Response 26:Travelway width cannot be reduced but building mounted plant trellis' have been provided to allow for plantings along the north elevation. See Sheet C-301 and included Conceptual Color Elevations and Color Perspective. Comment 27: Update the rendering to accurately show the scale and type of the proposed building materials. Response 27:Rendering updated as requested, see provided Color Perspective. Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (540) 349-4500. Sincerely, Bohler Engineering Ryan Yauger, P.E. KR/tk H:\21\V211201�Administrative\Letters\211022 Inital Site Plan 1st Review CRL (ARB Submission) .doc www. BohlerEngineering.com